KONNAGAR MUNICIPALITY P.O-Konnagar, Dist-Hooghly, Pin-712235

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KONNAGAR MUNICIPALITY P.O-Konnagar, Dist-Hooghly, Pin-712235 Notice Inviting e-Quotation KONNAGAR MUNICIPALITY P.O-Konnagar, Dist-Hooghly, Pin-712235 -Quotation Notice Inviting e- Quotation no. : MAD/KONNAGAR MUNICIPALITY/18-19/004 , Dt- 30/08/2018 Under e- Quotation memo no. : PWD/14/Chair/926 , Dt- 28/08/2018 Chairman, on behalf of Konnagar Municipality invites e-Quotation for the work detailed in the table below. (Through Pre-qualification) (Submission of Quotation through online) 1. On behalf of the board of councilors, The Chairman, Konnagar Municipality, invites e-Quotations to obtain a rate from manufacturer or suppliers for “Supplying and Installation of 900 (Nine Hundred) Nos of HDPE Foldable TIP-UP Chairs in Aluminum Stand for Konnagar Rabindra Bhawan of Konnagar- Hooghly”. The supply order will be issued by “The Chairman, Konnagar Municipality”. Rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes and delivery charges together with loading, unloading, handling, fitting, fixing & stacking charges at site . Details of quotation with necessary requirement towards submission/ download of Quotation Papers will be available from website:-http://etender.wb.nic.in or http://wbtenders.gov.in directly with the help of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). 2. Applicants willing to take part in the process of e-Quotationing will have to be enrolled & registered with the Government e-Procurement system; through logging on to https://wbtenders.gov.in using the option —Click here to Enroll. Possession of a Valid Class II Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in the form of smart card/e- token in the Company's name is a prerequisite for registration and participating in the Quotation submission activities through this web site. Digital Signature Certificates can be obtained from the authorized certifying agencies, details of which are available in the web sitehttps://wbtenders.gov.in 3. Intending Quotationer / Suppliers can search and download NI e-Q and other Quotation documents electronically by logging on to the website https://wbtenders.gov.in, using his Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). This is the mode of collection of Quotation documents electronically. 4. For participating in the Quotation, the Quotationer have to pay the Earnest Money as specified in this N.I.eQ shall be paid through ONLINE into ICICI Bank in favour of “Chairman Konnagar Municipality” Konnagar during Submission of e-quotation. Any bid without such payable of Earnest Money (Except exemption as per G.O.) shall be treated as informal & shall be automatically cancelled. 5. Quptation documents may be downloaded from website and submission of Technical Bid and Financial Bid will be done as per Time Schedule stated. 6. The FINANCIAL OFFER of the prospective Quotetioner will be considered only if the TECHNICAL BID of the Quotetioner is found qualified by the Municipal Authority of Konnagar Municipality. The decision of the Municipal Authority will be final and absolute in this respect. The list of Qualified Bidders will be displayed in the website. 7. Eligibility criteria for participation in e-Quotation:- i) Quotationers quoted rate should be inclusive of all taxes and delivery charges together with loading, unloading, handling, fitting, fixing & stacking charges at site. ii) Quotationers should have Valid PAN no., GST Registration Certificate, Professional Tax Receipts. They should have valid Certificate from Pollution Control Board. iii) a) Bonafied, resourceful Contractors having experience of completion of similar type of works in Govt. Organization and with a valid payment certificate of executing a single contract of value not less than 40% of the estimated amount of this work in last three years. No private credentials will be Considered. Satisfactory pg. 1 Notice Inviting e-Quotation completion certificate must have to be produced while Depositing the tender. b) Intending Contractors /Tenderers must be financially sound as their bank statement and have their machineries required for the job. iv) Quotationers should have Bank Solvency letter and/or valid certificate of Bank Solvency. v) Extra weightage may be consider if quotaioners is manufacturing unit or contract manufacturing unit.The company/Firm valid certificate or documents shall furnish. vi) All items must come with 3 years of warranty. In case of replacement, fitting, fixing or fully maintenance within the warranty period the company is fully liable for the same, Replacement of materials must do within 48 hrs, otherwise amount may be adjusted with security deposit as per decision of authority. vii) The prospective bidders or any of their constituent partner shall neither have abandoned any work nor any of their contract have been rescinded during the last 5(five) years. Such abandonment or rescission will be considered as disqualification towards eligibility. (A declaration in this respect has to be furnished by the prospective bidders without which the technical Bid shall be treated as non-responsive.) viii) A declaration in the form of Affidavit in a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly affirmed before a Notary Public / 1st Class Magistrate should be submitted which must include the following declaration That all the documents submitted by me/our/M/S ……………………… are authentic. That I/We/M/S …………………………….. has not been / Debarred / Delisted / Blacklisted / Disallowed by any Govt. Deptt. / Gov. Undertaking/ Statutory Body/ Municipality/ Municipal Corporation and of the like Govt. Bodies in Chairs supply quotation in India as on date of submission of Quotation. If any such case is declared in the Affidavit or otherwise discovered, the applicant’s quotation shall be cancelled summarily without assigning any reason whatsoever. Complete history of all litigations regarding Debarment/ De-listing/ Blacklisting/ Disallowance by any Govt. Dep’t. / Gov. Undertaking/ Statutory Body/ Municipality/ Municipal Corporation and of the like Govt. Bodies in Chair supply quotation in India during last three years from the date of submission of quotation. Depending on the disclosures, the e-Quotation Inviting Authority shall exercise its sole discretion to accept or not to accept the Technical Bid and qualify the quotationer for opening its Financial Bid. The quotationer will however be given a suitable opportunity to offer its explanation before any such action is taken. ix) Uploading of scanned copies of Pan Card, Income Tax Return receipts, Professional Tax receipts, GST registration certificate & scanned copy of Affidavit in the Technical Proposal as Non Statutory Documents. x) All Suppliers/ Quotationer should have to upload only their self-attested copies of the requisite documents in the website for submitting their Quotation. In case of Proprietorship, Partnership Firms and Company, having tax audit report in 3CD Form are to be furnished along with the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account, and all the documents along with schedules forming the part of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account should be in favour of applicant. No others name along with applicant’s name in such enclosure will be entertained.[Non -statutory documents ] Registered partnership Deed for Partnership Firm only along with Power of Attorney is to be submitted. The company shall furnish the Article of association and Memorandum.[Non -statutory documents ] 8. No mobilization advance and secured advance will be allowed . Agencies shall have to arrange land for erection of Plant & Machineries, storing of materials, labour shed, laboratory and also a technical staff etc. at their own cost and responsibility. All materials required for the proposed work shall be of specified grade inconformity with relevant code of practice (latest) (revision) accordingly and shall be procured and supplied by the agency at their own cost including all taxes. If required by the Engineer-in-Charge, further testing from any Government approved Testing Laboratory shall have to be conducted by the agency at their own cost. Constructional Labour Welfare CESS@1% (one percent) of cost of construction will be deducted from every Bill of the selected agency. There shall be no provision of arbitration. Bid shall remain valid for a period not less than 120 (One hundred twenty) days from the last date of submission of Financial Bid/Sealed Bid. If the bidder withdraws the bid during the validity period of bid, the earnest money as deposited will be forfeited forthwith without assigning any reason thereof. pg. 2 Notice Inviting e-Quotation TABLE DATE, SCHEDULE & DESCRIPTION OF WORK:- A. a) Name of the work : “Supplying and Installation of 900 (Nine Hundred) Nos of HDPE Foldable TIP-UP Chairs in Aluminum Stand for Konnagar Rabindra Bhawan of Konnagar- Hooghly” . Specification 1.Aluminium metal stand with powder coated finished 2.Chair size 510 mm etc 3.HDPE blow molded plastic for seat & back 4.Fitting with anchor fasteners 5.Seat member for traceability b) Quotioners eligible for : • Manufacturers /Suppliers/ Contractors should have Valid submission of rate PAN no., GST registration certificate & Professional Tax receipt. They should have valid Certificate from Pollution Control Board. c) Name & Address : CHAIRMAN, KONNAGAR MUNICIPALITY d) Price per copy of the set : All bidders must be submitted for tender/quotation documents of quotation documents @Rs 5500/- per set through ONLINE into ICICI Bank in favour of “Chairman Konnagar Municipality” Konnagar during Submission of Tender. e) Documents require to be : i) Valid PAN No., GST registration certificate, Professional submitted along with Tax Receipt & Income Tax Return
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