Signatories 1
SIGNATORIES 1. Prof. Ralph R. ACAMPORA - Associate Professor, Applied Ethics, Researcher Environmental Ethics, Hofstra University. Hempstead, New York, USA. 2. Prof. Hicham-Stéphane AFEISSA - Professeur agrégé de philosophie, 21000 Dijon, France. Auteur du livre : • "La communauté des êtres de nature" (2010). 3. Jessica ALMY - M.S., Juris Doctor, Attorney, Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal, Washington DC, USA. 4. Prof. Abel ALVES - PhD, Professor, Department of History, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA. Author: • Brutality and Benevolence: Human Ethology, Culture, and the Birth of Mexico. Greenwood Press. 1996. 5. Prof. Rosalyn M. AMENTA - PhD, Adjunct Professor, Women's Studies, Women's Studies Steering Committee, Southern Connecticut University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 6. Dr. Philippe AMON - Psychiatre attaché, Hôpital Fernand Widal - 75010 Paris, France. 7. Prof. Patricia K. ANDERSON - PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Western Illinois University. USA. 8. Deborah C. ANDERSON Esq. - Juris Doctor, Criminal Defense, Washington DC, USA. 9. Maryline ANSART - Psychologue clinicienne, Service Médico-Psychologique Régional – 59374 Loos, France. 10. Suzanne ANTOINE - Président de chambre honoraire à la Cour d'Appel de Paris, 75001 Paris, France. 11. Stephanie APPEL - LMSW (Licensed Master Social Worker). Michigan, USA. 12. Ursula ARAGUNDE-KOHL - PsyD, Clinical Psychology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 13. Gala ARGENT - MA, Legal Publisher, Argent Communications Group. USA. 14. Prof. Arnold ARLUKE - PhD, Professor of Sociology, Research areas: Qualitative Methods, Social Psychology, Human-Animal Relationships, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. • Founding Co-Editor, Animals, Culture and Society series, Temple University Press (1996 to present) Selected Publications: • Beauty and the Beast: Human-Animal Relations Revealed in Real Photo Postcards, 1905-1935 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2010) with 1 Robert Bogdan • Inside Animal Hoarding: The Barbara Erickson Case Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2009) with C.
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