
F9{ iiÈlícait 1 q cu6e lJqg,€ulqiof,lI e6 . ...i:*i- a/l&l J6

ill[ÍrÍ[iliriflil 4 Yourlove is king 5 Hangon to your love í1 16 Jezebel 20 26 ls it a clime 31 Nevêras goodas thê fifst time 36 Loveis strongeÍthan pÍide 39 Paradisè 44 Nothing can come betwêen us 48 No ordinarylove 55 Likea tattoo 60 KissoÍ life 66 Pleesesend mE someone to love 70 Chêfishthe day 76 Pearls Words&Mlsc Ad! & Matthewman

M FÏ+|+t tffiM

DntjT ffi ffi

EEE@ EtÈt+l M lfftti

_>r -4-- ffi tÈtFtl ffi

rt- crownyou with my heart.- yourlovels kine.- l(l,3,) i (2) You'rethe

A qlt+t EFF FÍr1 , -. ; Ncv'erneed to nng Íound !n.lroundandroLrnd my head

clfr7 ffi]+l ffi EFÈ+] flt+f

touchrngthe ve , ry part of thats mak-ins y solrl

0.",0 Fffi It ffi ffi

tear-ingthe ve-ry heartofnre I n cr)'-ing out for morc You.lole is drng # M


Dmlj? ---c*- EITN Hl#

3 clm? ffi ffi


c trnl T}F] ry -t- H_l-lfl ffi

makrng my soLrl ffi DmajT

Thb rs blind irirh. g.tta m) gol

DhajT -4- uï4!| ffi t|+t ffi

sor- ry dreanr this is no neler. never need to (yourlovcis klng) oh.

Ell ffi É]g

trlrnd falth.


Fg llfL

yorrrlorcis kilrg Hangon to your love Words& Mrs c Adu&Matthewman


hea-ven's namewhyare you walk-ing a-way,-

whenyou'redownon whenthe jour -ne) ls to walk out on iove._ Take you.lilne- when you'rein love._ Don't be a-shaned


go- lng gers rougr, it\ so go'ing gets.tough, So if you it's not ldon'l giveup )

ger want Í ro srrong€r you'd bet, ter notlet go. Youvegot !o holdon long-er if you

wantyour lovetoErow. _ got to stick to-ge!h-er handin glov€. holdor tight. don't1ight. Bbma7/D

hdnson to yourlo\ e In namewhy areyou wàlk-inga way, hangon

In hea- venk name why

D.A.at Coda Scoot

Bbmlj7lD ffi Ad lib. to lade

don'tlet it walk a ' way. Íind yourlovc you'vegot to makeit stay. Smoothoperator Words& MLrsc Adu& Si John

Dn7 Eni H+44 ffi F+FË] #, H4i+

IE It ft Dn7 # ffi #

làugh-ing with an-othrr girl anJ play ing withan-oth-erhearr.

FT+]fi sr]l

Plac-ing highstakes. lnak-ing hearts ache. Ilet

+f t+

loled xr Dia lnonilriglrtsandru-by lidlts G Dn7 .,4{4- ffi #

c Dm7 c .,44+ ffi # ffi

when he falls.

Gn? Dm7 FTFEF ttljítu # ffi ffi ffi # ffi

Dn7 Dn? # ffi ffi tu, ffi ffi

min - i-mum waste- Dn7 Dml tu # tltd tftl l t ffi ffi ffi

Cn7 MF tu ffi tl]jí # ffi rllflJ

dou - ble yeI - "T r r- Ii: fr=F T' 13

Dn7 tu +FIF #, FTIFH ffi ffi

hish- er needthe

J-- tllllJ # ÈFI+F #+Ntu ffi ffi

ti melt all gold.

FFFTF ffi ffi

be end-ing like an-gels his heaÍ is-

Dml dR ffi # ffi

Dml FFFFR tu # ffi H]ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi Dn? trFIf, ffi ffi # +fltu lt ffi tu

t r

# till! ffiq tu ffi ffi tHlu FI+]u Hlff

tu Ím ffi ffi tlitH ffi IHft1

1.. +,:t: bt: tfl 'r l

Gm? 4ED +FtÉ ffi ffi tllllJ ffi Flqq ffi D.S. ro fad? Jezebel Words& li/!s c Adu & Matthewman


Bb'j ff ffi # ffi tfIII]

she lfo bibl) hJd

# ffi ffi NlI ffi

r6 ffi

ffi ffi ffi rl.Ë

blameher for her beru-ty, Ehewins with her hands down.


Reachfor d uld #f ---=-\


# ffi ffi

q4C J-.+ ;ffiE

in heÍ pride.- #Í ffi

try showher a bet-ter way. she'li


Youdon t know- andby the time

Bt5 FFf+f ffi FF+H

VERSE2: Jerebel,whÀt a belle Lookslike a p nccssin hernew dress Howdid you set that Do you feallywanr ro knowshe sajd It.wouldseem she\ on herway tr s morejmorethan iusr a dream Sheput on herstockings and shoes Had nothingto lose- shesàid it wasworlh Í. The sweetesttaboo Words& N4usc Ad! & Dicham

(;r MF FFE ffi ffi ffi ffi

tfF+ ffi Htr ffi ffi ffi tF+x

c! +?rft ffi ffi F+tï{] EI{I ffi ffi

Cr ffi ffiR ffi H,Í?d

me. - me the bdng inB oLrt the bcstin You sive Yousive G; ct ffi ffi ffi ffi tE+Ë

G; ffi ml tllFl ÉrBt uarH FfFJ

yoLr'ri'giv-ingmc the s\\,cct-eÍ- 13-boo rougJa tn. n'.

c" ffis |1ltti E+X 5

Thcresa (tui-et stur|n lnd rt nÉv-cr 1i,tl like rhrs trc l.o.L,.

tEH ffi +El ffi LI!tH ms

lhcfesaqui-et slorn rhrr rs \orl To Codoa (iur t ltl 11 \lll

DX. ot Codo - -n you've got the b'8-gcstheaÍt,

Et. ry da) is Chnst-Ínls- ffi Ell+] ffi mfn

ffi ffi+tl

ffi ITRÍ w

,.s. Thcrc's.] quiel slornl And it nrvef tell lhis good braorc There\ a qurrt storrn I thlnk ir\ vou l herc\ à quiet s10fln A.d I neverielt rhh hot b.fore GrvingInc sonrelhinglhrt s raboo. ls it a crime? Words& MusLcrAdu Matthewman& Hale

Moderrtelyfast beat ffiF lm +t+f ? ffi


.t .t

H*ll n}fi1 ESl

may come a\ some sur but I missYou

.t .9. ITITR


.-' .J

.!- a1 X at'*,7 # trflll ffi #H Fffi

bul sure ly she can l give lln feelins

à 'T=r =r "T .t €.

D']t+tl ffi FFFFH lftlH Ftfi}l Hffi


3 33-9, Jjl; ( HC,RUS I+FII LtttH IIl Í f+ÍH nffB r-J------.r

r- 3 ------r l']Hlr-J-...... r E+E To Coda Q f+{++1 -?-.

and I ? ?

c? $coon #j trffi

\Í) l(J\e i\ $L'l ) NÍvlole is wid- 3.tt' 3S.

.! J 3 .! .t

Hl+]] FIM

d'vcs and rl junrps rip pl(\ llu

uïfl] H]íIJ9

cln r grvÈ!oLr morc ln3n thrr sufr- l\ \ou \\nnt Drf F++1+ mqa FT+'T

c1 r++L. Fffi fïH+ ++ltt

3 Dt9+tI ffi I+++B a) m

Tcll nLe

VERSE2: My love is wider,wider than VrctoriaLake V) lorer. rrller ldllfrlhrr lhe IÍnpireSlale lr divesand il jumps and it nppleslike dre deepestocean I crn'r giveyou norc thrn thri, surelyyou want me back. ,s My lole is widcr than Victonà Lrke Tallerth.ln the EmpireStale l1 divesand il jumps I cdn't Siveyou more than thrt. surely),ou wani me brck. Neveras good as the first time Words& MLrsrc:Ad'r & Matthev/maf

Moderately fast , = 108 r.rrí ffi

l. Good lincs they come and thev Bo, to know Bhal lati' go ing to blow




3l E/FI ffi

then il flows

E/F[ ffi

So wc re ly on the Past,


/r'f ffi

Werc thev as ten-der as we dare to re-member?Such a fine time as this: what could

F/rf hd ffi

the thÍill of the fint ffi ffi

{ffi F


:IJ ffi

ffi ffi

rhe the


L]FÍ Dirf H

+- won't uP to-lhe drcam.- is not quitc what- it sccmed.

- a -x2 t t - ï Í+LI )-


VERSE2: Good rinfs th.y conrernd thc) go_ r.!e!cÍgoing to know Ir's 1ik. thr \LcatheÍ. One day chicken.ne\t dn! 1èadrcÉ lle roselve rcmcmber.rhe ihonr! w. lorger: We d lole and lc!!e. neler sp.nLlI minute on Ir is r pos\ibilitv Thc more \\'e know the ll:ss lvc \er Sccondlime. secondlxne is not quile whrt il N.ttLrrxlas ihe \rav sc carle io 1r.: (e. r- r r" ror Il.\. .l lo lll. Jr..r, , ru Loveis strongerthan Pride Words& Musc Adu,Hale & lVatthewnraf

ModeÍatelyJ = 90 ffi

won't pre_ tend -- that I


won't pÍe lend lcnd to stop llv jng |]H

al - though Sit - ting herewast_rng mY rlme would be like Sit - ting here wait-ing for You would be like real lv real-lY loveYou loveis stÍongerthan i -;\


ioo clear. walt mg lor the It's all walI lng It's gonnabe cold, I still rcally really love You

ro thins comeand love is stron8cr I still Paradise Wod 3V .Aa- ceVèl-^ " 8D- "

Stead] beát Effi

H+li Eg ffi

l d slsh rhc r_'

tffi FFf+I

sand otf lhe írore.- gr\'Ètou r|e \voacl

tl FIfI?I FEffi ffi

Blow- you r_'

ffi ffi +fÍfl

Íèels fine.

;t Ë Ë 1tt-,4

BIiF FTÍE ffi ffi

feels right.-

ffi m I BlrI- ffi ffiF


lr. ffiE ffi m


ffi ffi

I'd sive,ou the woÍld

Hl+F ffi H+ EE

\ I t: +?rit ffi ffi m


tggt FFiFB ffi

Blrli ffi


B'iF +m H# +m

r alr|

Ooh - r_'

BtI FFFIfl ;f+#

whal a lilè Ooh

r_i r_lo)

m_vlrli._-with vou.


fi3rc nr) lle Nothingcan come betweenus Words& L4usrc:AdiJ lVailhewman& Ha e

à IJ

llm FM ffi e) 3 ó €

ffFn ffi ffi

al-wayshope $rl you ai wayshole thal you


- irrg ol hrvc n n-dcri

d4 ffi EÍIB ffi

so hold hold

m ffi rr+g

ln the mid- dle time is run ningout_ So it tru ly a sood thing and I

H+Ê1 ffi

=i a-r;i wanl is you to knos,-thal al - wit/s this and this is

\ l

FI+M Elg ffi

1 Norh Noth rn8 can come, FFES ffi

Notli- ing - Noth- ing Noth - ing can bc tween- us.

fHt ffi ffi


nolh rnÊ !rn Lon)c.- roth irg

rR+s ffil F]]H

IFJ] Lg++t ffi I+ÍIE Fftar-t m ffi

EITfl ffi ffi mg

3 a

FI+ï]t H++T'

t. 2. Noth-ing can come, 3.

EH ffi t------! -

nolrr lng can rrome_ (lo) can (3o) can

\ I No ordinarylove Woíds& M!s c: Adu& Matthewman

,r=83 Bm giiil GnajT/B

FÍm]/B Eï+g

Bm Bn ffi ffi ffi

I gave you aLl- the got I gave you

GmajnB Em7/B

gaveyou all than I could gi!e,- gaveyou I

4A FÍmZB Bn ffi

that I have in- sideand you took my )ou took- my

Bm ffi ffi

Did-n1 I telt whal I be- lieve. Did some-bo- dy 3 J 3

sav a love like I gi!e )ou

Bn Bm7 ffi ffi , x 'ffi BÍí ffi

Enr/B Hffi

Theres no rhinglike-

'_Bm Bd ffi ffi

you and I, Da - Dy.-

Bn ffi

di - na ry love. c!- na-ry 3 FÍmZB ffi

Bn Bm7 ffi ffi

Em1/B ffi

Bm ffi a. smile.- Bm ffi


some- ov T'

En?/B ffi

like thal won t laí. thal I ve 3

Fím7/B Bm ffi

bv?- Bd Bm ffi m 2'i,BrurÈna

di na' ry love.


B'n ffi

3 |j. a. Bd ffi ïffi D.sA.al Coda

I Coda Bm ffi

Em7/B ffi

Bn ffi ffi Likea tattoo Words& MLrsic:Adu Ha e & Matthewman ).ss 'imCm7 3 a t. --. a:a ). l_Í=Lf=F U'r-Jq'-

c Fm?8, ffi Effi 'Êm

t'.l '=r-F=r t=f .9T-E -.-.---l [_r'L_r=rr'J


ffiu ffi ffi

Cn9 E#

Dro-ken Dy rne

.,ffiCm7 ffi


a. a_t .=- I f-f=l-l=t

ffi FÍrÍ/8, m



tiÍi-u r ft'm FF:F

t -t_f-r_f FmZBt ffi

hands and th€ way the moun 3

ri-Êi-t_f iffi ffi ffi

The lisht shordia-nonds from his Hun-gry for

Êi-u-Lf r E,me ffi ffi Fffi

and thir-sty for thedis'tant J

u-r_f"Ê-r r u-uÍir' Cml Fffi iffi ffi

1r,2. ll3. R ffi ffi

Like the scllr of wnt ten all ov - er my face. The war is slill rag- ing

ti-ti"t_,,r ri-[_l-Ll r FnrZBr iffi ffi

of still feel the as Í Íe- leal my J 3


Elm9 FnZ B! '"]#i iffi ffi ffi Effi

t -Ê-f-rJ I Kiss of life Words& Music:Ad!, Nlatthewman,Hale & Denman 98 à-"j3 ffi

P,s"Í -ïfficlm? Bm? ffi


_ \__::r- There an gel by my sid€.- some-thing hea-ven- ly led me

CrÍÍ BIn7 ".Ég ffi ffi

Look al rhe sky,

60 ffiF

nrunha\e be(n an aÍ' ge bi m) nde. some-lhing hea'ven - ly

-D.T"j' Bm7 ffi ffi

ffi ffi

Bm7 ffi


bridge Io your heií.

t'/- , Bdr ffi To Coda6ffi

I can'! say.- -3-


Dnai? Bd7 ffi

could teel my heaÍ ffi

you,_ ay.- ay. ay,- l\ N

P',"'l'qB ffi

BÍn7 Êffi

You gavp me Èe. kiss of iife.

Ëffi BÍÍ ffi ffi

gave m€ óe kjss thaCs like the kiss of à:=


Bd ffi

full of love. the sky -3-

D.X. al Coda 2'9onry

He- í)- Bní ffi

gave me the kiss of kiss of life.- Pleasesend me someoneto love Words& Muscr PercyMayf e d

xE ,.=60 ïffi+í

to all


BtdiDT BrÍÍOt ffiF ffi ffi" B9 C9 B9 iffi ffi ffi

please- sendme rcme- one- Show all tbe

Eó ffi ryqq

a long.

E/B B!m?(15)'ffi" ffi

B7 ffi ffi ffiffiffi

alataat_a please sendme some one to love. I lay a -

a.::=4. Jrt -. , ,t 71f.

6i E7 ffi ffi

BU E6 ffi ïffii

ffi Effi ffi

will lhe world- all of this,- hate Ptrt men- Putan end-

B't aug z"n'm^"n'ot ffi ffi )-J ry- BtdiÍn7 EIB Brm(,5) ffi ffi iffiï' iffi'

-"-+ | t.at ging íoÍ- syÍÈpa- thy. But, ifit\ not-ask-ing too much,

cr +'-rqJl. - !'.=lJ \2. $l'v! J l:'lJ J.:-J J

Pleas€seno me som€-one

ask-ing too much.-

E Em7/C Fdm? E ffi ffiffiffi a:

.-l--. please seno me some - one to love. Hm - u, _ nn._ oa4' J.YJ r 4ae -=7 t

\, Cherishthe day Words& Music:Adu, Ha e & l\,4atthewman ,r=80 Cm7 DrnT/C 'ffi iffi

+- d

n. Gn7/C ffi

Gm7/C ffi

Dm7/C'ffi cIn7/c ffi

ard I b.ealh your air. 3

7o cm7 Dm?/c "'im ffi

Cm7 ffi

cnrc tE ffi

Dm?/C cn7/C ffi Effi Sineborh tines J

I che - rish the 3 Dm?/C EH

cm7/c Io,Codae ffi

you won't catch me You'Íe rul - ing the

Dm7/C ffi

tar(e my a1Í,-

amTlc ffi "''m

you showme how deep love can b€. 3 D.C. al Coda


I won't go 3

Dm7/c ffi

cD?/C ffi ffi r no,no,a 'im Tacetle

You show Íne how deeplove

tffi ffi


{__, rs my pÍayer.-

Gm7/C ffi

che - rish the daÍ 3 Dm7/C Fm?/c iffi ffi ffi


Cnr/C Dmr/c Hffi ffi

che'risb lhe day,

Gnr/C cm7 ffi Ëffi

che - rish lhe day.-

cm7/c iffi ffi

i5 Pearls Words& Musc Adu& Hale

)-s2 rÍ.mGÍÍ EM ffi

iffi ,"ffi- ,!''"j.'

It dÈ s

D7 ffi

There s a force stronS er than na

76 x Crne Effi life- she did - n'l choose

ffi ffi

ï r-r

Dm7 D7 ïiim ffi


To Coda g DTsnsa D7 - ,P''"j.'g '"ffi ffi ffi cm7 ffi Effi ffi

wo- man in So- ma iia, cv-

'ffiD7 ffi

Long as 3


cee ful- ly wrappedup. D7 ffi ffi D.X. al Coda

D? cm7 ii+ffi ffi i++H Fffi ffi

D7 ffi ffi
