Science Studies Reader
The Science Studies Reader EDITED BY MARIO BIAGIOLI IN CONSULTATION WITH PETER GALISON · DONNA J. HARAWAY EMILY MARTIN · EVERETT MENDELSOHN SHARON TRAWEEK Routledge NEW YORK AND LONDON IJ6 ARNOLD I, DAVIDSON 25. Ibid., 39. 26. Ibid., 48 (my emphasis). 27. Ibid., 50. 28. T~omas Nagel, "Sexual Perversion," Journal of Philosophy(16 January 1969): 15, 29. Ibid., 16. 30. Nagel, Mortal Q}testions,50-51. 31. Ia~ Hacking, ."Proof and Eternal Truths: Descartes and Leibniz," in S. Geukroger, ed., Descartes:Philosophy, IO Mathematicsand Physics,(New York: Barnes and Noble, 1980), 169. 32. See n. 12, 33, A. C. Crombie, "Philosophical Presuppositions and Shifting Interpretations of Galileo " in J Hinfikk D. Gruedn_er, and E. Agazzi, eds., TheoryChange (Dorohecht: Reidel, 1981), 283, ' · a, 34· M1c?el Foucault, HerculineBarbin, Being the RecentlyDiscovered Memoirs of a Nineteenth-CenturyFrench TradingZone Hermaphrodite(New York: Pantheon, 1980), vii-viii. · 35. Ibid., viii. 36. Ibid., 127-28 (my emphasis). CoordinatingAction and Belief 37. Ibid., 135-36. ~8. I_bid.,123. Tardieu'~ boo){ was publi~hed in 1874. Parts of it had previously appeared in the Anna/es d'hygiene publ1q11em 1872. A fuller d1scuss1onof quest10ns of sexual identity would have to consider this document in detail PETER GALISON 39, H~velock Ellis, "Sexo-Aesthetic Inversion," Alienist and Neurologist34 (1913):156-6 7, · 40. Ibid., 156. 41. Ibid., 159. 42. Ibid., 158, n. 7. 43, Am_ericanPsy~hi~tric Ass?ci.ation, Diagnosticand StatisticalManual of Mental Disorders,3d ed. (Washington, D. C.: Amen can Psych1atnc Assoc1at10n,1980), 261. 44· D. 11:'1·Ro~ier, Des habit111ess_ecretes 011 des maladiesproduites par l'onanismechez /esfemmes (Paris: Audin, PART I: INTERCALATION 1830).
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