NICE DCV Administrator Guide NICE DCV Administrator Guide

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NICE DCV Administrator Guide NICE DCV Administrator Guide NICE DCV Administrator Guide NICE DCV Administrator Guide NICE DCV: Administrator Guide Copyright © Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon's trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not Amazon's, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits Amazon. All other trademarks not owned by Amazon are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by Amazon. NICE DCV Administrator Guide Table of Contents What Is NICE DCV? ............................................................................................................................. 1 How NICE DCV Works ................................................................................................................. 1 Features .................................................................................................................................... 1 Pricing ...................................................................................................................................... 2 NICE DCV Servers ............................................................................................................................... 3 Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 3 Supported Features .................................................................................................................... 4 Setting up ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Installing ................................................................................................................................... 6 Windows ........................................................................................................................... 6 Linux .............................................................................................................................. 10 Licensing ................................................................................................................................. 30 NICE DCV licensing requirements ....................................................................................... 31 Installing an extended evaluation license ............................................................................ 33 Installing a production license ........................................................................................... 34 Upgrading ............................................................................................................................... 40 Upgrading the NICE DCV Server on Windows ....................................................................... 41 Upgrading the NICE DCV Server on Linux ............................................................................ 41 Uninstalling ............................................................................................................................. 42 Uninstalling the NICE DCV Server on Windows ..................................................................... 42 Uninstalling the NICE DCV Server on Linux .......................................................................... 42 Managing the Server ........................................................................................................................ 44 Starting the Server ................................................................................................................... 44 Starting the server on Windows ......................................................................................... 44 Starting the server on Linux .............................................................................................. 45 Stopping the server .................................................................................................................. 45 Stopping the server on Windows ........................................................................................ 45 Stopping the server on Linux ............................................................................................. 46 Changing the TCP port ............................................................................................................. 46 Changing the server TCP port on Windows .......................................................................... 47 Changing the server TCP port on Linux ............................................................................... 47 Disconnecting idle clients .......................................................................................................... 47 Changing the idle timeout period on Windows ..................................................................... 48 Changing the idle timeout period on Linux .......................................................................... 48 Enabling GPU sharing on Linux .................................................................................................. 49 Changing the TLS certificate ...................................................................................................... 50 Enabling USB remotization ........................................................................................................ 51 Adding devices to an allow list on Windows ........................................................................ 51 Adding devices to an allow list on Linux .............................................................................. 52 Configuring smart card caching .................................................................................................. 52 Enabling session storage ........................................................................................................... 53 Enabling session storage on Windows ................................................................................. 53 Enabling session storage on Linux ...................................................................................... 54 Configuring the printer on Linux ................................................................................................ 55 Troubleshooting printer issues ........................................................................................... 56 Configuring the clipboard on Linux ............................................................................................. 56 Pasting client clipboard content to the primary selection ....................................................... 57 Copying primary selection content to the client clipboard ..................................................... 57 Enabling touchscreen and stylus support .................................................................................... 58 Configuring a stylus .......................................................................................................... 59 Configuring multi-channel audio ................................................................................................ 59 Configuring the audio channels on Windows NICE DCV servers ............................................... 61 Configuring the audio channels on Linux NICE DCV servers .................................................... 61 Enable QUIC UDP ..................................................................................................................... 62 iii NICE DCV Administrator Guide Configuring the HTTP headers ................................................................................................... 63 Configuring HTTP headers on a Windows NICE DCV Server .................................................... 64 Configuring HTTP headers on a Linux NICE DCV Server ......................................................... 64 Configuring authentication ........................................................................................................ 65 Configuring authentication on Windows .............................................................................. 65 Configuring authentication on Linux ................................................................................... 66 Configuring authorization .......................................................................................................... 67 Default permissions file ..................................................................................................... 67 Custom permissions file .................................................................................................... 67 Working with permissions files ........................................................................................... 68 Managing sessions ............................................................................................................................ 72 Introduction to NICE DCV sessions .............................................................................................. 72 Console sessions .............................................................................................................. 73 Virtual Sessions ................................................................................................................ 73 Using the Command Line Tool to Manage Sessions ....................................................................... 73 Using the command line tool
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