ENBORNE Kings Farm, Proposed dormer Delegated Allowed 14/01675 Row, window to side Refusal 4.11.14 elevation Pins Ref 2225813

Preliminary matter The Inspector was asked by the Council to view the proposal from the next-door property, Solfonn, which he did.

Main issue The main issue is the effect of the proposals on the character and appearance of the host property and the surrounding area.

Reasons The host property appears to be one of the oldest in , but is now set amidst fairly modern residential property. The applicant wishes to insert a double-pitched dormer in the roof of a former barn, converted into residential accommodation following an earlier permission, and which is linked to the front of the main dwelling. The Inspector fully understood the reason for the appellant’s proposal, given the low and awkward headroom in the existing en-suite bathroom.

Dormers are not an unusual feature of the property, being apparent on the roofs of both the converted barn and main dwelling. The Inspector considered the proposed dormer structure to be well designed in terms of its shape, scale and appearance, and since it would be installed at a level well below the ridge and would occupy a limited amount of the roof’s width, it would be viewed as a subservient and proportionate structure. He did not therefore share the Council’s view that it would harm the intrinsic characteristics of the host property.

Given Wash Water’s busyness in terms of traffic and that it has no footways, pedestrians are unlikely to pass the site in significant numbers, and the dormer is thus likely to be mostly seen by passing motorists. However, because it would be set below the ridge, the dormer could not be seen when approaching from the east. From the west, short-range oblique views of the dormer would be obtained, but intervening hedges would mask these at some points. From those relatively few spots where the dormers could be clearly seen from outside the site, in view of their sensitive design, they would not prove visually harmful.

The dormer windows would overlook Solfonn’s front garden, but this is not a private space. Moreover, the intention is that the proposed fenestration would be obscured, and this can be governed by condition. Further conditions shall be imposed in the interests of visual amenity in respect of materials, and for the avoidance of doubt, another condition is imposed to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans.

Subject to the imposition of these conditions, the Inspector concluded that the proposed development would sit acceptably in its visual context both in terms of the host property and surrounding area. Accordingly, there is no conflict with the general thrust of policy CS 14 of the West Core Strategy (CS) requiring new development to demonstrate high quality design.

All other matters referred to in the representations have been taken into consideration, including the references to the National Planning Policy Framework , other development plan policies and the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions. No other matter raised is of such strength or significance as to outweigh the considerations that led him to his conclusions.

Decision The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for a dormer window to side elevation at Kings Farm, Enborne Row, Wash Water, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 0LY in accordance with the terms of the application Ref 14/01675/HOUSE, dated 26 June 2014, subject to the conditions set out in the attached Schedule.

Schedule of Conditions 1. The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than three years from the date of this decision. 2. The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building. 3. The dormer windows shall be obscurely glazed and shall remain so unless the Council agrees in writing to a different type of glazing. 4. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Drawing Nos. May-01 & May-02 Rev A.