Reference and Book List

The Reference section of the Notices Upcoming Deadlines September 16, 2004: Proposals for is intended to provide the reader with September 15, 2004: Full proposals NSF Enhancing the Mathematical Sci- frequently sought information in for REU sites. See “Mathematics Op- ences Workforce in the Twenty-First Cen- an easily accessible manner. New portunities” in this issue. tury program (including VIGRE). See the information is printed as it becomes September 15, 2004: Nominations for website available and is referenced after the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation fellowships. 2003/nsf03575/nsf03575.htm. first printing. As soon as information See September 30, 2004: Nominations is updated or otherwise changed, it fellowship_brochure.shtml or write for Information-Based Complexity will be noted in this section. to Sloan Research Fellowships, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 630 Fifth Av- Young Researcher Award. Contact Contacting the Notices enue, Suite 2550, New York, New York Joseph F. Traub at traub@cs. The preferred method for contacting 10111. the Notices is electronic mail. The editor is the person to whom to send Where to Find It articles and letters for consideration. A brief index to information that appears in this and previous issues of the Articles include feature articles, Notices. memorial articles, communications, AMS Bylaws—November 2003, p. 1283 opinion pieces, and book reviews. The AMS E-mail Addresses—November 2003, p. 1266 editor is also the person to whom to AMS Ethical Guidelines—June/July 2004, p. 673 send news of unusual interest about AMS Officers 2002 and 2003 (Council, Executive Committee, other people’s mathematics research. Publications Committees, Board of Trustees)—May 2004, p. 566 The managing editor is the person AMS Officers and Committee Members—October 2003, p. 1115 to whom to send items for “Mathe- Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences—September 2004, p. 921 matics People”, “Mathematics Op- Information for Notices Authors—June/July 2004, p. 668 portunities”, “For Your Information”, Mathematics Research Institutes Contact Information—August 2004, “Reference and Book List”, and “Math- p. 810 ematics Calendar”. Requests for National Science Board—January 2004, p. 54 permissions, as well as all other New Journals for 2003—June/July 2004, p. 670 inquiries, go to the managing editor. NRC Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications—March 2004, The electronic-mail addresses are p. 350 [email protected] in the case of NRC Mathematical Sciences Education Board—April 2004, p. 446 the editor and [email protected] in NSF Mathematical and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee—February the case of the managing editor. The 2004, p. 242 fax numbers are 405-325-7484 for Program Officers for Federal Funding Agencies—October 2003, the editor and 401-331-3842 for the p. 1107 (DoD, DoE); December 2003, p. 1429 (NSF) managing editor. Postal addresses may be found in the masthead.

920 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 8 Reference and Book List

October 1, 2004: Applications for competitions. See http://www.dean. Book List AWM Travel Grants. See “Mathemat- The Book List highlights books that ics Opportunities” in this issue. cryptologia/ or contact Cryptolo- have mathematical themes and are October 1, 2004: Nominations for gia, Department of Mathematical Sci- aimed at a broad audience potentially the Louise Hay Award and the Alice T. ences, United States Military Acad- including mathematicians, students, Schafer Mathematics Prize. Contact Hay emy, West Point, NY 10996; email: and the general public. When a book Award Selection Committee or Alice T. [email protected]. has been reviewed in the Notices, a Schafer Award Selection Committee, As- February 1, 2005: Applications for reference is given to the review. Gen- sociation for Women in Mathematics, AWM Travel Grants and AWM Men- erally the list will contain only books 4114 Computer & Space Sciences Build- toring Travel Grants. See “Mathemat- published within the last two years, ing, University of Maryland, College Park, ics Opportunities” in this issue. though exceptions may be made in MD 20742-2461; telephone 301-405- May 1, 2005: Applications for AWM cases where current events (e.g., the 7892; e-mail to [email protected]. Travel Grants. See “Mathematics Op- death of a prominent mathematician, October 1, 2004: Nominations for portunities” in this issue. coverage of a certain piece of mathe- CRM-Fields Prize. See http://www. matics in the news) warrant drawing Conference Board on the Mathematical Sciences readers’ attention to older books. Sug- crm-fields_prize.html, or contact gestions for books to include on the list 1529 Eighteenth Street, NW the Director, The Fields Institute, 222 may be sent to notices-booklist@ Washington, DC 20036 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5T 202-293-1170 3J1, Canada. *Added to “Book List” since the October 13, 2004: Full proposals list’s last appearance. for NSF Distinguished International Abel’s Proof: An Essay on the Ronald C. Rosier Postdoctoral Research Fellowships. Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Administrative Officer See “Mathematics Opportunities” in Unsolvability, by Peter Pesic. MIT Press, Phone: 202-293-1170 this issue. May 2003. ISBN 0-262-16216-4. (Re- Fax: 202-293-3412 October 15, 2004: Applications for viewed March 2004.) support for activities at the Pacific Lisa R. Kolbe Across the Board: The Mathematics Institute for the Mathematical Sci- Administrative Coordinator of Chessboard Problems, by John J. ences. See “Mathematics Opportuni- Phone: 202-293-1170 Watkins. Princeton University Press, ties” in this issue. Fax: 202-293-3412 April 2004. ISBN 0-691-11503-6. October 15, 2004: Applications for Adam Spencer’s Book of Numbers, support for activities at Banff Inter- Member Societies by Adam Spencer. Four Walls Eight national Research Station for Mathe- American Mathematical Association Windows, January 2004. ISBN 1-568- matical Innovation and Discovery. See of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) 58289-7. “Mathematics Opportunities” in this American Mathematical Society (AMS) After Math, by Miriam Webster. issue. American Statistical Association (ASA) Zinka Press, June 1997. ISBN 0-9647- October 15, 2004: Proposals for Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) 1711-5. (Reviewed October 2003.) NSA Grant and Sabbatical Programs. Association for Women in Mathe- Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a See “Mathematics Opportunities” in matics (AWM) Great Thinker, edited by Christof this issue. Association of Mathematics Teacher Teuscher. Springer, 2004. ISBN 3-540- October 15, 2004: Applications for Educators (AMTE) 20020-7. NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow- Association of State Supervisors of Alpha & Omega: The Search for the ships. See Mathematics (ASSM) Beginning and End of the Universe, by pubs/2001/nsf01126/nsf01126. Benjamin Banneker Association (BBA) Charles Seife. Viking, July 2003. ISBN htm. Institute for Operations Research and 0-670-03179-8. November 1, 2004: Applications the Management Sciences Automated Reasoning and the Dis- for NSF International Research Fellow (INFORMS) covery of Missing and Elegant Proofs, Awards. See “Mathematics Opportu- Institute of Mathematical Statistics by Larry Wos and Gail Pieper. Rinton nities” in this issue. (IMS) Press, December 2003. ISBN 1-58949- December 1, 2004: Applications Mathematical Association of America 023-1. for AMS Centennial Research Fellow- (MAA) * Beyond Coincidence, by Martin National Association of Mathemati- ships. See “Mathematics Opportuni- Plimmer and Brian King. Icon Books, cians (NAM) ties” in this issue. March 2004. ISBN 1-840-46534-4. National Council of Supervisors of December 1, 2004: Nominations Beyond the Limit: The Dream of Mathematics (NCSM) for the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize. Sofya Kovalevskaya, by Joan Spicci. National Council of Teachers of Math- See Forge, August 2002. ISBN 0-765- ematics (NCTM) SunyerBalaguer/ffsb.htm. 30233-0. (Reviewed January 2004.) Society for Industrial and Applied January 1, 2005: Entries for Cryp- The Book of My Life, by Girolamo Mathematics (SIAM) tologia undergraduate paper Cardano. New York Review of Books Society of Actuaries (SOA)

SEPTEMBER 2004 NOTICES OF THE AMS 921 Reference and Book List

Classics Series/Granta. ISBN 1-590- Four Colors Suffice: How the Map ISBN 0-297-60725-1 (hardcover) 0-753- 17016-4. Problem Was Solved, by Robin Wilson. 81782-9 (paperback). Calculated Risks: How to Know Princeton University Press, March Kepler’s Conjecture: How Some of When Numbers Decieve You, by Gerd 2003. ISBN 0-691-11533-8. (Reviewed the Greatest Minds in History Helped Gigerenzer. Simon & Schuster, March February 2004.) Solve One of the Oldest Math Prob- 2003. ISBN 0-743-25423-6. The Fractal Murders, by Mark lems in the World, by George G. Szpiro. California Dreaming: Reforming Cohen. Mysterious Press, Warner John Wiley & Sons, January 2003. ISBN Mathematics Education, by Suzanne M. Books, May 2004. ISBN 0-89296-799- 0-471-08601-0. Wilson. Yale Univ Press, January 2003. 4. (Reviewed October 2003.) Linked: The New Science of Net- ISBN 0-300-09432-9. (Reviewed No- From Newton to Hawking: A History works, by Albert-László Barabási. vember 2003.) of Cambridge University’s Lucasian Perseus Publishing, May 2002. ISBN The Changing Shape of Geometry: Professors of Mathematics, edited by 0-738-20667-9. (Reviewed February Celebrating a Century of Geometry Kevin C. Knox and Richard Noakes. 2004.) and Geometry Teaching, edited by Cambridge University Press, Novem- Masters of Theory: Cambridge and Chris Pritchard. Cambridge Univer- ber 2003. ISBN 0-521-66310-5. the Rise of Mathematical Physics, by sity Press, January 2003. ISBN 0-521- Galois’ Theory of Algebraic Equa- Andrew Warwick. University of 53162-4. tions, by Jean-Pierre Tignol. World Sci- Chicago Press, July 2003. ISBN 0-226- Cogwheels of the Mind: The Story of entific Publishing. ISBN 981-02- 87375-7. Venn Diagrams, by A. W. F. Edwards. 4541-6 Math through the Ages: A Gentle Johns Hopkins University Press, April Gamma: Exploring Euler’s Constant, History for Teachers and Others, by 2004. ISBN 0-801-87434-3. by Julian Havil. Princeton University William P. Berlinghoff and Fernando The Constants of Nature: From Press, May 2003. ISBN 0-691-09983-9. Q. Gouvêa. Oxton House, 2002. ISBN Alpha to Omega—The Numbers That (Reviewed August 2004.) 1-881929-21-3. Encode the Deepest Secrets of the Uni- Geometry: Our Cultural Heritage, * The Mathematical Century: The verse, by John D. Barrow. Jonathan by Audun Holme. Springer, April 30 Greatest Problems of the Last 100 Cape, September 2002. Pantheon 2002. ISBN 3-540-41949-7. (Reviewed Years, by Piergiorgio Odifreddi. Books, January 2003. ISBN 0-375- May 2004.) Translated by Arturo Sangalli. Prince- 42221-8. Gödel’s Proof, by Ernest Nagel and ton University Press, May 2004. ISBN Corréspondance Grothendieck- James R. Newman. New York Univer- 0-691-09294-X. Serre, Pierre Colmez and Jean-Pierre sity Press, revised edition, February Mathematical Constants, by Steven Serre, editors. Société Mathématique 2002. ISBN 0-8147-5816-9. (Reviewed R. Finch. Cambridge University Press, de France, 2001. ISBN 2-85629-104-X. March 2004.) August 2003. ISBN 0-521-81805-2. (Reviewed October 2003.) The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, Mathematical Journeys, by Peter D. Count Down: Six Kids Vie for Glory the World's Most Astonishing Number, Schumer. Wiley-Interscience, Febru- at the World's Toughest Math Compe- by Mario Livio. Broadway Books, ary 2004. ISBN 0-471-22066-3. tition, by Steve Olson. Houghton Mif- October 2002. ISBN 0-767-90815-5. Mathematicians as Enquirers: flin, April 2004. ISBN 0-618-25141-3. A Handbook of Mathematical Dis- Learning about Learning Mathemat- (Reviewed August 2004.) course, by Charles Wells. Infinity Pub- ics, edited by Leone Burton. Kluwer, The Curious Life of , lishing Company, 2003. ISBN 0-7414- April 2004. Hardbound, ISBN 1- the Man Who Measured , by 1685-9. (Reviewed in this issue.) 4020-7853-6; paperback, ISBN 1- Lisa Jardine. HarperCollins, February How Economics Became a Mathe- 4020-7859-5; eBook, ISBN 1-4020- 2004. ISBN 0-060-53897-X. matical Science, by E. Roy Weintraub. 7908-7. Einstein’s Clocks, Poincaré’s Maps: Duke University Press, June 2002. A Mathematician’s Survival Guide: Empires of Time, by Peter Galison. ISBN 0-822-32856-9. Graduate School and Early Career De- W.W. Norton & Company, August Imagining Numbers (particularly the velopment, by Steven G. Krantz. AMS, 2003. ISBN 0-393-02001-0. square root of minus fifteen), by Barry August 2003. ISBN 0-821-83455-X. Everything and More: A Compact Mazur. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Feb- (Reviewed April 2004.) History of Infinity, by David Foster ruary 2003. ISBN 0-374-17469-5. (Re- Mathematicians Under the Nazis, Wallace. W. W. Norton, October 2003. viewed November 2003.) by Sanford L. Segal. Princeton Uni- ISBN 0-393-00338-8. (Reviewed Isaac Newton, by James Gleick. Pan- versity Press, July 2003. ISBN 0-691- June/July 2004.) theon Books, May 2003. ISBN 0-375- 00451-X. The Fabric of the Cosmos, by Brian 42233-1. (Reviewed December 2003.) Mathematics and Culture I, edited Greene. Knopf, February 2004. ISBN 0- Infinity: the Quest to Think the Un- by Michele Emmer. Springer, January 375-41288-3. thinkable, by Brian Clegg. Carroll & Graf, 2004. ISBN 3-540-01770-4. Fields Medalists’ Lectures, edited by December 2003. ISBN 0-786-71285-6. Mathematics and War, by Bernhelm Sir Michael Atiyah and Daniel Iagol- Information: The New Language of Booss-Bavnbek and Jens Høyrup, ed- nitzer. World Scientific, 2nd edition, Science, by Hans Christian von Baeyer. itors. Birkhäuser, December 2003. December 2003. ISBN 9-812-38259-3. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, October 2003. ISBN 3-764-31634-9.

922 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 8 Reference and Book List

Mathematics, Art, Technology, and Predicting Presidential Elections and What the Numbers Say: A Field Guide Cinema, edited by Michele Emmer and Other Things, by Ray C. Fair. Stanford to Mastering Our Numerical World, by Mirella Manaresi. Springer, 2003. ISBN University Press, August 2002. ISBN 0- Derrick Niederman and David Boyum. 3-540-00601-X. 804-74509-9. Broadway Books, April 2003. ISBN 0- Mathematics by Experiment: Plau- Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann 767-90998-4. sible Reasoning in the 21st Century, by and the Greatest Unsolved Problem, by When Least Is Best: How Mathe- David Bailey, Jonathan Borwein. A K John Derbyshire. Joseph Henry Press, maticians Discovered Many Clever Ways Peters, September 2003. ISBN 1-568- March 2003. ISBN 0-309-08549-7. to Make Things as Small (or as Large) as 81136-5. Probability Theory: The Logic of Sci- Possible, by Paul J. Nahin. Princeton Uni- Mathematics for the Imagination, ence, by E. T. Jaynes. Edited by G. Larry versity Press, November 2003. ISBN 0- by Peter M. Higgins. University Bretthorst. Cambridge University Press, 691-07078-4. Press, November 2002. ISBN 0-198- April 2003. ISBN 0-521-59271-2. 60460-2. Proofs from the Book, by Martin Mathematics in Nature: Modeling Aigner and Günter M. Ziegler. Springer Patterns in the Natural World, by John Verlag, third edition, December 2003. Adam. Princeton University Press, No- ISBN 3-540-40460-0. vember 2003. ISBN 0-691-11429-3. The Riemann Hypothesis: The The Mathematics of Juggling, by Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathe- Burkard Polster. Springer, November matics, by Karl Sabbagh. Farrar Straus 2002. ISBN 0-387-95513-5. (Reviewed & Giroux, April 2003. ISBN 0-374- January 2004.) 25007-3. Memoirs of a Proof Theorist: Gödel The Saga of Mathematics: A Brief and Other Logicians, by Gaisi Takeuti. History, by Marty Lewinter and William Translated by Mariko Yasugi and Widulski. Prentice Hall, January 2002. ISBN 0-130-34079-0. Nicholas Passell. World Scientific, Feb- Science in the Looking Glass, by E. ruary 2003. ISBN 981-238-279-8. Brian Davies. , Meta Math! The Quest for Omega, August 2003. ISBN 0-19-852543-5. by Gregory J. Chaitin. April 2004. Shooting the Sun, by Max Byrd. Ban- Available at http://www.cs. tam, December 2003. ISBN 0-553- 80208-9. More Mathematical Astronomy Signs of the Inka Khipu: Binary Cod- Morsels, by Jean Meeus. Willmann-Bell ing in the Andean Knotted-String Inc., 2002. ISBN 0-943396-743. Records, by Gary Urton. University of The Music of the Primes: Searching Texas Press, August 2003. ISBN 0-292- to Solve the Greatest Mystery in Math- 78540-2. ematics, by Marcus Du Sautoy. Six Degrees: The Science of a Con- HarperCollins, April 2003. ISBN 0-066- nected Age, by Duncan J. Watts. W. W. 21070-4. Norton & Company, February 2003. Newton’s Apple: Isaac Newton and ISBN 0-393-04142-5. (Reviewed Febru- the English Scientific , by ary 2004.) Peter Aughton. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, Strange Curves, Counting Rabbits, October 2003. ISBN 0-297-84321-4. and Other Mathematical Explorations, The Number π, by Pierre Eymard by Keith Ball. Princeton University Press, and Jean-Pierre Lafon. AMS, 2004. November 2003. ISBN 0-691-11321-1. ISBN 0-8218-3246-8. Sync: The Emerging Science of Spon- On the Nature of Human Romantic taneous Order, by Steven Strogatz. Hy- Interaction, by Karl Iagnemma. Dial perion, February 2003. ISBN 0-786- Press, April 2003. ISBN 0-385- 86844-9. (Reviewed March 2004.) 33593-8. Travels in Four Dimensions: The Enig- Phase Change: The Computer Rev- mas of Space and Time, by Robin Le olution in Science and Mathematics, by Poidevin. Oxford University Press, Feb- Douglas S. Robertson. Oxford Uni- ruary 2003. ISBN 0-19-875254-7. versity Press, March 2003. ISBN 0-195- Turing (A Novel about Computation), 15748-6. by Christos H. Papadimitriou. MIT Press, Portraits of the Earth: A Mathemati- November 2003. ISBN 0-262-16218-0. cian Looks at Maps, by Timothy G. Free- What Is Thought?, by Eric B. Baum. man. AMS, September 2002. ISBN 0- MIT Press, January 2004. ISBN 0-262- 8218-3255-7. 02548-5.