2007 CASE STUDIES HTSINSIDE WHAT’S • Executive Summary • 2007 Case Studies • Lessons Learned • Ways Forward • New Business Tools Cover image courtesy of Cora Meirowitz AL FCONTENTS OF TABLE Table of Contents













MAP 34

TOOLS 36 2007 CASE STUDY Executive Summary

Nearly half of all people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide Corporations possess the expertise, resources, products are female. In the hardest hit countries in southern Africa, and services needed by the global health and over 60% of adults living with HIV are women, and young development community not only to reduce the burden of women aged 15-24 are three to four times more likely to be HIV/AIDS, but also to foster economic growth.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY HIV positive than their male counterpartsi. Women and girls Partnerships between the public and private sectors are form the backbone of their families and communities and key to creating sustainable, cost-effective HIV/AIDS shoulder the majority of care-giving responsibilities, yet efforts, offering innovative and adaptable solutions to often do not enjoy equal opportunities in education, ever-changing challenges like HIV/AIDS. employment, marriage and access to information. As such they bear a disproportionate share of the epidemic’s To increase business involvement in programs that psychological, economic, social and health burdens. To be specifically benefit women and girls, GBC leads the effective, business efforts to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS Healthy Women Healthy Economies (HWHE) initiative must focus on the special needs of women and girls. with support from the Nike Foundation, the David & Lucile Packard Foundation and FedEx. HWHE provides The Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis tools and guidance for the private sector in three crucial and Malaria (GBC) actively works to encourage and areas of the female vulnerability to HIV/AIDS: Economic support a strengthened business response to HIV/AIDS by Empowerment, Education for Girls and Sexual and leveraging the private sector’s pivotal skills and core Reproductive Health Services and Information. competencies to enhance advocacy, community outreach and workplace efforts.

The feminization of HIV/AIDS is not only a health and humanitarian crisis, it is an international emergency that in most affected countries could damage economies if left unaddressed. HIV/AIDS markedly impacts economic and employment growthii– resulting in a loss of human capital, decreased production capacity due to worker absenteeism, and increased costs to train and replace the high turnover of staffiii.

Females represent 41 percent of the world’s labor force living with HIViv and the percentage is even higher in developing economies and within agricultural, manufacturing, apparel and footwear sectorsv. In the global economy, where the developed world increasingly relies on the female workforce for imported goods, female vulnerability to HIV/AIDS could have the serious consequence of decreased economic growth.

Research and experience show that females are critical to modern economic growthvi, and when their role as caregivers, householders and mothers of employees and consumers is factored in, it becomes clear that the health and well being of females is central to economic growth and development.

2 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 Systems of effective monitoring & evaluation Community involvement Multi-sector partnerships and diverse collaboration including all levels of government Business leadership and commitment for workplace and community engagement Creative media such as art and sportinformation and to education deliver Activities in emerging economies and next-wave regions of the epidemic such as Eastern Europe and South Asia Global Supply Chains,” October 2006. Information and Communication Technologies,” April 2004. 2005. AIDS: A Clear Case for Action,” August 2006. vi The World Bank, “Gender Equality and Economic Development: The Role for v Business for Social Responsibility, “Women’s General & Reproductive Health in iv World Economic Forum, “Business and HIV/AIDS in Africa: A Regional Snapshot,” i [0] UNAIDS,ii “AIDS Epidemic Harvard Update,” Business December Review, 2007. “AIDSiii Is TD Your Bank Business,” Financial February Group, 2003. “TD Economics Special Report: The Economic Cost of Key Themes and Good Practices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Acknowledgements GBC would likeparticipating in this to publication and thanktheir congratulate them the on efforts: featuredCorporation, Home companies Box Boehringer for Office,Johnson Inc. & (HBO), Ingelheim, EastOne Johnson, LLC, MTV Levi Networks International, Exxon Strauss Standard Chartered &SSL Plc. and Co., Mobil International. Micato Theircollaboration, Safaris, partnerships work and programmatic sets possibilities to the protect the stage health of women for and girls. future GBC wouldincluding also like thePackard to Nike Foundation, FedEx, salute Foundation, andWomen its the and the Global strategic AIDS Coalition Davidand (GCWA), on partners, for & collaboration their Lucilefeminization continued of to HIV/AIDS. support catalyze effortsEditorial to Note: address Thewas information provided the for by GBC these member companies. case studies In Good provides concrete examples of innovative For more, information please contact Shana Ward Ryzowy, Healthy Women Healthy Economies at [email protected] The diversity of these programs -and in terms outcomes of scale, location -reduce demonstrates the how impactthereby different HIV/AIDS improving efforts among business can the women productivity consequences and and of mitigating girls, Opportunities to the respond include: feminization donationsto of of medicines the prevent epidemic. strengthening mother the infrastructureservices to of within child schoolspromoting social communities and marketing initiatives transmission on in health male condom use behavior Sub-Saharan and of change.wide-ranging Africa; The HIV; and options benefit to fromand efficiency the get that only innovation, involved the private creativity sector are can offer. In addressing the health, education andwomen economic needs of andinnumerable ways to make girls, importantHIV/AIDS contributions response and to to the these thework. communities in Leaders which they companies fromapparel, various sectors demonstrate healthcare, –pharmaceuticals, financial travel media & services, tourism, and &across energy regions – entertainment, operating andincluding in metals, some of Angola,Ukraine the – Kenya, hardest show the hit crucial role Brazil, countries, business can play. India, China, and There are many opportunities forpolicies business to ensure and their feminization community of HIV/AIDS. programs This respond publication: to the The featured programsvaried in this publication engagementscompanies highlight the and worldwideaddressed in recognize by allleveraging that countries local GBC expertise and HIV/AIDSpartnerships. and across resources member communities via must multi-sector by be Company: HowHIV/AIDS Business Fightsbusiness practices the that respond to the Feminizationidentifies HIV/AIDS epidemic, of areasmotivate for other collaboration companiesfeminization and of to HIV/AIDS. is joinlarger The GBC the intended publication effort response to is to the encourage to part business growing action of the HIV/AIDS toThese a address crisis case studies amongwhich are women includes an part online and evidence of base,action girls. a tools for and broader business resources HWHEmembers companies toolkit, to and other facilitate stakeholders. partnerships between 2007 CASE STUDY Boehringer Ingelheim

BUSINESS OVERVIEW Boehringer Ingelheim began the Viramune® Donation Founded in 1885, the Boehringer Ingelheim group is one Programme in order to help meet the needs of HIV-positive of the world’s 20 leading pharmaceutical companies. With pregnant women in developing countries during delivery and headquarters in Ingelheim, Germany, it operates on a decrease the risk of transmission of HIV to babies. Viramune® global scale with 137 affiliates in 47 countries. The (nevirapine) is an anti-retroviral drug developed by company is involved in basic research and is committed to Boehringer Ingelheim that helps prevent HIV infection from BOEHRINGER INGLEHEIM improving HIV therapy by providing physicians and mothers to babies during birth. A single Viramune® tablet patients with innovative anti-retrovirals (ARVs). taken by the mother during labor, and a dose of Viramune® suspension given to the baby within the first 72 hours of birth, In 2006, Boehringer Ingelheim spent one fifth of net sales in can reduce the rate of transmission of the virus by Prescription Medicines – its largest business segment – on approximately 50%. Through the Viramune® Donation research and development. The company is contributing to Programme, Boehringer Ingelheim aims to donate the drug for the fight against HIV/AIDS in the developing world use within the broader context of comprehensive pMTCT through various activities that all serve the ultimate goal of programs. To date, over 1 million doses of pMTCT drugs have providing access to affordable HIV medicines. been donated, with the jubilee dose being sent to Malawi in the first half of 2007. The company stresses the fact that where

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION other anti-retroviral medicines are accessible, the single dose An uncomplicated pregnancy, natural labor and a healthy Viramune® should be combined with additional effective anti- baby are not a given for millions of HIV-positive women in retroviral medicines, as recommended in the latest World the developing world. Studies indicate that vertical Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for pMTCT. transmission of HIV from mother-to-child during birth and breastfeeding accounts for 90% of all HIV infections in The first supplies of Viramune® were delivered to the children worldwide. The risk of transmission can be Republic of Congo and Senegal in 2000. Since then, the considerably reduced through a brief course of preventive program has expanded to include other countries in therapy. Unfortunately, only 10% of mother-child pairs in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast and Central Asia. need globally actually receive this type of intervention. Over 120 countries around the world are eligible to The greatest need is in Sub-Saharan Africa where 76% of participate in the Viramune® Donation Programme. women living with HIV reside. Working in line with the WHO’s guidelines for drug donations, Boehringer Ingelheim offers Viramune® free of charge to developing countries and emerging economies based on the expressed interest of the government. The

4 IN GOOD COMPANY: BUSINESS RESPONSES TO THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS OHIGRINGLEHEIM BOEHRINGER donation is available to any governments, NGOs, charitable organizations or other healthcare providers with comprehensive mother-to-child transmission prevention initiatives. GOOD PRACTICES Simple and Wide-Reaching The Viramune® Donation Programme has been successful in REGION: GLOBAL attaining its goals and reaching its target group through the provision of single dose nevirapine. It is a simple, practical program that appears to have been readily accepted in its host countries. The major beneficiaries of this program are mothers and new-borns, whose needs are often overlooked in the response to HIV/AIDS. The Viramune® Donation Programme is particularly effective because it impacts low-income countries, where the situation is dire, but resources are often not easily available. REGION:

GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: Broad Range of Partners COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY In addition to being a charitable and philanthropic donation CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY program run on need-based requests, one of the innovative HWHE CATEGORIES: GLOBAL practices evident in the program has been the successful ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS collaboration with a wide range of partners. The Viramune® HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION Donation Programme has forged partnerships with a broad INDUSTRY TYPE: PHARMACEUTICAL variety of groups; including governmental, non-governmental, WEBSITE: www.pmtctdonations.org church-based, international, bilateral and charitable organizations. However, the request needs to be supported by CORPORATE WEBSITE: www.boehringer-ingelheim.com the host government in order to be considered, thus facilitating ® and highlighting the importance of the development of public- Viramune Donation Programme (VDP) Since 2000, Boehringer Ingelheim has granted free access to its private partnerships (PPPs) in supporting national health single-dose Viramune®, which when used alone or in combination systems and comprehensive delivery of HIV/AIDS services. with other drugs, can prevent vertical transmission of HIV from mother-to-child (pMTCT) during birth. Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration The company recognizes that the successful development of a Goal necessary health care infrastructure requires the participation of To prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in resource many players, including committed governments, the poor settings, such as emerging economies and low-middle income countries, by donating Viramune® to be used as a single international donor community and development and relief drug or in combination with other ARVs. organizations. As such, Boehringer Ingelheim has been working with the counselling agency Axios to supply guidance to Program Scope applicants and program participants. The company works There are 165 programs in 59 countries. actively with institutions such as Ministries of Health, UNICEF, • As of November, 2007 - 1,167,960 mother-child doses the German Agency for Technical Co-operation, the Elizabeth of Viramune® have been provided through the Viramune Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, churches, NGOs and Donation Programme. • The program is application based and the number of charitable organizations. applications is ever increasing - 39 programs in 18 countries are currently under review. Boehringer Ingelheim’s collaboration with other companies has also helped support the successful implementation of Outcomes comprehensive pMTCT programs. The company BAXA is • Addressed the health needs of women and children worldwide collaborating with Boehringer Ingelheim, by making dispensers through pMTCT. • Created a model to provide support to national and local pMTCT available to be used in the Viramune® Donation Programme, programs and a well-targeted donation program. and Axios is commissioned with the technical implementation • Developed multiple partnerships including Public Private of the program. Partnerships (PPPs). • Collaborated with companies such as Abbott and BAXA for Comprehensive Efforts more comprehensive support to national and local pMTCT The Viramune® Donation Programme’s success is also a result of programs. its multifaceted approach to dealing with HIV/AIDS as a • Highlighted the need for a comprehensive and multifaceted multidimensional development issue. The company regards the approach to respond to HIV/AIDS, including the development of donation as a means of catalyzing and supporting the health infrastructure in developing countries. development of health care infrastructure in many developing countries. Community education and awareness of HIV,

5 voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and other than that, we continue to invest in HIV drugs of the future. healthcare provisions for both the mother and the infant Today’s treatment may not be the right answer to the have also often been put in place on-site. The programs are mutated virus of tomorrow. So intensive research is the administered with additional effective only solution for this devastating disease.” anti-retroviral medicine as recommended by the WHO, where available.

Locally Adapted Another good practice has been recognizing different and unique needs in each programmatic setting. The requirements of programs designed to combat the spread of HIV vary from place to place, even within countries, and there is no “one size fits all” solution. Boehringer BOEHRINGER INGLEHEIM Ingelheim thus supports and adheres to the WHO Guidelines for Drug Donations in the tailoring of local programs, recognizing individual differences in terms of both capacity and resources. LESSONS LEARNED The success of the donation program is visible in the case Through the Viramune® Donation Programme, Boehringer of Malawi, where Viramune® has been used since 2003 as a Ingelheim has been continuously extending its operations. single dose therapy for the mother and for the infant. In The company recognizes, however, that despite its various 2007, Malawi adopted the combined regimen for MTCT as comprehensive treatment programs, the need for pMTCT recommended by WHO, using a combination therapy for far exceeds current access and availability. Additional mothers and infants. Malawi will continue to receive efforts are needed by all partners to expand access to Viramune® donations to complement the new regimen, comprehensive pMTCT services, particularly in high-risk which is to be rolled out gradually to all sites within the areas in southern Africa in order to prevent the further next two years. Notably, by the end of 2006 there were 119 spread of HIV. sites providing MTCT prophylaxis; an increase from only 36 such sites in the span from 2003 to 2005. The supplies According to Boehringer Ingelheim, the Viramune® from Boehringer Ingelheim have reached health facilities Donation Programme has helped enhance the company’s where the need is overwhelming. Effective help is crucial reputation as a research-driven pharmaceutical company in Malawi, where an estimated one million of its 14 with high ethical standards. And while Boehringer million inhabitants are living with HIV/AIDS. It is Ingelheim recognizes that access to drugs is a critical estimated that less than 15% of women attending component of a comprehensive pMTCT program, it also antenatal clinics have access to services to prevent realizes the need for a multifaceted approach. As such, infection. “The shipment of the one millionth mother- pMTCT programs can be greatly strengthened and child pair supply of donated Viramune® shows once again supported by community education and awareness of HIV Boehringer Ingelheim’s commitment to developing and pMTCT, effective program management in order to countries,” said Dr Alessandro Banchi, Chairman of the ensure proper resource allocation, training of medical staff, Board of Managing Directors of Boehringer Ingelheim. availability of VCT facilities, availability of ante-natal and post-natal care, and sound health care infrastructure. Commitment and Opportunities to Expand Integrating pMTCT into comprehensive sexual and Finally, the commitment by the company to achieving and reproductive health services is another important step to be expanding the goals of the program are another factor made in future. critical to its success. Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to providing access to anti-retroviral treatment for HIV GBC STATUS patients in the developing world, not only via the Boehringer Ingelheim has been a GBC member company Viramune® Donation Programme, but also by providing since 2004. Viramune® at substantially reduced prices for chronic AIDS therapy in 143 countries and by granting non-assert LEARN MORE declarations free-of-charge, which enable generic www.pmtctdonations.org manufacturers pre-qualified by WHO to supply the drug to developing countries. For middle income countries, the company also offers Viramune® at a substantially reduced price. Speaking on behalf of the company, Dr. Banchi has said,“We reduced the price for Viramune® for continuous AIDS treatment by 90 % and enable generic manufacturers by non-assert declarations free-of-charge to produce and supply our patented drug in developing countries. More

6 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS XO OI CORPORATION MOBIL EXXON BUSINESS OVERVIEW Exxon Mobil Corporation is a leading international energy company whose subsidiaries have operations in most of the world’s countries. ExxonMobil Foundation is the primary philanthropic arm of the Exxon Mobil Corporation. The Foundation and the Corporation engage in a range of philanthropic REGION: SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA activities that advance education, health and science in the communities where ExxonMobil has significant operations.

Globally, ExxonMobil provides funding to improve education and combat malaria and other infectious diseases in developing countries. In the United States, ExxonMobil supports initiatives to improve math and science education at the K-12 and higher education levels. In 2006, Exxon Mobil Corporation’s divisions and affiliates, along with ExxonMobil Foundation, provided REGION:

$139 million in contributions worldwide, with $54 million GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: dedicated to education. COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION HWHE CATEGORIES: U-AAA AFRICA SUB-SAHARAN Created in 2005, ExxonMobil Foundation’s Educating Women and ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS Girls Initiative (EWGI) addresses the unique challenges that keep HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION women and girls in developing countries from realizing their full INDUSTRY TYPE: ENERGY potential. EWGI is rapidly growing into one of ExxonMobil WEBSITE: www.exxonmobil.com/community Foundation’s foremost areas of community engagement and development, because extensive research confirms that educating CORPORATE WEBSITE: www.exxonmobil.com women and girls is one of the most effective ways to improve economic and social conditions. Projects supported by EWGI help Educating Women and Girls Initiative: Kibala Municipality, Kwanza Sul Province, Angola to reduce barriers that prevent girls from being educated and equip ExxonMobil is providing support to Save the Children Federation, women to become community, education, health and business Inc. and Africare to address the education and health needs of leaders in many of the developing countries in which ExxonMobil women and children in Kibala Municipality, Kwanza Sul Province, has operations and investments. Angola.

With EWGI support, Save the Children and community Goals • To establish and strengthen schools in Kibala that serve as members in the Kibala Municipality of Kwanza Sul Province in anchors of support for vulnerable children, particularly girls, Angola constructed six community schools in 2005. The and create secure and high-quality learning environments. program has benefited children, particularly girls, who live in – To equip the schools with separate bathroom facilities for the rural, war-affected region and who previously lacked access girls, access to safe water and educational materials. to formal educational facilities and supplies. After receiving – To provide training to teachers and school board members enthusiastic community support for the six schools in the initial and raise awareness of the benefits of girls’ education phase, ExxonMobil Foundation funded an additional grant in among community members. 2006 to construct four more community schools in remote • To build community health centers to support the consistent communities around Kibala. availability of vaccines, essential medicines and primary care services in the region. The education component of the project aims to increase access to high-quality schools by constructing classrooms for children Program Scope and training teachers, administrators and school board members • 478 girls are attending schools built in 2006. • Four schools are under construction that will benefit more than to support girls’ education. The schools are also equipped with 1,000 additional out-of-school children. teaching materials and recreational equipment. Newly • Three health facilities under construction will benefit more instituted school management committees are monitoring than 6,500 community members. student and teacher attendance and establishing safe school policies to protect all children, especially girls. Teacher training Outcomes on topics including gender equity, HIV/AIDS and developments • Six new community schools are fully operational. in the fields of education and health will further empower • Strong partnerships with many key players have been established, including community members, NGOs and the women and girls. Ministries of Health and Education. • Community members and local government representatives are demonstrating ownership of the schools and support for girls’ education.

7 2007 CASE STUDY Exxon Mobil Corporation

At the request of students and local leaders and with Addressing Community-wide Needs further funding from EWGI, Save the Children is also in For many people living in Kwanza Sul, access to primary the process of building three community health posts. education and health care was formerly limited or These practical public health facilities, which will nonexistent. Thirty years of civil war ravaged basic services become part of the national health system when and infrastructure across the country, including education completed, will help ensure the consistent availability of and health facilities, rendering many children illiterate and vaccines, essential medicines and primary care services uneducated. This project addresses these community-wide

EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION in the region. Save the Children will also provide training needs, as well as the unique challenges facing girls. on nutrition, immunization, malaria and other common Building community ownership and support for the schools childhood diseases to 60 teachers, 500 health and girls’ education has been critical to the success of the professionals and dozens of activistas1, in conjunction project. Community members are ensuring the long-term with Africare and the Ministry of Health. It is estimated sustainability of the schools by improving the performance that the health facilities will benefit over 6,600 people of school management committees and Parent Teacher directly by improving accessibility to and availability of Associations (PTAs), as well as demonstrating greater primary care services and medicinal supplies. support for girls’ attendance in school.

Collaboration and Public Private Partnerships GOOD PRACTICES The project requires active partnership between several key Strengthening Girls’ Access to Education and Health players, including ExxonMobil Foundation; ExxonMobil Services and its local affiliate, Esso Angola; Save the Children; the The success of this project can be gauged in terms of its Angolan Ministries of Education and Health; local non- aim to increase access to quality education and health governmental organizations; and, most importantly, the services for Kwanza Sul community members, especially community members benefiting most from implementation girls. Programs directed at educating women and girls of the project. This partnership between diverse players yield a higher rate of return than any other community will help ensure the schools and health posts continue to investment available in the developing world. By contribute to an improved quality of life for the people of funding, promoting and improving education and Kwanza Sul after the grant period ends. economic opportunities for women and girls, ExxonMobil is supporting progress toward international objectives, Save the Children is utilizing the Community Schools including the U.N. Millennium Development Goals. methodology to ensure community members feel that they can take ownership of the project and participate

1 community health volunteers

8 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION REGION: SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 9 GBC STATUS Exxon Mobilcompany since Corporation 2001. has beenLEARN a MORE GBCwww.exxonmobil.com/community member Successful andidentifying safe any project uniqueduring the challenges implementation project design facing phase, asbe requires a well as flexible a community willingness to constructive solutions. and to work collaborativelyIt was also to aconduct challenge regular develop for site ExxonMobil representatives visitsproject, to to given monitor its the remotehas progress location. been of However, able the ExxonMobil totoward ensure project that goals itsupdates as partners a submitted are result by progressing Additionally, of ExxonMobil Save regular representatives have and the traveled to the thorough Children project location and viamonitor helicopter Africare. progress. on several occasions to LESSONS LEARNED There were some unforeseenstage challenges of during the the Kwanza initial Sulcoordination project, which were with addressedorganizations. in community For membersbecause example, the and risk the ofconstruction partner landmines project materials. prevented Since the was Angolalandmine-affected use is of countries delayed one local in ofhad the the to worst be world, sourced the and transported materials from distant locations. Representatives from the Ministry of Educationan are indispensable playing role in the successful implementationmaintenance and of this far-reaching project, assisting insite school selection, recruitment ofand teachers integrating and the administrators plan. schools into The theownership Ministry national of education the ofmedicines, health equipment and Health ongoing posts maintenance. and has is agreed providing nurses, to accept actively in supporting high qualityfor learning environments thecommunity children. members and Schoolwork school closely faculty Committees, with representatives, theto communities school comprised to construction contribute through actively in-kind of labor, contributions (e.g., buildingmaintenance. To promoteChildren materials) is capacity partnering with a building,school and local NGO Save with construction expertise the Africare in ongoing is collaborating andestablish with facility the community Ministry Villagestrengthen of community mobilization. Health involvement Health to of and critical raise health issues. Committees, awareness which will 2007 CASE STUDY Home Box Office (HBO)

BUSINESS OVERVIEW Film Festival and Toronto International Film Festival, Home Box Office, Inc. (HBO) is the premium television among other festivals worldwide. programming subsidiary of Time Warner Inc., providing services to approximately 40 million U.S. subscribers and GOOD PRACTICES with programming sold into over 150 countries Portraying Women and HIV/AIDS in Film worldwide. Headquartered in New York City, the HBO has recently produced two major films that are HOME BOX OFFICE (HBO) company has 2,100 employees. sensitive, emotional portrayals of women who are infected with or affected by HIV, serving a crucial, larger HBO has produced critically-acclaimed documentaries, goal of raising awareness and providing information to movies and programming highlighting the HIV/AIDS broad audiences about the struggles faced by women and epidemic – its first in 1987 - in an effort to raise awareness, their families living with HIV/AIDS, and the power undo stigma, and encourage people to protect themselves women have to make a difference in their communities. and get tested. Some of the films include AIDS: Everything You and Your Family Need to Know, but Were Afraid to Ask Film as a Tool for Engagement (1987), Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt (1989), Using media as a tool through the appeal of entertainment, And the Band Played On (1993), In the Gloaming (1997), these HBO films put a human face on HIV/AIDS. They Gia (1998), Pandemic: Facing AIDS (2003), Angels in depict realistic and unique stories about human lives America (2003), Yesterday (2004), The Blood of Yingzhou impacted by HIV/AIDS, and boldly address critical District (2007) and most recently, Life Support. underlying societal taboos such as drug use and sexual relations outside of committed relationships. They also PROGRAM DESCRIPTION show positive role models and thus inspire and empower The film Life Support, released by HBO in 2007, highlights viewers to protect themselves and support others who are the fact that HIV/AIDS is increasingly affecting females. living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. Based on a true story, Life Support features both actors as well as real people from the HIV/AIDS community. The film tells Leadership Support and Commitment the story of HIV-positive Ana Wallace (played by Queen Yesterday was made with the support of Nelson Mandela Latifah), who channels her energy and regret over a former and the Nelson Mandela Foundation, marking an important drug addiction into working for an AIDS outreach group new commitment on behalf of South Africa and its leaders to called ‘Life Support’. When her daughter’s HIV-positive work towards ending the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS — friend disappears, Ana embarks on a dangerous but necessary critical in a country that has been ravaged by the epidemic. journey as she seeks to save one life and heal another. Nelson Mandela has said that, “the medium of film is one Through her experiences, Ana learns invaluable lessons that effectively mobilizes people. Yesterday shows the about loving and letting go, showing viewers the sensitive but commitment of the private sector to move beyond the often overlooked psychological aspect of HIV/AIDS. The film conventional HIV/AIDS rhetoric. We are confident that this was part of the Official Selection at the Sundance Film will assist in spreading the message of prevention, caring for Festival in 2007 and offers a realistic portrayal of the HIV and supporting those infected and affected by the pandemic crisis faced by the African American community. and, most importantly, highlight the need to remove stigma and discrimination. The script to the film Yesterday is truly Yesterday, released in 2004, is the moving story of a 30-year- inspiring…” As Yesterday situates the protagonist in an old HIV-positive woman named Yesterday, who lives in emotional context, focusing on the tragedy of one woman Rooihoek, a remote village in South Africa. Although and her family instead of speaking to the vast number of Yesterday faces many hardships in life, including financial deaths due to HIV/AIDS in South Africa, it engages difficulties and a lack of modern amenities, her cheerful audiences at a uniquely personal level. disposition and love for her daughter sustain her. When Yesterday learns that she is HIV-positive, she travels afar to Addressing the Crisis in the Developed and Developing learn about and confront her illness, but continues providing World for her dying husband, a miner in Johannesburg from whom Life Support reveals how African American populations are she contracted the virus. Her main goal, however, is to increasingly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. African Americans ensure that her daughter enters school, and her dream is to account for half of all new AIDS cases in the U.S. while they be with her, along with the other proud mothers, on her first represent only 12 % of the country’s population. HBO has day. Yesterday was the first South African film nominated recognized that the impact of HIV on females in the African for an Oscar® and was an official selection of the 2004 Venice American community is a crisis at the heart of

10 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS OEBXOFC (HBO) OFFICE BOX HOME contemporary American life that no one is talking about. Life Support fills the void by addressing the realities of the issue.

Highlighting Women’s Double Burden HBO’s management has consistently been at the forefront of the AIDS epidemic and has leveraged their storytelling power to touch upon critical issues of our time. As both of these films show, women REGION: GLOBAL/U.S. frequently face a double burden of HIV/AIDS because they are often not only infected by the virus, but also compose the majority of caregivers and family care providers in their communities. Further, both of these films have an underlying theme of empowerment – demonstrating not only the struggles that women face, but also the power that women have to take care of themselves and to make a difference in the communities in which they live.

Leveraging Star Power REGION:

To further leverage the star power behind Life Support, HBO GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: partnered with GBC, Kaiser Family Foundation and the NBA for COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY the Testing411 PSA Campaign to produce a series of TV, radio and CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY print public service announcements (PSAs) that promote HIV HWHE CATEGORIES: GLOBAL/U.S. testing. Featuring Jamie Foxx and Queen Latifah (executive ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS producer and star of Life Support, respectively), along with HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION leading NBA players, the PSAs encourage the audience to know INDUSTRY TYPE: MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT their HIV status. Featuring the slogan “no fear, no shame, no WEBSITE: www.hbo.com/films/yesterday & www.hbo.com/films/lifesupport doubt”, the PSAs link viewers to the website: www.testing411.org a comprehensive online resource developed especially for the CORPORATE WEBSITE: www.hbo.com campaign that includes basic information about HIV and testing options. The site also includes easy access to information about The Power of Film: local HIV testing centers by zip code provided by the U.S. Centers The Portrayal of Women and HIV/AIDS for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). HBO has recently produced two important films, Life Support and Yesterday, which offer audiences insight into the human tragedy of Partnerships to Increase Impact HIV/AIDS from the perspective of females in both the developing MTV and BET have committed to airing the PSAs in the U.S. and developed world, while highlighting the disproportionate burden women and girls face as a result of the epidemic. Internationally, the Global Media AIDS Initiative (GMAI) will distribute the PSAs to its more than 100 members in more than 60 Goal countries. The African Broadcast Media Partnership Against To use the tools of entertainment and media to illuminate and HIV/AIDS (ABMP) and the Caribbean Broadcast Media elevate the issue of HIV/AIDS and put a human face on the crisis. Partnership on HIV/AIDS (CBMP) have also committed to Program Scope distributing the PSA to their members media companies to air in • In addition to airing on HBO, Life Support and Yesterday are their respective regions. The PSAs being distributed by the ABMP available on DVD in the U.S. and CBMP will refer audiences to local resources. • The films have also been licensed to numerous networks around the world; Yesterday is available in more than By partnering with various media companies and other 40 countries and Life Support in more than 30. organizations, HBO has maximized the impact of its films–raising awareness about the realities of living with HIV/AIDS in the U.S Outcomes and South Africa, while simultaneously encouraging people to test • Highlighted the feminization of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa and know their own HIV status. in the film Yesterday. • Raised awareness about HIV/AIDS in the U.S and how African LESSONS LEARNED Americans, and increasingly females, are being disproportionately Whether producing a film on a social issue or one of historical affected by the epidemic in the film Life Support. significance, HBO is committed to factual accuracy and sharing • Educated viewers about the different ways in which HIV/AIDS these stories with complete authenticity. affects people of all ages, races and sexual orientations. GBC STATUS HBO has been a GBC member company since 2004. LEARN MORE www.hbo.com/films/yesterday www.hbo.com/films/lifesupport

11 2007 CASE STUDY EastOne LLC EASTONE LLC BUSINESS OVERVIEW In collaboration with expert trainers from the International Founded in 1990, EastOne LLC is a major Ukrainian HIV/AIDS Alliance, EastOne has so far conducted holding that operates as an investment fund. Its business 24 trainings for its employees’ children and within the portfolio has 12 industries, including: steel pipes & tubes, community. At these training sessions, adolescents receive railcar wheels, machinery, and banking. Headquartered in informational and educational materials about HIV Kiev, Ukraine, EastOne’s subsidiaries operate in Russia, transmission, how to avoid infection, and how to lead a Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Switzerland, healthy and safe lifestyle. They are given information such the U.S. and other countries. It delivers products to more as flyers with contact information for the city’s AIDS than 70 countries and employs over 30,000 people. centers, which offer services including anonymous testing for HIV, Ukrainian internet resources, ICQ contacts, In 2006, EastOne’s HIV at the Workplace program was telephone numbers for HIV/AIDS hotlines and other recognized as one of the best in Ukraine, and won first resources in order to access information on the numerous place among Ukrainian corporations and large enterprises issues pertinent to HIV/AIDS. that have workplace policies and programs responding to HIV/AIDS. The youth are given the opportunity to engage on a personal level and demonstrate individual talents as they

participate in creative activities, such as writing poems PROGRAM DESCRIPTION and drawing. These creative works are dedicated to and in The HIV at the Workplace program has been implemented solidarity with HIV-positive youth. Adolescent at two pilot enterprises: working with ICTV, a Kiev TV participation in such activities is critical not only in channel, to conduct workplace trainings for employees to increasing their awareness and engaging them in the issue, increase their knowledge about HIV/AIDS, and with but also in interactively portraying the very human VtorMet, a metal scrap producer in Dnipropetrovsk, to dimension of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. develop a community program.

12 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS ATN LLC EASTONE The youth are encouraged to talk with peers, parents and siblings about HIV/AIDS and related issues, so that more and more people from the community will be impacted by the program. This is an important and successful component of the program, because it ensures the continuity of the knowledge being spread, and thus increases the efficacy and impact of the program. REGION: UKRAINE

The program for adolescents was developed in direct response to employee and community needs. Employees who participated in the original HIV at the Workplace trainings requested that EastOne conduct such sessions for their children as well as youth living in the community at large. When two secondary schools were built in Severny for the VtorMet community workers' children, the HIV at the

Workplace program was extended into the schools. Because REGION: the initiative was a collaborative effort between EastOne, GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: VtorMet enterprise, its workers and their families, the HIV at COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY the Workplace program has seen successful expansion and CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY partnership while demonstrating adaptability and flexibility. HWHE CATEGORIES: UKRAINE ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS Recognizing the increasing vulnerability of young people and HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION their importance to future generations, EastOne expanded its INDUSTRY TYPE: METALS program from a workplace training into one that engaged the WEBSITE: www.interpipegroup.com.ua wider community. As one employee at EastOne stated, "children are our future, we must teach them how to protect CORPORATE WEBSITE: www.interpipegroup.com.ua themselves.” As a result of the success of the community program, it will expand to other communities around Ukraine HIV at the Workplace Program in which EastOne works and will be continued indefinitely. In response to the potential impact of the epidemic on its workforce in Ukraine, the EastOne LLC launched an HIV/AIDS GOOD PRACTICES workplace program in early 2005. Based on its success, the program has expanded into the local community and targets Addressing the Potential Workforce and Community Impact children of employees as well as school youth in the community. of HIV/AIDS EastOne developed this program in response to the expressed Goal needs of its employees and in recognition of the needs of To equip youth aged 13-17 years old with information about young people in Ukraine, including girls. The major HIV/AIDS within a human rights framework. The program will beneficiaries of this program are between 13 and 17 years-old, enable participants to make informed decisions for prevention; because young people and adolescents, especially girls, facilitate HIV/AIDS related risk reduction through educational and awareness-raising activities; provide an environment that is safe, comprise a risk group that faces numerous vulnerabilities healthy and free from discrimination; and give adolescents regarding HIV/AIDS. information about health services, including voluntary testing and counseling, and access to treatment and care for those living with Responding to HIV/AIDS in Ukraine is important because of HIV/AIDS. the escalating feminization of HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe. Females constitute approximately 40% of those infected with Program Scope HIV/AIDS in Ukraine, and incidence in 2006 was higher than Since 2005, 537 school youths - of whom 270 were girls - have taken part in the HIV/AIDS trainings as part of the HIV at the in any previous year, particularly among young women and Workplace program. children. According to EastOne, special attention must be paid to women and girls. Not only are they increasingly vulnerable Outcomes to HIV infection, but as the primary care givers in families • Established an HIV/AIDS prevention and information program affected by HIV/AIDS, their role is important in responding to for the children of employees. the epidemic. It is thus crucial to prioritize their protection • Expanded the program into the community through because of the critical role they play in the prevention and collaboration and various partnerships. treatment of HIV/AIDS. • Increased awareness about HIV prevention, discrimination and impact among 13-17 year old youths in Dnipropetrovsk. Using Art to Increase Awareness One of the innovative practices of this program is the use of art • Used art as a tool to spread knowledge and raise awareness to engage new audiences and increase awareness about about HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS. For example, the trainings include a competition for the best drawing or poem dedicated to solidarity with HIV-

13 positive youths. The best works are published as postcards the use of creative arts. This is an important step not only or posters, encouraging the creativity of the young people in dispelling the myths and addressing the stigma and and engaging them in awareness-raising activities which discrimination that surround HIV/AIDS, but also to result in an increased spread of information. Art has the change the mindsets and behaviors of society’s future ability to reach new audiences and encourage a deeper leaders. Such work is especially relevant in a country like interest in the issue of HIV/AIDS, while highlighting it from a new perspective. By actively engaging and thinking EASTONE LLC about HIV/AIDS and its prevention, young people are not only empowering themselves, but are also able to pass on their knowledge in an interactive and creative way.

Comprehensive and Widespread Benefits Benefits for the target group – the children of employees and youths in the wider community – are many and varied. Recipients received increased access to information on prevention, where to get anonymously tested, where to get more information on HIV/AIDS issues and where to get treatment, support and care in case of infection. Such information is important not only as a means to keep young Ukraine, which has one of the highest prevalance rates in people safe and minimize personal risk, but also to spread Eastern Europe, a region that is part of the next wave of the greater understanding, support and solidarity for those AIDS epidemic. living with HIV/AIDS in the community. Through its education and awareness efforts, EastOne is Collaboration with Multiple Stakeholders taking the necessary steps to change mindsets and The program attributes much of its success to effective behavior among young people, particularly young girls. collaboration with local groups and organizations that are The involvement of both girls and boys in the dialogue is better situated to recognize and meet the needs of each of critical importance. When EastOne officials contacted community. While looking for potential trainers in the the directors of VtorMet community secondary schools, Dnipropetrovsk region, EastOne worked with the Kiev- the initial response was not very enthusiastic, as school based HIV/AIDS Resource Centre, and followed the leaders had many doubts about the relevance of HIV/AIDS organization’s advice to collaborate with trainers from the trainings for adolescents – particularly in openly School Against AIDS, a project financed by the discussing sex with them. However, the enthusiasm after International HIV/AIDS Alliance. The company has also the first trainings and the interest shown by the youth has collaborated with Dnipropetrovsk Oblast and City AIDS enabled school administrators and parents to warm to the centers to provide testing and counseling services at the idea and need for HIV awareness-raising programs. workplace and for employees’ families. GBC STATUS Investing in the Community EastOne LLC has been a GBC member company since By implementing this program, EastOne has invested in 2004. the communities in which it works, with a multitude of positive results. In addition to the primary goals of educating youth and reducing stigma, EastOne has seen an improvement of the company’s image in these communities, which has enabled more support at the local level and allowed for further collaboration. As an employer investing in HIV prevention in the long-term, the company will also benefit from decreased sick or family leaves of absence from its employees related to the treatment of HIV/AIDS. LESSONS LEARNED When addressing an epidemic like HIV/AIDS, which may be associated with socially taboo behavior such as sexual activity and drug use, organizations and individuals seeking to respond are often confronted with additional stigma and discrimination attributed to those who discuss it. As such, EastOne has taken on an immense challenge in training, educating and providing information to educate and empower youth and the community at large through

14 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS ONO JOHNSON & JOHNSON BUSINESS OVERVIEW Founded in 1886 and based in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Johnson & Johnson is one the world's most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturers of healthcare products, as well as a provider of related services for the consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical devices and diagnostics markets REGION: SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA throughout the world. The more than 250 Johnson & Johnson operating companies employ approximately 120,000 men and women in 57 countries.

Johnson & Johnson provides scientifically sound, high-quality products and services to help heal and cure disease and improve quality of life. The company has been a part of the response to HIV/AIDS in numerous capacities over the last 10 years. As infection and prevalence rates continue to rise in REGION: women, Johnson & Johnson remains committed to supporting GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: programs that focus on prevention and treatment efforts and COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY on the research and development of female-controlled CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY prevention methods. HWHE CATEGORIES: U-AAA AFRICA SUB-SAHARAN ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION The Women and Families program helps its major beneficiaries – INDUSTRY TYPE: HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS women living with HIV/AIDS and their families – acquire WEBSITE: www.jnj.com/community/aids treatment preparedness knowledge, advocate for improved HIV care and services, and develop income-generation skills. CORPORATE WEBSITE: www.jnj.com Additionally, training and workshop components which focus specifically on men and boys have helped reduce stigma and Women and Families Program To help address global treatment preparedness, particularly discrimination directed towards females. Johnson & Johnson related to gender inequities, Johnson & Johnson has partnered wholly funds the grants and their management for the Women with the HIV Collaborative Fund for HIV Treatment Preparedness, and Families program. a global coalition of people living with HIV, since 2005 to support regional expansion of their work to support community-based Johnson & Johnson has partnered with the HIV Collaborative responses to AIDS and create a specific funding window focused on women, their families and communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Fund to support the NGO’s work as well as create specific funding opportunities for organizations supporting women Goal and their families whose lives are affected by HIV. The HIV To increase treatment literacy in local communities; mobilize Collaborative Fund is a partnership of Tides Network and the communities to ensure that local needs are voiced, heard and addressed; and build the capacity of local organizations, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC), which particularly networks of people living with HIV/AIDS, to expand the operates a small grants program and provides regional-based availability of services and education. funding for technical assistance and network support. The HIV Collaborative Fund is coordinated by the people most vested Program Scope • The Johnson & Johnson Women and Families program spans in its success, people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), and the entire region of Sub-Saharan Africa, supporting over 20 thus represents an innovative funding mechanism allowing grassroots organizations annually. PLWHA themselves to set funding priorities and implement their strategies. Outcomes • Partnered with the HIV Collaborative Fund for Treatment Preparedness to work with a global network of People Living The unique grant-making program model includes several core with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and developed the first funding components: regional planning processes that convenes a mechanism, which allows them to set their own priorities. diverse and equitable array of voices and perspectives; • Empowered women living with HIV/AIDS by involving them in community-based peer-reviewed grant-making through a the decision-making process for grants, thereby giving them greater control over their well being and allowing for rapid, Community Review Panel (CRP) support for grantees and grant efficient and community oriented allocation of funds. making through funding of community-based networks and • Mobilized community groups to better respond to their own other technical assistance providers; and monitoring and needs. evaluation of grant-making and grantee efforts to assess • Provided over 1,000 women, primarily from Sub-Saharan Africa impact, outcomes, and process-related successes and with reproductive and sexual health education, prevention and treatment. challenges. • Supported income-generating skills training programs for more than 100 women in Sub-Saharan Africa to support A CRP is created for each region to ensure that specific regional themselves and their families, ensuring that they remain expertise is incorporated into the decision-making process. For healthy.

15 2007 CASE STUDY Johnson & Johnson

the Women and Families program in Sub-Saharan Africa, Early program assessments indicated significant shifts in the CRP decided to prioritize treatment literacy, economic treatment and reproductive health knowledge, in addition to development and community leadership development as an increased number of women trained in income-generating the focus areas to support in their grant making. skills. In September 2007, the Women and Families program

JOHNSON & JOHNSON initiated its second round of grant making to community- In 2005, the program’s initial year, Women and Families based organizations. Based on the Women and Families supported the development and convening of an Africa- program’s success, Johnson & Johnson has continued its wide planning group in coordination with the support for a third year. International Community of Women Living With HIV/AIDS (ICW), in order to review overall HIV treatment GOOD PRACTICES preparedness needs for women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Empowering Women Living with HIV/AIDS Workshops conducted included treatment and regional The HIV Collaborative Fund is the first global coalition of experts as well as over 60 treatment advocates – primarily PLWHA that has developed a funding mechanism women living with HIV/AIDS – to discuss the needs, allowing people living with HIV to set funding priorities priorities, and key strategies for treatment education, and implement their own strategies. This has enabled support, and access. mobilization at both community and regional levels, and has resulted in the emergence of more treatment advocacy In 2006, the Women and Families program’s first year of groups and the identification and training of new leaders grant-making, these priorities were reflected in the selection to effectively address individual communities’ needs. The of 20 projects that spanned 15 Sub-Saharan African Women and Families program developed a regional countries. One example is the project run by the Bomme partnership with the International Community of Women Isago Association of Gaborone, Botswana, which teaches Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW) to ensure that the local needs women about treatment, adherence, and managing side of women were voiced and heard. By supporting this

effects and opportunistic infections. It also empowers partnership, Johnson & Johnson, as the sole funder for the women to undertake income-generating activities, such as Women and Families program, has created a unique managing livestock and backyard gardening. These income funding window for women living with HIV/AIDS. This is generating activities provide a source of nutrition and allow critical to the program’s success as HIV positive women the women to earn additional income so that they can best understand their own needs and the funding priorities continue seeking treatment and care for their families. in their region.

16 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS JOHNSON & JOHNSON REGION: SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 17 GBC STATUS Johnson & Johnsonsince has 2002. been a GBC memberLEARN company MORE www.jnj.com/community/aids There were also certain unforeseenimplementation challenges of during the the program inand the discrimination region. The associated stigma communities with HIV/AIDS were inanticipated. far some Given morevulnerable the extreme need than andCollaborative to Fund originally at-risk grantees reach often workedwomen populations women, with groups of of who manycommunities, such as of were sex-workers.to Often, threats the the or heavily acts stigma of HIV led violenceIn against Kampala, community stigmatized members. Uganda, onethrough of the the in program organizations faced continuous supported and threats their of later violence organization’s hired offices out third-party ofstaff concern security for and the program and safetydelays participants. of in These moved the implementation, challenges the these and forced at-risk more women fearful importantly, ofstatus made being open about or their HIV organization’s move being has helped associated toand improve the with the situation, organization, is the HIV working on program. Collaborativeprotect a itself and more the The sustainable women Fund, model it serves. to alongJohnson with & Johnson has the seenthis several program, benefits as including a a resulttreatment greater of preparedness understanding and of aneeds local greater of recognition specific ofwork populations with the community-based and organizations and ofadvocacy treatment groups. effective The company ways hasleverage to been the learning how expertise to ofgroups local to community and reachwith advocacy populations other in funders need ofhelp and these support the community how capacity organizations to needsFund to more of work effectively. the The opportunity HIV to Collaborative with work so other closely funders andFund to program support the managers HIV inthe Collaborative order program to and shapeunexpected the its future evaluation benefit of knowledge structure sharing. that has been has an allowed for valuable LESSONS LEARNED Given the globalinitiative, there scale were intrinsic of challengespartners in the working with HIV Collaborative around Fund the world. Coordination of The program has been successfulempowering in its PLWHA aims, in to particular directed manage at meeting a local treatment funding preparednesshas needs. mobilized mechanism It communities to voicedialogue these needs, and spurred governments, commitment and ensured within that the communityreceives local of necessary treatment PLWHA preparedness and education. regional Multiple Partnerships to Strengthen the Program Johnson & Johnson supports theinitiative HIV Collaborative Fund’s tostrengthen work program monitoring and evaluation with and toawareness raise multiple of partnersanticipates working closely the with other to funding partners, UN program. further entities and Johnson private foundations, to leverage and &others’ contribute expertise when needed. As Johnson a result of its also with partnership the HIV Collaborative Fund,share Johnson & its Johnson can interested experiences in assisting similar organizations. with other member companies The CRP modelcommunity leadership therefore by helpsaffected offering by to local HIV an people build opportunityof to directly policies and shape and programs the to sustain development care forFurthermore, those who the are infected. experienceCRPs gained can by helpgovernmental participants and strengthen in international community panels,within managerial involvement work community in organizations,national and regional and community networks. the building of Efficient and Appropriate Funding Allocation The CRP component ofbiggest the successes. program has Ittransparent been peer one review not of of applications, onlyfor its but also rapid, provides provides efficient and anof community-oriented funds. open distribution In and group each of region, 8 CRPs toselection are 10 of treatment created these educators as participants andsuch a advocates. takes The diverse into as accountinclusion factors gender of PLWHA, balance, andadvocacy experience. HIV In geographic treatment each of educationassistance the from representation, and funding HIV regions, Collaborative with Fund staff,funding the priorities, CRP designs sets application forms andfor requests proposals,determines how funds should reviews be disbursed. funding applications, and communication and managementutilizing among a decentralized the model,to regions but headquarters ultimately – based reporting inhurdle. New For York example, – translationreporting materials posed of across a the communication regions logistical was and had a challenge that toAdditionally, be the program managed had toof by balance standardization the the efficiencies whilemeet HIV still the unique allowing needs Collaborative of for local Fund. cultures flexibility in each to region. 2007 CASE STUDY Levi Strauss & Co

BUSINESS OVERVIEW women workers into their communities, ensuring the same Founded in 1853, Levi Strauss & Co. is a leading rights and treatment as other citizens. international manufacturer and marketer of jeans and

LEVI STRAUSS & CO. other apparel. The company employs a staff of about The labor-service model builds upon two models – a 10,000 people worldwide, including approximately 1,010 ‘community-based multi-stakeholder engagement’ model people at its San Francisco, California headquarters. and an ‘in-factory capacity-building’ model. The community-based model empowers migrant women Levi Strauss & Co. was one of the first global companies to workers in their daily lives, improves their living and respond to HIV/AIDS by establishing education programs in working conditions, supports their social integration with the U.S. soon after the AIDS epidemic began in 1982. To local communities and pushes for improved policies to support both its advocacy and leadership commitment, the protect migrant women workers via local partnerships. The company has made more than $37 million in grants for AIDS in-factory capacity-building model targets the workplace care and prevention worldwide in the last two decades. and teaches migrant women workers about labor rights and responsibilities, promotes effective communication PROGRAM DESCRIPTION between workers and their managers, and facilitates Levis Strauss & Co., in partnership with the Levi Strauss establishing internal communication mechanisms. Foundation and The Asia Foundation, has developed and implemented a comprehensive labor-service model to The Asia Foundation, with eight years of continued empower migrant women workers and improve their support from Levi Strauss & Co. and the Levi Strauss rights in China’s Guangdong region. The programs Foundation, has just received a ninth year grant of included in the model respond to critical needs identified $200,000 which started on January 1, 2008. The cumulative in Guangdong’s migrant population, where 60% of the support of $1.66 million has been used to provide services more than 10 million migrant workers are female. Female such as pre-departure training for female migrants from migrants are often marginalized by the rural-urban divide Chongqing Municipality – a leading municipality of origin in the household registration system and tend to work in for migrants – to enhance their awareness and capacity for foreign-invested companies and smaller enterprises that self-protection as well as to provide education on labor produce consumer goods, such as clothing and electronics. rights and responsibilities. The Asia Foundation is now They face many challenges including a lack of skills, long working closely with the State Council Leading Group and stressful work days with low pay, limited workplace Office of Poverty Alleviation (LGOPA) to link the pre- labor protection, limited access to services, and a lack of departure training in Chongqing with recruitment, workplace injury and medical insurance. employment and social support services for migrant women workers in nearby Jiangsu and Tianjin provinces. The labor-service model consists of various programs, Through this expanded partnership, it is hoped that this which recognize that educational activities, training and model will eventually be replicated across China. counseling services can be a critical part of the response to the growing threat of HIV/AIDS. The program’s aim is to GOOD PRACTICES increase migrant workers’ knowledge of and access to: labor A Visionary and Innovative Response rights and self protection; women’s health and hygiene, The partnership between Levi Strauss & Co. and The Asia including HIV/AIDS prevention and occupational safety Foundation has garnered considerable attention for its and health; psychological health and social integration; scale and innovation in promoting the rights and welfare communication skills including conflict resolution, legal of migrant women workers in China. In 2006, Levi Strauss rights and legal aid; and asset-building programs. & Co. was awarded “Excellence in Social Responsibility” in the Creative Programs in the Workplace category by the Long term aims of the program are to: support the American Apparel and Footwear Association, for creating development of sustainable codes of conduct by brands and implementing a visionary and replicable labor- and factories; catalyze public policy and legislation to services model in China. Because of its comprehensive better protect migrant workers; support the effective nature and ability to engage all levels of government, enforcement of laws and regulations; establish more several programs in other key sourcing countries have effective mechanisms to resolve workplace grievances; been based on this model. create an ongoing support and delivery system offering migrant women workers advisory and educational support Raising Awareness among Community Stakeholders for future individual development; integrate migrant As a direct result of the programs, a growing number of

18 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS EISRUS&CO & STRAUSS LEVI migrant women workers in China have become more aware of their basic rights, and are increasingly seeking formal or informal means of protecting those rights. The Chinese authorities are also becoming more conscious of the plight of migrant women workers, and have enacted several new labor laws and regulations to give migrant workers equal status to local residents and to ensure the payment of their wages. Furthermore, the REGION: CHINA conflict of interest between local and migrant workers is being addressed by involving a broad set of stakeholders, including non-governmental and international organizations.

A Comprehensive Partnership Model This is the first comprehensive model for migrant workers in China to include partnerships with various entities – local government, factories, community organizations, NGOs and GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: workers. Engaging multiple stakeholders such as local COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY REGION: women’s organizations and trade unions has been critical to CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY the programs’ success. Most of the services are delivered by HWHE CATEGORIES: local groups, with The Asia Foundation as the overall program ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS manager and facilitator in providing technical assistance. HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION

Involving various local groups is an effective practice, as they CHINA INDUSTRY TYPE: APPAREL are better versed in directing responses to local needs. The programs support of comprehensive and participatory WEBSITE: www.levistrauss.com/citizenship community-based services to migrant workers also enhances CORPORATE WEBSITE: www.levistrauss.com their sustainability by strengthening the capacity of local Labor-Service Programs for Migrant organizations. The Asia Foundation has partnered with Women Workers numerous local organizations, government bodies and private Since 2000, a partnership between Levi Strauss & Co., the Levi corporations to create a successful and replicable model based Strauss Foundation and the U.S.-based NGO, The Asia Foundation, has pioneered efforts to assist migrant women workers in the Pearl on partnerships and innovation. River Delta region of Guangdong, China through a comprehensive labor-services model encompassing four main program areas: Promoting Advocacy and Shared Experiences education and counseling, occupational health and safety training, HIV/AIDS awareness education, and legal services. The labor-service programs do not limit themselves to providing services; they also promote advocacy and experience sharing. Goal Legal aid services pioneered through this work will be extended To shape public policy and legislation to protect the rights of workers by engaging all participating stakeholders - women workers, factory across China by the Beijing Legal Aid Office for Migrant Workers, owners and management, NGOs, private organizations, academic utilizing the extensive networks of the institutions and the Chinese authorities. All-China Lawyers Association. With support from Levi Strauss Program Scope & Co., these organizations will arrange a national seminar to • To date, the programs have assisted more than 740,000 women discuss legal aid services for migrant workers across China and workers in 200 factories and 22 cities/districts across China. • In 2006, in recognition of workers’ needs, Levi Strauss & Co. and support enhanced participation by local partners in policy The Asia Foundation began replicating the labor-service model in making that directly affect migrant workers. Their influence has Wujiang Industrial Development Zone of the Jiangsu province, contributed to a new set of guidelines on migrant workers’ issues where 92% of approximately 150,000 factory workers are women. by the China State Council, which notes that migrant workers’are Outcomes integral to the overall social and economic development of • Provided in-factory trainings on labor rights and responsibilities at 15 of Levi Strauss & Co.’s supplier base factories in China, with China. These partners have identified key regulations in need of coverage to over 14,000 women workers. enforcement, including the Labor Contract Law, revisions of the • Handled 670 legal aid cases with 563 cases for women; of the total, Labor Arbitration Regulation, the Compensation Criteria for 629 cases were won or successfully mediated and 78 women injured Injured Migrant Workers, and a possible amendment to the on the job received necessary medical treatment. Chinese Labor Law. The shared experiences of these groups, and • Increased effectiveness in legal aid and grievance counseling through a widened legal aid network and partnerships, such as their collective emergence as a strong local voice on key issues with Zhongshan University, to provide pro bono legal services. facing migrant workers, will reach both national and local • Increased public awareness within the general community and platforms and influence positive policy changes. among migrant women workers about their basic rights. • Fostered new relationships between the migrant and local worker Addressing the Feminization at the Workplace communities and formed a migrant women workers’ news paper. • Established 21 worker education and counseling centers in the The labor-service model has been an excellent example of Pearl River Delta that conduct regular lectures, training workplace policies addressing the issue of female vulnerability workshops, roundtables and seminars on women workers’ issues, to HIV/AIDS. One priority in the programs is to significantly including peer education on HIV/AIDS prevention. enhance in-factory trainings to improve workplace protection • Inaugurated occupational health and safety training projects with and facilitate effective factory communication within Levi new partners, such as Foshan City Labor Union, in three newly established training centers in the Pearl River Delta.

19 Strauss & Co. suppliers. The Asia Foundation will work needs. Levi Strauss & Co. recognizes the necessity of closely with its local partners to develop a standardized working at two levels to advance workplace policies and training curriculum in order to inform workers about labor programs on HIV/AIDS. The first is to address the need of rights and responsibilities, promote effective two-way influencing specific companies to initiate or alter their communication between workers and managers, and assist workplace policies to include such coverage, and the contractors in setting up internal factory communication second is to work at the advocacy or public policy level to mechanisms with the consent of factory management in create an umbrella effect that simulates corporate Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces. awareness of the need for, and positive impact of, such workplace policies. Over the past three years, the in-factory capacity-building LEVI STRAUSS & CO model has proven effective in addressing the root causes of When this project was first designed and implemented, no non-compliance on labor issues, focusing on identifying other public or private organization in China offered direct solutions to worker’s concerns as opposed to simply labor services for migrant women workers. Today, increasing their knowledge base through capacity building however, many organizations are emulating these efforts in activities. The model aims to establish a formal grievance order to bring crucial services to a growing number of mechanism – a powerful tool to address daily concerns migrant women throughout the country. faced by the migrant workers. The public-private partnership consisting of the company, Creating Community-based Social Support Networks the Levi Strauss Foundation and The Asia Foundation, as As the first of its kind in China, this labor-service model well as their collaboration with other local stakeholders, shows how all members of society can be included in including local government, has provided important linkages building community-based social support networks and between the private sector, civil society and public addresses social discrimination and social integration organizations. Such relations, despite their challenges, are issues with regards to migrant workers. There must be a more effective at targeting and meeting the needs of the focus on social justice, social policy change and women workers in the region. And although it has taken the development issues through direct educational, company and its partners eight years to develop a direct counseling, training and legal aid services for the migrant labor-service model in Guangdong and establish credible on- women workers. Furthermore, it is critical to building the the-ground relationships with all relevant parties, they have awareness and capacity of the factory floor supervisors learned to navigate the often complex environment for a and mangers, community groups, volunteers, and service foreign organization operating in China. providers on effective ways to address the social and non- compliance labor issues for the migrant workers, at both In 2008, the programs will broaden their services in the operational and policy level. various capacities and regions. The Asia Foundation will collaborate with the Nanjing Women’s Federation to Leadership Support and Commitment expand the financial literacy and savings programs – an The leadership, innovation and sustained support of this effective model for helping women. Legal aid services will project by Levi Strauss & Co. has been critical in also be extended to different provinces across China by demonstrating the strength and value of direct labor-services utilizing the existing formal and informal networks. As the programs to other donors, both public and private. With the programs’ expansion will involve extensive targeting of company’s encouragement and the visible success of its Levi Strauss & Co. contractors, outside corporate funds are long-term investment, The Asia Foundation has effectively being sought to support in-factory trainings to enhance leveraged other funding from major corporations for migrant workplace protections and to facilitate better women workers, not only in Guangdong but throughout communications, to avoid any concerns of ‘self-dealing’ China. Microsoft Corporation has been supporting that would accompany support by the Levi Strauss community-based computer centers in Guangzhou; Wal- Foundation. Thus, the partnership offers substantial Mart Foundation and the May Merchandising Company opportunities for forming a socially responsible network. have supported scholarship programs for migrant women workers in Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces; and grants GBC STATUS from the First Data Western Union Foundation have added a Levi Strauss & Co. has been a GBC member company useful component to the existing program in providing peer since 2001. and social support training for returned injured migrant workers. The Asia Foundation has also received a grant from LEARN MORE the Boeing Company to support a Social Innovation Fund www.levistrauss.com/citizenship program to promote economic opportunities for migrant workers in Beijing. LESSONS LEARNED The labor-services model is a good example of business successfully responding to community and employee

20 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS IAOSAFARIS MICATO BUSINESS OVERVIEW Founded in 1966, Micato Safaris is an award-winning, family- owned luxury tour operator specializing in African safaris and tours to India. Micato is the top choice for individuals, groups and families, and is a tour specialist of Kenya’s most prestigious travel agents, deluxe cruise lines, and educational and scientific associations.

Micato Safaris established AmericaShare as its non-profit foundation, through which Micato guests, corporate donors, REGION: KENYA industry friends and staff can support charitable initiatives in East Africa. The company is deeply committed to helping orphaned and vulnerable children and disadvantaged populations affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, through its programs. PROGRAM REGION: Statistics showing the staggering rates of HIV/AIDS among women and girls in Kenya are reflected in the personal anecdotes and the living conditions of the women and girls observed in the Mukuru by Micato and AmericaShare staff. KENYA Given the recognition that women are cornerstones of the GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: community, Micato Safaris aims to empower women COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY economically and emotionally by providing opportunities for education, training and access to small loans. HWHE CATEGORIES: ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS For the past 20 years, Micato Safaris’ non-profit arm, HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION AmericaShare, has worked to help orphaned and vulnerable INDUSTRY TYPE: TRAVEL AND TOURISM children and youth affected by poverty and HIV/AIDS in WEBSITE: www.americashare.org

Kenya. Entirely funded by Micato, AmericaShare channels CORPORATE WEBSITE: www.micatosafaris.com donations made by its safari travelers, corporate donors, industry friends and staff to help the poor and vulnerable of AmericaShare Initiative the Mukuru slum community. Micato Safaris and AmericaShare work together on a number of programs as part Goal of their mandate to address the needs of populations To provide orphaned and vulnerable children and young adults vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. with access to basic services, such as education and housing, in order to facilitate sustainable change in the Mukuru slum of The School Sponsorship Programme for example, fully supports , Kenya. Micato Safaris, through AmericaShare, has over 200 orphaned and vulnerable children by placing them into undertaken a number of initiatives to meet this goal, supporting reputable boarding schools in and around Nairobi, Kenya. The youth development and the empowerment of women living with intention is for these children to complete high school and have HIV/AIDS. the opportunity to attend vocational school or university in Program Scope order to support themselves and their family’s future. • Over 1,000 orphaned and vulnerable children, including over 500 girls, are supported by the initiative. Lend a Helping Hand on Safari Programme introduces travelers • More than 20 girls and boys are presently attending university to the conditions of the slum by arranging visits to the local and vocational school as part of the School Sponsorship orphanage and/or schools, and providing visitors with duffle Programme. bags to donate necessary items that are in short supply at both facilities, such as clothes, medicines and school supplies. Many Outcomes of these travelers often become AmericaShare sponsors and • Enabled over 100 girls and boys to graduate from high school as donors, building collaboration and support for the program. part of the School Sponsorship Programme. • Trained and licensed eight women to provide Voluntary The program also provides support to a local women’s group, Counseling and Testing (VCT) and Home Based Care (HBC); the Mukuru Women’s Empowerment Community Health 30 women have also been employed to make beaded Initiative (MWECHI), to facilitate the management of its Food handicrafts for sale in the U.S. and Home Based Care Programmes. These programs benefit • Served over 450 HIV positive clients and their families through women who are living with HIV/AIDS and their families, the Food Programme and Home Based Care Programme. while supporting their small cottage businesses of selling beaded handicrafts. AmericaShare also provides uniforms and

21 2007 CASE STUDY Micato Safaris

equipment to a local Youth Programme that involves both GOOD PRACTICES

MICATO SAFARIS young girls and boys in organized soccer teams, and seeks Empowering Vulnerable Populations to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS though educational The multitude of programs supported through these lectures and safe sex practices. initiatives has led to numerous positive community impacts. The major beneficiaries of the programs are In June 2007, Micato Safaris and AmericaShare completed orphaned and vulnerable children of school-going age who construction of their first infrastructure development live in the slum, and women and their families affected by project, the Harambee Home and Women’s Centre, HIV/AIDS. Since the inception of the School Sponsorship consisting of three main buildings, each with a defined Programme, over 100 children have graduated from high function. Salama House provides a home to boys from school and many of them are attending university and AmericaShare’s School Sponsorship Programme during vocational schools, while others have found gainful their school breaks; Tumaini House functions as a employment. The cycle of poverty for some has effectively community center throughout the year for the general been broken, and people living with HIV/AIDS who were community; and Huduma House is the workplace for the once homebound are now applying for small loans to work. MWECHI group to manage its Food and Home Based Care Programmes, while supporting their micro-financed small Promoting Gender Equity among Girls and Boys manufacturing business. The construction of this multi- As part of a wider strategy for gender equity and in support purpose facility has also involved the drilling of a borehole, of the MWECHI group, HIV lectures are held for the boys one of the few sources of fresh water in the Mukuru slum. and girls in the Youth Programmes. Members of the Nairobi staff hold regular discussions and educational

The long-term goals of Micato Safaris and AmericaShare’s sessions to address various topics, one of which is gender ongoing commitment include the building of five equity, a crucial component of reducing the vulnerability ecologically sensitive children’s homes on the Harambee of women to HIV and other societal inequalities. They also Estate. Micato has purchased a five-acre parcel of land in a work to involve the local male population, church leaders, choice Nairobi suburb for the development of a series of fathers or uncles of the vulnerable children in the School homes for the AmericaShare children. There are also plans Sponsorship Programme when possible and the older boys to scale up the School Sponsorship Programme to over enrolled in the School Sponsorship and Youth 1,000 sponsored children, and scale up the Food and Home Programmes through these activities. Based Care Programmes. Furthermore, pilot projects similar to those undertaken by AmericaShare will soon be Collaborating with Multiple Partners implemented in South Africa and India, countries with Collaboration has also been crucial in extending the large vulnerable populations and a demonstrated need. program scope. Partnerships with MWECHI, the Catholic

22 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS MICATO SAFARIS REGION: KENYA 23 which had an Home Based Care Programme GBC STATUS Micato Safaris has2004. been a GBC member company since LEARN MORE www.americashare.org entire families, ensuring clientstake have proper antiretrovirals, nutrition to intermittent and power the athome-based unexpected care the kit challenge supplies feed wasfor of a mills. challenge particularly the The shortage of overwhelming response but had a limited capacity. Volunteerism by Micatogreat Safaris benefit employees to the hascustomer company, satisfaction been as at a hasthe having been program the sites. the The opportunity commitment increased byparticipate to local in companies these visit programs to has alsobenefit, been an especially unexpected the increasedonations to in the monetary various programs. and in-kind Home Based Care and Food included reaching home-bound AIDS Regarding the constructionWomen’s of Centre, the there were Harambee challengesof Home with transporting the and building logistics materialsroads of along the the slum. This narrow includedpermits the dirt and obtaining title of deeds building forlocal the land community. while sensitizing Additionally, the unprecedented rains There were manyimplement hurdles and suchObtaining challenges accurate a biographical information in on applicants range tryingand to of securing safe multifacetedduring their boarding housing school programs. holidays are forsuch two examples difficulties. the of The misrepresentation orphanedof of applicants children the was condition a majorthat had unexpected to challenge, be and sensitively navigated. one LESSONS LEARNED Sharing Expertise Since Micato Safarisyears has and been has gained in thepartners operation trust at of for the many over local, organizationshas national 40 and and much international levels, expertiselooking it for to a hands offer on approachfor to other and programs grassroots companies support dealingvulnerable that children. with are women and orphaned and Community Benefits The programs’ benefitswithin have the also community. For had instance,and the multiplier Harambee Women’s effects Home Centreand is concrete the structure onlywater in multi-purpose borehole the facility built in Mukuruproject the slum. is Mukuru The one slum750,000 deep of as plus part inhabitants. only of four this water sources in an area of Church, Archbishop,multinationals with Minister officesRotary in of Club, Nairobi, local Health other Kenyanbeen NGOs, businesses of crucial. the and Micato is Kenya, GBCto working have supply with all more Johnson & homeproviders, Johnson based for care example, (HBC)admit and kits HIV positive with to patients the the into theirPartnerships HBC local facilities as hospitals needed. with to Johnson & K-Rep, Johnson, Kenya TATA,the Airways, local Minister Becton Kenyan of NGOs, Health, Dickinson,based organizations the and Minister local of Kenyanfacilitated businesses Education, the have success faith- all of these programs. Other challenges faced by the made roads impassable, which delayedfacility completion of for the twoduring the months. construction of Similarthrough the problems borehole, difficult drilling were terrain 700Poor to feet faced road reach conditions for a thelengthy transportation clean of waits water equipment, due supply. certificates to bureaucratic and red environmentalmaterials tape resulted audits, for in unprecedented and licenses, delays. the theft of Programmes patients to deliver food, providing sufficient amounts for 2007 CASE STUDY MTV Networks International

BUSINESS OVERVIEW concert events, available free of cost to broadcasters MTV Networks International is a unit of Inc. and around the world. includes entertainment brands such as MTV, VH1, , TMF (The Music Factory), VIVA, Flux, Staying Alive organizes the 48fest film contest to engage Paramount Comedy, Game One and IFILM. Its audience youth and give them a voice in the response to base consists of 511 million households in 162 countries, HIV/AIDS. This year the contest was held in Kenya with and programs are broadcast in 28 languages via 135 locally a focus on females and HIV/AIDS – a crucial issue given operated TV channels and 260 digital media properties. The the feminization of the epidemic. Because HIV has a company’s holdings also include television syndication, devastating impact globally, especially in Africa, and is digital media, publishing, home video, radio, recorded disproportionately impacting females, Staying Alive

MTV NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL music, licensing & merchandising, as well as two feature works with local channels to produce targeted messages film divisions: MTV Films and Nickelodeon movies. for young people about the effects of the epidemic in their region, the gender dynamic of HIV transmission and MTV’s HIV/AIDS Program was launched six weeks after how they can protect themselves. the first reported case of HIV /AIDS, and the company has since remained committed to increasing awareness and 48fest Kenya is a collaboration between MTV Networks responding to the multiple threats of HIV/AIDS through International, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, initiatives such as Staying Alive and Think MTV. the MAC AIDS Fund, the YWCA, UNAIDS and UNFPA. It follows the success of last year’s competition in Toronto,

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Canada, held during the XVI International AIDS 48fest is organized by MTV’s Staying Alive, an Conference. Last year’s winning team was a diverse group international initiative working within MTV to raise of participants from Bulgaria, Canada, China, Guyana, awareness and knowledge about HIV/AIDS, particularly India and Uganda, who collaborated on a unique film among young people and those in developing countries so production. All eight films produced in 2006 were that they make safe lifestyle choices and protect winners at the New York AIDS Film Festival, and the film themselves from HIV. The program also fights the stigma ‘Last Time’ was a finalist at the esteemed New York Film and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS and seeks to Festival. engage other businesses and media to form their own responses to the epidemic. To do so, the initiative This year’s competition in Kenya took place during the produces short- and long-form programming such as International Women’s Summit in Nairobi, held on documentaries, public service announcements (PSAs) and

24 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS T EWRSINTERNATIONAL NETWORKS MTV July 3-5, 2007. Thirty youth delegates had 48 hours to write, shoot, edit and produce a short film on a particular theme relating to women and HIV/AIDS. The five teams were each asked to create films pertaining to one of five topics relating to the feminization of HIV/AIDS: ABC (Abstain, Be Faithful and Use a Condom) as methods of prevention for women, HIV and pregnancy, empowerment and reproductive health, stigma, and violence. MTV technical staff and film experts based in Kenya served as mentors and advisors, offering assistance to REGION: GLOBAL/KENYA the teams and helping the participants develop critical film- making skills. The ‘Best Film’ at 48fest Kenya was announced during a small screening and awards ceremony held at Nairobi’s Hilton Intercontinental on July 5, 2007, judged by a panel led by acclaimed music video director Bryan Barber.

The short films produced by the teams at 48fest Kenya and a 30-minute documentary ‘Staying Alive: 48fest Kenya’ about the competition are available online at www.staying-alive.org. The films are also available for third party broadcasters to GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: REGION: show rights-free and at no cost. COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY

Speaking about 48fest, Georgia Arnold, VP of Public Affairs for HWHE CATEGORIES: MTV International reflected that the program “challenges ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS

young people to trust their courage, imagination and HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION GLOBAL/KENYA determination by making compelling short films in just 48 INDUSTRY TYPE: MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT hours. The competition stays ahead of the curve by involving WEBSITE: www.staying-alive.org both MTV viewers and the core HIV and AIDS community in the creation of art that delivers a truly powerful message to CORPORATE WEBSITE: www..com youth audience.” 48fest Kenya: 48fest is an innovative way to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS by 30 Participants, 48 Hours, One Aim involving youth and using the power of media and entertainment In 2006, MTV Networks International and its partners via the to address the special issues faced by women and girls. Staying Alive initiative organized the first ever 48fest at the International AIDS Conference in Toronto, where teams of young GOOD PRACTICES people were given 48 hours to write, shoot and produce a short film addressing a specific aspect of HIV/AIDS. Following the success of Equipping Youth with a Voice and Skills to Respond 48fest Toronto, Staying Alive produced 48fest Kenya in 2007. The most important aspect of 48fest has been the impact the program has had on its youth participants. 48fest is not only a Goal great TV concept; it is also a skills-building opportunity for To give young people the tools of media to address issues relating to young people. For example, a young South African woman who HIV/AIDS, including its disproportionate impact on women and girls. participated in last year’s 48fest went back to her community to Program Scope host a local film contest, inviting young people to participate • 48fest Kenya had five teams of six youth delegates at the and using a camcorder to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS in International Women’s Summit in Nairobi, Kenya. South Africa. These youths have shared important experiences • The films made during 48fest Kenya were broadcast on World and have benefited from learning new skills. AIDS Day 2007 via MTV’s network of channels, including local affiliates, reaching 511 million households worldwide. Taking Involving young people in writing and producing entire short into account third party distributors, the films are expected to films is an excellent example of engagement, because they can reach 64% of TV households and a potential audience of 1 address their own needs and highlight issues faced by their billion. • Last year, 48fest Toronto was broadcast to 600 million peers. In addition to equipping young people with the households worldwide. necessary tools to share their views and thoughts with wider audiences, it promotes peer education and gives youth a voice. Outcomes According to Alex Okosi, General Manager of MTV Networks • Increased awareness of the feminization of HIV/AIDS among Africa, the 24-hour English language music television channel youth participants. MTV Base Africa, “is committed to discussing issues that are • Equipped the participants with new skills to share their views important to the youth of Africa. Promoting awareness and with wider audiences. • Allowed young people to voice their needs and address issues prevention of HIV in Africa is chief among them, but young faced by their peers. people often don’t have a voice when it comes to these issues.”

25 Reaching a Global Audience through Film As a leading international entertainment brand with many local affiliates, MTV Networks International has the ability to leverage a wide audience base for its 48fest films. MTV: Music Television is the world’s largest television network and the leading multimedia brand for youth, targeting the 12 – 34 year-old demographic. In Africa, where MTV Base has been expanding since it was started in 2005, the network can promote awareness potentially reaching 48.5 million African viewers in 10.5 million households.

Using film as a tool to address the feminization of HIV/AIDS in Africa, and educating youth about issues such as HIV prevention, stigma and discrimination is important not only because it stimulates interest but also because it reaches new audiences. Film as an artistic medium also has the powerful ability to dispel the

MTV NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL commonly held myths and misconceptions that fuel stigma and discrimination as it relates to HIV/AIDS. only region not represented in this year’s 48fest was the Leveraging Partnerships to Raise Awareness Latin America and Caribbean region. 48fest operates as part of Staying Alive’s cost-sharing partnership effort and highlights the importance of The 48-hour time restriction has proven to be especially collaboration. MTV partners with various organizations challenging for the participants, who essentially have one and businesses to ensure its campaign is as comprehensive day to learn how to use the film equipment. On the other and effective as it can be. Partners provide funding and hand, this was useful because by reducing the amount of critical technical skills to the campaign and collaboration preparation time involved, the films produced during the is open to anyone who shares the same goals and ethos. contest became more ‘real.’

Because all original Staying Alive programming, including Participating at the International Women’s Summit the 48fest films, is provided rights-free and at no cost to provided a crucial lesson for MTV in recognizing the TV and radio broadcasters around the world, it is an importance of learning from each other. Each team of effective means to promote HIV/AIDS awareness to the filmmakers at 48fest Kenya had one person who was either widest possible audience. Materials produced for the living with or affected by HIV and who was able to share initiative have reached nearly three-quarters of the world’s powerful experiences and lessons with the youth TV households through this rights-free offer. All PSAs give participants as well as with others attending the summit. the Staying Alive web site address, where young people can find referrals to local HIV/AIDS support and 48fest offers a successful formula to engage youth in educational organizations. Furthermore, the programming responding to HIV/AIDS and creates a memorable can be used by NGOs and community groups for youth experience for its participants as well as for the viewers of discussions on HIV/AIDS. Thus, dissemination of the these short films. Because one goal of Staying Alive is to films made during 48fest Kenya provides a unique keep programs fresh, at the 2008 International AIDS opportunity to raise awareness in Africa and other Conference in Mexico MTV will host a similar formula to impacted regions. 48fest – a youth engagement, skills-building event on the ground leading to a TV program – which will also feature LESSONS LEARNED new components. The most obvious challenge for 48fest Kenya was funding, which wasn’t confirmed until six weeks prior to the actual GBC STATUS competition. As such, there were severe time constraints MTV Networks International has been a GBC member in program implementation, including the organizing and company since 2001. arranging of resources and ensuring that equipment was available. Ideally, the program would have had more lead LEARN MORE time. It was also the first such event to be organized in www.staying-alive.org Africa, and therefore there were many unforeseen challenges in trying to operate in a new environment.

Another challenge was ensuring that participants represented various countries around the world to make 48fest illustrative for a global audience. In the end, the

26 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS TNADCHARTERED STANDARD BUSINESS OVERVIEW Standard Chartered has a history of over 150 years in banking and operates in many of the world's fastest-growing markets with an extensive global network of over 1,400 branches in over 50 countries in the Asia Pacific Region, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the United Kingdom and the Americas. As REGION: INDIA one of the world's most international banks, Standard Chartered employs over 60,000 people representing over 100 nationalities worldwide.

Trusted across its network for its standard of governance and corporate responsibility, Standard Chartered takes a long term view of the consequences of its actions to ensure that the Bank builds a sustainable business through social inclusion, environmental protection and good governance. Standard REGION: Chartered is also committed to all its stakeholders by living its GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: values in its approach towards managing its people, exceeding COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY expectations of its customers, making a difference in CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY communities and working with regulators. HWHE CATEGORIES: ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS INDIA PROGRAM DESCRIPTION HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION Standard Chartered has a strong history of supporting the INDUSTRY TYPE: FINANCIAL SERVICES communities in which it operates, especially in the developing WEBSITE: www.standardchartered.com/sustainability/community_GOAL.html world, where many of its employees live and work. Community programs, such as GOAL, are thus an integral part CORPORATE WEBSITE: www.standardchartered.com of Standard Chartered’s sustainable business strategy. GOAL: Reaching New Heights GOAL is a unique multi-stakeholder community program that Standard Chartered recognizes that women are disproportionately aims to empower young women to become leaders and social affected by today’s global challenges yet at the same time, are key activists in their communities. to tackling those very challenges. Investing in women also has a Goal multiplier effect – for example, women can raise healthy, To empower women and build leadership skills using sports – in educated families. The issue of women’s empowerment thus this case netball – as a vehicle for social inclusion in disadvantaged forms part of Standard Chartered’s community strategy – focusing communities. on issues of health, education and diversity – and aligns with Standard Chartered’s internal Diversity and Inclusion agenda. Program Scope • 70 girls (aged 12-20 years) have been recruited for the leadership program in three underprivileged communities in Through the GOAL program, Standard Chartered has taken up South Delhi. a critical response to the feminization of HIV/AIDS by aiming • Lady Irwin College in Delhi participated in the program as a to empower women using sports as a vehicle for social source to recruit GOAL champions and carry out an evaluation inclusion. survey for the project. Outcomes The program has five crucial and interlocking components • 70 girls participated in an intensive leadership program. which serve to empower women: • Reached over 7,000 people – including 3,500 young women – directly and indirectly through various GOAL events and activities. 1. Leadership Program in Communities: 70 young • Empowered young women by building self perception and confidence, underprivileged women were recruited from three communities resulting in increased access to and control over economic resources to participate in a year long leadership program. The leadership as well as changed power relations with male family members. program is holistic in its approach and supports the development • Enabled women to develop leadership and communication skills of young women’s social and entrepreneurial skills to enable through modules which treated ‘leadership’ holistically and them to be leaders. The program is implemented through a 45- simultaneously address issues of health and wellbeing, while hour modular training course which has 24 hours on supporting the development of financial literacy for women. ‘Communications and Leadership’ including negotiations, • Engaged employees, communities and other stakeholders by creating opportunities for employees to volunteer and developing relationships planning and coordination; 15 hours on ‘Health and Well-being,’ with those already engaged. including nutrition, hygiene, HIV/AIDS and sexual rights; and • Partnered with International Federation of Netball Associations and six hours on ‘Entrepreneurship,’ which taught the women skills various implementing NGOs. such as budgeting, saving and investing. The leadership program • Developed an excellent system of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) also includes action-based learning through community events of the program. and promotion of health and well-being through netball training • Reinforced Standard Chartered’s brand and reputation.

27 2007 CASE STUDY Standard Chartered

on a twice-weekly basis. Upon completion of the course, 4. GOAL Champions in Colleges: Four Delhi women’s successful participants are given leadership award colleges have participated in the program, from which certificates. Naz India Trust is the lead NGO partner for this 15-20 young women were recruited as champions. These component with three additional community-based champions promote netball in their respective colleges, organizations involved at the grass-roots level. which is linked to the coaches for the social change

STANDARD CHARTERED component; volunteer for the community component by 2. Coaches for Social Change: A curriculum-based playing netball with leadership program participants; program delivered by netball coaches who professionally participate in community events; and provide peer to peer trained up to 3,500 girls from three communities, support to the leadership program participants. representing 15 colleges and 60 schools. This program will be linked to the community leadership program through 5. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: A bespoke, the coaches, who in their normal course of training will multi-tiered approach towards research and evaluation promote team physical activities and facilitate basic has been developed. This framework incorporates baseline discussions on issues of social importance, the surveys; a web-based recording and reporting tool that environment and well-being. The Netball Federation of stores quantitative data and qualitative information; an India is implementing this component. engagement matrix which enables the judgment and recording of levels of participant engagement; and instant 3. Employee Volunteering – Standard Chartered: GOAL reporting and representation mechanisms for statistical aligns to Standard Chartered’s community investment information and qualitative reports. NAZ India Trust is objectives by offering multiple opportunities for staff to custodian of the monitoring and evaluation framework volunteer and use their core competencies towards the with support from Lady Irwin College, Delhi University.

success of the project. Employees have, for example, Standard Chartered has made a significant financial helped design and deliver modules on financial literacy, investment in running the program, especially given this first health (including HIV/AIDS), business writing skills and year was a pilot. There will continue to be financial the environment; mentored the leadership award investment to ensure a legacy in Delhi and allow for candidates; set up netball games in the bank and play expansion of the pilot to other locations. Additionally, against/with the candidates or learn to referee; taken the Standard Chartered is dedicating significant human resources, candidates on outings or been involved in the learning and both in terms of management and employee volunteers, to research component. ensure GOAL’s success.

28 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS STANDARD CHARTERED REGION: INDIA 29 GBC STATUS Standard Chartered hassince been 2001. a GBC member company LEARN MORE www.standardchartered.com/sustainability/community_ GOAL.html LESSONS LEARNED As the pilotconstantly evolve has to maximize justhurdle its was been that effectiveness. not Another completed, onlynew was to it the Standard platform Chartered, has (sport) but entirely for it India. had was Thus, also challenges a to were newwith faced, concept including working multipleFurthermore, since stakeholders netball issport in India, with not there was a a lotit various particularly of will groundwork be popular to one cover of – five agendas. but, core sports of the 2010 Delhi Games. relatively unknown in India, there wasprejudice. very little attached Thus,innovative the use programempowering women of and girls, efforts sportthem especially from while a engaging completely has new can point of shown access. be how Monitoring and Evaluation effectiveA robust in monitoring andbeen integral evaluation to framework the program. has also Living Sports for Women’s Empowerment Critical to the success ofthe the global program, appeal however, of has sports, been one that transcends cultures Partnerships and Community Engagement Stakeholder engagement andthe forming partnerships communities, with NGOs,also media, been and crucialprogram governments to has the hasprograms success and has enhanced of contributed toefforts the the to Indian existing empower program. government’s women. Furthermore, The thebeen program effective NGO at has reinforcing the bank’s communityPartner, brand Leading – by “The Example” Right – andthe has supported application it of with otherwith HIV. bank initiatives, such as Strengthening the Operating Environment One of thewomen, aims which of the inChartered’s program turn is operating helpssocioeconomic empowering development. young to The environment program strengthensuccessful has also Standard been by atChartered supporting employee offeringleadership engagement, courses opportunities such and netballtournaments as coaching, and friendly for and matches. during during In thisand the way, the Standard awareness involvement haveChartered spread workplace and throughout into the the communities. Standard GOOD PRACTICES Business Leadership and Commitment The commitmentChartered’s and seniorincluding Group Chief management involvement Executivethe Peter importance Sands, to of by highlights leadershipprograms. in this For the Standard example, effectiveness Mr. of Sands initiative,of such visited Aali the Gaon, one program three participants, communities, collegemembers, while students to on his and trip meet to community India in with January 2007. leadership The pilot program ran for just2006 over to a year, December from 2007. September other It locations is in planned India, as topilot well be as and replicated in other in the countries.flexible tools The sport-for-empowerment developed model to will bedue form rolled course out the in in basis otherhas for countries a presence. where a Standard Chartered Currently, the projectdisadvantaged communities has in been SouthAali Delhi: implemented Gaon Govindpuri, and in Sanjaylocation three Colony. because Delhi it was is idealChartered’s an as urban a region biggest pilot inchallenges. one markets of Furthermore, Standard and itnumber is has of the HIV/AIDS complex cases siteAIDS epidemic. in of social a an country increasing with a growing and offers great potential forand the girls. empowerment While of women netball hasinexpensive appeal and as easy a to team setexclusively sport up associated that and is with play, females. it However, is since also it almost is 2007 CASE STUDY SSL International plc

BUSINESS OVERVIEW This is crucial because young men often influence sexual SSL International Plc. (SSL) is a manufacturer and distributor activity and condom use. Furthermore, working with of healthcare products sold into consumer markets young men to challenge traditional attitudes towards worldwide. These products include global brands such as gender roles and towards women is important in Durex and Scholl, as well as local over-the-counter brands addressing issues of sexual coercion and violence. such as Syndol in the UK, and Mister Baby in Southern SSL INTERNATIONAL PLC Europe. Headquartered in London, SSL employs around While any strategy to reduce the feminization of HIV/AIDS 4,500 people in over 35 countries and has manufacturing must focus on women, working with men is often capabilities in the UK, India, Thailand and China. overlooked. SSL has decided to focus on this important niche and their programs target young men in efforts to SSL has supported government-led public health reduce HIV infection in both young men and young women. campaigns for many years by supplying high quality condoms to help ensure that health and population The Durex Network – SSL’s social marketing arm – and its programs around the world are successful in reducing involvement demonstrates SSL’s commitment to attitude unplanned pregnancies and the transmission of sexually and behavior change of men towards women, particularly transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV. The company has where sexual relationships are involved. Changing worked closely with governments in Brazil, Kenya, India attitudes is key to safer sex practices and SSL seeks to and Bangladesh to support their responses to HIV/AIDS. foster this goal via partnerships on educational and lifestyle campaigns of which Program H is a successful example.

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION In 2002, Program H was launched in Brazil with a focus on In Latin America, a growing percentage of HIV infections promoting gender equality and raising awareness of are among women. Women now represent over 30% of all HIV/AIDS and the need to use condoms. The program was adults living with HIV in the region, up from 22% in 1990. developed through collaboration with the Durex Network, There is a growing international consensus that efforts to the non-governmental organizations Instituto Promundo address the increasing feminization of HIV/AIDS must in Rio de Janeiro and John Snow Brasil in Brasilia, and include work with men– especially young men – to international organizations such as the World Health prevent HIV/AIDS transmission in both young women and Organization (WHO) and the International Planned young men who are also at a high risk of HIV infection. Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Program H began as a small

30 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS S NENTOA PLC INTERNATIONAL SSL grassroots endeavor to change the gender attitudes of young men living in low-income favelas1 in Rio de Janeiro – a crucial effort, given that over half of the estimated 2.5 million people newly infected with HIV worldwide are believed to be under the age of 25. Moreover, young men are less likely than young women to seek health services, making it difficult to reach them with information and other support. REGION: BRAZIL/INDIA

The main focus of Program H is to promote a change in attitude and behavior among young men in order to reduce unwanted pregnancies, violent behavior towards women, and the transmission of HIV and other STIs. It has four core components:

1. Educational: Materials, methodology and training were

provided for community and youth groups to run workshops REGION:

designed to encourage attitude change. These included: GBC INTERVENTION TYPE: manuals and videos; trainings for healthcare professionals, COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADVOCACY educators and youth leaders; and workshops. Group CORE COMPETENCY WORKPLACE POLICY

workshops were organized for young men to discuss and HWHE CATEGORIES: BRAZIL/INDIA critically reflect upon the ‘costs’ of traditional masculinity and ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION FOR GIRLS discuss themes that support or impede health promotion - HEALTH SERVICES AND INFORMATION such as Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR). INDUSTRY TYPE: HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS Through young peer promoters from the community, the WEBSITE: www.promundo.org.br workshops utilized role-playing and peer group discussion to encourage behavioral change. CORPORATE WEBSITE: www.ssi-international.com

2. Lifestyle social marketing: To promote condom use and the Program H development of a youth brand of condoms, a lifestyle Launched in 2002 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Program H has been campaign was begun by the young men of Bangu and Maré – heralded as one of the most innovative responses to the spread of two low-income communities in Rio de Janeiro. They HIV/AIDS by addressing gender norms. developed a new condom brand, Hora H, to distribute in non- Goal traditional venues such as funk balls and bars. The publicity To promote gender equitable attitudes and behavior among young campaign surrounding the new condom brand included radio men and to raise their knowledge and awareness of health issues, spots, billboards, posters, postcards and dances developed particularly the use of contraception to reduce unplanned with men from the workshops, aimed at promoting a new pregnancies and the transmission of STIs, including HIV. This image for the men – one that was cool, responsible, open to entails challenging male attitudes around relationships and conversation, respectful, and shared responsibility and gender roles and behaviors, reducing violent behavior toward women and emphasizing the need to use condoms. pleasure with one’s partner. The social marketing approach also involved working with young male promoters in order to Program Scope identify barriers to condom use. These peer promoters • 16 peer promoters were involved in Program H in Bangu and contributed to the financial sustainability of Program H by Mare in Brazil. selling the youth branded condoms in the community. They • 780 young men participated in research over a 12-month thus improved the availability of condoms and increased their period in Brazil. use by encouraging a change in the image young men Outcomes associated with condom use. • Increased caring and respect in relationships and health- protective behavior, such as more frequent and consistent 3. Promoting public health services: Strategies were developed condom use. to make health services more attractive to young men and to • Raised condom awareness amongst the young Brazilian men promote increased access to such services by making them more studied by 40%, according to research presented on behalf of the youth friendly. This resulted in an increased demand for health project at the 2004 International AIDS Conference. services in the clinics involved and a higher level of satisfaction • Increased systematic condom use among the target group (15- 24-year-old males) by 25% in the first year. among the young men – a crucial step in making them aware of • Challenged traditional ideas of masculinity through successful the facilities available within their own community, for services lifestyle and education programs. like confidential HIV testing or treatment. • Increased the demand by particpants for health services in the clinics. • Involved young men in the development and distribution of a new brand of condoms.

1 Slums

31 4. Evaluation: An evaluation methodology including the are run by males who have been previously involved in utilization of a scale, Gender Equity in Men (GEM) was the program. developed to analyze gender attitudes among young men before, during and after the interventions. Lifestyle Social Marketing The lifestyle social marketing campaign plays a significant These interlocking components have all contributed to the role challenging attitudes and in reducing the stigma often success of the program by enhancing its well-roundedness. associated with condoms – for example, the idea that Program H is a good example of an innovative response condom use is de-masculinizing. Promoting accessibility to that targets youth to change the male attitudes that public health services is crucial in making young men influence female vulnerability to HIV/AIDS, while utilizing aware of the community facilities available to them for media and social marketing to achieve these goals. confidential testing or treatment. The social marketing component has also been critical to raising awareness GOOD PRACTICES through its use of innovative branding and advertising. For SSL INTERNATIONAL PLC Linking the Feminization of HIV/AIDS to Male Attitudes example, 16 peer promoters were involved in a ground- Program H recognizes that women’s vulnerability to breaking and successful element of Program H in Brazil – HIV/AIDS is inextricably linked to male attitudes and the creation of the affordable Hora H condom. The young behavior. This identification is fundamental because it men came up with the name Hora H and worked with a recognizes that for more equitable societal standing, both design company to produce a logo and packaging and to re- men and women need to be included in the dialogue. SSL work the instructions on the packet to better suit the thus focuses on the crucial importance of working with language of the target age group. Additionally, the young young men to promote better health and gender equity. male participants along with the young promoters created advertising materials and established sales targets. The Collaborating with Multiple and Diverse Partners Hora H condom is now sold at bakeries, bars, music stores Collaboration with the target group, as well as with other and skate shops – locations where condoms have not organizations, has also been at the core of the program’s traditionally been available to young people in Brazil. success. The Durex Network joined forces with Instituto Promundo and John Snow Brasil in the design and A Replicable, Adaptable Program implementation of the program. The Durex Network Another good practice is that Program H provides contributed by donating funds, making condoms available at technical assistance to replicate and adapt the program to a cost and providing expert input on the social marketing other communities and countries. Efforts are thus component of the program. Since 2002, it has invested over underway to replicate the lifestyle social marketing $300,000 in Program H in Brazil. John Snow Brasil, a initiative across Brazil, Mexico and in Asia. Over 500 Brazilian consultancy firm providing capacity building, healthcare professionals together with government technical assistance, and monitoring and evaluation expertise agencies and NGOs have used Program H social primarily in the areas of childhood and youth development technologies and the aim is to expand this number and HIV/AIDS prevention, helped develop the lifestyle social significantly into other areas of the world where social marketing campaign alongside the Durex Network. Instituto marketing has the potential to drive social change and Promundo, a Brazilian NGO that promotes gender equity and reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS while addressing works to prevent violence against youth and women, key gender issues. The Durex Network has been partnering developed the educational component and helped improve with Instituto Promundo, CORO, the Population Council access to public health services. and the MacArthur Foundation to implement and evaluate the impact of Program H in India, where a Hindi language A Comprehensive Program version of the educational manuals was developed. The success of Program H is mainly attributable to its Already established on the streets of Rio de Janeiro and interlocking components, which work to raise awareness moving into Sao Paulo and Brasilia, Program H has been and engage young men. The educational materials allow recognized internationally as an effective intervention, community and youth groups to run workshops to proven to work in Brazil and India. promote more equitable gender relations, which results in real attitude change. The dissemination of manuals and Incorporating Monitoring and Evaluation videos, along with training for healthcare professionals, Crucial to the program’s success has been the educators and youth leaders, is an excellent means of incorporation of monitoring and evaluation functions. To spreading awareness of HIV/AIDS and sexuality within a assess program impact, researchers developed and used community. In addition, young men in Brazil who have the Gender Equity in Men (GEM) scale, which includes 17 been through Program H act as peer promoters to other items that measure traditional attitudes about gender roles young people in their communities, attending parties and related to HIV/AIDS and pregnancy prevention, violence, other events to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and its sexual relationships, domestic chores, care-giving and surrounding issues. Workshops run by these peer homosexuality. Participants also provided information on promoters utilize role-plays and discussions to encourage HIV-related risk, such as STI symptoms, condom use, and behavioral change and are given more legitimacy as they number of sexual partners. The development and

32 IN GOOD COMPANY: HOW BUSINESS FIGHTS THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS SSL INTERNATIONAL PLC REGION: BRAZIL/INDIA 33 has been able to successfully challenge Program H GBC STATUS SSL International Plc. hassince been 2001. a GBC member company LEARN MORE www.promundo.org.br gender norms byempowering them targeting with educational groups toolsgreater awareness. that of bring about young men and for replication, but has establishedmonitoring and an evaluation. effective method of Research for the programmen has are already shownwhich challenging can that play traditional young a fundamentalstrategies. male role within The HIV lifestyle study prevention their posits values, that behavior young andparticipation men can develop change in positiveencourage reflection about attitudes what group it means through that to be reinforcing a educational man these -will and messages have additional activities at positive impacts the onThus, these community that young men. level and Program H Program H condom brand has increased its has not only set up good practices to be successful. In the first year, Hora H innovative practices have thus positively Program H Program H LESSONS LEARNED Addressing gender norms iskey increasingly recognized strategy asparticularly a to among young prevent people.socialized Since the women with are spread a often they great of deal are HIV ofthemselves frequently stigma infection, from unaware around STIs sexuality, negotiate of including protective the HIV and behaviorsmonogamy means with are such their to unable sexual asrelationships, partners. protect to Gender condom especially inequity where use in malesthan have or females, can greater also power lead toviolence, sexual coercion and physical behaviors circumstances are impossible tothe in importance initiate of and involving young maintain. men whichprevent in While HIV/AIDS interventions is to well HIV-protectivethe recognized, program at there the was beginning veryhow of little available to information on behaviors improve in their wayspartner attitudes that relationships. promote and Nowavailable positive reduce as such and high-risk information equitable is widely Although the impact measurement of attitude andchange behavior in the programhas is shown ongoing, post-program analysis implementation of acentral culturally to measuring relevant changes in methodology youngrelated men’s is attitudes to that genderresult and of the sexualcommunity program, reproductive and norms. health more Findingsindicated as broadly based a the that impact onparticularly on traditional the addressing narratives scaleimportant of have unequal component masculinity,strategies, is gender of an suggesting successfultraditional views norms, that about manhood HIV and it changebehavior attitudes and prevention is in young possiblepartner’s sexual men health. to regarding question their own and their reports of STI infections among31% young men to dropped from workshops 6%. took better care Men of their bodies,dialogue who engaged in more with took theirsexuality part and partners reproductive in health, about werethe the more subjects involved development in relatedsearched for and non to violent alternatives rearing for conflictIn resolution. addition, of the their children, and workshops in schools withwomen were mixed also gender exposed to classes,campaign the young in lifestyle social the marketing communityProgram in which H’s it isaffected implemented. behaviorindirectly reduced the change vulnerability of women amongst as well. men, which has As the programdifficult to targeted determine young howhave many indirectly men young benefited from women aged this andgiven intervention. 15-24, However, girls the it is educational component of distribution and become ain favourite other among parts young of people Brazil.value of It its is brand: “An recognized attitude for with a its difference.” quality and MAP







• • Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Economic Empowerment Education (SRH) and Information

Workplace Integrate SRH and HIV/AIDS programming, ensuring Offer microfinance services as well as financial Create flexible hours so women and girls can gender, culture and age appropriate programs and literacy training that allow females to increase attend school and work service provision to employees and dependents through: income and build savings Provide childcare services in the workplace • Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) and Help female workers access individual savings Provide basic numeracy and literacy training management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) programs, group savings programs, or insurance • Family planning products to support individual investments through Create educational scholarship programs • Male and Female Condoms workplace vendors, contractors, and the supply aimed at women and girls • Post-Exposure Prophylactic (PEP) kits chain Create a mentorship or role model program • Gender sensitive counseling and testing for young female employees • Services for HIV positive women and discordant couples Provide individual development accounts • Sexual violence services and mitigation Facilitate training opportunities for female Create internship and work opportunities for • Integrating HIV/AIDS into maternal health services, advancement in the workplace women and girls including the prevention of Mother to Child Provide opportunities for childcare Transmission of HIV (pMTCT) • Post-abortion care Ensure equal pay for equal work Conduct gender sensitive and age appropriate Information, Education and Communication (IEC) on HIV/AIDS topics such as stigma Train male and female peer educators Provide user friendly, flexible hours, and other incentives for women and girls to access SRH services Ensure safe workplace environment for women and girls, including after-dark transportation and separate sex restrooms and changing areas

TO FIGHT THE FEMINIZATION OF HIV/AIDS Promote workplaces, where families can accompany workers to field sites (no single-sex hostels) and thus reduce sexual risk-taking behavior, including un- protected sex with sex-workers. Broaden SRH messaging to include empowerment and gender equity Community Partner with local SRH organizations, NGOs, health Provide funding, in-kind donations and management Provide safe transport, school fees and educators and service providers to: services, expertise to grassroots organizations, scholarships for tuition, books, uniforms and • Offer IEC on gender equity and its link to HIV during microfinance institutions or lending bodies that other materials group outreach sessions provide microfinance services, innovations or Create safe spaces where girls can • Extend workplace services to the community infrastructure comfortably gather and express themselves Extend, facilitate and support workplace efforts to without fear of being made to feel communities unwelcome, or unsafe - both in and out of school Build schools on-site, especially in remote settings Provide infrastructure solutions (lighting, sanitation, etc.)

Core Donate SRH commodities in-kind, including condoms, Develop products for microfinance institutions, such Provide technical expertise for curriculum Competency Anti-Retrovirals (ARVs), PEPkits, maternal health as savings, insurance and pensions development commodities and delivery kits Improve the general efficiency of specialized Volunteer in schools Contribute to logistics management, for commodities microfinance institutions so they can reach more Provide training and trainers and health systems in general (patients, health care females BUSINESS ACTION METHODOLOGY: providers, infrastructure) Provide space, materials, transportation, Provide financial literacy and management training uniforms Leverage financial management skills, social marketing, Offer commercial banking services and products for transportation, leadership skills and budget small businesses, community organizations or management to build local and national capacity individuals Conduct biomedical, social science and general Providetrainingsandskillsaroundmarketresearch research to formulate an evidence base Support institutional mentorship and Offer physical space and personnel donation for entrepreneurship programs for women and girls meetings and creation of safe space for girls Advocacy Generate consensus and buy-in among senior Leverage CEOs and other high-powered advocates to Raise awareness about the importance of management to speak out on gender and SRH speak out in public forums on the importance of women’s and girls’ education Advocate for other businesses to take leadership in addressing women and adolescent girls specifically Generate consensus and buy-in among integrating gender into all aspects of business response to and directly when it comes to the fight against senior management to support and speak HIV HIV/AIDS out about female education Create accountability for and incentives for SRH services Support reform of banking laws to better support Ensure quality education and training for women and girls Document and disseminate business successes and teachers challenges in integrating family planning and Provide leadership on female education reproductive health services and education into existing Create a mentorship or role model program public sector HIV/AIDS interventions highlighting successful women Advocate for SRH and gender inclusion in the Global Advocate for the free or subsidized education Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) for adolescent and young girls and other development mechanisms and proposals at the national level



Leading the Business Fight Against HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria

World Headquarters One Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, 36th Floor, New York, NY 10006 USA Tel +1 212 584 1600, Fax +1 212 584 1699