._i.I_.4 ...------~~ ...IlI[IIll!I~~ .... IIIJ-II...... -~---'-:___;:__~.::_' ,------<-, -'-"!"'------~-~I I I AI the Pointes Every ThNrscl.v Morning rosse ~ws ' ,.,. Pointe , ,'~.. •• Ef~c of Ii --_ .. VOl. 4O-NO, 31 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1979 38 Plg.~Thr~e Sec:tioni-P1us Insert

HEADLINES New $74,000 Pumper Joins Woods' Fleet Woods Again lIU!> Funds of ,the , l\'lam Issue WEEK Tables Actio'n on In Election A. CompUe4 by The I . Candid.tes Share Views Grone Poln~ Newi As CO\Intdown Begins I Land Use Plan to November Thul'liday • .July 26 PRESIDENT JIMMY CAR- By Joanne N. Gouleebe TER offered no apologies for Planning Commission Scheduies Speeial Meeting When you think of all the recent shake-up of his for September 18 to Consider Adopting the controversial issues cabinet and criticized the oil I Proposal; Northwest Area Cititens going on in The Park.-- lobby as he spoke ,before the news media in the White Share Further Concerns over the acceptance of HUD House East Room, the first High Density Designation monies. the Demonstra- conference he has held in ----___ tion House at 1094 Lake. two months, The President By Boger A. Waha pointe avenue. the revi- made an appeal to tJ:e na. Concern remains on the part of citi.2ens living talizaUon of Kercheval tlon. to support him in "a in the northwest area of The Woods over the desig- avenue - you think peo- terrible struggle" to get Con. nation of that location as a high deJUity residential pie would be interest~ gress to pass his windfall (. 2 bo d II in what candidates run. profits tax proposal, which area, I.e .• 1 .1 and a ve we ing units per gross ning for office have to he called "critical to t1ie fu. acre), in the city's proposed land use plan. ture of the country." Mr. AI a result, the Planning ~---=-==== say on such issues. Carter also cleared the air Commi.uion at its regular 0 . '. This i5 especially true regardina: the appointment of meeting Tuesday, July 2f, ptlmu'm s~ they are going to the Hamilton Jordan to chief of once again tabled action on 10'0 polls on Tuesday, August 1. !.l.":,,,.. :'-,~.'~J!~,__~!~.-:"-. _q.G/~ indi. adopting the plan and UDall' E J to determine who will be the ~aiing'that -Mr:'jo~d3n'~jil . i.~.ou:ly t.g:t~d ~,~!lChedu1e a. Xnre3Sea f{nal ~didates in Novernbe'!' be chief oi White House aeat.i Staff only and Mt chief of ~~:~~~ga:o;~:a;t:~\I 'Talk '.\'..~:;;~:~':t~ncilau4. the President's cabinet. the propogl will be the only n 8 However, not too many .. . .. item on the agenda. citizens were interested in Friday, luly 21 Because of similar concerns Negotiators for Teaeh- the candidates forum spon- expt'ewd at the eommi5slon's h' d H sored by the Grosse Pointe THOUSAN.DS OF PER. June 26 meeUna:, the solons erst Sc: 00 Boer ope Park West AlilIOClation TIle6- SONS were driven from voted to table further action Settt.ment Can Be day evening, July 24. OnJy their homes in southwest until the Uth, However, sev- Reached by 45 out of some 9,200 fegi5- Texas when tropical storm I Photo bv Oovld Kr:un ... eral residents again spoke in S t b tered v~rs or less than one Claudette dumped 25 inches 1 The Woods Public Safety Department re. apparatus, which will now be relegated to second opposition to the dNiiDation, \ ep. e!'!'L er \ ,ereent bothered to !!low vp of rain over the area. Two ceived delivery on Monday, July 23, of its new truck status. and the 13.year-old Seagrave snor- while a formal protest in -- at the meetipa at Saint A~. penons urowucd in t.he fleod- $74,000 Seagrave Custom Pumper, which can kel. Those welcoming the new equipment in- writing from 12 cltizeoll allo By SuMa. McDoDa1d brose Churen Halt ing, the worst since Hurri. pump 1,250 gallons a minute. The lime-yellow clude, (irom ieit to right). Publk Safety Officer! ,,:as accepted hi the commia- After a month-l0!1g 0Dl1 Fenm BeW. . cane Carla struck Texas in apparatus. which runs on diesel fuel and has an 1961. Although that hurri. JAMES FOWLER. (standing on the apparatus), 11011, \ break. negotiators tor \ A total of five candidates automatic transmission. will "significantly in- and JOHN DeLaRA, Director DANKEL, Mayor ~ start 'trea4 Grosse Pointe teacher. out of the 12 runninl for cane had much. more wind \ and higher storm tides, Clau. crease the level of fire protection iri the city," BENJAMIN W, PINKOS and en.. Administrator In relation to the citizens' \ nnd the Be.rd \if Edu~- office met wlth residents. It dillpl~re over the blah tion are scheduled to re- was the only P\\bUc forum d~tt~ iivUJFeu. ii.~ least or.5,:nvet1 rubHe Saiety Director John Dankel. CHESTER E. PETERSEN. - Ie . deUlty ~lIiIna~IoD ~ the turn v., the bargaintng held.. for the UPdidates inches more rain. Gov, Bill It joins the renov~ted 1956 American LaFT,fUlce Clements declared the ,~ea they wanted tbe COmmJll\OD. ta,"--1 aimed' at tunity to present their viewl 1I1:l.lie. -f.aU1.. Uy retl. de... nt. lal'~').tab. Ie. t.oo.. a. . AU. gust. 2. to where the.y... had .an optX)... f.". a disaster. R.U M 1__ C to reeoDSider their area for resume 1AlO ami llDIWe ueitioDl from Baturday,• • l'II1y• 28 -.- . .- . ~ar~t.-, . . - QntJR'PeJ:8y~~~tO'-~::~~~n~co~~~, 'f~;'~~'1iifJq ..... 1 FOn.K1!l~ 1DNERGY SEC. V':Ohtf# f. or " :.r. ::"O_ .. V. er IU1JW ... ~.~)~ ..... 8ChoaJempw".. ,..,...... ~~_,. . RETA-RY: Jamell R. SChlesin- L' N1"'J. :.0'.. . _ .. Sw .. UI it JJaJcaJ1r u .JU1IW. • rile ~ wiD. lie 011 CDCuIdJaNa ~,,~. ger s::id th::t providing there l'T Lease IrrDJrjri'l .. ~. " ODe cieDliiy c:J.ua1&aUw,J both, llfda,_~,,~_~:.!_~ Dr. Boler ~L;:'N.J~I ..~ are no ,interruptlons, fuel oil ,. ew t.7~ ,.,. ~ m1t .. 17 the p~ a1w Gnt'Gm;=": :.""!~,,~~~... Ch..::'~ Temp--!!! ~ ... :l.."U!! should be adequate this win- low cteDtity. (1 to 5 unitl!'ef ~eDt in tbe fin weeki Proal. Willilm Fiber a1fo ter. Mr. SChlesinger Indicated 'lo. J P k' C II Co' f Wh I M t' acre), aDd mecI.Ium delllity 1'l.":IU.WD, before .ehool re- made a brief appearance. that gasoline supplies are im- Hundreds Respond to mayor in os a s mmlttee 0 0 e ee '"g Concern Expressed over reaidential, (7.1 to 12 unitt opena DUt month. There ue n1ne candidates proving with service stations Petition Drive Aimed I to Explore Plan's Benefits, Cost Factors: Time lapse in Remov- perac:re). While all cate- No ODe'. mating any prom. seekingcouncll _ta inclucL possibly receiving up to 96 at Keep'ing Salem Counc:i1.Sch.eduled to Consider Par- ing Dead Trees from ~Il ~hree percent of their "ugust al- ~:'1::~~~:nngJ~,::::n.. =:~~ ~~~~!:nn:: location, noting too that reo Square Alive I tlclpatron for 1979-80 on Mayor Pinko5' delJSitya"O lillow twg.famlly penozmel for ~ schools, Pr'~t '!)A..cie! S--"alt~rger. finers mayh3ve "produced -- Upcoming Agenda Property dupleRS, terrace and ~en and Curt Lange, pteside~ ~ Anthony Spada and Richard a little too much gasoline By David Kramer ------apariments, .with tbe. high the ~,ers' union. say It IS Swallquist also make up the lately" in preparation for By Roger A. Waha By Roger A. Waha density claslijfication mclud- "poss.tble' Ihey'll have an slate of candidates for cOOn- this winter's fuel oil supply. . A petition drive con- "If Grosse Pointe Woods doesn't help out, I Ing high rises. agreement in band by 5ep- ciL Six will compete in No- Th" """r"v ~pr.rptarv indi- d~cted by the operators I don't see how we can make it." That's the assess- A swirl of controversy The letter, wbicll is signed tember. vember. ~at~d that -while Saud( Arabia 01 Salem Squiii"c FGcd:;, I meni oi ~hlcf pi"ut..tiGn cffi~er Sl.l'7.Rnne J. O'Shea has arisen over the time by Bruce Van Farowe of Brys Some Ne. ,Fatt:a . .Mr. Patterson's opponents has increased oil production, 1~7 Kercheva.l On-t~e- on the continuance of the Grosse Pointe Volunteer iapse in i"cw~'i.~g ~~~n !!~v ... northwest area ~kes- . . ()f~, that s been s;ud in the nrimarv are Mr. FabPr Nigeria has announced cut- Hlll, may P?sslbly. be lll- Probation Program for the 1979-80 fiscal year. diseased elms last year man, (who w~ unabie to a,-. ~ofe ana. wu enu .Pn:"'1 and Councilnian George V.-er- backs. strumental m gettmg the . ------on the property of Woods tend the meeting), and Dr. dieted back lJl 1976 wben the donckt Two will remain: in .. • .. building's owner to re- The "!'oods was the only 1 which pays around 37 per- Mayor Benjamin W, Pin- Law re n c e A Marten of school began what became a November . S da Jul 29 .de h' a ted commuruty not to approve cent of the program's budget kos m' Broadstone road. Hampton road,. who addressed .bitter t().month strufile ove~ In the ~rimL-.. two years un y, y conSI r IS rep r an.y funding for the prog. ram based upon the 1970 census, th __ ,_..: _t.~_ three tract that sharply ell r_ THE NATION'S SURGEON plans to grant an e.x- thiS year a.nd,. accordlD. g to contribu •• d $9,312.50 of the As a result, remnants of e co~on,:»uues . a.dcon .t . ago, an even larger slate of General called,upon the tended lease to a dl.s- Mayor.BenJamm W. Pln.k.os, pro,ram~s $25,000 budget. anger, confusion and a rea- basic objections to the high Vl edthe commuruf~' 11 candidates, 13, ran for coun- A. If" sec d h ~ li'htl'on that the "l't""S Dutch density designatioD including That pact was 1 nay ell mel'lcan peop e or a - count rug store c am probation program offlclals Thl's year probatl.on off,'cl'als ...... 3 tUed n1y after state . on d pu,-,1.1.Ie health ee volut'on"I. when the current b uil d - felt the city "let them down." asked th~t The Woods' pay Elm Di"Aase"'K"'" ordinan"e needs the following: • hil se . led 0 fact-find a teft~ap- All the candidates are 0":-... in preventing rather than. 1 . t th clarification are left in its • A ':maior cf.'ange m p . pom . er s ~ posed to acquisition of IiVD treating diseases andacci- mg ease expires a e As a result, the mayor $12,985.96 of the plan's $34,- wake. osoph.y' regarding the plan m, just w~1r" .before a n.m- monies with the exception of dents. Surgeon General Julius end of the year. caUed a Committee of the 861.65 budget. The trees were reportedly and: Its establlsbment, as a lage elec~n :J1 the spnng Mr. Prost, the three COuncil Richmond stated that in or- F S~le:: ISk'! u are )a~n~ Who!e m~eliDg 230n ro~~ Whe~ the counci!, sitting first suspected of having I maJor goal, the eventual de- of 197'7. . imllUDbents and Mr Patter- der to save lives and money, re d ~ Sd1 a~~. M~ ~ t ~.venl~~, u y il' a ~ cd as the ~mane:e comml~e, met Dutch Elm Disease last June velop,."Zlent of high densi.ty . Things have quieted COD- son. . Americans must change their I n~~ e . a 0 ame a u l:I:J\ e I c~un~. co~s e~~ l~te thlS sprmg to reVlew. the by city officials but it. wasn't ~ental. a~~ment~ umts ~derably around the ~hools Aside from the burning diet and habits so thaL at 1, s:g~tur~s fr~m s~OPt a gllOn3 m~ cltY'SbP~opose~ 19'!~~ ~,scal until November 7 that they m a signlfl(~antly large sec- smce then, and there 1$ rea. issue of HUD funds most of a Uii ~~rtL; least bv 1990 the death rate Pers d t~ sore Idn a?u Pfr°tsr~m, ~~p.?re . L1ie year uoget, Clty A iv;; th~ ~:::;: :;~...::r:::' r.hllrr.hp~. Wlllk.i!l!' lire need. , ITungr,r Thief With th" .ction of pladng The Park and for hiding "tht I "(lfflr.,. IIpace, facilities and . When th" qU~llhon 0{ fund. years the blood collection ed and also welcome. .. .1 - A the cost on his tax bill with. true import and dangers of transportation." Ing came up, It ~'as found cleaned up the mess. effort will be under the chair. The Groue Pointe Commu. Rol)s 'Big Boy out ~ hearing before the the HUD pro.erants ... " • The city manager hi! that state recreatIon fund...... manship of Mrs A I f red nity Blood Bank maintained counCil as stipulated In the The city manager referred no local operating manual lng, separate from the State Tuesday, Joly :n Goolsby assisted by volun. by the Wa.r Memorial {or ordinance. (City Attornt'y to the accusatloDi as a "pack: which restrictt how HUD 701 Grant. demanded that a THEODORE R. BUNDY teers {r~m the Groslle Pointe free loan to Pointers in case A thieC who apparently George Catlin's interpreta. of lie.:' monies can be used. and muter plan {or both parks sucked on a mint and showed Woman's Club who' take his. of emergency is badly in was hungry took about $110 Hon of the law supporta the It is POP', belief that "the therefore The Park: will be not be mor~ than three,)'eau. no emotion yesterday in tories and aid in the recovery n.eed of replenishing, off!. in restaurant supplies (rom mayor's contention.) eor.~lnued acceptance of fed. subject "to a HUD "master old. the c1tr minager, ".Id. court when the jury that con. rooms. clals note .. One may also use the Big Boy Restaurant, The latter point I. one of eral HUD money i. guaran. manual. . ~e ~lannlng Co~ml,~5Ion vlcted him in the "uting. . the Memorial to donate blood 16624 Mack avenue, some. several concerns oUlcials teed to chanle the qualit.y of In response to pop s ptans old nol meet toe mree deaths of two Florida soror. ThIS blood collection is to any individual. cause or time early Friday morning, have In relation to the ord!. life In Grosse Pointe Park." charge., Mr. Crawford atated rear re

I 1.

~. • we .' ) Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS ThursdlY, August 2, 1919 ..- Woods View~ Big Convention Probation Officials Seek Assistance ***************** ~~y member of the Woods Ireimbursement of all neces-l As planned the prugralll ' «All-Aluminum, Couocil was given permi&- sary expenses . .' (Continued from Page j) professional proulitiuJl "W' in, :: job 1<:::, !In o!!(' " tl"'1' ). ! I 1-4r.... i. sion, Ie>..lI.~~rJ••~'l!~lItion.l The solons ~t theLr regular lnel~des pollcy Commltle~ ~~8.79 proved ~(\ be II bu~i.(,r I c~r5 are .neetie? wil il me O~'I he stre~ed tho iJ:IlPc,>rtanceall S~CU [.;ty Scree ns ' \I.. lI t 'V ....~,' •• ". ,," Leque Ql \,1tles iiiiv. \,;on., meelin" ' !t1ullu.~~T\;,:::;- -'4";'- .~mma1"! and wnrhn",'? .n..,:,.~~~~!'l r With 'Ifflrs J,lt'Img paid on the basIs cou',lsehng IInd ,uul&lI(e as g,ress of Cities and Exposi. unanimously live their au.' special workshops and other I Mrs. 0 Shea ~aymg a total. of of need o.nly.. an mtegral p~t of the pro- P t t Y H hon- November 24 to 28 in thoriution for sueh attend. programs, culminating with ~78 cases wele han.dled With. They ~111 be paId 01) a per gram, along .w.lth ~~st S~V!Tlgs i ro ec our ome Las. Vegas, Nev., with the ance. the annual banquet. malO-month perIod, much case baSls for completed pre. to the mumc!pal1tJes. . Ie, I higher than the previously sentence investigation re. On the latter, with a strong POINTE SCREEN & SASH, anticipated 100 cases over a ports and a per diem basis problltion proltram as an ale I 12.month period. for case supervision, to sup. ternative to jail, such con. I The two.month difference plement, as necessary, the, Wltlmellt cosios illi ;~t..day .. 20491 MACK TU 1.6130 is because supervision of pro. work of the volunteers. I for male prisoners and $100 IJ'ide Wale Corduroy Slacks bationers and pre-sentence In reality, the $34,861.65 a day for female prisoners **************** reports dKln't start until last budget is lar from being can be avoided. September. While the proba- reached at this point. 'l'he He also pointed out if the lion department besan opera. Woods' conhibutlon is a big court feels confinement is RESALE SHOP tion last August I, the first chunk which is missing but neeessary, it will transpire. Seven Yel'" In Gro... Point .. month was devoted to organi. the program also is falling Lotie F10KibWty zational tasks, legal forms, short from its requested City Attorney George Cat. procedures, et al. am 0 u n t s in three other lin, who attended the meet. UNITARIAN CHUIICH OlEl-LOADED WITH However, as of lasl July 1, Pointes. ing, said the cities UMld'to SUMMEII CLOTH'I.I all costs and fines assessed Tht' Fanns, which pays turn to Wayne County for At I••• t 1/2 OFF for CiOHOUi by the courts on probation around 20 percent of the probation services for misde- PLEASE COME TO LOOK AND BRING OTHERS i c.;.;.s",) wel'e k ,e relurned to total budget, was asked to pay meanor \:~;) but now that I each municipality to help de. $6,937.47 in 1979-80 but the alternative is no longer a S.. below tor d!tI.'". Soft, comfortable cordu- fraAYSlliJ.etirt"u'OrfnltefdibUotiuOt',"Mrs. council approved the same viable one for several reasons Clothing for the whole famllv and 4 rooms with amount as last year, $4,975. including bigh costs, the other items prIced to lick Inflation. Quality fall roy slacks for leisure wear.. O'Shea said that total costs City Manager Andrew Bremer county's heavy docket and and winter clothing consl.9nments most weltome Great for northern sum- and fin~s. r.eturning to th.e said he really dou-bts that any no positive outlet for rehab- commumtles reach an esti. additional funding for the ilitation. now with other useful Items too., "No Summer "'er nights, great for fall I, mated $?8.675. (not ineluding, program will be approved Without such a program, Apparel Please." and winter here~ 24 pendmg cases), well over this year. much flexibility would be I 0,..101 .•. 103 Wadllway, AlsaTmny"""" 7 tt. the program's $25,000 budget. In The City the council lost. said both Judge Denis ..... II UIlftIriII CItnI. 17150 --., en.,.. CIly, At the same time, around okayed the sa~~ amount as and Mr. Catlin. M~!,Imee Is between Jefferson "1 Block" and Kercheval "2 $6,000 i~. restitution .went to last year, $2,805, although "Probation is not a right, blocks" and we are at Neff or 81. Clair. Park ,ree in back. local cl~lzens, makme the program officials requested it's a privilege," stated Judge PM. 112.9755 .MlNhp " 822.0724 IIW .... Camel, bone, brot;,'n,kelly, overall figure over $34,000. $3 911.48 City Finance Di. Denis. "If a defeooant doesn't red, navy. maize, light In explaining the higher re~tor oennis. Foran said of. like the conditions of proba. blue, mint and grey. Pur-e b,udget f?r. thi~ reGr, Mrs. I ncials didn't learn of the bid tion, he COlD go to DeRoCo, o Shea saId, beSIdes costs for for additional funds early (the Detroit House of Corree- cotton in our straight leg, telephone, social se<:urity tax, I enough, with further funds tion). I've had people plead belt loop model. w<:rkmen'~ compensation, t,na./ having to be approved by the with me to get them out of chIDe mamtenance, suppl~es, co.uncil. The City pays around DeHoCo, (which he called a postage, volunteer trammg 11 percent of the program's "hellhole"), for a stringent 30.00 I~::;e p;:rp()li~~~~~l~1J:~eP~:~ cost. . prQt>ation." II Park Agrees But, he noted, he has to ger case load is needt:d. The Shores, which con. send individuals to DeHOCo Budget Falls Short tributes arouoo five percent occasionally to protect the She explained part-time of the total cost, paid $1,275 community. last year, 'with $1,300 being "We're talking about mis- included in the Village's new demeanor cases now, and we Grosse budget. Program officials re- can help them with a good, quested $1,777.94. strong probation department," Pointe News Only The Park, which pays the judge continued, while (USPS ::, .tOO) around '1.7 percent of the citing the lack of parental Published Every Thursday budget, bas agreed to the supervision as the basic cause by Robt, B. Edgar new requested figure. Last of such crimes. DIBI A Anteeoo Pt!b!i~ers. year, the city paid $6,632.50, Mr. Catlin said if tbere's 99 Kercheval Avenue while the amount in 1979-80 no alternative to the sentenc- Grosse Pointe, Mich. 48236 stands at $9,248.80. ing process, there's two ae. PhoneTU 2-6900 This makes the "real" total tions which may be taken by Seeenu' Closs Poltogl paid at for the current year just over the court-the levying of Ii D...... lt. MIchigan. S","e,lptlo/\ RaIn $10.00 pe' $18,300 in considering the fine or a stay in DeHoCo. Be. yeo, v/(l ilion. laek of parUcipation by The sides the cost of DeHoCo and KERCHEV AL AT ST. CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE Address 011 Moll Sub .. ,lptions. CllIlIng. of Add .... '0.11I. 3579 ta Woods, (so far), and the dif- attorney costs, there's a "hid. Open Th.rsJ", Eflening. ';il8:45 99 K.rchevol, G..... Polnl. F.' .... , ferences in req"ested and den cost" of baving two alii. Mich. The d... dllne for ne.wl COpy Mallcrchargc - Vi,. , actual contributions in The cers transport the prisoner. II Mo"doy noon. All dn"lJlng .opl' m,,1t be In Farms, City and Shores. Support Needed. the HIWI OHlcl bl' T"esdoy 1I000n Ito Inlv" 1111.,.1011. But this picture could alter, in summing it up, Judge depending upon, the action Denis said it's either incar. ~- - taken by the Woods Couneil .. ceration or a fine , •. or roO . The council received up.. turning the individual loose. ..~~ . VOTE AUGUST 7th dated reports and learned The judge also said of The .;;;:. during 19'78-79, out of the Woods' 39 cases, the majority ~OFF .-- city's $9,312.50 contribution, of them involved persons 25 .- TO RE-ELECT YOUR INCUMBENTS it received back $4,930 in and under . .oO- .OO. SOUND GOVERHMENT IN GFlO6SE POINtE PARK BY MEN WHO NOT ONLY ARE exECUTIVES IN total costs and fines. Mean. On the work, of Mrsסס AND IlETAiN . -: 8UBlNESS IlIJT ARE MEN WHO HAVE HAD YEARS OF PIlACTICAI. EXP£FllENCE RUNNING YOUR CITY, MEN WHO OWE NO while, $5,288 in restitution O'Shea, both Judge Denis Summer SALE .., . AU.EGlAMCE'TO ANY POLITICAL GAOUPS. THEY AR£ OEPEHDABI.E - HOMORA81.E - INFORMED AND HAVE ONLY ONE was C oUe dell .lbeDef1tiDg ~irdxr.'CaWn'elted her ded. ~- O8JECTIVE AHO THAT IS TO COHTlNUE GOOO. $OtJNO GOVERNMENT FOR ALL THE PEOPlE OF GfIOSSE POINTE PARK. Woodscitizena. So the actual icalion to the job, with the rontinues -. cost to the city, exclu4iJj~tb.e l~udge noting she works al- ...... Co Or. Ao8M: F• Chart .. s. - Iresiiiution, wa~f$4,~.50_' Imost full-time with her posi. I SELECTION OF :L~SHIRTS - iiiiPiliiii I Anoth;;ie~:o~mreve~lled :iv;e~~~~:p~;~~~~ Co

Thursday, AU9~15t 2, 1919 G R 0 5 S E POI N TEN E W S _. -. ,__ Pagfl.__ Three ------..... I Vitale Marks Anniversary School System Helps Out As Fes~,ivalC.0me8 to C1los.el ~~:_~~t:~,~o~~e Jv' !_~~,C~~~~1~~~~:n~~~~~:i~ , B1. ~rell~,.,~o~~.\I_~~.1 :~~~, J~%st~:~ce.l~~ .~~~~!~~~~~n:f~~.~~g~~~l~ton ! ~~~c~;~~_~I~ J~;:~~;f~~~I 5C..,:rr~.c.ti:c ..~w~t:ru:c:u~11t:"'wfiiit.; ~:,oreD, be 1& .. i.;..::. ...;.~:>'t.::.:..; ..-\.:;r;'i7""'"""''''~'....;•• W:;;''M...~.;~ -.M..&.<.-..;,,;h~ ..... llt...;~i~l ...'~~&.li/'-'...£.~. "".'';Z; ~ •.:..."":'".~~~..:.!.._r~t~~~~.i~.J~tc.k~J.. I closeu WJ~U Z ~"~_.....'"' .. _ .. f ed to become a police officer. has five children, one of of some 900 Groue Pointe seating capacity. Ikept Christopher O'RUey on I pourrl of music from Bach He knew he made the right whom detires to enter the Summer Mualc Festivil pa. The r.gtlme beat or Scott top of the keys, Eubie, now to pops on Wednesday, Au . .decision when after the first law enforcement field. trons filled the Parcell. Joplin.'. ramOllS "Maple Leaf In his 90's is still "ragging gust l. day of work, he discovered "I'm not going to dlscour. School Auditorium for the 81," .tarted oh the evening it." Zez ConIrey's novelty The traditional restival. he llked it and "was going to age him frona choosing to be performance of the New En,. of roillclclng music. other ragtime "Kitten on The one af the many musical ac. stay a while." a police oCficer. I round it land Conserv.tory R.gtime selection. Ity Joplin, m.ster Keya" and Morton's "Blaek tivities calend.red for the I Director Vitale I)f the to ),1' II re81 """}!enge." he Ensemble on Wednesday eve .. of rarUme. included the Botton Stump" closed the year by the Grosse Pointe Shores Public Safety Depart. said. . mng, "li!y ..:5.. ,- ....Par.aon fi...." "iiew R.g." program. war Memorial ASSOCllltion, Is I ment marked 25 years with Generally In all the years Qrlglnally -the al IrelOO "SUver Swan Rag" and "The The audience's clamor for a Pointe community projeet.[ the department on Wednes. he has been' with the depart. ~a,time concert wu to be Entertainer" w h I c h was "more" brought lIoout three Its 21 years offering of I day, August 1. ment. Director Vlt81e said at.ged on the lake side ter. heard In the mU!llc~al score encores. In one. J 0 P I in' Ii added cultural enrichment In those first 10 years, things have been .'very race of the War Memorial for the motion picture, "The "Ragiime DaDce," the audio has been made POSSi.ble only I ~ireetor Vitale spent his quiet." with a lawn audience. SUng." ence j~ined In t~e syncopat~d through a cooperative citizen time In a scout car working "One of the reasons why However, due to the rainy Other rags played were beat With clapPing hands and I effort Donors supporters I his way up to rank of ser. my job has been so enjoy. day. with the helP. of Carl A. "Frog Legs Rag" and "Hilary stomping feet. TIle last en- merchants and ~ducatlon Sys: I teant in 1964. Six years able Is that I have bad the Schoenel, asslst.ntto the Rig" by Joplin's peer James core. John Philip Sousa's I terns as well as the working later he was promoted to complete support of the cit!. s~perlnte~dent for Commu. Scott. Heard also was the "Stars And Stripes Forever" committee and the news. director. zens. the Vlllage President, nlty Services of the GroMe laz~ be,~t of Jelly Roll Mo~; brought the house down. paper, radio and television I The 50.year-old officer is (G era I d Schroeder), the Pointe Public Schools, it was ton s Smokehouse Blues The talented ensemble of I media have all contributed to a graduate of the National council and the Vlllage Suo 16 New England Conserva- its ll!owth and continuing FBI Academy where he re. perlntend'mt, (Thomas K. GPW E t BOd tory graduates average age I success officil!s say. 1 ceived instruction In lawen. Jefferis)," he stated. rec S ornco e 23. The members are from Alex~nder Suczek is Fesli. forcement, forensic medicine, Support also has come ------all corners of the United I val founder and Frederick rrom his wife, Mary Jane, The barricade in Roslyn and Canton in Harper Woods. Stat~s .and when they're not I DeHaven was this season's We must.make room for who has never reany com. road was erected on Thura- Harper Woods City ~ana. ragtlmmg other con C e r t artistic direetor. With the sea. ... ""Ill plalned about the sometimes day, July 26, per the Woods ger Ronald Bultman POI~ted schedU;les keep them busy. son coming to an end, festi. snowthrowers ... we're. STATE FARM crazy shifts police officers Council's action on ,Monday, out his co~ncll will conSider I Each lfistrumental solo part I val chairman Mrs. Sterling s. clearing out these in-stock ee ~::t~rt~x;lc:;~~~der, the di. ~in~gt:elt/to~tOh:eonlrrtaltik1sa~nr~:.rfi:~: £h:ISbc~o~~m~:udn:ietyi~~oSn;i~M~o~~i:iy~I~:fte:eC:~~~~. conceIi was I~=~iW~::~~ica?~~m~:~f~~ I mowers right now .. ' "She has been just great. •. _U • ed' In hili commentarj or. . the festival _ something for You know. a good wife Public Safety Dlrector Johl\ ~UgUlt. 8. But h: qu~stLOn..:l; ~ta~~, Bruce C~edito~, claro everybody." makes a police officer." Dankel reported an estimated ~h.t IS there C~~htr to ..0. memt and mUSical director. _ The supply is limited-so hurry A . 30 to 4() complaints were reo It s alre.dy done in relatl~n spoke of how rag with its Dlr~tor VfltalheIlf50 lsthall-t celved the cl.y the barricade to the barricade's erection. rhythmic march.like beat also I N 5 U R A N C E preeiative ~. t e a~t a went up, with tOme drivers Meanwhile, "Origin and had interludes of chamber .... --... he has had a i.~d g.oup of wonderIng why warning signa Destination" study reports music and lyrical qualities as men to work Wit . weren't pOlted prior to their are currently being prepared that of such great masters as for FOR INSURANCE CAll "You couldn't H~ for a arrival. at The Woods' west. by The Woods. Such studies, Bach Chopin Beethoven' PARK better group of guys." erly limits. taken by The Woods and S1. and i.,;.ZI . COUNCIL The dlr.ect.or acknowledged The barricade was ereeted IClair Shore. prior t~ the The'-S~mmer Music Fest!- I that the 25 years hav'l Piiiise~ on the west side ot the Ro. erection of the barricade, by fast, but "if I had to do it )yn and Helen intersec:t1on'l were authorized to determine all over again, I'd do it the ('between the crollllWalt and where traffic comes from and same way. Helen on Rwlyn), wJth where It'.goin,. FreQ J Zelewsk! I "1 wouldn't trade it for 5ignage pla<:ed at the welter. I ------\4 • .1 anytbing," ly city limits on Roslyn and . JtBCEIV&8 GRANT OWN YOUn OVVN BUSINESS I 18558 Mack al Touratne . _ '_ _ _ at th~ inte~tl.on .of Helen . Wayne State University 882.9308- 'l'hieves ]'ake . and Ros~yn. .sueD VlSUala are chemWry, profell8Or Richard appropriate "no left turn" L. Lintvedt of The Puk is SPACE AVAILABLE Sorry. no trades accepted on above order American Flag and "no right turn" allM, a principal lnvestlg.ater on Prior to the erection of la project researchmg po- in the the t--tricade, Harper Woods tentJal agentl: f:)l the photo .. I An Amerlelln fl!!g llnd pole oflcials didn't !!ve '!'h4l W~ chemical conversion of solar Mini Mall valued at $100 were reported permission to place the block. energy. The project Is fund. Like a good neighbor, stolen from a Park bome ade and. simage in their ed by • $18,135 contract with KERCHEVAL AVENUE Mall. thtu Fri. 8 to 6 - Sat. 8 Iii 4 early Wednesday rn'lrnlng, community. the U.S. Energy Department. Closed Sundays State Farm isthere. JUIJYoy25ce'WhiteloCk of Trom. Director ,Dankel previously Indicated it sueh permisllon SI.te hIm "'.""11(' ~in ble)' road told pollee that was given t~ barricade Elect ~"'l emm., Bloomi~IDlI. IlIinoLI the m.foot hardwood pole would have been erected at William S. Faber Jr. 19815 MACK, I. 1MWlt~. was attached to her hv~&e. h OA". l' -4 IN. t e We8l1CflY uili 106 .... u.l! Your M-Or GPP I I Pollee have no suspects in Woods with advanced sign. I -, \ 881-8233 ~::::.=.=.=.=.=.:;.:;.~=.=.=.=.~=.~=.=.~..:t.h:;.e:.•.::i.n.c:.::i.d::e,in.t::•._;._;._.-'_;'_;'_._.-;'~I.I age. on Roslyn and at Roslyn 'l =7~~=.W. S.Fabtl.It,. "'T I Pointers Lead.. The Treasurea of -.Mi~hi!!an Bar

Tulankhamun • •• I Pointer :atrlelt J. Keatinl 1 of Balfour road wu re. I elected to a Hat on the Stete •• Blr .of Mlchilan'. board of IOllernon, ancl .Ilve .PoiDten won poe1UODJ in tbe 1IIr'. reprelentaUve. ;uaembly in recent elections. Amon, thOle eJetted to - TRAiNFARE WiNOSOR iQ '~"A"."•• '" ...ttwt.a ft." t.Jt. • .. TORONTO, RetURN ~biY~-the--iiou..;'.m&kJn, -2 NIGHTS AT ROYAL body of the bu, were Ph1U1p YORK HOTEL G. Alber of Nottln'Mm ro.d, Paul L. Bricker 01 !'Jaber - TUTANKHAMUN EXHIBIT !Oad, David K. Euliclt Jr. of -AOOITlONAt FEATURES Grayton rOld, Anthony C. -DEPENDING ON DATE' Pent. Jr. of McKinley rOld and Herbert G. Sparrow III CAll FOR of University place. From $121.00 BROCHURE CANADIAN FUNDS (313) JlVT.JILE88 QR1.~?n? . s~rne. famou ... ~~n __~ ...... 1_- ala_I. I..... --. -_ ..- I wne1¥ 1~.llle ~m.; ••"... Ileed too mill)' friends on UUIIIIH 111'::110t'v".al ~theI way up. SUPER SAVER. SALE PREFERRED* +,ear end clearance prices ANTHONY J. SPAD~ for Grosse Pointe Park City Council + special factory incentives OPPOSED TO HaD FUNDS FOR GROSSE POINTE PARK LINCOLN Primary-August 7th CONTINENTAL

Blrmlngham, Dearborn .... UvODla have foand there .... "STRINGS" .... R..-Ja- tiona .ttachl4o Pe(ler.1 HUD P...... Fight Low C.t Housing DevelopSlleDb In Groue Pointe P.rkl Vote for Anthony J. Spada

PreMntIJ: FonnerIJ~ • Engaged In PrIvate Law PractJce • Asslsl8nt Pros«utJng Allomey-5 Yean o Naval Inldllgence Oflker MERCURY o Admissions Repr~nl.lltive-(J.S. Naval Academy • Grosse Pointe Il\alre School PT A Proldent COUGAR XR~7 o ffigtI ~nklns Senior Naval Offtcu • Married • Sa-en Children . • 1S Vear Resldent II. GrM~ Pointe PaOl RIGHT NOW - SPECIAL FACTORY INCENTIVES ALLOW US TO O,FFER M..... r. HUNDREDS OFF OUR ALREADY SENSATIONAL SUMMER CLEARANCE PRICES. E4IacIItJon: • Economic Club of DettcIt oUonsClub o Juris Doctonle- • Fratetnal Order of Poke w. L•••• them too - Check Ou...Price FIRSTI UniYerslty of Detroit School 0( Law o KrlIghtli of CoIumbuI o Bachelor 0( Science DeQrte- UnMrsily 0( /Wlkhlgan School 0( EngIntering • Power~on • see the complete line of LINCOLN MERCURY AUTOMOBILES FOR '79 FIGHT LOW COST HOU81NG DEVELOPMENTS MIKE DILBER Vote for Anthony J. Spada AUI.7th

~P.1d fO! bv the Commill" to Eieet Anlllo!1y J Spada to I~_~!~. Polnt!. ~~!tI.~11yCouncil LINCOLN-MERCURY, INC. IIV Kensington. GrOI$6 Pointe Park. Micnlpan ~- ..nune _""1," 130 KERCHEVAL, ON THE HilL TU 1-5000

~~_~~_.~!~_...... ~ ~. ~_~ . L. ~ __ ~_ I ~-~~---..-.-.-.----= ...... _----_.....-*_...,....------~l

~age Four ------GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, August 2, 1979

'offer ends Friday, August 10th Standard Federal Savings


;-_. of the new GrossePoInte~s - OHlce

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No minimum balance. Dally Interest. Quarterly compounded to yield 5.614% annually.

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Call 843-9582 to obtain the current rate. * *

NEW! $100.00 96-Month Minimum certIficate. Ifflcll.,. Inn III' yll'd Balance with qlllrtlrll' compollndlng NEW! I $100.00 '12.Month Minimum certificate. 19700 MACK AVENUE ifri'iiVi iJjj'jijil ,l;.ld Balance wllh qlllrtirtl' compollndlng at Blossom Place ;~, NEW! Grol.e Pointe Wood.! Michigan 48238 j., $100.00 48-Month Phon.: 111-2114 Minimum Certlflclte* J I!leotl.,. Innllil yilid Charie. William Q.U88 III, Branch Manager I Balance wllh qlll"lrly compounding ,1- NEW! . $100.00 3Q.Month Branch Office HOUri ! Certificate * Monday through Th,ursday • I Minimum .lfeell.,. InnUl1 yilld . wllh qlllrt'rly compounding 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. I Balance ,. Fridays 9:30 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. NEW! $100.00 12.Month 8.88°/0 Minimum Certlflclte * Iff Nil'" IMUII yliid Balance with qUlrtllly compounding

'Funds msy be wlthdr.wn I" .ny lime, For o'''"lc.l. 'ccounl'luutd 0' renewed beginning July', '979, fundI wltlld'rawn prIor 10mlturlty f,om certificates witha lerm 01on. Y'" or I... wllJ 101. eo d.YI' Int.r"l. All l"t.r8S1 will b. lost If the funds IIlv, bH" on dlpollt for III' than 90 days. For oertllfcales wllh • t.rm 01 more Ih.n 01'1'y'I', Ih. fundi WilhdrawnWilllose 180day.' l"t.rttt. or 1!llnt.rest" the fundi hive bien on d'poslt for "88 thIn 180 d'YI, • 'The ral. eat8bllshe

Thursdey, August 2, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Court Stops Demolition & Boys Clchn A First for Troop The Action Candidate DEAN..P. BRU.NKE for "U...~_"..A" Dftl ...,,, DQrk ~ihf I U~ti i UIII'" I UI VI" ~ollnl!ilv ...... -WllL- • Oppo•• the Infiltration of H.U.D. Into our community. • Inwe.tlgat. a Tax-Br.ak conllderat/on for fixed-Income homaown.r.. • Fully lupport our Pollee Departme'~~'! .",,!'~.to CONTROL and PREVENT crime. 'QUALIFICATIONS • A Thirty year resident of Grosse Pointe Park . • Communications consultant; . financial market; Michigan BelL • Attended Wayne State University . WE DEliVER • Married, two teen-age children. Photo Cy van v....i~hal t • An associate of the Grosse Pointe The first boys ever to achieve the the boys celebrate their honor are 884-0520 rank of Eagle Scout in Troop 34, Fer- THOMAS GOODALL, scoutmaster, Park Police Officers Association. ry School, were recently cited at a (second from left), and FRED MIN. o Trustee: Fraternal Order of Police 16734 E. WARREN DETROIT, MI. 48224 Court of Honor. They are ROB TURN, assistant district commis. -Associate Lodge #102. SWANEY, (far left), and TIM BO- sioner. DENDISTEL, (far right). Helping • Active!n maintaining Grosse Pointe Park as one of the finest residentiai Troop Cites Eagle Scouts communities in America. Scout Troop 34, which I More are George Farrell. meets at Ferry School and Ihab Hanna, Brad Heavner, Elect is u~der. th;.. leadership, _?,f ~~~~eT .~ .. e!~~eal;~:.::ei~ ..~~~~: VOTE Scoutmaster l.fioma:s GOUUCiU, UU.l J...lU,UC'L ,,0, .."' ...... n.(; u., ...... ""J William S. FaberJr. recently held its annual and Shaun Wiedrick as Ten- Your Mayor ~P: . . III Court of Honor, at which derfoot Scouts, and Steve paid by comm, \0 elect W. " r_' ~r., i time Tim Bodendistel and Campau. Mike Dunn, Andy 1037 KBn5Jngton. GPP. , FOR DEAN P. BRUNKE Rob Swaney received recog. Hetzel, Mike Mazzei, Todd GROSSE POINTE CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 7TH nition as the first boys of Mobley, Matt Saunders and Paid lor by the Council Committee to elect Dean P. Brunke-1382 Bisnop. Grosse Pointe Park. MI 48230 that troop to achieve the Matt Wiedrick as Scouts. ranJc of Eagle Scout. 1 .-.-.-_-•••I!-.-.- ~I Woods Mayor Benjamin 111 Din1l'nc !lttonn,p,n thA "tll'D ... - ". ~ . ' ..- - -..... 't ... I 1If.~~~~~~~;~:::::r.also were received from tirossepOlne" Area

PresidentGov. WilliamJimmyG. CarterMilliken.and Tom, son of Mr. and Mrs, Hesl-dents Gerald Boden~listel of Ros- lyn road, is a student at North High School where he is a member of the band and wrestling team. I He recently was presented with the Boy Scout Religious Medal, Ad Altare Dei, by Father E. Mitchell, pastor of .11 Saint Jo:::.n of l'..-rc. Rob, son of Mr. and Mrs. N TICE Robert E. Swaney of South Brysdrive, is an honor stu- dent at. Universi.tyLiggett CONCERNING "',.,on five paeks of . Upper School and also shares} an interest in music. . . KODAK Instant Film Both boys achieved their You become eligible for a $5.00 rebate when Eagle ranking while they you buy any KODAK COLORBURST Instant were in the ninth grade. I Camera before September 30. 1979, And you This summer they are at. also become eligible for an additional $5.00 tendlng D.A Summer Camp with Tim instructing in the SALEM rebate when you buy and use five packs of art, metal work and orien- See us lor delails now! terring, and Rob instructing in nature, personal fitness 'I and athletics. Other scouts from Troop 34 who received recognition S UARE The CAMERA CENTER are Dale Glenn, Dirk Mam- I 17114 KERCHEVAL- "'n the Village" IIImen, Rolf Mammen ami ftIai. .. I Grosse Point. - 885.2267 Wiiihart as Life Scouts, and I Sam Abdoo and Dan Glenn The Hill Association (comprised of Kercheval-on-the-hill merchants, and Ias Second Class Scouts. I business and professional people) together with Grosse Pointe and area friends of Salem Square request your support.

Salem Square's lease expires very soon. ihe property owner is seriously considering leasing the building to a large discount drug facility.

Salem Square management is making every effort to renew its lease so that Grosse Pointe and area shoppers may continue to have the convEmi- ence of a large personal food market.

The Hill Association asks your help and influence. By filling in the blank below you will add your approval to the many petitions already submitted.

Place in petition box located in Salem Square, or mail to P.O. Box 36302, Grosse Pointe Farms.

------c lip,please------I/We petition the Grosse Pointe Farms Council and the Owner of the S~IAm Square property to retain Salem Square as a food market at 107 Kercheval Avenue.

NAME, ~~


5P01l50H,d uy ii,,; K,;iC;;;;vii:-on-lhe.HIIi AS50c!a!!o!'!. - - - -- .... - ~~.------~-~~------~~-~-~- --- ...... _--- ...... _- ... ..a..... _""""'_---- ......

. Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, .August 2, 1979 'r '..-I HONOR PATMON '. ROOFING (t1 Pointer Willie Patman and HUD Funds Main Issue in Park's Primary Ejection - -~! ~ CARPEIYIIY - sumBS ,~~e ~~~k, ~:~~o;Qn~~~~ ~~ (Cont~ued from Page 1) Echoing the n-e-e-d-f-or-m-o-re-t-io-n-t-o-a-e-c-ep-t-in-g-f-e-d-er-a-l-I-H-o-m--e-,-he-h-ighly commended IWe want to upgrade housing PAIJlTIJIS ' ..-..: . "Black Enterprise" magazine a.n~ an. Insult to the people policemen is Mr. Prost. 43, an monies: float a bond issue. the police, fire and public and if people want to use the ,_",,',-- l... , ',- . _".' ..' '~' .. ~ .,,~__' ;I. on" or the leauilll; ~ J~,~~~::!~the area." insurance saiesman and for. A designer '\t.Ge~eral ~~.rvic,~.,.~~_~a~~II~"L:;or the mon.ey, i~'s h~re. We~r,~ ~~t :1'-"" 15 .,H~. 'ji¥'Trfc "'VIIY I t:\:) I b1ack~w~ed businesses in I A 3Q.y~ar resi:knt .of :rhe mer president of IhlO Grosse Motors, Mr Swa, ..,lIlSt teels ""J' itnG .. n~.. Msked about fiJrf!l!le L c rot , ., •••• , I!II! Io._.06 Our C...... ltton .. ft".I__ the nation. He was named in Park ana a ,corr~UnlC~tlOn:; t~()intl:!1P3 rk C i.viC A~t~Oci!l. the western end of The Park how he would decrease crime PaUti'Son said. Ask AInnn UlRlI ... II'''' the magazine's June issue in consultant with M I c h I.g a n Ion. e a l~ob el leves CIIzens is in "sad neglect," and, it was in The Park, Mr. Alandt re- Mr. Patterson added that if FREE ESTIMATES - FULLY tNSUREDits seventh annual survey of Bell, Mr. Bru~~~ belwves should get more involved in one reason that inspired him marked that Olle way would lhe cily waits for bP.Bht to I RICHARD'S the nation's business. Mr. there IS a defmt

u(C?ntin~ed. f~o~ ~age 1) I. Mr .• ~r~wf?rd 'said that. he lnl'. ",ritWlOrU :;la~IOU. nas oDtaJnea a copy 01 a j H",n' e. L'o-w--e"'£ ft.:__ r:_ ..~ 107"" Recently a jogging track manual from another com. :!/if was approved by the Plan. lI)unity which spells out how. r.".~_"'1\.,- .".., 1_./ ninlZ Co!!'.rnission for Three HUDmonies can be used. He Mile Park as. part of overllli a.:.pl::lned that h~ III ill. the . .-. plans to redevelop the .park., Pl'oce..,.;.~ """ft:la•.• 1'll!b.e ,1J!II1+ The track wlll be funded by Park's own 'copy WhICh'15'\' ... city monies.' , ,".y.ery complete- .and .cc>mpre- '.' l HORMEl'S I The city manager acknowl. hensive and protect.s the -I ;~~:df~t;;:iJ:~t l~iitTt~:r~~: CO~ni:rs~'maintains. that I receiving rent subsidies from a.ccordlng to Terry Jarvts, as- Wayne County, but flatly de. slstant to director James I nied any city involvement. Curra~ of the Wayne Coun. Cure 81 Ham " ty Office of Program Devel. I have absolutely no ~?n. opment and Coordination, , .; Fully Cooked, trol over tha~. These f8.J!lllies merchants who accept funds w~nt on' their own ana ap. from the low.interest Section Bonele~s LB. plied for the money: No one 312 program to improve their I I moved any 0 n e mto The businesses will be required $1.98' Mt... ~,. Park," M1,'. Crawford stated: by "HUD to rent 22 percent The . city ma~ager s81d of the upstair apartments to ... n» Ithere IS no reqUirement to UTTn .."'''''''~";~'''.. _; H.. _ hire a "HUD" staff when ac. g;.;;ps ,;~w",,_~~ v •••• Ms'''. cepting HUD monies. Pres. Whe~ contacted by phone, I enlly, he has only one con. Mr. Jarvis said, "I never I sult~nt funded by program made that statement verbally HORMEl'S CENTER CUT momes.. or in writing. I . "To the best of my knowl. 'I W d G edge, I know of no such reo 00 S roupS quirement and secondly, the 'd (" commercial 312 program is .. I Eye G U I e I nes not administered through • • Smoked Pork chops$l.89LB. the county," he added. ~; Guidelines governing ad. II : ,; visory commissions in The GETS HOLE-IN.ONE ~I Woods were unanimously re- Edward T. Neeme of Bed. ferred to all the groups for .. ford lane is eligible to win ,' their review and recommen . a free trip to Scotland and .. dations back to the council. $1,000 as a result of scoring HORMEl'S CANADIAN BACON This action was taken at a hole.in-one at the Plum BY THE PIECE BELL RINGER the solons' regular meeting Brook in New York. Mr. Any Size Monday, July 16. Neeme's ace qualified him Commissions affected by for the 19th annual Rusty Piece Sliced exclusive the proposed guidelines in. N a i I Hole-in.One Sweep.. : '2.28L8. '2.5918. . clude Senior Citizens. Beauti . stakes, a national competi- fication, Community Tree, tion sponsored by the Dram. Gourmet Entrees Citizens Recreation and the buie Liqueur Company of U.S.D.A. Choice Boneless Rolled C!J m m u n i ty Development Edinburgh, Scotland. The Block Grant Citizens Advi. winner will be announced SIRLOIN TIP ROAST$2.39lB. sory group. early next year. 53000 OFF DANE'S With Thi. C4upen B~U PASTIES 2 for $1.89 INSURE THE RESALE VALUE - COUNTRY_ fRt.S~\ OF YOUR CAR!!! FRUIT & VEGETABLES

New Green Cabbage 10~ "i<1~1 24 Site WE RUSTPROOF Head Lettuce California 39~AD NEW & USED CARS TOOIII

New 822-5300 Michigan 4ears39~ 15301 KERCHEVAL Corn C~! !!EACO~efl~LD) I III V In the',rk I

/ F 7 7 E t' • r rlz 4($ f 4 - Thursd.y, August 2, 1979 GROSSE Po"lNTE NEWS ------_ ..__ .------TOO CRITICAL FEELING SO&aV I TIlE LOSEK8 Bogan to Give Senior of Year Awards Slated One of the biggest mis. The .r.eason some people fail I It's a revolting sight to see Notiinghaut Parking takes you can make is tD find ir, 'x'''IUse they waste too people squaMiering mOMY- Concert Aug. 15 BEt d d b P k' The State Office of Ser. selection committee primar. too much fault with others' much time hunting for sym. when we havt none to squan. - . an x .en e y ar vice£ tc the Aging, (OSA), ily evaluates contributions mistakes. pathy. det'. There will be a repetition __. is conducting a statewide made during the past year, of the popular Dixieland Con. By Joanne N. Gouleehe III a.m. each day. search for two outstanding they do take special note of cert and Dance by (;het . Resident. Oll thp ROO blnck Before the parking ban, senior citizen~ to recei\.c seni()~ citizens who've been ~~~~:: an~ .. hl~ Wo.!verhit:! oC Nottingham-fo-ad won't . residents. were allowed to senior Citizen of the Year engaged in com:nunity activo A\,,!'ro1<.~'::.""~,~..".t.;;, t.;;;; for lties a number of years. :..:auu. vu "ue outdoor !~~";l I ue aule tv "pa.rk tht':ir cars on p,,,rlf: tnCJf ~Q..:; on the "....~et HEY GALS Side terrace. and lawn of the that street certain days of Side o{ Nottmgham only. servIce and one for leauer. I Anyone 60 or olaer 1~ eiig'l Wa~ Mem orl a1,32 Lakeshore the week because the Park Mr. Crawford stated that ship, will I:>p. presented at the ible for the award and they roa ,on we nesd day, August Council voted to extend an Nottingham "looks much Michigan State !,'air on Sen. must be nominated by an 15T~r~0~ 7:~O ~~ ~;3?J;m, 't alreadv imnn."'!d :Il!ernQ.I~.. npater in :tppearance", sin.ce ior Citizens Day, August 27. organization, Senior citizens Can you (spare) ~ ay s '. e lie ...y 1<0 'parking ban on Nottingham the ban went into effect and APPllcation tor U,e awards may not be nominated for ,!hursdav as prmted by error until February 1 1980 that {ewer cars are parked have been distributed to work they receive a stipend m the Center's calen.dar of ,. th t t . th t senior organizations and for or do as part of their events. The parking ban, between 011. e s ree me~nJng ~ agencies throughout the. b a couple hours a week? Grounds will be open for Fairfax. avenue and Hally reSidents are us I n g their state. The deadline f()r sub )0 . p!1:niclting from {) p.m., and road, was initiated on an ga~,ages. mor~ frequently. mitting applications is Frio The Senior Citizen. of the dti~ns 'may bring their own experimental basis (or a pe. ~!ISb eVI:ent that th~ day. August 17. Year Aw.ar~s are spon.so~ed supper and beverage In case riod of 90 days b)' the coun. par log an a,s encourage 'What we're looking ior," , by the ~hchlgan C~mmlsslOn Why not join one of our morning or Qf rain th rt'.U be cil beginning February 1. or~-street pa~kmg and for said OSA director Peter and Office of ServICes. to. the _. '. e CODce WI.. f. . thll: reason It would seem mv.ed mto the air-condition. I..; purpose was to !~. siltisfactory to make it a Kok, "are individuals who've Agmg ~nd the MIchigan ed ballroom overlooking the prove street cleaning and permanent regulation," Mr. never received recognition State FaIr. afternoon falil-sag ues? lake and gard~ns. . snow removal. _ Crawford said. for the work they're doing. For more information or . Mr, B~~an s ban~ with In late April, th~e-p-a~rk~iii-g But before electing to At the same time, we ar~ a'1 application, contact your ~mger ,DIXie Belle. IS well ban was exte"ded an addi- make it permanent Council. trying to call attention to. the local Area Agency on Aging Make some new friends and , nown I~ Grosse Pomte and tional 60 do s by the i.,oundl man Douglas G.' Graham fact that older people are a or the Office of Services to ~he :~tSlyd~ TReheyplay week - so more residents on the stated that residents on Not. vital and integral part of I the Aging, P.O. Box 30026, meet your neighbors y a .. e ~o s~urant .and street could be polled about tingham should be notified community life." Lansing, 4a909, (517) 373- .. pthrarhclPhatet~l~.mli Y.functlOns their feeling concerning the that the council is consider. lIr. Kok said although the 9360. oug ou ne pomte com. b . . T an. 109 makmg the ban perma. mr:;l I~S. be f th At the council's regular nent. giving them an oppar- FULL SERVICE Call 881-8692 for information F' e l:t as ~e~ r °h e meeting on Monday. July 23, tunity to air their views on .. me s oCle y and e an d City Manager John R. Craw- the' sub)' ct 1 AUTO -4& AUTO WASH DlS band provided the in. I d t ld '1 b ~ . ,."tl strumental music for the so- t~r t ~l counCJ fmem e~s No resld~nts we~e on hand 1 It .';;~~dOWS washed inSIde & ciety's ."Showboat Revue" d a t po reNsPDtntiseshrom ~eds~. at Monda~ s meetmg to ex. m~'(lill/~ thO . en s on 0 ng am .n 1- press their support or non- -= ~ _- . Floors vaccumed Grosse Pointe Woods Bowling ~~~rmg. t' 11 cated that 50 percent of the support of the parking ban. ..,.;:::; :: • Floor mans washed .-::: _. • Whitesidewalls bleached cert, ~~os:ss~~~,a ~t ~n c~~ residents were in !avor of Cou.ncHman Dr. Roger F. ;::;. I - white Visit Our New Spare Room mood may remove ~heir shoes the. alternate parkmg ban, McNelll then moved for the :and dance sock foot on a tarp while 50 pe.rcent wer~ not. ext~nsion of the parking ban ...... 23801 Harper, N. of 9 Mile laid over the Center's lawn. The parkmg ban stipulates until next February 1. 775-2280 , Admission to the grounds that all parked cars must be ~. and concert is $3,50. Tickets off the west sideo! Notting . .are now on sale in the Cen- ham on Tuesdays, Thursdays, ter's office, (681-7511). Ta. Saturdays and Sundays, while bles m::~"be rescr'!.,"cd for .pic- on ~ndays~ Wednesd:tys nicking parties Iand Fnd. ays, cars must be i . moved from the east side Bring Dialogue .~ I of the street. In either case, a Elect the ban becomes effective . ..--~l'l William S. Faber Jr. Your Mayor GPP . '.,: Schools Focus , .. paid by COmnl. to .*1 w. S, Faber Jr" to the City Council 1037 Kensilglon, GPP. On Basic,~~!~~.~_.'I",.. .,. Summer school ended Fri- II Claremo~~'- I' day, July 27, but special .-. - I'. WOTnaR bUYS "mini-courses in the basic Ler YOUR. Voice "dish'" at skills" will continue Tuesday through Thursday. August 14 garage sale for to 16 and 21 to 23, The concentrated mini- $1; wort h courses will be offered to siudents who want a brief en. Be Heard. • • $1,.200 richment experience or to CLAREMONT, CA- improve basic skills and study Have you ever discovered habits. treasure at a garage sale? The courses are designed A Claremont housewife to stress fundamental proc. esses of reading and arith. did just recently. She paid metic. present an intensive $1 for a "pretty dish" that review of grammar and reo Elecl I I turned out to be ~ genuine view study skills. II . Gaebel Hummel plate Students may enroll in one 1 worth $1,200. . or two classes and only ,those J. R. MacArthur, chatr- courses for which there is man of ~, major ,Midwest: . ~u!fi~ient demand will be of. ~;Jlern ::teadU1J1 CCnle'l',Jft.Y.~ A.E:.l:.::a." . ',- ,~. ,>. ,;.; -. -..------...- ~ ,this story Isn't surprising. The entire program will be II ""Mey peoPl, e have no idea, con,dueted at Brownell Mi, ddle what most plates are really School, 260 Chalfonte road. worth. And. as a result .. The f~e for 12 h~urs !s. $1.3. sometimes give them away I '~eglstratlon s n 0 u I Q De I for next to nothing." I mal~cd t~ Summer School- 11 . T 'd' 'd 'f' BaSIC Skills, Department of 10 III In I entJ ylDg Instruction, Grosse Pointe I valuable plates, The Brad- Public Schools 389 St Clair ford Exchange is now of- Avenue Gross~ Pointe '48230, fering a special report on Registr~tion should be mailed collector'spiates, Tnisiree by Friday, August 3, or made I report includes current in person after that date. prices on more tllan 900 For more information, call plates, and guidelines on 343.2023. what to look for, what to ------pay, when to buy and I .- much ~ore. It eve~ .in- INDUSTRIAL & .. .• 1 , eludes ups on promlsmg 10 plates still available at COMMERCI AL 1 10T~~~:;our free report PIPING? c.n ,with no obligation, just send your name, address and zip code before Satur- day of next week to: The CROSSE POINTE PARK CITY COUNCIL Bradford Exchange, Dept. 46531, 9301 Milwaukee, Niles, IL 60648. A post- card will do. John has a record of ST, CLAIR RIVER .~ _ l ~' t - --- , , cOllllllilrnenllo the Park •••

• President, Grosse Pointe Park Civic Association • Founder, Grosse Pointe Jaycees • Chairman, Grosse Pointe Park Republican Club • President, Grosse Pointe PTA-PTO Council Discover the magic ofwateriront living! Beautifully kept 1,600sq. ft. brick home on the North Channel. This quality ranch features 2 BR's, 2 full baths, Natural Tenn. Ledgerock Fireplace (with l1eatolator), Gas Hot Water • President, Trombly School PTO Baseboard Heat - 35 x 35 garage and boathouse on rear canal - 2 workshops. Boating, fishing and swimming at your doorstep. Over % acre in exclusive park.like area of fine momes South of Algonac. $92,500. • lector and Teacher, St. Ambrose Church • Columnist, "The Pointer" newspaper - Park Pointes Real Eslnll! One • Board member, Friends of the library • =.. 01 Bluc Water .(ountty - ".. . ~ I • Chairman, annual Grosse Pointe Park Town Meeting I I i 6627 DYKE RD. (M.29) Paid for by the Committee to Elect John C. Prost ALGONAC, MI. \ (313) 794-9393 For Council, Kenneth C, Roy, Treas. : \

- , •.... _-, --_.- .--_ .. _------_._---.------.~------_._ .•.-..._---- •

~._------~---~~--~~_--..._---....--._--~,_._---...---,... _.,- ~_...... -._~------_._- '~----.~-....-~-----

Page Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, A'Jgust 2, j 9i~ Carilloll Recital Set for Aug. 7 Optimism Expressed The SOOth annh'ers~ry of. f2.the~. ' ------WEEKDAY 1) OPEl the naming of Lake St. Clair' Th t '11 be I (ConUJ1lled from Page I So £....r, thej' ha\'e reached HOURS will be .feature.d in .thc ,;:il. Q'url'negt.(owernwt,,,1so1 " ~I' ~ IreVOlve. around issues, rather! tenta~ive- Igri!ements on a I '-il r'~Clt~1 .".,.----l...... un .... I Ie re"l .. .111. U th I't' " Id M few lSSU 5 Mr To Its 'd MON., TUES., '0' .. ", '~~~~-Jl, '--o~-'I terested peopiemay climb . an pl'!Mlona lies, sa 1',' e,. n S~I. 5UIIDAY 7, a~ the Grosse POinte Me. Iup to see th carillonneur Lange, B~t major pro?osals, deahng WID.; I"'-lii. iM;;:, ... r C::~:',~.15 Lakeshore perform' g th carillon of "It's still early to tell ex. WIth economics and impor. 9 A.M. t. , P.M. roa~ at 7 p.m,. 47 hen! I~f~om e15 pounds to acUy how things will go be. tant lang-...age, have not yet FRIDAV' 10 A.M.; ; . Director o~ ~Iuslc and car. two to~s) and artifacts on cause the tough negotiations been discussed at length. 9 A.M. to a P.M. 1110nneur, Wilham De Turk, d' la ' are still ahel'd, But I don't SeekiDg COLA TO .will ~resent ~ngs and musk JSp y. , see any reason why a settle- One ?f the biggest changes SATUIlDAY :assoclated With bolllmg and, The audience also may men! i: ::01 possible bv ~p. made since 1976 has been in I 9 ~.M. t. 6 P.M. .water as well as French Ilisten from their cars or tember - I can't say it's I tne union's structure, Grosse J 5 P.M. ''!1'Usichonoring the founding dowlI by the lake side, probable, though," be said. Pointe teachers last April _ A Big t'bange I narrowly voted to join with Prju, GMd Yhrll The SChool Board's chief 1~ ~ac~mb C?,,!nty sch~ol T""y, All', 7,h If lt's Nautical But Nice .rows. the nP.gotiator, Mr. Tonks, also is ~strlcts In a unified bargam. w. =trw:~'::i:::'~lto I .hlil. '. wh •• 1 guardedly optimistic about 109 group, ca;Iled Local

POTATOES. , effective for Aug. 2 thru Aug. 8

Money Market certificates in increments Certificates only at time of renewal. of $10,000 mature each 26 weeks. and Colonial Federal charges no fees on will be automatically renewed at the then Mon<3YMarket certificates or other types current rate, unless otherwise advised. 5 -LB. of savings transactions. savings may be withdrawn at any time. BAG with appropriate interest reduction. Other savings, passbook and certificate savings accounts at Colonial Federal Savings are insured to $40,000. Savings earn at a higher rate than paid by Federal regulations permit compounding commercial banks. of interest on Money Market

I -_. i DflS~~,C?,~~7~~~~"~~~~~!,OI~~~~i GROSSE POINll WOODS-20599 Mack sou~ of Vtl(ii~r-~!!!!~ 9~m ~lImFAR.S-63 Karchevat "On lilt Hill"-888-6661 MOlHfTCL.EMENS-36800 Solit:', Gratlot at ~!tro Pa~-792.9590 IT. ClAIR 'HOIU'-28201 Ha,"r south Of M.rnn Roall--;;4-Datil HOlJlllI: 9:3Oa,m. to4:30p.m" Frtday 'tIl8p,m.

• + - rn~ia":e-'Yl August 2, 1979 G R 0 S ,--5 E PO! NT!: - N E W S _ __,_,_,_, Page Nine _

, i. " r ., ." ~J {t I r H'g ~I!.intelest that usu. F Off. tIt .~; Wednesudl' August 1. lil t!w; J a vcecs J OPe S .111 J. eJ v ~a e ally war;Js a .man's Judgment. arms leer 0 nspec ,-,ars II1------,1:ObOt ° 'A. n, Peters l'unt'[dt II 0rm' , ". . _ .I ------,. I ua nes ! and Otlr 1.:ldy Star .;f tlie, For the third Y',ar ill ii i the Grosse Pointe Memorial Farms Det. Sam Cardell. July 1. :r'he law IS designed, . s,!;\ Chllrcll, ! row (,: Gr<.lsse Pointe h~ Church, 16 Lakeshore road •. is ~ow o~e of only 200 police to curtail the theft of autos ILI ._ i He d!(:~ I,n Siltilrday, ~uly Icees arr.' the "number one" I'the foundation offers educa'i o!flcers In the state autho. for parts purposes.. OLlVE~ D. I'tt~RCKS Anne M., a son,. DenniS, :. J 28, I~I 1,l1Iversl\Y Hospital. ch. a t!.'T In the state in "Jelly tional and day. care pr~grams rr.zed to act as a Salva ,e Ve. Del. Cardella Will be au., A memorial service for ~r. daughter, Mrs, Linda Leo:. ! Alltl :\rbor. I W;'k" sales as 600 cases. in. ,to children With phYSical or hrelt.. Iuii}J(:\:toi. He e.u"iied thorized .to ins.peet a vebi~le Marcks. 81, of The. par.Ie.. WI. 11. hardt,. and.... three grand.Chll.. I.. Mr., .. Byrne. is 'iurvi ycd by ['c1~ding 12 jars per case. learning disabiliti~s_ The a~ f n I I the title after recently atte 9, th",~ hu ~pn labeled diS. be held on Tuesday. August dren. " .,.1 his wife Bt'verly; one ~'In, "ld sociati'Jn, me ..nwhlle. IS dedi. \ ing a two and a h'tlf week I tressed as a rcs:.rl! af an ae- I, in Christ ~ p jn~i.Jj.i .... " ..--. h-,c'j,- ill .... ,,' .. i:":•••;-.' .."'~IJohn; one (Jaugflll'r, I'atricia; I ""let s~al ~f $3 600 was made. r catl'd. tf" helping reta"~"~, ~~\.!~se at the Mi~hlgan ~tate d~nt in Y!hi~h it ':"!S :~.I f:hurch, Grosse Pointe, at 11 Naples Memonal Gardens, his mother. Kose; tllO sisters i with ~L91l being donated to I citv~ris rea'ch their full po_: Pollce Academy In Lansing. verely damaged, Such an tn- a.m. . Mallsoleum. and one grandchild. 'Ithe Foundation for ExceP-'1 te"tiai. .,' Such inspectors aL'e called spection is necessary before He died on Sunday. July • • .. Interment was in ~lount tional Children and $1,365 Jayc'!e officials said they

for in the new law pertaining such a vehiC,I,e W,I'll be allowed, 29. , .• _.. . MRS. MURIEL S. Olivet Cemetery, I, be., ing donated t,o t,he, Grosse wanted to thank sears,. the I to salvage vehicles, efit:,,~:';c, ';""'" 011 the road. Mr. Marcks was a. lilwye~. , . ROCHFORD 4 • • P";"1!c A~~"";,'h,, ~:;r Rr- ,0rip,inaJ Panc~ke House, Kro: , ' I teacner, banKer ana nUSI!less' Ser;i;:;';;; :0r Mrs. Ro~h!"l">l , -.-as .. -- .,~. .,.! ' __-',-' ~a;.~n~, 'i'r;~.hv ...ees 1,2:er's, In-the-Vulage anO all i man. A nati.ve of, Emmaus, 62, of Belanger road were iVANi>~R;t~KI 'k~'pt-th;' ~;~~i~ing $324. I others' who coritriVUtea to I iS304 UZVt<;.... .i;' :.~~. ~.4T.antedr"J'1 P~~~chase I Pa;, he receIVed hiS Ba~ht he~d on .Wed~esday, August! Sen' ices for ~lrs. Vander. Using facilities provided by the sale's success. ! y ~. .1,0 w..L I lor s degree from Fran ..!.n 1, III ChrISt EpIscopal Church, I' mark 73 formerly of The __ and M.arshall College, on Grosse ~ointe. Point~, iate of SI Clair whose DOard of, regents ~~ She dl~d on Sunday: July I Shores were held on Tues- We wish to purchase traditional paintings of the 19th served at the hme of hi" 29, in Samt John .HOSPlt~1. day, J~ly 3i, in the Verhey. and 20th Century. Please send complete information death. Mrs. Rochford IS survived den Funeral Home and photographs (which will be returned). Mr. Marcks was graduated by a daughter, Mrs. Barbara, ,..'I Q" -a' on ;:un'.... .', f rom t he H arvar d Law Plsula.. and three gran dch'II. 1 29.:>1inI:: Cottage"' 'uHos,p'talva" dUn - I School and taught law for dren . . _'. Our 56th August Fur Sale"" ""el"a! years at the Detroit --~b' ...~, be d" t Born 10 the Netherlands, RQBERT RK=EGALLER'( ~~'l1~g~ of Law. He was a th:Th~~~s.H~)R~h~:d Li~~I Mrs. Van~ermark is survived! 1911•• "d 20th C,n'.rl P~inti.gs former president of the Equi. ing Memorial Fund, c/o Saint by a son, Lawre~ce, a daugh table Trust Company and J h H 't I ter. lIfrs. S~lrley Gagne, and 2010 wu,h Post Oak ROQd,Houston, TUQS 77056 nJ /960.8003 . . 0 n asp I a . three granachlldren the EqUitable DetrOIt Corn- Cremation was at Forest T 'b t b' d t pany. He also was president Lawn Cemetery. rJ u es may e ma e ,0 of the Detroit and Wayne ...... the l\llchlgan Heart Assocla-I County Tuberculosis Founda. tlOn.. . tion and the Detroit Metro. WILBER~ 1.. AU~TIN Interment was In White Beginning today ... l't I d t' 1 0 I A memorial ~ervlce for Chapel Cemetery. po I an n us .rla eve op- Mr. Austin, 78, of Colonial • .. • ment Coroorahon. , ";'1 b "'d;r .l,- \' ,. you can save He was a member of the I evur u € .. e. ... "ll:: e.' I MRS. JEANNE L. I A er' an Michigan and De. heyden Funeral Home on I DAVIGNON on our entire 'tr~t l~a; Associations, the' Sunday: August 12, at 1 p,m ServiCES for )'lrs. Davignon, GROSSE POINTE Detroit Chamber of Com. H~ dle~ on Saturday~ July 79, of Maryland road were CHRISTIAN DAY meree, the Harvard Clubs of 28, In Sa~nt John Hospital. held on Monday, July 3D, in stock of fine SCHOOL Michigan and New York, the Bo:n.m M~~kegon, M~. the Verheyrlen Funeral Home Archives of American Art A.ushn IS sUl"ilved by hiS and Saint Ambrose Church. furs ... in and the Detroit Historical WI~. Myrle. t F t She died on Friday; July Society. rema IOn was a ores 27. in Bon Secours Hospital. every length ... 1444 Maryland I Mr. Marcks also was a Lawn Cemetery. . Born in Manitoba, Mrs. I Grosse Pointe Park member of the Detroit Zoo. • • ., \ Davignon is survived by two logical Society, the Michigan . JOHN UNTl. sons, Leo and Leonard; three in Mink, Sable, Humane Society. the Frfends SerVlces for Mr. Unll, 83.\ daugh,ters, Mrs. Lucille Dich- i of the Detroit and Grosse of The Shores were h~ld on tell, Mrs. Grace Ricci and I Lynx, Coyote, Pointe Public. Libraries, the We~nesd~: August 1, In the Mrs. Theresa L i car i; 19 ;I I Founders soc.et" of the De A. H. Pe ..,rs Funeral Home. , n~""~ch;'~~en an~ n;nn """a' : J lroit Institut~ ~f A~ and! H~ died on Sunday, ~uly ;~;~dchiid~e~. "y ..... ~ ... ~ '-, Racoon, Fox, the Friends of the DetrOl't. 29' In Bon .S~eours J:l0spltal. Interment was in White 50 years of off~ring Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Untl IS surv1Ved by Chapel Cemetery. etc. All are He was a member of the one daughter, Mrs, Eva Pres' I (Continued on Page 15) distinctive Christian Education Detroit Aihleii(: CIU.b, tilt!1 tel; one son, John l!'.: one _ on sale na'l"! with academic excellence. IIDe~roit Club. the Grosse ?roth.:.~;_.o~:_ gra~~~~~~ and Ir if::;::' Ipomte. Club. the Orchard ILWO 8.rt'ill-~laJjdcw •.u."u. . 11 -. '" /' II "'-TL"_L;~.,>,."tryI Club. the Uni, Interment was In White . A~ ,'/ _ • Accredited gradesf.g' versity Club and the Living. Chapel Cemetery. : ~ for I' 'I ston Club, Allentown, Pa. .. .. ::: pa_ Now accepting applications Mr. Marcks is survived by JOHN A. BYRNE I, ARft for 1979..S0 school year. !:lis wife, Eula, a sister and Services for Mr. B}'rne, 56, ! two nephews of The Woods were held on II _~_CIL_ . i M • m ., l .! ,••tribnU.", I 'I

Fer lnfurm!tkln Blll'llld Jank'f, cln 824-1812 PrIncipiI 139-2052 . 2- 0i oP"fO~f . 1.~~~~1~;7r~¥~~.;:,1 ' ." the Friends of the Detroit 7 III Public Library or Grosse 7l0 '------IPointe Public Library. 1 to~~rmi:iit wiiS in Allt:/i'l ALL I

BERN~D .J.•UHAUK Services for Mr. Uhalik, 58, W'ALLP'APERI11 formerly of The Woods, late Call in any pattern from any book !. ~~e~~;Y. ~~u~~r~l.he~~' . Ph 886 4050 , II I~f,~;t~.l;~:. PHON:.O~~~S:~C.:E~:~;::;'DEPO";'I. Use Our Convenient lAY-A.WAY Pion. '. l!yJohnlun6.trg, "1,1 In ~~a~~:~~~~~;.~~;lyH:1e ,,,0 ~Ht:luH I \....r-!!-',' ..H.;IC i I ':I 1976 was one of the tlest years for French Beau- pitat E IVERY CHARGE jolais. It was 50 good in France that at this point there I An active leader of Babe - NO 0 L : is nary a hottle left. On tbe other hand, 1977 was not I Ruth and.Litt!e League ~ase- - PAY WHEN DELIVERED I what could be called a good year. As a maller of fact, ball leagues 10 The Pomte. of Grosse Pointe it was a rather poor year. So one old wine adage about Mr. Uhalik was a member of. eost Walleo'Verl'ng "l'strl'butors,'l, 'nco Beaujolais being better the younger it is, is being the Opera Guild of Detroit turned around this wine season. Now, it you can get and Our Lady Queen of Peace 19261 MACK (near Moro$s) nexl to Woods Theatre HOURS MON.-FRI. 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. your hand!; on 1976 Beaujolais, you probabl,. will US:er~ Club .. ed b h' 'f - ~:~F9. P:::Sl '( •.a"C,::~€,~,~'; D,;:' ~.. ,: 886 ..7715 have a better bottle of wine th~ll a 1977. But, in ~ase II e 15 surVlV y 1S WI e you can not get 1976, 1977 stili has some potentially great un tasted Beaujolais. . 1979 could he the best year yet. Come to PARK-I I);:'" PART" SHOPPE, 17255 ~Iack, Corner of St. Elect The Outstanding Mayoral Candidate Clair, Detroit, and stop iDio ...... !~ ~~ ~~....lif".able i beverages that are suited to the taste and budget of I most everyone. For the usual, the unusual and any. ! thing in between, at PARKIE's PARTY SHOP.PE .YO.D I will discover a selection that meets the most dl~rlml- nating taste. Come in today and make 1979 the ,~ar I of the difference. We also o(~er an excellent selection of sandwiches for your convemen(:e. Open 1O-1~ Mon." W ILL I A M S. F A B. E R, J R. Thurs., 10-11 Fri. & Sat., noon-l Sun. Tel. 88;>-0626. JHNE WISDOM: Sirong cheeses have a tendency to overwhelm the Grosse Pointe Park Mayor taste of many white wines. Avoid them at a wine and, cheese party. FABER WILL SUPPORT THESE OBJECTIVES WITH VIGOR:

• Update Fire/ Ambulance Service and Police Equipment • Expand Pol ice Force to Better Protect Pork and Property Vote Faber • Improve City Services: Resurface More Streets and Your Mayor Alleys Annually • Expand The Fight to Save Our Elms and Step-up The Tree PlantingProgram .WE ARE GENERAL CONTRACTORS • Oppose The Acquisition of HUD Homes with HUD Mone) 0•• call tlkes car. af III your ,robl ... s • Oppose All Who Seek to Divide Our Community r ... r"'l . S . I I ~ ~ We Will: cecause OT (nelf peciu nleres.s 1. Cut off doors if your new rugs • Oppose an Administration That Has Fai led to Respect too thiok. Voter Opposition to Federal Grants and Loans 2. Replace .old hardware. 3. Tighten stair rails. 4. Roofing - Siding - Driveways. The Pork Way of Life is Worth Fighting For ... Don't Let HUD Destroy it. 5. Kitchen gnd Bath remodeling. 6. Build additions to your home. • Married" Father of 7 Chi Idren 7. Build you 8 new home. .31 Years in Insurance Business • Three Graduates of Grosse Pointe High School 8. Remodelyour office. We have worked • Veteran of World War 11 and the in most downtown office buildings. • Two Currently attending Grosse Pointe High School Korean Conflict 9. Build new office building. • Graduate of Sf. Clare Grade'School • Member of Various Life Under- 10. Add to your present plant. • Graduate of Grosse Pointe High Schoo I writers Assoc. 11. Build you a new plant. • Member of Knights of Columbus • Res ident for 18 years. Parents Design service available or we • Member of Grosse Pointe Civic Assoc. were residents for 40 years . will work with youI' architect or Interior decorator. Elect a Mayor Who Cares A Mayor Who Will Fight For The ,Park "'!!!tJ'.. IX I'!rI " ...... mce Paid For By W'iIIiam ~. f!h~;. Jr, for Mavor C:ommitrtt. lIB" Ktn,initOn, Grosse Pointe Park,

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GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, August 2, 1979

FULL TIllE .lOll I ALWAYS SO .,1 Kite Contest Draws Pointel's Senate Installs Newrhone Line P~e who always mallage I For many years now 11 Hill Market Fights to keep busy aeem to have hasn't ~aid to bank o~,_t~e There's no place -be-t-le-r-i-n-T-h-e-F-a-rms,"best decorated" Micbigan residents can gain . "Th~ Senate ~c~io~ Line the leut trouble wltl1 others. chap With stetllng quaM..,,,. I Detroit to fly a kite than thej under 12 years; David Susal. (CODUDaect froID Plle'1) store bere If they want one" free telephone access to their IS deSigned to mlDlmlze t.b.e "be t Re to meet with Mr. Mannino Mr. Wolski Slid. "I wouid e expense and delay many crtl. fl -,-" II Hart Plaza next to teen.h R I~ 0f The Fnms, s " D. aissance i:en(er on the down. 8JSsance Center design; llod on MondQY.July 30, to dis. like a chance to. neg~tiate state senator by calling th zens encounter when trying I town riverfront-and that's I ~!ctor ~,I?O~_o,f~~!!.rK. ior cuss the matter, but the further with Mr. Mannino.. Mi('hilzan Senate's new toll 10 deal with state govern. '-JOSEPH D. ARBANAS, II just what dozens of atel& ..est It!...... \Oil :.;;iii :l De. meeting was not held. We want to do what we can Ifree "Action Line." ment," Sen. Filust said in a r~sidents did last Saturday. troit Free Press:" The petitions asked the to preserve Salem Square . . InewS rt!lease. "by usinx lili:. July 28, including many Derek also look 8 first In Farms Council to do some. and serve Mrs. Consumer. Senate MaJonty Lea d e r toll free referral line, we D• P• M • Pointers. the "five.minute altitude" thing to keep the food store "A guy's down here and William Faust rE:Cently '1;1- hope to provide our constitu. II . In fact of the 28 prizes contest and Jack Thorpe of at the location. In actuality he's going to fight," he con. noulli:ed that a toll free tele. ents with prompt service at II tinued. "We support 17 fam. phone line ha~ been installed a minimum of expense." Physician and. I :~:i~~;in;t;~:m~: ~~~ia~::;a~ ~=o~~lu~ ~;.;~~~ ~~~r:sisn~t\:w~h~::~~:: m~:;he:,: ::::~ we're looking l' th oKice of the Secretary Many of the l.nform....l.on Surgeon of the Foot scope 11 went to residents residents, Flo Evans and Nell type of store can locate to our customers, neigbbors n e '" of The Powte. Susalla, flew their "best there. and possibly city council to of the Senale to relay meso requests received in senate Charlie Homer of 'l'he decorated sled ki~s': to first Mr. Mannino ha~ refused give us a little support." sages to senators from their offices conco!!rnthe slate bu. -,announC6S the oj.;ening of a new office Mr. Wolski and Mr. Ferdi. constituents. reaucracy and where to go to l Farms gr?t>lx>rlfiHI place in and s_ec~ndplace fmisbes, reo to comment on tbe matter, have a problem solved, Sen. I the "most unusual" category speCtlVelY. but sources spe':ulateJ that nande have operated the Messages received on the F-aust said. at with his Charlie The Tuna Walt Jacques of The Park he felt the increase he want. st~re for almost six !.ears: toU tree number, 1-800-292. Kite. First place il'l the 12. to grabbed third place in the ed wouldn't be able to be Pnor to that, Mr. WOl~l 5lJ93 Monday through Friday "One phone call on the Senait:: AcUon Line ",~~tpU,t '21223 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods 16-year-old "best decorated" "most original" cat ego r y home by a small operation w(}rked l:t the store f:J. ::::C. betw'een thc hours of 9 a.m. category went to another h'l Marth D 'k.t such as Salem. Other sources y.ears as an employe of AI. and II p.m., will be forward. the informational contacts Farms res ide n t Gunther W Ie. a ass 1 e was have. said Mr. Mannino, in lied Supermarkets. ed to the senators' offices and resources of a state sen- 885-8740 Brinkman. ' considered second "best dec. planning his estate, wou!tJ Customers in the store several times a chly.Senators ator's office at the disposal Other first place awards orated" by the judges. rather have an extended seemed un!!nimous In their and their staff will tben be of Michigan residents and I went to Derek Brinkman (}f Martha lives in The Farms. lease with a large outfit for support of Salem Square. able to respond to the con. eliminate the need for several ------=-==------.security purposes. "A drug store is a crazy stituent request on' existing costly long distam:e phone calls." he stated. Those being considered reo idea," said MIU'YVoul'nakis state WATS lines. portedly ate Perry Drug and of Muir road. "It this moves ------Arnold Drug. I would probably follow it I would never come, (to the SAVE GAS! Mr. Wolski soid he has drug store), and I live a been attempting to get a block away." Vacation under a patio awning new lease on the building Common COllie since last August, but hadn't "I'd hate to see it go" from the heard from Mr. Mannino in said Susan Wheeler of Cam. four or five months before eron place. "Kroger can't last week, when he heard compare to it for quickness ., through his attorney that he and service_And my husband was willing to open negotJa- is a stockholder in Perry tions again. Drug." seeks Support "We don't need another He added he called Mr. drug store liiVund," said an- Mannino to confirm rumors other woman. he had heard about the drug The Hill Association, the stores, and said Mr. Manni. organization of mercbants in no's rent increase didn't apo. the area, likewise is support- .pear too high. ing Salem SqUlr.!, aceording "People in the ~a should to its vice.president, Pat be able to have a grocery Reynolds. "We will be sending let. ters as the association to fAoon Hinders both Perry and Arnold Drugs, and to Mr. Mannino Meteor View expressing our views and

_•• -' +~ .. -. npport of Fred and Mel," August's full moon may be she said, adding the fact all OO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l6~@~ beautiful, but it wiH make it the shops on the Hill are in-I dilfieult for skywatehers to dependents gives them a ZlY~~~@~lCJ see the annual Perseld me- common cause. . »»« « teor shower. The full moon will make ER INKE its appearance Tuesday, Au- gust 7, and continue to brighten the late night sky until mid-August. C.i\DILLAC Robert Victor, astronomer at Michigan.state University's Abrams Planetarium, points ~ out that because the moon ~Iwill be bright until sunrise, I ..~~~t::s1=~~g~\fb:°~~e ~ Under the circumstances, said Mr. Victor, best viewing of the Perseid shower should YOU CAN DRIVE be early in the evening SUD' $243~ day of AulUSl 12-from the A LUXURIOUS • 51l1. 9156 • Till WItH! time darkness falls, nearly . " :~I~'1.~" ; -:'<" two hours after sunset, until • Floor Mal, . :c~~=~• Vinyl RMI ., ...... Ilt,-r. Wir.WIIHIDI",. . the rising ot the moon, about SEVILt'E • (''''''iM C",tral • Lt.'btr Ir.terior . threeholl'! !lft~r 1l\lJ1sel, ., .. AulD'o'UI oa'tment 01 '2,(J,61 will'l S1a:Odown Dr hrOniy ,~!~.~~f!1~li~a'jM 'l1...... bii. F-urcneie wtiiin The meteor count should prict lo!I,800 Based on miluge of 36.0011milts. be about 20 per flour. U it weren't for the blight moon, observers could watch until 5 YEAR/50.GOO MILE SERVICE CON. t1 II ..Keept1NlI ..... ~ - OM~ GM feell", Wlfft llACTOlt 3 YEARGM UMITEO'ROT~C. YIJ -.na,MIlS _~in.GMpar1S." the early morning hours 110N WAftANTf AVAlAltE, ...-.u_1IIm IlMIIClIl when the count would likely be up to 60 per hour, added the MSU astronomer. 20% "Call Lee' and ""...,'" ~ II ~tQ ..t Pg~lz-in" '" a.J r" UII UII . .' .._------_

LEE REAL ESTATE CO. designer frames lB. ITRADE TODAy ... 1 21140 GRAnaT, ROSEVIUE

GROSSE POlNTE WOODS- Exclusive Holiday Road CANAL "COBBLESTONE HOME" - Very quaint now at our new subdivision near Cook Road. Large seven room family' home located near Metro Beach on Lake- brick ranch. A real energy saver. Well designed shore Road. Has stone wall fireplace in family two-bedroom home with Florida room and full room. Separate sewing room. first floor laundry, basement. Hass central air, two car attached gar- two car garage. $79.900.Trade or terms. LEE - .. Eastland location age. Trade or terms. $79,900.LEE - 771-3800. 771-3800 . We're now in the former Gorden Center. right next to Package Pickup. Come help us celebrate our new location and enjoy 20% off all designer frames, Bring this ad along and receive a complimentary gift. Hudson"s ROCHESTER AREA - Grosse Pointe sellers are hard HARPER WOODS - Close to Hudson's Eastland. Optical Center, Eastland. Three bedroom, easy to maintain ranch home. to please BUT consider this 1978 four bedroom Mom will enjoy the modem kitchen. The whole colonial near Old Perch and Walton. Eighteen foot master bedrooms, huge family room and formal family will love the finished basement. Gas logged dining room, 21h baths, fireplace, full ba::.ement fireplace. Only $45,900.Trade or terms. LEE . and attached garage. Large lot. $131,900.Trade or Vernier Rd, (8 ml,) l5 771.3800. terms. LEE . 771.3800. « W+E I: S 8 WARREN "A TOUCHOF CLASS" - It's close to ev- CANALHOME - Attention Grosse Pointe Yachtsmen. erything but nothing comes close to it. 2,500sq. ft. I This St. Clair Shores brick ranch has a 43 foot nine room deluxe ranch. Has 20 ft. family room boat well plus 80 feet of steel sea wall. Large and formal dining room. Four large. large bed. family room, full basement plus attached garage. rooms with loads of closet space. First floor laun. 10 Mile.Jefferson area. $135,000.LEE - 771-3800. dry room plus full basement. Two and one half car garage. 14 Mile &: Hoover area. $115,000.Trade or terms. LEE - 771-3800. Hud.on'.

BRIDGEWOOD ESTATES - Far enough out to be GROSSE POINTE WOODS- Wanted large family for country, close enough to he convenient. Like new this 7, yes seven bedroom brick home. Can y~u four bedroom brick colonial with 23 ft. family believe four full baths plus 22 closets? Has famIly room and 2O-ft. modern kitchen. lias 2''z baths room fireplace, formal dining room, too. Base. extra large living room. Basement and garage: ment and garage plus large lot. Only $139,000. Vacation home 16x32 ft. pool. $96.900.Trade or Trade or terms. LEE - 771.3800. terms, LEE. 771.3800.


~---.~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~------_._----~---- Thursday, August 2, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page! t:laven I.F Center Sets Detroit Tour Woods -Enveioped ii..COi1t.~G".~erEYiD Dispute over Elm Removal The Inter-Faith Center for Itroit, exploring their rich (Continued from Page 1) such an action and was then with the system, Mr. Pinkos because the mayor's trees on pr,tvate propert~ are icy to fol~ow for the purpo~e. Racial Justice has scheduled ethnic and racial histories, I I gaged' by the city, (as done infcrm. ed by oiiicials that the Isaid he agrees the latest ones Iweren't the onJy ones .th.e fo~~d mfected, t,he eJt.!' ad. 01 votenttal prosecution, ~.o another tour of "Detroit and and searching for signs of in this case). trees would come down - should be removed and is city was seeking bids for at mlnlstrator or hiS dul.y au- ~De has been so prosecute ),: Its Neighborhoods" on Satur. re ....italization :.,,..l.<:(;~,,r;;;:-:l. an acthn nc '.'1:mteu' Lu aC'I'readY to pay necessary costs, t~e time. E~ght oUlce J.;>'.;~. I agen~ :;1;all g~ve t~ \ ~~'.'~~~~' ~,,~st t~ pe~on:, day, August 11. tion. .h(.~:::"d "All ~xpe~ses incurred in complish. Re"flecting over the entire IlIOns were mv~lved and It Ithe o":,,ner ;w'rJtt~n nullc~ (" Iw .. ~ ~~. ,e ... ~ notice lu t~t:, More than ~~ peopie have Cost of the tour is $5 for connectlO~ ~Ith ?uch ~el~ ~. Mr. Dettloff then said he controversy along with the was pc~sible officials. wan.t.ed the dlseal;e s eXIstence, and O'Iioer, sans. the. U.S. ~da.I,: taken the tou. Since the cen- non.members and $4 f r moval an urnmg S.3 e wondered if the mayor had ioss ur ihe l":jm~, the mayor It v ubtaln J bettcr pr!c~ WIth I rl:',!lI~rl' the removal, a~d and then gIve the 10 ay. ter's ~ou~h Task Force began members 0 reported to th~ cou~Cll' :~r paid the costs of removaL said, "J've suffered the most. a larger job, (not an un.' bunung of suc.h trees W1t~m IleeAwaY'h I 1 'f': o{{ermg It last year. . assc,~smen agams elwhen he learned that he I've lost 17 trees in two common practice). a to,day perIOd follOWIng .t t e s~e tme: carll-. The group e x ami n e s For more information call lands, . the measure says.. hadn.t, he then appeared at years. I'm sick about the Another potential reason such notice. I c~tl~n also IS n~.edea on the: neighborhoods throughout De. the center at 824-0350. ' As It turned out, City the council meeting on the whole thing" in. eying the for the lime lag, lie felt, "We don't take bids until IpJaclllg of rerr ....;ral costs on. c.omPtroller.~~s~~?~~reder. 16th to find out why. demise of the trees and the could b~, ~fter th.e contractor after the 10 days notice," he the tax rolls. : Ick G. llornfl.l.er J... c~preted I r h II ensuing hassle. was blJLCI. • .:;d, h:~ .chedule .":01 "b'l f eling bids _.. -... Experience a wonderful world of gracious this to mean to notify the n no mg e ;>c~sona y . was such that he was unable u"'., \ J.e e. ~ ...... ' retirement living, located on the council and place the cost oil contacted three different When asked If he plans ta hI' b should be Immediately taken ~ beautiful Detroit River the tax rolls _ a point dig. 'bran.ches of .government, in. run for re.ele<;tion this ~o. t~e~e~:i ~r~~~va JO com. when the trees are tagged .. , puted by the mayor. Mr: Cat. eludmg. public s~fety on ~,he ~em?er" Mr. Pinkos replied. p "'fhis ~tuationY~asn't han- and after JO days the prop- fo, lin indicated the section complamt front, 10 order to We re In the process of a, erty owner should be told p.....,. . . ,... get ttl:.,,,~ Mnn,," Mr Dett- major expansion at the com. dIed any differently than for the trees should come down .... means tnat thiS mus~ llrsL I ff . ._ .._-:' (A" I • anybody else" said Mr. Onel• . • C'AIII .... come befcre the council ~ith 0 saltd fthlel cltY had t~(> fa~y, :ner:.ct~n Meta ) .. 1 Vh"t.link, who indicated that the Mr. ~etC:I"!>l:;.uc:' .:- .!laJd. _". ~ .... the solons' authorizing such power 0 0 ow troughh 10 a en ou pe I Ions, ana fig. . I d. t Mr Catlm adVIsed as a pol. L action the time specified in the law. now I plan to run. I will give e~t1re pro~ess, mc u mg ~g...... , a positive answer prior to gmg, wflling quotes. recelv. 1------=--1 While this matter will He felt the Implication m th f'I' d dl' d t (5 iug quotes accepting a quote . . thO case l' e the slowness e I 109 ea me a e, '.. RED BA RON S . probably be .ectlfled neY,t IS , .. , S t b 10) " and removmg diseased trees, - week, the action, (or lack in enforcement" was because p.m. ~n , ep em er . generally can take anywhere .' . - of), last year on the enforce. of the ~.erson !nvol~ed: the. He mdlcated.the only rea. from 25 to 35 days, some- REGI"S-TRATION ment of the ordinance has !Uay.or. The city dldn t d? s?n ~e .w0uld~ t run for of. times even longer. left Mr. Dettloff and other I!S Job because of the POS!- flce IS If busmess problems The entire matter, (which citizens very concerned. t10n o~ t~~ person, I don t ~re greater or deemed more found Mr. Catlin, for the w.~nuNESDAY,.. In this respect, a section know;f It ~ because f~.f .tr~ h~po{~ant. The mhayor ad~~ first time in his 14 years of ~ o on "Removal Required" says mt'a~do:ts"or hers c:IM I~\~ h~s r~e t sons av~.ts h' service to the city. involved AUGUST 8 t r e e s confirmed to have Iml 1 y, C arge r. e. l.ffi no 0 run. w I e IS in the enforcement of the fj Dutch Elm Disease after lab. lofl. . Wife a.nd daughter have Dutch Elm Disease ordinance /' , oratory analysis shall be reo ~ccusJng the may~r of urged hl~ t? do so. - he became involved after 9 00 .moved and burned within 10 bemg a power unto himself In revlewmg the sequence Mr. Dettloff swore out the _ 7:00 p.m. Iii: p.m. days following notification of over th~, law, M~. Dettloff of events. Jast year, Mr. Pe. complaint), has caused some WHITTIER the infection's discovery. It added, The attitude and tersen said samples of the officials to take another look GROSSE POINTE WOODS also says it's unlawful for c?mplac~ncy of government, trees were taken on July 28 at the law's content. any person "to possess or (m kthUlsl fmatte~t)' .. really OanfdAsge~tt 0tthe TDhepartmelntt "There's problems in the keep such a tree after the spea s o. our Cl y. ,.. rlcu 1.ure. e resu s ordinance and problems in COUNCIL CHAMBERS TOWERS expiration of 10 days follow- ~e also CIted a genc\al un'll~dlcated SIX trees had the the procedure," observed Mr. . t'f' ..t' f th d' easmess over the way the disease and one was appar. Pe'ersen Mack at Torr.y 415 BURNS DRIVE mg no 1 IC" IOn 0 e IS. t' .t r h dl d tl I d d d d Jd ' . covery of said infection." en Ire. SJ u~ IOn was _ an e, en y a rea yea. an cou One section he viewed gov- Detroit, Mich. 48214 "I feel I shouldn't have coupled With a l~ck of re- serv~ as a breeding place. erns "City May Destroy Cer. You must bring birth certificate h d t d h t -- d . spect s~~wn to himself and With the lab report back. tain Trees." This says if trees a. 0 ~,w.a w.." one 10 other cItizens. the trees were tag~ed on . NOW OPERATING ON A MONTHLY thiS case, said Mr: Dettloff, Mr. ~nkos vehemently de. August 11. Quotes for re- who actually earned out a nies Mr. Dettloff's statement moval went out Sep.tember 12 one.man crusade last sum. on "mayor's orders or offi. and were received on Sep. RENTAL PROGRAM. mer and faU to have the cials' timidity," emphasizing, tember 22. (During the per- (with or without meals) trees. removed. .. "There is no truth to that iod of August 11 and Sep- ThiS effort, he said, 1D- whatsoever. I talked with tember 12, Mr. Petersen in. • Comfortable 'and spacious, <::Iir<:Qnd,t!on~d I eluded call~ to get the trees (City Administrator Chester dicated that the DPW ap. rooms and apartments. tagged, (city records say E.) Petersen and (DPW Di. parently "fell down" in rela. • Complete beauty and barber services, food they were tag&,ed on August rector Leonard) Ocelnik, tion to the alleged inactivity l~), an~ :_~~IOUS co~tacts (last fFU); and told Mr. Pe. during that time span.) shoppe, expansive lounges, librory, registered With offlc,u." to lear,. the tersen to do what he was Then, a letter was sent to nurses on duty 24 hrs. a day, our own "mini- cause of the delay over the supposed to do about taking the mayor on October 3. with OLD FASHION bus service," heated pool, dining rooms, at- removal of the trees, an the trees down" lab report results and infor. "eyes~re and .",:orry." Calling the e~tire situation mation on quotes received, CURED tended garage. SaYl.ng off!clals last fall a "series of misunderstand- e.g, in the amounts of $890, SMOKED • the Whittier's location conveniently places you t?ld him the ,mayor had n~t ings, arguments and events," I $980 and $1,000, Mr. Peter . in the heart of "What's happening" - the Signed a waiver to pe~t the mayor reviewed the sen said. He noted the mayor BACON tree ~e~oyal, Mr. ~mofft events of last year and said, was requested to sign the Farm Fresh SONELESS- "Ren-Cen" - Art Museums, Shoppes, Parks who 1Odu:ated preVlou? ,at- besides the seven trees on authorization to have the GRADEAA 9918. STUFFE~', and C~urches. tempts to rea~h Mr. ~mkos his own property, two others trees removed but didn't ~roved unfrUItful, saId he on city property also had the respond. LARGE EGGS CHICIlEN.~' fm~l~y talked ~o. the mayor disease. Mr. Dettloff subsequtntly FOil YOUIl CONVENIENCE FOR INFORMATION REGARDING RATES: 79LllIn AND fATING I'UASUllf 8RIA51:,'. ,....- at filS home, cl!mg the con. In explaining some differ. filed his compl.aint, the WillOW CAR.Y " LOIS V. NAIR (Mrs. Fran'k B.) tent of the ordinance. Some ences of opinion after the mayor was informed of it A CO.PLnl UN' OF Stuffed withOur Own. words .",'e~c ExchQngcd :nd trees were iaggeu, cUld other v:cu!d net s:gn the '~N:li\"~; ~"'.III'~uau .. uaftr BREAD DRESSING .. (313) .23-6470 or 822-9000 Mr. ~ettloff ~e~t. circumstances affecting reo but told Mr. Petersen to do ~ I MOL~ nllnu m"u(. or While reallz10g he co~ld moval, Mr. Pinkos indicated what he was supposed to do. Large Juicy I1tJIS HAM & CHEESE :, . Many of your friends are already living SOUTH CAROLINA BItAD & BAKERY I have. .pursued a complamt he felt there was no' hurry Shortly thereafter, the trees 'n Oven Ready ~< at the WhiHier Towers earher, Mr. Dettloff, because in removing the trees be. were removed. PEACHES Foi/Pan ~ of the delay, decided to take cause they were all dead and On the delay, Mr. Petersen . he felt at that time Dutch I felt a reason may have been "69 .'- Elm Disease doesn't $pread 1------LARGE GOLDEN.RIPE - EA. ::

in the late fall and winter: "'t.'-. ..•..,,', tr, SWEET .CHIQUITA BRAND " . ( " ~ /,¥r .. Plnkb~, ~aid 'he.. ~:a$ Elect tt' , ~~ asked by the. DPW to nave 'WUliam S. Faber Jr, ""'J'. ~". . ,; II.nA.'N.S BANANA.' ~. " the trees removed but he Your Ma'lor GPP replied in the negative, say-/ C .~X" ~_~m ~ f'I~"fm inghis wife was in the hos. PlIId by comm, 10elect W. S. Faber Jr, CLB. LB. " ~~ \!f0UUiJil~ .fW~ . l}!!e!at that time. " 1037 Kensington, GPP. '39 ,19 The mliyor also stated he ". disagreed with the way the \.\. situation was handled regard. :~" ing the tagging method and ..; hIs feeling that diseased city trees should be removed l first before those on private CADILLAC property. (Two trees on city pro per t y, which he felt " should have been tagged two years ago, weren't tagged until 2ast year.) MADE EASY At the S8me time, Mr, Pin- kos, after the trees were sub. The most sensible way to buy lease your 1980 Cadillac I 5'?~IJ~rlt!y remo':,'ed, felt the or • • • I price was too high and want. ed a hearing before the coun- cil, a right, he indicated any Get a quotation from Dalgleish! citizen should have. 'And when the trees were reo If a new Cadillac is part of your plans for 1980, choices to Dalgleish, and we'li give you a firm moved, damage occurred to we can make the purchasing fast and easy - and quotation that's sure to please you. It's as easy his sprinkler system. (This save you hundreds of dollars too. Choose the as that. Dalgleish makes buying your 1980 has now been repaired). model - Eldorado, Coupe or Sedan DeVille, Cadillac a real pleasure . . . another reason why Dissatisfied over the way F1eet\vood Brougham or the completely restyled the billing process was han. Dalgleish is Michigan's largest Cadillac dealcl. dled, (the mayor questioned Seville. Then choo~e the. options. Mail your the authQrity of ,placing the removal bill on his tax bill) I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• he refused to respond t~ Select Your Coupe DeVille 0 Fleetwood Brougham 0 Seville 0 three notices from the citv I (one dated December ii. • Model Sedan DeVille 0 Limousine 0 Diesel 0 1978, another dated March 16, 1979. and another C!atcd I May 3, 1979, according to I city records). Calling the billing process I a~tion an arbitrary one, Mr. • Pinkos felt he had the right • to go before the council, who could then direct the city I comptroller to put the cost I o.n the tax bill. At the same time, the mayor said $25 for administrative costs also was added unnecessarily. He added both Mr. Peter. sen and Mr. Catlin agreed I that. the initial procedure was mcorrect. • Indicating that the proce. • du~e of tagging, sending out I wntten notices, seeking bids and the ultimate cutting I down of infected trees can I t~ke a month or more, Mr. P!nkos said it's up to the I, city to enforce the law. • AJ "At no time did I ever I AK AL AM AN AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AVv AX AV AZ 'I. Be so BE BF BG 8H BJ stop them to do what they were supposed to do. I dis- • "Touch of Class agreed with them then and I I still do. But I never told o Buy Lease electric blanket from th~m to .do me a favor," he I o FIELDCREST.~ Solid state "Quietron" control sal.d, while adding, "I'm not • o Please [?il'e me your gOing to be blamed for an I quotation Oil the 1980 Name _ accurately maintains constant temperature, salles act of omission on their Cadillac I hQl'e illdiclIled part." ab,J\'('. energy. White, powder blue or buttercup acrylic. I Address ------.------Four additional trees .on I o rm inter('s/ed ill a 1979 City Stale ZIP _ Twin, $70; full (single control), $80; full the mayor's property are: cur. ("adillar tll ,/ ",hMan/lal I savin[?t. Phone ------. . __ (dual control), $95; queen, $115; king, $140. rently tagged, with Mr Pin, kos being' given nolic~ this ~ Sale ends September 1, 1979 July 23 on three of them, .•...... But by the time the trees Send to: '~ come down, 10 days wiff have ., passed as quotes are in the "TM lo,.'est sticker prices in " process of being obtained a ~: proble",! in the ol'dinaJ~(O: Tcd Angoll or Gene Schulu America beCOIl.

• - - ~~~. A ~ • _ f ~_ • I Fifty.Fifth,.~ackinac Race Is A Good GROSSE POINTE NEWS I By David Kramer 'I brought up a bucket from I hours after the start. (Some Once over the llne, we loowin, the lilt finisher that ',l.iielumwC>i'k is what below andhed makerhlft Idea of how much fa8ter the wasted no time In getting mo:I~-:a:r~~~::e o~~. really makes the boat move, showers on deCK. It probably bl61lleot boats go can be had Into the ham,;:, where the f~The Farm~ got the bli&i"~~' I,"',':::;,;;;t !t :: ~'::cht !!: !h"" I!lowed us dawn. a JltUe, but I by reaUzlng that Sas~y 8tar.t- fleet nllllie a mockery of the band of aU 'trom the bun- Bayview Yacht Club's annual It lure felt i0()(1. ed OVer two hours auer mi. numlio, of wells there, Man. dr d f" 1- -I '.,& r Mackinac RICe doesn't have OUr red, whIte and blue At the same time, we knew aslng to get a spot where we e 8 0 nii' uy. cUD,orne s a chi nee spinnaker came down only we had to put some time be. could step of onto a dock, It present. Hili boat, The Great We fortunately had that twice after we put It up tween us and !! 3/).footer was over the slde for the Whisper, took a first In class, teamwork, and with it we shortly after the drlfty start; called Jaeger, which we I first real bath In two and a Boats started to drift away grabbed a thirQ place spot in once when we rounded the passed just pas~ Cove Island, half days., that afternoon, maklni for our class. We were the crew I mark, and again for I short Although we dld cross aboul Boats soon hUed the har. some comic situations as boat. ell attempted to determIne whose lines were whose in the maze. One boater simply cast off lines to four other boats tied off his.' !etti"ll them 'drift Oub Sotfball away. Frantic cries from the GPYC Natators Chnmps I boats brouiht a nearby swim. Has Big Year mer, who swam tlJe lines back to the dock a8 the cuI. Of MICSA Dual Meets prit sped away. The le79 Neighborhood The Grosse Pointe Yacht the relays. The g!rls 200. Club high school softball By Woonesday, most of the Club, (GPYC), swimmers meter freestyle relay team league ended its season last boats had left amid a drizzle edged out the Plum Hollow composed of Georil, Cindy week. Over 200 boys played I fl)r the cruise back home. Country Club team for the Gannon, Gail Stonlsch and on seven teams. Many of the owners would second year in a row to re- Brieden set a pool record This was the first season I go back the, scenic way, main the champions of the time of 1:~,6, for the girls leagues, which through tbe North Ohannel dual meets for Ule 19'19 The boys 200-meter medley had over 100 girls particip.t- of LaKe Huron and into MICSA summer season. relay team of Monahan, Inion five teams. Georgian Bay. Both teams went into the Birtsch, Dan Treder and meet undefeated. With a Geaf! Brieden followed suit Each team played six relU- Others of us unfortunates lar sedon games with all were forced to r-eluctanUy score of 4.'74-404, the GPYC with a flnt and a pool record teams playing in a post-season abandon ship for the quick swimmers were able to pull of 1:ISC5.G. d ubI II i t1 t I way home: by land. out another victory on Sun. Mark Clark led a sweep of 0 e e m na on ourna. day. July 22. the 115. and 16-year-old boys ment. •. . Tom Bart!ch, Nancy Gear. 5O.meter t1Y with a time of The girls league btle was gl, Sara Brieden and Tim 28.7. JetI' Colton took a sec. won by the Brewers, with a by Monahan set pool recoMs and and Paul Treder took a 16-0 record. In second place Photos whUe 1C0rh~ firm in t.ir third place for the team WI! the Amballlador Steelers' :..J U"'II""'n_ ... rr -a IIU;;...... ,,' individual events. Bartsch set' Five team members Swam at 4..1, followed by Mel4rum .a-., three indlv1c1\laI pool reeorda for two Individual fllsts each. I =nd Smith's Rowdies, with a for the boys 13. and 14-year. They were Gannon, Gall record of 3-3. The Wooden old lSO-meter .breaststroke ,Stonilch, Georsl, Geoff Brie. Nickels were 24 and the Zig. LEADS BIBLE WEEK event, (34.2), lSO-meter fly, den and Colton. Other swIm. Zaggers were 0-8. ' Thomas F. Russell of The (29.3), and fiU.meter free'j mitra takin, individual event In the boys ltlil.llu,:o, the PORTION OF 258 BOAT FLEET DRIFTS ACROSS FINISH LINE ... Shore, was recently named (28.2). . t!l'!t p!acell were San d y Zi,-Zags and H.P. La~ers an uaoc1ate chairman for Brlede~ Him hard for .1 S m I t b, Katie MacDona1. and 16-year.old HackmlJl. 5.1. Bayview. . The haze persisted through- of time. . pers 'and crews toasted their through 25. Chairman oC th~ girls 5().meter free 'event In addition to the record. .. The Kevhole Strokers were We felt it was a pretty out the race, so that by the What we didn't immediate. finishes with beer after beer. Board and chief executive ,with a time ot 28.6. settln. fim place \ relay 4.-2. 'I1hird place 'had Bad good finish. especially since Ume we saw any land after ly know was that II nearby Partying continued through officer of Federal.Mogul Cor. For the 11. aDd 12.year. telm3, ~hc Iirls eight and Company and No Names at we were scrstr-' bo~t in the the Ducks we were with!n a boat . in the harbor had the night and into the next pol'ltlon, Mr. Russell Is di. old girls and boys, Geor,i under relay team of Ingrid 2-4, followed by the Motor class and had to allow the 22 few mlles of the Illll~h::TIeo, 'ol! & buller. or LaFontaine. Oft'er good • , BELGIAN WAFFLES! I ~ Getting Ready A. a ~rea~I",0' .. a dMterI . ~I: for the entire month of Au- • wj~ b4uebeni", I1r.wtMrrlM O gust. But good only when rlllpben',o lOI>lllno and Ioe cr.... Sat. I Sun., Aug. 4 I 5 I For City Tennis ,Try I~you l' like n. I areooIJl61Iied by this I ,Roast Chicken HI.' Md. DaNyI 1/2 Oil 'o~.n. Soup o. lu;oe, ..ge- Grosse Pointe City will all' table. ehoIce 01 POtalOM. roll & butle,. I ~. I Wed. - Veget8ble sponsor its second annual Thur •. - ChicklHl Noodle Mon. I Tuea.• Aug. 6 & 7 • GUE8T SIGNATURE • tennis tournament the week 'rl. - Shrimp Chowll.r of August 5 through 12, and PIZZA - BABY SUBS - TORPEDOS S.t. - Navy Bean Grecian SpeCialty interested juniors as well as BEER - WINE - LIQUOR Sun. - ChIcken NOOdle SpInach & Cheese Pie or adults are reminded to "fgn Mon, - Spilt Pe. Baked Macaroni. Soupor juice. ro~. butl.r, I Detroit PIaZI Hotel I up at Elworthy Field. Tues, - Tom:::.::. R~m8"~ Finalists in the match will 21920 GREATER MACK I . ",m"" ''''"''....'''0''''' e 17.812179 advance to the Graue Pointe between 8 & 9 Mile Rd. UI.I'OI J Grand Championships at the I•••••••••••••••••••••••••• end of AUlust. CARRY ~~:rvlce176-5757 \'

I #, \ j c

ThursdlY, August 2. 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P.ge Thirteen Park to Hold Bike Races A 1;;cycle race for all ag",s I in The Park will be held on Saturday, August 18. The race will originate at the foot of Windmill Pointe Park and con tin u e down and around Win d m I I I Pointe II drive. The distance of the race SAVE, will vary for all age groups. Depending on the number of participants the races wlll I most likely be hf'ld in hell!!. YOURSELF Awards will be given to the first and second place win- I ners. SOME MONEY The races are scheduled to beein at 10 a.m. Saturday. Entry forms are aval1able at the gatehouse of WlIldmill .1 Pointe Park. All entry forms . .. and Enjoy :,. must be returned by Wed- ~ ... nesday, .\ugust 15 before 5 ~.i': p.m. Additional information I the Benefits of Deferring will be provided on the en. . .., ~:<~~:~.? Iry forms . ,., For further information. AND HEAD FOR THE PARTIES ON THE ISLAND I call 822.2812. Current Income Tax Woods-Shores Beats GPF to Ta.he District Title on the Interest. By Bob Waldeck and Russ Jones Two' Pointe Little Ll'ague . teams met in the District Six finals held Saturday, July . 28, and Monday, July 30. Dave Waldeck hit two Fireman's Fund American Life home runs as the Grosse Pointe Woods.Shores Nation. als b I.' a t Grosse Pointe offers one of the best solutions Farms, 6-3, in 10 innings to capture the championship. The game was continued to fl.lture income needs from Saturday after it was rained out. The Woods.Shores Nation- found anywhere for those 8is now face the District Seven winner in 8 sect~onal gam.~ ,;:ot H3.~~:.:" ~I."n::,~~.nn who have $5,000 or more. Saturtlay, August 4, at 1 p.m. . ."_.'._.~~'-:. ,'""-'."'" .. .~-,-. .- The winner of that game .."."'- .~ __ Ii goes on to the state tourna- vve our ment at Escanaba the fol- Call It lowing week. The Woods scored first In the third inning on singles Single by BlIl Miller and Dan Ko- pitzke and a walk to Doug Payment Deferred .A~11.."uity. \ This modern, insured product I, provides . . . II

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CALL THE PROfESSIONAL No obligation of course. I I ! "EXPANDERS" NAME


USla.IAAF'. CITY I ST,\ TE I ZIP ~lnc f:.. 1956 I GROSSE POINTE 881-1024 PHONF 18332 MACK I VISIT OUR RESPONSIBILITY I I Power is not to be rl'Rard. ISHOWROOMS I • I ROCHESTER cd as conferring priYilE'g{'s, FIREMAN'S FUND AME~CAN LIFE INSURANC~.COMPANY, SAN RAFAEL, CA. 336 MAIN 652-1444 but Imposing serious obllga. L I lions. crall Page Fourt.en GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. AU9ust 2. 1979 .---.~---".-,------' Land Use Pian Is 1 (ClInllouec1 from Pale 1) I said Mr. Kennedy, who added I • An adopted plan will re. a citizen may not be apt to I suit In a depredation of buy a home where future I JI slngle.famIlY' aweliin.. P_'-'~' ''-~;'.:.!l'.i!!•. ~,,,;.. :,,~~:::-

.~' erty value!> and deterioration I liThe same could be true I of existing neighborhoods In Iin the absence of a plan," II the northwest area even on IntllrJeded Mr. GUezan. "I streets which may noi be in. don't share ihe view that tended for actual develop. single.ftunlly residential \'::1. ment in the proposed plan. ues need denrf;lclate because This would begin to occur of a co.mingllng with multi. even prior to re.zoning. ple.famlly dwellings." Turnover Eyed In an Ilttempt to pinpoint Citing the overall uncer. main concerM. Dr. Marten tainty of such a llituailon, the said the citizens were really cUnens mention a higher. worried about mid. and high. than.normal rate of home rise apartments. "I never turnover at a reduced rate of have seen an area where they appredation, with such a and single.family homes have It t t II r n 0 vel' accelerating as mixed well;" he stated, while homes depreciate in value. saying if such a concept was t "Dev1llopei:i> would begin buy- eliminated, a compromise ing and renting to protect might ensue. their investment, ad naus. Citizens also wanled an. eum. This phenomenon has swers to any timetable on occurred again and again in Implementing the plan and community after conununity," on who benefits from any • The reason for selecting high rises on the monelary the northwest area is not front. clearly and consistently de- Commission c h air man Hoeated and understood. with Charles Van Hove, Commis- certain previously cited rea. sioner Philip Patanis and City sons, e.g., traffic problems Attorney George Catlin all caused by the gridiron street responded to the implemen. layout. vehicular parking and tation question and ensuing congestion near Mack avenue concerns. and small lots, not character- Implementation Ish an. iziDg the northwest area ex. dIed by way of zoning, said elusively. Mr. Van Hove, who noted "The simple reason that that the commission has put the northwest area has been two years of study on the,.' targetted is that ~ome city proposal, drafted by planning . officials and commissioners consultant ijrandon M. Rog- ':~l that the uurlh-;,'cst ~!ng!e erg. "We want to d9 the best ~ family sector Is expendable thing for the city and its, in the pursuit of funds for citizens that we can possibly future city tax coffers," the do," . citizens charge. "To this we Esplainl Situ.tion can only object, and ask that In saying he' owns five you would be honest with buildings along Ma<:k avenue yourselves." . in areas, in the plan, which After Dr. Marten read the have been designated for letter, Commissioiler John t£)wnhouses, Mr. Patinis told Kennedy, who fllH that t:1" the citizens, "A developer low-medium density classifi. would have to buy your prop- cation was best for the north- erty and mine at a figure we west area all along, moved would place under it" before that the area be so deslg. anything actually happens. nated, along with property CiUng the problem of de- adjacent to the Grosse Pointe cay in cities regarding a lack Baptist Church and the Loch. of future planning, Mr. Pa- moor Club. tanis added, "No developer I However, it was decided know of would buy homes to that it would be belter to go put up a high rise. The cost section by section so Mr. would not let it happen, We Kennedy moved that the pIa:! must consider not today, to. be amended to low-medium J1lorrow, not 20 years from for the northwest area. But naw. but 30 or 40." it was some time before the .In an attempt to meet con. vote was taken. cerns directly, Mr. Catlin ex- Ap~I.tes Coneems plained if the plan is adopted, C.{,.n!mi.s.5i~nti==rR: j" m c 'n d it may n('lt affect t'he citizens Lynch, in citing the areat at all or it couid be imple- deal of work which went into mented to the "nth" degree the propc,sal, said the matter with amendments to the zon. needed further study, and ing ordinance by the council. Commilllonel' Peter GIleJ&n Sa)'ini it :will be a nice ~,.,.,."" .ft<,I_~ "T'~ .."t ...... """'''ma.,. w ...... n ftd-"'tad It ., ;:;';d~to""u';d~'wh~t' h~;' ~;nW~ltJi'er t:-~ef;r~ ~t~ by , ~~n, done before." the council or lie in the city CommIssioner Paul Roth- archives. ,.. enbul'l said, in noting the In viewing Mack as an ex- . citizens' letter of protest was ample, Mr. Catlin stated If nothing unfamillar, the mat- the counell desires to imple- tel' could be taken care of at ment the plan governing the I the meeting. while wonder. thoroughfare, It will direct ing if !! !!Omprorni5e, e.g., a Mr. Rogers or himself to pre. 1\ medium density designation, I pllre changes to the existing could be reached. loning ordinances to reflect Meanwhile, Mr. Gilezan, In specific designations for cer. speaking for himself, com. tain geographical areas in the mented on the citizens' lelter plan. and said, "We were not mot!. Hearings will then be heid. vated in any way with re. and if the council approves spect to increasing the tax such changes,. nothing will basco There was never any happen, he continued. intent to look upon the land Noi Sania Claus Use plan to increase the tax In uslng the location of . base to the .detriment of the Mr. Patanis' buildings as an community." example. Mr. Catlin .said his At the same time, Mr. area is recommended for Gileun said, "Perhap~ we tawn houses. "Mr. Patanis have not communicated as will use the buildings as he well as we should have on does now and may continue the land use plan's total to do so for 20 to 30 years," strategy. 1 appreciate the res- he said, while stating proper idents' concerns and want to Implementation of the plan. assure them we attempted to could ensue in the following look at the entire community \V.y: and not single o(at the north- Twenty or 30 years later, west area for high density. the buildings would be much On the contrary, a great deal older and a developer might of consideration was given on come along and look at them housing trends in the year regarding the town house 2,000." concept. He would consider He also pointed out, "If we buying buildings in a sufflci. have no plan, we will drift ent area to erect one or more and suhmit ourselves to spot such structures, and attempt I I zoning," while adding a de!. to purchase the property at inite plan is needed that can its economic value. be implemented with a strat- "The owners don't have to egy and goals in mind. sell," said Mr. Catlin. "If they Want Answen do in sufficient numbers, the I feel we may set in motion buildings would be demol- valUe changes in property ished and town houses would because of the underlying I be put up. So a segment oC proposal being offered here,

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abled .Again in GP Woods I. Obituaries I Th. -. ~ o:;.:~::~v:~:p~:~.~~::t.:.by 'he .hl1. (Continued from Page lU proves necessary clllmges to I' (heir profltlrty at its GCon~mlc . July 21 was' a backyard in Gunnell. Other wonen, who dren, They opened t~ fii. act would change in the the zoning ordinance. value. If you don't want to . '.The Woodl. The dritew.)' were .11 ill coatume for tbe with. costume parade which ear 2010, (for example), in "What hap pen s next? Jtl!II. you don't sell. Th.t de. (CouUnaed from P~1l 9) I Cottage HospItal, and ~eld I wa. lined with bicyc'-!II ..of occasion, were Kim DIY, went down several street. in f!eordance with the land use Nothing" said Mr Catlin veloper Isn't a Santa Ciaul. 1UlS, F..Dlm G. GIlAY ~he honorary title of March. every sl%e and style. Mu;iC I' Kelly E!s~y. Kathy Lubien- The Woods, _ .. ,. . ,'n-'s not going to ":"e _A~ao On_.l .. n. #A~ u~. ,,~ .. at Inn""" nf F.ClU'Y ~ltv ,,' 0...... th ('" ReI",,! A--eVl'n I 1 1an. "You continue to rcsl4e 10 n" " Ii" ..."'..~~I ..". """0 owo ...... """l, "'A, .-.-;------.. , --:~ -- - - I echoed

• Au ust 2 1979 thru ~ I BRYANT 397E GAS FURNACE Effective Thursday, g 8' 1979. "r"1 EXCLUSIVE VENT-MIZER DAMPER Wednesday, August , INST ALLED TO CUT DOWN hot line (313)965-2020, Can our d ' for our current rate, i.' CHIMNEY WASTE anytime, 24 hours a ay ELECTRONIC IGNITION, 110 CONI' ANI PILO' . :::. - • 20-YEAR GUARANTEE ON HEAT EXCHANGER Immediate Installation ~ ~ . ~ RRST FEDaw.SAVla OFDETROIT Main Office: 1001Woodward Avenue, UetrOlt, Michigan 4821&.Phone: CJb5.HOU. Branch offices throughc~.:tthe Detroit Metropolitan Area Including: Grosse PoInte St. ClaIr Shores Notre Dame near Kercheval 21800 Greater Mack at St. Joan 882-7697 777-9450

\. " j Page ~ideen GROSSE \"\",4. CTrosse l?ointe ~evvs . {USPS ~3IHOOj PubliJhed W,ekly By Rob", B. Bdgllr D/B/A Anl:,ho Pllhli,hm OfFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL AVE, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michiian 48236 S,~ond CllU POll'" P.ld I' DtltoiT; Miebl,.n By Pat Rousseau C1aui[ied AdlJerliJing (, Suhserip,ionJ 882.6900 Villeroy And Boch China DiJp/~'j Adl'erliJing:882'3'OO • Bdilorilli 882.0294 ... is new with the League Shop. If you've seen this line of fine FULL Y PA 10 CIRCULATION china and stoneware, you know Member Mich. Preu Allocialion .nll Nadolllill Edilarial Anac. how lovely it is. See several of ROBERT B fl)(;AR . ' , EDI TOR and PUllLiSHER the patterns in the window of WILLIAM ADAMO, ,ADVERTISING MANAGER 98 Kercheval. Place settings and .I0A:o.:l"[ 1111ReAR , .. ,CLASSIFIED MANAGER accessory pieces are exclusive in CREDIT MANAGER this area . .IANET /lWEI.LER . FEATURE. SOCIETY EDITOR ANN \X' A!LACE ...... ' .,., ..... , .. ,' SOCIET'r Museum Collection• . . . stuffed animal ROGER A WAHA . .. NEWS EDITOR pillows are 19th Century reproductions. They J .../llES .1 l'\JAIM . NEWS are adoi'able for your own home and make SI'SA:-; 1\1d)()NALD. .. " .. EDUCATION, NEWS delightful gifts. From a fashion point of view, DAVID KRAMER. . NEWS. SPORTS the new pure silk shirts come in new fall )OA~NE N. (iOUULllE . ., ,., ..... NeWS shades of rose, beige, wine, black and blue. MARY LORIMER ,ADV ERTISING In the selection there's a Cossack style at the P.'.T !'.0USSEAl! ADVERTISING Greenhouse, 117 Kercheval ... 881.6833 . CHARl.ES DICKSON. . ADVERTISING PHYLLIS NEAL , .. . ADVERTISING Special ... at Trail• Apothe- !HU.~.~ ?FCK ADVERTISING CLA~~IFIED SUPER V ISOR cary, 121 Kercheval, Jean Nate )0 MULHE!UN moisturizing soap and after bath JANET WHEATLEY . A'SSISTANT SUPER V ISOR TAMMY POl.K . .. Cl.ASSlfIED ADVERTISING splash (8 Ozs.). . both for FRAN VELARDO.,., ... , .... . CLASSlflEq ADVERTISING $3.25. NELLIE RIVARD ., ." ,. CLASSifiED ADVERTISING • ANNE I\WI HERIN .... CL.\SSlfIED .\DVERTISING Maria Dinon . . . has taken further re- DOROTH)' SC,HIMANSKY . , , . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ductions on the balance of her sale merchan- OAWN HOWARD CIRCULATION MAN"GER dise. A group of long dresses is now $50. Highland Queen Kilts• ... and reversible skh'ts woven from the finest virgin wool have arrived at Hartley's Country Lane, 85 Ker- cheval. They're absolutely beautiful! Great New ... •invitations and personalized stRtionery al- bum with unusual letters, notes and cards from which to choose is at Seasons of Paper, 115 Ker- cheval, 881-2053. Personally Yours •is featuring cotton knit turtlenecks in 10 colors, great fut i..yermg or to wear alone. Monogramming FREE, 3 days only, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. August 2, 3. 4 . . . 84 Kercheval. Smart . . . look-ahead• moms know it's that time again to get the best sele<:tion of b~ck.to.school clothes and they shop conve- mently at Young Clothes. For girls there are really pretty school dresses, coordinated sets of slacks, vests, skirts and sweaters. For boys ... slacks, sweaters, shirts are ready for your selection at 110 Kercheval.


Suburban Health Care Services Inc. Announces the Rebirth of the HOUSE CALL Physicians Available for House Calls to . 1ke."J~c/I.r"~/ViI''''' ~- Residents of Grosse Pointe and sur- CIIEUlA NOlliE Letters to The Editor 1'318 e WA~N /fOI(.-J"" 1O.'"••rJO rounding areas. J""'rrr '1(1. ",,'OO'~'OD 7 Days Weekly, 24 Hour. A Day To the Editor: The remaining foul' candi. ~r--.;-~-~I' On Tuesday evening, July dates, Dean Brunke, Gtlorge LAMIA Including HOilday. 24, a "Meet the Candidate Verdonckt, Richard Swan- HAIRCUTrING BY APPRENTICES Night," (sponsored by Park quist and Anthony Spada, West), was held in Grosse failed to display the common AND JUNIOR STYLISTS. Physicians Referral Service Pointe Park. The purpose of courtesy of notifying coordi- 28333 Telegraph Rd. this meeting was to provide nators of their inability to $10.00 Grosse Pointe - by Owner Suite 407, Southfield, Mich. 48034 a format for Park residents attend, and, therefore, did to become familiar with the not honor their commitment ALL CUTl'ING PERFORMED UNDER THE candidates seeking election to to the residents who came DIRECT SUPERVISION BY THE DIRECTOR the offices of council and to hear and respond to their AND STYUSTS OF THE LAMIA SALON. mayor of Grosse Poinle Park. views. Thusly, the residents FOR SALE BY OWNER It was felt that open dia. were shortchanged. '. logue and discussion between Those candidates who did Park residents and all of the par tic j pat e were Ma~'or ...~n(1ifl;;t('~ would be bcne. Matthew Patterson, Clayton ficial to the candidales' elec'l Alandt, Dr. Roger MeNeiil lion efforts and would aid and John Prost. As Park Park voters in making in- residents, we appreciate the formed and responsible de. time and efforts displayed by c:isions on Primary Election these candidates to present lla~'. (Tuesday, August 7). their views and answer our Toward that goal, all of the many questions. We feel that candidates were invited to these gentlemen who gave participate and present their willingly of their time are \'iews. All 12 graciOUSlY ac- more likely to provide re- repled this invitation. Each sponsible leadership in office. was conlacled further in or One can only wonder about der to formalize procedures the quality of leadership for this meeting. Again. each which would be provided by candldate's attendance was eandidatEJ who fail to honor a~surcd. their commitments to the 8S8 Bedford Many Park residents who voting public prior to election for appointment, call 823-1213 attended this forum on Tues- day. day fell shortchanged when Park residenta, WARM AND S.PACIOUS BRICK COLONIAL within only five of the 12 candidates David Boersma, 4 bedroom. 2'h: bath. 2 car garage, full finished base. block of qUiet park and lake; A-I condition; newly were present. Three of the Of Beaconsfield road, decorated and carpeted throughout; leaded glas..cr; seven candidates who failed Dori£ Miller and ment. Central Air Conditioning, Underground Sprinkler, Easy Walking Dlatance to Village, Prln. den/T.V. roo!J1; 5largebedrooms; roomy closets and to at/end notified meeting Gary C. Miller, clpals Only $139,990.00 lots of addiLJon~1 st~rage area, 3'f.! updated baths; cn()rd!na!()r~ ~h()rtly before or Nottingham road. living room With fireplace; formal dining room' I t;l' meeting that they would I (Editor's Note: The writ. modernized kitchen and eating area' full basement be unable to aHend. ers, who are affiliated with Can 9:00 to 6:30 divided for recreation, laundry, work areas and Of these, one ('!"l(iirl~tl'. Park West, wrote this letter 647.2667 st~l'age; two stall brick garage; picturesque WIlliam Faber, was prescot I as tntere8ted cltbena. They !'lAlghoorhood. Move in before school begins for approximately 10 minutes 8tress Ih cor-tont doesn't re- • $135,000. No Brokers. ' .. ncur the end of the meeting I fleet any opinion of the belofe leaving. I group itself.) 16239 MACK

{ ....l...-._ --,-_~ ~ __ .:- ..t.' _ ' iItI'lIIIli _ OlIII._.lIIiiS_ 'ti.lllllts__ ISIIIi _III'lSIIIh .:... _ • 'we s•.__ Page Seventeen Thursday I Augusi' 2, 1979 ------_.------_._------GROSSE POINTE NEWS I Welcome w,agon Awards. Scholarships IPointers Like Table Hopping in July -~ Mary Conway and Harry Satchwell Arrange Four .... I I"';"; Gourmet Dinner Evenings Around Metropolitan Detroit rtVV" The War Memorial's July Table Hopping Series V with Mary Conway and Harry Satchwell, co-authors of the restaurant guide "Meet, Eat and Enjoy Greater Detroit," ga"....e a group of Pointers a taste of the many fine dining spot:; in the metropolitan WOMIN'S PAGES area, and the lucky Table Hopping ticket holders literally lapped it up. I The trick on T uc.:>Jay, ' O:}. D::~.:<~!t, !n t~c 'b~sement they soon learned, was of the Detro.~t Hlstoncal ,~lu. not to eat until evening seum, at a .block party In Short and to . the square In front of the From Another Pointe . ; . and then, 10 the ~ve. turnof.the-century S.S. Kres. oi-- ..VIewTe Th P · t«.co,""...... nmg, toeatever~th1ng. ~e Company store, where By Janet Mueller 'I AW.ro~dM~::~d:'" ~:'~ts of this yea,., Welcome Behind them, (I~t ~ I&r~£~~~~~2~P:~~t~i:~W:~:~:~I:~:~~~l~~ I during We s t ern Michigan Wagon Club of Grosse Pointe and right), are proud mothers ~ R. course - and enjoy! picnic. Solan Weeks, the mu. The Michigan Circumnavigators are traveling University's second semester Harper Woods nursing scholarships, LAWRENCE WEBER and MRS. Which is exactly what the seum's dirco:tor. was a de. again - out to Belleville Lake this, Sunday, for commencement were PATRI. awarded at the club's lunche:m early CHARLES Di MERCURIO, MRS. Table Hoppers did, enjoying Iightful host, conducting a their 23rd annual Summer S alan.~ . CI.A~ A. HEFTLER, ot' t>u'f'k.~ - in June at the Grosse Pointe War STEPHEN SCHUTZE, h 1978-79 ichol-lV'RS the settl'ngs as much as the tour of Detroit through the 1 h '11 ing.ham road, and BARB A RA I Memorial, pictured above are, (front arshlp committee c airman, 11 . Ifood. Grosse Pointe has many I centufles and opemng the And what a party, it promises to be! T ere q WEBT."R WIT MERTE MRS JOHN . A. RUEMEt'l/APP, of Ford.! row, left to right), L~nR I£., _.LIAM an..d fine restaurants, but it's nice I shops for private viewing. be dancing "under the parachute," (or just pi am croft road, Bachelors degree ANNE MARIE Di MERCURIO, PA- EDWARDS, counselor at South Lake to "get out" once in a while I Next week, it was out to sitting, sipping and visiting), and boat rides, and recipients included DENISE TRICIA MERTE and ELIZABETH High School. I to avoid becoming provincial, Southfield, to the elegant shuffleboard, and croquet, and horseshoes, and a A. FAIRCHILD, of McKin. ------(Grosse Pointer$ pro.vincial? I Bijou, for a very ~ial menu golf ball pitching contest. ley avenue, M. ELIZABETH Miss Di Mercurio is a sec. and interview by the club's Mrs. Donald Pollock, Mrs. Never!), and something new that featured a cho~ce .of: There'll be a grand buffet dinner, from Circum MORAN. of Kenwood court, ond time recipient of the scholarship committee. Stephen Go Ids t e i n, Mrs. I is always special fun. Ie~tres - Veal ZUflch?ISe Laird Cregars' Pickwick House, served outdoors, BRIAN S. DICKINSON, of club's scholarship. She at. Serving on the scholarship Robert Hope and Mrs. Gilry So the group began Table With S~atzles, or BrOiled under a big tent. Grayton road, CHARLES D. tends Wayne State Univer ,::ommittee this year were GIOvannini. Hopping in the Streets of (Contmuea on Page 23) .' There'll be the sort of conversation YOt! only K'RIEG, of Lakeland avenue, sity. ear at Circumnavigator gatheJ;'ings: ROBERT M. PALMS, JR" of Other recipients, not pie. Notre Dame avenue. SUSAN tured above are Linda Tegt. ;.:; * * * M. STANLEY. of Yorkshire mllyer. who begins her studies :'. "wh"nMa!'v am! ! w~!'~ in Honv Kone- last road and MICHElLE A. 'thi. (,,11 "t O.1rl"nn lln;vPl" Aft.er I, Inventor., Clearance Sale :.1mth', ~'," " ~ - I MOSES. of Windmill )?ointe I ~it.y,Ch;istin; K~~~~a;ek' a~d II . .' : i'We enioved the Algarve, but Morocco! That's drive. More were THO~S Sharon Pasqual. ., the place I 'w~mt to go back to ... " . V~N L ,....J~..~_.~:~:;~~~~t~~~:~~~H':~~r:::r:.i.l gan oO.:na e ~eg s a ure ~t:I!" ~';;~....";I'~' ..;:~.-,';t"";:?""'1'~"" n' 40 h0111".c:' who- watCh things happen to hair. 3~ ;~~lVM~fe~~p~~a:'Dld~:i'a we.ek for six ~eeks at C::0m- II Hairdressers who wonder what', m.ajor, who worked with Rep. I mu.mty H 0 S pit a 1, Madl~on ..... :-. _ 40_ "" ft.:. "Q:;' •• 14" "mnftA'. lla I-' yt;;" 1-."'1....& ...'" &&Q.l&. __ ..... __ ...... _ •• _\_ fl rc:;cnt~ti"e JOHN KE!:SEY./ HeIghts. * * * hairdressing group MAKES THINGS Thomas, a Grosse Pointe r North High School 1974 grad. STUART A. KURTZ,. of I HAPPEN ... Like to see, we'd love to uate, son of MR. and MRS. Bedfo~d r.oad. has. re~elved show you. DONALD J. NICHOLS. of ~ U!1~verslty of IlImols fel. I I Rosedale court, is a resident I :OWShIP for ~dvanced study I assistant in' an MSU dormi- m Mathemat!cs at the Ur. I tory. a Psychology teaching I bana.Cham~al:n c:mpus. Bart Edmond assistant and a member of . , . Hair, Skin, Main and Make.up Salon the Sigma Nu social frater. Named to the Dean's List SHORES SHOPPING CENTER - 13 Mile nity. at Carleton College, North. 31065 Harper A....nue - 296-3660 .. .. * field, Minn., was JAMIE EVENING HOUtS Poi n t e r JUDY HAR. HANZAKOS, daughter of THORN was among the art. Pointers MR. and MRS. LEO ! HANZAKOS. a junior Chern. istry' and Spanish major. * * * Among 575 graduates re. ceiving degrees during Wes. leyan University's commence. ment May 27 were ROBERT W. KUHN, son of the ROB. SILHOUETTE ERT K U H N S, of Grand Marais boulevard, Bachelor of Arts cum laude with a SNIPPETS major in Psychology, and ELLEN MARKS, of South Renaud road, Bachelor of Arts. * .. * JAMES ZAKEM. son of Poi n t e r ~ MR. and MRS. JAMES ZAKEM. received a Doctor of Medicine degree I May 18 from Washington I University School of Medi- cine. Dr. Zakem, an Austin I Catholic Preparatcry Scheel 1970 graduate. will begin in. tcrnship in Diagnostic Radio. lo!(y at Vanderbilt University Affiliated Hospitals, Nash. ville. Tenn. * .. * Recently named to the Dean's List at the University of Michigan.Dearborn were JOHN A. and WILLIAM A. HOWELL. both of Rivard A few deft snips of the scissors is all it takes I boulevard. enrolled in the and you'll see the likeness of her subject I School of Engineering, and . ~ i emerge in a silhouette by Sally Newcomb. A Ii::~;Kd;i~~~I;~,~~~~~I personalized treasure, mounted on an paper ~~~~l ~iii~~~t;~~:~tr~~~: and ready to frame, this charming traditional Idents. art wor!< will be cherished by family, loved (Continued on Page 20\ ones and friends. Ms. Newcomb will be at Jacobson's from Friday through Tuesday, August 17, 1 to 8 p.m. Saturday, August 18; 1Oto 5 p.m., Monday August 20,1 Oto 5 p.m., I{ Tuesday, August 21, 10to 5. Heads are 1,1&10ROU $4.50, full figure $10. Pets $5 to $10, .., NURSING 'I Appointments are recommended, call 882- 7000 ext. 126. I'J HOME I' ! ' '(I. BOo...) LAST J~HERSO~ '.I Jht shops of j ()ETROIT. :mul. Jacobson's 821-3525 ,j W"lt"1\..Pi~r,~ GROSSE POINTE Grosse Poilte • Somerset Man Page Eighteen G'R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, August 2, 1979 Society News Gathered from the Pointes

~I Ic~n tIQ---~~------Mrs. Robert G. Brown I Two to Talk on Chi!dl)irtll I .I~bevlw...,ad I ..., '-'C oJ Jane Frahm, Registered I the 'anatomy of the abdom. 1 '-I.. ______Robe rt Brow n ______. Physical Therapist, of North inal wall and pelvic iloor, M . , EI' b th I b I H .... 'd f I and. the bride was attended ried a miniature of the sen- Oxford road, and Lucy S. physiology of respiration~ ..arl.an Iza e s ey s onor IVI~U or Her J by her sister, Mllrian Eliza. ior attendants' bouquets, Smith, Registered Physical Valsalva Maneuver and in: Sister: Three Cousins Serve as Bridesmaids I ~eth I~bey, in a floor length. Best man was Paul J. Therapist, of Lakepointe live. feriol' vena cava occlusion, at Mid-June Rites LUll.sklrted ~ress. of m~cha Spadafora, of ~iddleton, 0, nue, will speak at the Uniled I'elating the specific applica. . . ,p.lum embroldere~ C h 1 n a In the usher corps were Ed- States Midwestern Region of tion of each to second slage. Susan Foster Isbey and Robert Gibbins Brown I silk, as honor maid. I ward Kenneth Isbey, III, of I the International Childbirth labor. exc~anged marriage vows Saturday, June 23, in ~he frock, gathereti at the Asheville, cousin .0. f the bride, I Ed u cat ion Association's This will be further ex. ChrIst Church, Grosse Pointe where a champagne waist by a cumn:erbund, f,ea- r.obert M. Paste~,?f Tulla- three.day conference sel for plained in a more practical luncheon in the Undercroft followed the 1:30 i ~:lred a drawstrmg necklme hUIli .., Tenn" D,:i'.;'~-:J. Acker. mid-August IIi Milwaukee, ~ .:n:m:1~1" by demons/rating o'dQCk ceremony ------1 and self.banued, full sleeves. ma~, of Sprl~EfLeld, Va., -Conference theme is "To. positions and breathing that Th dd" b ff t. '. Bridesmaids, dressed iden- Craig L. Mattoh, of Lp.banon, morrow's Child - 'l'oday's can be used by the mother e we .mg u e dl~g gow~ of wh~te peau de tic ally in mocha plum crepe Pa., and New York City, and Concern." Mrs. Frahm and in delivering her baby. supper was gl~en by Mr. SOle. fashlcned With a scoop de chine, were three cousins William M, Nep.tlc' of Miami, Mrs. Smith will speak on the . Mrs. Frahm and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Emil D. Berg, I neck. lon~, taper~~ slee:2c of the bride, R.oxane Whel. Fla., and Philadelphia, Pa. management of pushing the have pre s e n t e d daY.long ot Ken~oO<;i road. and a bodice ~pphqued wlth den Isbey, Jr., of Asheville, William Field lsbey, Jr., baby out during second stage workshops on this topic dur- TlJe bl'Jde IS the dau.g~ler Alenco~ lace aud seed P?arls, N.C., and New York City, ring bc;:rcr for his sister, labor. ing the year for area child- o~ Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Her tram was cat he d r a 1 Marianne Theresa Crane and carried the ring on a while The emphasis of their pres. birth educators, physicians Field Isbe~, of Mapleton length. . . . Caroline Brinkman Isbey. of satin pillow covered with entation will be on the and Labor and Delivery r~d, the brldegroom the son He~ vell was a traditional Ash e viiI e, and Elizabeth white Sweetheart roses and physiological handling of this nurses at Macomb County Of: Dr. and Mrs. Dorris Dud. mantilla, catlae~ral len~th Grant Arcari, of Lake Ange. trailing ivy. stage allowing the mother to Community and Mercy Col. ll!y~-Brown. of New Braun. and bordered wlth rnatchmg Ius. James Leo Berg served as respond to her own body leges and in Midland. f~1s, Tex., who entertained Ale~con lace and pearls. White salin bows tied their I acolyte for the weddinu com urges. This is in contrast to They are in3tructors for nn 'Vh,t .. th .... n """ th• e eve or• rDe.. weu~d'mg'. at...... ~ .~~"'e.. .._._.__rt. roses.. '. ste - oId.fashioned bouquets of I"munion service. th e use 0fledpro ong brea th Ch'ldb'1 Irlh lnf vrmatl'on Serv • the Rehearsal Dinner at the phanotls and trailing IVY h't S f t 'Th b'd' holding, the Valsalva Maneu. ice, Inc., a nonllrofit cor- Betroit Boat Club' formed her bouquet w !~ ~ee near roses anu ~ 1'1 e s mother wore ver, whl'ch is more routinely poration which pre s e n t s . . .' . trallmg IVY. They wore half- a BrIttany blue silk shirt- I . The fONl~r MlSS Isbey se. The ~ey~rend J. Gary ~ul- circlets of matching flowers waist, styled with a manda. accepted.. classes locally at Cottage and I~ted a pnl1(;ess style wed. ton offiCiated at the ntes, in the'ir hair. rin collar, long, full, self- They will be presenting I Bon secours Hospitals, 'I Flower girl Sarah Dowd banded sleeves and a full, DOG GROOMING Crane, another cousin of the mid-calf length skirt. FANTASTIC HAIR CUTS bride, in a long, puff-sleeved The bridegroom's mother's by Lisa reg. $7 and up , <:'71 ' e.-J/ f fi .~ I d~ess OfdWhite cotlon pique mid-calf length dress of ecru I r Jhij n Jha o. .,.. e j' wIlh me a1lio~ lace and s~ed lace over silk was short by appointment at Children $6 and up pearls accentmg her bodice, sleeved and styled with a ~' 19443 MACK brl .ppobu",",,! 881.9007 wore white Sweetheart roses round. high neck. Her skirl Christ Church, Grosse Pointe, was the set- in her long braids and car- was straight. Both mothers ting Saturday, June 23, for the early afternoon ------'---,------selected white orchid cor- JJair :Jajhionj "'I Shirl~'J wedding of' SUSAN FOSTER ISBEY, daughter 21028 Mack sages. Grosse Pointe Woods . 884• 0330 After a short vacation in I of the William Field Isbeys, of Mapleton road, northern Michi!(an, the new- and Mr. Brown, son of Dr. and Mrs. Dorris lyweds are at home in Dur. Dudley Brown, of New Braunfels, Tex. ham, N,C .• wh~e the bride, a graduate of the Grosse of Grosse Pointe Shores. bride's cousin, Ford Douglas Pointe Academy and Bloom. The new Mrs, Brown is also Isbey, all of Asheville, and field Academy of the Sacred the granrl;::;;"'6}",~.:r Df the the bridegroom's sister and L. Heart, was graduated from late Dr. EG .....ard K. lsbey, a brother. Mrs. David Carpen-, TEl...;;2 MALL Duke U n ive r sit y with a lifelong Pointe resident, and ter, of Houston, Tex., and Bachelor of Science degree of the late Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Gordon Hall Brown, of New in Psychology in May, rick Joseph O'Dowd, of Les- Braunfels. Duke has awarded her a lie, Mich. Still others were Kenneth ANTIQUE full doctoral fellowship, and More out-of-town guests R: Lazarus, of Durham, N.C., I she has begun .....'1rk on her were the bride's uncle and Mark E. Willey, &f Dumfries, SHOW AND SALE Doctorate in Biological Psy- aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Va.. and Megan O'Sbaugh- Telegraph & 12 Mile Rd. chology during the summer Kenneth Isbcy, Jr., and the, ncssy, of Washington, D.C. semester. Her sororitY! is Thursday, A",g. 2 thru Kappa Kappa Gamma, Her husband. a graduate i History Lives at Fort Wayne Sunday, Aug. 12 of Robinson High School. Mall Hours Fairfax. Va., received his Historic Fort Wayne, one cents for senior citizens and Bachelor of Science degree in of Detroit's well-known land- teenagers and 25 cents. for Free Admission Free Par Icing Physics from Duke in May, marks, will be garrisoned children un

TENN IS SHOES 30% OFF SELECTED STYLES -=-c:=~. All Regular Priced Merchandise 10% OFF Store Hours Mon,-Wed. 9:30-5:30 Thurs,-Frl. 9:30-9:00 Sat. 9:30-5:30 Jacobson's VILLAGE SHOES GROSSE POINTE • 17112 KERCHEVAL, ;n the Village 881-1191 ------...... ""='"- ...... ""....._---

Thursday, Ja..u9u~t 2, !979 0ROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen ------_.- ----_.& ....- Women's Page-----by, of and for Pointe Women Help at Hand Plexiqlass Sculpture Present Polish Folk Dancers Married in June By Suzanne Pierron Friends of Polish Art are j Hall Saturday evening, Au- Miss Kavanaugh For Overeaters co.hosting the second annual gust 11. Pieces of plexiglass sculp- Polish Folk Dance Festival The program: spon~re.d ,!Y Overeaters A non y m a u s ture by Suzanne Pierron. of ' the Amencan counCil 01. ro- meets Thursday mornings, at North Brys drive, highlighted a St'!'ies of worksh()~s and lish Cultural Clubs in coop- 'ls.A June Bride a display in the Kalamazoo dance sessions attended by eration with the Michigz.n 9:30 o'clock, at the Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church in College Gallery earlier this folk dance groups from all Cauncil far the Arts, will Rec:eption at Grosse Pointe War Memorial Fol- Maumee avenue, between summer. over the United States, under feature 150 participants rep- Neff road and st. Clair ave . Suzarme, who majored in the direction ar some of the resenting 20 folk dance •'o..,~I'. _.,.;,.r:.. ",r.:' _.~.. - R:'.tW,a"1..... -~ WL:~LytJ1I""" 51..fiie I: nue. The meetings are open Biology while attending Kal. finest instructors from Po- groups. . Wed to Dr. Stevan. Ledtke to the' public. amazoo College, participated I land and America, starting Further information .a.l}d in the Marine Biology Pro. this Monday. August 6, and tickets for the performancj! .... Kathryn Kavanaugh wore her mother's wed. gram in The Bahamas ';;~crc ! :'':~:l':!!l3Iing in aea!a p€f .. '!!'!y hP obtained by calling dmg gown for her own wedding Friday evening at Saint Luke's Hospital, .studE.::~:out researchdeviseprojects.and carry formance- at Detroit's Music I 865-9226...... or 9637680. _ June 22, .in Bethany Lutheran Church. She spok~ Saginaw. . h~r ma~fJage vows to Dr. Steven Ledtke, wpo began The wedding gown was of I She also studied in Liberia, I I LO-...... ~...... 1. hIS reSIdency in Family Practice in Saginaw at ivory satin, styled with a I Africa, under the college's . n.u-n ....~_ the beginning of July. I Sweetheart n e c k Ii n e. 'rhe j Foreign St!!dy Program, tak. .NTERTAINM:NT AQIINCY The bride, daughter of ding from Stanhope ave- bridal veil was long, the brio ing courses in African Art VersatIle music to satisry all ages. M dal bouquet fashioned of at museums there. Benefits, We,ddings, Private Parties r. and Mrs. Thomas Ilue to St. Clair. is a ivory silk flowers: roses, l Recently, she has been C' d N G P R 884 0300 Kavanaugh, who moved Registered Nurse, work- baby's~reath and daisies. living and working in New In Y Gvarro, .. ep. • , shortly after the wed. ing in the operating room The 5 o'clock rites at which York City. studying under artist Sylvia Stone,' pursuing her senior individualized pro- ject. She plans to. return to I New York. I "The more ! work. the more J learn about design Carriage Limousine Service :md form, which is import. ant to render meaningful The Ultimau In Professional Serviee works of art." she says. She considers her plexiglass Weddings, Pine Knob, Parties, Airport pieces, ranging in size from I. 40 inches to seven feet, util. izing planes of different col. 24 Hour Ans. ServicQ At an early evening ceremony Friday June ors in random geometric (313) 778-3680 22, in Bethany Lutheran Church KATHRYN forms. "very avant.garde." -I KAVANAUGH and DR. STEVEN LEDTKE ex- changed marriage vows. She is the daughter of the Thomas Kavanaughs, who have moved irom Just i,'l at Stanhope avenue to St. Clair. The bridegroom is the son of the Robert Ledtkes, of Saginaw. Man.ia. :Dinon ,Pastor G. P. DobberfUhl, of I are the wns of Mr. and Mrs. Detroit, and Pastor Harold I Robert Ledtke, of Saginaw. Krach, of Saginaw, presided In the usher corps were were followed by a reception n:r;;,ay r. :aU,c,-;mc'hl'f hl'I)th,.1 at the. Grosse Pointe War I er, and the' bride's brothers, Memorial.' Thomas Kavanaugh, of New Honor a t ten d ant Ruth Haven, and Michael Kava. We Ordef 10Your Measuremenls, Pick Vour Color for a Brown and. bridesma~ds Deb. naugh, of Mount Clemens. custom tailored look. ra Taube and Cynthia Heidt, Ring bearer was Kevin Bene. the bride's cousin, both of teau, of New Haven, the Mount Clemens, wore floor bride's nephew. pfus Save on dressers, chests, length, long-sleeved frocks of The bride's mother accent- \ blue Qiana. featuring Sw~et. ed her floor length. long- mirrors, h~QdboQrds, beds. heart necklines, a.nd carned sleeved, high necked gown of I CWeatlle/(Q~~CDoubQe gaced Coats ar~a~gements of Silk f1ower;s, rose Qiana with a corsage of \ Imported f~om Bond Street, England reg sale daiSIes, roses and baby s- ivory silk roses, The bride.! A true Colonial "ciasslc". this Heirloom 66" Triple Oresser 629.50 529.50 breath, with blue streamers. groom's mother wore a gown bedroom.lsoneoffournowonsale. Mirror .. ; .... , .179.50 159.50 Dr. Michael Ledtke was of beige Qiana, floor length Perfectly scaled for today's modest size Queen Size Bed•.• 319.50 269.50 his brother's best! man. They and sleeveless. Man.ia.!binon I 3PC-DRESSER. MIRROR. I luullllli.Supt!rbiyexecuieeinsoiidMapie BEO. and/or Birch and selected veneers. with ...... 1.128.50 949.50 J S~lIInt.Paul Lutheran Co-op Enlists Teachers l famousEthanAllenuncomprornjslng U-- 40"Chest... 629.50 529.50 S' t P I Luth C . t f . t d 11 KERCHEVAL AVE. 882-5550 J I attention to craftsmanship. NI htTabl 189 SO' am. au eran vane y equlpmen an a g. e . . . 159 •50 operative Nursery School0-\ well-planned0 program, Fur- _ ~ . • . ~;.-;...., ...... "o="""="'''"''''~.r' .\i~:;:~E::;~]~\~~~~7~~gm:,,.,.A~tIlrJ) \... ,:. . '.Rouse' ~ for th~ former session and . If You ~511 1..' Cyd Zampich, who will'have RESPONSIBLE Are LoOking SHe E.E!g!at II!! 1iiIIifiOn 1MI... I.OS t~e~~e responsibilities for For the Best, ,- .. -...... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiii __ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii= \.'=-- =-_~. I me laner group. to Grosse Pointe .,-, Visit the Shop Both corne to their posi-j II With A Staff tions fully qualified and with Businessman second to None! valuable experience. Sandy McGahey will serve will rent bedroom, as the co-op's president in sitting room' with bath the 1979-80 school year. as. I Call for an appointment sisted by Dana Ford as vice- in large Pointe home. today! president, Carole Cobb as 881-8470 secretary, Sue Davis as cor- Excellent resP9nwng secretary, Karen References Buchanan as treasurer and Patty Ritter and Marge AUf. . Would also look health and membership chairmen. respectively. after your posses- Applications for this faU's sions when away. three-year session, which ilirqntl-Jamps (fioiffurpg meets Tuesday and Thurs. Please write day' mornings, and for the 20525 MACK AVENUE four.year session, meeting Box No. L-3' 2 Blocks South of8 Mile three mornings a week with Grosse Pointe News @REDKEN a lunch program on Fridays, 99 Kercheval OPEN EVERY EVENING are now being accepted. The school offers a large Grosse Pointe 48236


UP TO and The Lily of France Sport Bra OFF More supports and protects. Firm and comfortable support, minus friction all departments! and irritation, whatever the form of exercise or sport. Seamless molded cups are smooth in polyester/cotton that stretches and breathes, the lattice lace trim open and airy. Elastic athletic arch and non-stretch, non-straying it II straps add extra support without hardware. Sales 78 KERCHEVAL on the HILL In white for 34-38 Band C sizes, 12.50. Final GROSSE POINTE FARMS Jacobson's OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P,M, TWO HOURS FReE PARKING - WE WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET = = - -" --_ .. _- - ....

Thursday, August 2, 1979 Paqe Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS :~Society News Gathered from the Pointes

\ The Daniel J. Aitkens I Aitken-O'Connor Vows Exchanged i ,I G,::tp~::':~:::.~C:~~h~::~~::ls"", q , sister Maureen O'Counor, as ding and the reception fol. \ I man, executive director of organization has attempted I . N,ewlyweds Leave Greenfield Village's Martha- honor maid, in a long gown lowing at Lochm'oor Club, the Girl Scouts of Metro. to adapt these skills for use poUtan Detroit, and Beverly by a voluntary social service Mary Chapel in Horse-Drawn Carriage of blue flowered chiffon, and Mrs. O'Connor selected a Robtlins, executive director agency. 0 M'd J by bridesmaids Nan Stocky, long gown of blue Qiana. FoIIoWing I. une Rites Kathy Brinkman. Mrs. Gerald The bridegroom's mother of the Southern Oakland Eighty.two Girl Scout staff Girl Scouts, recently partici. members and key voluniccrs . '. Daniel John Aitken, son of the John T. Aii:- Anderson and Mrs. Andrew wore pink chiffon. The ... kens, of North Renaud road, claimed Dianne Mar- Emerson, in pink !lowered bride's grandmother. Lu. ...;": . pat~~ in a new G1rl SCvlitl fro~.~h:G~~ho~t the f{;Ur:.t:-.:.: chiffon. cille O'Connor, of Youngs. f ..w tramlng program: a four.day participated. With a grollp of .. garet O'Connor as his bride Thursday June 21 in t' I d Q' 1 .~', Management School held at 10 Detroit.area women com. i Greenfield vm~!!e's Martha-Mary Cha' pel. ' They carried baskets of .o.wn, was ~~ .ave~ ~r lana. ~ Icarnations "ud daisies in I /\Il had Oil hid (vr.ages. "'''at'' ':"','"".."'", the StnH~!! Mountain!nn, prising the Michigan delega. " "',,"'"Stratton Mountain, VI. tion. 1 :', It a, candlelight I - . colors complementing their Europe was the newlyweds' was I The seminar, sponsored by In addition to Ms. Way. iJ . ceremony, with the bride I The bnde, daughter of Mr. dresses. vacation destination. New' i; -I the Girl Scouts of the USA, man and Ms. Robbins, it in : and bridegroom lighting a~d Mrs. Dviiald F. O'Con Best man was Richard Baltimore win be their home. was designed ~o teach worn. cluded GSMD staff member~ a unity candle from can- fouf, of Youngstown, N.Y.. Goodman. Guests were soated 'I I .. wore an Alencon lace.accent. < ----- I en the ~ind of management Miriam Banr.lstcr ;;..~n::::~ dles ~hJch theIr parents ed gown of satin and or. by Patrick Callahan, Bill and I skills they need today to Schadt and GSMD volunteers . ,had hI. ganza, and a long veil. White Dan Raleigh and Donald J. Phase I Plans handle their career and vol. Beverlee Budde.n, Je~netta ; .... The newlyweds left the orchids and white roses O'Connor, the bride's broth. . unteer activities. Floyd and PhylliS Robwson. • chapel in a horse.drawn car. formed her bouquet. er. ISunday Picnic I Although business corpo. The women had an oppor. : riagc after the 5 o'clock rites. She was attended by her For her daughter's wed. I ~ ,rations have been' leaching I tunitj' to attend wo.rkshops Phase I, the organizatIOn I I management techniques for on management of flnanccs, for single. young adults, ages I i many ~ears~~~!s is the first . (Continul'd on Pag~.23.}_ 20 through 39, who meet reg. ularly fall through spring on Sunday evenings at Grosse 1'-" Pointe Memorial Church. has scheduled a picnic social for this Sunday, August 5, start. ing at 12:30 o'clock at Spind. ler Park in East Detroit, I where there 1re grills for cooking hot dogs and ham. burgers, courts for tennis and fields for volleyball and soft. Marriage vows were spoken at a candlelight ball. • ceremony Thursday, June 21, in Greenfield Vil- lage's Martha - Mary AREA RUGS Chapel by DIANNE MARGARET O'CON- NOR, daughter of the °/0 MRS. DIXON Donald F. O'Connors. of Youngstown, N.y., and Mr. Aitken, son WE BUy •••. 2~IIIY A~.. rtIud 'riCIa, o of Mr. and Mrs, John 25 PHYSIC, TAROT CARDS AND T. Aitken, of North SEII.& TRADE FOR OLD RUGS~•• Renaud /.vail: ....._.~. . . ANY IN srOCK OR'-S'FfECIA["OHiJEff PALM' READER, ASIKO(OGEK" ...... "'.WHOLESAt:.E and RETAiL Hand-washing, repairing. No, Chemicals Us.ed! - ALSO- .--.1 Antiques and Appraisals Advisor on all affairs of life, love, marriage, health, divorce and business. Short and to Masler Cllarge, BankAmerlcard A FULL 25010OFF ON KARASTAN'S Call 547-5000 She will read and tell you your past, The Pointe 321 South Main, Royal O.k 3 Best.Selling BROADLOOMS present and future. This gifted la~y will help you where (Continued from Page 17> I CLAIRE BLOOM, of Three Ir others have failed. Mile drive, will b.e spending PRICED OPEN two weeks in China this sum. EVEN!NGS ,!)1A'!I1: mer, by invitation of the ••~uv I HOUSE SALE Mon., Thurs., Chinese Govenufnmt, as. ii participant in the Brown II . Fri. 'tll 9 Mlck AVI • 16837 Call for Tuesday August 7th (Bet 8 & 9 Mile R~I University Chorus's perform. Tues., Weds., Harper Appointment ance tOUl'. Wednesday August 8th Sat. 'til6 776-5510 Open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. 881-2822 " .. 80th days, 10 a.m. to &:30 p.m. Initiated into Alpha Lamb- ______I da Delta. a freshman national ESTATE of hOl,lor society, at .. Western ...... o • :', Michigan, UniversIty, w~re I Paul D. & Edjtl) H. Bagwell . \ TINA JACOBS, of Lakeland , on the premises II _._. 11.* fresh Summer Ideas avenue, MARGARET SOLO. •.. II •• . II ••• II •••••• II II •.•• II •• II • II • to .... II II II • II II ••• II ••• II ••• II ••• , II II. II ••••••••••• II II •••• II •• II II ••••••• II II o • . I MON, of Cloverly road. and I YVONNE RAltffiA UM, vf 1051 DEVONSHIRE , : From Wiggs l- East Williams court. between Jefferson and St. Paul o • • open Mon., Thurs. & FrL 'ti19 • 644-7370 and between Alter Rd. & Cadieux ...... , '. , .. I " " " ' SHEILA. PECK, daughter GROSSE POINTE PARK of .MR. and fiIRS. RANKIN To ~ sold are the fumishings and decorative ob- P. PECK, JR., of Lakeshore jects in this fine Grosse Pointe home and everything road, received a Bachelor of will be offered at - . Arts degree in Business Ad. ministration d u r i n g com. PLAIN PRICES mencement May 27 at Rollins Sale to be conducted by College, Winter Park, Fla. I • • • DuMouchelle Art Galleries I During commencement at I the University of Houston Co. Central Campus May 12, 409 E. Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan RICHARD F. CHAPIN, son . ' Further Information by phone: 963-6255 or 963-0248 .. . of MR. and MRS. RICHARD .. B. CHAPIN, of Rivard boule. Lawrence F. DuMouchelle Joan Walker 0 I Ernsst ..J. Du~.,1oucheHe I . I vard, received a Bachelor of I ., Science tlegree in SOCiOlOgy., Art and Estate Auctioneers and Appraisers I . 1 ., (Omtinued on. Page 32) I : I : Ir~ ., . How to be the Elegant Hostess . . . and get raves from guests ... . ., .'. : ,''.. ...' . . "Pan Alian" Bedroom ... " . Oriemal Tradition by HENREDON ... . . Only at Wiggs ... in our excItIng Galleries of Traditional Furniture . and Accessories will you discover ... . .ALL these great names AT SUMMER SALE PRICES! Our Summer Sale Savings cover a myriad of traditional furniture and BRONZE AGE Skewers .. accessory items (china, silver. gifts, wall decor, carpel and Brea rugs. IOO) Fine Solid for every room in your llome. You will recognize tllese fine, nationally-known a beautiful way to serve brands ... lust a few listed below ... all Summer Sale ".(Iced at Wiggs. Bronze Handles Of course, sale prices apply 10 "In-slock" and "cuSlol1'-ordered" Be an elegant hostess. Go . merchandise . • with the :\EW Bronze Age , Stainless Steel . Skewers wat set you apart o Skewer Blades .' • HENREDON • ETHAN ALLEN • HARDEN In serving. ~lakes your Shish . • WIDDICOMB • VICTORIAN • HICKORY Kebob look nll)re appetizing. • The solid core handles are • CENTURY • THOMASVILLE • WHITE Hostess Set of Twelve (12) a thing of beauty. Bronze . • HITCHCOCK • WOODMARK • DAVIS . Skewers .. Age Skewers are an unusual . • STATTON • HEKMAN • SLIGH, etc. ~ift idea, too . o o (/ .T o MAIL THIS COUPON 10DAY ,o . '" " ,....' o Visa and Master Charge .', o :'t:ame _~ __" . _ , .o AddreK8 . \~s~~~t\,.' _BRONZE Clly . Statc_Zlp_ . ".S~'-, ' @A'fiE'.colledors . -' Semi ch~ck or mone\' order. Pr1{-e ,,/ ' . ~. Quality includes shlppin!! ehar~et';. o ...-... . Fine Trsditional Furniture, Chins, 21620 W. 6 Mile Road or use VISA l.: MASTER CIL\RGE 1.1 . ¥~~ AMERrCAN EXPRESS [j Silver. Giftwsre & Accessories . Telegraph at Long Lake Road (l8.Mile) Soufhfield, Mich, 48075 Number of Credit Card _ . Phone (313) 157.2~46 :. ' Expiration Date ...... t " If II , " " '" .. " " " " , , ,. to 'II : 54 ,4 t .,2 'f • '. +', ;'.. 4~ ... - - ._------_ ...._--

G R () SSE POI N T E ,.. E W S Pig. Twenty.O"9 Women's Page by, of and for Pointe Women

A Big Day for Gowanie Golf Women Share the Fare Can Save Gas to Music Hall . . Engaged I Spri ng Bride .. ------I In order to assist patrons I They make specific arrang£:- 'I D..nce 5t:ries bul ... :ril:ier •. A contlnental breakfast, a Elaine Freitas, Lochmoor, Sullivan and Edith Walton, rc welcome address by Lucl1le Flight A, and Doreen Skanh Fort Lauderdale. and Lor. to ro~bat Inflation and the I ments for 5 h a r i n g rides successful, it may be Insti. Grenzke, president of Go. and Marge VanEckhoute, ralne Glynn and Rita Tref. rising cost of gasoline. De. among themselves. tuted for other series, wanle Ladies Golf Assocli' Burning Tret, Flight B, zer, Lochmoor. troit's Music Hall Center is "They may choose to alter. I To daLe tile season ticket providing a voluntary car nate rides or simply share office has 'received the ~mes tion, golf instructions from Fl'Ii ht C had a'th ree.way Ruth Beers and Mary Si. I Pat O'Connor, chairman of tl e, (1p ay.o ff th roug h th e mon, Lochmoor, came in pool serv~ce to It~ 1979.80 parking and gas costs; what., of interested participants in the day, and a shotgun start fourth hole), won by Mary second while Barbara Durl. Dance Series subscribers, ever choice is made is done 25 different to-.vns from De. bEgan the Gowanle Golf Club Bierman. and Esther ~oloi' Ing aM Joyce Charles, St. This new "Share the Fare" so by mutual agreement. We I trait to Grand Rapids. Ladies' annual invitational na, Partridge Creek. Flight 0 Clair River placed third in program begins with opening hope that our customers willi Fur the r IOformation on tournament Thursday, July was won by Gert O'Connell I Flight B ' night of the Twyla Tharp make new friends as well as I Music Hall's 1979-80 Dance 19. Luncheon, prizes and and Car ISh rt 11'11 . Dancers ?n OCtober 30. . save money." Series 2nd Share ,he' Fare o c wa z, d. Fl' ht C nd I . awards followed. crest. Ii seco p ace WID. Acc?rdlOg to ,Margaret WIt. Music Hall is presently I may be obtained by cal~ling Winners in the four flights Secon ,':,

;';;m~:m:es~~~u:'hi~h .;~.~~ I' .. - .....-, I from July 24 through August I I I .- 5 are Orchestra majors Lin. I da M. Christensen, of st. 'fl Clair avenue, and Mary F.I .I~:,'~'tl~~ti~!e~~:;f[ Skewes, of Yorkshire road, ,;. :.!/,-::':'~/....:;*.•.':~;.. '.'..;;.....:,,;,-. ~':,..., . ~;~' .. ~~ and Band majors Laura E. l ~,.~ ~~ Sanders, of. University place, '".',:,:::\:..... ;:\\';i)': and Robert E. SwaJtey, III, PRICED TO SELL \. of South Brys drive. I 3 day. only- ~< > /l i,i' Orchestra students at Blue August 2nd .:.;.>:.:.:: Lake are assigned to one of :.;;:.:' . two orchestras 8ccording to August 3rd :::.:,;~t~:. their proficiency, determined . August 4th ~y)::.:..:. during auditions conducted On our THIRD ond FOURTH ~;:::/:}\:,:::::;;;".;., the !!!"st !!~y. In !!rl!fjtio~ to rLOOi\S ':'1-":: ::-'ei"

The lOth annual Ol'chard Favorites for the plus-sized girl, Lake Ladies Day Dinner be. gins with. a 4 o'clock welcome such as this finely detailed plaid. reception at Hillcrest Coun- try Club Wednesday, August 15. Proceeds from the $75 SAVE 20% Back-to-school is an easy venture, when first donation party go toward the gathering her wardrobe from all of our dresses support of the Orchard Lake Schools and Centers. WALL UNITS by 67k~ NOW IN PROGRESS and sportswear styles in 8lh-16~ chubby sizes. The evening's program in- This white-collared, shirred and carefree cotton/ cludes a fashion show by .A full range in styles and finishes. Ideal for any Saks Penthouse Salon at 5 room where storage is needed! Door units, drop ,t .polyester plaid dress is front buttoned and tied, o'clock. cocktails at 6:30, 1 dinner at 7:30 and the award. desk units and open book shelves. has a delicate bow to match the knit cuffs, $27. ing of prizes at 9 o'clock. A reception follows until 11 o'clock. Reservations, requested by Jacobson's this Saturday, August 4, and further information may be OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. obtained by calling the TWO HOURS FREE PARKING WE WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET Ladies Dinner office at Or- chard Lake, 682.1885. Grosse Pointe War Memorial's 32 Lake Shore Road SUMMER -STOCK PERFORMERS Under Direction of GROSSE POINTE THEATER Debut In "BYE BYE BIRDIE" August 10 & 11 (Friday & Saturday)

8:00 p.m. May be purchased FRIES AUDITORIUM singly or W ALL SYSTEMS by fflcWkmg~ in a gr()up! Book Michael Stewart Music .. _ Charles Strouse Lyrics , , , . Lee Adams jJ~ in coopers.ion with Tams-Wltmark Music Library, Inc. 0PPLIANCE AND FURNITURE $3.00 per person 23200 MACK AVENUE ST. CLAIR SHORES 775.2728 2 Bloele. South of Ni"A Mil. Reserved sests available ,lOW at Center office ~ II • Mon., Thurt., Fri., So,. Y '0 9, iu ••. & W.d, Y '06, {;io•• d Sun. - - -Page Twenty.Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, August 2, 1979 .Society r~ews Gathered from the Pointes w i Dllughters of Isabella . Offer JVollten' s IVewOfficers for Jardinieres \ Married In July Miss. Thompson To Meet on Augud 13 Study Classes Mrs. Lawrence Vander- !der Blain, III, president, mark opened her Stratford Mrs. Jack Bautista and Mrs. Ama Deus Circle 616, place home to members of Jerry Deeney, first and sec- 1\ Wayne County Community I .W' · G Daughters of Isabella, will La Societe des Jardinieres r ond vice. presidents, respec- ., e In are n gather Monday, August 13. College will offer five Worn. Garden CI.,b in mid.June. tively, Mrs. Krieg and Mrs. '. - d d at 6 in th~. evening in Gabriel en's Studies classes, including Co.hostess for the annual Charles Viane. correspond. II Richard Knights of Columbus I - i a !!rst.time ('lass ill East1,,;:d meeting was Mrs. Jere Krieg. I log and recording secreta,. (S'own in Which She Speaks Vows to John William Hall in E~st Warren. avenu~ Shopping Center, during its Officers elected to serve ies, respectively. and Mrs. 8 b. J d G f d Ifor a business meeting fOl' upcoming fall term. in 197~ 60 are Mrs. Alexan- Alfred Fisher, III, treasurer . .' on riSCO, r., An owns 0 Atten llnts lowed by a card game social These classes take a crea- " Are Fashioned by Bride's Mother hour. tive, documented, scholarly r--- approach to the pressures' of I .; .. The garden of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, Oscar de 1a Renta design being a woman in ~(,'::":l"s where a reception followed in the Crystal Ball- bridal gown of Alencor; w 0 r I o. WCCC's Women's MRS. NINA, A PSYCHiC READER r,9,6m,was the setting Friday, July 13, for the eve- Studies Program was the first AND ADVISOR, SPECIALIZES IN lace, trimmed with seed to be offered in Michigan. iljng wedding of Peggy Jean Thompson and John pearls, and silk chiffon, EGYPTIAN TAROT CARDS AND William Bonbrisco, Jr. 1------It is currently the largest I styled with a tiered skirt, program of its kind to be PALM READINGS. The daughter of Mr, G r 0 sse Pointe North mat chi n g overblouse, offered on a community col. FOR APPO!NTMENT CALL: anq Mrs. Wi II i.a m J. High School and a third sash and train. lege level. l'h'ompson, of Hawthorne generation Grosse Pointe Pale pink and while silk Sociology of Sex Roles, a 881-9730 (oad, a g r a d u ate of Woods resident, chose an flowers accented her lale and course examining the roles of . women and men as defined 114%5 MACK I , by economic institutions and I BORDERLINE OF GROSSE POINTE . the family, will be offered in .-• the concourse room at East. _b~~======~ • land Center Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 2 o'clock. The course also will be off ere d at Osborn High School on Wednesdays from 7:05 to 10:05 o'clock. WOMEN'S SHOE Three classes will be held I at Nativity, Shoemaker at I SALE'! McClellan, in Detroit: Black Select from 2500 Pairs (Continued on P.'ge 32) I

• • • LUGGAGE 1/2 PRICE • HANDBAGS • ,GIFTS REGULAR $22.00 to $50.00 chiffon picture hat. White daughters of Mr. and Mrs. NOW 1 roses and baby's-breath John Patterson. Their broth. formed her bouquet. er, Benjamin Patterson, was PRICED TO SELL HAR.VEY.S Her attendants also wore ring bearer. to ...~,._-..... "~'."... ~;,- .... $12 $22 ~~ ~ 3 days onl". Augu.' 2~;! COMPLEAT TRAVELER ~::;~~t~t~:;ap~:~tafr~~~~n:f I' w:;~~a-~':;~"'~f~;ea\~~n~r;it~ I SiZES 7 io 13 • AAAA to WW August 3rd Ipale pink chiffon with match- chiffon over crepe de chine, MASTER CHARGE 8ANfl.AMERlCARD 345 Flihii Road, GiOi •• PoInt. ing overblouses, and carried I' with a matching hat. The August 4th umbrellas with wrist cor- bridegroom's mother select- Phone: 881-0200 On our THIRD and FOURTH sages of True Love roses at- ed a blouson style, formal FLOORS and there's some- 1 Block from East Jefferson tached to the handles. gown of lilac chiffon, thing for everybody at fon- The wedding gown, brides- The newlyweds, both of 'as'i~a'ly low pri~es. TALL EEl SHOES , maids' dresses and umbrellas whoen attended Macomb P1lotM "3.024. Downtown - 1550 Woodward Avenue - Detroit I Northland Center - Building G - Southfield were sewn by the mother of County Community College, 5 the bride, and the center- vacationed in Las Vegas. DuMouchelle; ,... I. Jefferson pieces for the reception ta- They will make their home I bles were fashioned of wick- in Hawthorne road. Aerou ,,"om .enaluanee er b~skets, silk flowers. and The Harold GregoryS re- \ I I:Eng!esi~~_ Drap~ I baby jj.breath by the bnde. turned to Grosse Pointe from ~•••r I Paul W. Grizzell came St. James City, 1"la., for their from Arlington Heights, Ill., granddaughter's wed din g. iI"WI: 'with his parents, the bride's Mr. Gregory is a retired uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Grosse Pointe Woods Police NOO~:~R~~ y~IR~~QUAL Jack .Grizzell, and his sister, Departmeni. lieutenant. I: Crystal, to sing at his cous- Other out.of.town guests OUR WORK, SERVICE OR PRICES in's wedding. included the bridegroom's on Lees CarDets . Honor maid was Laura brother-in.law and sister, Mr. Putty. Carol Thompson ca~e and Mrs. Jeanne Naismith, Drap8~.' Cleaning?' 200J~ROFF from Searcy, Ark., to be a who brought David and Lisa II bridesmaid for her sister. with them from Hoppman II I. We painstakingly hand pleat drapes Thr.u'. Au . Other bridesmaids were Lori Estates, 111., and the bride's into a soft (not sharp) pleat. II . I Thompson, their sister-in-j great-aunt, Mrs. Lu...ther ivillrY'j I law, Jo Ann Bonbrisco, the of Danville, Ky. . We clean clear through ... Color & whites come sharp and ciear. bridegroom's sister, and Cin- More were the Louis MOii- We use eitl1er steam or dry foam al same price. We pre-clean carpets before using ~Ither I!)ethod. di L~ndrum, the bridegroom's talvos, of Miami. Fla., Mr. Carpet Cleaning We use color brighteners and SOil retardants,. cousm. . and Mrs. Gene Newby, Con- We carefully move and replace all furniture. The bridegroom, son ~f nie, Curt and Craig, of Nash. Mr. and Mrs. John Bonbns- ville Tenn and the Paul co, of Roseville, asked Steve Wat~ons, of' 'Toledo, O. Thompson to act as best _ man. Ushers were William H. Thompson, the bride's broth. WANTED er, Keith Landrum, the bride- llANOS. SPINnS, Uphoistery Cleaning groom's cousin, Mike Putty COISOlES. SIIIII UPRIGHTS and Gene Jankowski. \ TOP PRICES pAiD Beautifully done by either steam or dry foam. \ Flower girls were Annie and Julie Patterson, twin VE 7-0&08 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE flnan'''EU 773-8190 839-2500 U... . • Mile It Gr. Mlek 7 Miil ai HI, •• IT. CUIll 11IGB DmOIT OUr Con.ultlntl Ire on dutr from I to .. daily to Sllve you I.pert Inlorm.tlon and price •. on Sale * FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY * OPEN EVENINGS 21435 Mon., Thurs., Mlck Ave. Fri. 'til9 tget 8 & 9 Mile ReI) Tues., Weds., 776-5510 Sat. 'til 6 @>igtt of t4t ilermaib August Furniture and Lamp Sate 20% OFF SCud bv fares on tarpel citaning sAve2atr,

Another great idea exclusively from Steve Hagopian, the leader in carpet cleaning: INTRODUCTORY Choose from SPECIAL a wide selection Sometimes our carpet cleaning units are busier than others. of pieces and If you can wall a week or so. or maybe even a day to Living room and styles from accommodate our sChedUle, you can :save 25% on any hall carpel" only Madison Square Schott residential carpel cleaning job. Just like standby air fares; $39.95, regularly Tradition House there's always the pOSSibility Ollr unit can come the very $46.95. Upholstered day you'd prefer. And you'll slill save 25% if you're on Save even more Selections by standby with us. When it comes to carpp.! cleaning, come on Standby! Hickory Chair Co. [,win Lambeth to SIeve Hagopian. 21711 West 10 '\5 ') 1910 Mile Road, Southfield Phone loc.:ay. V V Steve Hagopian &Co. ~igtt of tqt ittrmutb • Based on 250 sq, fl. 75 Kercheval 882-1810

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Page Twenty. Three n~~~~day, Auqust 2, 1979 G R 0 SSE POI NT!: !'! ~ \J"I S .\VOlilen's Page by, and Pointe 'Vomen I Scouts Married in Apri I July Gourmet Dinners Draw Pointers.:' Miss Martin Bride I ----,------(Coo&lDued from Page 17) I butter plate, take a little with Fresh Fruit, with 'va. (Continued from Page 9,0) Steak of Fresh Swordfish . . ."), and from soup - nilla Sauce, Flambe, (that performance, coaching and DaliDali with Tcriyaki Sauce ChIlled Gazpacho or Con. followed a deliciously lig"t counseling, delivery systems or Stuffed Quail Normandie somme Celestine - to sweet Bibb Lettuce, Watercress 'and Of Pierre Graves and managing change, man. _ and the only problem - Raspberry Mousse or Mushroom Salad. with Liine aging an operating unit and there was what to choose. .. Pears William - it was a Cream Dressing). management for pluralistic Dinner Recepti(':'n at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club and that turned out to be delectable evening. The Summer Table llop- Follows Evening Ritesi Pair Vacation in membcrshil'. , :;;; lo,(,.'1)1';:7\ at all, for what-. Next Tuesday evening was ping Series itself ended spec. . AdS h The r 'ogram was aimed at Spain n out ern France teaching participatory man. I ever choice was made, it was l.eqUallY <1eleclaoie, as iiit: ta.:..i.:::-!:r b:!t Tupsday eve. a right one. Golden Mushroom built its ning, with a gourmet Japa- . At a candlelight ceremony Saturday, April 28, agernent skills that are nec. B 'h' f th T bl I menu around Poached Sal. nese dinner in the Tat.ami m the. Grosse Pointe Academy Chapel, Karen Marie cssary to carry out the work M of voluntary agencies and HO:pe~ I~er~m:'ell :cqu~n:' mon with Crayfi~h Sauce, Room ?~ HenCen's Mikado J artm, daughter of Mr. and Mr~ John 1. Martin, could also be used in career ed "nough not to be shy and (that followed Jellid Borsch RestaufiU.t. .: '. r., o~ North Renaud road, was married to Pierre situations. I the;e was a gc :1.~n~f !~tPr.1~ !~.R?sse>, ".~nd Roast Shoes were taboo .. Slghs 0; Frednck Graves. ------The Detroit area partici. I plate tastin~, ("Would you ~lunr.u Veal S...... k BOhe!"! con~entment followmg. th..7' The 7 o'clock rites at Mr. Graves, who was raised I pants agreed that the Man- like to try the quail?" "The lan, (that follo~ed. Gra.mte Sh~mp Tempura, Beef Ten- which The Reverend in Morocco and Spain, is the ageme~t School was. ~ost in- swordfish is great! Here, of Melon), culmlnatmg In a yaki and Greet,i Tea :IC'€ pass over your bread.and. spectacular dessert: Crepes Cream were de rlgeur. Hector Saulino p;:c~i.dcd son of Jacqueline Graves,. ~ormatlv~ and benefiCial. and we.l'e .followed b a din-l wh.o came fr~m her home in I nope to mc~rporate the man ---- We Can improve Your UHF ner t . Y t th Allconte Spam for the wed. agemcnt skJlls they learned RBC8Ption.1 ec Pointer ARTHUR F. F. G r: pep , 1 ~ n ;7 he ding, an~ the I~te Dr. Ernesl in the operation of Girl SNYDER is a member of "SAVE" On Quick Carry.'n S.rvlcel . ' lOS:s~ o! n ~e ~ ac It A. Graves. 'I Scouting in Wayne alld Oak- ; Swarthmore CoUege's board : WA.D.D.A."!TY SERV!CE CENTER fOR' Ciub. land Counties. 0f managers capital funds ZENITH ReA QUASAR 778 4050 The newlyweds vacationed The newlyweds are both 1--.------committee that willpartici. " - for a month in Spain and g.raduates of Florida univer-I trimmed with lace and seed 25 Yeers in pate in the school's $30.5 21815 MAC K Between 8 & 9 Mile Rds. This Area! Southern France, and are sity. , pearls and featuring a cathc- 1 million fund drive. '. _ now at home in North Miami The bride chose an Em- dral length train of peau de I Beach, Fla. pire-waisted organza gown, soie. A beaded, Juliet cap of Alencon lace held her cathe. dral length. illusion and lace veil. Over. it, she wore ashort mantilla outlined in lace and pearls. ~'. Shc carried a cascade of cymbidium orchids. stephan- Marriage vows were spoken Saturday eve- MID-SUMMER otis, baby's-breath and greens. ning, April 28, in the Grosse Pointe Academy She was attended by her Chapel by KAREN MARIE MARTIN, daughter FURNITURE SALE sister. Diane .Martin-Yannit- of Mr. and Mrs. John 1. Martin, Jr., of North ... --'.--'-'- _.--- .. - - -.-' eUi. of Ann Arbor, as matron Renaud r0ad, and PIERRE FREDRICK GRAVES, of honor. and Pat r i cia son of Jacqueline Graves, of Aliconte,. Spain, and Schorn, of Detroit, as maid "ALOHA" the late Dr. Ernest A. Graves. of honor. Bridesmaids were NOVi PROGRESS "Aloha." It's the Hawaiian greeting of friendship and welcome. And two cousins of the bride. iN you'li hear it oftfln on these romantic islands. You'li hear it on the Sharon Bar tie y, of Fair er-in.law, Ftederik Graves, I and cuffs of the bride's beautiful sandy beaches that stretch for miles along an azure surl. In Haven. and Mary Helen Mar. of Miami, the bridegroom's Imother's long-sleeved, Em. Fill your home with values. the mountains that reach toward the heavens. You'li sense it in the t.in, and Claudia Barker, cousin, Lawrence Proven-, pire-waisted gown of flowing, blueness of cr'lstal Hawaiian ski:::s.Andyou'll feel itinthe caresse~l)f Linda Pellerin and Denise. sano, Richard Feldman and blush-beige georgelte. She CHOOSE FROM SUCH RESPECTED NAMES Hite, of Miami, Fla. II Michael Millecka, all of Mi-! pinned cymbidium orchids to the warm Hawaiian sun. Start your vacatiOn by playing golf. tennis, AS BAKER, SCHOONBECK, HENREDON, w!!.t,=~~ii"g. sightseeing or just lying in Ihe sun. Go back.packing, Their long frocks of dusty ami, and Gregory S1. Peter. her purse. hOrseDacit rtOilig,5Uillnll,:>l;uo .. Jivi'\!i.'~i, ,~",';Hii"".,,,..:,,;::1 in apII.~v{-:}i~-e~';"""""'ht:~~~~~~~i< '~~~~zr'_- ...~.-,;;'fri.~~f.; __,:~~:~.. ' T~,~ ~-r~~.~::;-":::':-~~~;".:7'\:;tl ..er's I IIi DREXELi.fRZC~qICK C0()~ER, ..... I.1lI! perlect step with the leisurely and'relaxi(19 Hawaiian way of life. with cape-like, blouson bod. Martin.Yannitelli, nephew of gown, designed for .her in ices featuring draped, turtle the bride, and Jason Bartley, Spain, was of deep aquama. CHAPMAN, THAYER-COGGIN AND FLAIR. .. Hawaiian travel programs leave' ~most everyday for one to tnroo necklines. cousin of the bride. rine chiffon, V-necked and ~.. weeks, stay in luxurious hotels to condominiums and you may visit They carried arrangements Bugle beads and crystals, a~ented by a wide belt of All p~icedto help you save. one or all of the islands as you choose. Also. stop over inCalifomia or of t:.a i I i n.g Sonia ros~s. hand.embroidered in Ho.ng silver a.n~ crystal.. She wore .- Las Vegas to complete your memorable vacation matcnmg their gowns, baby s. Kong, accented the bodice a cymbIdIUm orchid corsage. Sale ends September . . breath and fern. and wore ------8, 1979. . Isprays of baby's.breath with ,- Contact TRAV'ELWORLD'sHawaiian Desk a121127 MackAvenue apricot silk ties in their hair. :-~'... lNorth of Vernier). Call 882.8190. . . \ Robert Polink carne from FALL ANTIQUE FAIR .,.~ Miami to serve as best man. \ Co-ordlnated by Jeanne Rshman .. Ushers were Thomas Martin. .. ------_- ...--" ....--_-_-,_- ..._--•.,,-._--.....-_-.-.-,- ...... - . Yannitelli. the bride's broth- ~-----~,l ,Jacobson's ,. . . ~ .' -. ------. I • • .. Ballet Week I .. " " I .~ ,~ For Festival I' .. \ .., . It:.• I H's bal;et~ at :MeadowI \ \ -~ E,(,,,K Music Festival as the .'.. 1 dynamic and innovative Eliot :~. i Feld' B~let, of New York ~. City, performs tonight, Fri...... ' '", day and Saturday evenings, \ , ' ... August 2 to 4, 8t8:30 o'cl9ck. I For a change of pace,. the I ..:"" • Sunday Pops concert AUgUst) .. 5 features the Fred Waring .. Show. .. The. Eliot Feld Ballet, I .. founded in i9'73,. has been . recognized nationally as this . High up in the " country's newest major class- .~- , ical ballet company. It has maflnificerzt -. -. been praised as "a model of BI~Ridge .. stylish. unity, strength and Mountains, ." -'. energy." -'.~-. "I The company consists of 23 in. a class all by itself, .... '. ' dancers. Their current. reper- ~ .' is on.e of America's finest -". • tory features all ballets .. _"-- L.._..l ...... l' ...... _~ ... . A •• _ ~ .... ru A .. _ .... AiIIJ ...... ClLUlt::u61apucu IJ:J ... uuu &. _ .. ~ .. ~ en _ .. f?ur-seasonr~rts.Hereyo~71finda~~. _ ~ ='...... -~ • Eliot Feld, who has estab- Dally DemonstrattonS • hl)alr 5ervIcM .... I lished a national reputation nft!l.l8-hole gait CO~rse, ~entUS. I exc~onal~' ,:. ~~.~ on the upper and loWer level 01 CU1SIne~a heatedswl1rrmmg poot and In the .... .~ for his talent, versatility and ..~... enthusiasm. SOMERSET MALL winter, uncrowded ski slopes. And n'ght -" ;.... :... Meadow Brook perform. IIg Beaver Road at Coolidge, Troy n.~, you11 find you can live here in luxury, l j :~ ances include "Harbinger," sunday 12~/Monday, Thursday, friday, 1G-9/0lher dayl1006 ."-. Feld's first ballet; the ro- fuIlyprotectedby24-hoursecurity. The p., '~~ mantic "Intermezzo," "La ..... Vida" a Mexican.inspired I Lakes CondomitJiums at Hound Ears, $160-$225,000. for 4 .. ..: .. ~ work', and "Half Time" set more infonnan011, call Keith Y\kber or Pat Ritchie • to a score by Morton Gould. Fred Waring and his at (704) %3-4301 Hound Ears Club Young Pennsylvanians return P.O. BOX 188. Bl.OWING ROCK, N.C.2860S to Meadow ;Brook Sundav evening at 7:30' o'clock with a new, two.and-one-half-hour musical extravaganza. We Are In Our Final Rental Phase II I The cast of 30 includes over 20 singers, who also dance. and a musical combo Great for OVER 75% OCCUPANCY! of six. Their show, "More layering or About Love," features coun; • try favorites, old and. new wear it so IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT standard hits, ballads, novel-j alone. ty songs ... and much more. Machine AN ELDERLY PARENT OR FRIEND, Pavilion seats at $7, $8 and washable. Sf; ilnd lawn tickets at $4 are DON'T WAIl; CONSIDER THE I available for all three ballet programs. For the Fred War. Iing Show, $7 pavilion tickets l and $4 lawn tickels remain. am-r~ An Adult Community Located at EXQUISITE INI( DRaWING OF YOUR HOME 28301 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan Among the Many Services We offer ... BeautHully ma".", Emerald, brown ice blue, rose. ye~ then reproeluceel on low, sand, navy. I e Breakfast and Dinner e Attendant on Duty cream. white, stationery anel black. e Apartment Cleaning 24 hrs. Daily Chrlstm•• Carel., or I e Linen Service e All Utilities chCl!0'••• or•• ou' III • Ongoing Activities e Chauffeur Services full color portrait. All. IURPR'IIIIIGL Y III and, of course, ComRanionshiRl AFFORDABLEI 'I All Apartments are Ai r i I i Conditioned and have Kitchenettes DOlton Artist, Maur.en McCort will b. In Gros•• Point. for • 0 ! Come to Our OPEN HOUSE j , days only, ••• Innln. I.pt.mb.r I st. M.Ir. your appointment EVERY SUNDAY : I Immeellat.lyl !. ! from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. I I ...And See For Yourself &tgn. of tlF ilrrntuib SUMMER HOURS: Monday through Frldav 10 10 5:30. Saturday 10 10 4. . 0, Call 353-2810 for details I 71 Kerohe.ll I "2-"'0 Cum. if; iu, "" brochure illustrating gift Itema ______, --.J

_____ ._...... • __ ~ ~ ...... __...- ..... L.' __.... _..-_ ... _- ..... __ ...... _ ...... _._. __ ... _ .... • __ ..>...... =... !~ .. n...... _ ...IIIi...n...... tr...... ill...... r.... _ , Page Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, August 2, 1919 •

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Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Kings:8mg"!sr;' O.6mgnicotine- L-...... -- ..... i00' s: 11 mg" tar;' 0.7 mg nicctine !!Y. percigar!!tt!!. FTCReport May '78

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Thursday, Augwlt 2. t 97.9 GROSSE PC:NTE NEWS .~~'~':: /:. ~;.?":".-...~,' ~ ct#ier:~:w:tJ~.:):;,:/; 3,Trunl,,0j1r<>, ",,/'

------.------,-._------~------_._------lA-PERSONALS 12E-ATHLETIC r 4-HELP WANTED I 4-HfLP WANTED j4-HELP WANTED I4-HELP WANTED NEEDLEPOINT alld crewel INSTRUCTION GENERAL C-Iassified A- d"vert-ising informal-ion I"II Gn~UAL I GENERAL I GENERAL pillows blucked and finish. PRIVATE swimming lessons. AVON BABYSITTING. 2 small chil. DENTAL HYGIENIS'I start. X.RA Y TECHNICIAN-Reg ed. AlID needlepoint in. All ages, children to adults. I. R ON Y Phone: 882-6900 dren 10 my home. Monday ing September, progreso istered. occasional cover . • tructlon. TU 1.7073. TU So Qualified water safety in. NEEFO~Xlc:o~t; E Address: 99 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe 48236 through Friday 7:30 to 5:30. sive, prevention conscious age for doctor's office, es 631.;;.' I struct:;:. Achie"",.i2nt cards d' Call BB5-f,()64 after 7:30 i pe!'~'J~. '.'!~nted 2 d~y~ ,~!"I ~i~l1y wI!"k of Auaust ______available. Call Dan. 882. Earn extra spen IIIg money Office Hours: I p.m. ,I week. Call 884.1320 for in. I 26th. Call 778.9530, ask for .ORI ENTAL RUGS 4678. ' for fa!!AS"V.mOeNs!eras an . b . I J d I Mon. 8-5,' Tues. 8-12,' Wed. 9-5 I ----.----. I terv!!!w, P!~ase rmg res. u y. GARDENER, expenenced. I ume 1-.------WANTED 2F-SCHOOLS Reoresentaitve. FI!,!xible Th u rs, & Fri. 8-5 part.time for grooming es- i' TYP IST AT HOM E hours. fits right in with Deadlines: tablished landscaping. Re. PART TIME hostess, approx. . . ' one or many . GROSSE PO! NTE summer activities. F(.or de. cent r"r",r{'nces, Call after I imately 20 hours per week. I Local publisher needs t} PISt Private collector will pay INSTITUTE OF tails call VE 5.7050. Cancellations and changes, Mon. 4 p.m. 4:30 to 9:00 p,m. 882-7270. Apply at 20000 Harper be.! to work at homo:: part time, any reasonable price. M I New copy, Tuesday noon. I tween 3 and 5 p,m. Should type 50 wpm accu, 1-482.5427 USIC FOSTER PARENTS wanted, Error corrections, Mon. noon PET SHOP. 6 days, 9:30. ------rately and be avaiiabie as ______! SUMMER SEMESTER We're looking for a few . 1:30 p.m. Some knowledge RECENT High School grad. needed. Please send letter THE BAHA'I FAITH Private instruction in piano, good homes ... make a Rates: of tropical fish. Lou's Pet uate for genpraloIfice of applicat;on to Box G-30, 872-8217 - 365-9536 voice, strings, Ilute and family commitment to pro. Cash or .pre-pay: 10 words. '. 2.70 I Shop, 15009 Mack Ave, work. Must be able to type Grosse Pointe News. 99 ------o~:~inguished Faculty ~~d: ~:A~in;it~n~~~~~rnrce~ Each additional word. . . '. .10 I _13_8_5._1_5_60_.______:~~U~~~~lya.:.P~I~d~~, ~~r5 ~:~~~~v~,l. G;:~. ~~~~~ MRS. NINA, TU 2-4963 tardation as a foster parent Billing rate...... " 3.20 DRI VER and maintenance Adair, 2 blocks S, of East opportunity employer MI F I A PSYCHIC READER ------while receiving professional Retail rate per inch . . .. 4.40 help. and gual'ds for all Jefferson. Near Deaconess ------and advisor, specializes in GROSSE POINTE support and $600 monthly Border adv. per inch 5.00 shifts, full time Call Larry HospitaL RESPONSIBLE PERSON for Egyptian Tarot Cards and ' PRE- ~ry:o~~~ ~~~~ter ~~lrl ~hu~I 4 weeks or more, , . ,. 4.00 ,I ~~I;~.O D~rG:f:l~n~~ ~e;oI -G-A-S--S-T-A-T-IO-~--at-t-en-d-a-n-t.1~~i~fdj.a~~t~-;~7~ervices ~ Palm Readings,. on all per. KINDERGARTEN man Development. 453. ..ft,., Ell'lOt. DetrOlt. 48221 . I pa rt t'Ime evemngs.'W ee.k ------sonal and domestic affairs 1500 • Your adv. taker will tell you the cost of your 1------ends also available. Apply 4A-H ELP WANTED of life. For appoIntment (In ~~~5~~fa~i~~~hurch ' ext. 247. adv. If payment arrives at our office within HIGH SCHOOL G~D want. 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mack. DOMESTIC

call 881.9730. 17425 Mack. between Neff and SI. BOOKKEEPER, full charge, 5 days you are entitled to 8 50d: discount! II. ed for general office work, Rivard Standard. three m 0 nth I y financial . previous office experience ------WANTED - Live.in or out HEARING IS one of our Clair) is accepting enroll. statements, Near Ren.Cen. ~ helpful but not necessary. INTERESTING, rewarding Cooks, Maids, Housekeep. most ,precious gifts. Audio- ments for 2~.5 year olds CORRECtiONS AND ADJUSTMENTS: Responsibility fer a Ren.Cen I 0 cat ion. Call par t t i m e employment. ers, Housemen, Couples metric testing is now avail. for Fall Semester. Cull Free parking. Also good classified adv. error is limited to either a cancellation of the Miss Haney 250.1111. Stroh's Ice Cream Parlor, and Day Ladies for privati! able without obligation at now for 'information. 886- public transportation. Call charge for or a re.run of the portion in error. Notification ------I 74 Kercheval. homes. Grosse Pointe Ern. ast Side Hearin", 17421 4747 or 881.1948. 568.0400. must be given In time for correction in the following issue. LEGAL SECRETARY. mini. I ------ployment, 18514 Mack, at E • ------We assume no responsibility for the same error alter the mum 3 years experience. HAIRDRESSERS wanted _ East Warren. Call for ap. ------BUSBOYS/ first Insertion. Cloverly Road, ITr 0 sse pointment. 881-3600. 2G--CONVALESCENT CLASSIFYING & CENSORSHIP: We reserve the right to Salary commensurate with 2 positions now open for Pointe Farms, 885-4576. CARE D ISHW ASH ERS classify each ad under its"appropriate heaolnll, The Pub- experience. D 0 w n tow n hairdressers with some -S-M-A-L-L-D-OO--s-i-tt-in-,-.-My-I I Full and part time, no ex peri. lisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy submitted for' plaintiifs law firm. Call clientele. Excellent oppor. ALL AROUND housekeeper .bome. Nadine 882.1084. FAIR ACRES ence necessary. Apply in publication. Mr. Gal'tIing 962.3825. ' tunity. Salon located in for family of three. 13 year ------NURSING HOME person: Original Pancake. ------Village shopping area, Ex- old girl to be driven to House 20273 uack Grosoe 4-HEL'P WA~TED -'4-. HELPWA~TED EX~ERIENCED PA!N.TERS cellent parking. Francesco's and from schoo'!. Own car. IF YOU NEED OLD I~ I' I~ ARMADA1 Pointe' WOQds~n, " With references Willing to Villal!e Hairdressers 1'7007 . NEWSPAPERS, MICHIGAN GENERAL GENERAL paint interior or exterior. Kercheval Ask for' Frank ~~~~ ~~ u :e~ia~fe~rt~~~~ COME PICK THEM (313) 784-5519 -M-E-D-IC-A-L-A-s-sis-t-an-t-,-F-am-i-lyRN's.LPN's - nzeded part BROOK BROTHERS (John) 372.0209. Messina, 882-2550. wages and Blue Cross. 886. Private nursing care, fullu Practice Clinics. Experi. time. St. Anne:s, Cadieux ESTAB'ISHED 1818 EXPERIENCED babysitter I 1666 UP AT GROSSE ~ f d' t H 886-2502.... MATURE woman to babysit . licensed nursing staff. Spe. en~ pre erre m Vene. a arper._ . America's oldest and most for 6 month old and 3 year POINTE NEW S t .. t' . infant in my Grosse Pointe WORKING PARENTS need .._, Qg';'.U::.-7.-V-"'~"" cial food diets semi pri. punc ure, mJec Ions, msur. DRIVERS full or part time. distinguished men:s cloth. old infants. Available for Park home.' 8:30 to 4:30 help: Mon ..Thurs. 4 to 7 .HAV~~&ol'!'~1lAFT :: ~~~:~:~~ IGl:;~~':::~:;:,:,;:;':::a-~:"~ni~;T-~r,~I~;;;'C!;;';~:;;;;;Ji:~,r~:~:~~:~"':~~~~~~~i:=d~m~~~n~I ~~::~;~~'~~:!~:F~~ Free hostess gifts and much experienced only, for stee't able summer positions for FURNISHINGS I References. 881-8749. BOOKKEEPER - part.time, 9036 after 7 p.m. more. Call your copper. 3-LOST AND FOUND corporation in downtown counter waitresses on the SALEPEOPLE WANTED _ Printing press. flexible 15 hour week, ex. 1 ------craft Guild consultant at: FOUND-Tame bird, Grosse Detroit, 259.2313. Bob.Lo Boat. Apply in per. SHIPPING & RECEIVING men ATF, Chief 15 and 17. perience desired. 775.1040. LIVE.IN GOVERNESS to ------son at the Bob.Lo food PERSON r M t b . d C 11 ------care for 2 small school age f 884-2331 or 885.8871: Pointe Park area. Call WE NEED 2 experienced service office, located be. for its Detroit store locat. \ us e expenence. a DENTAL ASSISTANT - ex. . 2-ENTERTAINMENT _A_d_am_._822__ -50_2_7.____ sales people to fulfill our hind Cobo Hall, second ed at 645 Griswold, City _3_7_1_.7_9_0_1.______perienced chairside for ~~~~r:~d~~~:i~~g~~q~~~:~: ------I FOUND _ Lady's glasses in needs. Plenty of floor time, story building. National Bank Building. CLERICAL POSITION, full Grosse Pointe specialist, Own apartment provided. MERELY MARVELOUS vln. black leather case. Vidnity extensive advertising. Bon. Full and part time posi. \ time with benefits, down. 4112 days per week, no References required. 585. tage piano bar entertain. of Marter and Hawthorne. us plan. Please call and YOUNG PEOPLE needed for I tions available. Please ap. town area, free parking. evenings. Good pay and 7740 after 5 p.m. 773.1335. ment for cocktail parties, 882-4626. ask for Mr. Sidzina. 882'1 stock wort every other pl~ in person Monday thru. High school graduate. Typ. 'benefits. Call after 8 p.m. ------.---- dinner parties, receptions, ------6000 evenings' 886.9714. day for the B,)b-Lo Co. Frid.y, 10 a.m. to 3 p,m. I ing and good math ability. I 886.1140. GROSSE POINTE Educator special events, special mo. LOST: Black and white cat, 17156 E Warre~Ave near Ideal summer job. Apply Ask for Mr. Farley, Detroit \ Call 965.1540. CENTURY 21 I needs experienced baby. ments. Phone 862-4406 or "Fluffy" in the vicinity of Cadieux' . at Bob.Lo Boat food service store manager. . \ sitter for one infant, begin. 8B4.323~. Fairway and Fairford on' office, located behind Cobo ------S E C R E 'l.A R Y With. some LOCHMOOR ning october. Call 882.4Q06.

______~ July 26, 1979. Family pet. Excellent opportunity with Hall. GR~UNDS .~EPER - !.ull I ~~o~~:_ep~ngn: x ~ e r I.e.nee THE GROSSE POINTE STARTING" tTr! ')'1 .. .l ~'~'D ••••••• ~ ..... ,. ... 1 Please return 34:i.u35ii I Ame ..i"a'- 1;;""",::t r""l "3.1 II tlmi: POSltHlii. cumpetitlvel ...:Cc~~;>"T;'""""""""'" , __ ",_. __ :> mg and afte,rn.o~J.1 hours. 2~. mo'!}ths.• Perm~~e~t _~o- 20551 Mack 88~24 I 4576. - - -.. I sary. l\1T. AlaStra. 118.lviU, I needs babysitter for two i .... :v... ,.. v .... ;a .u. LJc.~':'.. t Day tIme avalJablJlty, must sl.1IOnlor oar anul or <:V~. . I I h'ld I firm. Excellent benefits I extend beyond A.ugust Ex. nmgs Expenen<:e and rer. Guitar, plano, theory. EAL ESTATE SALES ------PART TIME c 1 ren (Monday Wed. d k' d't' • '.. . Home or studio. R MANICURIST, experienced, 'nesday ;nd Thursd~y) eve. an ~or mg con I Ions. perience helpful but not erences required. 885-2624. AAA Re~l Estate Office in for Thursday, Friday, ~at'l POSITION nings. 5:30.9:30 p.m, 882. Call Diana, 962.3342. necessary.. Benefits. in. WANTED LADY who wants PIANO LESSONS, qualified St. ClaIr Sho~es seeks sales urday. Good op~ortumty, Part time clerical position is 8132. SOMEONE to care for 6 year! clude umforms, umfor.m h 1 Tea~h my 'home. 882.77'12. people to. jom their staff. I new salon. Call MISS carol'l available in our Ren.Cen I ------old boy near Maire school. allowance a~d fo~d dis. ~~fv~c~~~~o~~t an~~~l:~~ Free traming and many 886-7855. office. Good typing skill is GAS S~ATION attendan~ - 1 huur mornings, 2 hours co~nts. For lOtervlew ap. .sion furnished. Please reo 2B-TUTORING AND beu~flts. We are the Pro., necessary. Postion requires full time. Also part time. I after school. Call after 6 polOtment c~U manager at ply to Box D.:?6, Grosse

EDUCATION fesmonlilil. Ask for Sue. ~~:ne~~rs~~:d~dom-;: 'I 20i25 hours per week. I 822.9310. p.m. 8812391. 88~-26100,Friendly Restaur. Pointe News. Grosse Pointe '1 Daily scheduled hours are DENT 1 " an, 848~ Mack, an equal FRENCH ,. C EN T U RY 2 6232 Cadieux Road. 886. flexible The Travelers In. exp~~e~~~I~~tNT DESK nECEPTIONIST Mon. opportumty em p 10 ye r, I Farms 48236. CONVERSATION cHARTER OAKS 779.9792 2502. surance' Company, Person. 4 day week day through Friday. 7:30 I male and female. BABYSITTER - Responsible BARTENDERS and cashiers nel~827.720L Equal oppor. fringe benefits I a.m. to 2 p,m. 886.0911. PART TIME sales person, loving person for 3 month W ~~e:~~~~~~~~!;J~:lTp~~:~po~~f~~ kpei~s~~~ ~~~~~~ ~oa~o. r~deoa~ 1~~tumty employer MIl", Grosse Pointe area lOUR CLIENTS nee;! skilled for small lingerie shop, ~~Q,::u~~~~. 1~~~e;e~~~~ .3086. SECRETARY 371-6300 I and experienced secretar. hour.s to be a::ranged, in. . edge of conversation and 881 college student. Full and ' I ------__ ies, stenographers, typists ,tervlewing Friday-Satur. please. 823.Q37!. translation, at the begin . part time positions avail. for a busy Grosse Pointe SECRETARY I and clerks. Good salaries day. 881-6567. LIVE.IN MAID for elderly ning, intermediate, and/or NURSES able. Apply in person only. real estate office, Ability I Dynamic, growing corp'bra. and benefits. Fee paid. person. Coaxing and light advan~d levels. Private Food office located in sec. to deal with the public, tion requires alert person Grosse Pointe Employment BOOTHS available by week housework. references reo lessons at home with na . Enjoy your freedom ond story buildling at the No shorthand needed. Call. willing to learn to perform' Agency, 885-4576. or month in Grosse Pointe tive speaker. Your Family Bob.Lo docks behind Cobo Mr. Andrus, 886.4200. [secretarial duties. Must hair salon. 881.2202. quired, 884.1488. CALL 774-0206 Your Profession Hall. type minimum 60 w.p.m., LAB TECH FULL AND PART TIME po. BABYSITTER 7:15 a.m. to ------.-- TOP WAGES PORTER good math and addin" ma. CLINIC sitions available. Counter 5:30 p.m. Monday through TUTORING. HA IR CUTTI NG Part.ti~e, gen~ral cleaning 1 chine skills a plus. Please, ' E. DET~OIT help. Apply in person. Friday. Immediately. Ev~. and !Ight mawtenance. AP'[ s~nd resume with salary I' E~penence pre.erred. Call Monday thru Friday 10 nings 886-7810, ALL SUBJECTS BEN EFITS YOUNG, ATTRACTIVE, ply 10 person, history and requirements m a.m. 821.1133 or 774 a t 4 M T' , . GRADES 1 THRU 12 U f A LiCEN~ED PERSONS I JACOB SONS I to W, D. Gale. Inc .• 6400 4930. .m. o. p.m. r. any s LIVE IN Companwn.Cook to PROFESStONAL FACULTY ni orm Ilowance FOR GROSSE POINTE I 17030 KERCHEVAL I Mt, Elliott Detroit 48211. 1-'- . . SubmarlOes, 19341 Mack elderly gentlentan. 5 days WE CAN HELP Vacation Pay S T U D lOIN KAY GROSSE POINTE EOE' ODD. JOBS-Pamhn~, pi as. , Ave. \' per week. 24 h~urs, some Malpractice Insurance BAUM'S 1______I termg. gutter cleaning. For , , medical experience helpful. GROSSE POINTE MaJ'or Medical . NEED HELP _ Full and, -M-E-D-I-C-A-L-S-E-C-R-E-T-A-R-\-'Iservices call Bill, 885.0934. LAIDlkES'ftlfr~d of.rolutme andd Good salary 225-3523 (9.5 LEARNING CENTER 885 3240 . s' I' I"" T ' ae 0 mancla rewar? . 63 Kercheval on the Hiii Paid Mileage - p~rt hme, Bonam.a Ir om RE"EPTIONIS~:. St. Clair SERVICE STATION mana. Unlimited income conduct. p.m.). 343-0836 881-8281 Holiday Pay Pit.. 20460 Mack, Grosse I Shore.s ObstetrJclan/G~ne. ger/mechanic e:

.. -= - ~------. --- Page Twenty-Six ~ GROSSE PO!NTE NEWS Thursday, Augi.ist 2, 1979 4A-HELP WANTED 15A~I!~.~!'.!9.!'! I 6-~~~, 6D-VACATION II-~RTICLES FOR SALE 8- A!tT!C~~S,!~R ~RTICL£S FOR S.~LJ DOMEHIt: .., I ,. UUMUn~ ~_E"~.!::-::,_ I 6-f~~.~!~!", I I ~ALE I u"r"'ft",~nlO" I "'.-c.Vft.' " Ri~jAi.3 - .. - COFFEE TABLE an'd match./ BARN SWING - AutnanJ,ic ~Y ~ANTED ~ babysit, MAID FOR A DAY DESIRABLE apartment ;0; I 3 B'EDROOM house, 2 car CAPTIVA ISLAND,' Florlda KATHRYN OF lng sofa table in excellenl I" weathered, hand hewn, for mfant ~QCi nursery General housecleaning, re5i- available. Call 882.7613 be. I garage, references and de. -2-bedroom condominium TH E POINTES l..'Ondltion, 1 year old $300 natural timber. 1-463.2179. school.8ge child once or dential and commercial. tWeen 11 a.m ..7 p.m. posit. 824.7045. in South Seas Plantation EXPERIENCE!) or $165 each. 393.1030, Fl!RNITURE .KITS Unfm' twice a week in my home, Insured. Busy Bee Domes. I GROSSE POINTE FARMS- GR(\~5E POINTE small well .. , Resort, 886.7709. SERVICE Ished -- eaSily assembled, 885-3508. ti~ Service. 792.5664. 3 bedroom, IIf.l bath. $485. insulated 3-bedroom, fire.', NAl'LF,s, Florida on' the We WlllConduct a,,~ MOVING? I ;:~~~t:::!T~:st~:a~~bre~rl~~~~ 1 5-SITUATION BABYSITTING in my safe, References. 884-7628. place. $400. 77~.Oa90. Gulf, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Sell Yo~r .Household POINTE." ~~nc'hes from $299. Coffee WANTED I clean, licensed home. Ages MACK-Outer Drive, 2.bed. GROSSE POINTE WOODS-I. cond?minium. Completely Furmshings for AR PROFESSIONALS and occa~ional tables from , ].5 preferred. Full time room upper work.ing peo 2 bedroo h st furmshed. Seasonal rates. MOVING OR Will sell •your household $4950 mantle kits from '. .' - 01 ouse, ove, reo 886.3708 ESTATE SALES furnishings. 39'.0' 775-6316 TONY VIVIANO :~:iJ~;:r-Whittier area. PIe" $300 , securIty reqUired frij!erator. d ish was her.' I AI W'II B O' t I $ .:>. . heat included. 861.2653. washer and dryer, carpel. HARBOR SPRlNGS-Slt'eps' so I uy rlen a Estate and Insurance ld d' 1 Rugs, Small Fine FlIrm. Appraisals MOVING SALE-O er m. Handyman COMPANION NURSE wishes GROSSE POINTE CITY _ ed th:oughout, drapes, 1. 6. to 8, 1lh .baths, modern ture, Paintings, Crystal, Free Consultation-Advice ing room table, buffet, 6 II Carpenter Work work, invalid cafe nights, I and 6 room upper on Rivard. 1 car garage. ~~n care, . kitchen. 4 m~nutes to sandy Sterling and China For more information call I chairs. $60. Kitchen table, II Miscellaneoul> days or live.in, $4 hourly. block from City Par k . :~ plus uhhhes, 886. ~~~h, tJnnls courts. 882. 775.()366 after 5 p.m. 3 ladderback chairs $20, Love the elderly. 776-8960. Repairs Richard-Brownell s l' h 001' _ :-. .. Please call before 10 a.m. Pointe Pl'ofessionals ,Fisher Price toys $3. DOll' 881-2093 HIRE A rsROFESSIO:-:AL district, Recently rede~or- CH.A,.Ll:I..£P,S7 !!!!:: ! ~e:!. I MARCO ISLAND. new con. I or after 5 p.m. i Dunna Landers 882.8654 jble bell ami Cht::;t,~~f;.~n: " after 5 p.m. HOUSECLEANING CREW at~d, modern kitchen ap-I room apartment, air condi.1 dominium, 2 bedrooms, 21 I Jeanne Roddewig 881.75181 tique stereo With TV anu .:. CALL MINUTE MAlD phances, 3 carpeted bed. Honing. appliances and I baths, tennis, pool, on Gulf WE BUY, se.ll or trade an. Established 1971 turntable.s $12~~ ;,,~resse~ CLEANING rooms, priviltt: enlrdnct:. 1 heat, B86-{)478. •...... uter ltlld :'UhUIlt:1 rates l' . I 't h $20 10mch _~d.~. say, PRIVATE NURSING year lease. References and 264-7785.' c~~~:s ~;:ar~ew~:r~ DETROIT BOOK selkr seek. $150. Campus cooler $30.. Around the Clock 264-8207 ~i security deposit required. STUDIO basement apartment, Kerche'val l'n the Colo'nl'al illg library furniture in 824.1592. in home, hospital or nursing SC--CATERING S h b . t t $150 'th l'lT d LODGE for rent in Huron . . home. RN's, LPN's, Aides, own y appom men. Wi u I I les an NatI'on~1 Forest. AuSable Federal Buildlng. 885.5755, good condition, als~ n~cds LOVESEAT and sofa, light 886-5384 parking. I n d i a n Village " a b k on M higan companions, male attend. SPECIALIZING in ethnic . area. Call 822.2419. River, Grayling _ 2 ~d- II ., ~ ny o~ ~ IC blue crushed velvet, an. 'ants, live.ins. Screened and dishes. let me cater your GROSSE POINTE CITY, 553 rooms, good fishing. 882- ALMOST:NEW APPAREL hIstory, C1VlI Wa.r, phot?g'Uque white wood trim. bonded 24 hour service. dinner party, shower or St. Clair - Lower 2 bed- LOWER 2-bedrool11, newly 1006 O' 372-8223. accessorIes, furs and an- raphy, occult, bIOgraphies Very good condilion Ask. License'd nurses for insur' wedding. 650 people. 893. room available immedi. redecorated, appliances 1 tiqu~s at a fraction of the limited and signed ediLio~Js, ing $465. Will sell' sepa. ance cases. 8559. ately. All appliances, car- $375 monthly. 822.6988 or C O'll~ P L E TELY furnished ongmal cost. I leat.her bounds, early JU' rate. Large ginger jar POINTE AREA NURSa; j pet, drapes, $450. 886-5565. 882-4324. lakefront log cabin on .We Buy Furs I vem!es, alltogra~hs. old lamp, beige with rust and TU 4.3180 6-FOR RENT Lake Huron, six miles ConsIgnments Welcome mOVie, etc. Magazmes, etc, brown flowers asking $100. , UNfURNISHED WINDMILL POI N T E - 6A-FOR RENT north of Port Huron, one LEE'S Prompt paymen.t an.d re. Gold leaf lamp, pineapple HOME NURSING I Lower flat, car pet ed, FURNISHED hour from Grosse Pointe. 20339 Mack 881-8082 moval at your conventence. shaped, hanging crystal ro\al patient care. We have ACCENT ON I draped throughout, central I Two bedrooms and loft, I Call John King 961.0622, and fringe shade, asking . aides, companions, RN's, LUXURY air, special electronic filter FOR RENT furnished from sleeps B. complete kitchen, r NSTANT COPIES Thank you. $125. YcHow highchair, , LPN's, OT's,PT's, RT's for GRACIOUS LIVING AND and humidity centrol, ex. September 1 to June 1, living area, screened porch stroller, brand new valued immediate placement. 24 LAKE VIEWS cellent for allergy.prone, 1980. Two.bedroom and Beautiful beach. Available 1Dc FURS WANTED at $50. Asking $35. 882. . hour availability. METRO TOWERS large rooms, lots I)f cup. family room Ranch. Two- August 12. 885.5305 or 1- WEDDING INVITATIONS Consignment or Buy 1517. boards, closets, 2 bedrooms car attached garage. No 385-5778. SCRATCH PADS, 50~ LB. LEE'S MED - CALL 1 AND 2.BEDROOM and den, living Toom with peb. References and ~e- DELlGHTl"UL cotta"" near Artists PMT Stats 20339 M k 881-8082 YARD SALE-Multi.family. 897-8941 559-8090 INCLUDING HEAT natural fireplace, large sep. curity deposit required. Gaylord on beautiful se. Open Mon. thru Sat. 9-5 p.m. ac 1 Wednesday.Thursday. An. QUALITY Health Care in APARTMENTS arate dining room, large $425 month, Borland Asso- ECONOMEE AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. As tiques, bDoks, paintings, k I.t c hen with breakfast dates, Earl Keirn Realty. eluded lake fishing, boat- frames. lots of miscellane . : your home, hospital or • Central Air Conditioning ing golfing 626 71"" PR INTI NG low as $25 quarterly buys area, lectric stove, refrig. 886.3800. ,. . . ous. 12946 East Outer Dr . , 'nursing home. Our profes. • Private' Sun Terraces e u.. Compulsory No Fault In- sional staff or registered • Carpeting and Drapes era tor, dishwasher. No 3 BEDROOM cottage on Lake SERVICE surance. 881.2376. near Mack . . nurses, licensed practical • Dishwasher and Disposal pets. $575 month plus se. APARTME..l\l"T - GROSSE St. Clair, Stoney pointe, 15201 Kercheval I nurses, and nurse's aides • Closed Circuit T.V. I 1:urity deposit. 822-4821. Pointe Farms. Pnva-te, 3 Canada, August, Septem. at Lake]luint.. CLEANING OUT? Call Op. Gl\RAGE SfLE: Sat~rday, I ~~drooms, one b~th,f~rn. ber, Oetober etc. 885-5570. Grosse Pointe VA 2.1100 ERATION LINC, 331-8700. August 4, . 0.4, 6.00 Lmcoln are available 24 hours a • Swimming Pool LOWER 2.bedroom flat --.9 Isned, newly Qecora~ed. I Grosse Pomte City. 'day, 7 days a week. Phone 26450 CROCKER BLVD . Mile and Mack. Heat, Features include a balcony PARADISE LAKE LARGE SELECTION of r~. We help charitable organi. ------.882-6640, Medical Person. NEAR 1-94 and washer, dryer included, with table and leisure area Com....letely furnished 2 bed. conditioned SCHWIN~ bl. zations. Donations tax de. MOVING SALE-August 3rd nel POQl. Day or night. I I METRO PARKWAY $295. 882-8200 weekdays II which overlooks Lake St. rO~ll, with boat, on sandy c~cles. Reasonable pn~es. ductible. You drop off or and 4th, 9 a.m. to :> p.m. ------[ MODEL OPEN DAILY to 5 p.m. Clair. 881-2107. beach. $180 we.ekly. 5.miles Village Cyclery, 777-03:>7. wc pick Up. ;~o~;~~~u,ry Lane, Ear. ....LEADED GLASS 296.2320 - 463-5857 I DELUXE EXECUTIVE ren. GROSSE POINTE area-Up- south of Mackinaw City. SILK or dried centerpieces SWORDS WANTED, a Iso _ .WINDOW REPAIR VENICE, FLORIDA - New tal-Outstandj.ng lower on per income, neat, clean, air (1.616) 537-4779 I by professional f lor is t daggers, guns, medals. 774. CHI N A CABINET, glass Also buy leaded glafs doors beautifully furnished 3! prime Grosse Pointe street, conditioned, garage, $250 ,- I working at home. Custom 9651. shelves electric light, $95. - aDd windows. -- ' 882-5il~,j • bedroom, 2 bath.s. home in oVf\l'Si7~rOl'I11S,modern kit. per month, heat included, 6F-SHARE LIVING work, vel')' reasonable. 839- ENCORE The Resale Shop 2 end t'ables with drawers, residential, yacht and rac~-"chen,~'4'Dedrooms, 2 batns, , call after 4 p.m. 372-4111. QUARTERS 6434. I 22""7 K' 11 Ro d 5" .' ~ $7~. Bachelor'" chest, $50. .. 1 e y a, OIOCKS I C' •. k't h NEED SOMETHING moved, quet club. Recreational fa- 2.car attached garage, bur- YOUNG MAN wishes to ------1 south of 9 Mile. Opc~ !:!::r., hrome t.?rml~a I c en Two Pointe residents will cilities of all types avail. glar and fire alarm system. WINDMILL POINTE Drive share flat with same. 343. GARAGE SALE I day through Saturday, 10-41 sel, $50. 7/6-1657. inove or remove large or able. Long term rental pre. Possibly the most attrae- ba~v:~er 3i=:::n2 a:: 02~. Call between 6 and EXTRAV AGAN ZA p.m. 777-8551. Quality con. MOVING SALE _ Saturday, . sinall quantities of furni. ferred. 626.7752. ~~~:J~Sl~S~5. ditional bedrooms and 9 p.m. Great bargains on ... tables, sil::l\ments welcome. August 4th, 10 a.m. to 2 I - ture, appliances, pianos or STUDIO 1 and 2 bedroom 889-0000' bath on third floor. 25' liv. ROOMMATE wanted. Young chairs, household appli. p''!1''deverYtilngt rheasonhablldY . ~hat have you. Call for apartments. Ideal for col.I------ing room with fireplace, ,professional seeks person ances, B&W photo enlarg. ORIENTAL RUGS PfrlC~ h'~mp ede 0bU~t 0 . free estimate. 343-0481, or lege grads and profession- ONE-BEDROOM upper in. large kitchen and di!1inl,l to share large 4-bedroom er, typewriter, leather lug. WANTED 2u2r9nts 5Icngsl~n b as y ICle~s , 822-2208. also 3 to 4 miles East of come, 11785 East Outer room, garage. Available flat in Indian Village area. gage, f ram e d pictures, ONE OR MAl'~-Y h' 4 aro ma, t. aIr . .., ' IF YOU'LL name the ~ob Renaissance for' $140-$400 Drive near Three Mile. imml1diately. $::00 month. A v a i I a b 1e immediately glasses, china and much Prh'ate Collector Will Pay _s_o_re_s_. _ Irr ,'you want done, we'll do it! per month. No lease. Pool Channing, clean, appli. 884-0600. Rent $225 per month. call more! 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Any Reasonable Price. GARAGE SALE _ Friday, . 'Licensed, insured. Stokes and tennis court. Call 824- ances, garage, separate gas JOHNSTONE & Dave 331.7991 home or . Saturday/Sunday. 859 Bar. '1-482.5427 I Saturday, Sunday, 10 a.m. Multiple Service Co., 824- 8280. . I furnaces, lease and secur' JOHNSTONE work 225-1429. rington south of Jefferson, I -~------3 p.m. 595-3Fillcrest. 9509 or 824-9172. CHALMERS-OUTER DRIVE ity deposit. No pets. Open ------1 block east of Alter. ------1 thr . 1 Sunday 1-6 p.m. 68-ROOMS FOR RENT QUIET RETIRED lady wish. ------1 TIRED OF TWO PINE KNOB tickets, OFFICE CLEANING done - ee m.ce arge roo~s, ------. es same to share expenses, RIGID electric pipe threader, Pavilion seats, Foreigner, bv responsible couple. ~tove, refnegrator, all.u.tl1. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, BUS I N ES S WOMAN 2.bedroom lower flat. 885- complete withhand.held GETTING A August 7th, 886-~153. ,.~Dauy or weekly We -are I lties, ;;xccpt eleetncltY'1 a.bedroom u~r, Somer- or nurse. Near transporta." 8306. dies, W' through 2 " S2t, ------,experienced, rellable and near transportation. 8Bl'l set, Grosse Pointe Park, 2 tion. Kic~en. p~lvllt:gt:;;, st,I\------pipe cutter and oil pot in. BUSY SIGNAL? FIVE GALLONS Sears best ~.have excellent referenceS. \ 8700. ' I ii\l."hes, uiit'wGl fireplaCe, Matthew l! PlL"-!h. _.<\fte! 5 6G--STORE OR OFfICE t eluded. $300. es2-5!!M after, Weatherbeater paint. white 8811071 freshly decorated corner \ pm 886-6818 \ RENTAl. 3 p.m. Cali your ads in on _Latex haIf price. 824-0848 . " , • . A~CT1VE 4-bedroom, 2. \ of bus line. Nice~t house .. . 1-"------~-:__--"""7: Thursday and Friday. --.,-. ---- .'TI:~Ri~=l~~a~~~~1;~~~ST~~l~~~~~~~3~~~.._SL~~:e~;:~ii~"~~1f;~i:=~~t~"!iTt:y~~~~t~~;~:_,,__~._.~_..__..._..._88_.,._~~_....__ O_~__... ,.""'."_H_.~ ~;!~:fta~~:;~!~~!ii POINTE .AREA UPPER !"LAT. 2-bedroom, 1084.$000: Henr=''';~fa g-;,';.;d' =;~pt~~~d ~hag. -padding-' maple, $100. 881-6051. . GROSSE POINTE schools - I rear porch carpeted re- I 7-WANTED TO RENT love set, white.green linen included, 1 year old, in ex. W.EBER KE'ITLE bft~becu'e' R EFERENCES Beautiful 3.bedroom brl'_L.,. f.rJ'ge~mtor... s'tove Exee'llent ROOM AND bath, middle- print, $6QO.plue green vel. cellent condition;.$275. tent screened 12~' x 12' FREE ESTIMATE Ranch, family room, cen. condition: heat' included. aged gentleman preferred. ENGLISH BACHELOR work. vet love seats, $600. Walnut 393-1030. mak~ offer. 343:0342 ' ., DOUG, 882-1826 tral air, 11,2 baths, garage, Near Dominican no pets 5.27-2368. ing temporarily in Detroit console Hi.Fi, $100. Twin - .. COLLEGE STUDENT needs $595 ptr month, plus se. $275. 343-0279. ' '16C--OffiCE fOR RENT desires furnished flat in bed $30 New be8utiful OIL PAINTING, meadow DON'T MISS this one!! Ex- fuT Avail bI f cunty 7799'192 ------1.------._ Grosse Pointe area begin. Mu~krat 'full 'length fur soene, 1.year old, walnut tra special garage .sale. ;;;dlo~~bs 77~7 or any .'. THREE. BEDROOM Colonial, GROSSE POiNTE PARK _ ning August 1 through coat, paid $1200, $600. fr~me ~Ith. gold" chro~e Swimming pool, black lea- I. • FIRsT OFFERING-Perfect. IJhbaths. family room, in I MlW:kAve. 108 to 2000 sq. November 30. Tea and French lamb jacket, paid trIm, 62 WIde,. ~9 tall, In I ,ther couch, fUl'niture, pic. R.~ T IRE D HANDYMAN. style home plus great loca. Grosse Pointe Farms. $725 it. offices, air conditioned crumpets need not be in. $400, $100. Canvas pile excellent condlhon. $145./ tures, lamps, ciothing, jew. Minor repairs, carpentry, tion in Farms for foreign Lease 9.month minimum, building. 885-7242 between eluded. 225-1699 during lined squirrel collar coat, 393-1030. elry, etc. Thursday and Fri . .eIectrical, plumbing, paint. consulate, doetor, execu- security deposit. Between 10 and,4. . business hours.' $100. Camel coat, $20. DINING ROOM table, pecan day, 10.5. 5566 Radnor, by ing, broken windows and tive family in Detroit area 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 772-8690. White coat, $20. Drexel wood, 1 year old, seats 3, Balduck Park. No pre.sales ',sash cords replaced, etc. on temporary assignment, I KELLY ROAD, 825 sq. ft. WANTED-ExecutIve home desk $$0 Ch' $20 E .Iie a s 0 nable. References. etc. 'This Colonial features CHESTER: Moross and Bar. now one large room; can for long term lease. Must '.' aIr, . n. oyster white cushions in 26" BOY'S Concord 10 speed . 882-8759. formal living ,room with per area .. ' 5.room lower, be divided to suit new have 3 to 4 bedrooms, 2 ~yclo~edla set, $80. Ca~et. excellent condition. $325. $75. 884-5259 .. mg, hke new. Coffee mak. 393-1030. . . fireplace, dining room,. 5tove, re fr1geraor,t carpe.t tenant. Air. condo Lots of baths, family room, formal h ll!" . dr $3 1 er, $15. Ice crus er, 'f"'. BABY SITl'ING - Full or family room, modern kit. mg,.. aAfPes, 00 P us se. parking. Call Virginia S. dining room. Call JANET B 1end e r, $5. Aluminum USED FURNITURE: Sofa 'part time. My home. 881. chen, 4 bedrooms plus sit. I curtty. ter 5.881.9310. Jeffries, Realtor. 882-0899. McCONKEY AT TAPPAN innerspring chaise, $25. Cat and chair upholstered gold WANTED 0142. ting room and 2lk baths. GROSSE POI N TE CITY. 1------& ASSOCIATES, 884-~00. pan, $2. Black & Decker $100. All maple Contem. USED STEREQ MATURE WOMAN. Child Call for further details. Cozy 4-room upper, includ. HAM:J;~~~~ARE YOUNG FAMILY wishes to saw, $10. Fish tank. $3. 30" porary dinette set 5x4 foot "c.are, live.in or full time. ing carpetmg, garage and 22811 MACK rent apartment, flat, or round table, 2 chairs, $90. opens to 6x4, 3 highback ALL CATEGORIES . .939-6218 after 7 p.m. GROSSE POINTE WOODS- appliances. Available im- VARIOUS SIZE hOuse (2 or 3 bedrooms) 19' side/side Refrigerator/ chairs upholstered seats, Bungalow close to trans- mediately. Security. $300. OFFICE SUITES in East side area. Prefer. Frp.ezer, $190. E 1e c t r i c 1 year old, excellent con. CALL 885.2265. COLLEGE STUDENT needs portation and shopping. 4 886-8058 after 7 p.m. AVAlLAB. LE ably East Detroit, st. Clair range ,(new), $225. Wash. dillon $450. 776.4032 be. FOR INFORMATION ,~ork; Painting, odd jobs, bedrooms, 2 baths, living Sh H W ad er.Dryer, $161>--$140. Metal fore 4 p.m. room wi~h fireplace, din. HOUSE FOR RENT __ 2 .885-0111 ores or arper 0 s e?tperienced. 792-7952. . area' Please call 77A "266 sheLf unit, $20. Brass fire. ing "L", modern kitchen . bedrooms, 7 Mile and KeUy, ,------. "rV • HAR'PER near 12 Mil place set, $80. 8 air condi. NICK ORLANI)O will clean with appliances, beautiful $280 per mon'th. Security e YOU N G PROFESSIONAL "'"e w e r ell . t' d Uoners, ",,0",. ll!75. Skates. garages, attics, basements, carpeting and drapes, cen. deposit. After 9 p.m. 521. l'I , W -mam aIne couple, physician and reg. $2. Wom~olf clubs & very reasonable. 772-4395 tral air, 2 car garage. $575 8353. . 'medical/dental com pIe x istered nurse desire to rent U . mornings please. . 'ates I suitable for other profes. bag, $30. Play pen, $5 . WE BUY Tappan and AssocI . 1 flat or house in Grosse H' h ch. $5 T 884-6200 HA~PER WOODS - 2 bed. 510na S. 823-3733. Pointe or East side of De. G~~es ~Z:STools' _OY~i$C. DIAMONDS • FINE JEWELRY. STERLING fA,INTER-HANDYMAN. In. I room home, no pets, ~5 troit. 331-4909. terior.exterior. Home re- CHELSEA.CHALMERS area plus security. Call after 5 GROSSE POINTE WOODS, 882-3379, 656 Neff. ' SILVER • POCKET WATCHES . Pairs. Free estimates. -5.room upper, newly dec.! p.m. 372-02S1. Attention Attorneys, ac. WlllTE RETIRED couple in WURI..ITZER ORGAN, Early G,P.F. Call Russell. 885. orated, stove, refrigerator countants, manufacturers 70's need 2-bedroom apart. American $500 cash, Sears • ANTIQUE CLOCKS 5125. carpeting. LA 6-2800. ,) GROSSE POlNTE pARK - reps, good locatiOn, newly ment or 2.bedroom upper manual typewriter, new from On Maryland-newly dec. decorated offices. t;;8.'J.6770. flat, 526-5317. .., ' $75 h 886- GROCERY shopping service. WARREN.Outer Drive nice orated and carpeted, 2 bed.I------~- conw.tion, cas . I Private owners and estates Groceries bought and de. spacious upper, heat in. room lower, $265 plus util. COLONIAL EAST: 9 Mile- CANADIAN CONSULATE 3371. ! Highest prices are paid-Trades are considered livered by responsible cluded $225. 881.1145. ities. 885-4992. Harper. 2.room suite. Car_ employee requires 3 or 4 FABRIC, denim, corduroy, Transactions are always confidential Pointe couple. We are ex- f peting, drapes, janitor. bedroomrentQI home. No linen prints. others, 50 perienced and reliabie. NEAR GROSSE Pointe 2. 41f.l ROOM upper, heat and 881-6436 children or pets. Will sign t t $ d . Please call 884-9042 or 881. hot water, no pets. Call . cen sol a yar , 78 rpm PAYM~NT' IS IMMEDIATE bedroom upper, appliances . up to 4-year lease. Call records, windup record 8823 for reasonabie rates. $280 includes heat, secur. af.ter 4 p.m. 885-7331. F~SHER MEWS, single of. John Bunt, 963.0144. 1 t Ask for Mike or Sandy. ity, 343-0346. fice, s h are d reception payer, oys, Avon. other 3 ROOM upper, stove, refrig. PROFESSIONAL d bot tie s, miscellaneous : Thank you. , . room. Daily janitor service man nee s household I'temo. 19130 CHARTERHOUSE & CO. ALTER ROAD - 3 rooms erator, car p e t.e d livmg Call Mrs. Jeffries. 882-0899 I-bedroom flat in Detroit, - 16835 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe MINUTE MAlD CLEANING stove, refrigerator, heat in: room, $210 including heat Northeast or Grosse Pointe Mallina off Morass, Thurs. , AND SERVICE CO. cluded, $135. 331-4677 or and gas. No pets. 521.4399, 6D-VACATION area. Willing to do yard day, Saturday, 10 a.m. to (313) 885-1232 264-8207 884-3884. 876-4077. RENTALS work, call 527.2177 after 6 7 p.m. WE DO WlllTT1ER.I94 - Clean one Carpet clE:aning, wall wash. TWO.BEDROOM lower-ear. MICHA YWE-7 miies South p.m. peting, appliances waSher, bedroom apartment, air, ap- of Gaylord, club house, res. U. OF D. dental student and iog, interior-exterior, and pliances i n c 1u d e d. $235 , garage painting, floor wax- dryer, heat, no ~ts. 1107 tau.ant, pool, sauna, game- Wayne law student wish to Maryland, $300. Available month includes uhlities, room, tennis, golf, 3 lakes, rent an apartment in ing and buffing, oven vent plus securiLY. 886-9030. Ask ALL and hood cleaning, furni- August I, 886-5501. nature trails horseback Grosse Pointe area. Call for Chris C. riding. Beautiful 4.bed. Truman: 476.2329 or 476. ture refinishing, cabinet, BEm'ORD, 2-bedroom up- room home. Sleeps 10, 2 7039. fonnica and minor carpen- per, central air, carpeted. ST. CLAIR SHORES-3.bed. try work. room duplex, available im. baths, dishwasher, TV and Lo~ely, no pets, deposit reo fireplace. 885-3211. ANXIOUS TO RENT Bay. qUlred, heat not included.. mediately, newly decorat. ---______stadt Condo from owner PAINTERS-7 years experi. ed. appliances, central air, AREA RUGS 884-8694. YOU SPEND the winter in occasionally during this ence. Numerous local ref. full basement, lease, no 'erences. Free estimates, UPPER FL~T, Grayton and our new luxury GuIffront coming ski season. We pets, $350 a month, 779. have references. 771-8643. 882.7003. Chandler Park Drive $235 1818 or 774-9884. beach home for $400 a month and we get a house TY--P-I-ST--W-il-l-d-o-ty-p-i-n2-i-n 886.7440. ,. SINGLE WOMAN with snl1l11 GROSSE POINTE CITY - 2 sitter, references required. to off pet, 250/0 500/0 my home. Manuscripts, re- UPPER APARTMENT. 3 1 ~droom upper or bedrooms, Neff Road, up. I 886-6763. lower. 843.9493 after 5. p.orts, etc. Call 884-8686. rooms, 1 bedroom, appli. per flat, $335 per month. ------(Karastan excluded) REGISTERED NURSE for ances and heat included. Refrigerator, stove, carpet .. LA~ HURON,. sandy beach, 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE private duty. Provides ten. Harrison Township near ing, near convenient shop. ~xmgton Heights area, 65 ping center. 88514lJ. mIles north of Grosse Pte., ~.er loving oare and exper. Metro Parkway. $250 per clean 2 and 4 bedroom cot. BICYCLE - 10,speed, like Great Selection - Hurry! tence. 884.7733. month. Security. 886-5136 new $70. 885-3635. or 8864956. 3th ROOMS, clean, Chandler tages. $20().$235 weekly, aU COLLEGE STUDENT will Park Drive.Chalmers area, modern conveniences. 884- mow, garden. clean. Can GROSSE POINTE CITY - $180 a month. security, 0475 or 1359-8202. USED BOOKS - Bought. $Old. Fiction. non.fiction. Tom, 886.7232 after 6 p.m. 551 St. Clair upper 2 bed. heat included. 521-6908. I JUST A T kf If. II Ed Maliszewski Carpeting rooms available immedi. -----_____ lin u 0 gas away. Hardcover, paperback - SA-SITUATION ately, carpet and drapes. 20727 MARTER ROAD 3.bed. 1977 rates in 1979. Pool, noon 'lil 6 p.m. Tues. thru room Colonial, immaculate golf, sandy beach, picnic DOMESTIC $400. 886-5565. Sat. BOOKTIQUE, 15243 21435 Mack Ave. (bet. 8 & 9 Mile Rd.) condition, walking dis. are a, playgrounds, gas, Mack Ave., between Lake. YOUNG LADY wants house. SEYMOUR - 2.bedToom up- tance to schools and boating, horses, mar k e t ralnte and Beaconsfield. 776-551 D work, part lim~ oj full I per. clu'pcted. $250' in. churches, child welcome, nearby. Dishwa ..her, TV. &J5.2265. time. 526-1812. cludes heat, 881.06'19. 779-8928. Petoskey area, 647-7233.

J .--.... o 4 ( (4

Thwl ..J~f,AU9U~~ 2. 1779 GPO SSE F-"0 i NT ENE vi 5 Page Twenty-Seven e:-ARTICUS F~R SALE I8-AItTICLES FOR.U.~E 18-.~kTICLES FOR SALE IS-ARTICLES FOR SALE I8-ARTiciE'f F~R SALE I8-ART-'C-L-iS-F-O-R-S-A-~-E.a=:Arna:E-S-F.-O-R-S"-L-E -18-ARTICLES fOil SA".! I BRAND NE.W 30.~allon met. MOVING. must stH eI~c.mc HvUSEHOLO ONE r;'p.•!::~!~!!p~o"in,.IAl t.ll. FREEZF.R, white. li~e new, YARD, SA~E.- Toys, c~II. ONE 9.8 Mercury outboard MOVING SALE - Every. al frame aquarium, new, range, excellent condlhon. LIQUIDA-ION b!e With two 18.lnch leaves, upnght, 15.9 CUbIC feet. drens ClOtne:;, came. as. moto!' "~,,,IA hl)lJrS, uccl. thinl( must go., Thursday, , ~axi.flo fllter, Whisper 400 Best offer. 882.1952. I al,o includes 4 beautiful $200. 526.2555 . games, tools, household lent condition. Call 885- Friday, Saturoay, II tv ,'j. air pump, st1lnd and all ac. I. SALES damask upholstered seats ------items 4400 Bedford. 0508. 1~3 Blairma:lr between Icessories, $125. 884.1444. 21-INCH RaleIgh R~ff1par, 10- CHARLE" KLINGENSMITH woven cane back chairs' LEDGEROCK and landscap.' IHAMMOND ORGAN-E.I00 Marter and Goethf' _------1 speed. good condlt1on, $100 .. . .' ing beams. Price negoti. YARD SALE-IlIa Bedford, • ------REFRIGERATOR, GE, n '. 882.4164. L~YLRLENWICL~AIAPMMASN ~15~'i'i0J1e ~~I~Poo~l~~r ,,'lIe, 8131-6516. Thursday through Sunday, series, mahogany $900. 5. ORIENTAL RUG 6x4, silk frost 2 years old like new 1______"on"". oner. ,ew. . ------9 a.m. to 5 p.m., clothes piece, twin. white French Kashan, 882-4080. $165' Lady's Schwinn 3. CHILD'S pressback highchair Invite you ~o vhit our shop, One wall cabinet with slid. GARAGE SALE-130B Aline (sizes infants to adults) Provencial bedroom set, 2 MOVI NG- SALE: Refrigera. speed 26" 1 month 'old Victorian dresser. Vh:tor. now open two days a week, ing doors with turquoise off Mart'.!r. Friday, 9 to 5 Kenmore gas double oven. cushion peried sofa. call tor $100, 4(}" electric $80 Ssl-ss42 'ian hutch. small washstand Tuesdays and Thursdays formica top. Special size p.m. Kenmore garbage masher, !l82-~2 or 884-8930. range $35, bu.ffet $i5, . . I dough box (lJl stand, large 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. bed, upholtered in tur. ------chrome table, automatic h b I I)LNING ROOM set, 7.piece circus trunk, matching 2 15115 CHARLEVOIX quoise vinyl to slide under STAINED GLASS - Large drafting table. misceJlan. WROUGHT I RON kitchen SC winn Itanc;~m icY~le excellent, must see to ap. fireside chairs, spinning GROSSE POINTE PARK cabinet to make a daytime antique 1;;,mp, lighted sea. eous. set plus marble tables. 882. $125, Va ICY pool ta e preciate, call after 5 p.m. wheel. blanket ('hest, gold 331.3486 sofa, $100. 2 Danish style scape, sailor and hoy on 5162. complete $125, ping-pong 884-7969 b t 2 f' h rmen with table $20, 7' picnic table . pocket watches, assorted Consignments, estate apprais. chairs, $50. 1 leather top oa • IS e EARLY AMERICAN love. GARAGE SALE _ 449 Sad. $20, 34' Jacobs ladder $25, 14K gold estate J'ewelry. als and house sides, featllr. lamp table, fruitwood fin. their catch. Must see to ap. seat, avocado, wool tweed, A!R CONDITIONER. Solcx I . $ .ate V yr abl die Lane GPW Thurs Harvard Classics $25, Brit. .. hi\r..... 1i.1e .. np. Ui (Ooff".p.. t~ble. I' IPR! .E' A_1I!1'IQUR iog fine porcelains, antique nlsh, 10. 771-4710. pr~1 . er04 eason e never used, $200. 884.6673 d d 'F'd 10' m /4 tannica $20, Child Craft • 6 GALl.~n.!'ES 1 fUTnitJ'Tl', rr}'st!ll !l!,,!rjruits i • ..",.n ,; ~A n A '"'''' coAt '" 1 prIces 885.89 . I after 7 p.m. ay an rl ay a.. ' miscellar:eo!!s: 772-4677 af: I 23159 MACK AT 9 MILF. I This week' I ~'n." .n U.Mo ,,"" 0..; _. IW.HlTE. -P-E ESTAL . . 4 ., p_m. Toys, cloth~s, gmtar, 1 $25. miseellaneous books, ~ I 775-\970 I Fa~o~~~~t~~nt~que bin~k tg~SS I ~~;~~y~f:!t~;:';:':;to;ls~ ~~ I matching ~hairs, $2~~~1:85. D~f~~nro~~~'~~ ~~;r:~'I.~~~t:::~~~:un~,U"Vh~,mi~. ~~::V:rS~i;~~;M4.~~2t' ,.~, DINING ROOM buffet-ere. GREEN liiue.by-side refrig. o~. ~m ro. e ~ e, much more. 958 Beacons. 7710 or 881-1180. walnut and pecan, Fruit. .. ._-~ 8A-MUSIC,6.L denz::t, mahogany wit h erator, electric stove, wash. p~:~:s, fin~rp~vte;,m~~Ircb~ne field. Am CONDITIONER, hori. wood finish, oval dropJeaf YARD SALE. Friday 9 to ;). glass top, excellent condi. d d 882 5681 ------~ I tabJe A-1 condition $1400 371 Moross. Women and :NSTRlH~£NTS . tion, $'/5. 884-0065. , er an ryer, -. top chest, fine jade conec. GARAGE SALE-August 3 I .zontdal sliding or casement 881.2863 "children's cJothes, c a I' 'BRASS FIREPLACE tools tion, Ironstone, extensole to 12th, 10 a.m .. 6 p.m. win ow, Westinghouse, I' seats, refrigerator, miscel. PIANOS WANTED ANTIQUE BED linens-Cro. table, fine brass pieces and 21411 Bournemouth be. I 5,500 BTUs, good condition MOVING SALE-Furniture. lan ous cheted 5{J0 and Madiera, $35, wood.louvered door, much. much more. I, tween Harper and M~ck. $75. 885-0704. appliances, etc. August 4 e. . I GRANDS, Spinets, Consoles Saturday and Sunday Cinly. $25. Small chair with cas. ------1 GAS SPACE heater. alumi. and Small Upriihts. 661 Coram, Detroit. ters $12. French.style cof. COCKTAIL TABLE-Walnut ORANGE VELVET lounge HIS AND HERS Huffy bikes and 5. 10-4. Rain or shine. num and wooden doors, TOP PRICES PAID . 15 '. I 'd 'th b b t d. No previews! 6177 Radnor. I fee table $30. Dresser mlr. m al wood, modern, $45. chair. walnut legs, like WI a y sea s, nee mi. I 1 windows with storms and j VE 7-0506 ' IRON SINGLE bed $100. ror $15. White and chrome 823-6166. new. 556-3079, 779-6198. nor repair. $45 for both, COLONIAL f bed b screens. 88lH«i54. ------iron (l year crib, $175. Af. wash bowl $10. B81.2566. ------881-6033.. so a , rown ------SPINET PIANO - Knol.~ - ter 5, 778.7389. GARAG A E- TWO 20" boys' bikes, $50 SECRETARY DESK, gold DUNCAN PHYE .... dram ta. tweed, excellent condition, FOR SALE - Dark w?Od j French Provincial - ~it- E S L 973 West. I each, 2 humidifiers. win. carved mirror, formica ta- ""'.. $175, AM-FM stereo record trundle bed. 2 SChwmn . .. - REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire chester. G l' 0 sse Pointe dow air conditioner $75 ble. chairs, garden tooJs. ble $65, Duncan Phyfe I player. maple end table bikes, 26" and 27" men's. woo~ .flDlSh .-: beaut~fuI deluxe top freezer. good Park, Friday and Saturday 51h.foot porch bench' $100' 1220 Grayton. 882-8371. din~ng room table, 4 carved console, $75, 839-4712 af. glass and metaJ hanging c~!ldltlon - fInish perfect. condition $125, 882.a544 or 9-6. Household items, chilo vinyl luggage carrier fo; ! chairs, pads and leaf $250, ter 4 p.m. light fixtures. room dehu. I ~"'lIe and I. moved to FJor 885.9205. dren's clo.thes, girl's infant station wagon, new, $25. PAIR RED and gold drapes I 886-6663. TRACTOR T IRE db 'I midifier. B.flat clarinet, I Ida - w~sh to sell. th h 3 b ' . f t 56"x80" pJus cornl'ce board ---~------san ox .. Grosse POinte Farms ad. DUNCAN P-H-Y-F-E-,-m-a-h-og-. th~~~~h ~~: 8; s~~: ~~:l~s .88£-7681. for double window. Regina NEWER Del.uxe G~ portable $2~; D~o?I~~L dini~~.~~,?~ ~~~4-~10 slide proJector. dress. Call 882-2636. any dining room table, 6 toys. SOFA, 90". blue. green. electric broom, like new; top. loadmg dishwasher. I taule, mduwug 2 lA:llCI1I1 Ii I -- - . 1-..--- . .-, chairs. buffet and china 1 matching chair. Excellent size 10 clothes, portable $100, electric dryer $50 benches and 2 Captain's GARAGE SALE . I d' '1 GULBRANSEN doubJe man. cabinet. Excellent condi. AIR CONDITIONER-5,5{J0 condition. $175. 882.2968. television, apartment gas ______882-6535 after 6 p.m. . chairs. $65. 881-5183. j roun d d'mmg. roommc uwood.mg ,*-eak"iual organ, e~c"l!c!J'(T.loo), f'onil;.Les~ie tion. $795 or best offer. BTUs, crank or sliding BEDROOMS, living room, stove, hospital bed. 881- lAIR CONDITIONERS: Wes. STUPENDOUS 3.family ga. !able, .with ~err~o inlay,' tion: b~st ~If~;.-Cali 886. 885-4237 after 6. window, $70. Rocker. very kitchen set. washer stove, 3281. tinghouse 15,000 BTUs rage sale, 4405 Grayton, mcludmg 4 chairs. Also 9811. lTERRANEAN BED. old, $60. Hudson's lawn. cabinet, TV. 526-4821. I' $$1 95C, hrysJer8,OO[)BTUs Satur da y, AuNgust 4'allO Arowof van seat s. Thurs~~~, -D-R-U-M--S-ET----5-p-ie-c-e-.-red 2 5 room set, $425. Old World mower 22" with bag, $70. GARAGE SALE-Large se. 1.2 5 884.3620. a.m. t 05 p.m. 0 pre-s es. ug., noon. p.m. <>

lamp, 48 inches high, $125, -- 1 i 10 t 14, I . hil k bar 1 t b Miscellaneous items. some s ze 0 p us DIce c - 8o-FOOT galvanized chain ------I ------I BABY GRAND piano, Hor- ~a hr~ aJ,e, 4 ~atch. ESTATE SALE-Mahogany tools. ski's. ski.boots _ dren's clothing and coats. link fence $50. GE dispos. 16~4 HAWTHORNE - Mov. FRENCH Provincial dininl'{ I nung and Moller, Made'in ~~~ndc p~i~ws, ~. cas~:s~ Armoire with inlay, beauti. Wednesday, 2.7. Thursaay Assortment Jawn and gar. al $20, Airline pet carrier mg s~le. y'o~th bedroom room set. Drexel table, ex. I Denmark. Good condition. $75. 689.2790. ful condition, $650. An. and Friday 9-4. 1569 Brys den equipment. other mis. $10, Zenith Transoceanic set,. bikes, dmmg table and tends a leaves, 6 chairs, 822-3515. tique oak bed, $350, other Drive. cellaneous. Also 9O-inch multi.band radio. $70, new chall's, walnut, needs re- ,breakfront china cabinet. ALMOST Uk S' t items. 779-4696 evenings, leather sofa, tuxedo style, Metz Mecabijtz 197-Q flash pair. miscellaneous. Friday, Hif,!h quality furniture in C 'hI Nal~ ~e,;.-: ARAGE SALE - August 2, ~:,~t~ weekends. . FOR RE.COVERING: pair of in perfect condition, $550 $40, Pol&roid 103 camera and Saturday. August 3. 4. excellent condition. $575. ;v~:ett i;;~d'es ~~ 3, 4.• 3 p.m. 20" girl's bike 5&i~ with training wheels, girl's ESTATE SALE-24813 Ra. velvet fireside chairs, also firm. Saturday, August 4, $15, antique Chinese orien. 10-3 p.m. 882-8276. After 5. 0102. .. back to school clothes. sizes vell, East Detroit. Furni. a sturdy carved mahogany 10 a.m. . 3 p.m. only. 1133 tal rug 10'x14' $1,500, 2 an'IA BIGGY garage sale-80me A HIGH t h t ture, lady's clothing, sizes Duncan Phyfe sofa. 8B1- Bishop Road, Grosse Pointe tique Hitchcock chairs, thing for everyone most!; h d ou [ut ~pacf e~tr, CUS'toM Base amplifier. 125 4 through 8. Shutters. toys, . I 2775 Park. each $40 large cooler $10 d . k • an ma e Cll'CUar ue watts. 4 inputs. 2 15 inch ~:::~re. etc. 411 LothroP'1 10 turough 16, shoes, 7B. . 2'x4' ch~ 'in block ~abl~' goo, some ~~~.: ~~o p,:.e., area rug •. men's luggage, speakers, $400. Call Sa&- 8AA, miscellaneous. Au- QUEEN SIZE sofa bed, oys. APARTMENT SIZE refrle:e. . " . ~p g sales. Thurs"'~J.''; p."",' A",,,hl,, .. nhn" .. hMl frame """. gust 4. 10 a.m .•5 p.m. ter whl'te crushed velvet J'n rator "Romex" 20"x21"x $'!tl. leal sweeper $40, Frida., Saturday 104 p.!'" 1 :~;";';; •• -.;;::':.:' -.+;:~;:~:.~,,;I v"..... II ARA.GE SALE. Household ______:- 1 power mower $20, Tiffany. 1611 Oxford "'1 noDL: A~. ~~ .. ~ v ".~. _v -.-. . ,'- items, baby and adult clo- FANTASTIC garage sale _ excellent condition. $200. 19", 3 months old, moved style chandeliers $25, 16. . , radiO, ~ channel ~B radIO. SPIN~T PIANO. bench. $~(lO. ,thing, furniture, some an. Everything mu:;t go! Fur. 393-1030. $80. Depth finder Lowran. inch girl's bike $15, Sam. GIANT garage sale-Radios bolt. achon ~eer rifle, auto- 888-3175. tiques, 1435 Balfour, niture, dishes, .oldtiques. GARAGE SALE-Household ce model, LSP 300, fish sonite and miscellaneous men's, women's clothes: :at~l:re, porch roll G-E-O-R-G-E-S-T-E-C-K--sp-in-e-t-,'''p-i. Thursday and Friday 9.3. steamer trunk, hardly used items _ no clothes. 4835 ~~~.~~~~.$i~~:o~~~~ boat, lug~age from ~5.$55, New dishes, furniture, lamps. p, . ----- ano, excellent condition. 1oo.watt speakers, fishing University, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Unll'oyal radials, a 1so golf bag, cart, shoes, exer. MOVING SALE-Household $800. Call 884-8833. AME TABLE 52.inches equipment, sporting goods. August 4 and 5. No sales SINGER Golden Touch UN" snows, $35. 882-2111. cycle, Black and Decker goods and furniture. Satur. . round, with an 18-bcll ter. games, lamps, appliances, other than these times. Sew, cabinet. carrying case, 7¥4" circular saw. Holly. day, Sunday, August 4, 5. KIMBALL Conso~~ Plano .::.. azzo inlay, includes 4 lot s of miscellaneous. ------attachments, excellent con. LARGE dinette set. 2 match- wood bed frame, hi-fi rec. 38511 Harper, Mt. Clem. Excel1l;n~ condition mal}o- hairs, 886-3670. Much, much more! Satur. REFRIGERATOR, s t 0 v e, dition, $300. 885.8719. ing Italian elub chairs. lords, dehumidifier, plus ens. I gany finish, 1 owner. $850. TWO LIVING room chairs, day, August 4, 9 a.m ..5 white single bed. bed.' . high. back Italian Club hundreds of items August ------~-- 886-1876. ~:. ". turquoise, $20' each, 839~ . p~m., 451 Manor, Grosse spread, drapes, dr2sser, WATERFORD Crystal: Kyl~. chair, 4 bicycles, 882-7309. 3, 4, 5, 10.4 P.ril4' 4410 2 IN. BOTrECHIA, $125, 3lh ------~~:;;,.:,7163, good condition. range $35, buffet $75, leather chair, Magnavox more, decanter and 6 sher. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, appli. Yorkshire. horsepower power- rotary lBo-ANTIQUES I,;;wVING STATE _ Stove, S~~;inn tandem bicycle :~~~:~ ~~::t~~n~~~;~~,pl:~~ ry glasses. 772-8389. ances, bedroom sets, lamps, 17 WOOD folding chairs, ~~~~pr~~;f:d, $3~~'>'.lc ~'riI FOR SALE • '. electric, 30 inches, new al. ~omPle~all$ei25 po~~ .t~~e tique setee, Magnavox ra. SCHWINN ~~ercycle. excel. ~;~~~tc:~ega;::f~J~9ms ,~rch furniture. K~nmore 882-5917, CAMBRIDGE Trading Com. . mond color, refrigerator, table $20 7' '. P . g r bIg I dio. tricycle, toys. 884- lent conditJol.l.. $100. 772- 382-4785 ' or troner, lounge chair. 885. I , pany. Wholesale to. the .e!l'rO,sst'e!al':'C'fll"We:l.pshlaoCre::'sl'c'rdeednns':'\' ~O 3' J-' ,PICDlC a e .""'A 8389. I' . 9398. SCHWINN Boy 5 Traveler, \ trade brass COppel' aild r ...... , 4 acobs ladder $25'1 ~VV~. \ \ • i1;ood riding condition. 885- wood' items' 11705 US -12- J'# " hrass and tool set, new. Hax:vard Classics $25, Brit. SOLEX good condition 881. CERAMIC TOP stove cook. TWO.HOUSE . garage sale, \HEADBOARD, king - size. \ 7664 \ c/o Brick 'Wallter Ta~~ r . Ironrite, table and chairs, 1 tli~liCa..$20, Cl-.'ildCraft $25, I 15'*4.'. '. ware, di~hwasher~ ~isc_~!. Friday., ~ugust 3,10-4,185. walnut, like new, $30. 881. . . . . and .Antiques. (517) 467. ' ,.I_o_rm,. ..i.c_a.andmiscelJ.aneous.1 nusceuaneous books, rec., . \ laneous Items. 2Ul M.CMU-l IS\) McKinley. l 3254_ ESTATE-Furniture, e1othes, 2618...... _._ Oo~-OO~--'.. ords, tables. chairs. etc. 25 .~OR ~A~ c.iaiiullal Cash RegiS. Ii 886.5011) any timc. new $165. Call 881-2710. I Harper Woods. I come. 885-1~~6. 4. ter $7:5. 8813?5eL

At -~---~~~---~------~--~------,.. Page Twenty-Eight G it 0 SSE PO' N TEN E W S. Thursday, August 2, 1919

'1-:~lt~t~S__ 10A-~~Tf:~lCLES !:~~~!~S,~:RSI~:L~n.1 :;-::::c:':: ~~~~oP: I ~~~~~S1:7~RAI~A~~oo~J :O~~~:ISL~:: ~~~~~~~.I~~~~:~FOR ::~Eroof.ll1'~~R/u~ANTED ANTIQUE twin bed frames, BRIGGS. 6: STRATTON 3.1 niverllary, every luxury op. white vinyl InterIor, V.8, 2. AM/FM, 78,000 mUes. Best 49,000 miles. Excellent con. 12000 miles. $9,500 or I CASH FOR CARS soUd walnut. Turned 2 x 2 h.p. mini.bike. $&:I or best tlon, low fiille~, $12000 barrel, :,ower steerlng and offer, 881~984 after 6 p,m. dlUon, air, regular gas, ofier 886-4.230 or 398-8119. TOP DOLLAR PAID posts, $200. 886-8013 after offer. 1219 Beaconsfield, negotiable, 9 to 5 weekdays brakes, air, Zlebirted, 56,. 1973 COUGAR XR 7 Sh fully loaded, $1,750. 886.' MIKE MAHER CHEVROLET 5 p,m. Grosse Pointe Park, M7~730. 000 miles, 294.1535. I il th If't' leat~' 20157. 1977 FORD LTD W!!!lIn USED CAR LOT , rrw m eage, r y, . 9 passenger, excellent con.-I EAS'r JEFFERSON AT ANTIQUE hall tree, $75. 881. 1971 SPORTSTER 6 over 77 DODGE Silver Trades., LE BARON 1977-318, 19.. er Interior, stereo, air, CHRYSLER 1969 Custom d1tlon au'A_~i1" nnW.l>,r • Y TER "n' D &16. iinll.queen seat, chrome, man van Bl00, 318, CruIse 600 miles, stereo, no air, radials, $1,660. _Evenings Ne-wport, full power, AM. I steeri~g a~d'-b;;ke:' - air. I 'U"S21.2000" excellent couditlon, $2,500, control, power steering, $3,950. 88fI.()873. 881.2429. Day, 770.1100. FM, ".1... !W3.tl2.?~. ut mati.: speed control, ANTIQUE SALE you don't 881-'i395 AM.FM cassette stereo II uk. St'Opl D 't j k' th t l ... Large assort.' t f d k 22' 1973 PLYMOUTH Sebring 1972 GREMLIN 1976 Yama. 1978 GREMLIN X 6~yllnder AM/FM 4 IIpea er s,ereo, . on un 8 car want to m..,., rus proo e ,wor van, .. '., 1 ks Class "A" or truck Call Bill for esti ment of quality lliassware, lOB-TRUCKS 000 miles $3,200 Call 885. Slltte1ite, $925. 521.2016. ha 400. Each $400. 776-6361. ail:', AM.FM stereo, excel. power oc , . . priced 50% below value, FOR SALE 5107." ;- I~nt condItion, $3,700. Eve. trailer hitch, luggage rack. mate. 885.2221. _ also POttery, china, Depres. 1961 TR. 3, handyman s 1971 OLDS Delta 88 - ( door nmgs ,'all 369.9100 ext $3,400. 885.2333. CADILLAC Respectable . d V dream $900 823.5919 hardtop V8 automatk: 2An S ,. -- sion, oil paintings and hun. 1976 FORD F.I50 Ra nger, 1969 FORD WIn ow an ,.. '. 'd' G ri ~l. aturday call 885- 1977 NEW YORKER _ }'ul1y condition. 19fH or older dreds of other things. V-8, automatic, dual gas Ec~mollne-Kood transpor. 1972 TOYOTA Celica, red, f.rrwer, air, b r: 10. $50 0" 6021. I d 39000 miles $3. what have you? 885-4087. ' 20863 Lancaster, Harper tanks. 8.foot box with cap. taUon stan.dard transmls'l b d d gl . excep Ires, new aery.t 9... equ ppe., .• Woods. 9 to 5, Friday, sat- excellent condition, $3,100 slon, '$400 or best offer. ti~n~ a:ha;:. e~:/~n regu: 886-0629 after 6 p.m. 1970 1?O .. "',,, .. AMERICAN > .... II "1t.n~Ut\. .." I. air, sun.roof, AM/FM ster. 4x8 Boston Whaler Harpoon- PREVIOUSLY OW~ED 1973 CHEVY ;Hon pickup, 6356, Home: 884-0816. s tan d a r d transm~SSlon, eo, cassette 4-speed. $5,600. Must sell. $7,800 or best box utility trailer. , Boston Whaler Inflatables. 211H8 Harper in St. Clair 4-wheel drive, $1,200. 886. clean, good gas mileage, 331.7368 offer. Call 422.9024 or 459. $200. 885-086~. E.Z Loader.Brokerage and Shores-We specialize in 1744. 1976 BUICK .Skyhawk, V-6, good tires, $400, 224-8581 ' .. ~-_ 7767. E U d . .. . . -I" power steermg and brakes, after 6 pm 884 5385 I PORSCHE 77 911 S DODGE OMNI 1978 - x. se . to~ol:the'l\l1e pre~IO'1".... 1975 I?ODGE VAN,. custom I air, AM.FM, tilt "lied, --_.. '-' . . 197~ VOLARE Premiere -I cell e :'I.t condition. 1))w I GREGORY'S - 823.1900 OYoinet11urrutu~ ana eq~IY~ lnte.f1or and exterIOr, new rear defogger, 37,000 miles, 1974 COUGAR XR.7, loaded,. 1 1 TARGA, 1 COij?E AU', reu de(oggt:r, A:r1.t'!lI I mileage. Premium pack. 9666 E. Jefferson ment, al.s}okorfllental deSl6 - engme, $2,100. 88203045. $2490 Call 962-6010 or 45,000 miles, $1,750. Call EXCELLENT INVESTME."\T wire wheels, sP.lit bench ages Sticl<, air. extras I Daily \) to 5;30 d I I muchrugs more.SJ 772.7990.owers an ll-CARS FOR SALE 'after ' 6. p.m., 881-6910. 886-5445 after 5 p.m, r 824-3287 ~~. No rust. ~2,600. 881. $5,200,. 82t.58re. . Sat. 9 to 4 - Sun. 9 • 4. . 11971 DODGE Dart, V-8, 340 1978 98 REGENCY 4-<100r. MERCEDES 280.75 1975 OLDS Cutlass Supreme CHRIS CRAFT 28' Express, . BOND COPI ES AUTO~OBILE ~sl¥RjNC~ I' cubic :.lch, automatic, well black on blaCk, loaded, 4 door, automatic, air, cruise, 1978 TRANS AM. w~ite, T'I Salon-13,5QI) milee. Many fiberglass, 1970, 6 sleeper, 4c as °hsw aCsallCh' or In maintained and new tires. 10,000 miles, besl Offer,' 26 mpg, $7,995. 824-3287. top, loaded, security sys. I extras. $2.950. 885-0688. 1'15hours, excellent. $9,500. Self Serve I mont . esney., ~eeds brake work $400. must sell, 886.8527.. . tem, must sell. $8,500. 882. I . 862.1122. American Pre\'iousl)' Owned I surance Age!icy for your I 886-6459' . MERCEDES 2411 or 293~ ' 1977 MGB - Lo..... nu12agn" 21918 Harper over the phone quotation.' 1974 PORSCHE, white, load. 450 SL C 1973 .! clean, excellent condition. WELLC~FT. 1~7. 25 ft 772.7990 884-5337. 1975 DODGE Window Van, ed, many extras, never In 1973 PLYMOUTH station wa. Ziebarted. $4,500. 776-0034. Suncrulser, eqUipped, low great for trailer towing winter, 33 m.p.g. highway, Maple yellow, bamboo leath. gon, 62,000, power steer. hours, in well. $12,500. 9-ARTiCLES WANTED We have all types of cars to and traveling. Many ex, low mileage, ~uaranteed. er, ex cell en t con d i. ing, power brakes, clean. CONVERTIBLE C he vrolet Days, 689-5900; Evenings, lease-New tras. 885-3211. $3.800, W 0 r It 778-5120. tion. Must sell. 824-3287. First $35{) 527.5313. power steering/brakes, ex. 528-2889. SHU1;,jUNS aDa rifill:$ Wwt., CORVETTES. LINCOLNS, i I Home 885-5269. ' . cellent condition. $1,500. ed Parker, Fox, Smith" ELDORADOS '75 DODGE Dart Sport, auto., MERCEDES 1978 FLEETWOOD Broug. Impala 1965 _ 327 engine, GAS MIZER - 21 ft. Rienell Winchester and others. on fioor. Call AIl.State matic, air, clean, $2,100. 11971 VW ~UPER Beetle, 450 SL-78 h~ d'Elegance. Like new 823-3063. 1976 165 Merc. cruiser, in Private collector, 478-53115'1 leasing. We also sell late Call after 5, 886-3497. ~~o~l~~ndltion, runs well, Convertible ivory bamboo W1th moon roof. Must sell! board/outboard, with Cud. " • moqel. used cars. Ask for I 1. . leather, factory 'warranty, Home 822.5778. Work 886- 1978 CHRYSLER Le13ar~n-1 dy cabin, Tamco trailer. AVlD. VICTORI.A.N enl1ector I Jim Imhoff. 521.1111. 1971 MERCEDES 2.door -11976 OLDS 88 4.d. h d. rfeetl mint 824-3287 4230. 2 door, Landau, 5,300 miles, $7,900 or best offer. 779- lUlXlOUSto purchase nice good enndition, $4,500. 885. . .' O?r at I re y. . air automatic woman own. , 2348 enmples of parlor fumi. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS As 5725, ~~~'A~~ ml1eage, atr, clean 11975 GRANADA, 2-door. au. I 19'!8 FORI? ~I~T~Sp~rt- er: $4,750. E~enings, 88z.1 . __ '_ . t~e, tables and .bedroom I low as $25 quarterly buys I' . I UVVOOZVlltJ. I tomatic, power steering I :sun root, AM ramo, light I 1439. .1 SAILHOA'l' '78 Chrysler C of pieces. A~, musIc boxes, Compu~ory No Fault In. 78 TH U NDERB IRD 1979 CAMARO Z.28, white,/ and brakes, air, $2.200 or g ~ e y, Ziebarted, 5,400 I C Buccaneer, 18 ft. Com. ~~~:t;,~s~,:~.}a.:;'J;s':'~1~ SUlmce. 881.2376. LOW MILES, DOVE GRAY. red custo~ interior, air, I ',best offer, 885.2821. ~les, $5,095. 886-9215 eve. j CHARGER 1977 SE - Sm~ll ! pletely race eq~pped. ~ , .~,v.. ::1 .." ...... :l.~~_... -- .. ,MANY EXTRAS. I T.top, 4-speed, most acces. I lUngs. . economy VoS, power, au, 'I h.p. motor, t!9.l1er ana ~ rew~d for informa. 1977 ELDO~O a~d 19761 $4,650 sories, 5,000 miies, 881.. 1973 T.BlP.D--4B,OCO !r.Ues, . rad!als. 21.000 miles. Like cover. $-3,000. 725-8018. tion leading to successf~l C~~pe de Vill~, runt con., 882-6385 1987.' excellent condition, super 1977 C~RO LT. V-8, au. new condition. $3,200. 881-1 purchase of Belter furm. d!tion, low mdeage. 881- sharp. Going to school. tomatic, power steering, 0978 18 FT. SEA KING - Good ture. Days 869-7522, eve- 4058. . 1976' 1978 GRAND PRIX, 15,000 First $1,750. 884-4852, .brakes, air, AM.FM stereo,' condition with trailer. $650.

~:RI~::~ 14sWU_~~9}~,~~~;~~'i:f:~le~: m~t r p~wf;;°:tJ~r fti~L~w~r,~~i~~':~:~::~;e~~~ : l~n~~ ;~~~~~~ . ;:~~~~t~~~~;gg:I 19J:ll~ ~::;If~~~~~po{E I~I;;~W)l~Jl}~y.J~f~ ..__ " lI~e cream parlor. Need old I fun to d."ive.!utomahc, brakes, au, FM stereo, rear I 0u"'18 I de!l:lgger ExcaUent condi- t ! top. o:ou::olV" 't. Sl K, lce, 25 "'"ns, 2;:t:l;l,":Cl, trlln. advertising memoriabilia I AM.FM, $1,050. 885-0B38 defogger. Small 305. Clean.' ! tion, 33,000 miles, $3,995.11976 BUICK Skyhawk, 5-1 st~reo. Many extras •.. low I sistor, complete with an. from po.p, beer an.d tobacco I after 5:30. $3,250. 774-0705. 1977 GRAND PRIX L.!-301 881-1036. speed. AM.FM: stereo, ra-' mileage. Great condItion. tenna. Excellent condition. companJes, and Juke box, 97 CO V.a, loaded, low mileage, dial tires rustproofed 581. 884-5696. 824-0048 . penny.~de, ~pcorn and '74 CHRYSLER New Yorker, 1 6 RDOBA like new, $4,600 or best of. 1978 CAD~C Sed~. - 2282 aft~r 5 p.m.' 1974 DODGE COLT wagon . gambling machines. Will equipped with everythi~ LOADED fer. Must sell. Days 771. Loaded, mmt enndltJon. . . ' CHRIS CRAFT 28' Express, pay finder:s fee. Days 869. $800 or best offer. Cali Mint condition, 26,000 miles, 1858. Must be seen, 884-7944. 1978 T~S AM, all black, ~~d o~fe~di~~~,OOO or fiberglass, 1970, 6 sleeper, 7522, evenmgs 882-8692. Monday between 5 pm _ $3,000. Will consider of. . . 1974 GRAND AM La d d low miles, many extras, . . 175 hours, ex cell e n t, -- 6 pm TU 2-8914 .. fers! 1971 AMC. Mid.SlZe wagon, -- a e, woman's car. $6,000. 881'1'79 MAlJBU CLASS'C wa.' $8,900. 882.1122. ARE YOU MOVING or sell. ..' 296 9623 17 m.p.g., $395. 884-4873. su~~f, .mag wheels, GT 8929. t~' : ""n_ ing an estate? We are buy. , . gh - I raaws, stereo.tape, $1995. \ gon, ,vaded excel~en. w~ I CENTER CONSOLE 22.foot ing everything. Furniture 73~ONJEcfO MX'li~ro~ i 1975 CUTLASS Salon 1977 CUTLAS-S Supreme I 8394628. '1975 FlREBIRD Esprit _ dition, GM execut1';e. 885. 1978 Chris Craft, 200 h.p . •--- .... , '-- .' , oor, sp vmp - Brougham l'Jaded, dean P b 1< 53?9 bo did d 886-9688 g=>.>ware, AlUc'a.uacs, dish. top power steering and White, excellent condition, b ,: ' 1975 GRANADA Gh' 4 . owe~ rues, power steer. • . out ar, oa e . . es household items adds b ak' • air t 1 11 new ra ..es, $4,150. 839- la, . mg au low mileage Beau ' GHIA, 2 d , . ~ res, comfort nde, new ,s ereol. I)W m eage, 3089 door. 6-cylinder, good con. I tif'l $3,200 83 . . 79MUSTA ..~G oor, 1977 O'DAY l!()"fe-~tsailboat and ends, :nUSlCal lnstru. exhaust, new rear steel ra. $3,250 or cest offer. 885-' dition, $1,900. 884-8971. u . . 9-4711. ai!', many extras. 882-8580. fully rigged E-Z load trail: ments, Hummels, Hummel dials, regular gas, $1,100. 7801 or 884-4529. 1971 CAMARO-Sbarp 6-cy1. . 19 - . 483-5258 plates, old dolls and paper 778-0447. .inder, low mileage, new 1974 VEGA GT station wa'i 77 FORD LTD 2:door harl1-11979 JEEP CJ7-8 cyli.nder, er. . back books. 77'-7142. , 1974

~:::~~~:~.).(~~~ 15103 KERCHEVAL AYE. condition. $2,100, 884.5483. 1.945~~~rs) ImS CORVETTE. Sih'er An. I evenings 882-8692. 10f;;s~~e~~~~~~inb::: ~~~ paid. Please call Jell!! R 1967 BUICK Convertible - ~L:)fiday &: Thursda~' 9-9 niversary Special - Stereo., WA~rED (small) cars - Good count)' road front. King GROSSE POI NTE PA K, MI. 48230 I.oade:l. g~od tran;por,a. T.Je.day Wednesday. air. 50-50 interior. and. Camaros, Flrebird$, Dat. age Excellent investment '- 96_1.0622 .....J .1 8_2_4~-_1_6_,_10 ...1I ~;6. S:7~~ ass ~~l \Ie OSlo '-- F_i1_d_a_)._9_._6__ -" ~7~1~~'A5kin~ 511,400 939- ~~n:tyieWtie:I~~~~~~~~, ~~ :~:~~5~~~~ con:

• I I , .... ' • • h 7 m 2 S ,. SO. DC • g 5 $ g 53 a &~. J j 3 &

G R 0 SSE POI N T E NEW S ,.... ,.'-'_.l~ P~ge Twenty.N;:1e" Thursday, August 2, 1979 12B-VACATION 113~REAL !STATE r 13-REAL ESTATE ; U-REAL ESTATE I 13-REAL ESTATE ~-i3---R-£A--L-ESTA.TE 1 13-REAl ESTATEFO~LE-_ .. --.-_----- PROPERTY I FOR SALE . FOR SALE I FOR SALE ! FOR SALE I FOR SALE I". •...• - ..•. __ • . . ------I ! . II BY OV';NER I 'S1' CLAIR SHORES. Land I N. OF PT. HURON - ~.rly I CHARM.ING 3 bed~o?m brick I, ' " I ~EW 3 berlroom home -I NORTHERN 57 SUNNING?ALE - N.ew! Contract terms on this' American home, retammg I Colomal. Lar~~ hv!ng room ~9 McMILLAN, GROSSE POI~TE FAR~L . Wolverine, Michig~n. Full MICHIGAN ~asement on beautiful roll. Whatever Your mg 80 ~cres. Trout pond. I Interest ~~~~.~i:~~W,T:~~l! ~~I:~~~:h~I~~~i~d~£:!~:d~~7~E::'~',~i:,~:~I ~:~?:~;:~~~P:Ft;~I! Ch!~~t,~~ri::~,~~:::~,;,~~:\,~:~;~f.r{~i Also solid farm house that pmes surrounu:; 1m;' ~ J.I~' ! ~ ~tt h d It a r a i e I car garage w. office. :;,;;.... .• ..ciiiitelianc" free. gas grIll, planked nOvr. Carpetta t.:: ;:Wc:~ ;1'1 '} n,~ I 'J'"'' I can be remodeled. $62,500,\ Lakerront room French cOlonial"".1 ~~~Oo~(~~136) . '1' on aprox. 1 acr\: Qu"jily: tJ"ti .... Z;i. ~ar ;:::::;;:: ;::1;15 .;,-ith .....::~ !J:?;!", !!replac". P()t, 1 table. and l;n."tory / 885.1157 after 5 p.m. Flinn baths, 2 lavs, seeond stalr, ,. _ throughout for the selec. I many extras. $71,000. Open Extras include: 2nd floor c()','<::-cd bnc:k v)rch, study, high ceilings. 2 story I CHAM~ERLAI N tive buyer. $48,500. Earll Sunday 2-5, or by appoint. service stairs. Sprinkling sys:em and ~n attached HURON COUNTY Commercial I Residential e.ntrance, 20x20 skylight~, 771 -8900 ,Keirn Realty - Jacqu~,: i ment. 1692 Brys, Grosse 2'-'l car heate~ brid. g,arage 40 ACRES of wooded recrea. Acreage tunber .and ~ucco fa~IIy! ------1 and Associates, 359.7316. I Pointe Woods. 881.1926. Immediate rossession Sl,5,f.,(04) tional lalid. 6 miles from room With brick floor. ftrst 13 OR 4 BEDROOM Engli

place, large garage and CHAMBERLAI N I. garage. $147,000. 824-0018 for appointment. Woods with Grosse Pointe schools Prir-ed 1 Irl~~~rta~~~~::I:~FOR S7A7LE1-8BOy'0"0'JWNER1-1-9-7-7-C-U-S-T-O-M--F-R-...... E-N-C~H~~C~O~L=O=N=IA=L=~=;\\I~I'====:;:;;======;;;;;=;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;:'11 I in the IXYs. . . . \ \ , 1\\l'_QU~~;;-t~~;\~?~, )UU uilm see lIDS 1m- i .'" _H_o_r_._38_7_'22_T_l_1_.-hi-'--F-'--f . se~heP~~~~e an:O~~~a~F~~ Loca~~: i~~~:~~r~eb~~il~or~~e~~e~~~~~ 1~1-----..--1F~:f'TN~~~~f~E------)\1 pressive Colonial. U's located on a street v.;th i\ -l '"'~" an:son ~owns P-- l!S! 0_- l S~l~ bv Ou,,--;'lo.:or"~~~::ol~~. ceiring,,,Dncx nreplace and (:up~ hood~ Furma1 I ~ri~~ and on the fringe. Qf th(l' 'Lake. Suffice -l--7' ;~:;: b~~;';'::~~.2 en: ter. Ihing and dining rooms. Completely equipped i BY OWNER (to say it has 4 bedrooms, 2~ baths 3lld a host f ,closed par c h e s, dining 1749 Allard _ $77,000 _ Quaker Maid kitchen with Genn.aire range. Four , of appealing features. Superbly landscaped. tOo). I ' room. garage, 50 ft. on 881-6298 bedrooms. Master with fireplace, 3lh baths-one I Spacious and cheerful 3 bedroom cus'.om Ce!c"i"l Call us fOI"the stor)'. ". ..canaL Asking $53.900. of unique California wood design with Jacuzzi I Large living room with natural fireplace, form3.l ON SUNNINGDALE 718 Westcherter - 824-0618 Many additional features. dining room. updated kitchen, den, screened . Chesterfield TOVt'I1Ship-Mag. B' I 'h 1'L. b ths . d h Move-in can One of the Woods most prestigious streets. th.!s nificent 3 bedroom brick 1874 Oxford - $63,900 _ y appomtment on y. pore, "" a an roue more. .... - gorgeous home is the acme of perfection. It's a I quad level. front on a bav 885-4220 886-5245 dition. Must see to appreciate. Shown by ap- beautifully decorated 4 bedroom. custom b'ill, . \ I pointment. f th t Y 'il lik .ts h plus a canal for boat dock. 1379 Fairholme _ $87500- ' or e presen owner. au e 1 c arm. age. ~tras too numerous 8820090 ' 881 -0525 HARPER WOODS to mention. Asking $175. If you can't find a 3 bedroom bath and a half 000. ' 1897 Fisher - 882.1266 BY OWNER i;:~==~~====:===~======::;:11 Colonial under $'70,000 in Grosse Pointe. why CENTURY 21 I Provencal Rd. - (60s) 233- don.t you try Harper Woods at 5&1,900- This Charter Oaks 779.9800 7331 662 SUNN INGDALE DRIVE MOST PICTURESQUE SECTION special home with spacious closets. good sized OF LAKESHORE reams and paneled den on first floor also giws 12E-COMMERCIAL ! 921 Whj~tier - $157.000 - Well mai.ntaine:i English Tudor. Large family room IN GROSSE POI NTE SHORES your children the opportunity to attend Gros.;;e PROPERTY I 824-2253 plus den, Mutschler kitchen, utility room. 2 ga- Pointe schools- See it by appointment toda). ______rages, 3 large bedrooms. 2 bathrooms on 2nd CUSTOM COLONIAL , 673 University - $119,500 - floor, 3rd floor bedroom and bath. RANCH SUPREME 7.000 RQUARE FEET. Two e85-0385 East Detroit has some 10\'e1) sub-divisiop.s and buildings. 1 two-story. East 6 bedrooms. 51,<2baths, great family home with superb side near 1-94. Now used 85B Bedfor:! - $135,000 _ Open Sunday 2.5 and by appointment view. formal Ihing and dining rooms. terrace this Ranch is so convenient. W"lldesigneG wi~h as funeral home. Suitable 823-1213" room, library. large breakfast room, 5 natural 3 bedrooms. family room, fireplace. plus a suyern for meeting hall child-care ' CALL 886-8346 OR 256-2791 fireplaces. Security system. Heated pool, 4 car basement. Value for money. is the: key :lO,{:- ce ter t a't t 1265 Nottingham - $64.900 garage, Mutschler kiechen. Built 1003. Shown priced in the earl)' 70's, n .' con r c ors, e c. -LU 4-1328 (Days) 881. Parking. :-row only $79,000. 7352 (Eve) .! I by appointment. C.F. CO. Call Pat 923-6900 IN TIlE WOODS Terms. : weekdays only. 10 am. to 4 pm. A substantial 5 bedroom. 2L:! bath n(;use ....hich FORD ~L-\NSUR CO. 368 St. Clair - $92,500 - we think is in the bargain cat"gory. Its a Cii;'e 526-2555 882-1988 80.7 PA RK LA N E i;;''=::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;=~::;:;;::;:;;===~~===~=====;::::~==:Cod. has familiy room. new thermo \\;nd0',\5 ip., ------1 ! GROSSE POINTE WOODS tercom sYstem. and more. Pones.sional la:-,c5c",;>- BUSINESS AND Investor wants G. P. Prop- One lot from w"""_r, this custom built, 3 bedroom I 901 MOORLAND DR. ing INVESTMENT efty regardless of condi. 2~ car garage brick ranch is situated on the PROPERTIES tion. 368-8844. park's most prestigious cul{je-sac. Three full GREAT FAMILY HOME I' COZY RA,~CH E x c Ius i vel y baths, powder room. breakfast room, family A Ranch of charm on spacious bc-r.0: fnr ii SALES LEASES C1~tt::~;O;: a~O:er~seN;:US; C"vam, formal dining room, copper screen porch FiV\~~d~~:r~:~ :~::e: f~~~~~~~di~ 1~~~.C~\~: ~~~nf~~~:-but adorable for one i.'r :",)-<:': Virginia S. Jeffries, Realtor home. with new Belle Isle Awning. slate garden patio room. fonnal dining room, paneled family room, 882-0B99 with barbecue. new 1979 200 000 BTU furnace, SPOTLESS CO~FORT ------PORT HURON condominium 5 tOll air. eleetron1c air filter, cedar shakE roof, large kitchen, laundry room on first flocr, full Here's a really well kept 3 bedroorr:, d,,:-. ~iACK AVENtrE - Grosse on Lake Huron. 2 bed. new 1978 automatic sprinkler, hardwo.ld floors, basement. walking distance to private and public "i,~ and paneled baxment. Has 1i"V. "i:,:,e". ;:"" Pointe Woods - Building rooms. 1~ baths, air con. professionally decorated and lands<:aped. schools. Immediate possession. appliances, new bathroom. new c:.~ ....:3 !' e'," for lease 285x60. Call ditioning, swimming pool, BY OWNER _ :-;0 BROKERS OPEX SL'KDA Y 1.5 driveway and roof :\ke yard and ;Jri~(:d In :~ c Shorewood ER. B row n bautiful view. By owner. '884-1603 negotiable 6O's. Realty 886-8710. 385-9340. 331-3224 $1 89 :00:::> NO BROKERS E~GUSH COLO:\IAL 12D-LAKE AND RIVER PROPERTY Trul~' this one is so well built. ~a5 cha.ra~~"r

- ... -- ...... -...-._T'OT ...... "... ~._ .. (""oT'J rpn ::anti "" ~ ~,="".~~y~~t;rin ~ hPdr"\;lm5, :"':a.rd',,"),:i 623 PEMBERTON, rln~.l V.rCL.l\..1'-' ...... ~ ...... , ,_ ..... EXECUTIVE CANAL HOME PLEASE :\0 BROKERS floors. marble sills. paneled brrakfas, r,L IT: , c.~- GROSSE POI NTE PARK SHOW:\ BY APPOI:\TYEXT O:\LY. per plumbing. Excellent bUy-vfier"d ;r; ~~(: BD:; Custom Quad • Wide Canal • Entertainers Delight • Prestige Area • 4-5 Bedrooms • Large Family ALL BRICK COLO:\IAL IX LOVELY WI:\D~nLL 12'year-old Cape Cod. 4 bedrooms. 21,0(,baths. large READY FOR OCCl~AXCY Room with Fireplace. 36' Florida Room • For- POliliTE Sl.;"B. This outstanding home offers attic space. living and dining rooms. paneled fam. This is an unusual combina:i)J:. a C:.:.,.:": c,f i mal Dining • Finished Basement. Central Air THREE co;nfortable bedrooms. 2:'2 baths, fire.- ily room with natural fireplace. good size kitchen bedrooms with a separate apar:rr.e!H :;..;: ::.,. • Custom Kitchen • Dockage for Large Boat. placed living room. knotty pine kitchen with with dinette. screened.in patio, 2 car attached with full bath. Full warrant'. on a:l 5';::,:.:-: 5\:; oven-range, refrigerator. dishwasher and window ga:-age with 11x2~ built.j,1 extension in rear suit. terns Ask us about \hi5 i~rr~'?dlat" ,;~:~;'.;:-:c: Ask for Gil Wittenberg greenhouse. 2 car garage and full basement. able for recreational \'ehicle or boat. electric ga. house in th~ 80's CEXTURY 21, AVID, INC. 778-S100 $35,000 Please ask for MARTHA MORAY. rage opener, finished basement, aluminum siding, ST. CLAIR SHORES central air conditioning with electronic filter. in- Eves. 463-7513 It's just a step or two fnm the F,,::::,o ~,.l " MAX BROOCK I:\C, ter-com system, attic fan. 5140.000. nice lay-out. Tv.'o bedrooms a;:d ta'.~ .:-. ::;: :.".: 884-3608 2nd floors. thiS fann Colorua: 15 3 ~r,.:.'. :a::-,;:) 12E-COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 300 So. WoodW1lrd house. Immediate occupancy. :O('->'ok ,'.. ' ,', Birmingham. ~I:i. 48011 priced in the iv's. ~OO 1014 HOLLYWOOD ST CLAIR SHORES Six lot5-35:.312 each-al: :0r s:.:. ((.j ':.:' ------.. ----_.- BY OWNER OWN YOUR DETROIT 21 FORDCROFT Sparkling 9 yr, old 4 bedroom 2l.. bath French We are pleased to haH' f(\r your ,",~.,<,~,'!a'. OWN BUSINESS ColonIal in The Woods within ....allting distance six new first offerin>!s [5 your ;:>r','~ :~rr,' GROSSE POINTE SHORES to Ferry, Parcells and :-;orth schools. First floor A\'erhill--4 bedroom, $19.8(,) NEW HOME features large living and dining rooms. paneled Duchess-2 l>t-droom, S~891") Space Available in family room with fireplace. family sized kitchen Du('hes...~ bt'dr0')m 54.3...... :; A unique interestin,g adaption of a traditional de$ign. with large eating area and two big pluses, for Chandler Park D:-t\ i'-;; ::.t(:, - ~-39 consisting of 4 bedrooms. 3 baths or. 2nd flour. Dad an oak p4uit:l~u den i.nd ICJ; Mum _ f~rst CcIlTldr'n-5 5 : c, S~5.!))O the mini moll family room, living :-oom. huge kitchen. dining floor laundry room. Second floor features inclur1e (zoulburn~ 5 I c. S'~701"\. room. study, utility room. Jacuzzi lub. steam bath. a spacious master bedroom with private bath kercheval avenue three fireplaces. wet bar. plus many other fea. and three twm sized bedrooms and bath with tures and details. double sink. Basement NC room is paneled and carpeted. Central air. electronic air cleaner, 882-0087 (~rpeting and all utilities included. OPFN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ?aUc with gas grill. pri\ate fenced yard and 2 12 - 5 car attached garage with electric opener complete Grosse Pointe Real the package for $149.900. For an apPointment Days 881 .5870 Evenings 822.0836 COX & BAKER call 886-1478 or 888-9824 co. 885-6040 ll p_. _L_£_.\_S_E_X_C_' _B_R_O_Y_.E_R_S 1 1 '_.._o~_lr_(_')_!"_,r-_!'_"~_"_:y_. _R_'_"_' ,'_'_" _ .....-.,-_. __ .- ' ' .. ' .. & I Page Thirty ------G-R-O-S-S-E--P-O-' N TEN EW_S . Thursday,August2, 1979 13-REAL ESTATE \ 13-REAL ESTATE IU-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE IS-BUSINESS 2'-=-MO-VING- '21F-HOME FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE OPPORTUNITIES' ------IMPROVEMENT ------I NEED SOMETHING moved, -----.----- 20739 CANAL. Transferred owner \ NEAR ST, CLAIR, onlr 11A! FIRST OFFERING LOVELY 3 bedroom ranch- SEE AD for Cherry Orchard delivered or dlsPQsed of, ROOM ADDITTON~ - Area WENDY LANE must sell this large Cali. miles from 1.94 eXit - OPEN SUNDAY I 2 car garage. Near Kerby under "Farms For Sale." Two Polhte residents wlll residential house builder. . . Ii fornin c':l!!temporary se hiddE:h on 9:2 2cres of 946 N. RENAUD and Brownell sc~ool, golf I Column 12.C In today's move or remol'e large or Complete job. Free esti- ~.. berlroom hrick colonial. I Clair Shores ranch QUick. I wuuded l:l~d, :l bcdroom , .... "',..r r' nf"\1 lo.ITC course: park. bench. trans. paper. small qU8nlilll:s or furni. mates. Papineau Construc. price reduced. Open Satur. ly. Three bedrooms, fin. contemporar)' hOl1le with t:JKU~~C r VI'" 'L. I ;;,1:,tatWrl. Shown hv aD. ---,---- ture, appliances, pianos - tion, 884.7426, day and SundllY 1 to 6 p.m, ished basement. custom private pond: Pine River WOODS pointment. 499.0192. . I HAVE A highly profitable or whei ha\'e )'\Jl!, C;;.lJ fl):' CUSTOM: w.,nd dsck$ ::r.y 886.6247. features, boat well and bordering property - a 3 bed roo!". ranch, 21A!bat~s, LAKESHORE VILLAGE and beautiful Jean Shop free estimates. 3430481 or size and ~rpentry. ______hoist. All offers will be custom home throul:hout- ~arge IlVm~ roo~ and dm'Deluxe. Appliances. $48.. of your own, Featuring the 0222208. ANDERSON DECKING Al.-WAYS buying houses considered. VA. Land Con. price reduced to $114,000, lI1g room, famll.y room. 900, Phone 772.4751 or latest in Jeans, Denims -2-1------884-2469 for cash. No repairs re'j tract, and lower interest d.e,?, 2 natural fireplaces, 274.3864, Open house 2 to ~nd Sportswear. $15,500,00 A-PIANO SERVICE I ,'1'1jr~ stone fireplaces, 2~ car brick. and cedar ranch ":ith 'I ROCHESTER er and sink grinder, new I I-----~------ROOM ADDITIONS. Are a garage, 573-681L hr)!,> attached ~ara~e; fire . central air conditioning usua markings. Has very 21 B-SEW.I ....G YOUR HOME. I place in li\'iM room: 2 full ! 4.year.old custom.bullt home f f d loud purr and gets along I"Il residential house builder. BUY ING ST. CLAIR SHORES--3.bed. baths plu:; 4.. bath; base. I on 41A!acres. ~.4 bedrooms, urnace, n,ew roo, car an with other cats. 881.6408. MACHINE Complete job. Free esti . . , . h ' 3'L >..ftths 2 flreDI ces 2'L half garage, $62,900. 881. Act now and get a week's mates. Papineau Construe. , SWORDS I GUNS I room brick ran c , 11,~ I ment with glass door to n ""', . a ,r, 8539 ------DAGGERS, MEDALS, I bath~. family room. fin. rear yard: Andersen win. I car garage, f:.lll walkout. :;uppl), of kitty food! COMPLETE tune.up $3915 tion. AA4,.'7426. ' HELMETS I ished basement.I d 2 fired dows: constructed for I basement,plus manycentralmor vacuum,cust FLORIDA 1 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pup. . Allparts makes,stocked.all885.7437.ages. Allj------W J K HOM E . places. nel\' y ecorate energy efficiency - R.23 e om l;ehigh acres on The Canal I h ------774 _9651 . kitchen, all built.ins, fully sidewall insulation and R. features. Assumable 8Y, % near Ft. Meyers, 80x125. pes campion background, 21C-ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS LAKEFRONT. Custom St.1 carpeted. 2~ car garage, 38 in ceilings _ $37,900. r mortgage. $170,000. Call Detroit owner says sell. AKC, whelped 6-25. 675. SERVICE Painting, interior and exle. Clair Shores colonial with jU~t pai~:edt e~teri~~ ~~a~~ ED SASS REALTOR _a_ft_e_r_6_:_00_p_.m_._1_.6_5_2_'1_90_4_.FORD MANSUR COMPANY I 2011. 1------rior, roofing, cement, gen- 3,000 square feet of better I ex ras .. us e se. , 1315 Riverside Avenue I GR::lSSE POINTE PARK- 526-2555 . 2.year'Old pedigree SCHNAU. BOB'S ELECTRIC, licensed eral building. Low rates. livin!! features including 3, apprecIated. For sale by St, Clal'r, uI'chl"an 48079 Lovely home for the fam. ZER f I C II 8 contractor. Violations, servo Free estimates. king ~sizc bedrooms, dinmg! owner 2936515, 286.7700, 329.90otor 765.4013 ily, large country lot, 4 LAND CONTRACTS 0376. or sa e. a 85. ice change. Grosse Pointe 81l1.9129, 882-7959, 885-6452 room, den. 1st floor laUD' I ext. 2400. bedrooms, 2 baths, Florida Harper Woods--Sharp 3 bed. 1 ------v:tinity. 875.9766. ------dry, basement. IA! acre BRICK RANCH _ 3 be:!. ST. CLAIR SHORES - 9 room, and finished base. room brick bungalow, reo 3.MONTH female Labrador, REMODELING ,wooded lot, $179,000, rooms, family room, cen. Mile and Mack, 3 bedroom men! with wet bar. $110,. modeled kitchen, finished $50. 3.month female Cocka. ELECTRICAL violations cor. (J33524) I tral air, excellent. 881.8505 c u s tom ranch. custom 000. Century 21 AVID INC. basement, patio, garage, poo, $25. 882.9077. rected. Electrical repairs - Kitchens .C HAMBERLAI N I ...-- drrpes, natural fireplace, 778-8100. I decorated to a "T." Priced 1 done. Licensed electrical - Rec rooms IMMEDIATE occupancy - finished basement wit h r to sell. ADORABLE', friendly, fe. contractor. • Baths 771. _8900 Rivard Blvd. Townhouse bar, country kitchen, fam. GROSSE PO~NTE FARMS- Sterling Heights _ Country male, black, kitten, free to FLAME FURNACE CO. • Carpentry _~ I condominium, large li\'ing ily room, 21A!attached ga. Move in tIme for school. style income, 2 bedroom, good home. 882.3662. 527.1700 - Ceilings GROSSE PO INTE and dining rooms, library, rage. $66.500. 773-1'/09. 3 bedroom Colonial with natural fireplace, remod. I' • Brick work lavatory ,on first floor. 4 lovely Florida room, fire- I d k' EXCELLENT house dog. Su- ELECTRICIAlIl - licensed, WOODS bedrooms, 2 baths on sec. GROSSE POINTE WOODS- place, and more. Low 80's. e e Itchen, out buildings, per with children, needs will do home, business DUNLAP CONSTRUCTION IMMEDIATE [ ond floor, 2 bedrooms and 3 ab.edroomt brick,f colonial.1 1.. Century 21 AVID, INC. largein the lot,low excellent50's. terms, 10tS 0f 17kove'. 74-1153. wor N0 JO. b t 00 sma 11'I 886-3928 . .. OCCUPANCY I bath on third floor. 12 min. •M In enance re e, h 7781-8100.' ------1 very reasonable. Call John HADLEY eautiful 3 bedruulii bdd.;! utes to RenCen. Call 771- baths. 2 fireplaces. $88,900. ------CENTURY 21 COLLIE PUPS, AXC regis. Joslin, 882.7285 afternoons B 9600 1':i5i Fairholme. 886.8721. FOR SALE -;- :-I bedroom co. CHARTER OAKS 779-9800 tered, 6 weeks old. Sable or evenings. HOME IMPROVEMENT . ranch. 1~2 baths, firephcf', . I' lomal. Large livin~ room -----'------1 and black and white. 756. ~ I INC.' . 2~2 car garage and much I GROSSE POINTE WOODS- GROSSE POINTE P_'\RK ....,.. with natural fireplace, for. FIRST OFFERING 7196. GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY COMPLETE REMODELING more. Clo~e to scho.ols, Young marrieds and sin. 1220 G ray ton. Colonial. .mal dining room, all new Grosse Pointe Park-4 fam. I ------SERVICE transportation, shoppmg. gles. Look no further. This $70's. Andary. Open Satur. kitchen, new family room ily, separate utilities. Ex- FREE KITTENS. Adorable, HaaVE R Kitchens, baths, rec. rooms . 6V-a% assumable mortgage, neat and clean 3 bedroom day 12.3. with Andersen bay win. cellen.t condition. Asking furry, 21h month old kit. and additions, including ..~fll)9.QrLr.~1l 885-0952 for bungalow located in ~esir. !-,!{-~-F.-n-R-n-n-. A-'-C-.,,-I.o-n-ia-I-,-l-IAl- dow and doorw&11 to deck, $68,900. Assumption avail- tens. Call anytime. 885. FACTORY AUTHORIZED counter tops, cabinets, pan. 2 8 8 0 :appoinlillent . I ~~~ea;~~~a~~~~~e;e~rl~a':;: I f::h~~~~f~ft~~ag~'/~~~~:'~~ih'c~t~~~t~~ o~:~~ffr:::,':'"'!t'!C'ENTURY 21. 1_...._ _-----~."'-'-.""--"_. ..=...-..PO:-~~~~':~.~~UUi~~~...,.:~~'an:I;~~~~ Li~~~:e~ FIRST OFFERING 1265 ImmedIate occupancy. $67,- Mid $30's. Open Sunday CIOUS ~ot. By owner. Open CHARTER OAKS 779.9800 16B-PET GROOMING FREE PICKUP AND and ,insured. ,'Nottingham,.d 3 bedroomst I 900. 296-0010, Real Estate 2.5 p,m. 55°/\~ Three MI'le Sunday 2.5, 1379 F~;"-~ ------SMALL to medium, all breed DELIVERY 8860520 . an' litsun room, na ura One. Ask for Carol. Dr. huime 8820690. 13B-CEMETERY dog grooming. Specializing NEW REBUILT PARTS ------DOUGLAS SHAW .Irep ace, corner 0, near . JAN REALTY PROPEIftTY TU 1 0700 . schools,f and bus, $64,900. GROSSE POINTE SHORES-I 8854427 LA KEFRONT. Enchanting "" J_i_n_S_c_h_n_a_uz_e_rs_._88_2_-3_9_11_._ - HOME " By Owner. Days LU 4-1328, Custom 3 bedroom ranch, Weekends & Evenings custom built ranch on Sea. WHITE CHAPEL-4 choice 2O--GENERAL SERVICE I 21002 MACK Evenings 881.7352. I 100x175 it. lot, 33 Shore" 775.6013 way Island in Harrison lots in a row. Also, one sin. ------RENOVATIONS ______ham. Open Sunday or ap. Tow n s hip. Three bed- gle in Garden of Brother- • PLUMBING ALL TYPES of electrical Quality workmanship, qual- ~P.WT LEVEL _ .$1~4,90~, pointment. 882.8.575 or 886'1 10MMAC U LA TEL Y main rooms, 2 baths, dining hood. Sacrifice $350 each. • PLASTERING work. Ranges, dryers in. ity craftsmen which you . i(lcludes all bUllt.ms m 2856. tained duplex in Mack. ,room, family room, fire. 775-4622. stalled-remodeling. Elec. deserve for these inflated kitchen. Sprinkler system, . _ Cadieux area of Detroit. place, professional decor. • PAINTING trical repairs, fixtures. LI. times. Kitchens, libraries, screened summer porch 11235 ROSLYN - 4 bedroom i Newly de cor ate d and ating an1landscaping. Cov- FOREST LA WN-4 graves, • CARPENTRY censed and insured. Col. hardwood pl'oducts, e t c . . oyerlooking lovely terrace bungalow, air conditiOned'l painted. Assumable 81h% ered boat hoist. $159,900. -lot 4" section 7. Reason. • MASONRY ville Electric Company. Taking summer and fall garden. 3 bedrooms, family ~ishwasher, family room, 'mortgage. Upper $30's (S29323) able. 884-4659. • VIOLATION~ Evenings 774-9110. Days work. Call after 6 p.m . . room with fireplace, party I brIck, aluminum trim, 11A!I After 6 p.m. 8fl2.7014. I C HA ' ------... - I LA 6-iS5:i:. I 686-Utl06 . ~~~:, ~;mit~et;~~~ ':'~~~ ~~~g=;:,l~t 4Ox150. $63"1HARPFl? W/V,"!,S . 3 ~e.t. I . 7~!i:J-:~~--t 14-3~ ..~_~S!ATE ., ~g~:~~~ET~O SMALL i S & J ELECTRIC I -J-. -P-.-S-I-M-C-'l'-~-D-L-Du-ro-. -C-O-.- bUiltin cabinets plus re.' ------.---1 room ranch," central air, Residential - Commreeial 17266 Mack . frigerator and freezer ST. CLAIR SHORES _ Spa- [ screened porch, finished DUPLEX. HI922-24 Cranford GUY DE BOER No JDb too Small Grosse Pointe City - electric garage openers', eious 3 bedroom .ranch, 2!fl basement with wet bar, lane. Grosse Pointe City. 778.3708 885-4624 885.2930 88.2-5446 . etc.' Good assumption at baths, attached garage, in: easy mainten.ance, adjacent $189,900. Units i••ay be sold ------IComplete Building.Additions- 8~'4%. Immediate posses. ground heated pool, cov. \ to Gr.osse. pom.te .bounda.ry.. separately. 16922 has 5 GU'ITER CLEANING Serv- RETIRED master electrician Modernization - F:i;;.ting - siqn if necessary. 882.0914, ered patio, be aut i fully In the .60's. Open .Sun,day . bedrooms, 21h baths, 2 car .i,;;e. 77~S851. Licensed, violations serv: Plastering. Electrical.: . No brokers please! landscaped. Many extras, 1'5 p.m. 'or b;ll appointmencattached garage, central -H-A-N-n-Y-MA-'-N-'-Q--.-d-d-)-'o-b-s,-'c-a-r.ices increased. AIsd small Plumbing. Masonry. Free' r======~ I 21184 Stanley. Immediate 834.1927. . air, 2 fireplaces. $115,000. I pentry, 1i g h t electrical, jobs. TU 5.2966. I estimates." .._' possession. Open Sat..Sun. r 1 b' ------,----- A-T-U-M-I-N------:-..-, .'WOODBRIDGE day 1.5. 779.2712. OP~N SUNDAY 2.5. 18144 16924 has 4 bedrooms, 21h p urn Ing, etc. Call Dan. 21 E-STORMS AND ... UM storm wintiows, . r T. Millar-Clinton Township 3. baths, 2 car attached ga. 774-0197. ~.track, best quality, $32.50; EAS HARPER WOODS _ 2 bed. bedroom ranch. ~92,oOO. rage, 2 fireplaces. $110.000. EX ER 0 SCREENS . Installed, Best qua 1it Y' CONDO room bungalow, l~ car Owner. 574-1400.Ext. 217. Owner will consider carry. T I R ---'--~------storm doors thick IV.: 1st FLOOR APARTMENT garage, new steel sidin~, EVimings 468-1985. ing all fin.aneing. By ap. PAINTING EASTVIEW heavy hinged, $100 Instal.: BY OWNER b ALUM N M led. Removal of old win- eAxpanda Ie attic. $38,900. -Y-O-U-;\-R-E--d-' -1-1'--' -- I pointment only. 881-2033. 2 Pointe gentlemen. Experi. I U ,I NC. dows, doors, free! Replace~ 2.'. bedrooms,t d. 2 baths, fully I ctive. 882.5444. . 't- cort lah y mVlted. l' to -----.ST CLAIR ------SHORES Condo enced. References. Free 17008 Mack near Cadi'eux, ment prime windows awn: . car ..c.e and drapes. ViS! a mo£ c armmg, lve. '.. .' . estimates. Andy, 885-7067, G P . . ' , Swimming pool and club I,GRClSSE POINTE FARMS able, one.of.a.kind home in mlntum Lakeshore VIllage, rosse omte Park mgs. Po r c h enclosures.' 1 house facilities. securitv 4.BEDROOM Grosse Pointe, convenient. 2 bedrooms. corner lot. Tom. 822-4885. LICENSED - INSURED Aluminum and vinyl sid: guard. Immediate occu. Brick. $69,900. Remodeled Iy situated for shopping, 23124 Mar t e r. $47,~00 20A-CARPET LAYING ALCOA PRODUCTS I ings and ,trim. Gutters, 7 paney. kitchen, 2'h baths natural public transportation, Rich. Open Sunday 2-5, Active. I Storms, Screens, Siding, Roof. colors to choose from. Deal' Days 771-4100 fi.replace, heated porch, reo ard and St. Paul schools, 882-5444. CARPET LAYING ings, Awnings, White seam. I direct. Father and son Eves. 772.5789 drI'veplaced roof,N'" carportk and ban.d the addedd db.bonus of GROSSE POINTE WOODS- NEW AND OLD .'lessdoors,gutters,window.Vinyls, sid stormin g , Phil'ssalesmanHomeandService.installers:Est; = ..1 Sundaway.12 04 "ro24 ers. open demgf 1surr.ounhb e y won. 1713 gollywood. 3 bedroom Stairs Carpeted Shifted Wrought Iron, Porch en- tabl'Ished 1958. Licensed. '::, ===:::::;:;, Y'. 7 Ridge. er u nelg ors. custom Colonial 11A!baths Repairs of All Types closures. Call ." 1866 HUNT CLUB DRIVE mont. 884-2826. Thte h~use has an exce}l~nt fireplaces, den, 'extra larg~ ALSO 881-1060 or 527.5616 371-3724 ANY TIME. ':: PRICE REDUCED ALLARD 1905, near Mack, rafflc 'patt~rn - hvmg fenced lot, screened porch, CARPETING, VINYL, CALL ANYTIME FLOOR SANDING f ~ Roomy 3 bedroom brick Grosse Pointe Woods- r~om .~Ith fIreplace, .beam. finishel basement. By own. HARDWOOD I ==-=~~-----_~ ' pro eSS1' colonial; for m a I living Brick bungalow, 3 bed- eo ceIlIng a.n~ bay wmdow, er. $89,5lJO, By appoint. Samples Shown in FRED'S STORM ~ SCREEN I onally.d?ne: Dark staining a.nd dining rooms. natural rooms, screened sunporch a cheery dmmg roo~ and ment. 884-1713. Open Sun- Your Home 19975 GOULBURN and fInIsh mg. All work fireplace. remodeled kit. n~tural fireplace, updated powder ro?~. The kItchen day 1 to 5. . BOB TRUDEL DETROIT MICHIGAN guaranteed, free estimates. che.n with nook, paneled k t h d has barn sIdmg and beams, I 294-5896 839-4311 3716938. . I C en an bath. Base. and. abng with the pan. BY OWN ER 1N TROY .den and rec room. ~lan"• ment rec room garage. elled family room with I 20B-REFRIGERATION FREE NEED new features. 2 car ga. Ii Open Sunday 2-5. fireplace, leads to a pri- OPEN SU N DAY 1-5 AND AIR COND'I ESTIMATES-Alumi. IMPROVEMENTS? rage. Early occupancy M WARNER num doors, windows, door. By owr.er: 884.7435.' vate pato. Magnificent Colonial locted REPAIR walls and porch endos. Call the specialist in baths REALTOR Three bedrooms and 2 baths on quiet cul-de.sac in pres. kitchens, rec rooms addi: ::;;;O~P::E::i\===S:::U:::~:::D=A:::\::':::1:::.5::;;;~===-~8~8:5~_~~~~8~__up,tairs; a custom-built. tigious Troy Estates. Circu. RELfI~LE prompt domestic I ~~~~Pi~~r~~~s repaired. tions, plumbing, el~. uJI' ;= ,oversized 2 car .."arage with lar ~taircase invites you in. re rlgerator s e r v : c e. 20 Fred's Storm and Screen dating, insulation, com mer. loft, and an English garden to this 4 bedroom home. year experience. 885-8156. I mereial offices, lounges, complete the general pic. f"1Otolring a fireplaced fam. flow. Owner will stay on I ------I 521.5810 or 839-4311 I t'lre. $122,900. 885.5216 or iIy room, library, first floor and finance. 120e--cHIMNEY AND C_al_l_a_n_yt_i_m_e_ restaurants, licensed and 796 WASHINGTON insured. 885.1507. laundry, air conditioning PETOSKEY PROPERTIES I FIREPLACE 21F-HOME I and humidifier. Quality ap. 413 E. Lake st. REPAIR. IMPROVEMENT FREE ESTIMATES BY OWNER ; HARPER WOODS - 3 bed. pointments. 1864 Pelican Gaslight District ------; . CALL 824-1292 English Tudor, 3 bedrooms, large living room with room brick ranch, 4 car g:a. Court. north of Big Beaver i Petoskey, Michigan 49770 CHIMNEY and fireplace re.l------' natural fireplace, formal dining room. large kit. rage. in.ground pool, lot on Condor. $139,900. 649. (616) 347-5360 pair including coping stone LAKEPOINTE I M J K 1l0x187. Priced in 70's. 0784, 585-4510. PAT VERHELLE, Broker replacement, tuck pointing, CONSTRUCTION • . . chen, family room with fireplace. finished recrea. Active. '882.5444.. le.:lks stopped, flashings Licensed Builders MAiNTENANCE lIOn room. -B-Y-O-W-N-E-R-.-1-9-3-40-.-W-o-o-d._1_4_-_R_E_A_L_E_S_T_A_T_E__W_A_N_T_E_D______sealed, cleaning and safety Comple.t~ home remOdeling! Painting, p I a s t e r in g, rec ~ -r screens. Call AMERICAN Additions ar.d kitchens rooms, all types of remod. land, Harper Wooc1S. r,ew. - I "T.n.~n,," "1"\ "C>~ ~QAn • I 8827150 ~~~i7~~::.ted$4~.0~dr~~~ G. P, Sh0 res 112;:;;;~R~~~~;;~;~E1_8_82_.Q_'7_0_70_u_r_s_pe_c_la_t_y_823_'3_5_5988~~~~_~_8 88_S_.1_83_9 (I; J BROKERS PLEASE ALL HOME remodeling and VOCCIA INDIAN VILLAGE I NO JOB repairs. Quality workman. CONSTRUCTION 1049 SEMINOLE H W t d ship. Call for free esti. '18 rooms, 3 fireplaces, 5 0mea n e I TOO SMALL mates. "Van" Home Im'l CO., INC. b th $52500 8241072 provement Company. 824- Add' Homeowners Insurance i1 __ a_s , __ ' __ .__ ._ RESIDENTAIL CHAIN 2251 or 756.3576. ltions May I offer you a cost and coverage quotation for :TODAY/S BEST BUYS 4 be,':'!room Colonial or Ranch with full LINK FENCING I ~~::er: )our ne\~ home? Policies prepared in time {or GROSSE POINTE PARK basement by Previous 30 year Farms INSTALLEDREPAIRED AND ! 20E-INSULATION Kitchens your c1osmg. 6-4 brick income, 3 bedrooms Resident. Early Occupancy. Principa J S I Fireplaces 884-5337 in lower plus 4 room up- only. Call Collect 305-942-5172. R. RIVARD AND SON SUDRO INSULATION Brick and Cement work per. Ideal family home 77~887 AFTER 5 Since 1948 Bank finanCing available DAVID J. CHESXF.Y plus income. An e:otception. I ':======:::::::-======::::======~ L. -l Prepare now for skyrock. Complete al location. Call for de. I 13A-LOTS FOR SALE eting fuel bills while in. Home Modernization CHESNEY INSURANCE AGENCY tails. I sulation costs are reasnn. 777-2816 773.1105 ! r::;=...::;==-======-======able. Insulation is blown 20225 MACK Harvard _ 7 room brick sin. in walls and ceiling. In. ALL SEASONS Policies quoted with Citizens Insurance Co of America gle, 11h baths, natural fire. vestment pays for itself. WINDOWS place. finished basement, LAKE ST. CLAIR BUILDING SITE Comfort at lower tempera. side drive. 3 car garage. I tures. 15% tax credit. ANNOUNCES DOUGLAS SHAW ~~~s~harp. Priced $92,500, Windmill Pointe Drive - Lake St. Clair I 881.3515 WAN TED HOME 6.6 brick 2 family, separate 120F-WASHER AND RENOVATIONS by gas furnaces. Excellent in. Unique building site on Lake St. Clair 100' wide x 400' deep, situated I DRYER REp ....IR as their agent for the .~.ome, sirle- drive. Priced to alongside Gr.::sse Pointe's finest lakefront homes. Boat and fish ~ Gross~ Pointe area. Sales ' sell. A money maker. from your own backyard. Convenient to everything. 15 minute I G an~ Installation of our U 0 U S DETROIT'S EAST SIDE drive to Downtown Detroit. Once in a lifetime opportunity. Similar. I LET EORGE DO IT D M cheIIe I Washer, dryer, dishwasher tw!n The r m a I Barrier 1d Windows and Patio doors Oriental Rugs. Antiques. Fllle Paintings. Jewelry 7 Mile.Beaconsfield, 3 bed. b ut smSa1510er001000'x 100' ladkefgmt b uil~inlg lots in dRuse Therrace SOd and vacuum repairs - l I Fine Furniture. Crystal. Sterling. China room ranch. gas heat, side from 1, on upwar s. ur ot IS ~rger an muc more e- NO SERVICE CHARGF: Custom ~nside storms, ali drive, f(arage, central air, sirable, and priced for immediate sale. I if repaired. Guaranteed wood Window and patio Complete ESTATES or Single Items buill 1958. Very sharp. , parts and service. Spe. doo~all. Exterior storms available. INSTANT CASH or on consignment Call for details: For information write Owner, Box M-8 cializlng in Sears prod. CALL DAYTIME ED CROVv'N REALTY Grosse Pointe News, I ucts. 474.7422 963_6;;~n~~s9~~.0248 VA 1-6500 II 99 K~rchcval, Gro:;l;l;; Pointe, Mic~. 19236 "i SE~~~~~~~;~~E~OO5 EVENINGS CALL DOUGLAS 886-0805 :.... ,., TOM3RDMcDONALDGENERATION& SONS 1r.. _ II l 882-5814

• to ith • • -=------

ThUfiidaJ' Ai.l9i.l~+2, 1919,------_._------G' R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W ------'------S Page Thirty.One

21F-HOME 21 H-RUG CLEANING 1 2101-PA. INTING, 21-'-PAINTING, I 210-CEMENT AND 21 R-FURNITURE I IMPROVEMENT K-CARPET . DECORATING DECORATING I BRICK WORK REPAIR Pointer to Coordinate MODERNIZE to modernism. CLEAN ING I INTEIu OR and ext e r i 0 r SUPERB PAINTERS-Indus- MASONRY REPAIRS-Spe. UPHOLSTERING 25% OFF weee G I C' ,30 years experience. 771. COM painting and paperhanging. trious. neat painters, ex-. cialized. Tuck pointing, my already low prices. eronto .ogy ourse '1091, Warren Schultz. AC. PANY Reasonable rates. 30 years terior and interior, free chimney nnd porch re. F'ree estimates. Free pick. ter 5 p.lII. CARPET experience. Ray Barnowsky estimates, rea30nable ,'ates pairs, excellent :,eCerences. up and delivery. Call Bob, A new career education paring st'Kients for work in ------I SPECIALISTS 822.7335 after 6 p,m. Recent .Grosse 1iomte reC. Call after 6 p.m. 775.7362. 881.2818. program in Gerontology, the the field of /)'!man services A _.~~~PL~I~" .r_emo?eli~g I: ~~eam Extraction FAS1' COURTEOUS Services. erence!. 822~ I G. W. SELLEKE study of aging, coordinated for older adults: ::tea vu,;:c • .l'1.UUUUJUS, .a.ami.l.;Y" - _~.am~t)o , h l' . rooms, baths, kitchens,. Spot and Stain Removal I, Intcrior _ Exterior. Putty _ PAINTtNG DONE - EXPtll'i'l CEMENT I FURN!TURE r,-,fi!"ished. reo by Esther Howell of T e In ormatJOnal s e m I n a r s tuck pointing, porch reo 0 Upholstery Cleaning Caulk - window replacc- ence;!, reawnable, prompt. Driveways, w a t k s, patios, paired, stripped, any type I Woo tis, wiil t~ vtrer"d .at' ..b::..: the new p:,cg:'3m Wii..i pair, prc.cast steps, base. • ... at affordable prices ments. John Carbone. 839. TU 1.5306 after 6 p.m. steps. Expert porch rl:' of caning. Free estimates. Wayne County C0":lmumty be held t.oday, ALLgust 2, >lnd ment waterproofing. Rob~ 882.0688 4051. ~---~------. paJr waterproofing Qual. 474-8953 or 956--7492. College, (WCCC), .thls fall. Tuesday, August 14, at the . 8819344 ------~---- A. ~AMPSON I'ty t'uck pIlI'nt'lng and' patch. .__ The program explores the college's Downtown Center, er ts Remo deImg. . . 21-I-PAI ~... TI ~....G, MICHAEL'S., RESIDENTIAL ing. All brick an;! c!1imney ARE YOUR chairs, antiques. aging process and t.he s.OCla,. 1 1001 West F art at Third, D£CORATING P N N 1!.TERIOR, EXTERIOR. or furniture loose or brn- legal and economic Issues from noon to 1 p.m 21G-ROOFI ....G AI TI G PAINTING repair. 6 . .. h' I . 't S£IWICE. -G-R-O-S-S-EPOINTE DECORATING PAPERHANGING I FREE F-STIMATES ken? Excellent worK. 77. assOCIated With It. w lie pre" H::~~r~~ ~~~~~W;;~~'I~~:' _ -______CONTRACTORS Interior-Exterior Service 40 ~EARS EX~~~lE~CE Call 885.4391 0934. .21T-fLUMiING AND has, been invo.lvee! with ~ ROOFS ond DECKS I CUSTOM PAINTING AND Painting and Wallpapering c~~Ea~te~SJI;l~'~~d I BRICK REPA IRS. Work' ARTISTIC II HEATiNG va~lety of pr?Jects In ~he i DG01!~E~~~:\~SD WALLPAPERING A~~i~Ui~g and ...vatr~is.hing WEEKEN'DS guaranteed. Porches, chim. WOODWORKING ----0--.---,--1 ;toltnhte.OI~tC~oduJngt~U[rattlOn I n.\ ...,rvu. i f;XPEHT Aio\jJ.HH'lNlr .- .r!ppmg ?'m 5 ammg 21519 SUNNYDr.LE r.::;"5, sidewalks, basement c us t Ii m furniture. antique LEAK~ T I~ETS, au~ets I . e . n y • u I l~~ . Gutters cleaned and flushed I 885-8155 Complet:: kitehc:! ~:,'!nshine I ST. CLAm ::,HORLu" ,I leaks and cracks. Tuck restoration. cabinets, for. r~palr~d. Smk de!mng.' Site, ~~~o Mack aven~~, h~ New and Repair Work FREE ESTIMA'rES Free estimates - 885.3230 771.9ti87 pointing. F r e e estimate. mica countertops. boat in. VIOlatIOns corrected. Small the u.o,se Pomte Wood, Licensed and Insured I INSURED ------~_ 779.4245. terior. 465-5700 and 286. jobs wante!. Mas t e r Presbyterian Church. f ADVANCE MAINTENANCE I KELM', ------5755 - Plumber. Work myself. The Wayne County Geron. I, 884-9512 Michael Satmary Jr Floor sanding, refinishing, I LARRY S HAROLD' 884-2824. tology program is the only ------1 I Id fl . It PAINTING I 21S-C.t.RPE"'-ITER. ..----- degree program in the fie14 1 WH ITEY'S 0 ~ors.a specla y. . . . . CHAUVI N ,,~ I21W-DRESSMAKING available on a community i Professional guiier service. I' • Wal'1 .t'aperlllg- '. I Expert_ In535.7253stam. _ InterIOr/ExterIOr.euced, reasonable.ex Noper jobI. I CEMENT CONTRACTOR SERVICE I AND TAILORING coIlege level in southeastern Reasonable. Reliable. 99c I • Interior Painting I '00 -mal' I' ALL TYPE OF '-' 'S-OM I ----- __ y~~T r __ • I ~ichigan. Students may earn I and up per foot. I do my • Reasonable Prices 1------BACK IN BUSINESS ~ 88"2~:1752or 881-4476 I CEMENT WORK ....U I I t'nv1'~i:)i)lvnA ... d.""smak. either a two.year Associate own work. • Good Work Painting _ Decoratii.g I.walks .Drives .Porches HOME REPAIR I ing, tailoring and all alter- Degree or a one.year Geron, JOHN WILLIAMS I • Call-no job too small I. Wall Washing. Elmer f. WAYNE'S Painting and dec .• Patios.Waterproofing Remodeling, repairs of any ations in our. shop, 2~33 tology Certificate. Courses 885.5813 526-9987 I LaBadie, 882.2064. ,orating: Interior and ex- • Pre.Cast Steps kind. Work alone. No job I Mack at Vermer (8 Mlle). ~so may be taken aselec. ______------'I' .---.------'I ~e!ior. Painting. Profes. • Tuck P(\inting too big or small Rotten Ask for Anna. 881-5585. hves.. . . _ . GROSSE POI NTE j JOSEF'S sional re.~ults.. Call n.ow for I • Chimney Repair I' . . d I I' TUitiOn I. $1;) per cr"d.t EXPERT REPAI RS "R REUOVAL 1 f L d Window cords, WlD ow DRESSMAKING - Altera- hou f W Ct. PAINTER'S, INC.£'. WALLPAP iU ree. eSllm,lLel>. icensc.. No job too. SID!!ll. .". h d"" r h . E . 0'1 r or ayne ounyresl- SMALL JOBS • E e d 7734355 51.. :;, p.ID_5, 00_-:. pO.c ., lIOn;. xperlence. seam. dents and $19 ior out~ouuty 774 965 Painting interior - exterior, I xperi nce . Free Estimates. es, basements, attics. Call stress, hems on slacks, residents Tuition is free for - 1 I . paperhanging and panel-I : Ins~red I EXTER IOR 779.8427 882-1473 Bill Lynn, 773.Q798. coats, dresses. Reasonable persons '60 or over or. for ROOFING, GUTTERS 1 ing. Free estimates ehet!r. E t.' t Rell able h PAINTING Licensed ------,-- rates. 881-5423. those Over 55 WIIO are reo I fully given. Licensed & ,s !ma. es a t no c arge or :\0 Years in Pointe ------, • .t.RPET I' Insured. o Jltgah07n7'6.8267 2 Pointe gcntlemen. Experi-l----~- ~------• Attics.~ Porch En~loseures I VIENNESE DRESSMAKER. tire~. . 21 H-C " enced. References. Free R. R. CODDENS • AddlUons. • ~tc~ens , Exp~tly executed. Also aI- F!ve classes w~lI be offered 1 CLEANING , 882-9234 ------estimates. Andy, 8115.7067. CEMENT • CommerCial Buddings terations. Highly recom. during fall at sites thr0l!gn. _II TED'S MIKE'S PAINTING Tom, 822.4885. I rONTRACTOR J 1M SUTTON j mended. Rates reasonable. out the county. ICARTER'S Carpet, furniture WALLPAPER REMOVING Interior, exterior, wallpaper. ------_ 1677 Brys Drive 885-3491. "M e n tal He a I t h And deaning. ~5 years experi'l EXCLUSIVELY \ ~i1g, minor .repairs, patc~. 21J-WALL WASHING Family business fo~ 55 years TV 4-2942 TV 2-2436 . Aging," which focuses on the ence by Wilbur. 778-1680. Free Estimates _ Insured mg, plastering. Free est1'1 . 1 it New and repair work . i EXPE~T TAILOR~NG, dress- mentally healthy older adult ______~ __ ~_ 531-7555 mates. Reasonable and hon. GR

BY DON AND LYNN - 1 proofing. No jobs too small. alt'erations, kitchens. Tree and stump removal "Health And Physical Proc; Licensed and insured. Free Estimates. Hus.band -wife team. Paint- G. OLMIN FREE ESTIMATES TU 2-3222 I 125-4598 e~es of Aging," will be of; ing, wallpaper perfection' WINDOW CLEANING . ------1 fered at the Greenfield Cen" ists. 20 years experience. SERVICE 881-6000 ALBERT D. THOMAS THREE C'S ter, 8551 Greenfield at JOY; VA 2-1878, 839-4810 References. 527.5560. FREE ESTIMATES ------N LANDSCAPI NG on Mondays and Wednesdays ______WE ARE INSURED GRAZIO I C. Design In gardening from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Th~ ('!as" EXTERIOR 372-3022 CONSTRUCTION We are. general contractors, speclalWs examines physiologicai One call takes care of l\ll changes normal to the aging. Painting . is riot kid's stuff. ,------1S C Cemen t drives,. floors, pa ti os, ~'our buildin g - rem od e.iug"- • Commercial & Residential process, and changes resu.It. Can us' dnow for an stestrti- 21M-SEWER ERVI E porches garages raised and problems large or small • Lawn an d Garden jng from environment or dls- ma t e, an a summer a - ALLRITE repaired, . new gar a g.e TU 2.0628 • Power Raking ease. ing date. R. C_ Mowbray • "'0" Soil Sand P at Asso'cl'ates 331-3230 SEWER CLEANING doors,. newd d'garages dbUilt. . Fertilizing-...' .' e , Gerontology classes also. , Repair faucets and clean any Llcense an Insure. WAYNE'S CUST' OM can be set up upon request , . I , d' R' 7 2 • Tree Removal and Repairs b .. h . r INTERIOR / Extetior paint- sue ram. epaIr sump y agenCies In t c field 0 ROOF . I' k 7 4-30 0 772-1771 REMODELI NG • Shrub and Tree Planting agl'ng or other I'nterested 109 - Qua Itl' wor ,rea. pumps. . ------L d . nable pn'ces, no J'ob too CALL 521-0447 Kitchens, baths, basements, • an scape DeSIgn and groups. Classes can be .held LEAK so ALL TYPE brick. stone, f Construction small. Grosse Pointe resi- ALL WORK GUARANTEED ormica and ceramic spe- at agencies, senior centers 'or I block and concrete work. cialists. All types of interi. Fully Licensed and Insured other suitable locations as REPAIR dent 886.2088. ! 21 N-A:ii'HALT WORK Archways, steps. porches, or decorating. Guaranteed Gerald J. Christ part of the college's academic . patios, waterproofing, new low bid. Guaranteed good Clement A. Chargot extension service. PAl •NTERS I AL''::: A"PHA T.'f'.. D•• A '.'lNr._- and rpoa' D S d 7575330 SPECIALISTS I .. u - .. -,.. . ..• Jr;;. e en er. work. Call for free esti- - Students currently enrolled, To Advertl .. Under I EUROPEAN EXPERTS Since 1944 822.1201. mates and ideas. Licensed. I PRECISION LAWN I at WCCC may register b~' The Guide to FREE ESTIMATES Interior. exterior, wallpaper. Owner supervision and plan------773.4355. ....A...... TANCEmail now through Friday: ing, pitching, plastering, I ning. Guarantee quality CHAS. F. JEFFREY . .an.&.' ~"'n Good Service' Roof Leaks Guaranteed . d tt . lk' k h' t bl DOCTOR BOB Landscaping, gai"denil'lg, mow. August 3. Regular regisira- 20 Yrs. Experience wm ow pu. ymg, cau mg. wor m:ms Ip a reason a e MASON CONTRACTOR tion will take place August Can Good work. Grosse Pointe rat(;s. LICENSED _ INSURED FOR ing, edging, clean.up, pa. R <:" AL COATING ALL HO E N tl'OS, pool de-Lo-, etc. 16 to 25 at locations through. 882-3500 CALL BILL 882-5539 re ferences. e a son. • l:J"- • Brick • Block • Stone US EEDS I """ out the county. Classes begin able. Free estimate. Call SPECIALIST • Cement Work BIG OR SMALL Bill, 885-5166 the week of August 27. John anytime, 368-509!l. St2te :!censed and insurance • Waterproofing CARPENTRY MICHEL PILORGET-Land. For more information about Home JOANNA WiSTERN ------References I. Tuck Pointing WALLPAPER I scaping. Complete service. Gerontology, con t act Sirs, IWtaAtion WINDOWSHADES:li V.lAi I DADER 281.0826 284.5534 • Patios of any kind CABINETS Design specimen plants. Howell at 832.2283. PAlN!. SHunER~. "'''DS V LLI I C & J ASPHAL'r "PORCHES A SPECIALTY" YOU NAME IT "WE PLANT TREES" ------~Iuminu'" 'AUfMA"N 882 1800 882-4291 - After 6 823~ ~!O/lJooout" OUT ant i qua t e d q'laJity work priced right. MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. PRIVATE PLUMBER Ladies and Gentlemens ap- I tire slashing. 10401 HARPER RESIDENTIAL, INDUSiRIAL penter repairs reasonable Urick. , rr;\('k~ eliminated, Grosse p~rpl at rpa~onahlp priN"s. I Follow up Invc.'tiga!lOos by rates. Gros,:e POiute, TU 2. I 779.6864 775.J33R. Pnlnlc references. Free es. I REASONABLE Park police later ronnerted 886-2052. ' 2795. IPATIO MAGIC INC. I timales. Clean. VA 1.7051.1 886-3537 II Ii Dr. Pear to the in(Jdent.

L - - -_e. a- • e' sn • ..-_._,-_ .. _ .. ~.... -... ~-- ..... ~~.-._--_ j 2 j j g ga I

PagEl Thtiti-Two G9.0S~E POINTE NEWS Thursday, August 2, 1979 * * * * Feature Page * * * * I Used Books Pile Up From Another Pointe of View ILShort and to ih;-Pointe flJ~nte (Continued from Page 17) (Continued from Page 20) through a United States Pub- MICHAEL A. Pl'.:TERSON, lic Health Service $51,416 Pushing through the reeds . . . son of MR. and MRS. KEN. grant. Both are Pointers. And having a marvelous time, for enjoying Counter. Points NETH PETERSON, of Broad. • • • travel is as much a Cir!:umnavigator characteristic By Pat P..ousseau stune load, received a Bache. JOHN and pATRICIA as going traveling. Over All Fashion . . .' the coat, one of your lor of Arts degree in Politi. FOX, Grosse Pointe North .$ $ $ W cal Science during Wabash High School English instruc. most important fashion buys. Right now at alton- College's commencement May tors, have been appointed reo I And when it comes to parties • , . well, when it Pierce there's a good selection of coats ... pretend 13. gional judges for the 1979, . comes to parties, the Circumnavigators are really fur, fur trimmed, wool, cashmere, poplin. From ALYCE K. O'ROURKE. National Council of English I'- in their element. Russel Taylor has come long and short coats daughter of AIR. and MRS. Teachers A chi eve men t Let's just say that when it comes to parties, in make-believe raccoon, lynx, light and dark THOMASO'ROURKE,of Lin. Awards in Writing program'l the Circumnavigators do it up red, white and blue, mink, muscrat. There's also a sporty, short, zip coin road, is among 53 Colby. • • • ("brown" is much too drab a color t~ apply t() a front pretend red fox jacket that reverses to tan Sawyer College s t u d e D. t s KELLY ANNE McBRIDE, poplin. Natural blue fox lavishes a brown wool, chosen student couJ\selors for Circumnavigator party). daughter of MR. and MRS, I $ double breasted tie coat. A russet wrap and tie coat the 1979-80academiCyear. ROBERT D. McBRlDE, of * $ is collared with dyed blue fox. One of the best I $ •• . Ridge road. received a Bach. They'll be doing it up this Sunday, starting at looking wool coats is from Gallant in a creamy Among thos~ attendmg a elor of Arts degree in Art 3 o'clock, at the beautiful home of Circum Fred . h d' d d bled' b' luncheon honormg The Neth. History during May 13 eom. beIge s a e. It IS buttone an e t m rown. la ds Ambassador to the Campbell where everyone had such a great time at mencement at Sweet Briar last ye~r's Summer Safari. The lines are distinctive and slender. Love the ~nit~ States and Governor College, Va. slightly stand-up collar and the detail of seaming WILLIAM G. MILLIKEI'i General chairman is Paul Moreland, of Harvard • $ $ I on the shoulders. Regency cashmere coats are treas- was JUDY BARTON, daugh. road, past-president of the Michigan Chapter of Degree candidates attend./ ures. We admired the black, slender cashmere coat ter of MR. and MRS. JOS. ing Miami University, Ox. the international club. that is single breasted and can be worn with or EPH BARTON, of .Sev~rn ford, 0., commel,lcement May . Decorations committee members, including without a self belt. Of courS':! the classic wrap and road. Formerly a leglslallve 6 included TODD A. LOCK. Pointers Fred and Ruth Flom, (Fred's the chapter's tie coat in off-white is a perennial favorite. Count aide to the staff of fonner HART,of Shoreham road, current president), and' Les and Margaret Elliott, ~"m; ..." ...Jin "o"t<: COffiP in gold tan red and Senator GARY BYKER, of ~W'" t'~r'" - -.- . •. - " Hudsonville Miss Barton reo and ELIZABETH L. RACE, (Les is a current director), Rip and Fern Zwickey, b~owt?- ~Ith soft styhsh 0pJ:l0sum collars an~ .cozy cently was 'promoted to the Bachelors of Science in Bus'j (they're committee chairpersons), and Herm and pIle Immgs. The new versIOn of the transItIonal position of coordinator of iness, and MARTIN F. OW. Ruth Daldin, of Clinton, will spend Saturday at ENS, Ill, Bachelor of Sci. fashion is. now called t~e trans-seasonal ~ashion. At Representative PAUL HIL the Safari Site, setting up ... and enjoying a picnic Walton-PIerce you'll fmd these versatIle clothes LEGONDS' Lansing office ence in Education. . $ $ $ lunch: their own mini-party. from many designers. Albert Nipon Collectibles stalf. That's typical. Get a few Circ:lmnavigators offers a black print quilted 'jacket that is bound • $ • PETER PROKOPOWICZ together, and you HAVE a party. with braid and tops a sleek shirt and skirt. The Harper.Grace Hospitals ra. and RISTO SETALA, Grosse Fhofo by O'Keefe delightful breeze-light fabric is a year-rounder. diologist BURT T. WEY.' Pointe North High Schuul Used books, records and magazines, mateiial Other Pointers presently serving on the chap- ' 'lk d th !fING iiI a Pointer is a seniors, won honorable men. for the Grosse Pointe Branch, American Associa- ter's board are James J. Trebilcott, vice-president, Jac k Mu 1queen s pure Sl resses serve e same cJinic~l assistant profe~sor of tion in the 10th annual Law. tion of University Wome~, 17th Annual Used ' and directors Leslie C. Putnam and Arthur O. A. purpose. We like the camel print with tucked front Radiology at Wayne State rence Institute of Technol. Schmidt. and soft tie neck. ThE:re are many more trans-sea" University School of Mem. ogy Mathematics Competi. BO:lk Sale, have begun to pile up, and hard at sonal silks at Walton-Pierce and you'll enjoy hav- cine where he recently as. tion. work pricing and sorting in the Westbrook court * * * ing one in your wardrobe. sumed the presidency of the $ • $ garage of Mary Jane (Mrs. Anthony J.) Thomas Out in The Far East $ * * Alumni Association. A 1967 Colby.Sawyer C 0 I leg e are, (left and right), JANET (Mrs. James .K.) Talking about far-away places ... let's have Gourmet fJr Etleryday... '" . Whatever your gr3duate of WSU's School of freshman ELIZABETH PEA. BROWN, branch president and KATHERINE a little traveling mU!iic lor Lynn Thompson Bolton, cooking needs, the experts at Mutschler Kitchen, Medicine, Dr. Weyhing hului> :l:lG:::-:-,d;;;.:ght~!':i~"~:::, and I {!.~;:-:;.Merlel :D~8U'NER, ~o-chairman of mark- fm'm~,!:,h!.~~Gravton [9.9d ..owl her husband. Kevin Inc. can design a kitchen that's yours alone. Stop an undergraduate de g r e e MRS. ROBERT M. PEA- lng, typical of the many AAU'W volunteers en- IBolton; "formerly of Oxf~~~riW.d, who ~reroaniilir in today and see the variety of cabinet styles avail- from WSU. He took post. BODY, of Lochmoor boule. gaged in this task throughout the summer. around The Orient this summer. able from Wood-Mode, Coppes, Rutt ~nd PopFen- graduate training at Grace vard, recently was chosen a pohl, 20227 Mack Avenue, 884-3700. Hospital. IlUember of the CSC Key As- These ladies don't mind The Boitons have been living in Phoenix, Ariz., • * '" • •• . spciation. Elizabeth .is en. work _ so if you haven't and Harper service drive. and Lynn h as been t eac h'mg at A nzona. St ate U 01-. The Gift Department ... of the Notre Dame' Pharmacy N~ed. to the. win~e:.tenn rolled in the Liberal Arts cleaned out your library yet, If your personal clean-up versity, Tempe, and she had a chance last semester has so many (un, pretty, WlefuI gifts. All L"e sure to be Deans LIst at Grana valley progra ...n. get at it! ... and get your campaignd bo k results in too many to teac h Bt a gJr• I's coII,ege In. K'ogos h'Ima, Japan. used books down to one of use 0 s to personally tote, And she t~k it, (who wouldn't?), and Kevin welcome. For anyone who travels, there are handy organiz. State' Colleges were CYN- • $ • home pick.up ean be arranged ers, grooming packets and cosmetic kits ... nicely priced. TRIA DILLON and ROBIN MAUREEN E. KENNEDY, • • • FOUCHEY. daughter of Pointers MR. the AAUW's Used Book Bar. by calling 885-3320 or 886- figured, since Lynn was already in Japan, why not reI drop.offs. 6318 join. her there, and the two of them could tour the • * * and MRS. WILLIAM KEN. They're located at Mr. Mc. . F E Mr. Q ... has a comprehensive. FAYE T. HIGBIE, daugh- NEDY, was. awarded a Fac. Court Shoes in.the-Village, The sale itself is scheduled ar. ast ..• collection of e~pertly designed tour ter of MR. and MRS. HUGO ulty Citation for Scholarly the Colonial Federal Building for the fall., It will run from I They'JI be back in early autumn, in time for 1\tB. progHti1iS to 'l'ahiti :lnd her sister 1s- S. HIGBJF. of. Provencal Distinction for the winter ofi-the.Hill, Fanner Jack's in Tuesday, S e p t em b e r 25, the fall term at Arizona State, where Lynn will , lands. Travelwise travelers always ask road, is a Liberal Arts stu. term at Lake Erie Coilege Mack avenue, Kroger's uvpu.! thrm:gh M()nday, ()(>tober 1, resume teachilU!. for Mr. Q, 886-0500. dent at Colby-8awyer College for Women, Painesville, 0., site Lakeshore Village and at Salem Memorial Lutheran * * * . ••• where she recently was elect. where she is majoring in I . - Fanner Jack's at the Moross Church in Moross road. . On The Other Side of The World For The Summer Bride ... there's ed president of the Key As. Equestrian Studies. a new selection of silver plated SerVing. liocialion. Its members serve: • • • senior women's honor society of 'Maumee avenue Alpha I' , Professor and Mrs. Vincent Chrypinski, of accessories including Revere bowls'. as tour guides and admis. JAMES MILLER III a recognizing junior year worn. Omicron Pi. ' Trombley road, and their daughter, Maria, were sions office assistants. Grosse Pointe North High Steak knife sets and cheese boards are .. .. • • • School senior, was chosen to en outstanding in leadership $ $ • in Italy early last month, speaking with Pope John always a welcome choice. The Squir-' Western Michigan Univer- be a member of the 22nd and scholarship. ' Nllme<1to the winter tenn Paul II at a private audience. reI's Nest, 19849 Mack Avenue. sity student TIMOTHY GAL. Honors Clinic Commence. • • $ Dean's List at Madonna Col. The Chrypinskis, (Anna is president of the Pointers RUTH D. KEOGH lege were Pointers KAREN American Council of Polish Cultural Clubs), were • • • MGHER, of Moran road, ment Band at Ferris State 'f l- Wind Up , .• your vacation with a "me 8elko watch has been initiated into Phi College. and NANCY W. MESSING CZECHOWICZ,who achieved part of a 12-person Polish/Jewish delegation which " that does not ne~ winding. The Seuo quartz is one of the Eta Sigma, a national honor • .. * are among 36 recent gradu- a 4.0 grade point average, traveled to Rome to seek Papal endorsement for an fine watches of its time. SAVE 20% at Tony Cueter's Bi. society for freshmen attain. Recognized for scholastic ates of the DetroitJMacomb HER B W 0 L F, L I N D A international literary contest named for JanusZ jouterie, Grosse Pointe's fiDe jewelry. store, 20445 Mack ing at least a' 3.5 grade point Hospital Association's School ~g~i~~nd CYNTHIA POLI- Korczak, a Polish-Jewish physician and educator achievement during Alma py Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods. Open daily 10 a.m. - 5:30 average. . College's 92nd commence- of Respirat2ry$Th$era . . $ .. • who perished, with the orphans under his care, in p.m. • . . Closed Mondays. • * • ment April 21 and Honors Among 21 Alma College the Nazi gas chambers of Treblinka in 1942. * * • Wayne State Universit} as- Convocation April 11 was 'PATRICIA K.HERSHEY, Business majors on a seven- daughter en DR. and MRS. The group is part of a national joint Polish- sistant pro f e s s 0 r ALAN NANCY WALKER, daughter Ron Ruel says, "Color' for summer is beauti- day field trip to New York E. A. HERSHEY, of Alger American/ Jewish-American dialogue committee. ful blonde. With hues bolder than ever in clothes, BRENNER is principal in- of DR. and MRS. FRP_1\lK vestigator in a chemistry de. City visiting corporations as place, received a Juris Doc. Its purpose is to develop an initial and far-reaching f{ood hair colors are making sure summer heads WALKER, of DePetris way, the focal point of a four-day tor degree during May 19 partment research project Bachelor of Arts magna cum program of mutual cooperation. will not be out-shown. Sunshine highlights created funded by a $50,000 United week intensive course this commencement at the Uni- laude with a major in Mathe. spring was THOMAS Van- versity of California School by natural processed tints are important but so are States Department of Energy matics. MARY JO EINHEU. crystal and champagne accents and at the far end grant. Associate. professor SER, Elementary Education EGMOND, son of ,MR. and of Law. Her brother, STE- of the color scale unabashed platinum dazzles." LINDA D. HAZLETT is prin. major, daughter of MR. and MRS, HENRY T. VanEG- PHEN D. HERSHEY, re- Call 886-4130 for an appointment. MOND, of Anita avenue. He ceived a Doctor of Medicine cipal investigator in eye in- MRS. LEO F. EINHEUSER, is an Austin Catholic Pre. degree from Wayne State Lingerdie LINGERIE • • * fedion research conducted in of Allard avenue, was elect. University School of Medi. ed to Gamma Delta Alpha, a paratOry School 1976 gradu. OUTLET Annual August Sale ... at Calico Corners starts the School of M e d i c i n e ate. cine June 3. '£t ..J July 30 for two weeks. It is famous for its bargains $ $ $ • • • in slip cover, drapery and upholstery fabrics. Don't . , St d" Off' d Way n e State University KENT SANDERSON has 20-500/0 OFF ALWAYS miss it at 25008 Little Mack, St. Clair Shores. Open Women S U les ere sophomore CATHERINE M. been appointed to the Uni- NEW SUMMER SHIFTS 1845 Fleetwood Monday till 9 p.m. during the sale ... 775-0078. FOLEY, daughter of MR. and ted States Military Academy. GrOSH PoInt. Wood. . ,., . (COntinued from Page 22) uing Education Program at MRS. TIiMOTHYFOLEY, of West Point. N.Y., and began off Mack behInd Is Women in America, a study WCCC maybe contacted for Mid dIe sex boulevard, has basic training July 2. His The Dried Flo_ There Something New At Charter. 4 lllki. 110. 01 v...... house & Company . . . They can it their of the important role played a complete list of Women's pledged Epsilon Sigma Chap- father ono SANDERSON, Clearance case. It is filled with e:s:cifulg by black women in the strug. Studies ('(llJrse offerings. in- ter of Delta Zeta sorority. Iand ~other, the fonner '.. buys on some of their own jewelry and gle for the liberation of their structors, times and locations'l .. $ .. MAR Y LOU TANNER, 4--:-,,/'l~ ~ some jewelry from estates. The jewelry has people and their sex, meeting 1 Tuition is $15 per credit ANNE S. LA R D N E R, daughter of DANIEL N. ,n ; been marked way down to tempt. you. In. Mondays from 7:05 to 10:05\ hour for Wayne County resi. daughter of MR. and MRS. TANNER, JR., of Kensing. ~ iJv.' eluded are fine watehes, 14K gold rings, o'clock; The political and dents, $19 per hour for out.' BRUCE E. LARDNER, of ton road, and a Grosse! . ,4& bracelets, earrings . . . some with diamonds Economic Status 01 Women oi~ounty Michigan residents. Ridgemont road.. !'.eceived a Poin.te High School alumna, GARDEN SPECIAL and other precious stones. You really can on Thursdays, also from 7:05 Tuition is free to persons 55 ~achelor ~f SCience. deg~ee live in Kalamazoo. • afford to buy fine jewelry at Charterhouse to 10:05; and Historical Per. through 59 years old who are m Electrical Engmeermg .. $ $ ! & Company, 16835 Kercheval in the Vlllage, spectives on Women, exam. retire:! or disabled, and to during spring.co~mencement During June 3 commence. ------1 885-1232. . ining w0lTl:en's.strugglt:S. to allspedrsonsover OOtl' 11d Ma~ 1 9ual,MIC~tlganTechno. mel)t at Williams College, I * • • change their SOCIalcondItion, tu ents curren y.enro e oglca1 1 n~ver;;Iy.. Williamstown, Mass., EDITH II SUMMER meeting on Fridays from 11 at .WCCC may register b~ B. THURBER, daughter of Wicker World ... has a new shipment of brass to 2 o'clock. maIl through tomorrow, F~I- EDWARD C. TURNER, MR. and MRS. PETER P. I accessory pieces including sets of ornamental uten- Women. and the. Law, a day,.Augu~t 3. Regular regIs, son of MR. and MRS. RICH. THURBER, of Provencal I CLEARANCE SALE sils, keys, scoops for the wall. See them all at 20643 course whIch exammes com. tratlon Will be 'held f~om ARD TURNER, of Hendrie road, received II Bachelor of • Mack Avenue. mon legal problems of worn. August 16 to 25 at locah0.ns lane, has received a Bache. Arts degree in English • '" '" en amI "'molder.:; !:l'.~' !!~ it thTilIl~hout the county, m. lor of Arts degree in Politics . I l n"tiAnc P. Innt~. "the little store" ... has a new r~lates to women and their eluding the Austin Center. from LaKerorest Coiiege. m.! MARY J*C .CLAR*K, BLD,.'. '. • _.. ' supply Corningware. Featured ar,e careers will be offered at Clas~es begin the week of • * • - • • _ •• • -- of the Au'stin Center in East August 27. Further informa. Among 120 University of of Neff road, participated in • Re 99< k party servers (on a wood tray!, I.-~--~. Warren avenue Wednesdays. tion about registration may Michigan WOlllen becommg. the 23rd Annua1 ~nventlon"'- . I g. p . ~.. \ quiche sets and souffle sets. All thts from 7:06 to 10:05 o'clock. be obtained by calling 832. members of national sorori. of the American Association I 59 and more 'at "the little store", 17037 , Ii. ;.. ! Women's Studies classes 12.~4. Further information ties recently were MI'M[ of Bioanalysts, a profession- I NOW C pk. Kercheval between St. Clair and ~.1_'._~'.,1 are open to all day and eve. about the Women's Studies RACE, of McKinley avenue. al society comprised of direc. I Notre Dame. Free gift wrapping. ning WCCC students and Program may be obtained by and SALLY REINDEL. of tors and supervisors of clini. I L' . 12 k Open Thu.r~d!!y and Friday evenings other interested persons. The calling Jo.Ann Terry at 832- Lincoln road, Chi Omega, callaborMories, held in June I Imlt pac s until 9. Community Services/Conlin. 2280. and SUSAN WESTBROOK, in Cincinnati, O. I Must show coupon-Expires 8/6/79 $ $ • The Slipbehind . . . is the breeze.light sun filter you At The Pointe Fashions ... you'll enjoy seeing the Perini's makes its own delicious bread and pastry. ~---~------~------_! sUp behind your prescription glasses to change into sun. wonderful new selection of fall fashions arriving daily in Make your next date for dining at Perini's, 10721 "Jasses. The Slipbehind Is $1.50 at Wood Optical Studios, sires 6-16. Free alterations and ample parking, 15112 Ker- Whittier ... DR 1-2484. r------~---~ 19599 Mack Avenue between' and 8 Mile Roads .•• 882- cheval, 822-21:18. $ • * FRESH CUI 8711. ' • $ * $ Richard White And Richard Matz- .. $ A • Little Show Puppets ... are a very ka ... are the new owners of the Grosse ~ Hurry ... to Calico Corners for the famous new ,very creative item at the School Pointe Ski and Tennis Barn, formerly .--...

r n '. T • nn Page Thirty. Three Th~rsday. AIJ9ust 2, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

~nn~muu'itttt&inytt.Jfur. Occuilmally a home COllI" aIoog thalgl_ WIth d"lfaDie f.alures - fireplace - 3 A Now E!J&IaDd CoIDoiaIlor aUreuoos 'Ibree a ~.r a choice to OWD ",,,nething truly un- bedtoomB - lwo "ar garag. - buill In AC larie bedi'oorna • II> baths. II*IoIlS livillC Ique. W.'re DOl llOillg to leU yo~ aboIIl the - .paclous TV _m - IwJdoome decor - and amiDgroo_ • ultra modem ltitebon wllh many •• clling l.aIUfOl; w. suggest a Sun. _veniolIt to shoWllla aDd scboola - AI> bul11.i/u' aiew IU.aDd .ido drl..... family . Maybe you noticed this spring when everything started coming up rainbows! Now we've had our logo day tour ... we Ile~Yllll will ... pIaJn IUoU JUII OttupallC)' - III ownor that wanta to room • Immediate occUP&DC)' • "'.toO! boller than our words . • • '1'Ill,!IOO. ..U - 1lOW! transcribed for our advertising so the homes you see advertised are all under the symbol of the rainbow. We feel the rainbow is a happy sign - a sign that your worries are over - the sun is coming out. For our clients it means that you can sit back and have a great job done Jar YOLI. Perhaps when you start to consider the headaches of. moving and selling you'll think of that happy rainbow you've seen around town. That rainbow on YOW' front lawn can bring back the blue skies again all over your hcu:;c! We're glad you "MAGIC FLAT" - Con- SPACIOUS RANCH IN DETROIT FOUR FAMILY tiTERLING like it!! . sider a flat in the Park GROSSE POINTE SHORES :....Real Estate is tax shel- HEIGHTS RANCH with two nice 5/5 rentals ... - If Grosse Pointe Shores is tered income. This four - Spectacular cus- that also has a mini apart- your first choice, and a spe- family is a classic - gross tom built three bed- FIRST OFFERING PRICE REDUCED ment on tht! third floor . . . cial Ranch is your desire, monthly rents $600. Buy at room, two bath just reduced to a "steal. we have arfine, spacious, just $54,900. ranch with wet plas~' able" $69,9001 three bedroom home witha ter, 1st floor laun- fantastic games room and a dry, attached two host of other extras. car garage an abso- ALMOST NEW SUBUR- $175,000. BAN RANCH.-, Large, lute steal at $89,500. low interest assumable Land Contract Terms. mortgage makes this ANYONE FOR A CAPE COD? Colonials with a spacious three bedroom "Cape COC:"~lavor usually Ranch a top value at just won't last as long as ice' $73,5if:i: C':u1sid"r two (Jill cream in July, espeeially at baths, family room with the new low price - 3.~. fireplace attached two car rooms, family room, mod- garage, then call for your ern kitchen with all showing! . appliances and immediate occupancy. Now $94,900! Goodman Pierce & Boyer is proud to present one of. 419 Champine, Grosse Pointe Farms, North of seven HOW ABOUT A TWO FAM- Grosse Pointe's finest homes. Here is an architectural Mile Road, off Chalfonte. If your Broker has missed ILYINTHEPARK, . JUST classic reminiscent of the breathtaking mansions dot. showing you this beautiful three Bedroom Bath cwti TWO FAMILY DE. ting the famous plantations of the old South. This one-half Colonial than you have missed the finest Colo- $~7,OOO.We're not pulling CORATORS DELIGHT - If majestic residence has all the beauty of those lovely nial in this price range available today. The owners your leg . . . except to get you want to do it your way - 100 Kercheval you to see another fine tax Grosse Pointe Farms, old homes but completely functional and modern for are moving out of the State and have reduced the price this solid all brick two fam- to 1978 levels. This home must be seen to be ap- shelter generating a steady ily in the Park could be the Michigan 48236 today's living. The present owners of this home care- I $470. If you'd rather have fully restored the fine artistic details and updated it in preciated, but we will tell you this, the home has large answer to high rents, plus your fingers do the walking, lots of tax shelter, some. 889-Q8()(} every aspect. There is new carpeting and painting in rooms, central air conditioning and a Family room: I give us a call for particu- thinJjl most of us need lots every room, new exterior paint, new gutters and porch stop Sunday to see what you have missed and many ,iarS! of ... $82,000. ~reens. The gorgeous extra~eep in-ground pool has additional features. been completely resurfaced. the sprinkler system au. , tomated, interior rewired, central air-ccnditioning in.

( . stalled, just to mention a few. One showing will dem- onstrate the masterful blending of superior style and craftsmanship with carefree modern convenience for . optimum living comfort which is both aesthetically en. righing and easy to maintain.

The Homes Listed On These Pages ,Represent Just Some Of the Many Avaitable ~...ji;1"(r ....~•.."J.;"'.4:,:;;.""'=~c,.~, .. L.....,.., Through Member Brokers 'n Charlevoix - Grosse Pointe Farms OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 1311 S. Oxford, Grosse Pointe Woods. Yes! This very Special house is still available. A bright, cheerful Possibly the best decorated and finest maintained 3 Contact Three Bedroom, bath and one-half Colonial sitting bedroom, 21,-2Bath CQlonial home in the Pointes. Abso- among the trees on a lovely. 6Oxl2D' lot. Features in- lutely nothing has to be done as the home is in move-in A Member Broker Today! clude a Super Mutschler Kitchen, screened terrace off condition and all kitchen appliances stay. You must Living Room overlooking a carefree garden, beautiful see this home to understand why we are so enthusias- carpeting, stunning window trentments, Central Air tic about it. stop SWlday between 2 and 5 p.m. and CQnditioning, two-car attached garage, basement fire- enjoy the air conditioning and visit with Mrs. Good- place. Stop in Sunday between 2-5 and feast your eyes. man while she shows this truly fine home. Fint Offering 1tahan Villa. Watch this spot next week for the details and photo of one of Grosse Pointe's classics. We have been selected to represent this truly magnificent home. IAPPAN:-a, Open Sat. & Sun. 2-5 p.m. FIRST OFFERING - Picture yourself in this lidorable English Country Cottage on Yorkshire Read. Sparkling with new paint inside and out, this lovely four bedroom, two bath home has spaciousness and charm and a price you won't believe. It'll be open Saturday and Sunday from 2.5, so come and see MJSOCa~ES us there! . 90 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 Open Sunday 2-5 p.m. 313-884-6200 I. Come and.see 601 Washingto.n Road! This is a beautiful house. The fine ~rgian lines are enhanced by the beautiful gardens and Immaculate lawns. The large screen porch is most inviting for these warm. QUALiTY HUiLT - CUSTOM CULONIAL. itareiy you PRICE REDUCTION! ! Location and Luxury LivUig can uu SUIlUllei J,,).,. F vw ;.iHihY tcdroorr::; c:: t~ ~~O"n nnnr linn fifth with bath on the third floor makes find 2 full baths upstairs in this price range. l~ be yours in this Executive Colonial. For the success. this sunny spacious home ideal for a larger family. Centrally located to pare down on mother's driving BROADSTOl"-JE is such a lovely home. Features so ful professional we offer this fantastic custom built schedule you'll see is a great plus, too! many pluses. Call and let us show you the many fine home - 4 bedrooms, 2':-2baths, family room plus lib- amenities. rary in such beautiful decor. This property is located in the most desirous location in Grosse Pointe 4676 Berkshire Road - Detroit 5099 HAVERHILL, Detroit, Super 5/5 Brick Income - Shores. By appointment only. Units show very well, generous sized rooms. formal In the 30's <;all today f?r information on our neat 3 bedroom bungalow. Spacious rooms. fireplace in living BEAUTIFUL HARPER WOODS LOCATION!! Cozy, ex- dining rooms, updated kitchens plus 2 car garage. I'oom. flOe recreation room, garage. fenced yard. Close to schools. Good location. tremely well appointed Brick 2 bedroom Ranch. Home has been immaculately maintained and exudes charm galore. 21433 BROADSTONE has a FIRST OFFERING - Beach front lilt on beautiful Lake Income Package - Detroit Huron. 100x SOOapprox. feet deep. 2.5 miles North of bonus of family room with all Anderson window Three properties comprising 5 Wlits. Excelient return - gross exceeds $10,000 annually. located within 300 walls. Call to view this prize! Lexington Michigan in most desirable residential area. yards of proposed University site. Owner will only sell as a package. Much material available for prospective buyer to review prior to viewing properties. . Vacant Land in Michigan OAKLAND COUNTY - Holly. Mich. 33 Prime Acres, off N. Holly Rd., 1 mile West of N. of Village. Zoned Rural Estates. 6 lots platted and recorded, 4 lots under 4 paces. $71,000. Cash, Whole Parcel only!

. OAKLAND COUNTY - Groveland, Mich. 3 miles N. of Holley Recreation Area - 177 Acres $2.000iAcre, LIC at 9% available.

Presque Isle County - r.r;mo Tsland, Mich. 54 Plus Acres on Grand Lake. 6,500 Fool Lake Frontage - Wooded, Good Bird Hunting, fishing! $35,000. TAPPAN AND ASSOCIATES

Birmingham,Bloomfield area, 886-3060 P4ge Thirty-Four _.. G R 0 SSE PO_IN T_E_N_E_W_S_ Thursday. _ August 2, _1979_ "'------

FIRST OFFER;~~G ... Youngblood n.ally",c.

Area --Price--Si ze The Righf House For Your Family

.We'll Find It For You! Fantastic! Well maintained Colonial located on one of the finest streets in Grosse Pointe. Built in 1960,it offers Master Bedroom with dressing room & bath, plus 3 additional bedrooms and 2 baths. Also, roughed in over the garage for additional bedrooms or apart- ment. Downstairs features library, family room and ultra modern kitchen. Central air conditioning, 115x29110t and a recreation room with fireplace in HIGBIE MAXON, INC. the, basement. There's much, much more, so call us for the exciting detaiis. BALLANTYNE - Colonial near Lake Shore with 'heated pool & cabana. 4 bedrooms, 2~ ~aths. Family room. GROSSE POINTE FARMS'- Just across from the Coun- 1603 HOLLYWOOD - Better take the time to really Air conditioned. On 100 foot sprmkled property. 2* try Giub of Detroit Golf Course. A lot of house here! 3 look at this home. This immaculate Bungalow f~a- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 car garage. bedrooms &: 2 baths on the 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms & 2 tures 3 bedrooms plus a d~n, two full baths, a mce 1398 HOLLYWOOD - Grosse Pointe Woods - charming baths on the 1st. floor. Now add the library & family sized family room, a formal diIling room, and a threP. bedroom all brick Colonial features formal din- FISHER - 2 family income in superb location near High room plus a modern kitchen, central air condition- natural fireplace in the living . . . a real val~ ing room - kitchen with eating space - family room - SehtY.>1.2 bedroom" each unit. L.ot ll2x173. G$\rage. ing, sprinkler system & reereation room. A good with occupancy before school starts. Call for addI- full basement - 21f.!car detached garage. Don't miss Mid 80's. one! tional details this one! GROSSE POINTE COURT - Near the "Village." 3 bed- 2034 STANHOPE - :rhis beautiful2.be<:!rO?m <;olonial is I GROSSE POINTE FARMS - Priced in the low 70's. Extra 605 HIGBIE PLACE S. Grosse Pointe Woods - close to room tri-level with family room. 3 full baths. ForIlJ.al special Bungalow with a magnificent fireplace in the perfect solution for the discrimmat~g buy~r Star of the Sea L:llocated this immaculate three bed- dining room. 2 car att~ched &.he~~ garag~: Brzck living room. There are 2 bedrooms &: a bath down seeking a quality low-maintenance home ~ a deslI'- exterior with alum. tnm. 2 built m alT condlhoners. I plus 2bedrooms up - nice kitchen with breakfast area able, convenient location. Call us for additIonal de- room brick ranch. Features include large living Carpeting & drapes included. Low 90's. room - natural firepla~ - formal dining room - - 2 car detached garage - cute street - good location. tails. library-Florida room • 2~ baths. central air -circu- 430 LOTHROP - This desirable 3 bedroom, 1 bath Col- 110 HALL PLACE. Super "Farms" location near Hill * h.H.--ufivi:.':;-~-'\,;~i.~"...... ]";,_ed garage ..pri~.z-~'~c:~..i:"D ~ GROSSE POINTE FARMS - A true Executive's house in onial is immaculate and loaded with character and shops & transportatiuif~ ':l::it nClIQf d~:." li1[::u~~~'~ I nrime 1ocatiun. G~~1-'2(} raiI)utes front the Hen Cen" t qualitJ .. Consider: Bright d~,:,r,~.:\l~:. ,',,~ted and carpeting, draperies & al?pliances. 2 car garage. 9 ELMSLEIGH - Grosse Pointe City - The builder has and downtown. BeautifulgroWlds for.openers, 5fam- custom draped, thecharmot I)~ywmdows ill both the Immediate possession. PrIced reduced. _ almost completed this magnificent home. all but a ily bedrooms, maid's quarters, 5 fireplac~s, beauti- living room and (updated) kItchen area, a great few final touches. Located on a dead end street ful patio, library, family room, recreatIon room, summer porch, a new heating and central air condi- 28 HAMPrON -Open Sunday 2 to 5. "Shores" location within a short stroll to the Lake this home features a central air conditioning plus much, .much more ... tioning system that is so economical ... even the circular drive - center entrance with \:lJi:uJar'stalr. near Lake park. Lovely brick &: fieldstone. Center President would applaud ... other highlights include haf! Colonial. 3 generomi l~=ckjjnSi 2%. baths. Lih- way . large living room - formal dining room •library GROSSE POINTE CITY - Fant~sti~ prcfess:on~! hus!- oossession in time for school's opening ... Call today rary plus garden porch. Unfinished area on 2nd floor - family room with studio ceiling and a wet bar - ness opportWlity. This property is located directly for your appointment. for bedroom expansion. Property 100 x 150. 1m" 'I behind the N.B.D. Regional office on 8t. Clair. Fea- I natural fireplace and doorwall. First floor laWldry - mediate possession. four large bedrooms -1 ~ baths complete with range, " tures 90' of frontage on Notre Dame with good off- 20616 LENNON - How about the convenience of. 3 oven, dishwasher, trashcoinpactor, sodded lot bot~ street parking. The building has been remodeled into SPACIOUS LUXURY condominium in the Detroit Tp- bedrooms on one floor, close to shopping, and be- front and back - inter-eom system thru out - Don t 3 offices - charming! Great for the Doctors, cause of it's Harper Woods location ... Dial.A- miss this one! wers with a view ofthe water. 3 bedrooms &: 3 baths. Lawyers, etc. etc. 17 foot library. Central air conditioning. Cove.red Ride service is conve:lielltly ready to act as your chauffer service. S7S \.s..~STCI-IESTER ...Gro~ POL"1tCP:::rk charmLW!g parking space with attendant. Call for more particu- GROSSE POINTE CITY - This one will fool you! Located center entrance C-o!onial on a quiet tree lined street. lars. un LAKELkVD A'lEl"-iUE, it appears to he a center I This lovely home features three large bedrooms -1 ~ I 'Hall Colonial, but it's a Quad-Level. Has living room, baths - fireplace in spaciuus iivi.'1g room - formal LOTHROP - Situated on a beautUul60 xl60 park like lot. 3 dining room, modern kitchen, utility room, family dining room - a large screened terrace - new roof- bedrooms 11;2bath ranch. Formal dining room. room with a fireplace, attached garage also 3 bed- furnace - side drive -trim - storms & screens -double Family ro'om. Divld"d basement with fireplace. 2 rooms &: 2lh baths - Nice! . Youngblood gas bar B-Q. Beautifully landscaped gardens - graci- car garage. August possession possible. I ous family home - near schools, parks and transpor- A 'dandy' ranch on a semi dead-end street. Lots of pri- II R.altyu~~. tation. Priced to sell! MERRIWEATHER - Priced in the low 70's. 2 bedroom, vacy here, It's a Contemporary Ranch built by Cox & 1% bath Colonial. 1st'floor den. Screened porch. IS Baker. Has 3 bedrooms, 2'baths, family room mod- 2073 FLEETWOOD - Grosse Pointe Woods - this attrac- foot master bedrrom. 2 car g?1'age, ern kitchen, central air conditioning - Just great for . couple or singles. II tive two bedroom brick home in the Woods offers it's buyers -.family room --dining room - new furn.ace McMILLAN ROAD- 3 bedroom, I ~ bath Colonial. Newer with central air conditioning - and a great locatIOn. kitchen. Screened porch. Paneled ree. room. Central M'MI!II. air conditioning for summer comfort. Newer roof. Notianal Institute af R""I fstato B,ak ..,. The expansion attic would allow you to create a third Garage. Mid 80's. Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board 20087 MACK AVENUE • GROSSE POINTE WOOD.S bedroom to suite your own individual req uirements. Dot,ait Board of Roelle,s Netie",,; Assoeielion. af R!Qlfors 136BEDFORD - Grosse Pointe Park - Builders new home McMILLAN ROAD - English residence with 3 nic~ s.ize . bedrooms &: 1Ih baths. Breakfast room & dmmg ready for immediate occupancy - features include: NORTHERN LAND room. 12 foot den. Rec. room. Newer furnace, 2 car 1 large living room - formal dining room - COWltry garage. Priced in the 80's. PURDY & TOLES PRIME recreational sites 25 miles northwest of q.a:rl.o~. kitchen - family room -library - four large bedrooms Appr.oximately 71 acres oi .terracerlroom, 2tt.>bath Colonial with a possible 4th bedroom over the 2 car E.R~~~~ attached garage, Alcove off living room make~ a nice desk area. 14 foot screened porch overlookmg 20439 MACK AVENUE 1fe' private rear yard. House constructed with steel rein- GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE forced concrete floors. Members of The Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board Specializing in 886.8710 1 YEAR. LIMITED HOME Grosse Pointe WARRANTY AVAILABLE Properties

"matching people Makin!; Dreamr Chances are a member and horu,eR Reali,}' broker has a serious prospect with imagination" 76 KERCHEVAL who WANTS YOUR HOME 83 KERCHEVAL ABOVE MARGARET RICE I ... 885-7000 REALTOR 886.3400 ~ Grosse Pointe Resl Estete Boerd

, ______b ~ : ? • rid =.;¥!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!"II!~II!II!!~!II!.. IIII!I. 1IjI.1II!I_1I!.. - .. --- ...... , .2!!!I- .$.. --S ..'--_-_2~----._.d••••••••••••• __ (

lhursday, August 2, 1979

Especially For Those Desiring SERVING GROSSE POINTE FOR OVER 50 YEARS WITH 3 ~ROSSE POINTE OFFICES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE to give their family more than '~"~ -: -,1-' an average hOl1se ~ -- .' " . i The houses Ii~ted here represent an opportunity for If you are ready to have your family move into the you to have a choice of buying a home that is special house, we recommend that you contact one i ~ti realistic in price, constructed with quality materials of our helpful consultants for the professional " and artistic ~raftsmanship, and, provide you with service you are entitled to on any of these choice priceless extras while livin~ in a prime offerings or others we can suggest. --....4 - ".~ neIghborhood.

Open Sunday 2:30-5 706 BRIARCLIFF ... off Morningside Dr. in the Woods. 4 bedroom Cape Cod with ALL the extras. "Move-in condition." Brand new kitchen with bit-ins, family room, games room, etc .... Move-in by school .. , Generous price reduction. GROSSE POINTE FARMS 1320 HARVARD ... An attractive 3 bedroom Early American 1~ story that i.s handy to all schoolt transpor- one of the limited choices to have a 3bedroom brick Ranch home in this very handy location. Near everything. tation and Hill shopping. Special features include a large living room with fireplace, Fireplace with heatilator. Finished basement. Nice yard. Just vacated. Don't miss it! finished basement, enclosed terrace and a nicely fenced yard. Immediate occupancy 1006 THREE MILE DRIVE ... is available. A good value priced at $72,500. ~. just off Jefferson, this executive Colonial home has it all for you. 5 bedrooms, modern kitchen, library, family OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 room, attached garage, large rooms, large lot, etc .... impeccable. Ready for YoW' family now! 161ij,BRYS DRIVE - A co:.y 3 bedroom brick BUNGALOW. Very sharp with new landscaping, low maintenance alumUlum trim, attractive decor throughOut; finished basement and n~ly ~ L'l the By Appoin~nt 50's. 881-6300. 19970 FAIRWAY DRIVE - Beautiful air c.:.::ditioi.ro 3 bedroom, 2% bath Semi.Rar.eh. Large dining rc:>m MERRIWEATHER ROAD ... . plus kitchen eating area, paneled and carpeted games room, attached garage and many special one of those special homes built to last and one that's had a lot of TLC. 3 bedrooms, 2* baths, family room, custom features. 881-3300. recreation room, etc .... large rooms. School possession. 966 LINCOLN - 3 bedroom, 2* bath English Tudor with attractive features including updated kitchen, GROSSE POINTE WOODS ... breakfast room, master bedroom with private bath, games room with fireplace. Transferred owner spotless condition and located in prime area. 3bedrooms, 2* baths, family room, attached 2,~ garage ... all the offers immediate occupancy and an attractive NEW LOW PRICE! 884-{)600. extras and also po~sion at close. 932 LAKEPOINTE - Spacious 3 bedroom, 2~ bath center entrance COLONIAL on 60' lot near the lake. An attrad!'!~ oome with librar;. updated kitchen, 21h car garage and oceupancy in time for school. • 881-4200 . I 758 MIDDLESEX - Unique and attractive Contemporary 2-story home on quiet street handy to lakeside m Th. Gro... Point. Office park. 3 bedrooms, family room, new Mutschler kitchen with every built-in. 881-4200. 395 Fi.h•• Rood. 886-3800 I 416 TOURAINE - A popular Grosse Pointe Farms location and a sharp 3 bedroom Cape C<1d on 60' lot. Attached garage, e!lcioseO terrace and hitiJdy to a.l:lrj.thi::g. E!!~t~ ~tllement. ~.

9'.36 UNIVERSITY - FIRST OFFERING of 3 bedroom brick and aluminum COLONIAL newly decorated throughout. Carpeted recreation room with lav, 2-car garage and immediate occupancy available. $75,000. 881-4200.

1176 YORKSHIRE - A truly great family home cffering spacious rooms and extra living space on 1st floor; 4 bedrooms plus extra room on second floor. Games room with bar, quality workmanship throughout. Handy to schools and village shopping. 881-4200.

BY !

NEW OFFERING in Grosse Pointe Woods of charming older'; bedroom famil)' borne. Natura! fL"'ep18~, \ 1 ~Ih car garage and handy location for school and transportation. 50's. 881~. I

JUST LISTED on quiet low-traffic lane. A larger modem RANCH offering 4 bedrooms, 2~ baths, natural fireplace, family room, kitchen built-ins and paneled reereaton room all on a spacious site handy to University Liggetf and Star of the sea. 884-0000.

GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Sharp 3 bedroom brick RANCH with low maintenance aluminwn trim. Carpeting and draperies throughout, paneled basement, 2-car garage and all ready for new owner. Check the new low pr!ce. 881.4200. .

NEFF - Unique cottage style Income on large well planted lot near the 'lillage. Good rentall=otential or could be reverted to 3 bedroom single family home. 881-4200.

THREE MILE DRIVE - Magnificent larger COLONIAL on 11Sx250' site offers 5 bedrooms, 2~ baths, large family room, 28' living room, paneled recreation room, attached garage and many custom features. Exciting details at 881-42.00.

WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE - Special2.FAMILY on 166x150' site with lake view. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths OPEN SUNDAY 2',- 5 1209 BRYS DRIVE OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 3:J5GROSSE PTE. BLVD. in each unit. Luxury rental property with very nice return. 884-0600. . Three bedroom home with central air. Newer roof, newer Six bedroom 3400square foot home. Four fireplaces. Two furnace. Formal dining room. Tiled pasement. Gar- patios. One block to the Farms nier. Quick posses- age door opener. sion. • For information call 886-4200 For information call 886-5800 IMPORTANT SERVIC~ FOR TRANSFEREES: I

New Offerings It E A l T c It S ~PEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 17540 MACK One bedroom condominium apartment with large !'OC'ms.Basement storage. Occupancy at closing. $37,000. REL(!) For information call 886-4200 'NTU.C}TY RELOCATIONliitvlCE I OPEN SUNDAY 2- 5 764 BARRINGTON Spotless brick ranch in a lovely area. Fireplace. Heated breezeway. Finished recreation room with another GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS fireplace and bath. Quiek oc-cUpa..iCY. $75,000. I For infonnation call d86-5800 ..,_8_2_K_e_rC_h_e_VO_I_8_8_4_"0_6_0_0 __ 1_6_61_0_M_aC_k__ 8_8_1_-4_2_0_0__ 1_97_9_0_M_OC_k__ 8_8_1-_6_30_0_ IN THE CITY _ DETROIT OFFICE - 11500 Morang - 839-4700 , Beautiful clean brick ranch. Deep yard. Two fireplaces. Finished basement with a bath. Lawn sprinklers. I 1 $89.900. For infonnation call 886-4200 _O_PENSUNDAY 2 - 5 20623 LOCHMOOR Gi'v3~ Pcmte Sc~!.e. Roomy 4 hPdroom brick bunl!alow. New central air. Newer roof. Aluminium:'~ car ----garage. $82,900. - For information call 886-5800

-Open Sunday 2 - 5 Three bedroom brick bungalow beautifully landscaped. Two fireplaces. Family room. Basement. Garage for 2 cars. For infonnation call 777-4940 Think Ahead OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 1705 HAMPTON Brick bungalow with aluminium trim. Deep lot. Dining room, library, study. New roof, new furnace. Two car garage. $71,500. For information call 886- 4200 Buying or Selling OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 2249 ALLARD Call A Member Wet plaater 3 bedroom brick ranch. New carpeting. Two air conditioners. New kitchen. Basement. Big 2~ car garage. $66.500. For information call 886-4200 Broker Today OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 19960 CLAIRVIE',v'CT. E. No Obligation of Course Wet plaster brick bungalow with an expansion att ic. Home Wa rranty. r.....>rida room. Fireplace. Two car gar age. $89,500. For infonnation call 886-4200


FARMS OFfiCE WOODS OFFICE 886-5800 886-4200

Schweitzer officel II"" 9 to 9, six dOYf (! w,'ekj Sur-day, 10 to 5:30

--~--~---~------_._----_._-- ~--~- ----~ ~ --- - ~--- 6 3 i sa 5 i $ pitt $ i ; $ £ t $ 3 4 Q e .; .po

Page Thirty.Six G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Thur$day, Aug:,br 2, 1979 --_._-----;--_._ ..:.:.-, .. --_ .._------_._.------_. -----. I I

866 Jl'I!VERSITY WITH ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE Charming brick bungalow, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths plus sun room, new carpeting, fl'esWy redecorated, 2 c:ar de- Be ;I.;:oiid A~5ociates Purdy &. Tole:; tached garage. Quick possessi-':!l. . . of Earl Keirn Realty Price reduced - now $135,000.00 Wm. W. Queen Wm. J. Champion Outstanding home on Middlesex Schweitzer Contemporary style colonial, professionally maintained. & Co. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths up, bedroom plus Ph baths' Real Estate, Inc. do,..,., larg~ Jiving room wi!!l natur",1 fireplace Ilnli DCln

On the first floor you'll discover a dramatic entrance hall Gros.fIePointe Park - with slate floor, step-down living room with fire- place. country kitchen with all the finest appliances Woods Colonial Assumable MOrlf{u/{e invitin~ family r~m with fireplace and wet bar, and • • 3 bedrooms. Ilh baths, formal dining room • Great family home, 3 bedrooms, Ilh baths convement laundry room ... • Updated kitchen, den, panelled rec room • Large lot, with patio and gas grill. Florida room • Owner anxious for offers Upstairs, you'll love the three bright and cheerful bed- In • Walk to lakefront parks, schools and transporta- 16845 KERcHEVAL. The Village tion rooms. each with its own bath and a multitude of closets. This house is ready for you to choose your col~rs and move right in! . I

One Year Home Protection Plan Available 882-5200 ~Iu.~tBuilt l.'ann.~Colonial Sally Clarke Penny Ledlie Cox & Balwr Colonial Ann Dingeman Evelyne Rupp • 4 bedrooms, 31fzbaths, family room and den Dorothy Healy .Jean Wakely • 3 bedrooms plus upstairs sitting room • Central air conditioning, first floor laundry. • Attractive large family room Shirley Kennedy Mary Walsh lovely landscaping Lorraine Kirchner • Excellent floor plan, convenient location • Modem kitchen with built-ins, BROKERS Catherine Champion Cathy Champion Dillaman I Mem!>Cr,o~th.~~r~s_~ _~oi~!:. ~~!~~~t:,~~~~olaf~~!?:~?~t l"\..t:al £"~ld\~ DUdlU, allu ...... ,.;;"1 vtJVUUJU 1-41':"'10116 ,JIIt;I- vice. Grosse Pointe Farms Colonial First Offering" Clm4.lJic Rm]cll Cape Cod - Fann.fJ • Three bedrooms, Ilh baths, family room • Living room with fireplace, formal dining room • Beautifully maintaed 3 bedroom home WM,J, • Mutschler kitchen with generous cupboard space • Family room. extra insulation, large kitchen • Newer furnace, central air conditioning and roof &I eating area • Close to schools, shopping and transportation. • Professional interior decorated throughout • Price has been reduced and is under $~.OOO~ h • CANOCOMPANY••amMlon 102Kercheval 884-5700

_____ ~_~ ~--L ~ . o...Ioo ~ • _ .. - ....{-...... - .... -....-p----..-- I

D.-- "1..:,..<" c ...... ,.. I ThursdaV,.Au9US+ 2, 1979 GROSSI:: POINTE NEWS • -':' ..... , .... 1 -~-,_ .. • I Saven9w~ndelljoya dmely gift.

First Federal Savings of Detroit is offering savers this great variety of beautiful Timex gifts. Make a qualifying deposit to a new or existing First Federal savings account and you can take home the Timex of your choice. E!ther free, or at big savings. Choose from decorator wall clocks, alarm clocks, 24-hourtimer, women's and men's watches. It's ou r way of introducing some great new savings account I features. We've increased our interest rate on I iegular savings. To a fu1l51f2% per year daily interest, paid arid compounded quarterly. One-quarter percent more than any bank is permitted to pay on an annual interest rate basis. We'r:,,:!0tf<:'1".:.~3-_?h!::'.';<":'~"'VJFo!!r:"YE~" . •lv'ioney .ly1arket Certificate that features a high rate of interest never before possible in so short a time with a deposit of only $100 or more. The interest rate forthis account is . I established monthly. However; the rate in effect when your certificate is issued is guar- anteed for the full4-year term .• july's rate for this account is 7.850% annual interest, com- I pounded continuously for an effective annual yield of 8.284%. On top of that, we've reduced the mini- m.um deposit on most of our other certificate

accounts, too, Now you only need to deposit .~ $100or more to open any of our high-interest r 20.\ certificates (except our popular 182-Day Money ~ I,< ,\-1arkei Cellificate which pays an even higher rate on deposits of $10,000 or more). And the penalty for early withdrawal has been modified for certificate accounts opened after July 1, 1979. On our One-Year and our 5500 51.000 55,000 I 182-Day Money Market Certificates, the penalty to to or DEPOSIT 5999 54,999 More is no more than 90 days' interest. On our longer I term certificates, the maximum penalty is now 1. Alarm (Snooze Feature) FREE I FREE FREEI I 2. Alarm (Lighted Dial) I fREE I FREEl FREE I I 180 days' interest. 3. Decorator Clock FREEI FREE FREE Check the gift chart, visit any First Federal 4. Decorator Clock FREE FREE FREE office, make your qualifying deposit and take S. 24-HourTimer $ 5.95 FREE FREE home your Timex gift. Of course, our Timex 0. Luminous Diai Aidnn $ 5.95 FREE I fREE I offer is limited, so open or add to a First Federal 7. Men's Watch LED savings account today. While money is time. (Gold Tone) $ 5.95 FREE1 FREE 8. Women's Watch LED Effective (Chrome Plated) $ 5.95 FREE FREE Type ofAccounl Minimum Annual Annual Amount Rate Rate •• 9. Men's Watch LED I. I (Chrome Plated) $ 5.95 FREE FREE Regular No 5.50% 5.61 % 10. Women's Watch lED I (Dally Interest) Minimum (Gold Tone) $ 5.95 FREE FREE

One-Year 11. Decorator Clock $8.9515 4.95 FREE Certificate* $100 6,50% 6.66% 12. Decorator Clock $ 8.95 ~ 4.951 FREE 13. DecoratorClock $ B.95j~ 4.95 FREE 2Y2-Year 14. Men's Watch I Certificate* $100 6.75% 6.92% (Chrome. Plated) S 9.95 $ 5.95 FREE 1 I - 15. Men's Watch I I I 4-Year (Calendar) is 9.9515 5951 FREE Certificate* $100 7.50% 7.i1% 16. Women's Watch (Go/dTone) Is 9.9515 ::;.951 FREE 6-Year 17, Women's Watch II I : Certificate* $100 7,75% 7.98% (Chrome Plated) $ 9.95 S 5.951 FREE a..Year I Certificate* $100 8.00% 8,24% 1 1 ,8 ".i~i,";~:,.~~~,~~f1~:~5II~~~-::rS~:51 - 1 1 9Women's Watch LCD i r . I 4-Year (Chrome Plated} 1::'14.':1:>~1':'.-1'i:3i-+.-1SI The interest rates Money Market $100 for these ac. 20. Men's Watch LCD I. ! counts are de- (Gold Tone) 1$24.95 $1995,$14.95 Certificate*t termined on the dale the account 21. Women's Watch LCD I. i 182-Day is open ed. Call (Gold Tone) i$24.95 $ 19.951514.95 Money Market $10,000 965.2020 for the currenl ra:es. Certificate. IIlustraled gifts are sublecllo ,lVallabd,ty al t,m,' 0' ,,-!,., I:on J'1d Ihe as'SO(iafion'~ iiKni iu "lihdidW it-II'" l..,tf{' , ~~~ ,1;;; ~:;':~:.'", I .Federal regulations require a substantial interest penalty for 1\11prices plus 4'\, Michigan sales lax. early withdrawal from certificate s.avings accounts. Onl", one giit per d(Count ),) pcrrnilted unde r tf.d t' r.~I ~t',t:l'!J: \ I"" .'1 ntereSI on all First Federal savings accounlS (except 182.Day andthe righllo llmillhe tOlai number 01 ",II' pt" pe"'''','' & Four.Year Money Markel Certificates) is compounded family ISreserved by the a>SOClal,on. quarterly. This gift offer not ;lvailable in our Grilnd Rilpids oifi ces. tlnterest on lhis account is compounded continuously.

I FI FEDE" SAVINGS OF DETROIT Main Office: 1001Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226. Phone: (313)965-1400.

Branch offices throughout the Detroit Metropolitan Area including: Grosse Pointe St. Clair Shores Notre Dame near Kercheval 21800 Greater Mack at St. Joan 882-7697 777-9450 I 79-,f-1JOR

..g 7rest ..S-55-5- T!If I-..-.-..- - - ~ - Page Thirty-Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, August 2, 1979

City of Woods Seeks Insurance Info New Students! Hearing Set on Sewer Rate Hike The question of liabilitYla flat refusal with no indic:a. Should EnroU I' The Detroit City Council City Council, 13th Floor, I' by (;amp, Dresser . and Me- insurance .coverage for t.he Ition of ail)' A.lditlonal fee. I will hold II p~!::!£cheadng on ICity.County B u i I din g, .2 ~ee, I~c., ~re available for (6ru:9l1t 'niutr ttark b Woodward ,avenue DetrOit inspection In Room 1601, use. of 1\ city us for semor Mr. Catlin was then au. New residents in the Grosse Wednesday, August 29, at. 48226 ' 16th floor of the Water Board citizens activities in the trio thorized to investigate the p. P bl' Sch I D' l . t 930 d' 'ld' Michigan county area was discussed by reason for the refusal and to omte u Ie 00 IS rIC : li.m. on propose sewer ' A copy also should be sent BUI mg. the Woods Council at its reg. contact the underwriter to who will have students at. rate increases that could to the Board of Water Com. ------ular meeting Monday, July make certain all necessary tending South High School total as much as 70 percent missioners, 735 Randolph, ~Ien who expect to reach NOTICE OF 16. . information was recei'lea. during the 1979.80 school for Pointe residents Detroit, 48226. the top of the ladder must . h.' C' f tll posed figure on working lots of This subject was explored This matter also was r.eierred year should make an appoint. I The rate increases wc~e sew~ele~atOe rei)li~ -~~~;:red,over!!mp.. PRIMARY ELECTION by the council on Monday, to the Insurance Commission. ment to enroll and plan approved by th':! D~trOlt __ "O ..__ ¥_I' _ To Be Held on 'July 2, at wh~~~ time the I 'Officials also noted the schedules. Board of Water Commission- solons unanimously approved 'cit~ ~aj"s ~I(\l.wd :;;:08,000 to I I t th Th 4 CITY OF a motion authorizing the use National.Ben Franklin for APPulUtffi"u~3 i;:;;: b::: !il<\,:k ers as mon '. ey are e. pr Tl:Iesday, August 7, 1979 of the bus as long as the necessary coverage. with Dr. RDbert Hanson who Signed ,to funa l:n l?l'enlpnts I {ct.. f% d n ~Ut"ltt.~ 2ftnrh vehicle is driven by a city ------1 will be in the South High to the dow.n.rlver s~wag.e \!JJrn.;J~~ itfI '" iJP_ ...... employe and when it wasn't counseling center Monday ~reat.ment ,faullty ~o brmg It bein:; ~~!"d by children. I through Friday ,from 8 a.m. In lltle. WIth EnVironmental MICHIGAN TO THE QUAL1F'lED, REGlSTERED However, information on to 2:30 p.m. during the weeks Protec~LO~ Agency s~andards. ABSENT VOTER'S ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF GROSSE any additional insurance and of August 13, and August 20. The ra.e IDcrease Will affec.t POINTE PARK: Ansuing costs wasn't received Parents should call 343. a.bout 74 suburban communi' BALLOT by officials as previously reo " 2145 for an appointment time bes. You are hereby notifed that a Primary Elec- quested. and come with the students, Parties wishing to make f th tion'will be held in the City of Grosse Pointe I On the 16th, the council COIIII ell' bringing evidence of their comments to the council are or e Park, Wayne County, on Tuesday, August 7, r~ceive~ a It:Viy- I,,,r.. the IL.L...... ;";!;..,...... ' I!'fedil<; "'limed to date and ,ll<:ked to submit their thoughts PRIMA RY ELEeTION cIty's Insurance company. their .most r e c e (f t report in writing before Munday, 1979, at which time the qualified and regis- National.Ben Franklin Insur. cards. August 20, to the Detroit To Be Held tered voters oi the City of Grosse Pointe Park aDce Company of Michigan, may vote for candidates for the following which actually was addressed Tuesday August 7 1979 non-partisan offices: to the Dennehy Agency, Inc., , , 15324 East Jefferson avenue, SPEC.IAL OF TH E WEEK Registered, qualified electors in the City of MAYOR the agent. " Grosse Pointe Park who expect to be nbsent Pam Chichester, cammer. h f' d t h THREE COUNCILMEN cial casualty department, Na. from the City, or W 0 are con me 0 orne or tional.~en Franklin, said, hospital by illness or disability, or are 60 You are further notified that the polls will be "We are declining to provide EnJ'oying an envi- years of age or more, are urged to apply for open from 7:00A.M. to 8:00 P.M. and that the insurance for the increased ABSENT VOTER'S BALLOTS at the City polling places for said Election are as fol1owf: use of these buses because able s't at'Ion close of the public exposure in. I U Clerk's Office, 15115 East Jefferson Avenue, POLLING PLACES, volved." to Lochmoor Coun- Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan 48230. Precinct City Attorney George Cat. NO REGULAR APPLICATION FOR AB- 1 Trombly SChool, Beaconsfield and Essex lin said if the insurance car. try Club - see it SENT .VOTER'S BALLOTS CAN BE AC- rier received his letter, he S d 2 5 • 2 Trombly School, Beaconsfield anJ Essex should have had the whole un ay - . CEPTEDAFTER2:00 P.M. ON SATURDAY, 3 Municipal Building, Jefferson and Mary~ story but based upon the AUGUST 4, 1979. land short reply, the council won. 4 Pierce School, Kercheval and Nottingham dered if this occurred. At N.J. ORTIS" the same time, Councilman City Clerk. 5 Defer SChool, Kercheval and Nottingham George Cueter felt the sen. liros!1t Jututt -Ita1 Estat.e to. 822-6200 6 Defer SChool, Kercheval and Nottingham iors were being discriminated . 882-0087 7 Pierce SChool, Kercheval and Nottingham against, indicating seniors in GPN - 7/26/79 and 8/2/79 oth'er cities have the usage

N,J,OrtislCity Clerk ofMayorbuses Benjaminfor trips. W. Pinkos , --. .;.------, , I 822..~~()o .J!!~lt.the~~~:_~i~~~~v~..t~_•. I a __~ ._. ~ •• ~' ...... , I GPN -7/26/79 and 8;2/79 .1 ~4t'1(;""t::: oJ".u.~ .. ""t:-''''' ...... - __ I matter, saying the reply was I!n-;- ..".,.1 Grosse Pointe and Area i ,," : SUNDAY S~VJCES. I '\1 '(Ou : c;f/IINId~fie&tiJtt1 ! c.\)1°{i\\\-t.tAS :

,"CHAPEL IN THE I GROSSE POINTE I : II'. TREES". I BAPTIST CHURCH 11= I A.'2" PM :!:~~~~:~:t~;::llII; j ~s!~~~:,s !~~::::.•~~I! AND. BRING THEM TO OS... i4J 8AP~~:r~~tRRCH !~!?:~.'Vk~,~nvu1f~1 I ZlOOl Mol'Oll at 1.94 All Services 'lIlt ~l'1., I 88%-Z728 Rev. Wm. Toft, "~ e~~;:! I II --_...... ------_---. I _-_--"tit tIt~ I First En,li.h #' ., I Ev. Luthe,an FAITH LUTHER.N CHURCH I ,#,. , I 14554 E. Jefferson Ave. I ., I Church Rev, Ronald Schmidt - Rev. John Schleicher Vemier ROClll ot Wed.ewood I :: • Drive, Growl 'olllie WGCI4I. Worship Services 884-5040 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. I:: I Church Worship I ••••-, I Sunday Church School Sunday School -- • 9:30 a.m. 9:40 a.m. • ,l I Rev. P. Keppler 1 ~ ~ Lookinq for an extra I Wednesday Night Service for Healing I .... - b Rev. David Bonde 7:15 p.m. 'I ~ ' part-time jo to I , ,1 _. ,-' meet increased I

Gte-. 'O/Ilte r------, ,.. ..,1 #~ " living expenses? I - UIlItH METHODIST SI. Jame. St. Paul Ev. I ! "\ Buying a new car and the dealer I CHURCH Lutheran Church Lutheran Church 1 : " says you can get more Jar your • (t- 211 Moroa'RQQd 886.2363 liOn The Hill" 881-6670 I: II old car if you sell it yourself I Summer Schedule McMillan near Kercheval Chalfante end Lothrop • t d if d- TU 4-0511 1 ...------.- Ins ea 0 tra lng it in? I 9:30 a.m. Summer Schedule: Summer SChedule: Worship and Church I Sunday Service 9:30 a.m. J School for Children ~~ I Pre.SChool Ministers: Thursday(NUr:~a:~~.)mallService 8 p.m. N;r~~~y9~~h~~ld9~~~oo II:. , , .... "" , I:. Rllbert Paul Ward July 8-August 23 Rev. K. R. Lentz, TR.D. Mary Isaacs Frost 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Rev. Paul E. Christ ~' ..., Rev. George E. Kurz , , WE SPECIALIZE IN Rev. George M. ScheUer ~::::::::::::::::: I Is your secretary • , RTRl,F. STUDY and Christian Friendship ,------, The Grosse Pointe II. Quitting and you~re ;~ .. (~. : ,I "CHRIST . Congregotionoi I : .. iooking jor a '. ~ (.::::::..). I' I CHRIST and' repiacement? ,'o::;r I FELLOWSHIP" CHURCH I • . ' ~- I Episcopo I A 'dlericon Boptilit • -' - ...... (a non denomination Church I •I" •••••••••• · .....'_ """"...'... Church) 61 Grosse Pointe 7'lvd. 240 Chalfonte at Lothrop I ·····-....~·········· / ' " I Yale and Harper 885-4841 st. Clair Shores, nr. 11 Mi. Worship Service Sunday I : I, • WHEAT SCHOOL 8:00 a.m.-Hoiy Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Family all grown and SUNDA YS 10:30 A.M. 9:15 a.m.-Holy Eucharist Thursday Evening Service ,I you~d move into an : I: I 294-8713 and Sermon 7:30 p.m. ld John Ludlam, Pastor (Nursery availllble) Nurser:' facilities availabb • apartment if you COU : •• .: I 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist "Back Into Harness" sell your house? '-.' I and Sermon 1st Sun. Neh. 4: 15-22 I ' • Morning Prayer and ... ------.-, • Sermon other Sundays Dr. Roy R. Hutcheon I Terry J. Ging Weekday Eucharists J Rev. .1 ...... -.., I 9:30 a.m. Tuesday " \ I 7:30 a.m. Thursday PRESBYTERIAN' r.----_... ~ I 5:30 p.m. Saturday • DOG I CHURCH " I I S>950 MaCK Avenue ,. : GROOMING .., _ I CHRISTIAN Meros~ha~~~ayv~~~e~oods) I. _.-::." ': Grosse Pointe News i

United Presbyterian SCIENCE First Church Christ, Gross::6~i;::;OOdS IStarting a new :,' ~\ CI -f- dAds : 16 Lake Shore Road or SCIentist For fnfom.Uon, night or ~.... .1 business and ,. ~ " assl Ie I day, caD 88Z,5330, dial a Grosse Pointe Farms pRyer 88U770. 282 Cba'fonte near Kerby Road Worship Service Services: JIll : :~:~~~{:;;(.~ ) Are Problem Solvers ! 10 a.M. Sunday 10:30 A.M. Holy Communion w~.~~~~a!..,8~~~~.zrM "A Communion ~ N~~~nf!rg~~!ie~~s ;)(r"nf;~t~'~~'p;~~d~.d')" 1:.- ~ ..... ~.~:' .. -...... STOP IN OR PHONE 882-6900 I' Meditation" I r.eading Room Open Dr. Robert C Linthicum George R. Sweet 10-3 every day except Sun. Rev. David I. Eohleman I, .. L I' ...

\ l .