1Urgtnluttnr 3Jouruul WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1974
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 1Urgtnluttnr 3Jouruul WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1974 Session of 1974 IS8th of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 132 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES By Messrs. GEKAS, HARRIER, M. E. MILLER, JR., E. H. SMITH, LINCOLN, D. M. DAVIS, MORRIS The House convened at 1 p.m., e.d.t. and DININNI HOUSE BILL No_ 2149 THE SPEAKER (Kenneth B. Lee) IN THE CHAIR An Act amending "The Local Tax Enabling Act," ap proved December 31, 1965 (P. L. 1257, No. 511), increas Ing the amount of authorized exemptions from certain PRAYER taxes. REVEREND ALVIN J. SIMMONS, chaplain of the Referred to Committee on Local Government. House of Representatives and pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, offered the following By Messrs. BEREN, BLACKWELL, PITTS, prayer: SALVATORE, HILL, WILLIAMS, MYERS and R. W. WILT HOUSE BILL No. 2150 Let us pray: o Thou God of Abraham, Isaac and J aoob. Thou who An Act amending "The Vehicle Code," approved April 29, 1959 (P. 1.. 58, No. 32), further regulating revocation didst hear their prayers in the years past and gone. They of operating privileges of those operating or controlling lived and served Thee and they were victorious. They the operation of motorcycles. believed Thy word, obeyed Thy voice and did bidding. Referred to on Transportation. We beseech Thee to hear our prayer this afternoon 8S Committee we call upon Thy holy name. Bless these Thy servants. Help us to think clearly and honestly without self-decep By Messrs. BLACKWELL, BEREN, PITIS, tion. Help us to spenk without pretense or exaggeration.
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