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- - HAVERFORD COLLEgt- 6AVERFORD. PA. HAVERFOR NEWS VOLUME 25—NUMBER 31 ARDMORE (AND HAVERFORD), PA., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1934. $2.00 A YEAR Collection Goers Brave HAVERFORD FIVE CRUSHES COUNCIL RESOLUTION Mae West's "Cold" Ogle 15O EXPECTED HERE For an entire night primitive GARNET IN ANNUAL BATTLE civilization reared its ugly head FANGS WITHDRAWAL at Haverford. When an eight- FOR DISCUSSION ON Inch blanket of snow covered the tempo Monday night, students Flaccus Leads Mates to Surprise 31-25 Win blockaded the college with a six- by-four-foot wall of snow and Over Highly-Touted Rivals; Abrams OF OFFICIAL RULING idol worship was practiced In an PROBLEMS OF RACE Sts weird ramifications. An eight-foot Image of mow, Big Noise in Losers Attack Suspension of H. Wellington said by some to be the spitting image of Mae Wart, was erected Friends Committee Arranges Revoked in Support of on the veranda of Roberts Hall by students tolling an night under for Authorities to Speak CAPACITY CROWD WATCHES BATTLE Student Government the falling flakes. And there it stood until Tuesday morning, to at Student Conference greet collection goers. Unleashing offensive power never SNOWBALLING IS ISSUE The snow rampart, which was SMITH, '36, AIDS PLANS even hinted at before, Haverford's stretched &tepee the road between late-blooming basketball quintet put Student government as a principle Lloyd Hall and the Union, form- Plans for the Student Conference Elected Court Leader the skids under a bewildered Swarth- received Justification when Dean H. ed bottleneck In which motorists on Race in the World Today, which more five on the local floor Satur- Tatnall Brown, at the request of the were trapped, and transformed will be held at Haverford College day night In the fifteenth renewal Students' Council, Friday night re- the quadrangle In front of the ad- March 9, 10, 11. are nearing comple- of the classic Quaker court series. voked a two-weeks suspension Im- minietratimi building Into a scene tion, according to C. A. Smith, '30. The score. 31-25, is no accurate posed by himing.thereprevious day for of much human activity. Haverford College's representative gauge of the Scarlet and niece* window-Meak Morning came. "Cap" battered on the Philadelphia Student Commit- margin of superiority, for their daz- After announcing at lunch Thurs- his way through a barricade of Ice tee. zling attack and capable floor play day that anyone breaking a window to Roberts Hall. Collection came The conference is being sponsored left the visitors literally running In with snowballs would be eligible for and went with no official dictum by the Philadelphile Friends Commit- circles. and It was only the eagle suspension, he found H. D. Welling- on the night's horseplay, and by tee on Race Relations, and about ISO eye of Captain Abrams, flashy for- ton. '35, throwing at a window In noon the image and the snow wall delegates are expected. the largest ward. on long shots that kept the Lloyd Hall until he broke It. Welling- had returned to their primitive number from Pennsylvania, since the game from becoming a complete met. ton left for home an hour later. state—just snow. conference Is amentially a Pennsyl- A wildly excited throng that packed Connell Leads Protest vania one, but a number from New the gym to the doors saw Lew Plat- The Council, led by Ft. O. Gibbs, Jersey. Delaware and Maryland. cue, local leader, hang up twelve emote to bring to a fitting close '34. president, at a meeting that night Nlehahr First Speaker drew up a resolution Indicating Its a brilliant college career on the unanimous decision to resign unless The meetings of the conference boards Wellington was Immediately rein- will be held In Roberta Hall, start- Locale Accurate From Foul Mark stated or sufficient cause shown for GLEE CLUB ENTERS ing Friday evening. March 9. Thia meeting will be open to anyone in- The fact that the Garnet was en- his suspension. Its members were tering the game a top-heavy favorite united In feeling that the action of terested in race problems, and will be adddremed by Reinhold Niebuhr dismayed the Main Liners not at all, the Dean was made without consider- for they coolly built up a lead of ation of the auhority of student gov- on "The Society in Whirls We Lava" ANNIE SONG TEST Niebuhr is a member of the faculty several goals in the opening minutest ernment and In direct violation of of the Union Theological Seminary of and successfully defended it through- his previous endorsement of enforce- out the rest of the action. That the ment of such rules by the Council. New York, and is the author of "Moral Man and Immoral Society." Rendallmen actually were calm and The resolution was presented early Haverford to Compete With collected Is demonstrated by their the next morning. lee also gave the annual Library Lec- Four Other Colleges ture in 1992, speaking on "Ethical foul shooting In sinking thirteen out Both parties agreed to a confer- of fifteen charity tosses they did ence to be held that afternoon, be- Pastors in Modern Ctellization." in Mitten Hall Saturday rooming the general topic not miss a single one until the wan- ginning at 3.30. After a long session. ing moments when they enjoyed an It was announced at 8.15 that Dean of Race as a World Problem will be Olee dubs of five Pennsylvania col- considered. Herbert A. Miller, of eight-Point lead Brown had reminded his decision leges will compete In the annual The game was replete with fouls, and thatston wenld.be Imme- Bryn Mawr College, will sp4maks contestoto be held in Mitten Memo- "Il lseOrient and Dadlall Val but Swarthmore, while receiving mare diately ..- rial Hall of Temple University oh chances, could not canvert with the -of Fort Flame Calamity,Natal, Regular ea the limedoed flee for same consistency. Gibbs Aske Co-operation Thursday evening, March M. Hav- South Africa. will speak on "Muth three years, who was those, iwp- erford, Penn State, Temple. Millers- Swarthmore got the ball on the Gibbs. at a short special meeting Africa"; and Ruth Wenger. of the taln fallowing Saturday's triumph opening tap-off, but Tiernan recov- of the Students' Association after ville Teachers and West Chester South Philadelphia High School. on over Swarthmore. Teachers will take part. ered Presto attempt off the back- supper Friday explained the remit -Russia." These addresses will be board and the triple pivot proved as a willingness of the Dean to re- "0, Peaceful Night," has been se- followed by general discussions. consider an unintentional conflict lected as the prise song, on which effective as Kane drew first blood to 60 per rent. of each college's score Rate as Local Problem give the Scarlet and Black a 2-0 lead with the control of violations by the Tiernan fouled Abrams and the lat- Council, which the latter entirely will be based. A song to be chosen Saturday afternoon Ham as a Na- supported. Ho paid tribute to the by the respective clubs which is sung tional Problem will be discussed, with ter made good on both tries to tie unaccompanied by piano will com- 75 COUPLES ATTEND the score, and a moment later gave sportsmanship of the action, and ask- special emphasis on race In Pennsyl- prise the remainder of the score. vania. Edouard Lindemann, of the the Garnet a two-point lead on a ed for renewed co-operation between brilliant toes from way back. Cap- students and the administration. Haverford has chosen "Now Is the New York School of Social Work, Month of Staying." an English mad- will address this meeting on "Social tain Marcus gave his guard the slip rigal by Thomas Morley, as lts se- end dropped in an may one from sea AMERICAN YOUTHS URGED Oast, m Pass I. eat BASKETBALL DANCE feet to knot the count again. lection. TO FORMULATE WAR VIEW Ensemble Numbers Planned After Kalksteln's foul had given the At the end of the contest two en- Garnet a momentary lead, the locale President Says Foreign Students Are semble numbers will be sung by the Flaccus Announces Harman went ahead, 8-5, on free tosses by Poonnan and Flaceus. and were More Conscious of War Perils combined glee clubs. "Ye Watchers FOUNDERS CLUB TO and Ye Holy Ones" and "John Peel-" Next Year's Captain never headed thereafter. The same President W. W. Comfort. In a Mr. Marshall Hartholemew, president pair then teamed to produce the speech he Friday Collection, deplored of the National Intercollegiate Mu- After Victory game's moat brilliant play as Famous the-Tack of interest and concern made a spectacular blind pass to sical Council, has been invited to con- Though delayed a half hour past shown by the coming generation in duct the ensemble numbers. Each GIVE ANNUAL DINNED Poorman, who dropped the sphere America over the ominous question organization will also sing one of its starting time. the Basketball Dance. neatly through the strings on a of war. This "coming generation" he college songs. held in honor of the Swartlunore- smart pivot which left Turner way Placed between the ages of about Penn Slate was winner of the con- Haverford court game In the gym- behind to bring the count to 10.8- Jones to Be Toastmaster; Double-deckers by Prest and Abrams twenty and thirty yeah% and noted test last year which was held under nasium Saturday night, was a great the unfortunate fart that ita mem- Dr. Carpenter, Bryn Mawr failed to impair the home lead as the auspices of the Philadelphia For- success, preceded as it was by three bers are so far removed from the um In the Academy of Music.