CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Woman's Body Found In
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Ik" M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. May 2. 1986 I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 CONNECTICUT WEEKEND PLUS , - s ^ Hartford parade Cheney tightens Young comedian "'V CARS T oH CAMPERS/ IB0AT8/MARINE I keeps on truckin’ CONOOMIWUMS « 7 y MISCELLANEOUS TAB SALES TA6 SALES FOR SALE IS^THAILEBS / salutes Whalers conference lead I EQUIPMENT FOR RENT I FURNITURE \o i\m SALE 1978 Chrysler Le Baron Four Place Trailer ( For ^ ... page 10 ... p age 11 ... magazine inside 16 foot Mad River canoe, Results of Spring Clean snowmobile, ATV, trac Brown Plold Couch. Al ing! Lots of household Station wagon, new tires, most New. Excellent con paddles Included. Used new transmission, leather tors etc.) Excellent condi four fimes. Excellent con miscellaneous. Check It tion, rear swing gate dition. $100 or best otter. Tag Sale. Moving - 1 out. Saturday May 3rd, Interior, air, $1199 or best 649-5614. dition. $800. Pleose coll Wooden Storm windows offer. 649-8158. available, 3500 lb. capac Two bedroom townhouse 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- and screens, and 150 feet Franklin Street. Manches 9-4. 24 O'Leary Drive Man ity. $1,000 649-4098 after for rent. Convenient loca 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for ter 10-4, Saturday May 3rd chester Whitnev maple dining of Vj Inch PVC tubing. Call 1979 Chew Chevette, blue, 6pm^_________ tion to 1-84. Call 646-8352, Bob. 647-9221. and Sunday May 4th. osk for Don. room set. Complete only. Tag Sale - Saturday. Fur looks great, excellent run Jayco Popup - Sleeps 6, Best offer. 644-2063. ning condition. $1095. Call Two tires P205 R7514 2 Raleigh Bikes, Sears niture, toys, camping stove. Icebox, closet, can mounted on 1980 Grand mower, lounge chair, equipment, lots of miscel 646-2796 after 5pm. opy, excellent condition. Prix rims. Driven approx steel shelving tools, much laneous. 42 Delmont $1500 649-5809. i r n HOMES TV/STEREO/ 1985 Johnson outboard more. Mov 3rd 8, 4th. 8-4, Street. Interested? Can’t 1 ^ 1 FOR RENT motor. 5 HP has 20 hours imately 8,000 miles. $50. Call 649-8391. 26 'Plaza Drive come - call 643-2280. APPUANCES on It, mint condition. $475 Manchester. I MOTORCYCLES/ N firm. Call 646-6230. Nice 3 bedroom In duplex, Pontiac Firebird -i 6 cy I m o p e d s Used Refrigerators, Storm 8i Screen door. 30" nice neighborhood. $650 a x T8'/4" $5.00. Telephone Multi-Family at North Tag Sale Saturday May linder, 4 speed, power fEaurhrfitrr) iVlanchester — A City ol Village Charm HrralJi month, security and refer Washers, Ranges — Jovco POPUP - Sleeps 6, Field Green clubhouse. steering, power brakes, Cleon, guaranteed, parts stove. Icebox, closet, can 643-4751. 3rd, 10-3pm 6 Dean Dr., 1983 Shadow 750, 4000 ences a must. Coll Ed or May 3rd 9-3 and May 4th Bolton off Mt. Sumner. sunroof. AM/FM miles. $2000 or best offer Ken 649-2947. and service. Low prices. opy. Excellent condition. 11-4. On Ambassador cassette. $ 5 ^ . 643-6802; B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 $1500. 649-5809. Childs 16" Bicycle. Boys, New Mexican pottery, and a Suzuki SP 500 dirt girls, solid rubber tires, Drive. something for everyone, Main Street, 643-2171. 81 Olds Cutlas L.S 4 door. bike, $400, 12-5 weekdovs 25 Cents training wheels. $60 646- no previews. 646-7595. Saturday, May 3, 1986 I MUSICAL 6794. Tag Sale - 57 Brent Rd., Power steering 8, brakes, STORE AND Panasonic Upright Vo- May 3, 9am-3pm. Miscel -air, sport wheels 8, mir OFFICE S P A C ^ cuuln — ' “With attach ITEMS laneous Items. Moped. rors. Owner $2,900 633- I MISCELLANEOUS ments, bogs 8, extra belt. 7 Jordan Pool Table. 70" 38". Two 48" sticks, one I WANTED TO 2925. [ a u t o m o t iv e Manchester Office Space. months old. $50. Good H COUF SuperB Al I Tenor 33 Cedar Ridge Drive condition. Coll 646-3245 Sox. $900 plus accessories. 36" stick. Rock of balls (Near Mlnnechaug golf IBUY/TRADE 2 rooms, hedt Included. $99. 649-3826. 1977 Chevy Nova. Excel 8 foot truck cap. Insu $250 monthly, control lo after 5pm. Negotiable. 646-1753 be course) May 3rd, 8:30-4, lent condition." 2 door. tween 6:3Qpm-9;00pm. lated, sliding window. Jal Woman’s body found in refrigerator cation. Tullv Real Estate. roln date. May 4th. Lots of Wanted to buy. 35 M M $1800 or best offer. 643-6596 Jenn-AIre electric stove ousie windows, roof vent, 643-0005. furniture, sporting equlp- SLR camera and lenses. otter 3:30 $175. 643-1947. and oven with accesso Electflc guitar. Two year ment,nuggage and much Call 528-2964 ries. Block glass front old Hondo II; Gibson more. Everything excel BUYER MEETS seller In door,excellent working copy. Two pltkups Nke TAG SALES lent condition, plus a 1973 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright the want ods ... time after condition. $300 or best new. Completeswlth new Buick Opal Menta. Best Police hold son; time otter time! Reod and otter. 647-7653, 646-3929. leather strop and fully Neighborhood tog sale otter. use the wont ods padded case. Originally 164, 176, 177 Hamilton Dr. Used Floiot Bdat - 20 to 24 regularly. For Sale - G. Fox 16 cubic $275 asking $125. Phone Air conditioner, compu Aluminum storm doors, foot. CollW6190. toot upright freezer. Ex 643-^74. ter, vocume cleaner, baby toys, craft Items, baseball cellent condition. $100 Items, cloths, toys, twin cards, much more. 37 no charges filed firm. Coll 643-5745. bed, tools, tires, sewing Autumn Street, May 3rd. INDUSTI I MISCELLANEOUS machine and much more. 10-2. Automonve Freezer Chest. 4 feet Saturday May 3rd 9-3 Rain By George Layng Lamprecht was taken from the 3 PRO W lengths, 2 feet widths, 3'/^ FOR SALE or Shine. Herald Reporter ae by police to Manchester feet depth. Excellent MemoHaT'Htjspital Friday after Manchester 1500 sq. ft. I CARS Industrial space, central working condition. $60. Gigantic Tag Sale! An elderly woman, missing since noon after benjg questioned. Wood Coll 643-1866 otter 5pm. Corner ot Stone & Ed Hundreds of yards, new FOR SALE location. Reasonable. calicos and solids for January, was found dead in the said. Tullv Real Estate. 643- mund. Saturday May 3rd, HospitaT" spokesman Andrew GE 18 Cubic Foot side by 9-3. Rain or Shine. quilting, spring sewing refrigerator of her Spencer Street 0005. side refrldgerotor Q u ality etc. Saturday 9am. 296 home Friday afternoon by a police Beck said Lamprecht was trans freezer, frost tree. $350. Hackmatack Street. officer who was checking to make ferred Friday evening to "a state in-patient facility.” He declined to IWANTEO Also gas range 4 burner ----------- 71-------------- - sure her 50-year-old mentally 2 Family Tag Sale. Satur Honda Civic 1978.4-speed, retarded son had enough to eat. name the facility. TO RENT top and bottom oven and front wheel drive, 1200cc broiler. $100 643-9193. Tag Sale - Union Congre day 9-4:30, 19 Benton engine, tires good, body police said Friday. Lambrecht had apparently been gational Church Annex, Street. Furniture and a very good, needs some Jessica Lamprecht, 85 or 86 living alone in the home without Reliable, Single Protes- RCA VKT 550 Hl-tl stereo Elm Street, Rockville, large assortment of mis engine work. 78,000 miles. years old, was discovered at her heat, water or a telephone, police slonol with well-trained VCR, with remote con TOP Saturday May 3rd, 9am to cellaneous stuff. $650. 742-7463 after 6pm. said. dog seek^ house to rent In trol, all Instructions and 4pm. Food available. 112 Spencer St. home "in a Manchester or surround Tag Sale - 2 Family, compressed condition" by Sgt. The inside of the home was a cords. Coll 647-8066 after 1^980 Olds Cutlas Supreme mess, said Brooks. "You wouldn’t ing town. Will sign lease, 5:30. Tag Sale - Saturday May Saturday May 3rd and S'- John Maston at about 12:30 p.m. Sunday May 4th. 9:30 to3. 4 door. Excellent condi believe it." he said. provide references and 3rd, 10-2. Kitchen table, tion Inside and out 58,000 The police officer was visiting her security deposit. Please For sale-white freezer up fish bowl, dishes, books, Rain or shine. Mlscellane^i son, Louis Lamprecht. to make The two-story house had broken ous and baby furniture. miles. Many options, call 643-2711 during the right, $150. Llkejiew. Coll womens clothes. 223 must sell Immediately. sure he was taking care of himself, windows and torn screens, a day. Ask for James or 6465-6507. \ SOIL Henry Street.__________ 145 Lake Street CtMhyNEA.b« said Capt. Joseph Brooks at the crumbling red-brick front step, Manchester. Best offer. 649-0593. leave message. scene. and chipped shingles with flaking I MACHINERY Tag Sale - Neighborhood The incident is being treated as a white paint. Runbish was strewn Duplex In Manchester, tog sale, Castle Road, about overgrown hedges. approx. $450 per month, AND TOOLS 647-9153 May 3rd, 9am-4pm. homicide, and Louis Lamprecht is starting July 1st. Please being held by police, said police On Thursday Manchester police had issued a missing persons call 643-9882. Electric Lawn Mower. Lt. CANCELLATION OF spokesman Gary Wood. No vot. 3 HP. Cord, gross REPUBLICAN PRIMARY charges were filed as of Friday bulletin for Jessica Lamprecht catcher. $60 646-6794. BUSINESS & SERVICE DIREaORY evening, he said. after a relative reported her Notice Is hereby given that Brooks said the body was fully missing. Brooks said. Merchandise the Primorv of the Republl- Police have been aware of the I FUEL OIL/COAL/ ENDROLLS con Portv for election ot de I HEATING/ MISCEUANEOUS clothed, and Lamprecht knew his 27<6 Wldlh-2S* legates to the State Conven CLEANING I PAINTING/ mother was in the refrigerator.