ROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1979 38 Plg.~Thr~E Sec:Tioni-P1us Insert

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ROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1979 38 Plg.~Thr~E Sec:Tioni-P1us Insert ._i.I_.4 ...-------~~ ...IlI[IIll!I~~ .... IIIJ-II...... -~---'-:___;:__~.::_' ,--------<-, -'-"!"'--------~-~I I I AI the Pointes Every ThNrscl.v Morning rosse ~ws ' ,.,. Pointe , ,'~.. •• Ef~c of Ii --_ .. VOl. 4O-NO, 31 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1979 38 Plg.~Thr~e Sec:tioni-P1us Insert HEADLINES New $74,000 Pumper Joins Woods' Fleet Woods Again lIU!> Funds of ,the , l\'lam Issue WEEK Tables Actio'n on In Election A. CompUe4 by The I . Candid.tes Share Views Grone Poln~ Newi As CO\Intdown Begins I Land Use Plan to November Thul'liday • .July 26 PRESIDENT JIMMY CAR- By Joanne N. Gouleebe TER offered no apologies for Planning Commission Scheduies Speeial Meeting When you think of all the recent shake-up of his for September 18 to Consider Adopting the controversial issues cabinet and criticized the oil I Proposal; Northwest Area Cititens going on in The Park.-- lobby as he spoke ,before the news media in the White Share Further Concerns over the acceptance of HUD House East Room, the first High Density Designation monies. the Demonstra- conference he has held in ----___ tion House at 1094 Lake. two months, The President By Boger A. Waha pointe avenue. the revi- made an appeal to tJ:e na. Concern remains on the part of citi.2ens living talizaUon of Kercheval tlon. to support him in "a in the northwest area of The Woods over the desig- avenue - you think peo- terrible struggle" to get Con. nation of that location as a high deJUity residential pie would be interest~ gress to pass his windfall (. 2 bo d II in what candidates run. profits tax proposal, which area, I.e .• 1 .1 and a ve we ing units per gross ning for office have to he called "critical to t1ie fu. acre), in the city's proposed land use plan. ture of the country." Mr. AI a result, the Planning ~---=-==== say on such issues. Carter also cleared the air Commi.uion at its regular 0 . '. This i5 especially true regardina: the appointment of meeting Tuesday, July 2f, ptlmu'm s~ they are going to the Hamilton Jordan to chief of once again tabled action on 10'0 polls on Tuesday, August 1. !.l.":,,,.. :'-,~.'~J!~,__~!~.-:"-. _q.G/~ indi. adopting the plan and UDall' E J to determine who will be the ~aiing'that -Mr:'jo~d3n'~jil . i.~.ou:ly t.g:t~d ~,~!lChedu1e a. Xnre3Sea f{nal ~didates in Novernbe'!' be chief oi White House aeat.i Staff only and Mt chief of ~~:~~~ga:o;~:a;t:~\I 'Talk '.\'..~:;;~:~':t~ncilau4. the President's cabinet. the propogl will be the only n 8 However, not too many .. .. item on the agenda. citizens were interested in Friday, luly 21 Because of similar concerns Negotiators for Teaeh- the candidates forum spon- expt'ewd at the eommi5slon's h' d H sored by the Grosse Pointe THOUSAN.DS OF PER. June 26 meeUna:, the solons erst Sc: 00 Boer ope Park West AlilIOClation TIle6- SONS were driven from voted to table further action Settt.ment Can Be day evening, July 24. OnJy their homes in southwest until the Uth, However, sev- Reached by 45 out of some 9,200 fegi5- Texas when tropical storm I Photo bv Oovld Kr:un ... eral residents again spoke in S t b tered v~rs or less than one Claudette dumped 25 inches 1 The Woods Public Safety Department re. apparatus, which will now be relegated to second opposition to the dNiiDation, \ ep. e!'!'L er \ ,ereent bothered to !!low vp of rain over the area. Two ceived delivery on Monday, July 23, of its new truck status. and the 13.year-old Seagrave snor- while a formal protest in -- at the meetipa at Saint A~. penons urowucd in t.he fleod- $74,000 Seagrave Custom Pumper, which can kel. Those welcoming the new equipment in- writing from 12 cltizeoll allo By SuMa. McDoDa1d brose Churen Halt ing, the worst since Hurri. pump 1,250 gallons a minute. The lime-yellow clude, (irom ieit to right). Publk Safety Officer! ,,:as accepted hi the commia- After a month-l0!1g 0Dl1 Fenm BeW. cane Carla struck Texas in apparatus. which runs on diesel fuel and has an 1961. Although that hurri. JAMES FOWLER. (standing on the apparatus), 11011, \ break. negotiators tor \ A total of five candidates automatic transmission. will "significantly in- and JOHN DeLaRA, Director DANKEL, Mayor ~ start 'trea4 Grosse Pointe teacher. out of the 12 runninl for cane had much. more wind \ and higher storm tides, Clau. crease the level of fire protection iri the city," BENJAMIN W, PINKOS and en.. Administrator In relation to the citizens' \ nnd the Be.rd \if Edu~- office met wlth residents. It dillpl~re over the blah tion are scheduled to re- was the only P\\bUc forum d~tt~ iivUJFeu. ii.~ least or.5,:nvet1 rubHe Saiety Director John Dankel. CHESTER E. PETERSEN. - Ie . deUlty ~lIiIna~IoD ~ the turn v., the bargaintng held.. for the UPdidates inches more rain. Gov, Bill It joins the renov~ted 1956 American LaFT,fUlce Clements declared the ,~ea they wanted tbe COmmJll\OD. ta,"--1 aimed' at tunity to present their viewl 1I1:l.lie. -f.aU1.. Uy retl. de... nt. lal'~').tab. Ie. t.oo.. a. AU. gust. 2. to where the.y... had .an optX)... f.". a disaster. R.U M 1__ C to reeoDSider their area for resume 1AlO ami llDIWe ueitioDl from Baturday,• • l'II1y• 28 -.- . .- . ~ar~t.-, . - QntJR'PeJ:8y~~~tO'-~::~~~n~co~~~, 'f~;'~~'1iifJq ..... 1 FOn.K1!l~ 1DNERGY SEC. V':Ohtf# f. or " :.r. ::"O_ .. V. er IU1JW ... ~.~)~ ..... 8ChoaJempw".. ,..,.. ........ ~~_,. RETA-RY: Jamell R. SChlesin- L' N1"'J. :.0'.. _ .. Sw .. UI it JJaJcaJ1r u .JU1IW. • rile ~ wiD. lie 011 CDCuIdJaNa ~,,~. ger s::id th::t providing there l'T Lease IrrDJrjri'l .. ~. " ODe cieDliiy c:J.ua1&aUw,J both, llfda,_~,,~_~:.!_~ Dr. Boler ~L;:'N.J~I ..~ are no ,interruptlons, fuel oil ,. ew t.7~ ,.,. ~ m1t .. 17 the p~ a1w Gnt'Gm;=": :.""!~,,~~~... Ch..::'~ Temp--!!! ~ ... :l.."U!! should be adequate this win- low cteDtity. (1 to 5 unitl!'ef ~eDt in tbe fin weeki Proal. Willilm Fiber a1fo ter. Mr. SChlesinger Indicated 'lo. J P k' C II Co' f Wh I M t' acre), aDd mecI.Ium delllity 1'l.":IU.WD, before .ehool re- made a brief appearance. that gasoline supplies are im- Hundreds Respond to mayor in os a s mmlttee 0 0 e ee '"g Concern Expressed over reaidential, (7.1 to 12 unitt opena DUt month. There ue n1ne candidates proving with service stations Petition Drive Aimed I to Explore Plan's Benefits, Cost Factors: Time lapse in Remov- perac:re). While all cate- No ODe'. mating any prom. seekingcouncll _ta inclucL possibly receiving up to 96 at Keep'ing Salem Counc:i1.Sch.eduled to Consider Par- ing Dead Trees from ~Il ~hree percent of their "ugust al- ~:'1::~~~:nngJ~,::::n.. =:~~ ~~~~!:nn:: location, noting too that reo Square Alive I tlclpatron for 1979-80 on Mayor Pinko5' delJSitya"O lillow twg.famlly penozmel for ~ schools, Pr'~t '!)A..cie! S--"alt~rger. finers mayh3ve "produced -- Upcoming Agenda Property dupleRS, terrace and ~en and Curt Lange, pteside~ ~ Anthony Spada and Richard a little too much gasoline By David Kramer ------- apariments, .with tbe. high the ~,ers' union. say It IS Swallquist also make up the lately" in preparation for By Roger A. Waha By Roger A. Waha density claslijfication mclud- "poss.tble' Ihey'll have an slate of candidates for cOOn- this winter's fuel oil supply. A petition drive con- "If Grosse Pointe Woods doesn't help out, I Ing high rises. agreement in band by 5ep- ciL Six will compete in No- Th" """r"v ~pr.rptarv indi- d~cted by the operators I don't see how we can make it." That's the assess- A swirl of controversy The letter, wbicll is signed tember. vember. ~at~d that -while Saud( Arabia 01 Salem Squiii"c FGcd:;, I meni oi ~hlcf pi"ut..tiGn cffi~er Sl.l'7.Rnne J. O'Shea has arisen over the time by Bruce Van Farowe of Brys Some Ne. ,Fatt:a . .Mr. Patterson's opponents has increased oil production, 1~7 Kercheva.l On-t~e- on the continuance of the Grosse Pointe Volunteer iapse in i"cw~'i.~g ~~~n !!~v ... northwest area ~kes- . ()f~, that s been s;ud in the nrimarv are Mr. FabPr Nigeria has announced cut- Hlll, may P?sslbly. be lll- Probation Program for the 1979-80 fiscal year. diseased elms last year man, (who w~ unabie to a,-. ~ofe ana. wu enu .Pn:"'1 and Councilnian George V.-er- backs. strumental m gettmg the . ---------- on the property of Woods tend the meeting), and Dr. dieted back lJl 1976 wben the donckt Two will remain: in .. • .. building's owner to re- The "!'oods was the only 1 which pays around 37 per- Mayor Benjamin W, Pin- Law re n c e A Marten of school began what became a November . S da Jul 29 .de h' a ted commuruty not to approve cent of the program's budget kos m' Broadstone road. Hampton road,. who addressed .bitter t().month strufile ove~ In the ~rimL-.. two years un y, y conSI r IS rep r an.y funding for the prog. ram based upon the 1970 census, th __ ,_..: _t.~_ three tract that sharply ell r_ THE NATION'S SURGEON plans to grant an e.x- thiS year a.nd,. accordlD.
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