anticSwiss 02/10/2021 04:52:15

Madame de Ludres-entourage of Pierre Mignard-17th

SOLD ANTIQUE DEALER Period: 17° secolo -1600 Caudroit Style: Luigi XIV Reggenza +33662098900

Length:104cm Width:79cm Material:olio su tela Price:4800€


Madame de Ludres, Chanoinesse de Pousse in Mary Magdalen repentant French School of the 17th century-circle Pierre Mignard (1612-1695)

Canvas 79 cm by 63 cm. Important frame of 104 cm by 87 cm

Our painting is a revisited version of the painting of Pierre Mignard exposed to Versailles. Our Madame de Ludres is depicted here repentant, she cries and especially unlike the portrait of Mignard her hair completely covers his chest. Also note the absence of the skull in our table. Madame de Ludres, Canoness of Pousse (1647-1726) Marie-Elisabeth (known as Isabelle), Marquise de Ludres, born in 1647 in Ludres in Lorraine, and died in 1726 in Nancy, is a mistress of King Louis XIV, rival of Madame of Montespan. Pierre Mignard (1612-1695) Born in Troyes, Pierre Mignard apprenticed in Bourges, from 1622, to the painter of altar paintings Jean Boucher, then to at 's. These two painters, who had formerly made the trip to Italy, perhaps communicated to Mignard the desire for a trip beyond the mountains, a rule for the artists of the generation of 1590, abandoned by the artists of his generation (Philippe de Champaigne, La Hyre). From his long stay in Italy, mainly in Rome, from 1634-1635 to 1657 (he made a trip to Parma, Modena and Venice in 1654-1655), we know very little about it; if the artist is strongly Romanized, he still befriends the painter and theorist Charles-Alphonse Du Fresnoy, author of De arte grafica. His real formation was under the aegis of the Bolognese painting: Annibal Carrache, Domenichino, Albane; he also retained Correggio's sense of chiaroscuro and meditated on Poussin's painting. We are dealing with an eclectic painter and recognized by his contemporaries. His reputation and interest in his art continues today.

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