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l Journal of Mukherjee et al., J Bioremed Biodeg 2012, 3:9





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u DOI: 10.4172/2155-6199.1000161

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J ISSN: 2155-6199 Bioremediation & Biodegradation

Research Article OpenOpen Access Access Evaluation of Water Quality Index For Drinking Purposes In The Case of , and Region, Diptangshu Mukherjee, S Lata Dora and RK Tiwary* CSIR-Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Barwa Road, -826015, Jharkhand, India

Abstract Damodar River is one of the most important fresh water source in Jharkhand and West Bengal. Its water is used for drinking by the growing population and also used in allied Industries situated down the stretch. The water quality is being reducing day by day due to heavy input of sewage and wastes from industrial effluents, cattle stock breeding, irrigation and human activities etc. Therefore, an attempt has been made to assess the quality of water in relation to know the pollution load in terms of biological and various physicochemical properties by evaluation of Quality Index (QI). This technique is very useful tool for quick assessment of any water system. The evaluation of five

QI parameters has been taken: pH, TDS (total dissolved solid), BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand), DO (Dissolved Oxygen) and MPN (Most Probable Number). The study shows that the river water is not potable at maximum sampling stations and are highly fecal contaminated. According to the desirable limit, maximum locations are also not even suitable for taking bath. An attempt has also been made to show how QI is increasing (corresponding to low grade water) with the increasing

population. BOD5, MPN are interrelated, shown in correlation matrix. Therefore routinely monitoring of the river water becomes essential.

Keywords: Drinking water; Potable; Population; MPN; QI; Matrix as lowering the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels due to decomposition of fecal matter [4]. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the measurement of

Abbreviations: BOD5: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Estimated oxygen which is dissolved in water bodies. It is consumed by bacteria after 5 days of incubation; °c: Degree Celsius; DO: Dissolve Oxygen; when high amount of organic matter is present to the water bodies. D/s: Downstream; MPN: Most Probable Number; qi: Quality retting; Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is very important parameter for

QI: Quality Index; SIi: Sub index; TSS: Total Suspended Solid; TDS: the measure of organic pollutants in waterbodies. A low BOD indicates Total Dissolve Solid; U/s: Upstream; Wi: Unit Weight good water quality and higher value indicates polluted water. Introduction Several reports on Damodar River water quality assessment by using physicochemical and biological parameters have been published Damodar river basin is a repository of various mineral resources elsewhere, but QI discussed in this article is the most important tool to and therefore comprises of industrial activities. Large population to the represent and getting an idea about the quality of water for drinking Damodar river basin has arrisen due to coal mining and coal based purpose for concerned citizens and is evaluated by taking quality industrial activities which aggravated the pollution load on the river, rating scale. The 300 point index can be divided into several ranges the lifeline of the region. Development of industries in this area have corresponding to the general descriptive terms shown in (Table 1). exerted a great impact on the environment of the basin. Population Higher value of QI corresponds to polluted water and lower index of towns situated at the river bank is shown in Figure 1 as a pie chart. indicates better water quality. The assessment shows that there is no Previously different physicochemical studies have been undertaken excellent water quality in the study area. According to WHO, about to assess the water quality of Damodar River [1], but detailed study 80% of disease in human beings are mainly caused by water [5]. on biological characteristics with reference to MPN has been very Therefore, regular monitoring of the quality of river water is essential negligible. Thus biological characteristics of Damodar river water has before use. taken as MPN analysis to get an idea about drinking water quality standard. This study focuses on QI by different physicochemical and Study Area biological parameters. It is a sub basin and a part of Ganges river system. The basin lies 0 0 0 0 Presence of coliform bacteria in river water shows bacterial between latitude 22 45’ N and 29 30’ N and 84 45’ E to 88 30’ E contamination, which is mainly due to the addition of untreated longitude. The Damodar is principal river of the Damodar river basin. sewage. Consumption of this water can cause many water borne diseases [2]. Coliforms, including Escherichia coli are members of the family Enterobacteriaceae and they make upto 10% (approx) of *Corresponding author: R.K.Tiwary, CSIR-Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Barwa road, Dhanbad-826015, Jharkhand, the intestinal organisms of human and others animals. When such India, Tel: 09431122957; E-mail: [email protected] indicator microorganisms are not found in a specific volume such as Received June 04, 2012; Accepted July 12, 2012; Published July 16, 2012 100 ml of water, the water is considered to be fit to drink or potable. They are facultatively anaerobic, gram negative, rod shaped, non spore Citation: Mukherjee D, Lata Dora S, Tiwary RK (2012) Evaluation of Water Quality Index For Drinking Purposes In The Case of Damodar River, Jharkhand and West forming bacteria and they ferment lactose and produce gas within Bengal Region, India. J Bioremed Biodeg 3:161. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000161 48 hrs at 35oC [3]. The presence of coliform bacteria in water is the evidence of fecal pollution of human or animal origin. The presence Copyright: © 2012 Mukherjee D, et al. This is an open-a ccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits of indicator bacteria means that sewage or animal manure is present unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the that may cause problem for the river water bodies and ecosystem, such original author and source are credited.

J Bioremed Biodeg ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 9 • 1000161 Citation: Mukherjee D, Lata Dora S, Tiwary RK (2012) Evaluation of Water Quality Index For Drinking Purposes In The Case of Damodar River, Jharkhand and West Bengal Region, India. J Bioremed Biodeg 3:161. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000161

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ICMR and ISI standards. Parameters, unit and methods used for Population analysis are given in Table 2. Jarangdih Result and Discussion Physicochemical and biological parameters of water quality 198518 of Damodar river have been carried out and overall observation is 88219 493405 25026 presented in (Table 3). The water was found colorless at maximum 168853 497000 sampling stations but slightly blackish water was found in D11 station 61997 Bagmara-cum-Katras due to the discharges of coal washery effluent. High fly ash containing 158009 475439 Dhanbad –cum-Kenduadih-cum-Jagta sediment was also found in the river edge at D4 location. Jharia –cum-Jorapokhar-cum-Sindri Physicochemical & biological characteristics of damodar 698076 289903 -cum- river Disergarh-cum-Barkar-cum- River is a dynamic systen. pH is the very vital parameter for river 376687 ecosystem or any waterbodies. pH greater than 8.5 causes bitter taste of 407430

474979 water or soda like taste. Eye irritation and exacerbation of skin disorder 564012 is also caused when pH is greater than 11 [7]. Highest pH was found in Andal D4 location. A pH 6.4 and 6.2 was measured at D2 and D3 locations. Highest temperature was found in D/s DTPS, due to the discharging of Figure 1: Population of towns situated at bank of Damodar river and its hot boiler water from Durgapur Thermal Power Station. But in respect tributaries in Jharkhand & West Bengal, (Census India, 2001). to other stations, water is cold, about 23°C. Highest DO value of Damodar River was observed at D1 sampling point because the water flows through the rocky surfaces and therefore high aeration QI value Water quality Category % of water sample was taking place. Others criteria like aquatic plants, decomposition are <50 Excellent A 00 also responsible for increase in dissolved oxygen concentration. On 50 -100 Good water B 6%(approx) the other hand D10 and D6 were observed to contain lower dissolved 100 - 200 Water Poor C 6%(approx) oxygen level in comparison to other stations. Water flow rate is low 200 - 300 Very Poor water D 6%(approx) at D10 (Downstream Mohalbani ghat) and at D6 (Damodar river >300 Water unsuitable for drinking E 84% downstream to Garga nalla) and is highly microbial contaminated which consumes the dissolved oxygen. Maximum sampling station of Table 1: Water quality classification. Damodar river showed DO value to be greater than 6 mg/l.

Damodar river basin on behalf of it. Drainage pattern of the Damodar The BOD5 value varies from 0.7-6.2 mg/l of Damodar river. Garga river basin is shown in the Figure 2. The main tributaries of the nalla is one of the most polluted tributary of Damodar river, which Damodar are Garga, Konar, Bokaro, Jamunia, Katri, Barakar and small contains maximum sewage water coming from residential complexes. streamlets like Noonia and Tamla join the river. The stretch between Downstream to Garga nalla (D6) has high BOD5 value (5 mg/l). Lowest BOD was found at D1 (Tenughat). Tenughat Dam to have been chosen for study, and 5 is divided into two stretchs, Stretch I and stretch II. Eighteen sampling Highest number of coliform is found at the sampling site D6 which stations in the main stream of the river were selected for the study. The is the D/s of T2 (Garga nalla) and lowest coliforn was observed at D1 sampling stations with its code (D1- D18) in stretch I and II are shown (Tenughat). Maximum sampling stations were highly contaminated in Figures 3 and 4. Methodology DAMODAR RIVER BASIN Samples were collected by standard sampling methods (APHA, 98) [6] during premonsoon (Feb-Mar, 09). The Most Probable Number (MPN) is an important technique for estimation of microbial population in water. Human fecal matter reachs to the river water by sewage discharges and the water is getting contamination. Therefore, MPN analysis is necessary as the microbiological point of view. The standard microbiological technique for MPN analysis involves three successive tests: Presumptive (Multiple tube fermentation method) Confirmed and Complete test. In this study presumptive test has been Tilalya Malthan performed by three test tube experiments. Different physicochemical Konar characteristic of water such as pH, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Biochemical Tenughat

Oxygen Demand (BOD5) were also analyzed.

Samples for estimating dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen Not in scale demand were collected separately in BOD bottle followed by APHA River Dam (American Public and Health Association) technique. QI is calculated by considering five physicochemical and biological parameters using Figure 2: Drainage pattern of Damodar River.

J Bioremed Biodeg ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 9 • 1000161 Citation: Mukherjee D, Lata Dora S, Tiwary RK (2012) Evaluation of Water Quality Index For Drinking Purposes In The Case of Damodar River, Jharkhand and West Bengal Region, India. J Bioremed Biodeg 3:161. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000161

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O E U O K M . D R M N A R R O A T 1 J I O A J R K I D K T A R O

K A B T 3 K D 2 D 3 D 6 D 4 D 5 T 4 D 11 DAMODAR R D 1 H D 7 D 10 D 12 A L TENUGHAT DAM L T 2 D 8 Tenugh- A



Figure 3: Sampling location in the stretch between Tenugath Dam to Panchet Dam (D1 - D12).







K E - Industrial Effluent A

R G. T. ROAD S - River Water A B T - Tributary / Nullan T 6




Figure 4: Sampling location between D/s Panchet Dam to Durgapur barrage (D13 - D18).

Parameter Unit Method Desirable limit Maximum permissible limit Organization/Body Temperature oC Direct measurement. 30 34 - pH Acidity Alkalinity Ion analyzer EA 940. 7-8.5 6.5-9.2 WHO, ISI, ICMR TDS mg/l Gravimetric analysis. 500 1500 ICMR TSS mg/l Gravimetric analysis. <100 - ISI DO mg/l Winkler’s methods. >6 3.6 ICMR

BOD5 mg/l Winkler’s methods. <5 - US Public Health value Coliform(MPN) Cells/100ml Multiple tube fermentation. <1 >10 ISI Table 2: Recommended water quality criteria. with coliform bacteria except few stations like D1, D2, D5, D11, D8, and MPN have been taken for calculating quality index. The quality D4 and D16. These stations have lower MPN index in respect to other index does not shows exact degree of pollution, rather it is used to assess locations. According to bathing class standard [8] maximum stations water quality trends for the management purpose. [10]. Recommended are also not suitable for taking bath, except the stations like D1, D2, D4, water quality criteria [5,10-12] for drinking purpose is given in (Table D5, D8, D11 and D16. 2). TSS and TDS is an indicator of overall water quality. TSS means For calculating Quality Index (QI) [5] at first each of the five suspended solid and TDS means inorganic salt and organic matter in water or water bodies. It has been observed that highest TSS and TDS parameters were assigned a weight (wi) according to the relative were found in Durgapore barrage (D18). A graphical representation of importance in the overall water quality for drinking purpose (Table MPN with respect to pH, DO and BOD is shown in Figure 5. 4). Next, unit weight (Wi) was calculated by the following equation (i). wi QI Wi= n wi Quality index is an important tool for getting an idea about the ∑ i=1 quality of water for drinking purpose. One of the most effective ways Then, quality rating (qi) for each parameters was determined to communicate information regarding water quality trends to policy by dividing its concentration in each sample by respective Indian makers and the general public or citizens is with indices [9]. Five standard followed by BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) and the result physicochemical and biological parameters viz. pH, TDS, BOD, DO was multiplied by 100, mentioned in equation (ii).

J Bioremed Biodeg ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 9 • 1000161 Citation: Mukherjee D, Lata Dora S, Tiwary RK (2012) Evaluation of Water Quality Index For Drinking Purposes In The Case of Damodar River, Jharkhand and West Bengal Region, India. J Bioremed Biodeg 3:161. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000161

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Approx Sampling Temperature pH DO (mg/l) BOD5 (mg/l) MPN Index TSS mg/l TDS mg/l Distance(Km) Code (oC) (cells/100ml) Reference Point Damodar River D/s Tenughat Dam 0.50 D1 23 8.44 8.3 0.7 0004 090.0 122.4 Damodar River U/s Confluence 010 D2 24 6.40 6.8 2.7 0093 078.4 265.6 Damodar River D/s Konar River Confluence 012 D3 25 6.20 6.2 3.4 0460 043.3 226.0 Damodar River at 032 D4 27 8.72 6.7 2.3 0240 121.2 134.0 Damodar River U/s of Garga nalla Confluence 062 D5 26 7.73 7.2 2.4 0150 064.8 143.6 Damodar River D/s of Garga nalla Confluence 063 D6 26 7.42 5.3 5.0 1100 043.3 226.0 Damodar River moonidhi, Kapat ghat 070 D7 25 6.90 8.3 5.5 1100 032.4 284.0 Damodar River Jamadoba, MADA pump house. 082 D8 27 6.70 7.6 2.6 0240 032.8 340.0 Damodar River U/s Mohalbani Ghat 113 D9 27 7.10 5.2 3.6 1100 052.4 372.0 Damodar River D/s Mohalbani Ghat 114 D10 26 7.50 4.3 3.8 1100 061.2 396.0 Damodar River at Domgarh Ghat 134 D11 28 8.50 6.6 1.1 0028 059.6 187.0 Panchet Reservoir 154 D12 27 7.89 6.6 3.2 1100 118.5 246.0 Damodar River D/s confluence of Barakar and 164 D13 29 6.40 6.2 5.2 0460 080.4 186.4 Damodar Damodar River U/s Noonia nalla 182 D14 28 7.10 6.4 4.6 0460 064.4 125.4 Damodar River D/s Confluence of Noonia nalla 184 D15 27 8.20 6.7 6.2 0460 081.6 136.0 Damodar River U/s DTPS 224 D16 25 8.00 7.1 0.8 0021 046.0 124.0 Damodar River D/s DTPS 227 D17 30 7.80 6.9 4.9 0460 126.0 346.0 Damodar River Durgapur Barrage 235 D18 28 6.20 5.7 3.6 1100 244.0 540.0 Table 3: Physiological & Biological characteristics of Damodar River (Feb-Mar, 2009).

qi = (Ci / Si) X 100 (ii) Comparison (Figures 1 and 6) shows that the population and QI are directly proportional that means larger population produce huge Where, sewage which is discharged into the river and increasing the river Ci = Concentration of each parameter in each water sample (Table pollution load. In Jharkhand D6, D7, D9, and D10 & in West Bengal 3) and Durgapur Barrage (D18) has higher QI value (polluted water). The reason is large population on the river bank. Si = Indian drinking water standard for each parameter (Table 2). Matrix For QI analysis, sub index SIi was first determined for each parameter by multiplying its unit weight (Wi) with quality retting (qi), Water quality parameters have also been studied using simple equation (iii). correlation matrix and results are shown in tabular form in (Table 5). BOD5 and MPN are the highly interrelated among themselves. SIi = Wi . qi (iii) This interrelationship indicated that the increased values of fecal

Then quality index is calculated by the following no (iv) equation. contamination in river increased the BOD5 level.

QI = ∑ SIi (iv) Conclusion QI for Tenughat Dam is given in (Table 4) according to above The results from the data analysis shows that the river water is not mentioned procedure. potable (fit to drink). Maximum sampling stations are contaminated with high fecal coliform bacteria. Water treatment is very necessary for Quality Index (QI) for remaining seventeen sampling stations the use of river water for drinking purpose. According to the desirable was also calculated by same equation. The Water quality classification limit, maximum locations are also not suitable for taking bath. People according to quality index is shown in (Table 1) and Figure 6 reflects may be affected by various skin or intestinal disease by taking bath in the graphical variation. the river or by consuming without any treatment. Minimum BOD5, Quality Index (QI) revealed that there was no “A” grade water MPN value was observed in Tenughat dam. Water is slightly acidic and quality but only good water quality found at Tenughat Dam. Poor basic in various sampling station. water was found in location D11 (Domgarh Ghat). Damodar River U/s The sites where low MPN and BOD values are found are D2, D5, Konar river sampling station has very poor water that is “D” grade. 5 D11 and D16. Highest coliform and BOD5 was found in D6 station Remaining 84% of the study area water was highly polluted, adequate which is very critical zone of the river. This spot is neither suitable treatment is necessary before human Consumption. for drinking nor for bathing or for any other purpose without any Another most important parameter for river quality analysis is treatment. After QI analysis, we found that only Tenughat Dam population. Larger population requires huge water to complete their (D1) has good water quality but no excellent grade water quality was regular lifecycle; as a consequence huge amount of waste water is observed in the studied area. Fourteen sampling stations on Damodar generated. This untreated waste water contains highly fecal coliform river were of E grade which means the water is not suitable for drinking or not drinkable. QI reveals that decreasing the water quality of the and is directly goes to the river water bodies and gets polluted day by river is due to MPN parameter, which interferes too much while day. Though previously discussed in introduction that decreasing water calculating the index. quality of Damodar river is also dependable upon industrial effluents [1,13,14], an attempt has been made to show the population factor. Water quality analysis revealed that Damodar river water is getting

J Bioremed Biodeg ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 9 • 1000161 Citation: Mukherjee D, Lata Dora S, Tiwary RK (2012) Evaluation of Water Quality Index For Drinking Purposes In The Case of Damodar River, Jharkhand and West Bengal Region, India. J Bioremed Biodeg 3:161. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000161

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J Bioremed Biodeg ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 9 • 1000161