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2010 Schedule Chart (8 1/2 X 14 In Time Room 1. Room 2. Room 3. Room 4. Moffett Center Moffett Center Moffett Center Moffett Center 9:00 April 10, 2010 SUNY Cortland, Moffett Center Registration Sarat Colling - Elizabeth Green – Ashley Mosgrove 9:30 Introduction Anthony J. Nocella, II Welcoming Andrew Fitz-Gibbon and Mechthild Nagel 10:00 – Academic Facilitator: Jackie Riehle Animals and Facilitator: Ronald Pleban Species Facilitator: Doreen Nieves Social Facilitator: Ashley Mosgrove 11:20 Repression Book Cultural Inclusion Movement Talk (AK Press, 1. The Carceral Society: From the Practices 1 Animal Subjects in 1. The Politics of Inclusion: A Feminist Strategy and 1. DIY Media and the Animal Rights 2010) Prison Tower to the Ivory Tower Anthropological Perspective Space to Critique Speciesism Tactic Analysis Movement: Talk - Action = Nothing Mechthild Nagel and Caroline Alessandro Arrigoni Jenny Grubbs Dylan Powell Kaltefleiter 2. An American Imperial Project: 2. Transcending Species: A Feminist 2. The Influential Activist: Using the 2. Regimes of Normalcy in the The Role of Animal Bodies in the Re-examination of Oppression Science of Persuasion to Open Minds Academy: The Experiences of Smithsonian-Theodore Roosevelt Jeni Haines and Win Campaigns Disabled Faculty African Expedition, 1909-1910. Nick Cooney Liat Ben-Moshe Laura Shields 3. The Reasonableness of Sentimentality 3. The Role of Direct Action in The 3. Adelphi Recovers „The 3. Conservation perspectives: Andrew Fitz-Gibbon Animal Rights Movement Lengthening View International wildlife priorities, Carol Glasser Ali Zaidi individual animals, and wildlife management strategies in Kenya Stella Capoccia 11:30- Species Facilitator: Jackie Riehle Animal Facilitator: Anastasia Yarbrough Animal Facilitator: Brittani Mannix Animal Facilitator: Andrew Fitz-Gibbon 1:00 Relationships Exploitation Exploitation Exploitation and Domination 1. Unnatural Repressions: 1. Animals as Pets 1. Animals and Zoos 1. Animals as tools for Human Use Speciesism as Pathology Zipporah Weisberg 2. Animals in Circuses 2. Animals and Hunting 2. Liberation (Workshop) Adrianne Burke 2. The Dialectic of Anthropocentrism: Ontology and 3. Out of Africa, Into Chains”: Peter Violence Singer's Animal Liberation and the Aaron Bell Human Rights Movement Melissa Phruksachart 3. And Say the Bakemono Responded chris crews 4. The Animal of Bad Faith: Our Existential Stake in Maintaining Human Species Supremacy John Sanbonmatsu 1:00 – Lunch 2:00 Awards Ceremony Judy K. C. Bentley and Anastasia Yarbrough 2:00- Animal Facilitator: Caroline Kaltefleiter Disability and Facilitator: Anthony J. Nocella, II Visual Media Facilitator: Elizabeth Green Workshops Facilitator: Ashley M. Mosgrove 3:20 Enterprise Animals and Tactic Terrorism Act 1. The AETA in Historical and 1. Whose Rights are They, Analysis 1. Moral Shocks and Frame 1. Why Animal Rights is Central to (AETA) Contemporary Context Anyway? Disability Rights and Transformation in Animal Advocacy: Social Justice Tucker Culbertson Animal Rights: Irreverent Parallels An Analysis of Unnecessary Fuss Jasmin Singer and Matt Rice and Paradigms Brian Blankfield 2. Muzzling a Movement Judy K. C. Bentley 2. Emptying Cages: From Animal Dara Lovitz 2. In Relation To Animals, All People Abolition to Prison Abolition 2. Comparative Analysis of Martha Are Nazis‟: Holocaust And Slavery Jenna Calabrese Overturning the AETA Nussbaum‟s Capabilities Approach Analogies In The Animal Liberation 3. Odette Wilkins for Disability and Species Movement 3. Transphobia is a Vegan Issue Membership Clair Jean Kim Noah Lewis 4. AETA Loop Hole Activism 101 Janet Duncan David Lambon 3. Mobilizing the Spectacular: 3. Education as a Mutual Deploying Visual Images in Animal Interdependency Advocacy Sarah Applegate Brian Lowe 3:30- Anarchist Facilitator: Timothy Rodriguez Food Choices Facilitator: Jamie Alvito Animal Facilitator: Elizabeth Green Workshops Facilitator: Ashley M. Mosgrove 4:50 Perspectives and Peace Research and 1. Anarchism, global economics, 1. The Euporia of Eating Well: Anti- Facilitator: Elizabeth Green 1. An Introduction to Building Capacity and environmental destruction Ethics and Asceticism Vivisection 1. Under the Knife: Dissection and the in the Animal Liberation Movement John Asimakopoulos James K. Stanescu Rationalization of the “Cuttable” Body Anastasia Yarbrough Jan Oakley 2. Anarchism, Lifestyle, and the 2. Nobody Wants to Say No to 2. Advanced Critical Treatments 2. On Effective Outreach Non-Human World Steak: Genesis 1 & 2 Veterinary Medicine: A Threat to Em Firesmith Deric Shannon Ana P. Morrón Care? Sandy Dutkowsky 3. Empowering Women in the Animal 3. Fighting for Our Lives, Anarchism 3. Gentle Genocide and 3. Three Paths to Political Influence: Liberation Movement and the Liberation of Us All Compassionate Killing: Is “Happy Can the Animal Rights Movement Erin Skinner Abbey Willis Meat” a Critical Alternative? Wield Power in American Politics? Catherine Brigantino Matthew Mongiello 5:00 – Plenary 6:45 Facilitator: Anthony J. Nocella, II 1. Peak Oil and the End of Industrial “Meat” Production: Emergent Opportunities for Linking Animal Advocacy, Environmental and Anti-poverty Movements Andrew Jones 2. From Silenced to Subject: Animal Agency and Resistance in Coalitional Politics Lauren Corman 3. A Unique Challenge: Exploring Critical Differences Between Animal Rights and other Social Justice Movements Norm Phelps 6:45 – Closing 700 John Asimakopoulos and Caroline Kaltefleiter 7:00 After-Conference Film Screening Skin Trade: What‟s Your Skin Worth (Shannon Keith, 2010) Facilitator: Laura Shields .
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