The Record of the Class
CLASS BOOK LP 2.£ I 5 T\3 THE LIBRARY cop. x. • OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE THE GIFT OF ANONYMOUS DQWDTt Accession No. 1 O O 1"^ T COLLEGE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation THE RECORD NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVEN THE AHHUAL PUBLlCATlOTi OF THE SETilOR CLASS HAVERFORD COLLEGE HAVERFORD P A. Cop. 2. PUBLISHED BY J. Wallace Van Cleave, Editor W. W. Allen, III, Business Manager M. Albert Linton, Jr., Photographic Editor William H. Bond Stephen G. Gary Henry C. Gulbrandsen Roy C. Haberkern William A. Polster TO ALEXANDER JARDINE WILLIAMSON In Gratitude, and in rccosrnition of his services to Haverford -1< X CO Woi Q Z D O FACULTY Chapter I T a small college, they tell us, one of the chief ad- vantages is intimate connection with the faculty. Intimate connection, of course, means food. There is practically no one who, at some time or other, has not sponged off the faculty, using "intimate connec- tion" as an excuse. Hot chocolate off Mr. Williamson, coffee and doughnuts off the Herndons, endless wassail off the Hotsons, dinners for majors from the Lunts and the Snyders and the Fetters. In return, we twice dragged the whole lot to Founders Hall for more intimate connection. Everybody invited his major professor, and much good work was put in easily and painlessly. The evenings were ones of hysterical appreciation of jokes, then songs and speeches, and general ill feeling. Verv occasionally the faculty provides something besides food in their little intimate connection gatherings outside classes.
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