The Glenville Mercury Yo!

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The Glenville Mercury Yo! The Glenville Mercury Yo!. XXXVII. No. 10 Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, March 9, 1966 US Drama Band Goes on One-day Group to Be Tour Through West Va. In preparation for a one-d ay nutes of top of chords to form clus­ Here Today lour into the western region of ters. This work is polytonal or bi­ We.)t Virginia· during the IaUer tonal m spots. Contrasts are ample tudents from rune area high part of this month, the GSC Band enough to m ake this piece very enjoyable to perform and hear. schools have been invited to par­ will present a concert Wednesday, ticipate LD tbe l..Jtt.le Kanawha Merch 16, at 8:00 p.m. in the col­ From measure one to the final lege auditorium. Under the direct· exuberant chord, "Elsa's Proces­ Reg•onal Council JUgh School ion of Mr. Ronald D. Ross, the sion to the Cathedral" by R . Wag­ Drama Fesuval here today concert will be presented to the ner is one giant crescendo. Haunt­ Perform•nces ue scheduled public free of char ge. ingly beautiful and highly roman­ tic, this piece comes from Wag­ throughout the. d•y beginning •t The first s~ l ection of the con­ ner's opera, Lohengrin. 9:00 11.m. Pl•ys will be limited to cert will be the exerpts from Wag. 30 minutes •nd skits to 15 minutes ner' s most p o p u I a r ope-ra, Die The Briti!h flavor is everywhere Meistersinger. Composed around abounding Vaughn.-Williams' e•c:h, lind after e•ch present•tion 1865, it d isplays typical Wagnerian "Folk Song Suite," a collection of Mr. J . Rodney Busch, instructor desire for swnping chromaticism tunes masterfully set in a charac­ of speech •nd dramatic'S, will talk and tumultuous brass finish. From ter so becoming the concert band with the students, oHerin:g help­ the motet " Exsultate, Jubilato" idiom. ful hints. comes a familiar and frequent vis­ itor to the.· concert stage, Mot:art's­ Featuring a so lo by tympani The play will be JUdged 10 !Jve " AIIeluia!' While reserved and player, Chuck Nichols, "Timpat" area of production. Flfteen per controlled , it is not the easiest by R. L. Leist is vivacious and cent of the lOla~ core will be for piece to execute. ecstatic. Syncopated rhythm and choke of play The play must interweaving winds rush to a tor­ present a tnc-ere and true tnter­ V. Perischetti's monumental rid climax, guaranteed to keep all prelalion of We. It must po sess work, '~ Divertimento for Band", Ustener s awake. literary merit and be \Hillen LD is the most difficult to be attempt­ In the Paris dance hall vein ed the G C Band. Composed in acceptable tandard of plarwnt· by come a suite of line short and fa­ Ulg 1953 especially for concert bands, miliar pieces, J . Offenbach's " Bal­ thi piece is a Li ving example of let Pairsien." T wo quick move­ Casting "'ill be \\Orlh live per ~Jr. Ronald Ro " leads the G Conrert Band in rehear- tht contemporary desire to play m ~ nts precede two slow valses cent of the tota l score. An actor sal rcr approachina concert. (MEH-photo by Doug herty) around with rhythm and tack must bf consistent phl"'IC3Uy and and climax on the popular and \OCaJly to the role he u playmg hackneyed ''Can-Can." He must be plau 1ble 1n relation· Last on the program is " Great h1p to the other players m the Ga te of Kiev" by M. Moussorsky. Cl"l 'The Lady's not for Burning' While viewing an exhibit of the Eighty per cent of the score will works ot an artist friend, Moussor­ invol·u acting. lndividu•l criti· ~ ky got the inspiration for a ser­ dsm will JM oH•,..d in uu_s of ies of pieces subsequently entit led d_idion, qu•lity, qu1ntity, mdody Pidure$.it a n Exhibition. T h i ~ Given on March 17, 18, & 21 selection is the finale from this 1nd timing. Group •cting critl­ will involve- contrut of monumental work and fitting it is " The L•dy' s not for Burning" who hu been condemned to death the for the climax. •nd scene~ . It will also a As He bble Tyson, mayor of tempo •nd group interprt. three-act play, will be presented in but Wlnts to live·. Through this smaU town of Cool Clary, Gene the G Auditorium, March t7, t8, simple plot, playwright Christo. Nesbitt will return to the stage. A n o t h e r performance by the and 21 at 8:00 p.m. Th1 lS a stu· pher Fry presents " his reason for esbitt is a sophomore (rom Park­ GSC Band will be a Pop Concert All studeots will be admitted dent producUon, and all proceeds living and d ving with such a com­ ersburg and has been very active whjch is being planned for the first Lree of charge between plays The from the SOc admi ston charge will bin•tlon of pnsion1te protest and in the drama department here. of May and will probably be pre· LKRC Drama i! pon· go to the Ohnlmgohow Players. puckish teasing ·that the words, sented in the college amphWleater. l'estJval J en n e t Jourdemayne, the so­ sored by ne paper in Calhoun, leaping and e laborate, ring true." " Slaughter on Tenth Avenue" and called witch who has been sen­ Gilmer, J ackson, Pleas ants. Ritch­ Set in • small market town in " Pink Panther" ar e exemplary of •bout flffeenth-century England, te nced to deathi will be portrayed Ie, Roane. Tyler, \\1rt and Wood Described by one critic as "mus­ the music which will comprise the " The La dy" tells of ao ex-soldier, (Continued on page 4) counties. IC set to words," Christopher Fry's program. who hu seen too much of life 1nd play W3S written in verse form. w• nts to die, a nd a so-called witch, It 1:, rich 10 comparisons, humor, and poeticaUy be autiful phrases. STUDENTS OK When "'The Lady" opens here Honorary Education next week , it will be directed by Fraternity Formed Harold Dougherty and Larry Hall. FEE INCREASE A junior from St. Mar ys , Dough­ On G.S.C. Campus erty has had quite extensive dra­ By con ent of the students in an mo.tJc experience. Besides acting aU-campus vote, fees will be raised The petition of GIMville State in m11ny productions, including the at GSC l1l the amounl of three College foe I chlpter of K•ppa Show boa l Rhododendron's Ten De lta Pi, nation•l education hono­ N1ght5 in a Barroom, he has di­ doUa:-s P~;r seme-ster. Dr. D. Banks rary, has been lpproved according rected The Leader a nd Beyond the Wilburn explamed the r equested to information released by Or. Fringe, and co-directed the review, changes at a student assembly, Ric.hard McEihenny, National Ex­ " As It Were." At present, Dough­ and the followwg week, students ecutive Secretary to Or. H•rdway, erty is s erving as pres ident of were gjven the opportunity to cast Chairm1n of the Division of Ed­ Alpha Psi Omega. the honorary their ballots. ucation this week. Granting of the dramatics fraternity on campus. ch•rter and inshll atlon has been Hall has also appeared in seve ­ lncorpor.tion of ftle cost of the set for the evening of M ~rch 24. yearbook into the student fees wu ral GSC productions. He is a senior the first propoul. In Or. Wilburn' s The f>UrpQSC or Kappa Delta Pi from Clend enin with majors in wordsi such action would " pro­ JS to encourage high professional, speech a nd English. Besides as­ intellectual, a nd per sonal stand­ siding with the direding of t he vide stability,'' mike- the cost IS low as possible, •nd m1ke the yelt. ards and to recognize outstanding play, Ha ll is cast as Thomas Men­ book 1v1il•ble to e1ch full-time contributions to education. Mem­ dip, a discharged soldier who con. fesses to a couple of false murders student. B•llots cut for t hiJ pro­ bers wbo exhibit commendable posed change numbered 307, com­ personal qualities, worthy educa­ so he can be hanged. pared to 135 against. tional ideals, a nd sound scholar­ ship will be admitted to the or­ Playing Richard, an orphaned Tbe N D. E. A. Loan Program ganization. clerk, will be Richard Long, a was the second matter of concern.• freshman who pla ns to become a In order to become a m ember Dr, Walburn explained the pro­ speech therapist. of Kappa De lta Pi, 1 student must po cd $1.00 mcrease per semester Linda LC'Ster, a freshman bi­ be a Junior or Setlior, and must for malchmg purposes. The change ology student, is cast as Alizon r.nk in the upper one-fifth scho­ v.. as approved with 341 votes for Eliot, in the role of Nicholas De­ lastically of a ll students enrolled and 94 agains t. vise is Woody Wilson, a sopho­ whoseo aim is to obtain a degree more speech and English major, in Education. Membership is open and J o Bean will be seen as his only to those following a curricu­ mother, Margaret Devise. Miss The GSC Women's Basketball lum leading to teacher certifica· Bean is a junior transfer student team r eceived permission (rom tion. from Davis and Elkins College. Dean Somerville to play in the From "The Lady's Not ror Burning'' by Christopher Women'• Basketball Tournaments Stutienls who meet these quali­ Mr.
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