Union Pacific Passenger Specials
Armour Yellow Varnish: Union Pacific Passenger Specials -. ... ' . - --- -. 15% Off any books listed here if ordered by Dece~b~r 31, 1~85. Minimum order $35. O'rders received after 12/31/85, a 1 ora dlscoun~ will Book Sale apply with no minimum size order required. Prices include postage In USA. On orders under $20, add $1 far postage. Prices subject to change by pub!. AMERICAN RR PASSENGER CAR , White, 700 p . soft $35 PEOPLE'i Rwy of Municipal San Franciico , 256 p : 33 CALIFORNIA's Rwy GUNS WWII artillery, Small , 90 p. 15 PCC-COAST to COAST, Interurban· Preii , 268 p .. 37 CZ : CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR STORY, Zimmerman 12 PCC , the Car That Fought Back, Car lion, 256 .P. 30 CALL t he BIG HOOK, D&RGW wrecks ,Doughert y ,256 p. ~6 PIEDMONT & NORTHERN , Fetteri/Swaniorl , 176 p . 20 The CANADIAN , story w / co lo r of CPR f lagship tra in 55 PI KES PEAK TROLLE Y S,Ca fkY,hardbound,au tographed 23 CANADIAN PACIFIC Steam Locos, 450 pages PINO GRANDE , reviied , Pol k ington , 176 pagei 28 CAR & LOCO CYCLOPEDIA, 1984 edition now out i~ PITTSBURGH & LAKE ERIE , McLean , 240 p . 33 CHESAPEAKE & OHIO , Di xon , 129 pages PORTRAIT of a SI LVER LADY, Cal if Zeph y r, 358 p . 40 PRR HVY WT PASSENGER EQPT plani & photoi, 100 p . 20 CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN in Minnesota , Bee, 115 p. ~g CL&N : history of Lebanon & Northern, 250 pages RAI LROADS of AR IZONA Vol I , Myrick, 490 p . 35 COLORADO's MTN RR 's, LeMassena , 49 full color, 384 p 49 RAI LROADS of ARIZONA, Vol 2, Myrick, 480 p .
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