United States Patent to 11 3,996,342 Ishikawa Et Al
X2: 33 : s , 42 United States Patent to 11 3,996,342 Ishikawa et al. (45 Dec. 7, 1976 54) METHOD FOR THERMOCHEMICAL PRODUCTION OF HYDROGEN FROM FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS WATER 148,782 1922 United Kingdom ............... 423/471 (75) Inventors: Hiroshi Ishikawa, Ikeda, Masanori Nakane, Takatsuki; Eiichi Ishii; Primary Examiner-Edward Stern Yoshizo Miyake, both of Toyonaka, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Oblon, Fisher, Spivak, all of Japan McClelland & Maier (73) Assignee: Agency of Industrial Science & 57 ABSTRACT Technology, Tokyo, Japan A method for the thermochemical production of hy (22 Filed: Sept. 2, 1975 drogen from water is disclosed in which barium iodide, carbon dioxide, ammonia and water are allowed to (21 Appl. No.: 609,662 react with one another and give rise to barium carbon (30) Foreign Application Priority Data ate and ammonium iodide, the ammonium iodide thus Sept. 5, 1974 Japan ............................ 49-102767 produced is thermally decomposed to produce hydro gen, iodine and ammonia, and the hydrogen thus pro Dec. 17, 1974 Japan ............................ 49-145475 Dec. 18, 1974 Japan ............................ 49-146169 duced is recovered as the product. The by-produced barium carbonate is allowed to react with the iodine 52 U.S. Cl. ............................... 423/657; 423/356; remaining after the separation of hydrogen thereby to 423/438; 423/470; 423/497; 423/579; produce barium iodide, carbon dioxide and oxygen, 4231507; 423/648 and the barium iodide and carbon dioxide are recycled 51 Int. Cl.' ....................... C01B 1/02; CO1B 1/04 to the reaction system. The ammonia which remains 58) Field of Search .......... 423/657, 648, 470, 471, after the separation of hydrogen is also recycled to the 423/356,500, 507,497 reaction system.
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