Tfereinafter Oerycu

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Tfereinafter Oerycu \ Qo'ut. of hdta Wgd. Xa" .SAS ASHOKKUMAR SAHA 4E, Qo[o 1wa[ta{, $adar Gazur, (Barrac&pare, (fltrt. 24 ePgs" (t',{) 9r{otary cPfrane: Earrocf;ltore Court. : 2592 0A6+' Serampore Qourt : 25.12 041t Mobile:97 NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS .sfiatf come,I, Ashok Kunear Saha dutl autfiorise[ 5y tfu gOW. Oq IT'I'QIA to practice as a 9tfotary do ficre|y autfiinticate, certifl attest as un[er tfu erycution of tfie irutrument anneqgf frcreto coffectfuety marfigf "X" orti* 6eing executef, afmitte[ an[r[ennJied 67 tfri respective ignatories ds to'tfie matter containef tfierein, presente[ \efore me, oerycu tfereinafter 3Pd [a1of two t1 .e4gcutant o.A' lffie (s)" fraving a[mitted tfre e4ecution of tfre paper writings in respective frantr(s)inpresence of tfu witrwss (es)wfio as sucfrsuSscrifie (s) signature (s) tliereondnilSeing satisfu[as tfic ldcntitl of tfr" exgcutdnt (s)anftfu saide4gcutant(si. I frave autfrinticate[, verifudst attesteftfu eqgcutiontfrc "(Paper" wrinngs "f,." dnd tesffi tfiat tfu sai[eq,ecutionis intfii respectiae frorrn 6) of e4ecutant (s), ,fln Act wfi,ere of 6eing reEired of a Trl'otary : I frave grantedlfwse Wesents ds rnj gVotariaf Certificdte to serue anl avaif as rued occasion sfinff require. FAITH AND TESTIMONY {EREOF; I, tfu sail$tatdry frave fiereunto tn"d su| s criSe my fian[ ann a{fia I rnj $fot aria I f of Offce at&drrdcf;gtore :*'Districtg{ortfr Court Compowndtrrt 2 s ett{aogftf7t ontfu: day of dttfrf irLtfieiru tfie yearyearof of Cfr.rist 2{)l No t aria I S t arnp o n O nginn t AS}TOK KUMAR SAHA GrlUr is5 "q WffiST BHNGAL {-t f (t, ,* i d-- ' $\ AGREEMENT CTJM qr this Wory otM-two ^}UBI[4.SIS ROY CHO|4aDHURY, son q faith - Hindu, by occupati >n - Business, residing at20/C/a, S.C. Deb Street, P.O. * I€onnagar, P.S. Uttarpara, District - Hooghly, Pin - 712235, hereinafter referred tB as the EWNER/FIRST PARTY (which term and/or expression unless excluded by or r$pugnant to the context shall mean and include his heirs, executors, administrators,legal representatives and assigns) of the O[tE PART. ft R a 5 H ri 6; ROY CHOWDHURY DEVELOPERS PRIVATE LIMITED, a Company incorporated under the companies Act, 2013, having its registered office 20/C/4, Shib Chandra Deb Street, P.O. Kormagar, P.S. Uttarpara, District Hooghly, Pin - 712235, represented by its Managing Directors (1) ,SXI SUBHASIS ROY CHOWDHaRY, son of Late I{emnath Roy Chowdhury, by faith - Hindu, by occupation - Business, by nationality - Indian, residing at 20/C/4, S.C. Deb Street, P.O. Konnagar, P.S. Uttarpara, District - Hooghly Pin - 712235, (2) SMT. KARABI ROY CHOIVDHaRY, wife of Sri Subhasis Roy Chowdhury,by f.aith - Hindu, by occupation - Business, residingat20/C/4,5.C. Deb Street, P.O. Konnagar, P.S. Uttarpara, District - Hooghly Pin - 712235, (3) SRI SAMBO ROY CHOI4/DII(/r\Y, son of Sri Subhasish Roy Chowdhury, by faith - Hindu, by occupation - Business, by nationality - Indian, residing at 20/C/4, S.C. Deb Street, P.O. Konnagar, P.S. Uttarpara, District - Hooghly Pin - 712235, hereinafter referred to as the I)EVELUPER/SEE0NI) PARTY (which term and/or expression unless excluded by or repugnant to the context shall mean and include its heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors in office and assigns) of the OTIIER PART. ALL THAT piece and parcel of land measuring about 05 Cottahs 12 Chattaks 04 sq. ft. together with building standing thereon, lying at Mouza - Konnagar,l.L. No. 7, Comprised in Dag No.6227 under Khatian No. 704, ing to L.R. Dag No.12772 under L.R. Khatian No. 1.4673 &1,4674 premises No. N-109/1, Aurobinda Road, P.O. Konnagar, within the of Konnagar Municipality, under P.S. Uttarpara, in the District - Hooghly, hereinafter called the "Said Property". By virtue of registered Deed of Conveyance dated 08-05-2015, executed and registered at serampore sub-Registry office, incorporated in Book No, 1, Volume No. 5, pages from 4221. to 4240, bearing Deed No. 3260, said Si suryajit Mitra I sri Nishikanta Mitra vendors therein sold, transferred, conveyed, assigned, granted all that area of land measuring about 06 cottahas 12 Chattaks 04 sq. ft. together with building standing thereory lying at Mouza - Konnagar,I.L.No. Z Comprised in Dag No. 6227 under Khatian No. 704, corresponding to L.R. Dag No.12772 under L.R. Khatian No. 14673 &'1-4674 being premises No. N-109/1, Aurobinda Road, p.O. Konnagar, within the ambit oI Konnagar Municipality, under p.S. Uttarpara, A.D.S.R. Serampore, in the district of Hooghly, more fully described in the Scheduled mentioned herein above unto and in favour of Sri Subhasis Roy Choutilhury mentioned therein as Purchaser. By virtue of aforesaid Deed of instrument srl subhasis Roy chozadhury became the owner of the Lst schedule Property written hereunder and 4- Sri Subhasis Roy Choradhury while fully seized and possessed of all that area of Bastu Land measuring 05 Coftahas 12 Chattaks 04 sq. ft. together with building standing thereory lying at Mouza - Konnagat, J.L.No. 7, Comprised in Dag No. 6227 under Khatian No. 704, corresponding to L.R. Dag No. 12772 under L.R. Khatian No. 15469 being premises No. 109/L, Aurobinda Road, P.O. Konnagar, within the ambit of ,l{ Municipality, under P.S, Uttarpara, District - Hooghly more fully descri hty Saal ir-r the 1't Schedule written hereunder. The First Party herein being desirous to constmct a multistoried building at the said premises tried to take all sorts of steps but owing to some problems the Owner decided to entrust the said entire project uPon one noted Developer allowing them to invest the entire Finance thereby giving them right to realize their such investment together with all sorts of cost for erection and others by selling out portions to be made at the said property with that of right to take all sorts of charge thereof in accordance with one specific Agreement. The Developer herein on hearing the aJoresaid proposal corne in contact with the Or,rmer herein and represented them as the property Developer with the purpose of promoting, sponsoring and constructing multi-storied buildings. Developer thereafter exarnined the documents, Deeds and papers relating to the, title to the said property and they have been satisfied with that of the C)wner title together with that of the marketability of the said property and as such it informed the Owner about their vvillingness to input the entire finance to develop the said property subject to abeyance of some terms and conditions to be placed by them and thereby proposal was made to that effect. On the basis of the said proposal the Parties herein after several sittings in between themselves formulated the terms and conditions with regard to raising of the constructions at the said properb, on the basis of sanctioned plan to be sanctioned from the Municipal Authority wherein it has been specifically settled that the SECOND PARTY HEREIN SEAIL IlfirEST TaE ENTIRE AMOT NT FOR SUCH DEVELOPMEIII without making the First Party liable and responsible for the same together with that the second party on and from the date of starting the construction at the said property shall take all the charge to make the building of multistoried for the said purpose with all of water, lights sewerage's, drainage's, egress g apartments as per the law to that effect prevaili Bengal . h,o;ur*nnoro, ,fl, ii,ru, In pursuance to the understandings arrived at in between the Party herein 6le0' 5s91ill, for avoiding ali future complications and hazards decided to execute one development agreement containing all the settled terms and conditions l agreed by and between themselves and as such entered into these presents. Con-E....4 t\jl4-l -:: 4 ::- NOI{ THIS AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT I{ITNESS AND IT HEREBY AGREED IN BETI{EEN THE PARTY HERETO AS FOLLOVIS:. AETTIOLE :T: DEFTTYITIIODITS: - O\|VNERi Shall mean the First Party i.e. ^Sit/ SaBHASIS ROY CHOWDHURY, son of Late Hemnath Roy Chowdhury, by faith - Hindu, occupation - Business, residing at20/C/4, S.C. Deb Street, P.O. I(onnagar,P Uttarpara, District - Hoogtrly, herein along with his legal heirs, execu admir-ristrators/ successors, representatives and assigns. DEVEL9PERi ROY CHOWDHURY DEVELOPERS PRIVATE LIMITED, a Company incorporated under the companies Act. 2013, having its registered office at 20/C/4, Shib Chandra Deb Street, P,O. Konnagar, p.S. Uttarpara, District - Hooghly, Pin - 712235, represented by its Managing Directors (1) SRr SUBIIASTS RoY CHOItrDHURY, son of Late Hemnath Roy Chowdhury,by faith - Hindu, by occupation - Business, by nationality - Indian, residing at 20/C/4, S.C. Deb Street, P.O. Konnagar, P.S. Uttarpara, Diskict - Hooghly Pin - 712235, (2) SMT. KARABI ROY CHOWDHURY, wife of Sri Subhasis Roy Chowdhury, by faith - Hindu, by occupation - Business, residing 20/C/4, S.C. Deb Street, P.O. Konnagar, P.S. Uttarpara, District - Hooghly pin 2235, (3) SRI SAMBO ROY CHOWDHaRY, son of Sri Subhasish Roy fydhury, by faith - Hindu, by occupation - Business, bl,nationality - Indian, at 20/C/4, S.C. Deb Street, P.O. Konnagar, P.S. IJttarpara, District - y Pin - 772235, together with its heirs, executors, administrators, Iegal ntatives, successors in office and assigns. PREMISES: - shall mean the property situated at109/1, Aurobinda Road, P.o. Konnagar, within the ambit of Konnagar Municipality, under p.s. Uttarpara, District - Hooghly, Pin - 772235, more fully and particularly described in the 1't Schedule herein below. BUILDING:' Shall mean the Multi-Storied Buitding to be constructed at the said premises in accordance with the plan to be sanctioned by the appropriate authority.
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    FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY REPORT OF THE FOURTH STATE FINANCE COMMISSION WEST BENGAL PART – I Abhirup Sarkar Professor Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Chairman Dilip Ghosh, IAS (Retd.) Ruma Mukherjie Member Member Swapan Kumar Paul, WBCS (Exe.) (Retd.) Member-Secretary FEBRUARY, 2016 BIKASH BHAVAN, SALT LAKE, KOLKATA Preface The Fourth State Finance Commission of West Bengal was set up towards the end of April 2013. However, it was not until October that it got an office space and some minimal support staff to become functional. The five months lying between April and October was spent on informal discussions with academicians and government officials to gather some initial information and form preliminary ideas which helped the Commission in its later deliberations. The Commission had initially started with two members; subsequently the member secretary was appointed in June, 2013 and another member in July, 2014. Apart from commenting on the overall working of local governments in West Bengal and the condition of state finance, the Commission had to undertake three broad exercises. First, the total sum of money to be devolved to the rural and urban bodies that the Commission were to recommend had to be arrived at. Second, given the total recommended sum going to the rural bodies, the Commission had to determine the sharing rule of this sum across the three tiers of Panchayati Raj Institutions, namely the Zilla Parishad, the Panchayat Samiti and the Gram Panchayat. Third, the distribution of devolution within each tier and within the urban bodies had to be decided upon. The Commission’s recommended devolutions to the rural and urban bodies were founded on three basic considerations: (a) the actual amounts devolved in the past as a percentage of the state’s own tax revenue, especially the pattern of devolution made in the recent past; (b) the magnitude and pattern of devolution by the Fourteenth Finance Commission to the local bodies of the state; and (c) the actual requirement of the local bodies for their smooth functioning.
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