The Life-Boat
THE LIFE-BOAT. JOTTBNAL OF THE Bational 3Life*Boat Jnstitution, (ISSUED QUARTERLY.) VOL. XX.—No. 232.] IST MAY, 1909. [PRICK 1*. AT the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at the Eoyal United Service Institution, Whitehall, on Tuesday, the 23rd day of March, The Eight Honourable Lord George F. Hamilton, G.C.S.I., in the Chair, the following Eeport of the Committee of Management was submitted and adopted:— ANNUAL REPORT. 1909. THE Committee of Management have ever attended as Chairman was that of used every effort during the past year the 20th February, 1908. It is difficult to maintain and as far as possible to estimate the loss •which the Institution, increase the efficiency of the Institu- has sustained through his death. He tion's service and they are glad to feel had been a Vice-President since 1866, that their work has not been in. vain. and a Trustee since 1880 ; and for more They have however to record-with a than forty years he had taken a leading deep sense of their importance the part in promoting the aims of the following changes, which occurred in Institution, and defending its interests. the administration of the Institution. It is not too much to say that the high In September last they were deprived place which the Institution holds in the by death of the very valuable services estimation of the Public is very largely ofSirEdwardBirkbeck,Bart.,K.C.V.O., due to his constant, unselfish and who for the long period of twenty-five devoted attention to its affairs.
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