Ten Years of Urban Regeneration Rikke Hvilshøj Rikke Michael Parkinson on Site Workshop on Site Tematic Workshop Tematic RIKKE HVILSHØJ
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Ten years ofUrban Regeneration years Ten kvarterloeft 11-12 October 2007 Rikke Hvilshøj Tematic Workshop On site Workshop Michael Parkinson 2 RIKKE HVILSHØJ Kolofon 150 delegates from more than 20 countries attended the Published by: The Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs International conference on Integrated Urban Regeneration in Edited by: Ellen Højgaard Jensen and Asger Munk Copenhagen 10-11 October Journalists: Gregers Lohse and Peter Burhøi Layout, graphics and production: Johan Fast and Thor Salling Tool-kit This paper outlines the main discussions and conclusions, but more Printed by: Illemann Tryk information, PowerPoint presentations and a list of participants are Translated by: Scandinavian Translators A/S available at: www.nyidanmark.dk Photos: Frederikke Friderichsen Rikke Hvilshøj - preparing for the future Opening speech by Rikke Hvilshøj, Minister of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs. Rikke Hvilshøj thereby highlighted two tressed areas in general and ensuring proper The Danish Minister of Integration, important areas, citizen participation and knowledge dissemination, we are also look- Rikke Hvilshøj, opened the International collaboration, which during the conference ing into the possibility of creating a national became two of the most frequently discussed knowledge centre”, added Rikke Hvilshøj. Conference on Integrated Urban subjects. At the same time, Rikke Hvilshøj will Regeneration with a speech that focused Integrated Urban personally enter into dialogue with ethnic on the future of Integrated Urban Regeneration is linked to minorities living in distressed areas. integration of minorities “In the coming months, I will therefore Regeneration. be going on a national dialogue tour to meet For the Danish minister, Integrated Urban the young people in their own environment Regeneration is closely linked to integrating and listen to their views on improving inte- ethnic minorities, as the deprived areas are gration, also locally. I am expecting a great often characterised by having many inhab- deal from this tour and am looking forward itants with different ethnic backgrounds to to embarking on it,” said the Minister of Danish. Refugee, Immigrant and Integration Affairs “This challenge of ethnic segregation must before concluding: “Finally, I want to thank be adequately addressed, or we may end up you for joining me in celebrating Kvar- with divided societies that lack cohesion in- terloeft, which has left its footprint on the stead of societies that profit from diversity,” development of Integrated Urban Regenera- said Rikke Hvilshøj, tracing the many trails tion efforts for many years to come. I wish Kvarterloeft had blazed. you a fruitful conference.” “First of all, the concept behind Kvarter- loeft has been implemented into Danish law. Secondly, there have been measurable social effects in many of the areas, for example with reduced crime rates. Thirdly, people in the areas have gained a more positive image of the areas and feel safer there. Fourthly, we Rikke Hvilshøj can learn from the methods used in Kvar- This challenge of ethnic terloeft. Systematically using quantitative segregation must be he Danish Minister of Refugee, of Kvarterloeft. Some Kvarterloeft plans success criteria to measure the results of the Immigration and Integration Affairs, focused on avoiding more affluent people projects has worked,” said the minister. adequately addressed, Rikke Hvilshøj gave the opening taking over an area, others on attracting resi- Now the Kvarterloeft programme is imple- or we may end up with T menting an exit strategy, but that does not speech at the International Conference on dents with more resources, and yet others divided societies that Integrated Urban Regeneration in Copen- on re-branding their area. But all shared the mean the focus on deprived areas will be hagen. A speech that – as she said herself common trait that citizens play a big role in lost. The National Building Fund, an institu- lack cohesion instead of – marked the end of ten years of urban re- planning in dialogue with experts. Kvarter- tion that has accumulated funds paid by the societies that profit from generation. loeft also meant crossing boundaries in the tenants in non-profit housing over the years, diversity,” The minister began with a brief evalua- governmental and municipal area, as people will give approximately 53 million Euro Rikke Hvilshøj, Minister of until 2010 to integrated urban solutions and tion: had to step outside their administrative and Refugee, Immigration and “Since 1997, twelve quite varied areas professional sectors and make a commit- social projects. “As the Danish Government from all around Denmark have been part ment to work together.” has the responsibility for monitoring the dis- Integration Affairs 3 MICHAEL PARKINSON “20 years of experience in 20 minutes” Lecture: “Integrated Urban Regeneration in Europe – messages from Kvarterloeft” by Michael Parkinson, Professor, CBE, and Director of the European Institute for Urban Affairs. Professor Michael Parkinson knows everything there is to know about Integrated Urban Regeneration. In 20 minutes, he summarised 20 years of experience in a lecture that focused on Integrated Urban Regeneration in the past and how to make it even better in the future. ichael Parkinson, Professor, CBE, Michael Parkinson and Director of the European In- stitute for Urban Affairs, outlined M tween collaboration and competition. know that. Cities are the engines of competi- gone down and perceptions of the communi- this precisely some way into his lecture, which laid the foundation for two days’ “There is a paradox of collaboration and tiveness, they know that social exclusion is ties have become more positive. The social intensive professional discussions at the In- competition between cities. They work a drain on European competitiveness. They mix has been shifted and some of the visible ternational Conference on Integrated Urban together but at the same time compete for know a lot of social exclusion can have ma- social problems have been reduced,” said Regeneration in Copenhagen. investments, growth and people.” jor consequences for Europe. It’s a European Michael Parkinson before spelling out the Michael Parkinson’s speech, delivered At the same time, the view of cities has problem, not a national problem.” issues and questions Kvarterloeft has raised from the platform in Eigtveds Pakhus’ grand generally changed. Yet although Integrated Urban Regenera- that the conference could usefully answer: hall, cut to the quick with the precision of a “The cities are not dragged by national tion has gained ground in the EU, there are “The issues raised for the future are what scalpel: and regional economies. They are drivers still relevant critical objections to it. cost benefits collaboration? How to collabo- “So what about our conference on Inte- of national and regional economies. Now “There are pros and cons. Should we be rate? How to motivate and involve citizens? grated Urban Regeneration? Is it desirable? you recognise that cities are assets to be taking this kind of action and looking at How to make it accessible to citizens? How Yes. Is it possible? Yes. Does it work? Yes. built upon as opposed to basket cases you small places with different problems. You to strengthen social cohesion? And how can Is it transferable? Yes. Must we try? Yes. Is pity. But at the same time social exclusion is go to one place, do the job and then move. we strengthen good practice? And I think it easy? No.” growing,” said Michael Parkinson. When you focus on one place, a lot of people the big issue is the boundaries for Integrated Hopefully, the 150 participants from 20 are excluded. Don’t they need attention? At Urban Regeneration. Is it the whole city, different countries could do it a little easier. What experience has been the same time it creates dependency. Some parts of the city or beyond the city, beyond “You’re getting 20 years of experience in gained from Integrated Urban people will say that the problems are found neighbourhoods? I think that neighbour- 20 minutes,” said Michael Parkinson. Regeneration in Europe? in that area, but the solutions are not. The hoods are not quite the scale for the future,” real problems are economic, the jobs aren’t said Michael Parkinson before pressing on The participants could consider themselves “How did we get to here?,” asked Michael there, but somewhere else. That’s the down- with the last two Powerpoint slides: warned. Parkinson rhetorically and described pre- side,” said Michael Parkinson and continued Under the heading “Integrated Urban cisely how Integrated Urban Regeneration with the pros: Regeneration in Europe: Messages from has developed in Europe: I LOOK FORWARD TO “On the other hand, working in one place Kvarterloeft”, Professor Parkinson defined “I know that Athens is not Stockholm. Dif- HEARING REPORTING BACK means you really can make a difference. Sec- five focus areas: What is happening in Eu- ferent cultures, different traditions, different SOME GOOD ANSWERS ondly, we have seen it can address market ropean cities? What experience has been histories. They are different. There is no failure. Thirdly, I think you increase capital gained from Integrated Urban Regeneration single European model. We know all that.” and social capacity. Fourthly, you need to in Europe? What worked in the UK & EU? “But there has been convergence on link small excluded areas to the mainstream What worked in Kvarterloeft? What about principle. I was thinking of the last decade economy. Again, it makes a difference.” our conference? partly because of Kvarterloeft. We have been pinching ideas from each other. There Is it desirable? Yes What worked for Kvarterloeft? What is happening in has been convergence on principle about Is it possible? Yes Having outlined the Integrated Urban Re- European cities? what different things might do. At the same Does it work? Yes Michael Parkinson started by saying that the time, national governments are encouraging generation at a more general level, Michael key trends in European cities are globalisa- it.