DECEMBER 2014 Newsletter ------Yesterday & Today Records P O Box 54 Miranda NSW 2228 phone: (02) 95311710 [email protected] ------Pretty late for a newsletter but it doesn’t matter. I have found that no one really buys from me for Christmas anyway; they buy for their self gratification and to be honest there is NO better reason. Secondly I was fortunate enough to go to the USA on a buying trip spending a bit of time in both and Music City, Nashville. The results as far as buys go are reflected in the newsletter. As far as quality goes there has never been a newsletter to rival this one. Don’t take my word though...check it out.

In Nashville I was fortunate to see the Timejumpers and also (for the first time) the Grand Ol Opry which had commenced its winter run. Highlight of the latter was . They don’t really do anything new but have borrowed well and are just so entertaining. is now a full time member of the Timejumpers but they are equal opportunity employers, so to speak and Vince is an equal member.

Ameripolitan Music Awards , the Nashville mainstream variety, has departed so far from “country” music that some are starting to call “country music” as we know it (not as Nashville promotes it) something else. Well, the great man Dale Watson is anyway. For the past couple of years he has been promoting the Annual Music Awards. The artists who are nominated are the artists who are our favourites; Amber Digby, Miss Leslie, Justin Trevino etc. In addition they have an annual DJ award and I am pleased to say my great mate, The Cosmic Cowboy, Eddie White, has been nominated. Eddie does a weekly show on community radio station 2RRR, 88.5FM. Check it out at then click on programme guide and go to Friday afternoon and click on Cosmic Cowboy Cafe where you can check playlists. To check out the Ameripolitan award nominees simply google “Ameripolitan” and away you go. Cast your vote for the good stuff and the Cosmic Cowboy welcomes any votes.

An opinion I was watching a Bill Haley dvd of a 1979 concert. Although recorded less than eighteen months before he died it wasn’t bad. Sure the Comets were actually an English pick up , but they were good and Bill himself was surprisingly unchanged. Some of it hinted at just going through the motions but one surprise song really energised the whole show. That was “Me & Bobby McGee”...of course done Bill Haley style. You could tell it by the actions of the crowd and the band and Bill himself.

I already rated it one of the best but ol’ Bill really set me thinking. How many songs are there that could be sung by either a male or female without changing any of the lyrics? Well technically a he has to become a she but that is neither here nor there. It is also able to be sung as a , a folk song, a rock song and as in the case of Bill Haley a rock& roll song (with a lot of roll!). It is also a road song, a driving song, a staple of country music. It is also a song that practically anyone can sing. I would go as far as saying it is a hard song to stuff up. A performer on Peel St in Tamworth is the only one I can think of who was able to remove any semblance of worth from this joyous ode.

Sometimes I think there is a lot of snobbery in country music especially when discussing the merits of songs. It almost seems imperative that someone picking their “Best Ever Country Song” has to go for something that is sad. “Me & Bobby McGee” is joyous. Nothing wrong with that but it means the obvious is sometimes overlooked. I have nothing against either “He Stopped Loving Here Today” or “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” but how many lines of the pithy ilk of “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose” do they contain?? Or “Nothing ain’t worth nothing but it’s free” or even “I’d trade all of my tomorrows for a single yesterday.” Yes, you are scratching your head.

Such is the snobbery in country music circles that it has topped the pop charts but never the country charts. Janis Joplin was a blues shouter but there is practically no critic who doesn’t rate her almost straight country take on “Me & Bobby McGee” as her best ever work. Come to think of it remove the word “practically” from that. An alternate, slightly less adorned unreleased version, which has found its way on to several Janis’ compilations, is even better.

Damn it is a great song. Simplicity is often the sign of greatness but something that may seem simple but has an inherent complexity is even better. That my friends is why “Me And Bobby McGee” is the greatest country song ever. I write this with the greatest respect for who is suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. His debut release “Kristofferson”, remains the greatest single singer in the history of country music and hopefully he will go on singing “Me & Bobby McGee” for as long as he runs. (Technically the song is attributed to both Kris and Fred Foster who was head of . Fred is said to have given Kris the title and apparently it was about a Monument employee, Bobby McKee. Fred said “I have a good title for a song, ‘Me & Bobby McKee”. Kris misheard this as “McGee” and as they say, the rest is history.)


A note on with previous newsletter there are a lot of heavy items so again maximum Australia post is $17 equivalent to a 5kg satchel. Again some of the books and box sets in particular are quite hefty.

Ronnie Milsap “The RCA Collection” $130 This is a gem with his 21 RCA albums all in separate reproductions of the original lp covers. It has been issued as Milsap was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2014. His output is marked by quality and many albums have never been on cd, most in fact. His record speaks fro itself with 40 country number ones. Peter Cooper, main country music writer for Nashville’s daily newspaper, “The Tennessean” provides the notes. He could do a pure by followed by a love song without missing a beat. One of the best. All of these albums are reproduced. (1973) Pure Love (1974) (1975) (1975) 20/20 Vision (1976) Live (1976) It Was Almost Like A Song (1977) (1978) Images (1979) Milsap Magic (1980) Out Where The Bright Lights Are Glowing (1981) There s No Gettin Over Me (1981) Inside (1982) (1983) (1984) Lost In The Fifties Tonight (1985) Christmas With Ronnie Milsap (1986) Heart & Soul (1987) Stranger Things Have Happened (1989) (1991) My Life (2006)

Sylvie Simmons – Sylvie (Light in the Attic) $28 Sylvie is a writer...a magazine and book writer that is. She is featured in the world’s best music magazine, Mojo, and has written books on Leonard Cohen and Neil Young. When in LA and driving I always listen to National Public Radio (NPR) which is like a better version of the ABC. They just so happened to be interviewing Sylvie about her then forthcoming album, which is this gem. It is the type of album that you know you are going to love and can’t wait for . For lack of better comparison Sylvie most reminds of Kimmie Rhodes a la “West Texas Heaven” with perhaps a bit of , Iris Dement and Marianne Faithfull (the early Marianne) thrown in for good measure. I would also say this is the most unadorned album I have ever heard with many tracks just featuring Sylvie backing herself on a ukulele. There is some subtle and keyboard accompaniment. As sparse as “West Texas heaven” is , it is almost like a Meatloaf album in comparison to this. The thing is it works remarkably well. Sylvie’s songs are wonderful and the melodies lie there naturally not adorned by effects. It doesn’t take long to get into them. “Lonely Cowgirl” may be the most beautiful catchy song you will even hear. If you are not singing along after the first playing there is something wrong. “Town Called Regret” really reminds of Marianne Faithfull and even infuses it with a word that Marianne often drops, but with a sweetness that will enchant. This could be the soundtrack for a Morricone western with tumbleweeds rolling across the screen. But it will be the most mesmerizing things which gets better every play. All songs by Sylvie apart from the Cascasdes “Rhythm of the Rain”. Just amazing. As far as female singer songwriter albums go (yes our perennial favourite category ‘female folky types’) this is a gold medal winner.

Chuck Cusimano “The Collection Volume 1” Cusimusico $30 24 tracks. I will say this is an exclusive as Chuck is only selling this direct for more than I am charging I might add. Such is the nature that whilst I prepaid Chuck he didn’t touch the money until such time he knew I had received the cds. Chuck has proven to be a revelation over the last couple of years. He has been as well received as anyone I have ever carried. This is a collection of ‘pre-recorded, pre-released and never released music along with new recording’. All 24 tracks are on cd for the first time. I was trying to figure out why Chuck is not a huge star and I was going to adapt a review I did a few years ago for Claude Diamond, who was similar to in quality and style to the great . I thought that one of my best. It was a case of “There but for God go I” that Diamond could have been the star and Prine the unknown. But that adaptation (to feature Chuck and ...yes Merle Haggard...that is how good Chuck is) would have not been that apt as Chuck has had a body of music but it has just not made it out of the area in which it was released. It was then I realised that the biggest difference between Chuck Cusimano and Merle Haggard has been one of responsibility. Chuck has never wandered and has been the responsible family man while Haggard literally played out the lyrics of “Rambling Fever” from the `moment his career started. Had Chuck done the same then who knows? Chuck has always been great. “Bummin’ on Fitzhugh” is from 1973 about a trip to . I hate to compare to Haggard all the time but this as good as anything he has ever done. The flip of this 1973 single “Lights of Nashville” is a truckin’ style gem that is just as good. Reminds a little of Tom T Hall as well. “Ehen She Does Me Right” had me thinking I had heard do this before......Johnny Bush but no like all 24 tracks it is by Chuck Cusimano. You can almost see the saliva running down the Swedish Cowboy’s chin as he enjoys this glorious toe tapper. “Glory Ride” is a rodeo song. No one knows country better than Chuck. This is as good a rodeo song as you have heard. A couple of songs are a little low on audio quality as they were lifted of an old audio cassette but they are worth hearing. Chuck should re-record them. “Getting Acquainted With the Blues’ is a great shuffle but one of the muddy cassette lifted tracks. “Lonely Texas Highway” is also lofi but of the quality we love. The remaining 21 are suberb quality. It is a treat to listen to. It is like an old friend but is really someone you have met for the first time. As good as it gets. Imagine if you are a country fan of the classic country...Willie, Cash, Waylon, Ray Price etc BUT had never heard Merle Haggard. Listening to this cd for the first tiem would be akin to that.

Ben Bullington “Ben Bullington” (Wind whipped) $28 The first three albums could all be albums of the year. The story of the artists that makes the most interesting tale is unquestionably Ben Bullington. Ben was a medical doctor. One day he received the worst news possible, he was dying of cancer and had a year to live. In his final year he set about becoming a recording artist and made not one but 5 albums. This was the last. It is an amazing story. You could not help making comparisons to Eva Cassidy who had a great talent and similarly dies too young but with a fine recording legacy. Whilst his voice is different (John Lomax said he reminds of a less frantic Chris Ledoux)you can’t help thinking Billy Joe shaver when it comes to the style of the song. That is a compliment. I am talking about the classic less adorned Shaver style. “His Chosen Time” tells of a mine owner trying to dispel blame from himself after miners are killed in a cave in. “I’ve Got to Leave you Now” is so real considering his history but sung with no pity. You will get goosebumps. “Here’s to Hopin” has Mary Chapin Carpenter helping out on backing vocals. “Country Music (I’m Talkin’ to You)” is about the demise of that genre...”Sunday Morning Coming Down would not be on your radio now” true. Ben has been embraced by as on of the best he (Rodney) has ever heard and that is a great compliment. “The Last Adios” was the only song written by Bill Payne (of Little Feat fame) who plays and despite the title was written for guitarist Stephen Bruton but is a scary final track on Ben’s final album. Where do we go from here? Superb.

Fayssoux “I Can’t Tait” Red Beet $28 Now here’s a bit of info for you. You DON’T pronounce it “Fay-sue” but rather “Fess-oo”...though I am told she will answer to both and I still think it is a remarkably sweet and wonderful name no matter how you say it. As on her previous album production by Peter Cooper is exceptional. Fayssoux of course was married to John Starling and was one of the best vocal contributors to Emmylou’s Warner Brothers albums. Check out her beautiful vocals on “Quarter Moon in a Ten Cent Town”. This is her second solo album sees here songwriting emerge and she is responsible for 5 of the 12 songs. Perhaps the closest to the sound we knew from those days would be David Ball’s excellent “When the Thought of You Catches Up With Me”. Tom T Hall guests as a duet vocalist on his “I Made a Friend of a Flower Today’ and Peter Cooper offers a vocal on “Some Things Are too Good to Last” that you could almost say reminded of what Fayssoux herself used to provide. Much has a light bluegrassish folky touch which never interferes with Fayssoux’s lovely vocals. A couple of jazzier numbers offer fine contrast. And her take on “Mama’s Hungry Eyes” is delightfully laid back. “My Brain” more than borrows a little of the melody of “This Train” and has some graet guitar passages. Fans of the old Emmylou will be died in the wool fans of the new Fayssoux.

George Strait “” DELUXE Edition Walmart exclusive version 2 CD+ DVD $60 This is expensive but worth it, In addition to 2CDs with 28 tracks...compared to one cd with 20 tracks on the local edition you get a DVD with a running time of 181 minutes with commentary from Strait and interviews with the guest artists. Fantastic.

Larry Cordle & Lonesome Standard Time “All Star Duets” (Mighty Cord) $28 Of course the highlight on the previous album is the duet with Strait & on “Murder on Music Row”, the song written and first performed (brilliantly) by Larry Cordle. I always though that Nashville hierarchy was so dumb that this brilliant number was song of the year yet the song demeaned them beyond belief. Maybe this version with Daryle Singlettary is the best yet. Some of the artists who hit with the song written by Larry duet with him here including Garth (“Against the Grain”), Ricky Skaggs (“Hiughway 40 Blues’) and Kathy Mattea (“Lonesome Standard Time”). “Rough around the Edges” is not the Vern Gosdin song and features . Othere guests include & .

J P Harris & THE Tough Choices “Home Is Where the Hurt Is” (Cow Island) $28 JP looks like Ned Kelly and sings hard core honky tonk in a superb Dale Watson-theme infused style with nuanced voice . Go figure? All the songs are original and embrace the gamut of honkytonkdom..cheating, drinking, a little truck driving and more. Backing is superb with his touring group being assisted by Chance McCoy, an amazingly personable member of Old Crow Medicine Show (a star in their lineup...he dances & whistle too) alternate version if you like of Donny Herron who provided all the subtlety of BR549, though I think JP wins due the original material. “A Breaking Heart” is a classic hurting country song. “Young Women & Old ” is that song that appeals to the crowd whilst remaining steadfastly country. Contrast that with the balladry of the title track (home is where the hurt I stay here each night). It is impossible to pick a bad song as there simply aren’t any. This type of album is one whic is refreshing as it is traditional. Brilliant.

Ray Scott “Ray Scott” $28 On the face of it Ray is a honky tonker of the highest order but also has a sensitive side “Papa ‘n Mama” is truly serious whereas the rest of the album has a outlaw style levity about it. “Tijuana Buzzkill” is all about getting set up in Mexico and “Drinkin’ Beer” is a honky tonk romp as you’d expect. Great singer with a deep engaging voice. Right up there with his previous.

Randy Travis “Influence Vol 2: The Man I Am” WB $20 Randy is apparently in good shape again. He has sworn off the grog and has regained his health after several crises in the past couple of years. Vocally he is as good as he ever was. The 12 tracks reflect songs that influence him and I would have to say the Kristofferson double of “Sunday Morning coming Down” and “For the Good times” get the prize but then again I think I might have to say the same about “Set Em Up Joe” and “There I’ve Said It again” which was a big hit for Bobby Vinton.

Tom Russell “The Western Year” 2CDs $30 (Rock Beat) Well the award for the most attractive artwork on any cd all year goes to with a painting by WR Leigh embracing the cover. He was apparently one of the great American artists who embraced the Western genre. The 34 tracks include 3 live versions of classics that are previously unrleased: “Navajo Rug” (which features Katy Moffatt...I always remember going to see Katy with the Cosmic Cowboy and he asked he if she was the Katy lying naked on the worn out Navajo Rug. I don’t know if the reply was of the “sheepish” or “if Looks could kill” nature...). Other new tracks include a version of the glorious cock fighting ballad “El Gallo Del Cielo” and “The Sky Above, the Mud Below”,. This is so wonderfully presented. His story song “California Snow”, also done with the utmost perfection by co-write, , is one of the best of its kind and darn poignant too. Anyone who can do Dylan’s “Lily, Rosemary & the Jack of Hearts” and pull it off is okay by me. A mix of covers and originals and all gloriously done.

James Hand “Stormclouds in Heaven” $20 (DJP) Special price. James has been a hero since his debut album and his first gospel album finds him in fine form. As you would expect they are not covers but rather James’ own interpretations which often have a religious message rather than being a straight gospel song, as in the military inspired “I Wear the Scars (Bobby’s Song)” . He reminds us of intervention from the other side on the “The Devil Ain’t no Quitter”. There is an excellent line up of musicians on this including former members (steel & ), Jason Roberts on and the wonderful on piano. “No One Ever Dies” embraces the more traditional gospel sentiment whilst the opener “Why oh Why” also reinforces the non-sombre nature of James Hand’s music. Like all his albums this is a n abject statement in tradition.

Poco “Crazy Love: The Ultimate Live Experience” DVD $28 2DVDS features founding members Rusty Young (the one constant through the group’s existence) , Richie Furay and George Grantham along with long time member Paul Cotton. Comparsions are being made with the Eagles “Hell Freezes Over” DVD with thee comment generally being Poco is better. Certainly “Crazy Love”, “Rose of Cimarron” and the classic “Kind Woman’ are as good if not better than anything the Eagles did. “Kind Woman” was actually performed on the final album (before Poco) with Rusty Young performing the distinctive intro. He hit it off with Furay and Jim Messina and Poco resulted. 45 years down the track Young has announced he will be retiring to write a book about the journey. This is an expanded version of a previously issued long out of print dvd.

Ricky Skaggs and Sharon White “Hearts Like Ours” Skaggs $28 First duets album by the long time married Skaggs and White. All embrace the homely lifestyle they embrace which in Ricky’s case includes “pass the biscuits & gravy”.

Jason Roberts “That’s My Home” $28 Jason is the fiddle player with Asleep at the Wheel but has been doing outside projects for a while, most notably playing in a stage show. “How it Lies, How It Lies, How it Lies” is the most Asleep at the Wheel inspired song and a darn good one. All time Y&T hero Dale Watson wrote the great “Everybody’s Somebody in Luckenbach” and it is a beauty. “Lest We Forget” is a Jason Roberts’ original, a terrific traditional song. Indeed the overall focus is less oriented than we may expect. The only instrumental “Jesse Polka” was a favourite of the lamented Baylor Brothers. Two standards are given a jazzy treatment thanks to participation from Hot Club of Cowtown members. “Bye Bye Blackbird”, appropriately the concluding number is just great. Oh, yes Bill Anderson’s “My Last Dime” is another gem. The glorious feeling of being “gemmed” out. Well in line for album of the year. Those who loved that great Texas fiddler/ singer Kelly Spinks will love this.

Marty Stuart And His Fabulous superlatives “Saturday Night/ Sunday Morning” 2Cds (Thirty Tigers) $28 One side of traditional country music style and a second cd of gospel which is far from tradition. He does covers ( ‘Life Has Its Little Ups & Downs’) and originals and jam like crazy on “Streamline” withTommy Emmanuel proving again how great a guitar player he is. Unfortunately the Marty Stuart Show is not on DVD...that is a pity. What I have seen is superb. The gospel cd pays heed to both black and white gospel and “Boogie Woogie Down the Jericho Road” harks back to the days Marty was a member of the O’Sullivans, when their favourite was “A Wonderful Time Up There”, which of course is also known as “Gospel Boogie”

Porter Wagoner & “Just Between The Two Of Us: Complete Duet Recordings” Bear Family 6 CDS + 80+ page hard cover book. $240. Hard to believe that a lot of fans didn’t take to Dolly when she replaced Norma Jean in Porter’s show. But that soon changed. I loved the epic tear jerkers such as “The Party” and “Jeannie’s Afraid of the Dark” but there is also a lot of levity in the mix. 160 tracks and around 7 hours playing time. Great notes with a forward by none other than . As one learned scribe said “The music is fabulous and the book is sensational.” I would add the box set is extremely attractive. Includes some great rarities

Larrys Country Diner DVDs Larry’s Country Diner is a cable tv show set around a mythical diner run by Larry and featuring one or two weekly guests who perform. Larry is actually the owner of the company who put out the Country Family Reunion DVDs and these are part of that company. Each Season is 4 DVDs Each season is $90. Artists featured are: Season 1 Bill Anderson/ James Gregory/ The Whites / Charlie McCoy/ John Conlee/ T Graham Brown/ Gene Watson/ etc Season 2 / Sonny Curtis/ Riders in the Sky/ / Moe Bandy/ Geo. Hamilton IV/ Shelley West/ etc Season 3 Joey & Rory/ T Graham Brown/ Justin Trevino/ Suzy Bogguss/ Dailey & Vincent/ Ralph Emery/ / Larry Cordle etc

David Frizzell & Friends “Present a Country Tribute; remember Me” CD + DVD $28 21 tracks on the cd. The DVD is about the making of the album with interviews. Sonny Curtis was actually in Buddy Holly’s band prior to his forming the Crickets and was later a member of the Crickets after Buddy’s passing. Apart from David Frizzell musical guests include Merle Haggard who does the lead vocal on “Remember Me” and “That’ll Be the Day”, T Graham Brown, the aforementioned Sonny Curtis, Helen Cornelius and of the Statlers.

Time Jumpers “Jumpin’ Time” DVD Live at the Station Inn (Crosswind) 2hrs $28 This is back in after seeing them and being reminded how good they are. They still perform every Monday night but now at Third & Lindsley instead of the Station Inn which they simply outgrew. Third & Lindsley would be 3 times as big as the Station Inn but they were still hanging from the rafters. Some SAD news. Dawn Sears, wife of Timejumpers leader Kenny Sears passed away this week from cancer. A great vocalist. Also on this is Carolyn Martin who doesn’t perform with the group now. But her vibrant personality shines through. I would beseech everyone to watch this.

Lee Ann Womack “The Way I’m Livin’ “ Walmart edition $28 Had two bonus tracks not on the album, her first for that great independent label Sugar Hill, “Satisfied Mind” and “Cup of Loneliness”. 13 tracks all up

Alabama “Angels Among Us: Hymns & Gospel Favourites Deluxe Edition” Crackerbarrel. $28 The title song was one of Alabama’s last major hits and was written by Becky Hobbs. There are a mix of original and traditional songs. This version has 3 bonus songs not on the standard, “Knights of Molite”, “The Last Altar Call” and “Oh the Lord Has Been Good to me”. It reminds a tad of their spiritual cousins, in places. Carries the Gaither label in conjunction with Crackerbarrel.

Suzette Lawrence & the Neon Angels “Tear Up the Honky Tonk” $28 You have to go all the way back to the “Town South of Bakersfield Volume 3” to see the origins of this hard core bunch of honky tonkers who have now shifted to Nashville. Borders on the cusp of rockabilly in places. You sure as hell ain’t going to be nodding off when this is on the jukebox.

Jo Ann Campbell “Juke Box Pearls” Boogie Woogie Country Girl” Bear Family $32 Whopping 37 tracks..the title is a cover of Big Joe Turner’s “Boogie Woogie Country Girl” and is one of the best covers ever. Her biggest hit in Australia was “Kookie Little Paradise” also included here.

Others 1. Rayburn Anthony “Redneck Crowd” $28 2. Max T Barnes “Me & Max D” $28 6 by Max T and 11 by the great songwriter & Vocalist Max D 3. “Carter Girl” (Rounder) $28 4. “For Once & For All” (IRS) $28 Last album from the man they just cal l”Cowboy” and almost assuredly 2014 Album of the Year. 5. Nick Cross “Whiskey Women & Music” $28 Excellent indie 6. Rodney Crowell “Tarpaper Sky” (New West) $28 One of his best ever, right up there with “ Kid” Toss of the coin which is best 7. Tim Culpepper “Pourin’ Whisley on Pain” $28 2012 album of the only. 8. Chuck Cusimano “Swing Me a Song” $28 last one 9. Edgar, W C “Alcohol of Fame” $25 His latest unfortunately no longer available. 10. Buck Ford For Now Buck Ford Somethin’ About Those Cowgirls Buck Ford Country Never Goes Out of Style For those who wish the likes of and Daryle Singletary were still the norm. 11. David Frizzell “The Family’s Fine But this One’s Mine/ On My Own Again” Morello UK 20n1 $30 $25 Includes the classic “Gonna Hire a Wino:” David Frizzell & Shelly West “Carryin’ on the Family Names/ The David Frizzel l& Shelly West Album” 20n1 $30 $25 12. Claude Gray “I Thought I Heard You Call my Name” Jasmine 25 tracks $28 yes inclues the hit version of Family Bible 13. Merle Hagagrd “” 2CD Anniversary Edition $28 Capitol His classic 1969 & 1970 live albums on 2cds 14. Joni Harms “From Oregon to Ireland” (Harms Way) 2CD $30 15. Cornell Hurd Band “XX” (behemoth) $28 No Cornell has not turned all risqué. XX is Roman for twenty and this is the great man’s twentieth album. “Death of a Honky Tonk Fool” says more about great country music than the entire catalogue. 16. Jade Jack “Off the Record” Heart of Texas $28 wonderful young singer and fiddle player. 17. George Jones “Sings Hank & Bob” 3 albums on 2Cds $25 Salutes / Sings Bob Wills/ My Favourites of Hank Williams. 18. Alan Kennedy “Mobile Baby” 2013 album of the year $28 last one. 19. Jerry Kilgore “Those Seven Years” $25 Awful packaging great content, a very popular artist and deservedly so, 20. “Essential Recordings’ 2Cds Primo (Uk ) 40 tracks $25 21. Carolyn Martin “A Platter of Brownies: The Music of Milton Brown” (Jave Jive) $28 Former vocalist of the Timejumpers 16 track tribute. Best female Western Swing album ever I’d say. 22. Levi Mullen “Biggest One In Town “ $28 Last copy 23. “It Will Come to Pass” Omni 28 of his glorious and hard to get RCA tracks on one cd. Nothing is sadder than “Good Times”, unless of course it is “Little Things”. 24. “Country/ Pride of country Music” (music City) $28 Charley’s first two albums on one cd. 25. :World of Country Music” $25 Original versions pf DIVORCE, My Elusive Dreams, Green Green Grass of Home and more 22 tracks all up 26. Marty Robbins “20th Century Drifter” 2Cds Humphead UK $35 Illtimed or what but Marty left Columbia and made 4 albums for MCA. This is the complete MCA recordings on 2Cd.Great albums all. 27. Artie Rodriguez “I’ll give You Something to Drink About’ $28 $18 Excellent Texas honky tonk 28. Johnny Rodriguez “Definitive Colelction: The Mercury Years” Hump head UK 2cd $35 49 tracks 29. Mel Street 3CD Unquestionably the reissue of the year. 58 songs remastered from the King of the Cheating song and not uncoincidentally one of country music’s greatest vocalists. $35 30. Gene Watson “MY Heroes Have Always Been Country” $28 31. Jeff Woolsey “My Last Night in Town” $28 in line for album of the year. Honest John reckons a toss up between this, Jack Clement and the Chuck Cusimano. 32. Heart of Texas 25th Anniversary Collection 3cd $30 60 gems.


RARE CDS Allen, Deborah Anthology (Renaissance/BMG) $35 Not only contains Deborah’s hits but also the studio trickery that saw her do three duets with Jim reeves. Actually done extremely well. 21 tracks all together and very hard to get indeed.

Bellamy Brothers Rebels Without a Clue $25 Their MCA album from 1988 was their best with the title track, “Fountain of Middle Age”,“The Courthouse” & “Andy Griffith Show” being just some of the classics. This is perhaps the only album they made like this…where every track hits the mark. It has humour coupled with great music. A stunner.

Bond, Johnny Best of Johnny Bond $35 17 tracks on Varese & the only place you will get the original “”. Also the hilarious “Ten Little Bottles”.

Boone, Larry Swingin’ Doors & Sawdust Floors $30 As good as it gets. A great songwriter & singer he reminds of in the late 80s! This was his second cd and includes two songs written by Larry that are synonymous with other artists. “Beyond the Blue Neon” is of course the title song of George Starit’s best ever album whilst “Old Coyote Town” is a ’ specialty. Two great Texas songs (both originals)…the honky tonker ”Ten Times Texas” and “Under a Lone Star Moon” (the great ballad) complete this gem

BR549 Temporarily Disconnected $28 This is a 2003 release which was self released by the group. It has 5 songs all of which are only available herein. There are 3 studio and 2 live tracks (the great "Onie's Bop" and "Charming Betsy"). The core of the group at this time was Chuck Mead, multi- instrumentalist Donnie Heron and Chris Scruggs (son of & ), himself an excellent vocalist and muti instrumentalist. This is new and sealed and to be honest I can't find another copy for sale anywhere Clement, Cowboy Jack Guess Things Happen That Way (Dualtone) $25 This is autographed by the great man. As we have said it is a superb album.

Conlee, John Harmony (Columbia) $28 Very rare. 1986 gem. Contains his brilliant version of “Class Reunion”, which was also done by the Oak Ridge Boys but not as well as by JC.

Daniels, Clint $35 This was typical of the mid to late 90s. Great albums which were shelved whilst the overall standard went down. This was eagerly awaited and would have been on Arista. Alas it was never released. A great bunch of musos and all bar three songs were by Clint. When I tell you the other songs were by Larry Cordle & you know it is special. This has both back and front covers, something that is exceedingly hard to get.

Delray, Martin Get Rhythm $25 one of the best ever albums of early 90s with a duet with on title song but “Lillies’ White Lies” is the unqualified highlight. Everyone loves this gem. Date written on cover

Feller, Dick Centaur of Attention (Cyberphonic) $40 SIGNED BY ARTIST. Dick’s great albums have never been on cd. This is a great album from 2001 in which Dick has re-recorded some of the songs (including “Biff the Friendly Purple Bear) as well as some things he wrote but never previously recorded such as “The Night Miss Nancy Ann’s Hotel for Single Girls Burned Down”. 16 in all and very good. He is a great picker as well as singer.Quirky packaging, a true homemadejob. Great cd

Ford, Tennessee Ernie Capitol Collectors Series $30 Wonderful 29 tracker with great liner notes and sound quality. I have said it before, this series (ie Capitol Collectors) is all out of print but always represented the best sampling of an artists work. They have the ones you want to hear and also include stunning obscure tracks such as Ern’s take on an R & B number “I Don’t Know”. Ernie was one of the most versatile country vocalists who is revered for his gospel and religious recordings. There is only one such example here, but what a beauty...”His Hands”.

Ford, Tennesee Ernie Ernie Sings& Glen Picks (with Glen Campbell) $35 This is the original issue with full liner notes by country music authority Rich Kienzle.. A 1975 album which has Ern singing over Glen’s . The simple highlight Ern’s wonderful baritone and his interpretation of 2 Kristofferson songs, “Nobody Wins” &“Loving Her Was Easier” showed he could sing anything. In the overall scheme of things this is a classic.

Frizzell, Lefty That’s the Way Loves Goes:The Final Recordings of Lefty Frizzell” $40 We used to say you can also get these tracks on the Bear Family box set but that is also out of print. Lefty’s voice was in amazing shape here. The richness on his own but much covered “I Neve r Go Around Mirrors” is incredible.

Fujiyama, Tomi Country Hits Columbia Japan That classic sub- genre....Japanese country is back. Arguably Japan's greatest ever female country artist, and ometimes even referred to as the Japanese Patsy Cline. Two early albums on a single cd. Yeah, try and find won't. A great yodeller and great sound. Unfortunately information is largely in Japanese except for the subtitling of the songs. It contains two albums. The first features mainly Japanese vocals and the second has English. Excellent sound and she sure can yodel. A must have item and then some. If she had only married J T Kanehira, what progeny we would have!!

Gaddis, Ron Chip Off the Old Block $35 Ron was for many years the bandleader for George Jones and he was the guy who duetted with George on live versions of “No Show Jones”. He was also the first husband of ; now that is a lot of water under the bridge story. Obviously there was no lasting acrimony as Lorrie joins him on “All Day All Night Thing”, a great song. The all out honky tonker “I Fell Off the Wagon” features his former boss, The Possum himself and joins on “When the Shiny Silver Eagle meets the Great Speckled Bird”. As you might expect there is more than a little George Jones influence. Hard to believe this is Ron’s lone album, A superb one too. Latest info is that alas Ron has followed the path of his mentor.

George, Sonny Live at the Tennessee Prison for Women $40 sealed Sonny for starters has a great voice, similar in timbre I guess to Johnny Cash but nothing like Johnny Cash...if that makes sense. There are few if any who can successfullycombine country and rockabilly as well as Sonny. “Hillbilly Beat” is a great update of the hillbilly standard “Mama Don’t Allow”. As the Swedish Cowboy says itis not rock but it certainly “rocks”. That is on the “prison” cd. Certainly one of the most energetic live albums and superb throughout. Boz Boorer on guitar is superb. Not for the faint-hearted. His originals are as good as the covers. The truckin’ cd is both authentic and superb.

Gosdin, Vern Alone Columbia $28 when it comes to sad crying in your beer style this may be the best ever album. Documents his broken marriage. It followed “Chiselled in Stone” and there is not a struck match between ths two. His vocal angst on “Alone” makes it one of the saddest songs ever. Whilst many rate George Jones as a lay down in the best country voice stakes I am not so sure.

Grammer, Billy Gotta Travel On: Very best (Collectables) new 21 tracks still sealed. This is now out of print. $25

Griffith, Andy What it is , is Andy Griffith. Cema special products 1995 2Cd 28 Has there ever been a star more likeable than Andy? This is something I hadn’t seen..37 tracks. He was a country boy from North Carolina with a down home style whether singing folk songs or what he did best telling down home versions of classics. His most famous is probably “What It Was , Was Football”, still as funny as ever and also some great fractured versions of Shakespeare such as “Romeo & Juliet” and “Hamlet”. Song wise his “Andy’s Lament” is a great blues that is almost . The whole thing is great.

Harms, Joni Hometown Girl $25 Joni’s original Capitol album. Very hard to get. Joni has carved out a career for herself singing western oriented songs and this hold sup remarkably well, perhaps as production by Jimmy Bowen and song choice are both first class

Harris, Emmylou Last Date Eminent $28 Expanded version of Emmylou’s WB live gem which sees Barry Tashian taking the ’ part on the wonderful “We’ll Sweep Out the Ashes (In the Morning)”. Beautifully presented with new notes and bonus tracks. The label went bust...hard to believe. This is the only place to get her wonderful live album.

Howard, Harlan All Time Favorite Country Songwriter $35 1996 Koch reissue of Monument album, both long gone. Has 12 of his biggest hits sung by the of country music, including gems “Heartaches by the Number”, “Tiger by the Tail”etc. Not a classic voice by any means but it is always something special to hear the song the way the writer intended. The Hank Cochran co-write, “I Fall to Pieces” is simply one of the greatest country songs ever...and a day.

Husky, Ferlin Capitol Collectors Series $35 This series is simply the best quality as far as sound and notes go.. This gem contains Ferlin’s wonderful “The Waltz You Saved for Me”, plus some hits and non hits. Well annotated and attractively presented. It has his biggest hits “Gone” & “Wings of a Dove” as well as some rarities

Jackson, Larry Blue Highway $30 (Loree label) I don’t think I have ever had a song like Larry’s “The Blue Highway” to attract a question as to who is it?? Larry’s voice I would suggest has been weathered to perfection. He is a superb singer and writer but alas these are his only two albums. You feel he has lived the songs. The sad “When Love Dies” has a real ache to it. He has real angst in his voice when he sings “Damn Those Memories”. Up there with the greatest indie cds ever

Jackson, Larry Out of the Blue $40 This second album even has an uptempo honky tonk belter “Honky Tonk Two Steppin’ Beer Drinkin’ Saturday Night” & what better way to show his great voice than with a definitive reading of the Paul Siebel classic “Louise”. Alas, it seems zero chance of another album. Have heard rumours of Larry’s demise but nothing to support it...hope it is not true as there is one place he is appreciated to the extent he should be.

Jackson, Stonewall Best Collectors Choice Out of print 24 tracks inc. " BJ the DJ" and of course “Waterloo” his two biggest. $28 Notes by Colin Escott, arguably the best.

Jackson, Stonewall And Friends : A Tribute $30 23 track tribute with a virtual who’s who guests list…just to rattle off some: Grandpa Jones, Little Jimmy Dickens, The Whites, Riders in the Sky, , John Conlee, Joe Diffie, Porter Wagoner, Paulette Carlson, Alison Krauss, Connie Smith…come to think of it may be easier to mention who is not there!!! Now out of print. Special mention to the track featuring Connie Smith, “Standing Invitation”…what a singer.

Jones, Geo./Melba Montgomery Vintage Collection $45 20 classics!! Out of print and has all the wonderful United Artists’ label duets.His best duet partner. Brand new & sealed. You would otherwise have to get a Bear Family box. Speaking of which, I wish they would do a Melba Montgomery box.

Logan, Josh Gentle Rain $25 Another unexpected and out of print honky tonk gem by the man who embodies the spirit of Mel Street. This would be DOUBLE but has no rear insert, just the booklet and cd.

McEntire, Reba 2cds 40 Mercury tracks.Double cd case with attractive slip sleeve & book $30 Her best & most country. Both the full 40 tracks. A far cry from today’s diva…this is real! So good in fact that I would defy anyone to readily pick the artist. This is how we like it. She started out a member of a rodeo family who performed at fairs and shows. Kind of an American institution. Hell she was a great country singer.

Mack, Lonnie Roadhouse & Dance Halls CD rare 1988 gem Epic This was marketed as a country album but was pretty much the same as Lonnie's Memphis blues based music and the Muscle Shoals Sound under the auspices of Barry Beckett and Roger Hawkins along with guests such as David Lindley on slide. It is a great album and very hard to get let alone in superb condition.

Nelson, Willie The Hungry Years $40. When people rang up to order the original issue of “IRS Tapes” they were offered another cd of all new material.....that was this gem. But with a mindset that they were ringing up for the IRS Tapes and that is what they wanted not many were sold. It has 15 tracks. “The Hungry Years” and “Solitaire” are both Neil Sedaka songs and Willie does a superb job on them, with an reminiscent of “Always on My Mind”. A lot of the rest are covers; quite a few country standards such as “Detour”, “Ragged But Right” etc BUT the highlight is the stunning “When I Stop Dreaming”, a great Louvin Brothers song performed as a duet with Emmylou Harris. If you had to rank both these duet champions “duets” it would rank in the top 3 they have collectively appeared on. It is that good. IT HAS NOT BEEN REISSUED. IT IS ONLY ON THIS CD. Two Willie songs are just great, “Your Memory Won’t Die” and “She is Gone”.

Nelson,Willie Old Friends (with )/ Funny How Time Slips Away (with Faron Young)” Koch 2 on 1 $45 From 1982 and 1985 and on cd for a short time. The title track on the former also features Ray Price. Great version of Roger’s “Sorry Willie”, an apology to Willie for getting more than cozy with Willie’s wife. Good song also by Roger, “Aladambama”. Both albums are nothing less than superb.

Nelson,Willie Angel Eyes (Columbia) Japan $30 This is Willie’s album with jazz guitarist Jackie King. It was only ever issued on its own on cd in Japan, although issued as part of a 2-fer with an album that really didn’t belong. So for Willie completist fans this is a must.

Newbury, Mickey Lulled by the Moonlight (Mountain Retreat) 1996 $35 Newbury, Mickey Stories from Silver Moon Cafe (Long Haul) $30 2000 Newbury, Mickey Blue To This Day (Mountain Retreat) $25 2004 Hard to get as are all of his cds. Someone of an acquired taste for some but to many he is one of the best singer ever. Availability of all his material is plagued by the slip shod handling of his music by his family.

O’Kanes Tired of the Running $25 Second album from Keiran Kane & Jamie O’Hara is also hardest to get. Blind accordionist Jay Spell is superb. The songs on this album tend to be longer than on the other two albums with more intricate instrumental passages and this is where Spell shines.

Oxford, David David Oxford $45 There has only been one and there appears to be little chance of another, but despite hope being minimal there is still some hope. This is superb with a mix of honky tonk, cryin’ in beer ballads and just plain great songs “”1-800 Wine” is pure honky tonk whilst the Cosmic Cowboy, a sentimental old fluff if ever there was one, closes his annual community radio father’s day show with Oxford’s “Don’t Tell the Babies”. As far as production goes this is stunning. The great Bobby Flores is present throughout. And Michael Morales who apparently performed strictly in a Spanish market is great on acoustic guitar. David had talks with major labels apparently but was disillusioned when he was told he didn’t have the right image. Damn, why didn’t he get angry and produce a box set. Even that would not be enough. A gem gem gem!!

Oxford, Vernon 100% Country (Montana Country) $40 We all know that Vernon is one of the great hard country singers in the Hank, Jones, Paycheck school. His stuff is literally like gold. This was a 1990 Swiss label release and consisted of mainly new material with a few classics re-recorded. Of that category is teh wonderful “Surprise Birthday Party” wish you could tap him on teh shoulder & tell him the news.

Paycheck, Johnny The Real Mr Heartache: The Little Darlin’ Years $45 (CMF) The fact is that not only preceded George Jones as the best hard country singer he also provided the main influence for George. He was promoted as an outlaw singer in the seventies but those recordings do not compare with this 24 tracker which is simply perfection. “Apartment Number Nine” was written by Johnny as was the amazing “Pardon Me I’ve Got Something to Kill” and the ultra dramatic “It’s a Mighty Thin Line Between Love & Hate”. Best ever country cd?? Could be ..

Pennington,R/Buddy Emmons Swing & Other Things: We’re Steel Swingin’ $45 The hardest of the Pennington/ Emmons cds to get. Swing& Other Things” is a great 21 tracker which sources the songs from country, jazz & pop sources. This was originally a double lp, which featured some classic country and some jazz along with a handful of new Pennington songs. 21 in all. Spectacular version of “Take the A Train”.

Peters, Gretchen Buried Treasures CD WB/ Chappell never commercially available. $55 This was put out by Gretchen's publishing company in 1995 to showcase her songs. It actually showcases Gretchen as well and I would go as far as to say not only is this her best work it is right up there with the defining female folk-country albums. Yep equal to Emmylou's "", Iris's "", Nanci's "Last of the True Believers", Kimmie Rhodes' "West Texas Heaven" ,Katy Moffatt's "Greatest Show on Earth"...I could go on but rest assured this is AS GOOD IF NOT BETTER than these. A stunning album. Very rare as unlike a lot of publisher issues this is the complete production. simply wonderful. This is an official albeit non commercial release. Haven't had one for maybe 10 years. Yes, it is very rare. Don't miss it. If you do don't hold your breath waiting for another.

Price, Ray Hall of Fame Series (Step One) $48 This is from 1991 and like all his Step One releases is just grand. Most are songs he never previously recorded and I would have to say he was at his absolute vocal peak on this. Brilliantly produced by Ray Pennington, this is the most difficult of his Step One albums to get on cd.

Price, Ray Greatets Hits (Step One) 2CD $48 These re-recordings are as good as if not better than the originals. Big call...but don’t take my word for it...after all he was Ray Price.

Ritter, Tex Capitol Collectors Series (Capitol) $35 Out of print series, of which I would recommend every title as being essential. This has all the hard to get ones, “Deck of Cards”, “Blood on the Saddle” &“Just Beyond the Moon” etc 25 in all. Of course also “Hillbilly Heaven” a perfect cd.

Rodriguez, Johnny Gracias! $35 Fabulous album on Capitol. Released late 80s and included his last charting single, “I Didn’t Every Chance That I Had”. Great bunch of backing musicians including Pig Robbins on piano and Sonny Garrish on steel. Very hard to get now.

Schneider, John Worth the Wait (Faithworks) $40 1996 indie which I have never had or even seen before. Very little difference to his MCA recordings and a top bunch of musos no doubt helps. Billy Joe Walker Jnr on acoustic guitar, Reggie Young on electric and Matt Rollings on keyboards are outstanding. “I’d Fall in Love Tonight” is a classic ballad. The label is shown as being in Texas. Shows you have to keep your eyes open!

Smith, Russell This Little Town $30 Have not had one of these for about 2 years. Great solo album by the Amazing Rhythm Aces vocalist. All great and what a voice. Russell had a brief period as a country singer on Epic and this was the result, a gem produced by Steve Buckingham and Russell. Very much in the Amazing Rhythm Aces style. Highlight is the working man song “Blue Collar Blues” and the title song, but they’re all top notch.

Statler Brothers 10th Anniversary $25 Atlanta Blue $25 Home $25 Words & Music $25 All American Country $25 Live &Sold Out $25 Complete Lester Roadhog Moran $28 Mercury cds are all out of print and these are all sealed except the brilliant comedy of Lester Roadhog Moran which is the hardest to get. Only 1 of easch so don’t dally.

Thornton, Marsha Marsha Thornton (MCA) $30 This debut album is so good. It includes the defining version of what is a superb song “A Bottle of Wine & Patsy Cline”. Hard to beat. Produced by Patsy’s producer Own Bradley. But the artist is special as is this superb cd.

Wayne, Dallas I’m Your Biggest Fan $30 Wayne, Dallas The Invisible Man $35 Wayne, Dallas Screamin’ Down the Highway $35 Dallas Wayne is one of the best old school honky tonkers of all time. He is adored by Yesterday & Today Records patrons as he is just so damn good. These were all recorded and released only in Finland from 2002, 1994 and 1997 respectively. Equally as good on the ballads and the uptempo numbers with a little bit of quirky thrown in for good measure. Dale Watson and Dalals Wayne share more than just their initials.

Whitley, Keith I Wonder Do You Think of Me $30 The album he had just finished when he died. One of the greatest ever country vocalists. Deep rich voice with his own nuances. Pity the wonderful honky tonk songs were lived out so tragically with his alcohol overdose. He was seemingly taking over from as country’s premier vocalist and had the unheard of 5 number one country singles in a row. I truly believe he would have been recognised as one the greatest country vocalists ever and I could even be persuaded to drop the “‘one of” from that assessment.

Williams, Tex Vintage Collection (Capitol) $25 sealed 20 tracker which had several unissued tracks as well as ’ first million seller, “Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette).

Wilson, Tim Songs for the Musically Disturbed $28 (Southern Tracks) This is Tim’s fabulous all songs album which is both hilarious and clever and marked by songs that are in a clss of their own. He unfortunately passed away this year and much of his work (on major labels) is pretty rank as it concentrates on stand up comedy but this is a must. Love “ Has Ruined My Life” and the Confederate Railroad styled threesome “Trailer Park Woman”, “Low Class Love Affair” and “First Baptists Bar & Grill” as well as the very clever “Acid Country”....”Mama Used to listen to Pink Floyd & ”.

Yoakam, Dwight Under the Covers WB $25 Autographed!! “Best Always

Various Something Got a Hold On Me: Treasury of Sacred Music (RCA) features what in many instances are the original versions of what are now gospel standards including such gems as “Tramp on the Street” by Grady & hazel Cole and the Dixon Brothers superb “I Didn’t Hear Nobody Pray”...what’s a country song without a double negative every now & then. "Wreck on the Highway” "Farther Along". So good. Sound is spectacularly good. $30

BEAR FAMILY BOX SETS These are as traded or sold. These last acquisitions are mainly indetectable from new, even for the most fastidious. Be quick.

**Bill Anderson “The First 10 Years” 4 cds + 68 page hard cover book 126 tracks and 5 ½ hours. It includes everything from Bill’s first 8 Decca albums plus 7 singles and 3 completely unissued tracks as well as early TNT label singles. Bill has been very co-operative in making this available and given Bear Family full access to his private archives. He has released 12 early demos of some of his most enduring hit songs .Includes 5 early duets with Jan Howard including the number one “For Loving You” as well as his duet with Dolly Parton “If It’s All the Same to You”. Many of his country standards are inc. such as “City Lights”, “Bright Lights & Country Music”, “Once a Day” etc $130 This has been played once

** Mr Guitar 7cd + 120page hard cover book $170 $150 Like the day it was born...the box that is. In new condition. Superb. Complete recordings from 1955- 1960. Great variety of styles from the most important country music guitarist ever.

**The Browns The Three Bells 8 cd + 40 page book $180 I love this set. Glorious Nashville Sound recorded in the famous RCA studio, 249 tracks which sound fabulous. I honestly can’t believe how good they sound. The hits are all there but tracks such as “Teen-Ex” are phenomenal. You’d swear they were in the room...matter of fact I check round just to make sure. The quality of the songs is also of the highest level. Even their pre RCA tracks (inc.a great version of “Looking Back to See”) sound tops. 100% as new.

**Cliff Bruner And His Texas Wanderers 5 CD + 64 pg book. $120 Bruner was the innovative fiddler and steel guitar player Bob Dunn one of the most important Western swing musicians ever. Add to this Moon Mullican on piano and material which includes the first ever trucking song, “Truck Drivre’s Blues “ and it is a must.

**Johnny Cash Man in Black Volume Three 1963-1968 6cds + 48 page book $140 Many classic albums are included with lots of previously unreleased tracks. One of the weirdest cover photos ever!!

**Tommy Collins Leonard 5cds + 36 page book $100 Leonard” (Sipes) was of course his real name as in the Haggard song. These are his Capitol and Columbia Recordings which are just superb. The narration “Two Sides of Life” is one of the best you will ever hear. The second half of this box is one of the best on any Bear Family box and the first ain’t too shabby either.

**Wilma Lee & Stoney Cooper Big Midnight Special 4 cd + 52 page book. Looks brand new in all respects $120. Great hard country vocals from Wilma, one of the most passionate female vocalists of all time.

**Dick Curless “Hard Hard Travelling Man” 4 cd + 52 page book $100 One of the greatest ever live country albums , Dick Curless live at Wheeling Truck Driver’s Jamboree with Curly Chaulker on steel. Has the famous moment where Dick crack’s up at Curly’s great playing. Some great unreleased recordings.

**Doris Day “Secret Love 1951-1955” 5CD + 100pg hard cover book. Has to be seen to be believed how good it could be. Pristine & beautiful, & Doris ain’t bad either. $140

**Little Jimmy Dickens “CountryBoy” 4 cd + 64 pg book Bear Family boxes rarely go out of print. This is one that has and is very hard to get, This is in as new condition internally but outré box has some minor marks. You just don’t see these now. $130

**Fats Domino Out of New Orleans 8 cd + 72 pg book. Box and content both as new $160 New Orleans hero’s complete Imperial Collection.

**Lonnie Donegan “More than “Pye in the Sky” 8 cd + 60 page book $160 100% as new Pye is of course his . Skiffle pioneer, folk songs and a bit of novelty.

**Merle Haggard “Troubadour” 4cds + 68 page hardcover book $130 This is Merle’s MCA years. ...111 tracks and over 6 hours. I really love Merle’s MCA period. He recorded more moody autobiographical songs and some classic albums: / The Way I Am/ I’m Always on a Mountain When I Fall etc and of course the gospel “Songs for the Mama Who Tried”.

** The Singer- The Songwriter 1949-1960 4cds + 24 page book $80. Includes his rare MGM and RCA recordings. He wrote “Oh Lonesome Me” and “I Can’t stop Loving You” on the one day and also was responsible for one of the most recorded country songs ever in “Sweet Dreams”.

*Don Gibson The Singer Songwriter 1961-1966 4 cds + 24 pg book $100 Don at his peak. Very popular cd includes his landmark lp “Girls Guitars & Gibson, unavailable elsewhere.

**Bill Haley & His Comets The Decca Years 5 cds + 32 page book $100 The sound quality on this could not be bettered if the recordings were made yesterday. Great singles as well as albums including the “Around the World” album in which Bill sings songs about varying countries. Of course the Aussie one is “Rockin’ Matilda”. CD#5 is inside the studio during a recording session so alternate versions and some juicy studio talk. Rudy Pompilli on sax was just one of the musical stars especially on his showpiece “Rudy’s Rock”.

** Hawk 3 cd + 20g book $70 Anothe rout of print set and this contains his rare RCA recordings.

** Right or Wrong 4 cd + 40 pg book $100 Couple of marks on outer box. Her Decca recordings plus her landmark Capitol rockabilly recordings in superb sound. Rarely get these as they are too popular.

**Johnnie& Jack And the Tennessee Mountain boys 6cd + 68pg. book $140 Rare set now featuring Johnnie Wright & . Includes Apollo, King, RCA& Decca. They only broke up when Jack was tragically killed in a car crash on his way to Patsy Cline’s funeral. One of the best Bear sets 174 tracks, and to be honest none of them dud.

** George Jones Walk Through This World With Me: The Complete Musicor Years Pt I 1965-1971 5 cd +52 book $130 142 songs plus some sessions where the songs take shape. Some of George’s most endearing work. Positively perfect.

**George Jones “Good Year for the Roses: Complete Musicor Years Part II 1965-1971” 4Cds + 52 pg book $110 Hard to go past Jerry Chesnut’s wonderful title song as one of George’s absolute best.

**Pee Wee King And His Golden West Cowboys 6 Cds + 68 page book $140 One or two very minor marks on box but these rarely come up. Great book & cds. Popular even among the rockabilly set.

**Kingston Trio “The Guard Years: 10 CD + 108 page hard cover book $220 The early trio with Dave Guard as the leader. Most of their formative and best work including “Tom Dooley”. Great.

**Lewis, Jerry Lee “Classic – The Definitive Edition of His Sun Recordings 1956- 1973 “ 8CDs + 36pg book $160 Lots of unissued material and the sound quality is Bear Family standard...enough said.

**Luman, Bob “Let’s Think About Living: His Recordings 1955-1967” 4CDs + 104pg hard cover book.$130 All his rockabilly flavoured Imperial recordings on to his Warner Brothers and Hickory. Wonderful vocalist and great material.

**Darrell McCall The Real McCall 5cd + book $110 One of the favourite artists we have ever carried with a unique voice which was influenced by the great Ray Price but is still distinctly his own. Includes his great CBS album “Lilydale’ with 2 great duets with Willie, one of Darrell’s biggest fans. Gene Watson fans will enjoy Darrell’s original version of “Dreams of a Dreamer”.

** Rose Maddox The One Rose:Capitol Years 4cd+ book $100 Without doubt the most versatile female vocalist ever with ability to sing honky tonky, rockabilly, gospel and bluegrass even with equal aplomb...this includes her fabulous “Rose Maddox Sings Bluegrass” with . Yes, Bill never did this for any Tom Dick or Rose.

**Frankie Miller Blackland Farmer: TheComplete Starday Recordings and More $50 This is the compact style set used with teh second Porter Wagoner box. Great voicals . 100 pg book

** “Queen of the Coast” 4 CD + 80 page hard cover book $130 with forward by Merle Haggard. Former wife of both Buck Ownes & Merle Haggard and a great vocalist in her own right. Includes her highly sought gospel album and has many duets with Haggard.

** “Wandering Boy 1951-58” 4cd + 32 pg book $80 Covers Webb’s Decca Recordings from 1951-1958including duets with the likes of KittyWells, Red Sovine (notably a duet of “Litttle Rosa”) and . 113 songs in al including 18 previously unrelased. One of the most enduringly popular boxes.

**Platters “Four Platters & a Lovely Dish” 9cds + 52 page book $180. This is fabulous. All the group took turns at lead vocals even though Tony Williams took most especially on the hits. Love the leads featuring bass vocalist Herb Reed esp. On “Darktown ’s Ball” & “Gonna Sit Right Down etc” Absolutely mint.

**Ray Price “And the Cherokee Cowboys” 10 CDs + 80 pg hard cover book $220 All his great Columbia Recordings. You don’t see this box every day I can assure you. Brilliant. He died a year ago today.

**Louis Prima The Capitol Recordings (also includes Keely Smith& Sam Butera) 8cd + 40pg book $170 This is brand new. Still sealed. Over 200 tracks, none better than “Just a Gigolo”.

** Classic Recordings 4cds + book $80. Book and cds are mint but there are a few minor marks on the box. It appears that the box was used to support a sheet of paper on which someone has written leaving indent marks. If you look straight on you can’t see them. Marvin’s biggest hit “Gonna Find Me a Bluebird” was a US smash but his rockabilly-esque “Whole Lotta Woman” was a UK #1. Great on the uptempo songs and the ballads. Wonderful voice even if his Native American roots are a tad questionable.

**Tex Ritter Blood on the Saddle 4cd + book $100 This is out of print. 104 tracks and if rustic is your go there is simply nothing more than the wonderful title track.

**Marty Robbins Under Western Skies $100 4cds + book. $90 Includes all his western recordings, which are as good as it gets. The best? Why, “Mr Shorty” of course, a classic tale of bullying where the bully gets his come uppance. Good as “El Paso” etc are , this is best. Marty is the consummate storyteller. He literally holds us in the palm of his hand. The lp size 60 page book includes all the lyrics. Fans of the best ever tv series, “Breaking Bad” will recognise Marty’s “El Paso” as providing the theme for the very last episode. Couple of very small marks on box. Insignificant.

**Marty Robbins Country 1960-1966 4 cd + book $100. Marty’s boxes are perhaps the most popular Bear Family boxes we have ever sold and good reason...there is simply not a bad song and Marty is perhaps the most versatile vopcalist in all country music history with an ear for a great song...many of course he wrote. One of the biggest, “Devil Woman” is featured on this set. His fabulous gospel album “What God Has Done” is included here.

**Jack Scott “The Way I Walk” 5 cd + 40 page book. $100 Very versatile artist inc. Capitol, Carlton and RCA Great set $110 There are few artists who have covered the scope of material that Jack has. Rockabilly...great authentic....Hank Williams Tribute...ditto...gospel (with the Chantones...great handclapping style) ballads (what...seemingly too long a the World’s come over you). Brilliant. Small mark or two on box.

**Del Shannon “Home & Away: Complete Recordings 1960-1970” 8 Cds + 124 page hard cover book $200 Includes rare demos and unreleased tracks. Superb sound. 220 songs. don’t see these and this is 100% mint new.

** “Melody Ranch Girl” 5cd + 36 page book Have two copies one with small amount of box wear $100 or new & sealed $140 Her Capitol recordings are absolute treasures.

**Connie Smith “Born to Sing” 4cds + 56 page book $100 Seems everyone’s favourite female vocalist...well almost. Begins with her superb Bill Anderson hit “Once a Day” and never lets up.

** Connie Smith “Just for What I Am’’ new & sealed $160 5 cds + 76 page hard cover book. 151 tracks and just under 7 hours playing time. Second Bear Family box on Connie, one of the most popular female artists ever. Notes by noted Nashville scribe, Barry Mazor. Includes duets with Nat Stuckey and Dallas Frazier as well as her highly sought gospel album “Come Along & Walk With Me”.

** “The Yodelling Ranger” 5cds + 48 pg book. This is his earliest work prior to his going to the USA. The 5th cd features his Life Story album. Cds & booklet are pristine but outer box has some marks. $80 a steal.

**Hank Snow “Singing Ranger Vol 1” 4cd + 16 pg book $80 Hank’s first US recordings and what a start with his signature “I’m Movin’ On”. Has his first duets with Anita Carter including the wonderful“Bluebird Island” and of course it wouldn’t be a Hank album without a tearjerker such as the original version of “Nobody’s Child”.

**Hank Snow Singing Ranger Vol 2 4cds + 16 page book $80 also one with taped split corner $70 otherwise pristine As well as being a great singer Hank was a stylish guitar player and there are some wonderful guitar pieces with Chet Atkins and some early duets with Anita Carter.

** Sons of the Pioneers Memories of the Range 4cd + book $100 legendary 1935-36 transcriptions of course featuring the original trio Spencer/Nolan/ Slye (Roy of the best country yodellers especially on “Black Sheep Blues”...”I have been a roving rover....” Great.

** The Pathways of My Life 8cds + 126 page hardcover book featuring 240 tracks. $220 This has been played once but you wouldn’t know it. The previous Bear Family box focussed on his Capitol recordings and this has his post Capitol recordings for Warner Brothers, Dot, ABC, Churchill & MCA. Most havenever been on cd before. Included is his highly regarded tribute albums to Nat King Cole and the Mills Brothers .I must admit that I like the latter MCA recordings which saw Hank record some great honky tonk material such as the great “One Hell of A Weekend” & “King Of Western swing” to name just 2. His last MCA Album was in 1986 and had a rare duet appearance by George Strait. To be honest after hearing this gem it is BETTER than the first. The unreleased material will knock your socks off and if you don’t reckon it is some of the best country you have ver heard I would be extremely surprised.

**Floyd Tillman “His Recordings 1936-1962 & 1981” 6cds + 80 page hard cover book $180 One of the honky tonk kingpins. Willie Nelson has always credited him with being a vocal influence. A Hall of Fame member, this concludes with his 1980 album “Floyd Tillman and Friends”.

**Merle Travis “Guitar Rags & a Too Fast Past” 5cd + 80 pg book 145 $100 tracks.Troubled genius. One of the best of the books. And as a guitarist he was equally adept on acoustic and electric. As a composer nothing is bigger than “Sixteen Tons”, on his landmark “Folksongs of the Hills” album .A few small marks on box. Content pristine.

** Let’s Say Goodbye Like We Said hello 5 cd + 32 pg book. $ & book are as new. Includes his duets with .

** Rose Marie 6 cd + book new 7sealed $140 Starts with his RCA album “Birmingham Jail” and goes to 1958. One of the most popular international artists ever, probably more so in Europe and maybe Australia than in his native USA. Passed away in 2013. One of the most popular of the Bear Family sets.

**D Singles Volume 3 $80 $70 4cds + 52 page book Every one of these are great Love Hardrock Gunter and also likes of Lawton Williams. and more of the terrific Merl Lindsay for starters.

BLUEGRASS $5 CDS 1861 Project Volume 2 (guests Maura O’Connell, Connie Smith etc) Aldridge, Darin & Brooke Live at Red, White & Bluegrass (Mountain Home) Aldridge, Darin & Brooke Flying (Organic) Andersen, Connie Kis Connie Kis (from WA) Bibey, Alan/Wayne Benson The Chronicles (Pinecastle) Block, Ron Walking Song (Rounder) from Union Station Boxcars Its Just a Road (Mountain Home) Chiavola, Kathy Labor of Love (My Label) Chiavola, Kathy The Harvest (My Label) Chiavola, Kathy From Where I Stand (My Label) Emerson, Bill & Sweet Dixie Touch of Time (Rural Rhythm) Gaudet, Jim & Railroad Boys Reasons That I Run Grascals When I Get My Pay (Mountain Home) Jim & Jesse ‘Tis Sweet to be Remembered (Pinecastle) Jones, Diana High Atmosphere (Proper) McReynolds, Jesse Bending the Rules (OMS) McReynolds, Jesse w. Charles Whitstein Tribute to Brother Duets (Pinecastle) Molsky, Bruce Soon Be Time (Compass) Friday Night in America (Capitol) Osborne Brothers Nashville Part 4 (Pinecastle) Scott, Darrell Modern Hymns (Appleseed) Sparks, Larry Kentucky (Gusto) Stanley, Ralph A Distant Land to Roam: Songs of Carter Family (Columbia) Weisberger, Jon If This Road Could Talk (Use Your Words) guest vocalists Zonn, Andrea Love Goes On (Compass)

Various Bill Monroe 100 Years Celebration Live at Bean Blossom (Rural Rhythm) Farm County Jubilee Presents a Bluegrass Tribute to RCA Studios Fire on the Fiddle Bluegrass 7 Swing Fiddle Favourites (CMH) God Didn’t Choose Sides Vol 1 Civil War True Stories (Rural Rhythm) DaleAnn Bradley Guitar Gods A Bluegrass Celebration (CMH)

$10 CDS or 3 for $25 Adcock, Eddie & Martha Many a Mile (Patuxent) Baucom, Terry Never Thought of Looking bAck (Johhny Boy) GREAT guests. Blaylock, Audie & Redline Hard Country (Rural Rhythm) Bluegrass & Beyond Cover of the Bluegrass News (adaption of “Cover of ”) Bush, Sam Howlin’ at the Moon (Sugar Hill) Cleveland, Michael & Flamekeeper On Down the Line ((Compass) Cox Family Everybody’s Reaching Out for Someone (Rounder) Cox Family Beyond the City (Rounder) Crowe, Lawson,Williams Standing Tall & Tough ((Mountain Home) JD, Doyle & Paul Dailey & Vincent Brothers of the Highway ((Rounder) Dailey & Vincent Sing Statler Brothers (Cracker Barrel) Fleck, Bela Drive (Rounder) Front Porch String Band Lines & Traces ((Rebel) Claire Lynch Front Porch String Band Front Porch String Band (Rebel) Claire Lynch Gaudreau, Jimmy Home From the Hills ((Rebel) Graves, Josh World Fanous Dobro (Starday) Greencards Viridian (Dualtone) Greencards Movin’ On ((Dualtone) Greencards Weather & Water (Dualtone) Greencards Fascinatin’ (Sugar Hill) Grisman, David w. Denny Zeitlin New River (ACD) Infamous Stringdusters Let It Go (High Country) Jones, Al & Spruce Mountain Boys Hard Core Bluegrass (Patuxtent) Jones, Chris & Night Drivers Lonely Comes Easy (Rebel) Jones, Chris & Night Drivers Live at the Old Feed (GSM) 2014 King, James Three Chords & the Truth (Rounder) great Kohrs, Randy Old Photograph (Rural Rhythm) great singer & dobro man Krauss, Alison & Cox Family I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (Rounder) Krauss, Alison/Union Station Lonely Runs Both Ways (Rounder) Krauss, Alison Now That I Found You: A Collection (Rounder) Krauss, Alison Forget About It (Rounder) Lauderdale/ Stanley Lost in the Lonesome Pines ((Dualtone) Jim & Ralph Lawson, Doyle Roads Well Travelled (Mountain Home) Lewis, Laurie True Stories (Rounder) Lonesome River Band Turn on a Dime (Mountain Home) Lynch, Claire Silver & Gold (Rounder) Lynch, Claire Moonlighter (Rounder) Lynch, Claire Out in the Country (Copper creek) Lynn, Christie Sings Country/Gospel Bluegrass (Gusto) w. Porter Wagoner McEuen, John Acoustic Traveller (Vanguard) Mindte, Tom Something I’ve Been Working On (Patuxtent) Mullins, Joe & Radio Ramblers Another Day from life (Rebel) Newton, Mark & Steve Thomas reborn (Pinecastle) New Grass Revival Live ( Sugar Hill) Osborne, Bobby New Bluegrass & Old Heartaches (Rural Rhythm) Parton, Dolly Little Sparrow (Sugar Hill) Parton, Dolly Halos & Horns (Sugar Hill) Peasall Sisters First Offering (Varese) Peasall Sisters Home to You (Dual Tone) Reno, Don Golden Guitar (Gusto) Rice, Tony Native American (Rounder) Rice, Tony Acoustics (Rounder) Rosenberg, Ivan Clawhammer & Dobro (Slosh tone) Scott, Darrell Long Ride Home ((Full Light) Scott, Mike Home Sweet Home : Civil War Era Songs (Rural Rhythm) w. Rob Ickes, Aubrey Haynie, Brian Sutton etc Skaggs, Ricky Instrumentals (Skaggs family) w. Kentucky Thunder Skaggs, Ricky & Bruce Hornsby (Legacy) Skaggs, Ricky & Bruce Hornsby Live (Skaggs Family) Stanley, Ralph Old Time Pickin’: A Clawhammer Banjo Collection (Rebel) Stanley, Ralph w. II Side By Side (Rebel) Steffey, Adam New Primitive (Organic Records) Stoneman Family 28 Big Ones (King) Stonemans In the Stoneman Tradition (PAtuxtent) Trishka, Tony Great Big World ((Rounder) 2014 Verch, April Steal the Blue (Slab Town) Verch, April Take Me Back (Rounder) Wakefield, Frank & Taylor Baker & Friends (Patuxtent) Warren, Johnny & Charlie Cushman Tribute to Fiddlin’ Paul Warren World Famous Headliners World Famous Headliners (Rounder) / Al Anderson/ Pat McLaughlin/ Michael Rhodes/ Greg Morrow Various 31 Bluegrass Instrumentals Classic Instrumentals: Top Bicks & Hot Licks (Rural Rhythm) Appalachian Mountain Bluegrass 30 Vintage Classics (Rural Rhythm) Appalachian Stomp Bluegrass Classic (Rhino) Country Boy A Bluegrass Tribute to (Compass) Special Concensus, Rob Ickes, Dale Ann Bradley, Ronda Vincent etc Legacy A Tribute to the First Generation Of Bluegrass (S ugar Hill) Moody Bluegrass Nashville Tribute to Moody Blues 2CD (Red River) Is surprisingly good ...great cast & includes all teh Moody Blues too.

Bluegrass $15 & up Blue Highway Sounds of Home (Rounder) $15 Blue Highway The Game (Rounder) $15 Crowe, J D & New South (Rounder) $18 Douglas, T Rice, Skaggs. Crowe, J D & new South Bluegrass Evolution (Starday) $12 first album Dailey & Vincent Sing Statler Brothers (Cracker Barrel) $18 autographed Dickens, Hazel w. Carol Elizabeth Jones & Ginny Hawker Heart of a Singer Rounder Select $18 Douglas, Jerry Lookout for Hope (Sugar Hill) $15 Douglas, Jerry Slide Rule (Sugar Hill) $15 Douglas, Jerry Best Kept Secret (Koch) $15 Earls of Leicester Earls of Leicester (Rounder) $20 Shawn Camp, Tim O’Brien, set out and achieve the sound of Flatt & Scruggs. Flatt, Lester Live at Vanderbilt with Bill Monroe (Bear Family) $18 Flatt & Scruggs Foggy Mountain Jamboree (Legacy) $15 Fleck, Bela /Abigail Washburn Bela Fleck & Abigail Washburn (Rounder) $18 Forbes, Walter Ballads & Bluegras/ Folksong Festival 2on 1 $18 (BMG) sld Garcia/ Grisman Shady Grove (Acoustic Disc) $20 40 pg book Garcia/ Grisman Grateful Dawg (Acoustic Disc) $18 Gerrard, Alice/Mike Seeger Bowling Green (5 String Productions) $18 Gerrard, Alice Bittersweet (Spruce & Maple) $15 Grisman, David Rounder Compact Disc $18 (Rounder) Grisman, David Dawg’s Groove: 30 Years of Dawg Music (ACD) $18 Grisman, David w. Tony Rice Tone Poems 1 (ACD) $20 40 pg book Grisman, David w. Tony Rice Tone Poems II (ACD) $20 44 pg book Haden, Charlie & Friends Rambling Boy (Decca) with Skaggs, Gill, Roseanne, Tyminski, Sutton, Elvis Costello etc plus his own fabulous daughters The Haden Triplets $18 Hartford, John Hamilton Ironworks (Rounder Select) $18 Final album Hartford, John Country legends (RCA) $15 Hartford, John / Iron Mountain Depot/ Radio John (RCA) UK 2cD out of print. $28 Hartford, John Looks at Life/ EArthwords & Music (RCA) UK 2on 1 OOP $20 Hawker, Ginny Letters from My Father (Rounder) $15 Hawker, Ginny/ Tracy Schwarz Draw Closer (Rounder Select) $18 Hillmen The Hillmen (Sugar Hill) $20 sealed Chris Hillman with the Gosdin Brothers (Vern & Rex) Hot Rize When I’m Free (Thirty Tigers) $15 Jackson, Carl Grace Notes (Voxhall) $20 sealed 2014 Johnson, whitey Whitey Johnson (Slow) dobro $18 Krauss, Alison Paper Airplane (Rounder) $15 Lawson, Doyle Open Carefully Message Inside (Mountain Home) $15 Lynch, Claire Dear Sister (Compass) $15 McCoury, Del Blue Side of Town (Rounder) $18 Martin, Benny The Fiddle Collection (CMH) $15 Monroe, Bill Bean Blossom (MCA) $18 27 tks Monroe, Bill Very Best (MCA) $15 Muleskinner A Potpourri of a Bluegrass Jam (Sierra) Clarence White $18 O’Brien, Tim/ Darrell Scott Memories &Moments (Full Skies) $15 John Prine guests Old & In the Way That High Lonesome Sound: Original Live Recordings $15 (ACD) Garcia/ Grisman/ Rowan/ Clements Osborne Brothers Hillbilly fever (CMH) $15 Rice/Rice/Hillman/Pederson Rice/Rice/Hillman/Pederson (Rounder) $18 Rice/Rice/Hillman/Pederson Running Wild (Rounder) $18 Rice/Rice/Hillman/Pederson Out of the Woodwork (Rounder) $18 Scruggs, Earl Review Artists Choice (Edsel UK) $20 rare Seldom Scene 20t h Anniversay Concert (Sugar Hill) 2CD $25 Sparks, Larry Rambln’ Bluegrass (Starday) $12 from 1972 Sparks, Larry Classic Bluegrass (Rebel) 1989 $12 Stanley, Ralph While the Ages Roll On (Rebel) $15 Starling, John Long time Gone (Sugar Hill) $18 Texas Shorty & John Hartford Old Sport (Small Dog a Barkin’ ) $18 Ulisse, Donna Showin’ My Roots (Hadle) $15 Watson, Doc David Grisman Doc & Dawg (ACD) $18 Various Big Mon The Songs of Bill Monroe (Skaggs Family) $15 Classic Bluegrass From Smithsonian Folkways (SF) $18

Advances (don’t have complete inserts but are the full cds * indicates no artwork at all just print of asterisk means artwork of some sort) Bishop, Cory EP $2 Block, Rory Lady & Mr Johnson (Ryko) $2 Brewster, Jesse March of Tracks $2 Carter, Carlene Carter Girl (Rounder) $5 Clement, Cowboy Jack For Once & For All (IRS) $3* Cochran, Stephen Project (SCP) $2 Dailey & Vincent Brothers of the Highway (Rounder0 $3 Diffie, Joe Homecoming (Rounder) $4 Earls of Leicester Earls of Leicester (Shawn Camp/ Jerry Douglas0 Rounder $5 Goodwin, Carly Carly Goodwin (Dreaming Bar) $2 Willie guests Greene, Buddy Project * $2 Hand, James Shadows on the Ground (Rounder) $5 Harris, Emmylou Hard Bargain (Nonesuch) $3 Hot Rize When I’m Free (30 Tigers) $5 Joey & Rory His & Hers (Sugar Hill) $5 Joey & Rory Life of a Song (Sugar Hill) $2 * Ludwick, Robyn Out of These Blues (Texas indie) Gurf Morlix prod. $3 Lynch, Dustin Where It’s At (Broken Bow) deluxe promo $5 Miller, Ben Any Way Shape or Form (New West) * $2 Nicholson, Gary Texas Songbook (Bismeaux) $5 Nugent, Alecia Hillbilly Goddess (Rounder) $5 Old dominion Shut me Up single Olivia Jean Bathtub Love Killings (Third Man) $2 Olney, David Robbery & Murder $3 Ortega, Lindi Tennessee Christmas (Last Gang) $3 Paisley, Brad Wheelhouse (Arista) $5 deluxe in form of passport Pikelny, Noah Plays Kenny Baker Plays Bill Monroe (Compass) $3 Randall, Jon Walking Among the Living (Epic) $5 Seegers, Doug Going Down to the River (Rounder) $5 Simpson, Sturgill Metamodern Sounds in Country Music (30 Tigers) $3* Smith, Connie Long Line of Heartaches (Sugar Hill) $3* Stuart, Marty Nashville Vol 1 Tear the Woodpile Down (Sugar Hill )$3* Stuart, Marty Sunday Moring Vol 2 (Sugar Hill) $3 * Thile, Chris/ Michael Daves sleep with One Eye Open (Nonesuch) * $4 Travis, Randy Glory Train: Songs of Faith (WB) * $2 Trigger Hippy Trigger Hippy (Rounder) $3 dubbed Americana supergroup Trischka, Tony Great Big World (Rounder) $5 Tucker, Tanya My Turn (Direct Holdings) $3 Vaughan, Kenny Kenny Vaughan (Sugar Hill) $2 Vincent, Rhonda Destination Life (Rounder) $3 Watson, Dale Truckin’ Session #3 (Red River) if you have 1& 2$8 White, Jim Vs The Packway Handle Band (Yep Roc) $2 Williams, Hank Complete Hank Williams Sampler (Mercury) 25 tks $10 Xmas Men Santa Is Real $3 Robert Earl keen’s band Great cover parody of the Louvin’s epic Satan Is Reak Various Best of Me Soundtrack (EMI) $2 Lady antebellum, etc * Dead Mans Town: Tribute to Born in the USA (30 Tigers) $3 2009 IBMA Sampler (Rounder) 17 tks $2 * Twistable Turnable Man: Tribute to Songs of Shel Silverstein $5 While No One Was Looking: 20 Years of Bloodshot sampler 11 tracks $2 *

Country $5 Cds

Adkins, Trace Greatest Hits Collection n1 (Capitol) Anderson, John (BMG/BNA) Asleep at the Wheel Tribute to Music of Bob Wills (Capitol) Auld, Audrey Losing Faith (Reckless) Ball, David Thinking Problem (WB) Bare, Bobby Live at Gilleys (Atlantic) Bell & Shore El Rank Motel (ROM) Benitez, Laura Heartless Woman (Copperhead) Bentley, Dierks (Capitol) Bentley, Dierks Long Trip Home (Capitol) Berg, Matreca The Dreaming Fields (Dualtone) Big & Rich Gravity (BSR) 2014 Big & Rich Coming to Your City (WB) Black, Clint Greatest Hits (RCA) Blue Moon Rising One Lonely Shadow (Lonesome Day) nice cd. Bogguss, Suzy Voices in the Wind (Capitol) Bogguss, Suzy Aces (Capitol) Brooks, Garth Garth Brooks (Capitol) great debut Brown, Junior Semi Crazy (Curb) Burton, Charlie And Texas Twelve steppers; Rustic Fixer Upper Byrd, Tracy Tracy Byrd (MCA) Cactus Brothers Cactus Brothers (Liberty) Campbell, Glen Meet Glen Campbell (Capitol) sealed Canyon, George One Good Friend (Universal) Carlson, Kendall Alright Dynamite (Train Wreck) Chip Taylor prodigy wink!!! Carlson, Paulette Paulette Carlson (Capitol) ex Highway 101 Carpenter, Mary Chapin State of the Heart (Columbia) Carpenter, Mary Chapin Shooting Straight in the Dark (Columbia) Carpenter, Mary Chapin Come On Come On (Columbia) Carpenter, Mary Chapin ages of Miracles (Zoe) Carter, Carlene Stronger (Yep Roc) Cash, Johnny Thing Called Love mini lp style (Columbia) Cash, Johnny Junkie & Juicehead Minus Me mini lp style (Columbia) Cash, Johnny Unchained: American Recordings II (American0 Cash, Johnny Columbia Recordings 1958-1986 Cash, Johnny Man In Black mini lp style (Columbia) Chambers, Kasey w. Shane Nicholson Wreck & Ruin (SugarHill) Chesnutt, Mark Wings (Decca) Chesnutt, Mark Greatest Hits (Decca) Clark, Terri Fearless (mercury) Cochran, Anita Back to You (WB) Confederate Railroad Confederate Railroad (Atlantic) few better Corbett, John Leaving Nothing Behind (Funbone) Crowell, Rodney Soul Searchin’ (Columbia) Daniels, Charlie Blues Hat (Blue hat) DeMeyer, Brigitte Savannah Road (BDM) Doobie Brothers Southbound (2014) well they were on the CMA aawards Drive By Truckers Big To Do (ATO) Eaglesmith, Fred Lipstick, Lies & Gasoline (Razor & Tie) England, Tyler Highways & Dance Halls (Capitol) Erik & Erik Erik & Erik (Texas indie) Exile Shelter from the Night (Epic) Fauss, Ronnie Built to Break (Normaltown) Foster, Radney Labor of Love (Arista) sealed Frickie, Janie Black & White (Columbia) Gaines, Chris Greatest Hits (Capitol) Limited edition hologram edition unfortunately not limited enough Gatlin, Larry Cookin’ Up a Storm (CapitoL) Gill, Vince (MCA) Gill, Vince When I Call your Name (MCA) Gill, Vince Let’s Make Sure We Godobye (MCA) Gill, Vince Souvenirs (MCA) Gill, Vince Essential (RCA) Gill, Vince High Lonesome Sound (MCA) Greenwood, Lee Perfect 10 (Capitol) all duets with Bogguss, Tucker, lacy etc Haddock, Durwood I Remember Jenny Lou Carson (Eagle) Haggard, Merle Capitol Collectors Series (Capitol) Hale, Lucy Road Between Harris, Emmylou Luxury Liner (WB) Harris, Emmylou (WB) Harris, Emmylou (WB) Harris, Emmylou Portraits Disc 1 (from box) WB Harris, Emmylou Portraits Disc 2 (from box) WB Harter, J Michael Ride On Anozira) Hearne, Bill & Bonnie Diamonds in teh Rough (WB) sealed Highfill, George George Arliss Highfill (Church Street) Horton, Johnny American Originals (Columbia) Horton, Steven Wayne Steven Wayne Horton (Capitol) Great House, James James House (MCA) Houser, Randy The y Cal lme Cadillac (Universal) Hus, Tim Western Star (Stoney Plain) Huston, Randy Keepin’ the New West Wild (Outside Circle) Western\ Hyatt, Walter King Tears (MCA) Ireland, Mike & Holler Learning How to Live (Sub Pop) Ireland, Mike & Holler Try Again (Ashmont) Jackson, Alan Under the Influence (Arista) Jackson, Alan When Somebody Loves You (Arista) Jayhawks Mocvkingbird Time ((Rounder) Jones, Buck Lucky Star (Western Beat) Jones, David Lee Mixed Emotions (Liberty) Jones, George One (with Tammy) MCA Jones, Kacey Amen for Olds Friends (Igo) 2014 Kay, Linda Dream My Darling (Drearmphonic) Kelly, Paul Words & Music (white) Kelly, Paul Spring & Fall (Gawd) Kennedy, Ray Guitar Man (Atlantic) No Way Jose Kentucky Headhunters Pickin’ on Nashville (Mercury) Kentucky Headhunters Electric Barnyard (Mercury) Kershaw, Sammy Haunted Heart (Mercury) Kershaw, Sammy Feelin’ Good Train (Mercury) Knobloch, J Fred Live at Bluebird Cafe (Bluebird) sealed Lansborough, Charlie Once ina a While (Telstar) Lansborough, Charlie Movin’ On (ABC) Lansdale, Kasey Restless ((Blue Siren) sealed Leigh, Danni 29 Nights (Decca) Loveless, Patty (Epic) Loveless, Patty If My Heart Had Windows (MCA) Loveless, Patty Only What I Feel (Epic) Lovett, Lyle And His Large Band (MCA) Lovett, Lyle Joshua Judges Ruth (MCA) Lynn, Loretta Van Leer Rose ((Interscope) Lynn, Loretta Best of: the Millenium Collection (MCA) McBride, Martina The Time Has Come (RCA) McBride, Martina Wild Angels (RCA) McBride, Martina Martina (RCA) McCarver, Cody Cody McCarver (E1) McClymonts Wrapped Up Good (BSM) McCoy, Neal Greatest Hits (Atlantic) McCreery, Scotty See You Tonight (Mercury) McEntire, Reba (MCA) McEntire, Reba Sweet Sixteen (MCA) Mason, Sandy Angels in Disguise (Good) she wrote “When I Dream” and performs it here...made famous by Jack Clement of course. Mavericks Super Colossal Smash Hits of 90s (Mercury) sealed Mavericks Trampoline (MCA) Mavericks (MCA) Miller, Dean Platinum (Capitol) Miller, Mindy Gues Who’s Back in Town (Universal Texas) Montgomery, John Michael What I Do Best (Atlantic) Montgomery, John Michael Greatest Hits (Atlantic) Morgan, Lorrie Greatest Hits (RCA) Morgan, Lorrie To Get to You (RCA) Murray, Anne Croonin’ (Capitol) ) Murray, Anne Best So Far (Capitol) Nail, David Sound of a Million Dreams (MCA) Nail, David I’m a Fire (MCA) Nelson, Lukas Promise of the real (POTR) sealed Nichols, Joe Its All Good (Universal) Nichols, Joe III (Universal) Nichols, Joe (Universal) Nichols, Joe Revelation (Universal) Nichols, Joe Real Things (Universal) O’Hara, Jamie Above It (RCA) Oslin. K T Love ina Small Town (RCA) Paisley, Brad (Arista) Paisley, Brad (ARista) Paisley, Brad Part II (Arista) Paisley, Brad (Arista) Pardi, Jon Write Youa Song (Capitol) Parnell, Lee Roy On the Road (Arista) Parsons, Gram GP/Grievous Angel (WB) Paslay, Eric (EMI) Passin, Monica And The Monicats (Townhouse) like rockabilly Pettis, Pierce Great Big World (Compass) Place, Mary K The Ahern sessions 1976-77 (Raven) Prairie Oyster Blue Plate Special Raye, Collin Extremes (Epic) Robison, Charlie Step Right Up (Lucky Dog( Rodriguez, Carrie Give Me All You Got (Ninth Street Opus) Rogers, Kenny She Rides Wild Horses (WB) Roses Pawn Shop Gravity Well (RPS) Rucker, Darius (Capitol) Shaver, Billy Joe Tramp on Your Street (Zoo) Shaver, Billy Joe Salt of the Earth (Lucky Dog) Shaver, Billy Joe Unshaven Live at Smith’s Old Bar (Zoo) Shocked, Michelle Shockolates (Mighty Sound 021 tracks best Smith, Bobby Earl Turn Row Blues (MS) Smith, Darden Circo (sealed) Dualtone Snider , Todd Songs from the Daily Planet (MCA) Snow, Len Country’s What I Choose (platinum Plus) Strait, George (MCA) Strait, George (MCA) Strait, George Soemthing Special (MCA) sealed Strait, George Livin’ It Up (MCA) Strait, George #7 (MCA) sealed Strait, George Lates tStraitest Greatest Hits (MCA) Strait, George Pure Country (MCA) Texas Trailhands In the moo ((TTT) good swing in spite of idiotic title Thurlo, Carl The Ranch Hand Live (Cowboy Poetry) Tillis, Pam Homeward Lookin’ Angel (Arista) Tillis, Pam Sweetheart’s Dance (Arista) Toliver, Tony Half Saint Half Sinner (Curb) sealed Tractors Tractors (Arista) Travis, Randy Rise & Shine (WB) Trevino, Rick Learning as You Go (Columbia) sealed Tubb, Ernest Famous Country Music Makers (original Decca) Tubb, Ernest Country Music Hal lof Fame (MCA) Tubb, Ernest Live 1965 (Rhino) Tubb, Ernest Country Hoedown (Jasmine) Tucker, Tanya Can’t Run From Yourself (Capitol) fabulous Twain, Eileen Shania Complete Limelight Sessions (Limelight) 17 tracks Twangtown Paramours Promise of Friday Night ((Inside Edge) Tyson, Ian All the Gooduns 2 (Stoney Plain) Underwood, Carrie (Arista) Van Shelton, Ricky Love and Honour (Columbia) Vassar, Phil Greatest Hits (Arista) Wariner, Steve Laredo (MCA) Welch, Kevin Western Beat (WB) White, Bryan Greatest Hits (Asylum) White, Joy Lynn Between Midnight & Hindsight (Lucky Dog) White, Lari Best (RCA) White, Lari Don’t Fence Me In (RCA) tops Whiitelaw, Travis Beer (Skull) Wiggins, John & Audrey John & Audrey Wiggins (Mercury) Wilco Sky Blue Sky (Nonesuch) Wild Rose (Breaking New Ground (Capitol) Williams, Don Greatest Hits Live Vol 2 (RMG) Williams , Hank Jnr FAmil yTradition (Curb) sealed Williams, Hank III Lovesick Broke & Driftin’ (Curb) Williams, Robin & Linda Turn Towarsd Tomorrow (Sugar Hill) Womack,. Lee Ann I Hope You dance (MCA) Wood, David Country (New Note) raw honky tonk Wynette, Tammy Without Walls (Epic) Wynonna Collection (Curb) Yoakam, Dwight Gone (WB)


*8 Seconds Soundtrack (MCA) rodeo themed movie similar soundtrack *1861 Project Vol 2 (Cohesion) sealed Connie Smith *American Country Duets (Karussel) 18 Mercury inc.Linda Gail & Jerry lee *Americana Motel (Bay Gumbo) 18 tracks *Best of Country Sing Best of Disney (Disney inc. George Jones, ) *Beverly Hillbillies Movie Soundtrack (RCA) *Capitol Country Music Classics 1980s (Capitol UK) 25 tracks *Common Thread Songs of the Eagles (Asylum) *Freight Train Boogie: A Coillection of Americana Music (Jackalope) 17 tks *Harry Smith Connection (Smithsonian Folkaways) *Horse Whisperer soundtrack (MCA) *I Love Tom T Halls’s Songs of Fox Hollow Patty Griffin, , Fayssoux, Tommy Cash, Peter Cooper, Elizabeth Cook AND Tom T Hall. Recommended *Lonesome ;Onry & Mean ((Dualtone) Waylon Tribute *Outlaws: Nashville Tribute to Motle y Crue 2014 (Big Machine) *Sun Story (Rhino) *Timeless Tribute to Hank Williams (Lost Highway) *True Voices Demon (UK) Pretty good concept singer songwriters do songs of dead singer songwriters actually some of the “live” ones are now dead John Stewart does Tim Hardin’s “Lady Came From ”, Gene Clark does Phil Ochs “Changes”. Also has still live ones such as Lucinda, P F Sloan etc *Uprooted: The Best of Roots Rock Country Singer Songwriters (shanachie)

Country $10 or 3 for $25

Allen, Terry Best of the Sugar Hill Years (Sugar Hill) Anderson, John Greatest Hits (WB) Armstrong, Tom Wine Stained Heart( Carswell) West coast honky tonker Arnold, Eddy Essential (RCA) 20 tks Arnold, Eddy After All These Years (RCA) prod. Jack clement. Really good. Asleep at the wheel Remembers the Alamo (Shout) Austin, Chad Chad Austin (Asylum) Bacon Brothers 36 cents (Forosoco) Bellamy Brothers GH Vol 3 (MCA) “Hillbilly Hell” Bennett, Gary Human Condition (Landslide) ex BR549 with Lloyd Green Bennett, Richard In teh Wind Somewhere (Lonesome Day) guitar Bentley, Dierks Riser (Capitol) 2014 Bickhardt, Craig Brother to the Wind (Stone Barn) The More I Wonder (Stone Barn) Bogguss, Suzy Swing(Campadre) Bogguss, Suzy Greatest Hits (Capitol) Bogguss, Suzy Somewhere Between (capitol) stunning. Bogguss, Suzy Sweet Danger (Loyal Duchess) BR549 This Is (Lucky Dog) Brace, Eric & Peter Cooper The Comeback Album (Red Beet) Brice, lee I Don’t Dance Deluxe Edition (Curb) 2014 Bromberg, David Sideman Serenade (Rounder) Brown, Jim Ed & Browns Essential (RCA) 20 tks Brown, Junior 12 Shades of Brown (Demon UK) original issue this classic Brown, Zac Band The Foundation (Home Grown) special packaging Brown, Zac Band Uncaged (Atlantic) sealed Brown, Zac Band You Get What You Give (Atlantic) sealed Browne, Jann Tell Me Why (Curb) Browne, Jann It Only Hurts When I Laugh (Curb) both gems Browns 20 of teh Best (sealed) Brun, Ane Songs 2003-2013 2cds(Balloon Ranger) Byrd, Tracy Greatest Hits (BNA) Byrds Sweethearts of the Rodeo (expanded) Columbia 19 tks Byrnes, Jim I Hear the wind in the Wires (Black Hen) Campbell, Glen Essential Vol 3 1962-2968 (Capitol) sealed 22 tks Carlisles Tennessee Memories (BACM) 26 tks Carter Family Can the circle Be Unbroken (Legacy) Cartwright, Lionel Lionel Cartwright (MCA) Case, Peter Selected tracks 1994-2004 (Vanguard) 16 tks sealed. Cash, Rosanne The List (Manhattan) Cash, Rosanne (Columbia) expanded sealed Cassidy, Jason Keep it country (indie) Casstevens, Mark Acoustic Inventions (great a team session man) Chambers, Craig Not Just Another Pretty Hat (WR) Charles, Nick Return of the Travelling Finger Picker Charles, Nick/ Alex Burns Cordially Yours Charles, Nick/ Alex Burns The Road More Travelleed Chesnutt, Mark Singles 1990-1994 (Decca) Chesnutt, Mark Thank God for Believers (Decac) Chesnutt, Mark Almost Goodbye (MCA) Chesnutt, Mark Too Cold at Home (MCA) Clark, Guy Texas Cookin’ (Sugar Hill) Cleaves, Slaid No Angel Knows (Philo) Cline, Patsy 12 Greatest Hits (MCA) Coal Porters Durango ((Prima) Cochran, Anita Anita (WB) Collins, Tommy The Capitol Colelction (Varese) Conley, Earl Thomas Essential (RCA) inc. Brotherly Love w. keith Whitley Corley, Bob Lucky Ol me (Country Discovery) great indie . Mike Headrick Cowan John Sixty (Compass) Cryner, Bobbie Bobbie Cryner (Epic) best female country cd of the 90s Cryner, Bobbie Girl of your Dreams (MCA) not far behind Cumberland Three Songs of the Civil War (Rhino) John Stewart Curless, Dick Travelling through (Rounder) Deal, Kevin There Goes the Neighbourhood (Blindfellow) sealed DeLisle, GreY Neath a Cold Grey Stone (Sugar Hill) sealed Delray, Martin What Kind of man (Atlantic) superb Dement, Iris My Life (WB) Denver, John Poems Prayers Promises/Farewell Andromeda (RCA) 2on1 Diffie, Joe Greatest Hits (Epic) Diffie, Joe Homecoming (Rounder) sealed Driftwood, Jimmie Voice of the People (Omni) 28 tks Dugmore, Dan Of fWhite Album (Double D) sealed Beatles Tribute steel guitar Duhks Beyond the Blue (Compass) 2014 Earle, Steve Shut Up and Die Like an Aviator (MCA) Earle, Steve Guitar Town (MCA) Egge, Ana River Under the Road (Lazy SOB) Austin Egge, Ana Mile Marker (Grace) Austin Elliott, Ramblin’ Jack A Stranger Here (Anti) Ely, Joe Streets of Sin (Rounder) Ely, Joe Love & Danger (MCA) Ely, Joe Twistin’ in teh Wind (MCA) Emilio Life is Good (Capitol) Endsley, Melvin I Like Your Kind of Love (Bear Family) Escovedo, Alejandro Street Songs of Love (Concord) Etzioni, Marvin Marvin Country! Feat. Duets , Lucinda etc 2cd (Nine Mile Records) Flatlanders Wheels of Fortune (New West) Florida Georgia Line Anything Goes (Republic) Florida Georgia Line Heres to the Good Times/This IS How We Roll CD+DVD (Republic) sealed Foster, Radney Revival (Devils River) sealed Foster, Radney Everything I should Have Said (Devil’s river) 2014 Foster & Lloyd It’s Already tomorrow (Effin Ell) favourite label!! Four Giants of Swing S’Wonderful (Flying Fish) Joe Venuti, Eldon shambling. Jethro Burns/ Curley Chalker. Fulks, Robbie Country love Songs (Bloodshot) Gayle, Crystal Best (Rhino) Gilbert, Brantley Just As I Am (Valory) Gill,Vince The Key (MCA) Gill,Vince (MCA) Gilmore, Jimmie Dale Unplugged (Sun) actually Butch & Jimmie Dale In Australia issued under a different name...go figure!! Gilmore, Jimmie Dale Go Look for a Heartache (Hightone) Gilmore, Jimmie Dale After Awhile (Hightone) Gilmore, Jimmie Dale Spinning Round the Sun (Hightone) Glaser, Tompall The Rogue (Bear Family) GolIghtly, Holly Sunday Run Me Over (Transdreamer) Goodman, Steve Steve Goodman (Buddah) original with City of New Orleans Green, Pat Songs We Wish We’d written II (Sugar Hill) Griffith, Nanci Other Voices II (Elektra) Griffith, Nanci Dust Bowl Symphony (Elektra) Griffith, Nanci Little Love Affairs (MCA) Hacienda Brothers What’s Wrong With Right () (Proper) Haggard, Marty Borders & Boundaries (Critique) Great...Haggard’s eldest Haggard, Merle Roots (Anti) sealed Haggard, Merle Serving 190 Proof (MCA) Haggard, Merle Back to the Barrrooms (MCA) Haggard, Merle If I Could Only Fly (Anti) Hardwick, Billy Jnr Too Country (JRS) great Harris, Emmylou/Linda/Dolly Trio II (WB) Harvey, Adam I;m Doing Alright (Sony) deluxe 2cd version Harvey, Adam Both Sides Now (Sony) Hayes, Hunter encore (Sealed) deluxe (Atlantic) Hendrix, Terri Cry Til lYou Laught (Wilory) Texas Herndon, Ty Lies I Told Myself ( Journey On) Hill, Byron Best of the First Twenty Years (MCA) Publishing) 2cd Hitchcock, Russell Tennessee The Nashville sessions (Better Angels) ex Air Supply Howard, Rebecca Lynn Rebecca Lynn Howard ((MCA) Hunt, Sam Nontevallo (MCA) Intveld, James Have Faith (Molenaart) West Coast legend Jackson, Alan The Greatest Hits Collection (Arista) Jackson, Stonewall American Originals (Columbia) Jenkins The Jenkins (Capitol) never released..think McCarters/ Judds Jennings, Shooter The Other Life (Black label) Jennings, Waylon The Eagle (Epic) great inc. “Reno & me” Jennings, Waylon New Classic (MCA) Jewell, Buddy One In a Row (rare indie) Jimenez, Flaco Los Alegres de Teran (with Tomas Ortiz) Arhoolie Johnson, Jamey The Guitar Song 2cd ((Mercury) sealed Johnson, Jamey That Lonesomne Song (Mercury) Jones, George (Asylum) Jones, George Bradley barn Sessions (MCA) Jones, George (MCA) Jones, George High Tech Rednick (MCA0 Jones, Grandpa Makes the Rafters Ring (Omni) sealed 32 tracks Jordinaires Memories of Elvis (K Tel) Judds Essential (RCA) superb Kamp, Ted Russell Poor Man’s Paradise (Pomo) affectionately known as Ted Russell Coit...don’t ask!! Kaplin, Fats Fatman Cometh/Word of wonder (Pulpcountry) 2cds Kelley, Irene Thunderbird (great Nashville indie) Kendall, Jeannie Jeannie Kendall (Rounder) superb. Kendalls 16 Greatest Hits (Varese) Ketchum,Hal Father Time (Curb) Kilgore, Jerry Love Trip (Virgin) sealed Knopfler/Harris (Mercury) Kristofferson, Kris Feeling Mortal (KK) Kristofferson, Kris Broken Freedom song (Oh boy) sealed La Fave, Jimmy Depending on Distance (*music Road) Lamb, Dwight Joseph Won a Coated Fiddle & Other Fiddle & Tunes from the Great Plains (Rounder) Lambert, Miranda Kerosene ((epic) Lambert, Miranda Revolution ((sony) Lane, Nikki All or Nothin’ (New West )2014 Lanham, Roy & Whippoorwills Hard Life Blues (Bloodshot) 31 tks Lauderdale, Jim Could We get any Closer (Sky Crunch) Lauderdale, Jim Country Super Hits (Yep Roc) Lauderdale, Jim Honey Songs (Yep Roc) Lauderdale, Jim Patchwork River (Sky Crunch) Lauderdale, Jim Old Time angels (Smith Music Group) sealed Ledoux, Chris 20 Originals : The Early Years(Liberty) Ledoux, Chris Best (Capitol) Lee, Johnny Greatest Hits (WB) 1-sealed copy...1 not sealed Lee, Phil The Fall & Further Decline of the Mighty King of Love (Pa lookaville) produced by Richard Bennett Leigh, Brennen/ Noel McKay Before the World Was Made (Texas indie duets) sealed Lewis, jerry Lee Mean Old Man (Verve) Little, Jimmy The Definitive Collection (Mushroom/ Festival) 2CD 36 tracks. Loveless, Patty Mountain Soul (Epic) stunning Loveless, Patty Mountain Soul II (Saguaro Road) Lovett, Lyle Release Me (MCA / Curb) Lovett, Lyle It’s Not Big Its Large (MCA/Curb Lund, Corb Losing Lately Gambler (New West)_ McBride, Martina Everlasting (Vinyl Recordings) McBride, Martina Greatest Hits (RCA) McCall, C W American Spirit (with Mannheim Steamroller) McCall, Diane My Imagination (Heart of Texas) Dareel McCAll sister McCall, Guyanne In the Genes (Heart of Texas) Darrell’s daughter McCarters The Gift (WB) McCarters (WB) McCoy, Neal Pride: Tribute to Charley Pride (Crackerbarrel exclusive with extra tracks.) sealed McCutcheon, John 22 Days (Appalongs )_ sealed McCutcheon, John Untold (Applesee) 2CD sealed Storytelling & songs McDevitt, Chas Featuring Nancy Whiskey (Bear Family) McDevitt, Chas Freight train (Roller coaster) Maddox Brothers & Rose Live on the Radio (Arhoolie) Malo, Raul Lucky One (Fantasy) of MAvericks Martin, Leland Simply Traditional (Audiophile) sealed knockout Martin, Mario Keep it on teh Country side (DPI) $10 just get it.. Mattea, Kathy Definitive (Mercury) 20 tks sealed Mavericks In Time (Valory) Meech, Sarah Gayle One Good Thing (indie) so good was in our top 5 last year, Miller, Buddy/ Buddy & Jim (New West) Miller, Buddy/ Julie Love snuck Up (Hightone) Miller, Buddy Universal United (New West) single cd version Moffatt, Katy Greatest Show on Earth (Philo) Greatest cd on earth!! My Darling Clementine How Do You Plead (Drumfire) Gram & Emmylou revisited sealed. Fabulous Nelson, Willie Moonlight becomes You (Justice) Stardust Mark II Great Nelson, Willie Spirit (Island) Nettles, Jennifer That Girl (Universal) New Riders of Purple Sage New Riders of Purple Sage (Sony) expanded Nichols, Joe Crickets (red Bow )sealed Niemann, Jerrod High Noon (Arista) Notorious Cherry Bombs Notorious Cherry Bombs (Universal) Rodney Crowell & Vince Gill. Sealed & a must have. O’Connell, Maura Don’t I Know (Sugar Hill) O’Kanes The Only Years ((Lucky Dog) compilation of their 3 albums Olney, David Film Noir (Dead Beat) Olney, David Robbery & Murder (Dead Beet) Ortega, Lindi Tin Star (Last Gang Records ) Owens, Buck Young Buck: Complete PreCapitol Recordings (Audium)21tk Parton, Dolly Those were the Days (Sugar Hill) Paycheck, Johnny 16 Biggest Hits (epic) Pinson, Bobby Man Like Me (RCA) Prairie Rose Wranglers Deep in the Saddle (PRR) sealed Raybon, Marty Southern Roots & Branches (Rural Rhythm) One of country’s finest vocalists ex Shenandoah. Rierson, Rusty Souvenirs (red dirt) Roberts, Gena Shuffle Back to Me (indie) all songs by the great Chuck Cusimano Robinson, Nell The Rose of No Mans Land: An American Family’s Musical Journey from the Revolution to the Present Guests include Kris Kristofferson, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott Robison, Charlie Live at Billy Bobs (Smith Music) 2CDs Rodriguez, Johnny Best Millenium Collection (mercury) Rogers, Roy Country Music hall of Fame (MCA) inc. “Gay Ranchero”!! Ronstadt, Lina Feels Like Home (Elektra) her las t truly country cd Rowan, Peter Awake Me in the New World (Sugar Hill) Rowan, Peter All on a Rising Day (Sugar Hill) Rucker, Darius True Believers (Capitol) Russell, Tom Man From God Knows Where (Hightone) with Iris Dement Russell, Tom Long Way Around (Hightone) with Nanci, Iris & Katy Moffatt Satan, Buck And the 666 Shooters Bikers Welcome ladies Drink Free (soul food) Scott, Hilary Freight Train Love (Belltown) of Lady Antebellum Seals, Dan Rage On (Capitol) his best...’tis very good. Sexsmith, Ron Other Songs (Interscope) Sexsmith, Ron Retriever (Nettwerk) Sexsmith, Ron Blue Boy (Cook) Shaver, Billy Joe The Real Deal (Compadre) Shovels & Rope Swimmin; Time (Dualtone) 2014 Silvers, Jim Music Makin’ Mama From Memphis (Bear Family) bargain! Smith, Gerald Hits & More (Double E) great writer “What Part of No” etc Smither, Chris Hundred dollar Valentine (signature Sounds) Snider, Todd Happy to Be Here (Oh Boy) sealed Snow, Hank Singing Ranger (Bear Family) CD#4 from Bear Family box Snow, Hank I’m Moving On and Other Grear Country Hits (RCA) 20tks Sons of Pioneers Tumbling Tumbleweeds (RCA) 20 tks Stanton, Harry Dean Partly Fiction (Omnivore) Starlite, Tammy Faye And the Angels of Mercy: On My Knees GREAT if you like X- rated gospel. Stecher, Jody Oh The Wind & Rain (Appleseed) Stewart, Gary Essential (RCA0 20 tks Starit, George Beyond the Blue Neon (MCA) His best and by long way sealed Street, mel 20 Greatest Hits (Gusto) NONE better not even George or Vern Street, mel 20 Super Hits (Gusto) different 20 same comment. Very Best (Crackerbarrel) Swan, Billy Do With Me what You Will (Home Demos) Sweeney, Sunny Heartbreaker’s Hall of Fame (indie )great Swindell, Cole Coel Swindell (WB) Talley, James Nashville City Blues ((Cimarron) Tashian,Barry & Holly Harmony (Rounder) Thompson, Verlon Works (Victor Tango) sealed Thornton, Marsha Maybe the Moon Will Shine (MCA0 Travis, Randy Greatest Hits Volume One (WB) Travis, Randy Greatest Hits Volume Two (WB) both have things only on these. Trooper, Greg Incident on Willow Street (52 Shakes) Turnpike Troubadours Diamonds & Gasoline (Thirty Tigers) Tyson, Ian Yellowhead to Yellowstone & other Love Stories (Stony Plain) Vollmer, Brian Old Time Music Party (Patuxtent) Wagoneers Good Fortune (A&M) Wagoner, Porter 20 All Time Greatest Hits (Gusto) sealed Wall, Chris Tainted Angel (Cold Spring) Wariner, Steve It Ain’t All Bad (selectone) sealed Wayne, Dallas Big thinkin’ (Hightone )sealed Weiss, Larry Cuts & Scratches () yep..the writer of Welch, Gilliam Time The Revelator (Acony) Welch, Gilliam Revival (Acony) Welch, Gilliam Soul Journey (Acony) Welch, Gilliam The Harrow and the Harvest (Acony) Wence,B ill Songs That Made me think About You (Six One Five) West, Shelley Very Best (Varese) inc. Jose Cuervo West, Speedy, Jimmy Bryant Swingin’ on the Strings (Razor & Tie) White, Tony Joe The Heroines (Sanctuary) Whitley, Keith RCA Country Legends (RCA) Williams, Don 20 Greatest Hits (MCA) Williams, Don Turn the Page (Giant) Williams, Hank Rare Demos First To Last (CMF) Williams, Hank Alone With His Guitar ((Mercury) This is an enhanced cd if you paly in a computer. Hank II reads a tribute and more. Williams, Hank III Damn Right Rebel Proud (Curb) Williams, Holly Here With Me (Mercury) Williams, Lucinda HAppyWoman Blues (Smithsonian Folkways) Williams, Lucinda (Koch) Williams, Ron Natural Thing (Black Patch) sealed Willis Brothers 20 Graet Truck Drivin’ Songs (Gusto) sealed Winchester, Jesse Gentleman of Leisure (Sugar Hill) Womack, Lee Ann There’s More Where THa tCame From (MCA) Yandall, Paul In the Groove (MPM) Yandall, Paul Drive On Yoakam, Dwight Last Chance for a thousand Years WB) Young, Eli Band 10, 000 Towns (Republic)


*America Will Always Stand: New Songs of the Civil War () Skaggs, Travis etc *Capitol Country Classics 1950s (EMI UK) 26 tracks many quite rare. Nicely presented *Coal Miner’s Daughter: Tribute to (Columbia )sealed inc. Alan Jackson, Martina McBride, Steve Earle & Alison Moorer, etc *Columbia Country Classics Vol 2 Honky Tonk Heroes 27 gems *Just Because I’m a Woman songs of Dolly Parton (Sugar Hill) Superb lineup inc Emmylou, Alison Krauss, , Kasey Chambers etc *Mystery Train: Classic RailroadSongs Vol 2 (Rounder) *O Brother Where Art thou? 10th Anniversary 2CD edition sealed (Lost Highway) . Nice 3 fold digipak. 14 track bonus disc headed “bona fide rarities & unreleased tracks” with Cox family. Peasall Sisters etc *Rig Rock Deluxe: A Musical Tribute to the American Truck Driver Superb 16 tracks inc. , with Junior Brown, Marty Stuart, Don Walser etc *She Was Country When Country Wasn’t Cool: Barbara Mandrell Tribute Lorrie Morgan, , Terri Clark etc *Steel Rails Classic Railroad Songs Volume 1 (see Mystery Train above...part of series) *Swing West: Guitar Slingers (Razor &Tie) 20 tracks *Town South of Bakersfield 3 (Restless)LA based landmark album *Tribute to Billy Joe Shaver Live (Compadre) sealed Dale Watson, . R E Keen etc *Tribute To Nicolette Larson: Lotta Love Concert Rhino Emmylou/Jackson Browne/ CSN

KGSR Austin Broadcasts

93.3 is the Austin station all those in the know listen to. They regularly have live performances in the studio which feature songs ONLY on these compilation cds which ae sold for charity. All new. All are $10 or 3/25 All are 2CD except #8 which is 3cd Broadcasts Vol 6 Broadcasts Vol 8 Broadcasts Vol 13 Broadcasts Vol 14 Broadcasts Vol 15 Broadcasts Vol 16 Broadcasts Vol 17 Broadcasts Vol 20 To Illustrate there are 2 full cds 19 or so tracks 70 min each cd on each. Vol 6 has Lyle Lovett/ Robert Earl Keen/ Steve Earle/ Delbert/ /Dr John/ Ray Wylie Hubabrd/ Nick Lowe/ Derailers/ Loudon wainwrights III etc.

Country $15 & up Albert, Christine Everything’s Beautiful Now (Moon Hose) Texas belle Allen, Rex Last of great Singing Cowboys (Bloodshot) sealed $18 Alvin, Dave Interstate City (Hightone) $15 Alvin, Dave King of California (Hightone) $15 Alvin, Dave Museum of Heart (Hightone) $15 Alvin, Dave Romeo’s Escape (Sony) $15 Anderson, Bill Definitive (MCA) Sealed 20 tks $18 Anderson, Bill The Way I Feel $18 Anderson, Bill Songwriter $18 sealed Anderson, John Blue Skies Again (MCA) $20 Anderson, Lynn Anthology the Chart Years $20 Renaissance 22 tks Anderson, Lynn Anthology The Columbia Years Renaissance 22 tks $20 Anderson, Lynn The Bluegrass Sessions (DM) CD + DVD $15\ Atkins, Chet/ Jerry Reed Sneakin’ Around $18 (Columbia) Atkins, Chet Pops Go Country (wit hArthur Fiedler)/ Pops Go west (Just Fiedler) Real Gone Music $15 sealed Ball, David Freewheeler (Arcaro) $15 Bare, Bobby Best Of (Razor & Tie) $18 Bare, Bobby The Moon Was Blue (Dualtone) $15 Barnett, Mandy I Can’t Stop Loving You (Crackerbarrel) $20 Blue Sky Boys Blue Sky Boys (Rounder) $18 1976 recordings Boggs, Noel Very Best: Shasta Masters (Varese) $15 steel great Bogguss,Suzy Lucky (Loyal Duchess) $20 Haggard songs 2014 Bogguss, Suzy American Folk Songbook (Loyal Dutchess) $15 Boland, Jason & Stragglers Rancho Alto (Thirty Tigers) $18 Borges, sarah Radio sweetheart (Lonesome Day) $18 sealed Boxcar Willie King of the Freight Train (MCA) $18 inc great duet w. Willie Boyer, Brad Montagu Hotel (Thunderbird) $18 Texas indie Breau, Lenny Live at Bourbon Street $18 2cds Breau, Lenny Pickin Cotten (with Richard Cotten) Bresh, Thom Breah $18 Bridges, Jeff & the Abiders Live (Ramp) 2014 $18 Brokop, Lisa Beautiful Tragedy (Fontana) $20 Canada only Bromberg, David Try Me One More Time (Legacy) $15 Bromberg, David Use Me (Appleseed) $15 Brooks, Garth The Hits $18 Brown, Greg Live at the Black Sheep (Alcove) with Garnet Rogers etc Brown, Pieta Paradise Outlaw (Red House) $18 2014 Browns Thre Shades MB) 31 original RCA tracks $15 Bunyan, Vashti Heartleap $18 (Step) Burnett, T Bone True False Identity (sealed) Columbia $18 Burnett, T Bone Twenty Twenty: The Essential 2CD $22 Burnette, Dorsey Best of the Era Year (Era) $20 Burns, Brian Highways Heartaches & Honky Tonks $18 (Bandera) simply put his debut is one of the best Teaxs honky tonk albums ever. Byrd, Jon Down at the Well of Wishes (Longleaf) “Jon Byrd is the best there is in Nashville” Peter Cooper Camp, Shawn 1994 (Reprise) $18 Camp, Shawn Live at the Station Inn (Oh Boy)$18 Camp, Shawn Fireball (Skeeterbit) $15 own opinion is he is perhaps the best...but we do agree it isn’t Toby, Kenny etc. Sure nuff! Campbell, Glen See You There (Surfdog) sealed $15 Campbell, Glen and in session (Concord) $20 CD + DVD Campbell, Glen Unconditional Love (Capitol) $18 hard to get 1991 does great version of “Once a Day” Carlisle, Cliff Blues Yodeller & Stel Guitar Wizard (Arhoolie) $20 sealed Carothers , James Honky Tonk Land $20 2014 outlaw honky tonk gem Carter, Valerie The Way It Is (Countdown0 $15 Cartwright, Lionel Miles & Years (Intuitive) Hard to get indie also signed by Lionel $22 Case, Neko Fox Confessor Brings the Flood deluxe edition 2cds (Anti) $18 Cash, Johnny Out among the Stars (Legacy) $15 2014 prev. unreleased which includes duets with Waylon & June) Cash, Johnny I / Little Fauss & Big Halsey 2on 1 (Bear Family) 20n1 $18 Cash, Rosanne The River & the Thread (Blue Note) $15 Cash, Tommy Very Best (Collectables )$18 Chadwick, Stephen Let’s Do This Thing (Stag) good 2014 indie $20 Chesnutt, Mark Rollin’ With the $15 (Lofton Creek) Chesnutt, Mark Savin’ the Honky Tonk $18 Vivator) 2 later gems Choates, Harry Five Time Loser 1940-1951 27 tracks Krazy kat Clark, Guy Boats to Build (Asylum) $15 Clark, Guy Cold Dog Soup (Sugar Hill) $18 Clark, Guy Keepers: A Live Recording (Sugar Hill) $18 Clark, Guy Old No 1 (Sugar Hill) $12 Clark, Roy Greatest Hits (Varese) $18 Cleaves, Slaid Still Fighting the War (Music Road) $18 Clement, Jack Guess Things Happen That Way (Dualtone) $15 Cochran, Hank The Heart of: The Monument Sessions (Koch) $20 Collie, Mark Alive at Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary (Wilbanks) $18 Collins, Karen No Yodelling on teh Radio (Aza;ea City) Great indie $18 Collins Kids Rockinest (Bear Family) $18 Colter, Jessi Out of the Ashes (Shout) $18 Colter, Jessi An Outlaw: A Lady...Very Best (Capitol) $20 18 tks Conlee, John Classics (RCR) 22 tracks $18 Cooper, Peter Opening Day (Red beet) $18 Great Coppola, Michael On tehAtkins Diet $12 Cordle/Jackson/Salley Against the Grain (LCJ) $18 Cordle, Larry Too kDown & Put Up (LDR) $18 sealed. Great singer/writer Cormier, Joe The Dances Down Home (Rounder Heritage) Cajun $15 Country Gazette Live/ Sunny Side of the Mountain/ What a Way to Make a Living 3 on 2 (BGO) $22 Crowell, Rodney But What Will the Neighbours Think/ Rodney Crowell (Collectables) 2nd & 3rd album on 1 cd $18 Cullison, Mike Barstool Monologues (Joedog) superb $20 Curless, Dick The Long Lonesome Road (Omni) Brilliant 29 tracker of Capitol & Tower tracks Cyrus, Bobby Homeplace (BCC) $20 sealed. This is great. He is you know who’s cousin & the opener “Cut My Teeth on Waylon & Willie” will give you an idea what type of music it is. Do not be put off. Dalton, Lacy J Survivor/Lacy J (2on1) sealed (Morello UK) $20 Dalton, Lacy J Crazy Love (Capitol) $15 Dave & Deke Combo Moonshine Melodies (No Hit) $20 v. Hard to get 2nd of only 2 Davies, Gail Gail Davies (Varese) reissue of 1978 $15 Davies, Gail Greatest Hits (Varese) 20 tracks $18 Davies, Gail Live & Unplugged at the Station Inn (Little Chickadee) $18 Great unplugged album a la Emmylou at the Ryman. Recently had pleasure of meeting. BTW she doesn’t call a spade a spade (for those who don’t know...) 19 tracks. Davies, Gail Since IDon’t Have You (Little Chickadee) 2104. Note this is a jazz album but Gail sings as well as ever. $15 Davis, Skeeter Pop Hits Colelction (Taragon) sealed $22 rare Davis, Jimmie Country Music Hall of Fame (MCA) $15 all the early years (30s) including some ribald(!) & Jimmie Rodgers style Dement, Iris Song the Delta ((Redeye) $18 DeShannon, Jackie When You Walk in the Room (Rock Beat) sealed $20 Jackie goes back and does her versions of hits she has written inc. “Bette Davis Eyes”, “Needles & Pins”, title track etc. Delmore Brothers Sand Mountain blues (County) $15 Dexter, Al Pistol Packin’ Mama 2CD (Allegro) 28 originals $25 Great honky tonk pioneer. Dickens, Hazel Hard Hitting Songs for Hard Hitting People (Rounder) $18 Digby, Amber Music from the Honky tonks (Heart of Texas) $20 none better Dodd, Deryl Random As I Am (Smith Music) sealed $18 Dudley, Dave Millenium Collection (Mercury) $18 ONLY Mercury cd. Dunn, Holly Milestones (WB) Greatest Hits Autographed $18 Earle, Steve The Mountain With del Mccoury (E Squared) $15 Earle, Steve Ain’t ever Satisfied: Steve Earle Collection 2cd (MCA) $18 Earle, Steve Definitive Collection (Hip-O) $12 Earle, Steve Townes 2CD limited edition version $22 (New West) Earle, Steve Early Tracks (Columbia) Ebony Hillbillies Barefoot & Flying $15 african American old timey Edwards, Jonathan Rollin’ Along Live in Holland (Strictly Country) $18 Ellis, Robert Lights from teh Chemical Plant (New West) $15 Ely, Joe Live at Liberty Lunch (MCA) $15 Ely, Joe Happy Songs from Rattlesnake Gully (Rackem) $15 Escovedo, Alejandro With These Hands (Ryko) 2CD bonus disc version rare Escovedo, Alejandro Real Animal (Blue note) $15 Fairchild, Barbara Mississippi/ Free ‘n easy (2on1) (SPV UK) $18 Farr, Hugh & Karl Hot ‘n Bluesy: Fiddle/ Guitar & Twin Guitar Duets 1934-1940 (Country Routes) 26 tracks $15 Firefall Greatest Hits (Rhino) $15 Flying Burrito Brothers Hot Burritos!The Anthology 1969-1972 2CD (A&M) $22 43tk Ford, Tennessee Ernie 36 All Time Greatest Hits 3cD (Capitol) $18 Fricke, Janie Country Side of Bluegrass (New Music) $15 Friedman, Kinky Sold American (Vanguard) Gaffney, Chris Live & Then Some (2CD) (Tres Pescaderos) $25 Gatton, Danny The Humbler Stakes His Claim Live in 1977 $15 Gauthier, Mary Dixie Kitchen (in the Black)$15 Gauthier, Mary Filth & Fire (sealed) (Signature Sounds) $18 Gauthier Mary Live at Blue Rock (In the Black) sealed $15 Gayle, Crystal Sings Heart & Soul of Hoagy Carmichael (Southpaw) sealed $18 includes great duet with Willie. 15 absolute gems. Germino, Mark Rank & File (Unplugged) (Winter Harvest) $18 Gill, Vince These Days (MCA) 4CD box + 64 pg book $30 Gilmore, Jimmie Dale Come on Back $15 (Rounder) Gilmore, Jimmie Dale The Wronglers: Heirloom Music (bound book edition) $18 Gold, Andrew Spence Manor Suite (Dome) $15 Goose Creek Symphony Established 1970 $18 Goose Creek Symphony Welcome to Goose Creek $20 two Capitol reissues on their own label. Fabulous country rock act Gorka, John The Company You Keep (Red house) $15 Gosdin, Vern The Voice) (BTM) original blood red case $20 superb Gosdin, Vern Chiselled in Stone (Columbia0 $18 none better Gosdin, Vern Truly Great Hits (American Harvest) 13 tks + 20 min interview $20 Gosdin, Vern Out of My Heart (Columbia) $15 Green, Lloyd Mast er of the Steel String (Koch) $15 Griff, Ray 24 Carat Country Gold (Focus) $20 Canadian artist Griffin, Sid The Trick is to Breat (Prima 2014) $18 Haggard, Merle / Legend of Bonnie & Clyde (Capitol) 2on1 $20 Haggard, Merle It’s Not Love (But Its Not Bad)/ If We make It through December (BGO UK 2on1) $20 Haggard, Merle A Portrait/ Keep Movin’ On BGO 2on 1 $20 Haggard, Merle My Love Affair With trains / Roots of My Raisin’ 2on 1 BGO $20 Haggard, Merle Strangers/ Swingin’ Doors 2on 1 (Capitol) $18 Haggard, Merle That’s the Way Love Goes/ It’s All in the Game (T Bird) 2on 1 $18 Haggard, Merle Going Where the Lonely Go/That’s the Way Love goes (SP) 2on1 $20 Haggard, Merle Out Among teh Stars (Epic) $18 Haggard, Merle The Way I Am (MCA) $18 rare Haggard, Merle Hag/ Let me Tell You About a Song (BGO) 2on1 1 $20 Haggard, Merle Complete 60s Capitol Singles (Capitol) 28 tks $15 Haggard/Nelson Pancho & Lefty (Epic) $15 Hall, Tom T Sings Miss Dixie & Tom T $22 sealed now out of print Hall, Tom T The Essential: Story Songs 20 tracks (Mercury) Only his story songs $20 in. “Ravishing Ruby” which is hard to get. Hamilton, George IV In the Heart of Texas (Heart of Texas) $18 sealed. Inc. duets with Justin Tevino, Tony Booth & Darrell McCAll. Hampton, R W This Cowboy (Cimarron) Great western singer $18 2014 Hard Hat Dave &Honky tonk Knights Plugged In $20 Nashville indie great honky tonk Harris, Emmylou Anthology 2cd deluxe 2 x digipak, slipsleeve 48 pg book $20 Harris, Emmylou Wrecking Ball deluxe 2CD$20 #1 on the ENC Top 40 Hay, Erin The Circle (Westwood) $18 Hay, Erin Blue Country Song $18 Unquestionably one of the most popular female indie artists ever. This was her 2010 release which vanished rather quickly. Don’t miss it. Hazlewood, Lee Boots Are made for Walkin’: Complete MGM 2Cds $25 (Ace UK) Includes “Girls in Paris”. Hazlewood, Lee Poet Fool or Bum/ Back on the Street Again (EMI UK) $20 Heat, Rev. Horton Rev $20 (Victory) 2014 Hiatt, John Terms of My Surrender (new West() CD + DVD (Live at Franklin Theatre. Hill, Byron Radio Songs (BHP) $18 lot like sometimes co-writer Mike Dekle. Superb sealed Hill, Byron Ramblings (BHP) $15 sealed Hillman, Chris Desert rose (Sugar Hill) $18 Hillman,Chris/Herb Pederson Bakersfield Bound (Sugar Hill) $15 superb Hillman,Chris/Herb Pederson Wat Out West (Sugar Hill) $18 hard to get Hillman, Chris Like a Hurricane $15 (Sugar Hill) Hinson, Unknown The Future is Unknown (Uniphone) $20 Unknown is a parody act. Very funny. ”I was named after my daddy he said...on the birth certificate it said ...father’s name ‘Unknown’” This is on his own album and predates his one major label album. Only 7 songs from that are on this which has 18 tracks. Howard, Rebecca Lynn No Rules (Direct Holdings) sealed 2008 cd that was missed $18 Hugh & Shug’s Radio Pals Hugh & Shug’s Radio Pals 27 tracks $18 BACM Isbell, Jason Southwestern (thirty Tigers) $15 Jackson, Carl/John Starling Spring Training (Sugar Hill) $18 only the second album in history to feature the Nash Ramblers as on Emmylou at tye Ryman. Emmylou is also in this absolute gem. Jackson, Stonewall The little Darlin’ Sound (Koch) $15 Jackson, Stonewall The Lonesome in Me (Omni) 28 tks $18 Jackson, Stonewall Life of a Poor Boy (Omni) $18 30 tks. Wen to teh Grand Ol Opry for first time and Stonewall did a guest spot “That’s Why I’m Walkin’” Graet to see...that song is on here BTW. Jackson, Wanda Best of the Classic Capitol singles (Capitol) 29 tks $18 Jackson, Wanda Unfinished Business (Sugar Hill) $15 Jackson, Wanda Heart Trouble (CMH) $18 Jackson, Wanda I Remember Elvis (Goldentone) $18 final track Wanda talks about Elvis. James, Sonny Capitol Collectors Series (Capitol) $15 all the big hits inc. “Young Love” & original version “I’ll never Find another You” Jeffries, Herb Bronze Rides Again (Warner Western) $15 Great, Jennings, Shooter Don’t Wait Up for George $15 (BCR) Jones tribute that is Jennings, Waylon Waylon Forever $15 (Vagrant) Final recordings sealed Jimenez, Flaco Flacos Amigos (Arhoolie) $15 includes “Free Mexican Airforce” with . If you ain’t got it...just get it. Jimenez, Flaco Partners (WB) $18 duets with vocal guests Dwight, Emmylou, (the fabulous “”), Joe Ely, (“The Girls from Texas”) a classic cd. Joey & Rory His & Hers (Sugar Hill) $15 Johnson, Jamey : A Tribute to Hank Cochran (Mercury) $15 Jones, Alamo The Voice in Black (Ubiqutous Records) sealed $18 Stunning indie, all original Waylon meets Cash. A Jack Clement pal. Jones, David Bridges $18 (an all time great indie honky tonker) Jones, George Complete United Artists Solo Singles (Omnivore) 31 tks $18 Jones, George w. Johnny Paycheck & Merle Haggard 2on1 Double Trouble/ Taste of Yesterday’s Wine $18 sealed (Morello UK) Jones, Grandpa Country Music Hall of Fame (MCA) $15 His rare Decca recordings including great Cash parody “Don’t Bring Your Banjo Home” Jones, Grandpa ASll American Original (CMH) $15 30 tracks Keen, Robert Earl Jnr West Textures $18 (Sugar Hill) all time classic. Keen, Robert Earl Ready for Confetti (Lost Highway) $12 Keillor, Garrison When I Get Home (High Brdge) Keen, Robert Earl Rose Hotel (Lost Highway) $12 Kelley, Irene Pennsylvannia Coal (Patio) $15 superb Americana a la Emmylou.... Great. Kelly, Paul Foggy Highway (EMI) rare 2CD version $18 Kennedy, Bap The Sailor’s Revenge $15 (Proper) Kershaw, Doug Devil’s Elbow (Wounded Bird/ WB) $18 Ketchum, Hal I’m teh Troubadour (Music Road) $15 Kimbrough, Will Sideshow Love $15 (Daphne) Kimes, Royal Wade A Dyin’ Breed (Wonderment) $18 western Kirchen, Bill Dieselbilly Road Trip (Crackerbarrel exclusive) $18 Kirchen, Bill Hammer of the Honky tonk Gods ((Proper) $18 Kirtley, Pat Rural Life: Acoustic Guitar Solos $18 Knopfler, Mark with Emmylou Real Live Roadrunning sealed (WB) $25 CD + DVD now out of print. Kristofferson, Kris Jesus Was a Capricorn (Sony) $18 hard to get Lambert, Miranda Platinum $15 (RCA) Lauderdale, Jim I’m a Song (Sky Crunch) Sealed 2014 $20 20 tks inc. 2 duets with Lee Ann Womack & 1 with Patty Loveless Ledoux, Chris Classic CD+DVD (Capitol) OOP $25 16 tracks cd + 16 tracks DVD Lewis, Jerry Lee Anothe rPlace Anothe rTime / She Still Comes Round (BGO 2 0n1) sealed $22 Little Willies For The Good Times (Milkingbull) $12 Littlefield, Ed Jnr My Western Home (Sage Arts) $18 sealed. On the face of it it looks like a straight Western album but look at the times Red River Valley 6 min. Get Along Little Doggies 11 min Spanish is the Loving Tongue 15 min. Ed, a member of Marley’s Ghost features vocals plus ornate instrumental arrangements which breathe new life into these chestnuts. Locklin, Hank Generations in Song (Steadfast)$18 duets Gill/Parton etc Louvin Brothers Songs That Tell a Story Rounder) $15 pre MGM transcription Loveless, Patty Sleepless Nights (Saguaro Road) 2008 sealed $18 Lovett, Lyle Step Inside This House (MCA/Curb)2CD $15 his Texas songwriter tribute 2cd+ 52 page booklet Lovett, Ruby Ruby Lovett **NOT her major label album on Curb but a 6 tack indiueI have never seen before. Lowe, Nick Nick the Knife (Columbia) $15 Lowe, Nick The Impossible Bird (Upstart) $15 Lowe, Nick Dig My Mood (Upstart) $15 Lowe, Nick Party of One (Upstart) $12 Lynn, Loretta Gold (MCA) 2cd 36 tks $20 McClinton, Delbert Genuine Rhythm & Blues (Hip-o) $12 McClinton, Delbert Live from Austin (Alligator) $18 McCoy, Charlie American Roots $20 Yep, vocal full cd from harmonica wiz who is an excellent vocalist & plays 12 instruments..NOT all at once. McGuinn, Roger Treasures fRom the Folk Den (Appleseed) $18 18 duets McPherson, J D Signs & Signifiers (Rounder) $12 Macon, Uncle Dave Country Music Hall of Fame (MCA) 16 Decca tracks rare $15 Mainer, J E And His Mountaineers ; Old Time Mountain Music & More Old Time Mountain Music 2CD sealed (Rural Rhythm classics) $20 Maphis, Joe & Rose Lee Ridin’ the Frets (Jasmine) 24 tks $18 Maphis. Joe Fire on teh Strings (Legacy) $15 Martell, Linda Colour me Country (Real Gone) $18 First African American female country artist to achieve major label success. Martin, Glynn Uncle Sam Mr Jukebox & My Ex Wife (Country Discovery) $20 excellet indie ...a lot like Don Williams which is great!1 Martin, Tony I’ll Meet You in Texas (Bob Grady Records) great indie $18 Mead, Chuck Back at the Quonset Hut (Ramseur) CD + DVD $18 ex BR549 Miller, Buddy & Julie Written in Chalk (New West) $15 deluxe leather look cover Miller, Buddy Majestic Silver Strings $20 New West hard to get CD+DVD Miller, Frankie Sugar Coated Baby (Bear Family) $18 Miss Leslie Honky tonki Happy Hour (Zero Label) $20 none better Miss Leslie Honky tonk Revival (Zero label) $20 Miss Leslie Whiskey & the Wine $20 (Zero Label) Monroe, Ashley Like a Rose $18 (WB) the vestige of life in the major labels. Even the Swedish Cowboy loves the duet with “You Ain’t Dolly & You Ain’t Porter”. Super. Mullican, Moon Moonshine Jamboree (ACE UK) $20 Mullican, Moon Showboy Special (Westside )UK 23 tks Murray, Anne Her Greatest Hits & Finest Performances (Readers Digest) 3cd $25 as we always say Readers Digest cds sound so good. 59 tracks . Myles, Heather Just Liek Old Times (Hightone) $18 Myles, Heather Untamed (Hightone) $15 1st & second albums a must Nelson, Willie Sings Kristofferson (Columbia) $12 Nelson, Willie with Waylon Take it to the Limite (Columbia) $15 Nelson, Willie Before Hiss time /Angel Eyes 20n 1 $18 (Wounded Bird) Nelson, Willie City of New Orleans (Columbia) $12 Nelson, Willie 2 One Hour Radio Specials (Hosted by Rodney Crowell) My Own Peculiar Way/ True Outlaw Stories $ think you’ll find one?? I don’t even think I will find one!Programmed for radio. Nelson, Willie wit hLeon Russell One for teh Road (Columbia) $18 Newbury, Mickey Frisco Mabel Joy (Mountain Retreat) $10 original gem reissued Noonan, Steve Steve Noonan (Colelctors Choice) $18 think Jackson Browne who is a collaborator. Olney, David When the Deal Goes Down (DBR) $18 Owens, Buck (Capitol) $18 2nd of 3 comeback albums with Emmylou & Ringo featuring on this. Owens, Buck Sings Country Classics (Omnivore) sealed 18 previously unreleased tracks from “Honky tonk Man” to “Rednecks White Socks & Blue Ribbon Beer” $18 Paisley, Brad Moonshine in the Trunk (Arista) $15 Parsons, Gram The Early Years Vol 1 & 2 $20 (Sierra) with bonus disc Parsons, Gram Complete Reprise Sessions box $35 (WB) 3 cds in beautifully reproduced covers (one of rarities) + 56 page book. Really is superb. Yep...I have it. Parton, Dolly Essential (RCA Legacy) 2cd $12 Parton, Dolly Liev & Well 2cds (Sugar Hill) $15 Paycheck, Johnny sings George Jones (Dominion) $18 Paycheck, Johnny Soul & the Edge (Legacy) 23 track Columbia best $15 Paycheck, Johnny Take This Job & Shove It (Columbia) The original album $15 Peabody, Lester Focus on Guitars $15 (Goofin’) Pederson, Herb Lonesome Feeling (Sugar Hill) $15 Peters, Gretchen & Tom Russell One to the Heart, One to the Head (Frontera) $15 Peterson, David Comin’ on Strong (Necktie) $18 18 tracks Great singer normally bluegrass shows he can do hard core country with the best. Sealed...a gem Pierce, Webb King of the Honky Tonk (CMF) $15 18 tracks Poco Forgotten Trail 1969-1974 2cd +36 pg booklet (Columbia) $25. Defining country rock Poco All Fired Up $15 Inc. superb parody on “Neil Young” Presley, Angaleena American Middle Class (Thirty Tigers) $18 3rd of the Pistol Annies (Miranda Lambert & ) are the other 2. Also vestige of hopoe for teh majors “Knocked Up” is a killer Price, Ray Beauty Is (Amerimonte) sealed $20 alas his final. Pride, Charley Ultimate Hits Collection (Music City) 2cds $12 Prine, John (oh Boy) duets $18 Prine, John Fair & Square (Oh Boy) $18 Prine, John The Singing mailman Delivers (Oh Boy) 2cds $20 Psycho Sisters Up on the Chair Baetrice (Rock Beat) $18 Susan Cowsill Puss N Boots No Fools No Fun (Blue note) $18 Nrah 2014 Quartette Work of the Heart (Denon) $22 Quartette Quartette (Denon) $22 Glorious Canadaina foursome who for all intents remind of the Trio (Emmylou/Dolly/ Linda. Long out of print. Collen Peterson alas passed on. Other members Cindy Church, Sylvia Tyson (ian & Sylvia) and Caitlin Hanford. One time opportunity. Rector, Steve Wanted $2000 Reward for Stealing Guitar Licks $15 Reed, Jerry Her I Am (Bear Family) $15 Rhodes, Kimmie West texas Heaven $18 (justice) Rice, Tony Church Street Blues (Sugar Hill) sealed $18 Tony’s must have vocals album. Rich, Don Sings George Jones (Omnivore) sealed 14 tracks $18 all previously unissued from the Buckaroo legend. Robbins, Marty I Walk Alone/ Its a Sin 2on 1 (Hux UK) $20 Robbins, Marty El Paso City/ Adios Amigo 2on1 (Morello UK) $20 Rodriguez, Johnny His First Twenty Hits (Edsel UK) $20 Rogers, Roy Tribute (RCA) duets original digipak $18 Rogers, Randy Homemade Tamales Lives at Floores’s CD + DVD $15 Rolen, Myra Hold That Thought $15 fine Texas indie Rowan, Peter Bluegrass Boy (Sugar Hill) $15 Rowan, Peter WAlsl of Time (Sugar Hill) with Skagsg, Jerry Douglas. Roys The View (Rural Rhythm) $15 nice Run C & W Row Vs Wade (MCA) Russell Smith/AmazingRhythmAces 18 Russell, Tom Rose of San Joaquin (Hightone) $12 Russell, Tom Mesabi (Shout) $15 Russell, Tom Songs of the West (HMG) $18 Sarah, Mary & Friends $18 duets inc. Ray Price, Haggard, Dolly, Tanya, Gill, Milsap etc Schuyler, Tom Prayer of a Desperate Man $15 Scott, Ray Rayality $18 sealed Secret Sisters Put Your Needle Down (Crackerbarrel exclusive) 14 tks produced by T Bone Burnett $20 They could be next big thing. They are female Everly Brothers. Seegers, Doug Going Down to the River (Rounder) $18 in. Duet with Emmylou & one with buddy Miller. Sexsmith, Ron Forever Endeavour $18 (Cooking Vinyl) Shelton, Blake Brining Back teh Sunshine (2014) Wb. Special promo box. 2cd (also a hits) plus cards in special box $25 Shepard, Jean Lonesome Love (Righteous UK) $18 Shepard, Jean Beautiful Lies: The Early Years (Jasmine) 32 tks $18 Sheppard, T G Best $20 (Curb) This is hard to get. All his really good hits...”Last Cheater’s Waltz”, “Mister DJ’ and the clincher Make My Day” with Clint Eastwood. Very hard 12 all up Simpson, Red Best: Country Western Truck Drivin’ Singer (Razor & Tie) $20 One of the best of the Bakersfield crowd\ Simpson, Sturgill Metamodern Sounds in Country Music $20 1 only (Thirty Tigers) Skaggs, Ricky Waiting for the Sun to Shine (Epic) $15 Skaggs, Ricky Love’s Gonna Gte Ya (Epic) $15 all 3 original albumOOP Skaggs, Ricky Favourite Country Songs (Epic) $15 Skaggs, Ricky Country Gentleman: Best 2CDS (Epic) $18 Smith, Cal Stories of Life By (Step One) $18 Smith, Connie Essential (RCA) $15 Smith, Connie Long Line of Heartaches (Sugar Hill) $18 Smith, Darden Love Calling (Compass) $15 Smither, Chris It Ain’t Easy (Genes) $20 early album signed by artist Snider, Todd Peace, Love & Anarachy: Rarities B Sides & Demos (Oh boy) $15 Snow, Hank Yodelling Ranger: Best of the Early (Bear Family) $18 25 tks Sonnier, Jo-el The Complete Mercury Sessions CD Cajun great turns honky tonker Mercury $20 not easy to get Sons of the Pioneers Down Memory Trail With (Readers Digest) 4CD 82 tks 28 pg booklet with song by song breakdown. Top sound $28 Sons of te hPioneers Western hymns & Spirtuals (Varese) 418 Stanley, Nathan Every Mile (Willow Creek) $15 (Ralph’s Grandson...includes duets with Vince gill, Sonya Isaacs, T Graham Brown etc) Starline Rhythm Boys Better Luck is a Barrroom Away (Tin Town) $18 great indie Statler Brothers Words & Music &18 (Mercury) **See RARITIES TOO. We have a few one only sealed copies of v. Hard to get cds Statler Brothers Gold (Mercury) 2CD 42 tracks sealed $22 Statler Brothers (CBS) $15 original album way back Statler Brothers Definitive Collection $15 (Mercury) Stone, R B The Drifters Wind (Company Records) $20 excellent indie with more than a touch of Hag influence. Strickland, Eric I’m Bad for You $15 Talley, James Black Jack Choir/ Ain’t It Something (Bear Family) 2on1 $20 Taylor, Chip New Bye Bye Best of Chip Taylor & 18 tks inc. 4 new (Train wreck) $15 sealed Taylor, Chip Yonkers NY 2cd sealed in hard book cover $18 Taylor, Chip Angel of the Morning (trainwreck) sealed $15 Live.. Taylor, Dennis Steppin’ Up $15 Dennis is a sax player who was a member of Delbert McClinton’s band. As a sax player he is great...a little like Syl Austin if you know who he is. What puts this in the country fan’s must have is an incredible vocal by Delbert on “Since I Fell for You”, the track on which he guests. One of the best vocals you will ever hear. Taylor, Jackson & Sinners aces & eights (Image) sealed $20 Texas ruby Teardrops in my Heart (Righteous) sealed $20 Thomas, B J More Greatest Hits (Varese) $15 Thompson, Hank Capitol Collectors Series (capitol) $18 20 tracks in amazing sound. Inc. “Blackboard of My Heart” Tillman, Floyd Best (Collectors Choice) $20 24 original tracks Tillman, Floyd Country Music Hall of Fame (MCA) 16 earlier tracks which do not duplicate any on the previous cd $15 Tillotson, Johnny It Keeps Right On a Hurtin’ : The MGMYears (Varese) $20 17 tks Travis, Merle Capitol Country Music Classics (Capitol UK) 28 tks $15 Travis, Randy Round the Bend CD + DVD $20 Travis, Randy Platinum Collection (WB UK) $1220 tks Travis, Randy Trail of Memories Anthology 2CD Rhino $25 super44 tks. Tubb, Justin Stars of the Grand Ol Opry (First Generation) sealed $18 Great recordings of his hits such as “Take a Letter Miss Gray” & “Lonesome 77-203”. Tubb, Justin/ Ernest Just You & Me Daddy $20 20 tks (First Generation) sealed. Turner, Josh Live at the Ryman (Crackerbarrel) OOP $20 superb vocalist *Awlaysand selection including a couple of great takes on Hagagrd Twitty, Conway House on Old Lonesome Road (MCA) $15 Twitty/ Lynn Definitive Collection $20 24 tks (MCA) Two Tons of Steel Unravelled (Smith) $18 great Texas rockabilly/honky tonk group. Van Shelton, Ricky Making Plans (RVS) $20 excellent hard to get on his own label. Inc. great version of Mel Street’s “Borrowed Angel” Wagoneers Essential 24 tracks Monte Warden $20 Wagoner, Porter The Versatile (Gusto) original 2006 album $15 inc. duet with + 3 with Pam Gadd Wagoner, Porter Unplugged (Shell Point) 2002 inc. 2 duets with Willie $15 Wakely, Jimmy Vintage Collections (Capitol) 20 tks inc. unreleased $18 Walker, Jerry Jeff Ridin’ High (MCA) $15 Walker, Jerry Jeff Gypsy Songman (Ryko) 20 tracks $18 Walker, Jerry Jeff Gypsy Songman: Life in Song $18 different to previous Walser, Don Dare to Dream: Best (Lonestar) 20 tks $20 Walser, Don Archive Series Volume 1 (Watermelon) $15 Watson, Dale Little Darlin’ session (Koch) $18 Watson, Dale El rancho Azul (Red House) $18 Watson, Dale Blessed or Damned (Hightone) $18 Wells, Kitty Country Music Hall of Fame (MCA) $15 West, Dottie Country Legends (RCA) 16 early RCA tracks $15 White, Clarence Tuff & Stringy Sessions 1966-68 (Ace UK) $18 26 tks White, Clarence 33 Acoustic Guitar Instrumentals (Sierra) $18 White, Clarence White Lightnin’ (Sierra) $15 sessions Whitley, Keith Don’t Close Your Eyes (RCA) Pure brilliance. One of the greatest vocalists ever. $15 Whitley, Keith Essential $20 (RCA) The ONLY place to get his original album “Hard Act to Follow”. Williams, Don Anthology 2cds 40 tracks $20 (MCA) Williams, Hank Health & Happiness Shows (Mercury) 2cds $25 rare Williams, Hank Original Singles Collection 3CD 32 pg booklet $25 84 tracks Williams, Hank III Long Gone Daddy $15 (Curb) Williams, Hank III Ramblin’ Man (Curb) 8 unrelased country tracks $15 Williams, Holly The Highway (Georgiana) $15 sealed Williams, Jason D Hillbillies & Holy Rollers (Rockabilly Records) sealed $18 produced by Dale Watson in Sun Studio. Also has one of best album covers I have ever seen. Williams, Leona I Love You Because (Heart of Texas) $18 Wilson, Gretchen Still Her for teh Party: Live from St Louis CD + DVD $15 sealed (Redneck Records) Winchester, Jesse A Reasonable Amount of Trouble (Appleseed) 2014 $18 Wiseman, Mac Songs from My Mother’s Hand (Wrinkled Records) $18 excellent 2014 album of all new material produced by Peter Cooper Wiseman, Mac 24 Greatest Hits (Gusto) $12 Wolf , Kate The Wind Blows wild (Rhino) $15 Wolf, Kate Give Yourself to Love Vols 1 & 2 (Rhino) 2CD $25 Womack, Lee Ann The Way I’m Livin’ (Sugar Hill)$18 Yates, Billy Bill’s Barber Shop (MOD) sealed .$18 Yates, Billy Just be You (MOD) sealed $18 Yates, Billy Harmony Man (MOD) $15 Yoakam, Dwight Dwight Sings Buck (New West) $15 Yoakam, Dwight Guitars, Cadillac’s & Hillbilly Music Live in Kentucky 1988 (RSM) 17 tracks $25 rare inc. “Walkin’ After Midnight” Young, Faron Live Fast Love Hard Original Capitol Recordings 1952-1962 CMF $20 24 tks Young, Neil International Harvesters $15 sealed (Reprise) country Young, Steve Renegade Picker/ No Place to Fall (RCA) 2CD $20

VARIOUS 1. Always Lift Him Up: A Tribute to Blind Alfred Reed $15 must have. See last news. 2. Beautiful Dreamer: Songs of Stephen Foster $20 American Roots. What a line up with Prine, Krauss, Ma lo, Bogguss, McGuinn, David Bal letc .18 tracks. 3.Beautiful Old: Turn of the Century songs $12 Doubloon superb with Kimmie Rhodes, Dave Davies, Richard Thompspn etc 4.Best of Times: Texas Artists Performing the Music of Sara Hickman. 2CD (Sleeveless) 38 tracks $18 5.Big E Salute to Steel Guitarist Buddy Emmons (WB) 16 tracks. Including great steel Players , , Jay Dee Manness & vocalists supreme such as John Anderson, Emmylou, Vince Gill etc $18 6. Caught in the Webb (Koch) $18 best ever country tribute with Dale Watson, Mandy Mandy Barnett, George Jones, Emmylou etc being just some of the 21 present. Great Production by Gail Davies/ Sexy kirsch, licorice and raspberry notes jump from the glass of this medium ruby-hued wine 7. Country Rockin Trust Presents Wild Horses (Polydor) Japan only release $20. 17tks 8. Dear Jean: Artists Celebrate Jean Ritchie 2CD (Jean Ritchie Project trust) $20 37 Tracks Great line up 9.Divided & United Songs of the Civil War (ATO) 2CD $20 which really is a must 32 Tracks including likes of , Loretta, Steve Earle, Chris Hillman, Lee Ann Womack and maybe best of all Cowboy Jack Clement 10.Endless Highway: Music of the Band 17 tks $15 sealed great mix of artists 11.Girl Called Johnny Cash (Bear Family) $18 artists sing about other artists. The best thing is 10 Stoney Edwards tracks 9 of which are previously unissued, 12.Jokers & Wild Cards $18 some gems that you can’t get. Humour at its best. ONLY place I have ever seen Lonzo & Oscar’s original “I’m My Own Grandpa” & Cletus Maggard’s CB Radio gem, “The White Knight”. BUT highlight is Bob Atcher’s superb take on “Thinking tonight of My Blue Eyes” Hilarious and crazy, Also Cash, Silverstien etc 13.Link of Chain: Songwriters Tribute to Chris Smither (Signature Sounds) $15 15 tracks With Dave Alvin, Loudon Wainwright, Mary Gauthier, Tim O’Brien etc 2014 14.Look Again to the Wind: Johnny cash’s Bitter Tears Revisited $15 , Emmylou, Steve Earle etc. 15.Mama’s Hungry Eyes: Tribute to Merle Haggard (Arista) $18 13 tracks . Hard to get now with Randy Travis, Alan Jackson, John Anderson, Emmylou, Willie etc. Must have 16.The Pilgrim: a Celebration of Kris Kristofferson (American Roots) $15 18 tracks 17 artists doing Kris songs and a rare demo fro m1970 The lineup includes Emmylou, Rosaenne, Rodney (no not together), Shawn Camp (super b on “Why Me”)Willie, & wait for it..Russell Crowe who is surprisingly good on one of my favourite’s “Darby’s Castle” 17. Por Vida: A Tribute to songs of Alejandro Escovedo (Or) $20 2cds reads like an Americana who’s who...Lucinda, Earle, Cowboy Junkies, Rosie Flores, Son Volt etc etc 18. Return of the Grievous Angel: A Tribute to Gram Parsons $18 sealed 19.Songs of Cindy Walker: Dream Babies CMF $15 Brought out in 2010 Cindy Bequeathed her songs to the Hall of Fame Includes Rodney Crowell, , Timejumpers etc 20.Songs of Jimmie Rodgers: a Tribute $15 (Columbia) Iris, Earle, A. Krauss, even Dylan 21. Soundtrack $18 (Vanguard) all gal lineup Roseanen Cash, Iris Dement, Dolly, Emmylou...not to be confused with Emyy Rossum who is great...Patty Loveless, Alison Moorer etc. 22. Songs of the Year (Crackerbarrel) $20 This is a must if only for Randy Travis’s take on “Chiselled in Stone” though George Jones doing “Murder on Music Row” is close. 23. Standards from the House of Bryant all songs by Boudleaux & Felice Bryant 28 tracks all written by the famed husband & wife team. Original artsist are featured. This cd was not made commercially available so a rare opportunity to get it. $18 24. This Ones For Him: Tribute to 2CD $15 25.Totally Hot Nashville Steel Guitar$18 CMH with likes of robby Turner, Mke Friend etc 20 tracks 26. Touch My Heart: A Tribute to Johnny Paycheck (Sugar Hill) Hank III, Dallas Wayne, Dave Alvin, Johnny Bush etc $15 Just Great 27.Tribute to Edith Piaf $18 (Amherst) weird and patchy but Emmylou’s “No Regrets” and ’s “Three Bells” more than pays for it. 28TulareDustA Sonwriter’s Tribute to Merle Haggard $18 Tom Russell, Iris Dement, Dwight, Joe Ely, Katy Moffatt, Lucinda, Billy Joe Shaver, Steve Young, Dave Alvin etc. A must 29 Viva Terlingua $18 (Palo Duro) This had to be renamed Viva Luckenbach as Jerry Jeff Walker had a fit someone was using the Terlingua name. 15 tracks, 30. White Country Blues 1926-1938 2CD $28 (Legacy) 32 page booklet 48 tracks of originals in great sound Frank Hutchison, Charlie Poole, Darby & Tarleton, Homer Callahan, Bill Cox, Allen Brothers etc 31 Working Man’s Poet Tribute to Merle Haggard..20 tracks including Ben Haggard...his youngest son Even hacks like Toby Keith sound good but highlight is doing the moody “Footlights” $18

COUNTRY BOX SETS Brown, Milton And His musical Brownies: Daddy of Western swing 4cds (Proper box ) as new incl 32 page book. Over 100 tracks. Motor accident cut short his life. Who knows who would have been king..he or Bob Wills. Bob Dunn on steel guitar is rated one of the most revolutionary country music instrumentalists ever and there is possibly no more exuberant track ever than “Down by the Ohio”!! $20 a steal

Cash, Johnny “Unearthed’ $60 This is now deleted and is very hard to get. It consists of 5 cds from John’s later career tenure with American label. 4 cds are tracks that are additional to his American Recordings cds and the fifth is a summation of the best of the American Recordings. These are housed in a very attractive cloth bound hard cover book. BUT THERE IS MORE. There is a second hard cover book with 108 pages, also cloth bound. These two cloth bound books are then housed in a cloth bound of course (heck it is Johnny Cash after all!!). These are very hard to get. This is 100% as new inside but a few threads loose on the cloth outer. Don’t miss out. This is a very reasonable price. Don’t miss fact a dang bargain.

Charles, Ray “Complete Modern Sounds in Country & Western Music” (Rhino) $80 new & sealed out of print gem. 4 cds + hard cover bound book in solid cardboard outer box. 93 tracks starting with his legendary albums which presented vastly different arrangements of classic country songs such as “Bye Bye Love” and “I Can’t stop Loving You”. Best for mine is the superb string laden version of “You Don’t Know Me”, a classic track revamped superbly. This is extremely hard to get now and to be honest is just fabulous. It is not really country but who cares. It is just great. Well actually his “Friendship” album which also appears on here is pretty straight country but you get the drift.

Harris, Emmylou “Portraits” $35 Seemingly every one of Y & T customers favourite female country singer and with good cause. 3 cds + 24 page booklet& 61 tracks many rarities. Attractive long style box. Highlight of course is her wonderful rendition of John Hiatt’s “Icy Blue Heart”.

Harris, Emmylou Songbird 4CD/ DVD + 200 page hard cover bound book with a stack of unissued tracks. 78 tracks plus 10 track DVD. There are actually 2 bound books which slide in a jacket. The book containing the cds slips together in this outer jacket. This is cloth bound. The cds and dvd in this are as new. This is not always the case as the action of taking them out and putting them back can scratch the discs but these are fine.. Remember this is out of print all over the world. $100 NOTE: This has now been reissued without the DVD and without the opulence. I know which one I prefer!

Lynn, Loretta Honky Tonk Girl: The Loretta Lynn Collection (MCA) 3cds plus 48 page book. Nice style 70 tracks. This is in great shape. Over 3 hours! . out of print. $45

Miller, Roger “King of the Road: The Genius of Roger Miller” 3cd + 40 page book. $45 If ever an artist was deserving of a Bear Family box set it was Roger. There is a dearth of his material, even in Greatest Hits packages. This is much more with 70 tracks that include most of his “Trip in the Country" album where he went back & recorded some songs that he wrote early in his career for other people such as “Tall Tall Trees”, “Invitation to the Blues”, “don’t We All Have the Right” etc. All the hits are there and it includes some great later things such as “Old Friends with Willie & Ray Price as well as two selections from “Big River” his Tony award winning stage show. This is now deleted

Owens, Buck The Collection Rhino. $45 Ultra special. Out of print gem 3 cd with wonderful 80 page book with mostly colour photographs and includes a track by track rundown with Buck’s own comments. 62 songs are licensed from Buck himself and include all the hits including both the original version and the Dwight duet version of “” as well as some delightful non hits such as Buck’s latter duet with Emmylou Harris “Play Together Again, Again”. Great sound and a steal. Also features “Act Naturally” with one Richard Starkey, the man whose semi well known group introduced Buck’s songs to a rock audience.

Statler Brothers 30th Anniversary Celebration Mercury 3cd $48 Great glossy book style set with a 36 page book featuring the writings of Colin Escott. As far as boxes go it is excellent but largely avoids their gospel recordings. 62 tracks. Very nice. Includes their CBS as well as Mercury hits, though in all fairness the only one on the former label was “Flowers on the Wall” but it was also their biggest...even made the pop charts in Australia. Did we know back then it was country, did we care??

Williams, Hank The Complete Hank Williams” 10 cds+ 2 books including 110 page with extra fold out $120 plus post cards etc. Beautifully cloth bound. Brand new and still sealed. Won multiple Grammys. The best country music writer Colin escott was teh guiding hand to make this so good. 53 previously unissued recordings. Arguably the best major label set ever issued.

Wynette, Tammy Tears of Fire”25th Anniversary Collection” $50( new & sealed) 3cds + 24 page book. Great 67 tracks including duets. Quite a few duets, the one with Emmylou, “Beneath a a Painted Sky” is a gem, as are the ones with a bloke called Jones. $30 one with box a bit discoloured.

Anthology of American edited by Harry Smith 6cds + 2 books, a 68 Page 12x12 overview plus a smaller book which provides a track by track rundown. Universally considered the best of its type, and put out by Smithsonian Folkways. Beautifully packaged in 12x12” red cloth bound box. $80

Rebel 35 Years in Bluegrass no box,4 cds $25 Over 100 tracks.

FOLK all as marked and as always any $10 is 3/25 Baez, Joan Diamonds & Rust (A&M) $5 Black, Mary Best Volume 2 2cds (Curb) Emmylou, Joan Baez duet $10 Black, Mary Speaking With the Angel (Curb) $5 Bogle, Eric By Request (Larrikin) $10 Bogle, Eric Live: I Wrote This Wee Song (Rice) 2cds $10 Bogle, Eric Something of Value (Philo) $10 Bragg, Billy Tooth & Nail (Cooking Vinyl) $15 Chapin, Harry Gold Medal Colelction 2cd 31 tks Elektra $18 Chieftains Best (Legacy) $5 Chieftains Long Balck Veil (RCA) $5 with guests Chieftains Collection of Favourites (RCA) 2CD $10 Cockburn, Bruce You Pay Your Money & You Take Your Chance Live (Ryko) $5 Cockburn, Bruce Big Circumstance (Liberation) $5 Cockburn, Bruce Brakfast in New Orleans (Ryko) Cockburn, Bruce Anything Anytime Anywhere (rounder) $5 Cockburn, Bruce Speechless: The Instrumental ( (High Romance) $5 Cooder, Ry Buena Vista Social Club (Noensuch) $10 Croce, Jim The 50th Anniversary Collection 2CD 50 tks $20 Dalton, Karen It’s so Hard to Tel lWho’s Going to Love You Best (Koch) $15 Dalton, Karen In My Own Time (Light in the Attic) $20 DiFranco, Ani Living in Clip $5 (Righteous Babe) 2cd _ book Donovan Pied Piper (Music for Little People) $10 Ferrer, Ibrahim Buena Vista Social Club Presents ( Nonesuch) $10 Gillette, Steve Ways of the World (Compass Rose )$10 Gourds Old Mad Joy ((vanguard) Guthrie, Arlo Arlo (Koch) Guthrie, Arlo w. Pete Seeger Precious Friend 2CD (WB) $25 OOP Guthrie,Woody/Arlo This Land Is Your Land (Rounder) $10 Guthrie, Woody Columbia River Colelction (Rounder) Guthrie, Sarah Lee & Johnny Irion Exploration (New West) $18 signed Guthrie, Sarah lee & Johnny Irion Bright Examples (Ninth Street) $15 Higgins, Gary Red Hash (Drag City) $18 Hutchiunson, Meg Beyond That (Red house) $5 Ives, Burl Sweet sad & Salty Recorded Nashville 1962-1972 $15 Omni sealed Superb cd with 31 tracks Jansch, Bert Jack Orion/ Nicola (Transatlantic ) 2 on 1 $18 Jansch, Bert Dazzling Strange Anthology 2Cd 44 tracks (Castle) Jans, Tom/ Mimi Farina Take Heart/ Tom JAns 20n1 (Real Gonee) sealed $10 Kamakawiwo’ole, Israel Facing Future (Mountain Apple ) Hawaiian superstar who dies young, his enormous girth suggests why. Know as “IZ” $15 McDonald, Country Joe Time Flies By (Rag Baby) 2CD $20 McGarrigle, Kate & Anna The McGarrigle Hour (Hannibal) with Emmylou, Loudon etc $12 McGarrigle, Kate & Anna Heartbeats Accelerating (BMG) sealed $10 McGuire, Barry Eve of Destruction (MCA) very hard to get $15 McTell, Ralph Spiral Staircase: Classic Songs 2CD $18 (Snapper) 38 tks Newsom, Joanna YS (Drag City) $5 Paxton, Tom Can’t Help Wonder Where I’m Bound: Best (Rhino) 26 tks $15 Paxton, Tom Very Best (Flying Fish) $5 Paxton, Tom Rambling Boy/ Ain’t That News (Elekra) 20n1 $12 Phillips, Shawn Best of the A&M Years (A&M) $18 signed Phillips, Shawn Second Contribution (A&M) $15 Roches Speak *WB) $10 Rush, Tom Blues, Songs and Ballads (Big Beat/Fantasy) 23 tks $15 Seekers Very Best (Readers Digest) 60 tks Great sound $20 Shannon, Sharon Collection 1990-2005 2cds (Compass )$18 Sky, Patrick songs That Made America Famous (Genes) $15 a classic Stewart, Al A Piece of Yesterday 2CD The Anthology (EMI UK) $25 30 tks some quite long eg Nostradamus Stewart, Al Live with Dave Nachmanoff (Wallaby Trails) $10 Tabor, June An Echo of Hooves (Topic) $15 Thompson, Richard Electric ((New West) $12 Thompson, Richard Front Parlour Ballads $5 Thompson, Richard & Linda Shot Out the Lights (Hannibal) $5 Thompson, Richard & Linda Best of Island Records Years (Island) $10 Thwaites, Roger Age of Time (Spotnick) $18 mini lp style cove r Wainwright, Loudon III Older Than My Old Man Now (2nd story) $12 Wainwright, Loudon III Album III (Columbia) $10 Wainwright, Loudon III Attempted Mustache (Columbia) $10 Wainwright, Loudon III One Man Guy: Best (Music Club) 21 tks $5 Weavers Best of Decca Years (MCA) $10 White, Josh The Elektra Years (Rhino handmade) 2CD $25 sealed Yarbrough, Glenn Baby the Rain Must Fall/ It’s Gonna Be Fine 2on1 (Colelctors Choice) $15 Young, Pegi & the Survivors Lonely in a Crowded Room (New West) 2014 $10 Soon to be Ex Mrs Neil Young Various Freedom Is a Hammer:Conservative Folk Revolutionaries of the Sixties (Omni) 29 tks$15 Tribute to Woody Guthrie: Highlights from 1968 & 1970 Concerts 27 songs including 3 of the best Dylan you wil lever hear. $18 (WB)

BOX SETS FOLK Baez, Joan Complete A&M Recordings 4 cds 77 tracks $45 Whilst her Vanguard recordings are her best known this set contains what many regard as her best studio and live album. The studio album is “Diamonds& Rust” and the live is “From Every Stage”, a highlight for mine is her version of the very wordy Dylan track “Lily, Rosemary & the Jack of Hearts”, you may say when Bob did it you may have missed one or two of the words...not with the brown eyed girl in hand me downs. Her interpretations are as fine as ever and her voice is probably at its peak. Superb sound.

Chapin, Harry Story of a Life” $45 as new3 Rhino cds in attractive glossy box with 47 tracks including all the gems ,Taxi, WOLD, Cat’s in the Cradle, Circle and of course the wonderful non hit album tracks such as “Mr Tanner” and “the Rock”. 80 page booklet. And don’t forget rarities such as the sequel to “Taxi” ...called....””Sequel”. Nice glossy box.

Lightfoot, Gordon “Songbook” Rhino 98 tracks over four cds with a hard bound book...same format as the box. Includes the best of his United Artists recordings such as the fabulous ‘Did She Mention My Name” plus his original version of “Early Morning Rain” The other 3 cds mainly feature his Warner Brothers albums and include many rarities. Great story songs abound such as the true story of “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” This is as new $90 Do a won’t find one this good for this price. Like many of the great Rhino label sets it is out of print. BTW starts at $99 and that is for a crap copy.

Moore, Christy The Box Set 1964-2004 6cds with 101 songs and a 64 page booklet. Nice mini lp style presentation in flip top box. $60. Each track is commented on by and why he recorded it. Very anecdotal!

Ochs, Phil Farewells & Fantasies Rhino $60 Genius or nut? Read. the excellent 100 page book and you are bound to be perplexed. I’d say nut but the music rules. Perhaps the #2 protest singer to Mr Dylan. This is very very hard to get. It is 100% as new. Two of his later songs “Rehearsals for Retirement” and “No More Songs” eerily foreshadow his suicide which did not surprise many.

Peter Paul & Mary Carry It On Rhino 4 cds + dvd $55 Over 5 ½ hours on the cds which includes a selection of their solo hits, the biggest of which was Paul Stookey’s “Wedding Song”. The Cosmic Cowboy And I were very sad when Mary passed on. Her superb voice was unique but her hair flicking style was hypnotic. Watch the DVDS for 30 flicks a song...or maybe more. Great set

Thompson, Richard “Walking on a Wire 1968-2009” $50 4cds as new Shout Factory label.71 classic recordings which covers his solo career as well as Fairport Convention as well as duet recordings with ex wife Linda Thompson. Includes 60 page book all in attractive yellow glossy box. AND with anyone who has a similar fetish to enjoying the smell of quality printing this will also appeal.

Wainwright, Loudon III “” $55 sealed 4 cds + DVD. 69 songs from 25 albums plus as additional 22 rare and unreleased tracks. The DVD contains a 60 minute documentary “One Man Guy” plus a bunch of live performances bringing the dvd time to around 200 minutes. A clever and humorous artist who has been married to one of the McGarrigles and one of the Roches. Great box. Fans will immediately know what the song titles “IDTTYWLM” and the very politically incorrect “IWIWAL” expand to. If not they should find out.

Weavers Wasn’t That a Time $60 Vanguard box which is out of print. 87 tracks. Brand new & sealed. . Vary hard to get. 48 page book. “Goodnight Irene” spent 13 weeks at number one in the US charts. Later the radical Pete Seeger would introduce the protest song to the Weavers’ repertoire. Also includes selections from their famed Carnegie Hall reunion. Content is just great.

Acoustic Folk Box Four Decades of the Very best Acoustic Folk Music from the British Isles Topic 4Cds + brilliant 56 page book. Not all the usual names either. For example the first 4 tracks Lonnie Donegan/ Davy Graham/ Galliards/ Ray & Archie Fisher...last four Fernhill/ kate Rusby/ John Tams/ Eliza Carthy. $60 This 2002 box is a ripper.

Anthems in Eden An Anthology of British & Irish Folk 1955-1978 4cds + 60 page book $60 This is as an attractive box as I have ever seen. It is a wonderful overview that stick to rarer items. Each cd has a theme to it. 1)Folk Roots, New Routes looks as the early heroes of the folksong revival 2)Please Sing a Song for Us analyses the emergence of the post Dylan singer-songwriter 3)The New Electric Muse examines the rise of folk-rock4)a Midsummer Nights Happening explores prog-folk, acid folk, strange folk and beyond. It is as new and again the presentation is just superb.

Blues All My Friends Celebrating the Songs and Voice of Gregg Allman sealed 2CD+DVD $28 Whilst mainly blues it does features Tarce Adkins, Vince Gill, Jackson Brown etc. Kind of like a bluesy Will the Circle be Unbroken if you like and they in fact end with that. Also have sealed advance $15 Ball, Marcia The Tattooed Lady & the Alligator Made (Alligator) $8 booklet only (& cd of course) Burks, Michael Iron Man Show of Strength (Alligator) cd + booklet only $5 Charles, Ray Greates Hits Vol 2 DCC 20 tks $5 Holmes Brothers Brotherhood (Alligator) CD + booklet $8 Landreth, Sonny Levee Town (Expanded editios) (Landfall0 2CD McGlohon, Joe Healin’ Groove (Queen) $2 Mayall, John A Special Life (forty Beow ) $15 (2014) Simmonds,Kim & Savoy Brown Goin’ to the Delta (Ruf) $18 Smither, Chris Still on the Levee: a 50 Year Retrospective 2CD + large size 60 page booklet $20 Stephenson, Ray & Revival Freedom $5 (Ray Stephenson) Winter, Johnny Rock & Roll Collection 2CD (Columbia) $18 VARIOUS Charles, Ray Genius Loves Company (Concotd) $5 duets

Rest of Blues CDS are $10 or 3/$25 (which can be combined with any 3/25 items) 5 Keys & Nitecaps Best Doo Wop Classics V 2 (Bear Family) sealed 44s Boogie Disease (with Kid Ramos) (Rip Cat) Beausoleil w. Michael Doucet Alligator Purse (Yep Roc) Biales, Lisa Belle of the Blues (Big Song) Bibb, Eric Booker’sGuitar (Telarc) Blake, Al Blues According to Blake (Soul Sanctaury) Blind Boys of Alabama Duets (Saguero Road) Carpenter, Jimmy Walk Away (Vizztone) Castiglia, Albert Solid Ground (Ruf) Clearwater, Eddie the Chief Soul Funky (Cleartone) Coba, Rachelle Mother Blues (Mono) Cooke, L C Complete Sar Recordings (Abcko) Sam’s brother Corritore , bob Taboo (Delta Groove) harmonica Cray, Robert Shoulda Been Home (Ryko) Cray, Robert In My Soul 2cd (Provogue) Devine, Howell Jumps, Boogies & Wobbles (Arhoolie) Dr John Gris Gris (Collectors Choice WB) Flower, Mary When My Bluebird Sings (Bluesette) Franklin, Aretha Unforgettable: Tribute to Dinah Washington (Legacy) Garrett, Amos Amos MisBehavin’ (Stony Plain) Garrett, Amos I Make My Home in My Shoes (Stony Plain) Geremia, Paul Love Murder & Mosquitos (Red House) Geremia, Paul Love My Stuff (red House) Rare Live performances Geremia, Paul Live from uncle Sam’s Backyard (Red House) Geremia, Paul Self Portrais in Blues (red House) Geremia, Paul Devil’s Music (Red House) Grand Marquis Blues & Trouble (GMC) Guy, Buddy Rhthm & Blues (RCA) 2cd Hinton, Eddie Very Blue Highway (Bullseye Blues) sealed Hooker, John lee That’s My Story/ Folk Blues (AceUK) 2on1 Hunt, Kelly Beautiful Bones (BB) Johnson, Jack Sleep through the Static (Brushwire) Kaukonene, Jorma Stars in My Crown (Red House) Kolassa, Mick Missippi Mick (Blues Foundation) Lauritsen, J T & FriendsPlay By the Rules (Hunters) McClelland, Billy Earl Judgement Day (Mojo Blues) McVey, John Meet Me in Houston (Sedgwick) Manning, Phil Take Note () Manning, Phil Two Roads (Tambourine) Massey, Mark “Muleman” One Step Ahead of the Blues (Icehouse) Mathus, James National Antiseptic (Mammoth) Memphis Project Dual Drive (Icehouse) Mississippi Heat Warning Shot (Delmark) Moorman, Sonny Group Lucky 13 (Atlas) Myles, AC Reconsider me ((DAF) Neville, Aaron My True Story (Blue Note) Nixon, Andy T Livin’ It Up (Delta Groove) Nixon, Andy T Drink Drank Drunk (w. Anson Funderburgh) Delta Groove Pearl, Bernie Take Your Time (Bee Bump) Pork Chop Willie Love is the Devil (Pork Chop Willie) Pryor, Rip Lee Nobody But Me (Elecro Fi) Rising Sons featuring Taj MAhal & Ry Cooder (Columbia) Roomful of Blues Turn it Up Turn It Up (Bullseye Blues) Scaggs, Boz Come on Home (Virgin) Sicilia, Gina Can’t Control Myself (Vizztone) Specter, Dave Message in Blue (Delmark) Spencer, Bobby Hurricane Unleashed (R music) Spin Doctors If the River Was Whiskey (ruf) Spirit Level Kolossi Bles Staples, Mavis One True Vine (Anti) Stone, Rob Gotta Keep Rollin’ (Vizztone) harmonica Sugar Ray & the Bluetones Living Tear to Tear (severn) harmonica Vest Roadhouse Revelation (Cordova Bay) Walker, Chase Band Unleashed (Revved Up) Walker, Seth Sky Still Blue (Royal Potato Family) Watermelon Slim Ringers (Northern Blues)sealed Wilkes, J D Wild Moon (Plowboy) harmonica Wilkins, Rev Robert Prodigal Son (Bear Family) sealed Willie, Jay Blues Band Rumblin’ & Slidin’ (Zoho) Willis, Chuck My Story (CBS) Various Home Is Where the Music Is: celebration of Miss Lavelle White (Home Girls) Rosie Flores, Marcia Ball, Emily Gimble, Cindy Cashdollar etc Tribute to (epic)

BLUES/ R&B BOX SETS Charles, Ray Singular Genius: the Complete ABC Singles $100 Again check out the online price and see what a bargain this is. In absolute pristine shape. 106 tracks + 48 page book in a very attractive grey box. His “Georgia on My Mind” may be the best version ever and “Hit the Road Jack” with the Ray Charles singers at their best is great. Wonderful set. 5 cds

Davis, Rev Gary Demons& Angels $45 Shanachie 3 cd long box style set with 36 page book. New & sealed. Compiled by Stefan Grossman. 58 tracks by “One of the finest gospel, blues, ragtime guitarist and singers of the century”. For years he lived in New York and was listed in the phone book. Roy Book Binder tells a great story on his “Live Book” cd available just above.

Mercury Blues ‘N Rhythm Story 1945-1955 Mercury Very hard to get out of print box. 8 cds 88 page book and 211 tracks. This is a long style box with a very attractive gilt edging. Artists include Jay McShann, Johnny Otis, Buddy Johnson, Dinah Washington, Jay Hawkins, Big Bill Broonzy etc $100 Certainly has been very popular.

Soul of Designer Records 4CD This is for the hard core gospel fan, the story of a white eccentric called Style Wooten who was a white 6’6” giant who brought out black gospel. Nicely presented 101 tracks in hard carboard lp style cover $45

Story of Chris Stractwiz And Arhoolie Records (Arhoolie) 2cds in longbox. Of course includes a lot more than blues 32 page book. $28

ROCK Amos, Tory American Doll Posse deluxe cd+dvd + cards $5 Band Greatest Hits (Capitol) 18 tks $5 Blue Mink Very Best (Possum) $5 Brady Bunch Its a Sunshine Day ((MCA) Brown, James Foundations of Funk 2CD (Polydor) $10 Byrne, David & Fatboy Slim Here Lies Love (Nonesuch) sealed $10 Cassidy, David David Cassidy (Enigma) $5 Cassidy, David Old Trick New Dog (Slomo) $5 Cocker, Joe Mad Dogs & englsihmen (A&M) rare 2cd ed. $15 Crowded House Intriguer CD + DVD (Neil Finn music) $5 Daltrey, Roger Matyrs & Madmen: Best (Rhino) $5 Enwwistle, John Left for Live (J Bird) $5 Erickson, Roky Where the Pyramid Meets the Eye ((WB) $5 Fogelberg, Dan Love Songs (Epic) $5 Fogelberg, Dan River of sould (Friday) $5 Fogelberg, Dan Love ijn Time ((UM) $5 Frampton, Peter Hummingbird in a Box (Phoenix) 2014 $10 Franklin, Aretha Jewels in the Crown: All Star Duets (Arista) $5 Golden Earring Best: Continuing Stor y of Radar Love (MCA) $5 Grass Roots where wre You when I Needed You (Revola UK) $15 tracks Grateful Dead Dicks Picks Volume 9 3Cd (Dead Net) $15 Gross, Henry Nothing But Dreams (Zelda) $5 Hermans Hermits Retrospective (Abcko) 26 tracks DSD remastered. Has to be heard to be truly appreciated $18 Hunter, Ian Man overboard (New West) $5 Hyland, Brian Greatest Hits (MCA) $12 Jan & Dean From Surf City to Drag City: All the Hits (EMI) 2CD $25 Lanois, Daniel Flesh & Machine (Red door) sealed $15 2014 Led Zeppelin IV (Atlantic 2014 sealed with second cd $15 US pressing Led Zeppelin Houses of Holy (Atlantic 2014 sealed with second cd $15 All Time Greatest Hits (MCA) $5 Mellancamp, John Words & Music 2CD + DVD (Universal) $15 Michaels, Lee Collection (Rhino) $15 Moody Blues Night at Red Rock deluxe edition 2CD(Threshhold) $15 Newman, Randy Harps & Angels (Nonesuch) $5 Nicks, Stevie Trouble in Shangrila (Reprise) $5 NRBQ The One & Only $5(virgin) Revere, Paul & Raiders Legend of (Columbia) 2CD $18 55tks 32 pg booklet Shear, Jules Allow Me (Zoe) $5 Simon, Carly Into White (Columbia) $5 Sonny (bono) Sonny Ultra rare solo (Rhino Handmade) $25 Spanky & Our GAng Greatest Hits (Mercury) $5 Stevens, Cat Mona Bone Jakon( Island) A&M numbered ltd ed. $5 Stewart, Rod Still the Same: Great Rock Classics of Our time (J) $5 Stranglers U A Singles 1977-1982 3CD (EMI UK) sealed $10 Three Dog Night Celebrate 1965-1975 MCA 2CD 40 tracks 32 pg booklet $25 Travelling Wilburys Travelling Wilburys (WB) $5 Who Ultimate Collection (MCA) 2cds $5 Who Who Sell Out deluxe 2CD version (MCA) $18 Wright, Gary Dream weaver (WB) $5 Yankovic, Weird Al Mandatory Fund (sealed 2014) $12 Yes Friends & Relative 2cds (Eagle) $5 Yound, Neil Comes a Time (Reprise) $5 Various Deadicated: Tribute to Gratefull Dead (Arista) $5 includes Dwight Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush s/t (Ryko) $5 Traffic, Spencer Davis Group Stoned Immaculate: Music of the Doors (Elektra) sealed $5

ROCK BOX SETS ABBA Thank You For the Music 4cd + 68 pg book $45 Nice book style box with stunning book. 66 tracks including quite a few rarities. As if it were taken from shrinkwrap a minute ago.

Aerosmith Pandora’s Box” 3cds 52 tracks including 20 previously unreleased recordings. 64 page book. Like new $35

Allman Brothers Dreams 4cds in leather look 12x12 box 36 page book on heavy stock paper with many rare photos. 55 tracks including some long ones $50

Beach Boys Good Vibrations 5cds + pg book The 5th cd is all unrelased material and there are a significant number of unreleased tracks on all the other discs. NEW & SEALED $50You will not find one.

Beach Boys The Pet Sounds Session $50 4 cds and a book presenting the complete recording sessions for their landmark album 90 tracks all up plus 2 books, one 36 pages and one a massive 128 page. Very attractive cloth bound green long box. Like new.

Beck, Jeff Beckology 3cds + 60 page book $48 This is the long style box not the short style package...this long one is much preferable. Includes Yardbirds, Group etc. Can’t work out why he always employed a vocalist when he did the vocals on the hit “Hi Ho Silver Lining” and it wasn’t too shabby at all! It includes recordings with the Tridents (Pre Yardbirds), Yardbirds, and with various computations of teh Jeff Beck Group, the earliest of which introduced us to ,.

Big Star Keep an Eye on the Sky Rhino 4cd like new $55 Alec Chilton was also lead vocalist of the Boxtops and had one of the most distinctive voices. Sadly he recently passed away This 98 songs set has 52 previously unreleased tracks and enhanced quality so there are also films of the band. 100 page book. Very nice presentation, in unusual 7x7 box.

Bon Jovi 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can’t be wrong: The Premiere Collection (Island) 4 CD + DVD Large book with song by song notes by Jon Bon Jovi. Sealed. $40 new.

Buffalo Springfield Buffalo Springfield Box Rhino 4cd box+80page book. $50 Superb original large size box. , Neil Young and Richie Furay (later Poco) were the principles and one of the most influential groups in the country rock field. The set is highlighted by a number of unreleased Neil Young songs and demos which never made it to the album but which later featured on his albums.

Cheap Trick Sex & America & Cheap Trick 4 cds + 40 page book $40 Lots of previously unissued

Clapton, Eric Crossroads 4cds 44 page book $40 ORIGINAL 12X12 CLOTH BOUND edition Career spanning set 73 tracks with all important tracks from his tenures with John Mayall Bluebreakers, Yardbirds, Cream, Blind Faith, Derek and the Dominos and solo..

Cocker, Joe The Long Voyage Home: Silver Anniversary Edition 4cds 56 page book $45 $35 bargain new & sealed. 63 tracks sandwiched between original & new vrsion of “With a Little Help From My Friends” (or ‘Me Friends’ as Joe said in Woodstock).

Crosby, Stills, Nash Young CSNY 1974 Rhino 3 CD + DVD + 188 page book $60 Wonderful set. My vintage? They were everyone’s favourite back then. They were at their artistic peak. Also have a sealed blu-ray audio set. Same book and dvd but you would need a blu-ray audio player or can play in your blu-ray dvd. $55

Deep Purple Shades 1968-1998 Rhino 4 cds + 56 pg book $50 Has their early more pop influenced tracks such as “Hush” and “” right through their years as hard rockers extraordinaire culminating in gems such as “, “” and the best of all “”. 62 tracks.

Doobie Brothers Long Train Runnin’ :The Doobie Brothers 1970- 2000”$50 4cds with 78 tracks including one of rarities. Large box style set. Large 84 pg book included. LIKE NEW. Rhino are the best Us box set company. BTW, they appeared on the CMA awards so yes they are a shadow of teh excellence shown on this box and believe it or not Michael McDonald looks like a DOUBLE of Rolf Harris. Scary.

Doors Doors Box Set (Elektra) sealed$40 bargain 4 cds, first 3 previously unrelased live recordings including the famous 1970 Madison Square Gardens and demo recordings. 4th cd are favourite tracks as selected by Robby Kreiger, John Densmore and the recently deceased man responsible for the sound of the Doors, Ray Manzarek.

Dylan, Bob Bootleg Series Volumes 1-3 1961-1991 3cds + 72 page book $45 Columbia This is the original LONG BOX with full size book. Has been issued in jewel case but this out of print one is the most desirable with its iconic shaded Dylan photo on the cover. Includes a lot of his best protest work such as “Who Killed Davey Moore”, the tragic true story of a boxer who died in the ring and no one was willing to accept any responsibility. It also includes Bob versions of much covered songs such as “Percy’s Song” , “Only a Hobo” (done so delightfully by Rod Stewart on “Gasoline Alley”) and “Talking John Birch Society Blues” which was too controversial for his record company .

Dylan, Bob Biograph 3cd original 12”x12” version with large 28 page book + 5 additional sheets giving a track by track run down. This was the first Dylan anthology to have significant hitherto unreleased tracks. The unreleased version of “Forever Young” is great. One of Dylan’s best ever tracks. $40

Electric Light Orchestra Flashback 3CD + 44pg book. Columbia like new with quite a few unreleased tracks. $40

Grand Funk Railroad Trunk of Funk New sealed (2002 US limited edition) 45-track digitally-remastered 4-CD box set comprising - On Time, Grand Funk, Live Album and Closer To Home. Includes the full length albums with previously unreleased bonus tracks [except the Live Album], plus expanded booklets, new liner notes and space to hold the remaining 8 reissues. The 11" x 6" x 5" box is individually numbered and includes a sticker, guitar pick and a pair of Shinin' On 3-D glasses. - stunning!) $70

Jethro Tull 20 Years of Jethro Tull (Chrysalis) $40 65 tracks on 3 cds including rarities. 12x12 size box with 24 pg book.

Joplin, Janis Janis 3cds + 48 page book.$30 Book style tri fold cover 49 tracks by rock’s premier blues vocalist...of the female variety. Be warned, the book is adorned by a nekkid Janis. Like a lot it is out of print & superb and despite stuffing up some of the lyrics, hers is the definitive “Me& Bobby McGee”. What’s more the unreleased version is even better.

Moody Blues Time Traveller 5cds + 48 page book 80 tracks with superb sound. $50 “Question” is one of my all time favourite tracks. Whilst Justin Hayward was their main vocalist, three others also sang leads so there was always a lot of variety. 100% as new. Came originally as a 4 cd and expanded to 5. Superb sound.

Nash, Graham “Reflections” 3cds with 152 page book like new. Includes songs from his time with the Hollies, where he was responsible for “On a Carousel” and “King Midas In Reverse’ through his time with Crosby Still Nash& Young where he sang their biggest hit “Teach Your Children” as well as the popular “Our House”, written about his relationship with . $50

Osbourne, Ozzy Prince of Darkness $35 4cds including one of newly recorded songs. Includes 60 page book. Sealed. 52 tracks.

Redding, Otis The Definitive Otis Redding Rhino 4cds + 100 page book. 95 tracks including one of live recordings. Generally considered one of the greatest live performers ever. Brand new sealed copy. Very hard to get now. $60

Santana Dance of the Rainbow Serpent 3cds + 64 pg book Nice book stle packaging with unissued tracks. They started out as Latin rock pioneers and venture through a number of styles. Like new $25

Simon, Carly Clouds in My Coffee 1965-1995 $30 3cds + 48 page book. Has 58 tracks including one of the greatest ever singles in “You’re So Vain”. James Taylor was her husband & called her “Big Fella”...yep read it in the Rolling Stone. Excellently compiled .

Springsteen, Bruce Live 1975-85 (Columbia) $28 The book style version. With 3cds + 64 page book.

Springsteen, Bruce Live 1975-85 (Columbia) $35 The 12x12 size box with the 36 page full size book. 3cds. The cds in this are Made in Japan.

Springsteen, Bruce Born to Run 30th Anniversary edition $30 2 DVDS + CD Vintage 2 hour concert from 1975 0n DVD plus 90 minute documentary. 48 page booklet. Nice glossy box.

Steely Dan Citizen Steely Dan 4cds + 40 page book $45 Donald Fagen & Walter Becker were the constants. The early years Saw some wonderful pop songs such as the great “Reelin’ in the Years” whilst the latter saw some longer work outs. Full discography for each album. Great shape.

Stevens, Cat Box set $55 like new A&M 4cds with 79 tracks 100+ page book. Includes his early UK hits such as “Matthew & Son”, with their great opulent arrangements. It concludes with some tracks as Yusef. Superb sound.

Stewart, Rod The Rod Stewart Sessions 1971-1998 4Cds + 52 page book $50 $45 Recently read Rod’s autobiography and it is one of the funniest I’ve ever read. Great set with CD1&2 being just fabulous. 63 tracks.

Vaughan, Stevie Ray “S R V” Stevie Ray Vaughan 3cds + dvd with 72 page book. DVD has his Austin City Limits set which was recorded but never aired. Lots of rare tracks on the cds $40. All in great shape. Tragically killed in a helicopter crash when he was at his virtual peak. Includes performances with Albert King, Jeff Beck (how versatile is this guy...recently backing Brian Wilson!) and Lonnie Mack. Enough to please even a long time SRV collector.

Who Thirty Years of Maximum R & B MCA $40 4cd box in great shape. Includes 72 page book. Great set and price. Lots of rarities and previously unreleased tracks. Includes discography. 95 tracks.

ZZ Top “Chrome Smoke & Barbecue” $45. Check it out. This is out of print and hard to get. It includes an 88 page book plus a flip book...this is the one where you flip through the pages and it looks like a movie. Contains 80 tracks. “La Grange” is a superb track. And don’t you consider it an irony of life that the only clean shaven member is Frank Beard!! Great corrugated iron look cover.

Various New Rose Story New Rose $40 is a French label and over the years released a lot of material that didn’t get released elsewhere. They had a bit of a punk edge but did release some fine country stuff even if artists such as Calvin Rusell and Tex Edwards were a little left of centre. They were the only label to release a cd of the Texas Mavericks, the mysterious masked group featuring both Doug Sahm and Alvin Crow. Each track is separately annotated and there are 85 of them...tracks that is. Includes rare solo from likes of Henry Vestine (of Canned Heat), Alvin Lee. Elliott Murphy etc. Nice lolly pink box. Exceptional 44 page book.

Supernatural Fairy Tales The Era Rhino 5 cd + 68 page book. Very rare & difficuly to find let alone in great shape. $60 Mainly European artists with the Canterbury movement being in prime time as far as the English artists are concerned. The only American artist featured is Frank Zappa and they do examine the Dutch, German, Italian & even Greek side of things.

Whatever The 90s Pop & Culture Box 7 CDS + 92 page book Rhino. Amazing package has real coffee beans housed inside solid jacket....not really my era so sold ridiculously low. All rare. Last time I couldn’t sell it at $40 so now $25. There is that much in coffee beans.

Pop/MOR/50s CDS Alpert, Herb Classics Volume 1 (A&M) 25 track $15 Annette Best (Vista) $15 Baker, Mickey Rock with a Sock (Bear Family($15) Belafonte, Harry Very Best 2cd (RCA) $5 Berry, Chuck Rockin’ the hits 2cds (Delta/Chess) $5 Black, Bill Combo Goes West/ Blay Blues (Hi UK) $15 Burnette, Johnny You’re Sixteen: Best (Liberty) 26tks inc. interview$15 Cochran, Eddie Best (EMI) $5 Denny, Martin Quiet Village (Scamp) 2on1 $10 Esquivel Space Age Bachelor Pad Music (RCA) $10 Esquivel Quite Manana (RCA) $10 Fireballs Original Norman Petty Masters (Ace UK) $10 Freberg, Stan United Stares of America Volume 2 (Rhino) $15 Garland, Judy Carnegie Hal lCompleet2CD sealed Capitol $15 Jones, Norah The Fall (EMI) $5 Jones, Norah Feels Like Home CD+DVD (EMI) $10 Jones, Spike Soiked (Music of) RCA $5 LaRosa, Julius Just Forever 2Cd new Jasmine UK $20 Eh, Cumpari!! R Lee, Peggy Capitol Collectors series (Capitol) $5 Million Dolalr Quartet Complete (Charly) $15 Nitzsche, Jack Story Vol 2 (Ace UK) Hard Workin’ Man $15 26 tks Reddy, Helen The Essential (Razor & Tie) $15 Rondo, Don Hits & More (Jasmine) UK sealed $5 Sherman, Alan My Son the Greatest: Best of Alan Sherman (Rhino) $10 Sinatra, Nancy Nancy Sinatra (Boots) 2004 $10 Various Atlantic Jazz Vocals Voices of Cool Volume 2 (Rhino) $5 Crime Jazz Music in teh First Degree (Rhino) $15 Read Hot & Blue: Tribute to Cole Porter (Mercury) $5 Rock & Roll Legacy of 33 tks great & unusual $18 We Love Ella Tribute (Verve) Natalie Cole shines $5


Carpenters From the Top (A&M) $40 4 cds plus 32 page book (with centre fold out). Classic and classy. All the hits in best sound. Long style hardcover book stylke.

Cole, Nat King The Classic Singles (Capitol) Capitol like new $50 I do consider it one of the ironies of the music world that Nat’s unique and wonderfully rich voice was a product of his cigarette habit and that ended up killing him. Very sad. No one sang like him and he had many hits overseas and in Australia. “Nature Boy”, “Too Young”, “Mona Lisa” etc. It would take a nano second to realise to whom you were listening. This very nice cloth bound book style package features 2003 remastered 24-bit sound and 101 tracks. 60 page booklet. 4 cds

Count Basie The Columbia Years 4cd + 92 page book $35 30s and 40s and in great soundwith nice presentation. Includes cameo from Billie Holiday.

Crosby, Bing His Legendary Years 1931-1957 MCA Nice long style box with 68 page book with 101 tracks on 4 cds including quite a few unreleased, plus lots of duets. These are the studio recordings. This is really good set. Love “Dear Hearts & Gentle People” and his Hawaiian influenced songs in particular. $40

Freberg, Stan Tip of the Freberg Rhino 4cd +64 page book + VHS video $80 $70This is a must if you have a lot of Stan Freberg, as there is so much previously unissued material herein and the presentation is superb. CD#1 has his wonderful song parodies CD#2 has some of his famed sketches with many rare single only tracks as does Cd#3 with some from his faux history albums “Presents United States of America” Vol 1 from 1961 and Vol 2 from 1996. The 1996 version saw some new actors assisting Stan such as David Ogden-Stiers of MASH fame and the delightfully named Lorenzo Music. CD#4 is all completely unreleased material with over 50 tracks, obviously some being very short. Daws Butler is superb as Stan’s right hand man and June Foray was his right hand woman. If their names don’t mean anything to you then let me say Daws Butler (Huckleberry Hound, Yogi Bear, Quick Draw McGraw, Augie Doggie, Mr Jinks, Snagglepuss etc) and June Foray ( in Tweety..., in Bullwinkle, Natasha (as in Boris &) plus a stack in the Simpsons) were the equal of Mel Blanc and that is not to be taken lightly. In fact someone was once corrected for saying June Foray was the female Mel Blanc... “You should say Mel Blanc is the male June Foray” Incidentally June was in the news during the week after some idiotic hacked a fan site and reported her death. She is still going....strong...and is now 98 I believe. Hard to get.

Holiday, Billie “Lady Day” Sony Perhaps the best ever American box set...certainly the best not to bear the Rhino name. 10cds and a large 120 page book is only for starters. The sound is superb and content impossible to beat. The superb package is housed in a large faux snakeskin leather box with a haunting image of Billie on the cover. Stunning. NOW...that is what I wrote last newsletter. That sold. Now, I have a sealed copy. Brand new. I have to ask myself which is the best it or Ella. I don’t know. As new $110 This won a Grammy and you could only be surprised if it didn’t!! All Music Guide said “This set finally puts Ms. Holiday's massive contribution to 20th century art in fitting perspective. There are untold hours to spend listening here for the fanatic or the foundling. The package is worthy of your coffee table instead of a book of photographs of who knows what, and the wealth of knowledge it provides about the history of jazz is literally incalculable.”

Jack Kerouac Collection Rhino 3cd 12x12 grey cloth bound box with large 32 page book. 3 Cds. Very hard to get. The daddy of the Beat movement. $45

Lehrer, Tom Remains of Tom Lehrer (Rhino)$55 Brand new . 3 cds + 80 page hard cover book in solid cardboard outer. Famed for songs such as “Poisoning Pigeons in the Park”, “, Masochism Tango” “the Old Dope Peddler”, etc whilst it may seem that his songs are topical they are remarkably applicable today. Basically all his recordings. Like Stan Freberg is still kicking, apparently a healthy 90 year old. Great highlight “The Elements” in which Tom, to the tune of “The Major General’s song” from “Pirates of Penzance” goes through all the elements on the periodic table...there’e antimony, arsenic...well I have learnt the first 2.

Presley, Elvis Platinum RCA 4 CD 100 tracks many rare & previously unreleased 48 pg book $45

Sinatra, Frank Duets and Duets II 3cds..both duet albums PLUS a 3rd cd radio special which is highly sought. All in very attractive cloth bound box. $30...a giveaway

Spector, Phil Back to Mono Abcko $70 4cds + 100 page book, full size 12x12. Includes the wonderful “A Christmas Gift for You”. Starts with the Teddy Bears and ends with the Checkmates “Love Is All I Have to Give”. Incidentally ,what brilliant critic once said “The Phil Spector Christmas album is one you can play all year round”? Yeah, it was me. Great sound too.

Springfield, Dusty The Dusty Springfield Anthology $40 $35 Mercury 3cds with 32 page book 77 tracks. Includes some early tracks with the Springfields including the classic “Silver Threads & Golden Needles”. Naturally features the landmark “Dusty in Memphis” but the rarities are the winner. BARGAIN.

Testify: The Gospel Box $45 Rhino Wonderful set of black gospel by the best US proponent of the box set. Features a red cover hard book like structure which brilliantly looks exactly like a bible, complete with gold leaf pages. Includes 52 pg book. 50 tracks. Each song is separately annotated...the story behind the songs. Must be seen to be fully appreciated

That’s Entertainment The Ultimate Anthology of MGM Musicals 6cds + superb 108 page book $60 Rhino New & sealed. Comprises the cd version of the original “That’s Entertainment I/ II & III”. 135 tracks. The 6th cd has 25 previously unissued tracks. Looks great.

Christmas CDs Carlson, Paulette Christmas Is For You $12 Collins, Judy Come Rejoice A Judy Collins Christmas $12 Gill, Vince Let there Be Peace on Earth $10 Larry the Cable Guy Christmastime in Larryland $12 Nichols, Joe $10 Quartette I See a Star $18 Wonderful Canadian foursome. See $15 & up country cds for 2 of their albums Ringenberg, Jason Christmas on the Farm with Farmer Jason (small tear on cover) $10 Setzer, Brian Boogie Woogie Christmas (sealed) $15 Sugarland Gold & Green $10 Tillis, Pam Just in Time for Christmas $12

Americana Christmas $15 16 tks Neil Young does Three this a Christmas song?? I don’t really think so. Classic Country Christmas Time Life $12 20 tks

Gospel Anger, Darol Gloryland wit hMiek Marshall $10 Bellamy Brothers Pray For me $10 Grant, Amy Legacy Cd + DVD $18 (many with Vince Gill, her husband) Holloway, Ken Ken Holloway sealed $15 King of the anti honky tonkers Murray, Anne What a Wonderfiul World 26 inspirational Classics $15 Norman, Larry Home at Last Benson $15 Norman, Larry In Another Land (Solid Rock) $12 Paycheck, Johnny The Gospel Truth: The Little Darlin’ Sound of $18 Rice, Tony Crossings $12 Shea, George Beverly Precious Memories (Readers Digest)) 3cd 60 tracks Great sound 32 pg booklet $25 Smith, Gerald Born Again $15 (sealed) This is recommended! Stanley, Ralph Shine On $10 Stanley, Ralph A Mother’s Prayer $10 Statler Brothers Gospel spirit $10 Ulisse, Donna All teh way to Bethlehem $15 Walker, Billy 15 Gospel Super Hits $10

MUSIC DVDS Leftovers Last newsletter we had a large number of dvds. They were very well received and most went. These are all that is left over from that newsletter. This lot is $10 or 3/$25 and again combine any of the 3 for 25 throughout the newsletter. $10 or 3/$25 AC/DC Live at Donington (Epic) 2 hours Atkins, Chet Rare Performances 1976-1995 (Vestapol) 71 M B&W & C (mainly C) 71m Atkins, Chet Certified Guitar Player PBS Chet Atkins special 80 minutes C with guests Everly Brothers, , Emmylou etc Akkerman, Jan Live Alpha Centauri 113 min + extras from Focus Beach Boys Good Timin’ Live at Knebworth 1980 sealed 70 min + Bruno, Jimmy Live at Chris’ Jazz Cafe Vol 2 (Mel Bay) 1 hr 48 min Bruno, Jimmy Live at Chris’ Jazz Cafe (Mel Bay) 2 hr 8 min Buchanan, Roy Live from Austin (New West) C 32 min (Austin City Limits) Great Clapton, Eric Crossroads Guitar Festival 2004 2 DVD with Joe Walsh, Vince Gill with Jerry Douglas, B B King, Hubert Sumlin (of Howlin’ wolf fame) Santana, Z Z top etc 210 min + interviews Clapton, Eric Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007 2DVD with everyone you could think of from Vince Gill to jeff Beck, Stvie Winwood, Robert Randolph. DVD 1 goes 130 min + DVD2 goes same. Quality is stunning. Willie is great too BTW!! Clapton, Chronicles: Best of Eric Clapton (WB) 60 min $5... Dickens, Hazel Its Hard to Tell the Singer from the Song (Appalshop) 60min + extras Dropkick Murphys On the Road (Hellcat) total running time 260 minutes!! Emmanuel, Tommy Live at Shelldon Concert Hall (Mel Bay) 114 m hard to get. Fleck, Bela & Flecktones Live at the Quick Sony 2 hours Geremia, Paul Guitar Artistry (Vestapol) 100 min C

Haley, Bill & Comets Live in Concert Birmingham 1979 (MRA) See bit about Bobby McGee at start. $5 Holly, Buddy Music of Buddy Holly and the Crickets DVD + CD over 3 hours content (Universal) Jackson, Mahalia Sings (Tangiers) $5 Jorgenson, John Quintet in Concert (EXA) 2DVD Although a member of Desert Rose Band & Hellecasters this is not country but nonetheless a guitar fan’s must 120 min+ King, BB & Joan Baez Live in Sing Sing 1972 sealed 94min. very rare (Hoffman Collection) This gets amazing plaudits and you’d have to say a very unusual pairing. Also Sing Sing was the prison of choice in a lot of Hollywood movies...nowhere prissy like San Quentin or Folsom (just joking Johnny). Includes documentary. King, B B Jazz Channel Presents (Image) 85 minutes Klugh, Earl Jazz Chanel Presents (Image) 73 min. DTS Lee, Peggy Fever: The Music of Peggy Lee Capitol 20 tracks B&W +C + 30 minutes extra over 90 minutes..has there ever been a better double bass riff than on “Fever”and yes I believe it was ripped off on ’s “Walki on the Wild Side” Martyn, John Live at Camden Palace C AV/Umbrella 59 min Pizarelli, Bucky Favorite Solos Featuring Frank Vignola (Mel Bay) swing guitar brilliance Robillard, Duke In Concert 1994 German TV approx 60 min C + bonus Rush, Otis & Friends Live at Montreux 1986 (Eagle 88 min) Sebastian, John Live at Iowa State University (Umbrella) $5 Seeger, Pete Live in Australia 1963 B&W 105 min + 55 min extras such as interviews Acorn Media label. 16pg booklet Trout, Walter In concert (Inakustik) German TV 60 min Vaughan, Stevie Ray Live from Austin Texas Sony 63 min. C Yandell, Paul Finger Style Legacy (Mel Bay) C 48 min for Chet fans M for Mississippi A Rad trip through the Birthplace of the Blues Broke & Hungry C 94 min Target You!! MORE Cold War Educational Films from the Golden Age of Homeland Security Bear Family B&W Colour approx 156 min. Bear Family new

NEW ADDITIONS NON COUNTRY Chapin, Harry Remember When: The Anthology (MPI) 11 songs C 65min. $15. The dramatic “Mr Tanner” is unbeatable Domino, Fats From New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival 2001 C 90min 20 tk performance plus interviews $15

Ed Sullivan Shows Featuring $20 2DVDs goes for 4 hours. It was a mutual thing. The Ed Sullivan show was the most prestigious place to appear. To have the Beatles appear topped it all off. As it happens. Graet. BTW if you have spare 750K the wall in the dressing rooms where the beatles went is up for sale with their artwork. Too dear?/ The surfboard on First album cover is a pittance at 115K

Faithfull, Marianne Dreaming My Dreams 60 min. Performances + interviews $12 PLUS warning...bad language...from Marianne?? Surely not.

Grateful Dead Closing of Winterland December 31/1978 3DVDF 375 min. Nice presentation. $25

Heart Dreamboat Annie: For the 90 min Shout sealed they perform the album in its entirety plus extras $15 Ma, Yo Yo Appalachian Journey with Mark O’Connor & Edgar Meyer 95 min C $12

MC5 wayne Kramer & Guests Live at ’s 100 Club. 56 min. $15

Nelson, Ricky Sings. Capitol $18 20 tracks from Ozzie & Harriet Show which feature the great + bonus interviews & a performance of “Garden Party” by Rick’s sons....who look so much like him...the lucky devils. With bonuses 90min+

Osmonds Live (Radio Bremen) $15 Osmonds 50th Anniversary Reunion Concert (Denon) 2DVd $15 The first from German TV special from 1972 and latter from 2008. I don’t care if anyone thinks the Osmonds are uncool because they were responsible for “Crazy Horses”, perhaps the best single of all time...well top 5 anyway. But anyone who thinks them prissy has never heard “Crazy Horses” Alan & Merrill on vocals...Merrill incidentally is the Osmond who never had any dental corrective work...yeah, quite the expert and proud of it. Then Jay comes in with a slicing lead guitar break. Donny is going crazy (as in the horses) sliding a lever up and down to produce that unique sound. Wundabar....incidentally Marie is on the anniversary one and they perform a Donny & Marie and a Marie medley. Yes, I always thought her a good sort too. Lock me up. This is the plural.

Peter Paul & Mary Carry It On A Musical Legacy Rhino C (+little B&W) 80 min $18 How gorgeous was Mary...well the Cosmic Cowboy & I both think so.

Rock & Roll and the 1950s (Legacy) sealed 2 hrs 35 min Original 50s clips $15

Searching for Sugar Man The story of Sixto Rodriguez who went by the name Rodriguez . He was more popular in Australia than he was in the USA AND a bonafide superstar in South Africa. Won an Oscar for best documentary. This is one I think everyone should see if only for the adulation in South Africa where he got a 15 minute standing ovation when he walked on the stage. The band kept playing the riff from “I Wonder” for the duration. I saw it on a plane!! $10

Simon, Paul And Friends (Shout) 110 minutes plus extrasFilmed in 2007 and augmented by clips throughout the years $15

Zombies Live at the Bloomsbury Theatre London (Rhino) $18 good. Rod Argent & Colin Blunstone of Zombies..keyboard & voice respectively

VARIOUS 50s Pop Parade Live! This is actually recorded round 2004-2007 and features the original performers. Surprisingly good. Naturally as you’d expect I tried to pick holes but really enjoyed it, some have gone to meet their maker since eg Tony Martin who was over 90 when this was recorded, Robert Goult, Jerry Vale, Patty Page and Margaret Whiting. It goes for 2 hours. Highlight for mine are the Mills Brothers and Ink Spots Tributes. There are some old clips interspaced such as Peggy Lee’s “Fever”.$12

NEW ADDTIONS COUNTRY Americana Awards Show 2003 This is a promo only sampler and only goes for about 15 minutes BUT what makes it special is it has only on teh last appearances of Johnny Cash $5 Bentley, Dierks Live and Loud at the Fillmore (Capitol) sealed 90 minutes plus bonuses $15 Berring Strait Ballad of Bering Strait (Koch) 144 minutes They were a classically trained Russian group who chose to play bluegrass in the USA & ended up getting nominated for a Grammy. $15 Campbell, Glen Best of the Glen Campbel lMusic Show sealed $20 Features 1972 and 1975 shows recorded for English TV plus 2 bonus features...the first with Jimmy Webb in 1975 and second Live in 1978. Over 100 minutes. Carson Country Classic Clips from the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.Covers 1964-1991 (Carson) 80 min. $10 has performances from Judds, Dwight ,Buck and cash plus Western TV stars such as John Wayne, Michael Landon etc. Cash, Johnny Gospel Road: One Man’s Journey on the Road to Truth (20th Century Fox)83 minutes $15 Cash, Johnny Christmas Special 1976 (Shout) $8 50 minutes with a lot more than Cristmas Colvin, Shawn Polaroids : A Video Collection (Columbia) sealed 2 hours $10 Country Style USA Season 1 $22 Country Style USA Season 2 $22 Country Style USA Season 3 $22 Country Style USA Season 4 $22 All Bear Family B & W 28 page booklet. Incredible line up reads like a who’s who. Each dvd has 13 shows...approx 6 hours each!! ALL NEW & SEALED.

Daniels, Charlie Band Live (Koch) Thsi is the southern rock old style Charlie. $18 120 min Daniels, Charlie Preachin’ Prayin’ Singin’ (Koch) traditional 53 minutes $10 Denver, John Around the World Live 5 dvds just a tad under 10 hours $28 Includes his 197 7Australian show. Down from the Mountain The movie O! Brother Where Art Thou and the soundtrack were huge successes. This is the Ryman Auditorium presentation of music from that film and more. Wonderful performances from Emmylou, Gillian Welch, Alison Krauss, Ralph Stanley, John Hartford etc BUT the highlight for mine are the Peasall sisters who perfect what is usually called the “deer in the headlight” look. Over 90 min. $18 First Tuesday at Ronnie Mack’s Barn Dance The Palomino Club was the West coast country music haven where all these artists ruled. Ronnie Mack was king of the promoters and performers. It of course had to close. Yep, it was a dump but the shows went on. Over 70 minutes plus extras and you won’t see many of these anywhere on DVD Kathy Robertson (certainly no) Dave alvin, James Intveld, Mike Stinson, Dwight Yoakam, Big Sandy & Flyrite Boys etc $18 Ford, Colt Live at Wild Adventures 129 minutes 2014 $10 Foster, Radney Behind the Confessions Featuring and the Confessions, Keith Urban, Joe Ely, Vince Gill, Pat Green, , Roger Creager, Cory Morrow, Bill Lloyd, , , Jack Ingram, Kevin Fowler, Brandon Rhyder and more.$8 Running time 70 min. sealed Grassroots to Bluegrass Day 2 (Country Family Reunion) 4DVDS This is great and a perfect opportunity to view aome of the performances. They are sealed. $25 for 4 dvds has to be good deal Mainly gospel Haggard, Merle The Hag (Classic Country DVD) 1 hr 43 min.sealed Haggard at his best. In colour, mostly on the Porter Wagoner show $18 Haggard, Merle In Concert NOW deleted (Brentwood) $28 SEALED Has 3 complete shows which do not duplicate each other. Live in concert sees him working with ex Texas playboy & the wonderfully talented . Also “Poet for the Common Man” and “Best of Merle Haggard”. Jennings, Waylon Nashvilel Rebel (RCA) sealed 60 minutes Great $18 Jones, George Live in Tennessee/ Still the Same Old me 2on one $15 114 minutes $15 Kershaw, Doug Ragin’ Cajun Live in Concert (Kultur) 58 minutes Wel lDiggy Liggy Li! $18 Krauss, Alison and Union Station Live 2DVD 210 min. the second disc being all extras stillover 2 hours concert in amazing quality, $18 Nashville Sound Filmed during 1969 running time 90 minutes. Acuff, Cash, Loretta, Tex Ritter, Charley Pride, Porter, Bill Monroe $15 (Xenon) Nelson, Willie Angels & Outlaws Sealed (Eagle) 103 minutes...includes , Dylan, etc Parton, Dolly A Collection of Hits & Duets $20 sealed (Classic Country) 26 on her own plus 15 duets with Porter Wagoner. Could it get any better?? Pierce, Webb Greatest Hits (White Star) sealed 52 min $20 Reeves, Del Country Carnival Vol 2 2 hrs 14 min. Classic Country with Carl Smith, Carl & Pearl Butler, Bobby Bare etc $18 Return to Sin City A Tribute to Gram Parsons (Image) 106 minutes Suffice to say this is one of the best concert dvds you will ever see. The absolute highlight is the performance of Keith Richards whether singing with Norah Jones (Talk about beauty & the beast) or leading the participants though a great version of “Wild Horses”, a Stones country classic inspired by Parsons. Steve Earle, Lucinds, Raul Malo, Jim Lauderdale.,,,BUT wherever they dug Susan Marshall up from...take her back. Great dvd though. $18 Road to Nashville Corny but some great performances from Bill Anderson, Johnny Cash, Marty Robbins, waylon etc held together by a very loose plot. Still great in spite of having Doodles Weaver in a starring role. (Rhino) 90 min in colour $15 Robbins, Marty Music Anthology &0 minutes mainly colour plus bonuses, one of which is Marty’s epic story song “Mr Shorty” 23 songs all in all $18 Skaggs, Ricky Soldier of the Cross the Concert (Skaggs) Gospel 53 min. with Whites, Sullivans $15

Statler Brothers Farewell Concert Excellent 2003 30 tracks in great quality Runs over 90 min. $18 Take me Back to Tulsa: An Anthology of Western Swing (Rounder) sealed $20 Bob Wills, Spade Cooley, Hank Thompson, Tommy Duncan. Say no more, Underwood, Carrie Blown Away Tour Live (sealed) Arista 2hours...never have I seen anyone with more perfect teeth...please don’t take as a snide remark it is factual observation. Walker, Billy Country Carnival Volume 2 (Classic Country DVD) 2 hours with heaps of colour. Faron Young, Hank Jnr, Car l & Pearl Butler, Pee Wee King, Tommy Cash ,sammi Smith etc plus oif course the Tall Texan, $18 Walker, Billy Country Carnival Volume 3 sealed 2 hours (Classic Country DVD) Warner Mack, Willis Brothers, Bob Luman, Lonzo & Oscar etc Wills, Bob Fiddlin’ Man: The Life & Times of Bob Wills (view) 61 minutes plus bunch of bonus $18 Wilson, Gretchen Undressed Live $10 About an hour,,,,she ain’t nekkid as the title may imply

BOOKS LEFTOVERS There is not a shred of bragging when I say the books listed in last newsletter were phenomenal. It is also being realistic to say the likes may never be seen again. Most sold. BUT there are still some gems leftover. These are all reduced. Most considerably. Some, I can’t believe didn’t sell, not so much.

ALL THESE IN THIS SECTION ARE REDUCED FROM LAST NEWSLETTER Arnold, Eddy Pioneer of the Nashville Sound By Michael Streisguth HC 300 pg 6x9 $10 Streissguth who gives great coverage of the earlier years coverage, in other words the formative times when Nashville became the hub for recorded country music.

Denver, John Mother Nature’s Son by John Collis HC 6x9 190 pages Written after his death in October 1997, a tragic result of the ultralight he was flying running out of fuel. $5

Lomax, Alan Selected Writings 1934-1997 (edited by Ronald Cohen) HC 6x9 363 pg. The book originally came with a sample cd but it is not included. The man with whom field recordings and preservation of traditional American Music is synonymous. $10

McEntire, Reba My Story with Tom Carter HC 6x9 320 pg $5 you know I reckon Reba looks a little different to when she started.Well what do you know! Her early days as part of a true rodeo family makes entertaining reading.

Nelson, Willie The Facts of Life & Other Dirty Jokes; The Collected Writings of a Living Legend HC 6x9 232pg $8 Just a bunch of recollections and stories with the occasional actual joke thrown in. Yep, you will laugh.

Rodgers, Jimmie My Husband Jimmie Rodgers by Carrie Rodgers introduction by Nolan Porterfield SC 6 x 9 222page $8

Tosches, Nick Where Dead Voices Gather: The Emmett Miller Story SC 5x8 336 pg. $$8 Was Emmett Miller the main influence of Jimmie Rodgers and or Hank Williams or just a white man with a blackened face who recorded “Lovesick Blues” and yodelled. Had a distinct fascination with Miller and his research extends back to Stephen Foster days when the minstrel art began. Incidentally the first highly successful minstrel group were the Christy Minstrels. All the years later we had the New Christy Minstrels. Kind of starts to make sense.

Travis, Merle In Search of My Father by Pat Travis Eatherley HC 6x9 190 pg $5

Travis, Randy King of the New Country Traditionalists SC 5x8 210 pg $5 Starting like as Randy Traywick and having a self destructive urge and was rejected by several labels prior to signing with WB and achieving unbelievable success.

Twain, Shania From This Moment On HC 6x9 424 pg $4 Recent autobiography.

Wynette, Tammy Stand By Your Man: An Autobiography with Joan Dew HC 6x9 349 pg $18 This is very hard to get. “The first time I met George Jones he was in bed with another woman”. What comes next...only one way to find out!

Wynette, Tammy Tragic Country Queen by Jimmy McDonough HC 432 pages $12 6 x9 this as biography...essentially you need both to get the complete picture. Various Country Music Goes to War Edited by Charles Wolfe SC 6x9 250 pg $5 Not just the 20th century wars but Civil War, a chapter co-written by Aussie Andrew Smith. The chapters are all by individual authors. Ther are the time honoured themes of nuclear power and the Russians. By gum...there is even a chapter on Brian Letton.

Country Music Who’s Who 1972 $20 excellent annual that was published by Thurston Moore. Bound similarly to what an encyclopedia would have been, with gold title on bound deep maroon faux leather cv,u7y6 `at least. There are special sections on Charlie Poole, Uncle Dave Macon and Jimmie Rodgers. Lots of advertisements of the day which are great and a Who’s who section with some real obscurities. Slight musty odour but you won’t find one of these. Includes a fold out map of country star’s birthplaces. With respect Carl & Pearl Butler would never have won many beauty contests.

Country Roots The Origins of country Music by Douglas Green (Ranger Doug) SC 8x11 238 pg $4 Has nice time line and gives a run down of the top 5 records from 1923 to 1975.

Dreaming out Loud Garth Brooks, , Wade Hayes and the Changing Face of Nashville by Bruce Feiler. SC 5x8 404pg $5 This is a great little book covering the fortunes of 3 artists. You know it is going to be good when the first paragraph tells us about Garth’s 3 sizes too small Wranglers...not one for subtleties you’d have to say he was kindest to Wade Hayes who is seen as shy. Not too keen on Naomi it would seem and the reader is left to make his own mind up about Garth. Hard to put this down,.

Electric Guitars The Illustrated Encyclopedia by Tony Bacon HC 13 x 10 Excuse me why I ogle. 320 pg $22 Spectacular huge coffee table book. Focuses on the brands but then of course the players who played those guitars. Tony Bacon, I have found out is the quintessential guitar writer. Over 1200 photos

Finding Her Voice The Saga Of Women in Country Music by Robert K Oermann & Mary Bufwack 10x8 HC 594 pages of smallish print so stacks of words!. A true encyclopedia with the scope being amazing. Whilst it is not going to be a surprise that Patsy Cline, Wanda Jackson, Loretta, Tammy, Jean Shepard, Doly & Emmylou are all featured it is pieces on great artists such as Carolina Cotton, Jenny Lou Carson, The de Zurich Triplets, Martha Carson and latterday artists such as Suzy Bogguss and that make this book so great $20 one of the best country music books ever written.

High Lonesome The American Culture of Country Music by Cecelia Tichi 7 x 10 HC 318 pg with some nice pieces on lesser knowns such as Holly & Barry Tashian, Kathy Chiavola & a chapter on Rodney Crowell SC $5

Louisiana Hayride: Radio& Roots Music Along the Red River Tracey Laird 6x9 HC $10 208 pg Compares and contrasts tyhe development of country music and the unwritten fight against Nashville and the tactical errors that saw Shreveport lose.

Mandolin for Dummies Don Julin SC 8x9 378 pages $8 one of the famous Dummie book.

Music Makers Of the Blue Ridge Plateau from the Blue Ridge Music Makers Guild Inc. SC 6x9 127 pg Home of the Galax Fiddlers Convention...the biggest of the lot. Mainly pictures contributed by the society. Anyone who has the Nitty Gritty Stars& Stripes Forever or John McEuen’s solo album will know the track “The Mountain Whippoorwill” ..this is essentially that in pictures. $5

Southwest Shuffle Pioneers of Honky Tonk, Western Swing & Country Jazz by Rich Kienzle SC 6x9 288 pg $20 generally rated the best on the subject but rather than be a full text on the subject he writes about a different artist in every chapter starting with Spade Cooley, Hank Penny, Tommy Duncan, Lee Gillette, Ken Nelson, Cliffie Stone, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Hank Thompson etc

Sun Records The Brief History of the Legendary Record Label by Colin Escott & Martin Hawkins SC 7x 10 184 pages. The history, the main artists and bios on all the lesser lights 10

WSM Aircastle of the South and the Making of Music City by Craig Havighurst 280 pg hard cover.6x9.”WSM = We Shield Millions” the motto of the insurance company which owned the station and essentially ran it as a sponsorship tool. Very small print so quite lengthy. WSM gave Nashville the title “Music City USA”. One time the geniuses were going to pull the Grand Ol Opry off the WSM airwaves. Includes the rogues such as Jim Denny and legends such as Owen Bradley. I did read this and learnt heaps. $18

BLUES B B King Blues All Around Me: The Autobiography by B B King with David Ritz 10x6 324 pg HC $10

Blues Fell This Morning Meaning in the Blues By Paul Oliver SC 5x9 348pg $8 arguably the # 1 blues writer This is a 90s update of an earlier work & is rated one of the best on the subject. Great study of lyrics...I now know what DBA means!

Blues People Negro Music in White America by Leroi Jones HC 9x6 244 pg. Rare original 1965 with dust jacket a little marked but all intact. The first hand look parallels a history of the US. Jones dedicates the book “to my parents the first negroes I ever met”. $15 You will not find this nor will your life be the same if you read it.

Devil’s Music A History of the Blues By Giles Oakley S.C. 9x5 311pages From slavery to 60s. Definitely one for the serious blues fan. Focus on racism and the blues. $8

Elwood’s Blues Interviews with the Blues legends & Stars By Dan Akroyd and Ben Manilla SC 10x6 258 pg. Pretty self explanatory and very interesting with interviews with Rays Charles, Buddy Guy, John Lee Hooker, Koko Taylor, Charlie Musselwhite, Susan Tedeschi and many more. $12

Goin’ Back to Memphis A Century of blues, rock & roll and glorious soul by James Dickerson HC 10x6 274 pages Stax, Sun and much more by foremost writer on Memphis music. $10

Midnight Riders The Story of the Allman Brothers Band by Scott Freeman SAC 5x9 342 pages with great discography ...and of course the sex, drugs & rock & roll and pointless deaths. $10

Mississippi John Hurt His Life His Times His Blues Hc 6x9 308 pg $12 incredibly detailed. Contains discography including list of tributes. A must for any acoustic guitarist as well as blues enthusiuast

Screening The Blues Aspects of the Blues Tradition by Paul Oliver SC 5x9 $8 One of the best of the writers and many will like the chapter “The Blue Blues” which deals with the ribald nature of many blues songs...yeah, you caught me out.

South to Louisiana Music of the Cajun Bayous by John Broven 10x6 366 pages SC $10 Bryen Willems is a country singer based in Sydney who comes from Louisiana. He tells us that Louisiana is the 49th worst sate (out of 50) for unemployment and 49th state (yep out of 50) for low pay...he says the state motto is “thank god for Mississippi” which is the 50th in both areas. But whilst we can laugh the development of these musical forms largely has a lot to do with the poverty of the people.

Stomping the Blues Albert Murray sc 7x10 264 pg $10 great photographs and storyline...blues doesn’t necessarily mean blue!!

Walking a Blues Road A Blues Reader 1956-2004 by Samuel Charters S.C. 5x9 271 pages. Best from the man acknowledged as best blues writer $8

50s/ Rock & Roll

Chuck Berry The Autobiography HC 6 x 9 346 $18 VERY hard to get original from 1986 in superb condition Also have SC version of same $10. A true genius with the inherent eccentricity

Elvis Presley A Study in Music by Robert Matthew- Walker HC 5x9 154 pgs 1979 with dust jacket $10 wow, what were they thinking a book on the music of Elvis!!

Golden Age of Rock Instrumentals by Steve Otfinoskli SC 6x9 214 as much 50s as 60s and I found it very easy to read and informative. The bit I read was all about . 12

Little Richard The Life & Times by Charles White SC 5 x 8 $10 25 This looks to be particularly 85 if you want his description of Jayne Mansfield’s bosoms..yes I laughed out loud!!

Music Man Ahmet Ertegun, and the Triumph of Rock & Roll HC 6x9 302 pg. $15the story of the Turkish ambassador’s son who started the most important independent label in US musical history...Atlantic Records

Off the Record Life With & Without Johnny O’Keefe by Marianne Renate 10 HC 6 x 9 258 pg. What the title says is what you get by Johnny O’Keefes’ wife. Johnny’s visits to teh padded room are not overlooked.

Race With the Devil Gene Vincent’s Life in the Fast Lane by Susan Van Hecke HC 6x8 276 pg Vincent Eugene Craddock $15 Self destructive and dead in 1971 of cirrhosis of the liver among other things.

Skiffle The Story of Folk Song with a jazz Beat by Brian Bird HC 5x8 125 pages. This is ultra rare. Original 1958 with dust jacket. Slight tear. Foreword by Lonnie Donegan Gives a good run down of the style and the groups. $10 Truly a case of find one....


Crosby Stills Nash& Young The Visual Documentary By Johnny Rogan SC 9x12 178 pg Great glossy year by year analysis with many rare photographs. A must for CSNY fans $15

Crosstown Traffic Jimi Hendrix & the Rock N Roll Revolution by Charles Shaar Murray 6x9 SC247 pg $5 1991 Ralph J Gleason award winner.

Donovan The Hurdy Gurdy Man: The autobiography HC 6x9 328 pg One of the great English folkies...and rockers too. Follows his upbringing in Scotland to superstar. $15

Eagles To the Limit The Untold Story of the Eagles by Marc Eliot 369 page HC 6x9 $10 all the juicy bits. Henley = bounder, cad.

Fire & Rain The James Taylor Story SC 6x9 283 pg $10 Different to the` one below. Interesting revelations of his relationship with Joni Mitchell.

Fleetwood Mick Fleetwood:My Life & Adventures with HC 6x9 232 pg $10 1990 hard to get. All the juicy bits & the Rumours tour, the trials & tribulations of superstardom.

James Taylor Long Ago & Far Away: His Life and Music by Timothy White HC 6x9 389 pg $15 The truth behind Fire & Rain and his relationship with Carly Simon as well as his debut album on the Apple label...and much more!!

Jimmy Page Magus, Musician Man An Unauthorised Biography by George Case HC 6x9 293 pg $15 The most popular hard rock group of all time and their leader.

Keith Richards The Biography by Victor Bockris HC 6x9 336 pg $12 Hard to get 1992 original...even SC rare.

Led Zeppelin Heaven & Hell: An Illustrated History by Charles R Cross HC 9x11 206 pg. Superb glossy pages. $12

Legends of Lead Guitar Best of Interviews 1995-2000 SC 9x11 256 pages Guitar one $15 Everyone from Malcolm & Angus Young (AC/DC) to Eddie Van Halen

Mark Knopfler An Unauthorised Biography by Myles Palmer HC 6x10 280 pg $10 SC 6 x10 287 pg $5 (same content) Very hard to probably won’t find one.

Music To My Ears The Billboard Essays by Timothy white HC 6x 9 352 pg really good cross section eg there is an essay on Flaco Jiminez , Jerry Garcia, Billy Joel, Joni Mitchell...each only a couple or more pages. Interesting $10

Ringo Starr Straight Man or Joker by Alan Clayson HC 6x9 292 $15 His battles with the bottle and his musical career.

Rock & Roll Revealed Outrageous Lives of Rock’s Biggest Stars by Maryanne Melloan 10 x 13 Hc 120 pg Pretty trashy but interesting too$4 ``

Ronnie The Ron wood Autobiography HC 6x9 358 pg. Faces... Stones, Rod Stewart..and more $12 . Simon & Garfunkel Old friends by Joseph Morella & Patricia Barry HC 6x9 261 pg $12always a battle of egos and resentment seemingly more from . Has their early career as Tom & Jerry to the overwhelming success of Bridge over Troubled Water & Beyond

Waits, Tom Many Lives of Tom Waits by Patrick Humphries HC 6x9 350 pg. $8 Wasted and wounded..he sure is but can write the most melodic songs imaginable


American Troubadours Groundbreaking Singer Songwriters of the 60s by Mark Brend. SC 8x9 178 pg. $15 Great book and it covers David aackles/ David blue/ Tim Buckley/Tim Hardin/ Fred Neil/ Phil Ochs/ Tom Rapp/ Tim Rose and Tom Rush =, You’d feel safe if your name was Tom as the Toms are the only ones kicking. Unique subject matter with superb discography

Colours of My Life The Story by Graham Simpson HC 6x9 346 pg A chance meeting with Athol Guy at an advertising agency where she had just started to work and the rest is history. The triumph and the tragedy. $10

How Can I Keep from Singing Pete Seeger by David King Dunaway 7x9 HC 384pg Essentially a collection of Seeger’s own words. Surprisingly frugal tells of his early days with Woody Guthrie, through his time with the Weavers and pulls no punches about his Communist ties, his blacklisting on Hootenanny show and so on through to his acceptance as hero of the masses. Includes discography. $10

Joan Baez And a Voice to Sing With: A Memoir HC 6x9 380 pages. Very hard to get a hard cover edition. $10

Lonesome Traveler The Life of Lee Hays by Doris Willens HC 6 x 9 281 pg $12 History of the Weavers and the story of the American folk movement from one of the initiators & originators. Anecdotes of Guthrie, Seeger etc

Phil Ochs Death of a Rebel by Marc Eliot SC 5x8 364 pg $10 Doesn’t sugar coat things in any way

Protest Singer An Intimate Portrait of Pete Seeger by Alec Wilkinson HC 5x8 152 pages $5 Includes transcript of his grilling at the hands of the House Committee into Communist activities. `

Ralph McTell Angel Laughter: Autobiography Volume One HC 6x9 288 pg HC $5

Woody Guthrie A Life by Joe Klein 6x9 HC 476 pg Lavishly illustrated. Great Cover art. $15 1981 first edition...yep you won’t find this one. ETCETERAS Aznavour by Aznavour an AutobiographHc 6 x 9 283 pg This 1972 biography is France’s most successful ever singer,...still going at 90 and he wasn’t even French...but Armenian. $10

Boy From Oz Story by Stephen Maclean HC 6x9 360 pages HC $15 Yes saw him at the Regent and they did This is Your Life after. Very funny...and sad too. Liza supposedly did not know he was gay when she married him. 1996 boook.

Cry The Johnnie Ray Story by Jonny Whiteside HC 6x9 445 pages $15 Virtually deaf by 12 yet seen as the link between Sinatra & Presley. Incredibly popular in Australia and had some of his biggest success here. Also had enough scandals for 10 and both triumphs and disasters...the latter highlighted by a tour with Judy Garland.

Django The Life and Music of a Gypsy Legend by Michael Dregni HC 6x9 326 pg The major biography of one of the most important musicians and artists of all time. $15 Very hard to get in first edition hard cover

Doo-Dah! Stephen Foster & the Rise of American Popular Culture 6 x 9 SC 400 $10 pages How could a man who had been responsible for some of the most popular songs in history die at age 37 as an alcoholic with literally only spare change to his name??

George Formby A Troubled Genius by David Bret 5 x 9 SC 296 pg Eternally jovial on screen but somewhat troubled off. $10 Includes examination of his songs & films.

John Hammond On Record: An Autobiography (with Irving Townsend) HC 6x9 334 pages by the man who discovered Billy Holiday, , Aretha Franklin & $15

Jolie The Story of Al Jolson by Michael Freedland HC 6x9 312 $10 Born in Russia and he never saw the Swanee & Dixie he sang about until over 40. Anecdotes galore. Very entertaining by the man considered the greatest entertainer of them all.

Mr Bojangles The Biography of Bill Robinson by Jim Haskins and NR Mitgand HC 6x9 326 pg. $10 Already one of Broadway’s biggest stars when he was picked to play alongside Shirley Temple he reached heights as the greatest tap dancer ever but was so much more than the man in that movie.

Stardust Road & Sometimes I Wonder The Autobiographies of Hoagy Carmichael SC 5x8 465 pages. $15 BOTH biographies from 1946 and 1965 collected in one volume with additional pictures. Essentially the history of popular music in America by one of if not the best songwriters.

Swing It! Andrews Sisters Story by John Sforza H 368 pg 6 x 9$10 with discography

You Ain’t Heard Nothing Yet Al Jolson By Robert Oberfirst SC 6 x 9 340 pages $5 Examines the private life contrasted with his celebrity status.

Various 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time from the Guitar World magazine SC 6x9 208 pg $8. Lots of sub categories...100 greatest guitar solos etc. It keeps them in music genres so doesn’t really name 1-100 in order...or does it.

COUNTRY BOOKS New listings Aberbach, Jean Restless Giant: The Life & Times of Jean Aberbach and Hill & Range Songs SC 6x9 312 pg The great publishing houses are essentially the story of Nashville...Cedarwood, Acuff Rose & Hill and Range and like other publishers the Ukranian born brothers had an aura of dodginess. Well they did hold 50% of the publishing of a lot of songs that Elvis recorded and “cowrote”. $12

Ashley, Tom Sam McGee/ Bukka White Tennesee Traditional Singers edited by Thomas G Burton HC 6x9 240 pg $20 includes discography.

Autry, Gene His Life & Career by Don Cusic HC 7x10 224 pages This didn’t come with a dust cover. It is called library nice maroon cloth. Lots of input from Gene’s sidekick Johnny Bond. NOW...this is signed by the author. It is signed TO someone special (no not me)...You will say “Wow” guarantee it. $22 hard to get.

Browns Looking Back to See: a Country Music memoir HC 6x9 348 page $25 brand new. Not just about the Browns but the golden age of country music in general. Written by Maxine Brown, this is one of the reviews on the back states ” Honest, gossipy and outrageously funny”. One of the best music bios of any genre.

Browns Nashville Chrome by RickBAss HC 5x8 258 pg Ricjk does to teh Browns what Chet Flippo did to Hank in “Your Cheatin’ Heart’ ie write about them as though in a novel. Tell the story but make it sound liek a story, Well done too and a nice contrast to the previous. Brilliant cover. $15

Campbell, Glen Life With My Father Debby Campbell & Mark Bego SC 7x9 175 pg $12

Cash, Johnny FAQ: All That’s Left to Know About the Man in Black by C Eric Banister FAQ=Frequently asked questions. SC 6x9 391 pg $25 The title is a tad misleading. What you get is the best book On Cash if you want to know all about the music. All albums are reviewed. Quite brilliant actually. Personally if I had to have a book on Cash I’d have this one.

Cash, Johnny A Heartbeat & a Guitar andThe Making of Bitter Tears By Antonio D’Ambrosio HC 6x9 279 pg Whilst Cash is the face of “Bitter Tears” it is really all about the work of Peter Lafarge who provided the songs for the album. “On the Warpath” was Pete’s album., $20 hc $14 sc version

Cash, Johnny The Life By Robert Hilburn 6x9 softcover 671 pg The most comprehensive coverage of Cash’s life $18

Cash, Johnny Nine Choices: Johnny Cash and American Culture By Jonathan Silverman SC 56x9280 pg Interestin prmise that the fate of choice led to Cash’s success. What if he hadn’t gone to Memphis? What if he hadn’t gone to Columbia etc$15

Davis, Don Nashville Steeler: My Life in Country Music sc 7x10 144 pg$15 Started out as a steel player with the likes of George Morgan and progressed to become a publishing executive and producer and friends to teh stars aling teh way. Interesting anecdotes especially about Waylon’s financial woes/

Dopyera, Margaret Lay My Life as a Dopyera 6x9 SC 96 pages $10 Spiral bound quaint but informative book from family member of the “DOBRO” family.

Earle, Steve I’ll Never Get Ouit of This World Alive $5 HC 6x9 a novel. Steve is proof positive that you can like someone’s music without necessarily liking them.

Emery, Ralph The View From Nashville HC 6x9 HC 321 The greatest country dj of them all. Former husband of , tv host, great raconteur. Ralph’s books are pure entertainment. Funny with anecdotes galore.$25

Flatlanders Now It’s Now Again by John T Davis SC 5x8 210 pg The story of Butch Hancock, Joe Ely, and Jimmie Dale Gilmore. $15. The story of West Texas music at its best.

Frizell, Lefty The Honky tonk Life of Country Music’s Greatest Singer by Daniel Cooper HC 6x9 318 pg $25 hard to get. Interesting interaction between lefty & Stoney Edwards.

Haley, Bill by John Swenson HC 6x9 174 pg $18 The highs & lows and the insanity at the end. How an unlikely lad became a superstar and his decline into alcoholism. A book version of Tom Russell’s glorious song “Haley’s Comet”.

Killen, Buddy By the Seat of My Pants Buddy Killen with Tom Carter HC 6x 9 316 pg $12 Another publishing giant with Tree Publishing. Did it all and more. Was Grand Ol Opry bass player and had a big hand in guiding the career of Dolly Parton.

Lewis, Jerry Lee Unconquered: The Saga of Cousins , and HC 6x 9 469 pages. They all had their moments. Particularly like the bits about Rev Jimmy. Certainly wasn’t a fan of the other Jimmy...Jimmy Bakker. $20

Louvin Brothers Satan Is Real: Ballad of the Louvin Brothers by HC 6x 8 300 pages $20 Defy you to put this down. Great read. Charlie is surprisingly foulmouthed. For someone who did a lot of gospel and religious songs he sure can cuss. Great stories of how they struggled and their rise to prominence. The brilliant album cover for Satan is Real is reproduced as the book’s cover.

Mack, Bill Memories from the Trenches of Broadcasting : an Autobiography SC 6x9 286 pg $25 He sang, broadcast and wrote “Drinking Champagne” and “Blue” among others. His interaction with Texas artists and country in general is famous. Great bit on Conway Twitty.

Monroe, Bill The Music of Bill Monroe Neil V Rosenberg and Charles K Wolfe 9 x 12 HC347 pages $28 The focus on the music and recordings of Monroe and the many musicians who palyed with him and went on to enjoy fame in tehri own right. Large style coffee table book.

Monroe, Bill Bill Monroe Reader edited by Tom Ewing SC 6x9 300 pg Over 60 articles on the Father of most interesting perhaps being “Womanising Led To Monroe Tussle, Ex Girlfriend Says” whilst the story of his funeral will make a few sit up $18

Parsons, Gram Calling Me Home & the Roots of Country Rock by Bob Kealing HC6x9 290 pg Rich boy country rocker...revolutionary or tad overrated? You decide. Nice coverage. $15

Parton, Dolly Quotable Dolly hc 5x5 80 pages $5 Funny...dolly always best at self deprecating humour.

Reeves,Jim Song Folio #1 1958 $10...sheet music

Wagoner, Porter : The Country Music Life of Porter Wagoner by Steve Eng HC 6x9 464 pg $28 looks new Doesn’t hold back. Porter of course was known as a bit of a womanizer (an understatement) as well as one of country music’s most charismatic performers.

Wells, Kitty The Honky Tonk Angels by Walt trot SC 6x9 304 pg + 30 pages of photos not included in that count ie 334 pg all up $22 Also chronicles Johnny & Jack whose partnership ended when Jack tragically died in a car accident whilst travelling to Patsy Cline’s funeral.

Williams, Hank I/II/III + Family Tradition: Three Generations of Hank by Susan Masino HC 6x9 257 pages 15. There has been so much written about the original Hankster that the sections on Hank Jnr & Hank III will probably be best for most. In fact the most interesting is Hank III’s battles with .

Williams, Lycrecia & Dale Vinicur: Still in Love with you: The Story of Hank & Audrey Williams...a daughter’s true story SC 6x9 208 $15 Audrey’s daughter and step daughter of Hank. Not much is written about Audrey after hank’s passing. This is it essentially, Hard to get.

Wright, Chely Like Me: Confessions of a Heartland Country Singer HC 6x9 283 pg $8 story of her coming out.

Yoakam, Dwight A Long way Home Twelve Years of Words hc 6x9 140 pg $12


American Ballads Photographs of Marty Stuart 11x11 116 pg $20 HC book. Marty is quite the photographer. Includes the 1970 picture of Connie Smith...his future wife. Highlight is probably the last portrait of Johnny Cash taken 4 days before his passing. You can’t describe these books. They are for display and appreciating...muchly!!

American Roots Music HC 10 x12 edited by Robert Santelli, Holly George-Warren, Jim Brown. Based on the PBS TV series this is a large coffee table book 240 pages with ultra rare photos, including a very young BB King on the cover but it covers all the rootsy genres Cajun, folk gospel, blues, country, you name it. Beautifully presented. Looks just great. $28 Hard to get now. Like I have said elsewhere a great book to display.

America’s Music Bluegrass: A history of Bluegras Music in the Words of Its Pioneers by Barry R Willis Sc 9x12 635 pages $40 HUGE book and simply the finest book on the subject you will ever see or read. Woudl almost go as far as saying teh finest muci book I have ever seen, It also has great stories on the early days of country as well. Be amazed.

Behind Closed Doors Talking With the Legends of country Music Alana Nash SC 6 x 9 560pg Always sells quickly when lucky enough to get a copy. This looks brand new even though 1988. Signed by the author. I will just run down all the interviewees Alabama/ Roy Acuff/Chet/ Rosanne/ Coe/Crowell/ Lacy J/Steve Earle/Haggard/ Tom T...heck I’m not even half way. $25 Definitely the best of its kind.

Billboard Top 40 Country Hits Joel Whitburn SC 9x7 544 pg $20Covers period to 1994 Frankly you don’t need much more after that. Gives brief bio of the artists & chart placement details for all their singles. Lots of charts at end eg top singles & artists by decade.

Bluebird Cafe Scrapbook Music & memories from Nashville’s Legendary Singer- songwriter showcase. HC 6x9 208 pg $18 Great anecdotes and a very special section “can’t be really gone” about artists who have passed on.

Bluegrass Reader by Thomas Goldsmith 6x9 SC 354 pages, Great articles by quality journalists eg “Stanley Brothers” by Rich Kienzle, “Dave Freeman& County Records” by Charles Wolfe, “Going back to old Kentucky: Ricky Skaggs Rediscovers the Rules of Bluegrass’ by Jon Weisberger. Nearly 70 purposefully written articles.$15

Bluegrass Odyssey A Documentary in Pictures & Words 1966-1986 by Carl Fleischer and Neil V Rosenberg SC 9x11 194 pg $20 Coffee table style gem .

Choctaw Gardens Hilda Stuart 10x10 HC 103 pg. Hilda is Marty’s mother and also quite the photographer...candid snaps...well some are...the history of the Stuart family and Marty the musician. $12

Country Music Changed My Life: Tales of Tough Times and Triumph from Country’s Legends hc 6x9 328 pg “My manager thought it would just be a great publicity stunt to say that I was a 32 year old midget instead of the 13 year old girl that I was”....”We ate possum until dad saw one crawl out of the belly of an old dead cow that had been there about a week”...who said’ll have to get it and find out...okay it was Glen Campbell. $20 Graet bit by Deke Dickerson telling of the pitfalls of being a backup band for a legend. $20

Country Reader Twenty Five Years of the Journal of country Music SC 7 x 10 327 pages. $20 This was perhaps the greatest ever magazine on country music. Down the track I have quite a lot to sell. It was marked by two things 1) the Quality of Journalism and b) the non adherence to the mainstream. So you get purposefully written essays by Charles Wolfe, Nick Tosches, Robert Oermann, Bob Allen, Robert Cantwell etc with intro by Chet Flippo.

Country World Of Charlie Lamb 12 x 12 sc booklet 56 pg $15 Formative in the CMA .This book has many impressive pictures and is from 1986 so the yain’t gonan be popping up a lot.

Encyclopedia of Folk, country And Western Music by Irwin Stanmbler SC 7x10396 pg $15 Old 1969 book in pristine shape. It has many artists featured who you will not find covered elsewhere such as crl Belew, Molly Bee, etc.

Guitar & a Pen by Robert Hicks: Stories by Country Music’s Greatest Songwriters SC 6x8 249 pg $4 HC $8 What you get are songwriters trying their hand as novelists. You would expect Tom T Hall to be there & he is with a Tom T Hall style yarn about a rabbit. Others includes Robbie Fulks, , Kris Kristofferson etc.

Hands in Harmony Traditional Crafts and Music in Appalchia By Tim Barnwell HC 9 x 10 with cd 1988 page coffee table style $12

Hatch Show Print The History of a Great Poster Shop HC 10x10 coffee table book 160 pg $25 by Jim Sherraden, Elek Horvath and Paul Kingsbury. The dust jacket actually folds into a large Hatch Print poster. The Hatch Print company is now in the lower level of the Country Music Hall of Fame. It has been making entertainment posters since 1979 and this is a wonderful gem.

Hayloft Gang The Story of the National Barn Dance edited Chad Berry SC 7x 10 $18 220 page WLS which went neck and neck with the Grand Ol Opry. Red Foley went on the the Opry but started here. John Lair was the manager.

Heartaches by the Number Country Music’s 500 Greatest Singles by BillFriskics-Warren & David Cantwell SC 9x11 286 pages. well intentioned and interesting beyond expectation and also frustrating when they rate crap and neglect gems. Well worth it. Nice large book. $22

Honky tonk Gospel The Story of Sin and Salvation in Country Music by Gene Edward Veith SC 6x9 186 pg $15 Also an examination of the morality in country songs ...the chapter on cheating songs is pretty good.

In the Hidden Mix African American presence in country Music SC 6x 9 380 pg new edited by Diane Pecknold. $15

Kentucky Country Charles K Wolfe HC 6x9 198 pg $18 Always good value and easy to read. He examines the musicians and institutions such as the Renfro Valley Barn Dance. Grandpa Jones, Merle Travis, the Carlisles...Cousin Emmy..Pee Wee King & more.

Lonesome Cowgirls Honky Tonk Angels:The Women of Barn Dance Radio by Kristine M McCusker 6x9 Sc 200pg Linda Parker, Girls of the Golden West, Lili May Ledford, Minnie Pearl & Rose lee Maphis. $15

Mountains of Music West Virginia Traditional Music from Golden Seal Edited by John Lilly Sc 9 x 11 228 pg $15

Nashville The Pilgrims of Guitar Town Michel Arnaud with Text & stories by Robert Hicks 9x11 HC148 page. Coffee table gem$15 Famous, not so famous, legends, songwriters. Gem.

Nashville Songwriter Jake Brown The Inside Stories Behind Country Music’s Greatest Hits SC 6x9 326 pages Perhaps a few too contemporary but the good id very good Tom T Hall, “A Week in a County Jail” and”That Song is Driving Me Crazy’, Sonny Curtis “I Fought the law”, “Tennessee Whiskey”, “Always on My Mind” etc$15

Nashville Sound Bright Lights & Country Music by Paul Hemphill HC 6x9 $14 From 1970...first of its kind. Great nick.

Right By Her Rights Americana Women & Their Songs by Jewly Hight SC 6x9220pg $8 Lucinda William/ Julie Miller/Victoria Williams/ Michelel Shocked/ Mary Gauthier/ Ruthie Foster/ Elizabeth Cook/ Abigail Washburn.

Segregating Sound Inventing Folk & Pop Music In the Age of Jim Crow SC 6x9 370 pg “It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together or in company with each other” This is cross genre thing with the author stating this continues in US even today $15

Sing Your Heart Out Country Boy By Dorothy Horstman HC 6 x9 440 page the inside stories by the writers who wrote them, This is rare...very rare and one of the best ever books from a songwriting perspective. on “Take This Job & Shove it” had me laughing.... though I don’t think it was supposed to be that way. This is the second edition from 1986 in superb shape. Honestly it is that good. $30

Singing Cowboys & Musical Mountaineers Southern Culture & the Roots of Country Music by Bill C Malone 155pg SC 6x 8 $7

Smile When You Call me a Hillbilly Country Music’s Struggle for Respectability 1939-1954 SC 6x9 313 pg Covers formative artists such as Red Foley, Bob Wilsl and Hank Williams $15

Stars of country Music Bil C Malone HC 6x9 473 pages $18 one of he great books edited by one of the great writers Chapterson Uncle dave Macon (Charles Wolfe), Vernon Dalhart (Walter Haden), Bradley Kincaid (DK Wilgus) etc although 1975 this looks brand new.

They Came to Nashville Marshal lChapman HC 6x9282pg Great book of interviews by a lady with quite a recordining history. Kristofferson/ Mary Gauthier/ Emmylou Harris/ Bobby Bare/ Rodney Crowell, Willie, Terri Clark etc $10

This is Country A Backstage Pass to $20 brilliantly presented coffee table gem on the West Coast alternate to the CMA,Has some wonderful documents reproduced incuding a DJs digest from 1963, tickets, sheet music etc. And smell that paper... new...retail is 50 bucks!! US too not pacific pesos

Women of country Charles K Wolfe editor HC6x9226 page $18 Really interesting mix Polly Jenkins & Her Plowboys, Roba Stanley, Roni Stoneman, Emmylou, Rose Lee MAphis, Texana Dames etc

50s BOOKS New listings

Presley, Elvis : A Life in Music: Complete Recording Sessions by Ernest Jorgensen 6 x 9 SC 454 pg A must for Elvis fans from his first recordings in 1953 (teh private recording at Sun of “My Happiness” through to his final 1977 recordings). Astute and incisive. Forward by Peter Guralnick. $28

Presley, Elvis Complete Illustrated Record 12x12 HC 192 pg $18 some minor wear on dust jacket. Excellent book and great companion to the previous. Very hard to get especially in hard cover.

Record Makers & Breakers Voices of the Independent Rock & Roll Pioneers by John Broven HC 7x10 590 pages. Crosses all genres. He is the author of the brilliant book on Cajun music as above. The concept of the independent label usually means one thinks of a one owner operator but many large labels started out as small independents and this book starts there with Atlantic records, Mercury, Specialty. It goes on with great coverage of Nashville indies and then King, Sun etc. Chess is one of the great labels covered and not all artists were black. Some very interesting bits on payola scandal. $30 This is a superb book.

White Boy Singin’ the Blues The Black Roots of White Rock by Michael Bane SC 6x8 270 pg. Sam Phillips felt Elvis was a white boy who sounded black. Of course there is much more. 10

POP MOR etceteras NEW Listings Carpenter, Karen Little Girl Blue: The Life of Karen Carpenter by Randy L Schmidt HC 6x9 351 pages. The shocking truth behind her sad demise. $25

Yeah Yeah Yeah The Story of Pop Music from Bill Haley to Beyonce by Bob Stanley HC 7x10 598 pg $20 sc $15 if you are like me 400 pages are great....I just don’t care much for today’s music.

ROCK New listings

Bangs, Lester Mainlines, Blood Feasts and Bad Taste: A Lester Bangs reader edited by John Morthland SC 5x 8 410 pgs $18

Bangs, Lester Psychotic Reactions and Carburettor Dung edited by Greil Marcus 5 x8 388 pages $18. Two out of print collections by the greatest ever rock critic who unfortunately succumbed to teh vices he so often wrote about.

Beatles The Biography: Bob Spitz HC 6x9 983 pg $20 Huge book..Covers up to the release of “Let it Be”. Best there ever was, and will be.

Bolan, Marc Modern Icons by Virgin. Nifty 5x7 HC 93 pg $5

Brown, James James Brown Reader: Writings about the Godfather of Soul edited by Nelson George Sc 6x9 313 pg. The articles are great but the time line is indeed fascinating: “Sept 24 1988 invades insurance seminar brandishing a gun threatening those who may use his office restroom next door.” I fully appreciate this!! I wouldn’t like any stranger dropping a number 2 in my toilet either. $15

Dylan, Bob Scrapbook HC 10x10 64 pg with slide in album outer. Its isn’t the size it’s what you get. The book is very well researched and presented in a scrapbook format filled with removable reproductions, including handwritten lyrics of "Gates of Eden," "Blowin' in the Wind," and "Chimes of Freedom," programs of Dylan's historical performances, various bits of memorabilia, and endless amount of photographs. There is a cd included of Dylan interviews. This is brilliant. $ favourite bit s a reproduction of a Carnegie Hall programme.

Dylan, Bob Chronicles Volume 1 Sc 6x9 293 pg. Bob’s autobiography $5

Franklin, Aretha From These Roots HC 6x9254 pg Aretha’s autobiography. He most Grammy winning female in history. $10

Johns, Glyn Sound Man Hcv 6x9 314 pages A life recording hits with the Rolling Stones, Who, Led Zeppelin, Eagles just to name a few. More tahn a few secrets shared. $18

Kornfeld, Artie The Pied Piper of Woodstock. SC 7x10 $15 188 pg. He is the guy who put Woodstock together. Talks all about the disaster of Woodstock, saved by pure chance. Great run down on the artists & their performances.

Classic Tracks Back to Back SC 9x11 Over 600 pages. Both albums and singles. Albums one end, flip it over and singles the other. Great pictures and well written $25

Great white Wonders History of Rock Bootlegs by Clinton Heylin SC 8x10 440 pg. No one seemingly cares nowadays. Even the biggest record fairs in the USA are half bootlegs nowadays but then again this history tells of the days when they were sold from the boot of a car by a guy who had smuggled a tape recorder into a show. $12

Heart of Rock & Soul 1001 Greatest Singles Ever Made by Dave Marsh 6x9 sc 717 Most rock critics are posturers and clueless self opiniated dills. Well I guess that is the criteria. Interesting in parts. Annoying in others. $12

I’m with the Band Confessions of a groupie by Pamela Des Barres $18 SC 6x8 You have to like this.

Rolling Stone Interviews Edited By Jann Wenner 6x9 SC 466 pg. The magazine back in the day when the magazine was actually an indudtry leader that every one looked at as the best. Sadly those days have gone but this is a great reminder. Top drawer with interviews from Jim Morrison, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Phil Spector, Clint Eastwood, , Keith Richards. $20 Think I will keep myself.

FOLK New listings

Collins, Judy Morning, Noon & Night HC 6x8 182 page $10 autobiography not necessarily about her recording career but of course that is covered.

Guthrie, Woody American Radical by Will Kaufman HC 6x9280 pg the protest singer before there were protest singers. $15

Ochs, Phil There But For Fortune: The Life of Phil Ochs bu Michael Schumacher 6x9 SC 386 pg $15 Covers the music, rise and decline of the mind & man.

BLUES/R&B New Listings Edwards, David Honeyboy The World Don’t Owe me Nothing: Life & tImes of Delta Bluesman Honeyboy Edwards HC 6x9 287 pg $12 One of the last bastions of the Delta blues

Escaping the Delta Robert Johnson and the Invention of the Blues H.C. 10x6 342 pg $25 Examines Johnson’s life and music both in terms of the days he lived and his lasting legacy, the latter seemingly beyond the former. Had one sold last newsletter and could have sold 3 times over so don’t dally as this may be the formative book.

Memphis Boys The Story of American Studios HC 7x10 410 pg $20 The story of Chips Moman and the artists and writers responsible for likes of “Dark End of the Street”, “Do Right Woman”. “The Letter” and formative works such as “Dusty in Memphis” . The Memphis Cats were led by Reggie Young on lead guitar.

Robert Johnson Lost & Found by Barry Lee Pearon & Bill McCulloch HC 142 pg Short but pithy...many say the best ever book on Johnson $ it to the previous.

Rogers, Jimmy Story by Wayyne Everett Goins SC 6x9386 pg $10 Brand new 2014 issue

Some magazines #1 Johnny Cash 2 lot Country Weekly special 124 page + People magazine Sept 2003 ...Death of a Legend $15

#2 Journal of Texas Music History These are once a year publications ...similar to the Nashville Journal of Country Music. They are very good. Featured item shown - Vol 10 Songwriting Legacy / Home With the Armadillo (famous Texas Music venue)/ 60 pg $6 - Vol 11 Buddy Holly’s Meteoric career/ Kerrville Folk Festival 64pg $6 - Vol 12 Creation of Texas Music/ Many Faces of “Milk Cow Blues”48 pg $5

#3 Lone Star Music (nice glossy mag) - May/Jun 2011 Joe Ely (Cover)/ Lubbock/ Steve Earle $5 - July/Aug 2011Sunny Sweeney (Cover) Kevin Fowler/ Billy Joe Shaver (in depth article) $5 - Sep/Oct 2011 Robert Earl Keen (Cover)/ All Star tribute to Guy Clark $5 - Mar/Apr 2012 Jerry jeff Walker (Cover...very in depth issue) $6 - May/ June 2012 Alejandro Escovedo (Cover) Woody Guthrie 100th $3

#4 Texas Music (great)...**indicates with cd - Summer 2010 Billy Joe shaver ** $5 - Winter 2010 10th Anniversary Edition $4 - Spring 2011 Roy Orbsion: the Voice from Wink Texas $5 - Summer 2011 Steve Earle Stares Death in the Eye ** $5 - Fall 2011 Dale Watson: Heart of a Honky tonk/ Guy Clark at 70..his 70 best songs/ Dale’s guide to Texas Roadhouses $6 - Spring 2012 The 50 Top Texas Songs $5 - Fall 2012 Dillo Days/ the Curious Tale of Willis Alan Ramsey $5 - Winter 2012 Townes Van Zandy/ 2011 Top Artists ** $5 - Winter 2013 Bruce Robison & Kelly Willis story ** $5

That’s it folks for 2014. Have a safe and happy Christmas and when reading this remember there is no one you should spoil more than yourself....or words to that effect. Best Wishes Steve