Revue Canadienne D'audition
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OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE CANADIAN ACADEMY OF AUDIOLOGY PUBLICATION OFFICIELLE DE L’ACADÉMIE CANADIENNE D’AUDIOLOGIE Vol. 8 No. 3 Revue canadienne d’audition 2013 Articles from the Final Seminars on Audition Noise Reduction to Achieve Quailty ABR Measurement Peer Reviewed Publications Agreement Number 40025049 | ISSN 1718 1860 Message froM the editor-in-Chief | or the past 28 contributions from Dr. Susan Scollie, Dr. Marlene Begatto and her colleagues at Fyears, Seminars Jo DeLuzio, and Marilyn Reed. As you Western University (the new name of the on Audition has can probably guess from the areas of University of Western Ontario) has been one of my specialty of these people, the seminar written a delightful article on audiological favourite hobbies. started with young children and end outcomes for children who wear hearing Joanne DeLuzio with senior citizens and their unique aids, and it’s pretty obvious from the title, and I began co- communication requirements. what that article is about. Alberto Behar, ordinating this who recently received a major award one-day conference Also found in this issue of the Canadian from the Canadian Standards Association back in 1986 and Hearing Report is a transcript from the (see last issue of the Canadian Hearing we just had our final one earlier this panel/discussion section of the fourth Report) has co-written an article with one spring – the 28th Annual Seminars on Seminars on Audition between Harry of the graduate students at Ryerson Audition. The purpose of this seminar Levitt and Edgar Villchur who were the University in Toronto and examine was to get clinicians, hearing aid design speakers for that meeting. Harry Levitt whether headsets with a dual function of engineers, and researchers together in is a retired professor from CUNY in New hearing protection and electronic one room and provide a speaker or York and is well known for his communication can be damaging to one’s speakers that will set the milieu for pioneering work on digital hearing aids. hearing. discussion. In many ways, much of what Edgar Villchur invented multi-band was learned was during coffee breaks compression and is the father of the air And of course we have our regular and from the person sitting next to you. suspended loudspeaker. Previous issues columnists, Calvin Staples (From the Although there are a number of other of the Canadian Hearing Report have had Blogs), Gael Hannan (The Happy HoH), continuing education opportunities now Founders of Our Profession interviews and Dr. Vincent Lin from the such as on-line CEUs, there was with both of these pioneers. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and something special about a face-to-face his colleagues have contributed under meeting with people who may not At the 2012 Canadian Academy of the banner of the E in ENT column Oral normally cross your paths. All proceeds Audiology convention in Ottawa I vs. transtympanic injection of steroids as went to scholarships either at the attended a wonderfully clear and treatment options for sudden sensori- University of Western Ontario (Seminars thoughtful presentation by Andre neural hearing loss. on Audition scholarship) or the Institute Marcoux (who was the first editor of the of Biomaterials and Biomedical Canadian Hearing Report). He spoke To round things out Dr. Brian Fligor Engineering at the University of Toronto about some new technologies and new from Boston has agreed to write this (Poul B. Madsen Scholarship). The approaches in ABR measurements. I issue’s Clinical Questions column, but Seminars on Audition scholarship thought it was so clear that even I could you will have to read further to see what allowed a student in their final year of understand it, so he was asked to write he said. their master’s degree to attend an “extra- something for us. ordinary” facility anywhere in North I wish you all a pleasant warm season, America. Recipients over the years have And talk about clarity, Dr. Jim Jerger wear a hat, use sunscreen, and don’t gone to the Canadian arctic to see how wrote a wonderful article for the forget to register for the next annual hearing aid evaluations and follow-up International Journal of Audiology (IJA) conference of the Canadian Academy of was performed over a 3000 km distance called “Why the audiogram is upside- Audiology this October in by dog sled, and also to world class down.” I saw it in draft form and Newfoundland and Labrador. pediatric facilities such as Boys Town in immediately called him up (and Ross Nebraska. Roesser, the editor of the IJA) to get Marshall Chasin, AuD, M.Sc., Aud(C), permission to reprint it. They graciously Reg. CASLPO, Editor-in-Chief This issue of the Canadian Hearing agreed but I was second in line. The [email protected] Report has a selection of three Hearing Review was before me and so Canadian Hearing Report 2013;8(3):3. summaries of the some speakers from you may have seen this before, however, this last Seminars on Audition entitled it certainly is well worth the read and “Hearing Though the Ages” with the triple exposure. REVUE CANADIENNE D’AUDITION | CANADIAN HEARING REPORT 3 Love at first visit It can happen with Flex:trial Help more patients experience the amplification they need at their very first visit. Introducing the only solution that lets you program one set of hearing instruments to different technology levels so you can offer an immediate test run of the exact hearing instrument they need. Make them love you even more with Flex:trial.™ Call 1-800-265-8255 Vol.8 No 3 | 2013 contents Revue canadienne d’audition DEPARTMENTS FEATURES 3 Message from the Editor-in-Chief RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT _______________________ 7 Message du L’editeur en chef FOCUS Vol. 8 No 3 • 2013 28 Headsets – Are They Damaging Your 9 Clinical Questions Hearing? Official publication of the WITH BRIAN J. FLIGOR, SCD BY ALBERTO BEHAR, PENG, CIH AND Canadian Academy of Audiology GABE NESPOLI, BSC, MA 14 By Popular Demand! 31 Why the Audiogram Is Upside-Down 41 Third Party Funding: Frequently Asked BY JAMES JERGER, PHD Questions BY CARRI JOHNSON, AUD Publication officielle de l’académie canadienne d’audiologie FEATURES ARTICLES FROM THE FINAL E DITOR- IN-C HIEF /É DITEUR EN CHEF COLUMNS SEMINARS ON AUDITION Seminars on Audition Review Marshall Chasin, AuD., MSc, Reg. CASLPO, 10 FROM THE BLOGS@ 36 Director of Research, Musicians’ Clinics of Canada HEARINGHEALTHMATTERS.ORG BY MARSHALL CHASIN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BY CALVIN STAPLES, MSC A S SOCIATE E DI TORS /ÉDITEU RS ADJOINTS 37 Early Intervention for Children with Steve Aiken, PhD, Dalhousie University 13 THE HAPPY HOH Hearing Loss: An Update for 2013 Alberto Behar, PEng, Ryerson University Hearing Loss – A Family Affair BY SUSAN SCOLLIE Leonard Cornelisse, MSc, Unitron Hearing BY GAEL HANNAN Joanne DeLuzio, PhD, University of Toronto 40 My Horsie Has a Cochlear Lendra Friesen, PhD, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre 15 The “E” in ENT Implant: The Importance of Child-Centred Gael Hannan, Hearing Loss Advocate Oral vs. Transtympanic Injection of Outcomes for Children with Hearing Loss Bill Hodgetts, PhD, University of Alberta Steroids as Treatment Options for BY JOANNE DELUZIO, PHD Lorienne Jenstad, PhD, University of British Columbia Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing André Marcoux, PhD, University of Ottawa Loss Sheila Moodie, PhD, University of Western Ontario BY MARY EDGAR, BKin, DAVID CLINKARD, MS, AND 42 When the Brain Gets Hard of Hearing: Calvin Staples, MSc, Conestoga College VINCENT LIN, MD, FRCSC Paying Attention to Cognition in Kim L. Tillery, PhD, State University of New York, at Fredonia Hearing Rehabilitation Rich Tyler, PhD, University of Iowa BY MARILYN REED, MSC Michael Valente, PhD, Washington University FEATURES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PANEL DISCUSSION FROM THE 4TH M ANAGING E D ITOR /DIRECT EUR DE LA R É DACTION SEMINARS ON AUDITION Scott Bryant, [email protected] FOCUS 19 Noise Reduction to Achieve Quality ABR 46 Signal Processing Techniques in Hearing C ONTRIBU TORS Measurement Aids Fourth Annual Seminars on Audition Marlene Bagatto, Doreen Bartlett, Alberto Behar, Christine Brown, BY ANDRÉ MARCOUX, PHD AND February 25, 1989 (Toronto) Marshall Chasin, Debbie Clench,David Clinkard, Joanne DeLuzio, ISAAC KURTZ, MHSC, PENG Mary Edgar, Brian Fligor, Gael Hannan, James Jerger, Isaac Kurtz, Vincent Lin, April Malandrino, Andre Marcoux, Sheila Moodie, Gabe Nespoli, Marilyn Reed, Frances Richert, Susan Scollie, Richard Seewald, Calvin Staples 24 Audiological Outcomes for Children Who Wear Hearing Aids A RT D IRECTOR/DESIGN /DIRE CTEUR ARTISTIQUE /DESIGN BY MARLENE BAGATTO, SHEILA MOODIE, Follow us on Twitter @chr_infor Andrea Brierley, [email protected] CHRISTINE BROWN, APRIL MALANDRINO, SALES AND CIRCULATION COORDINATOR./ FRANCES RICHERT, DEBBIE CLENCH, COORDONATRICE DES VENTES ET DE LA DIFFUSION DOREEN BARTLETT, RICHARD SEEWALD, AND Brenda Robinson, [email protected] SUSAN SCOLLIE ACCOUNT ING /COMPTAB ILITÉ Susan McClung G ROUP P UBLISHER /CHEF DE LA DIRE CTION John D. Birkby, [email protected] ____________ Canadian Hearing Report is published six times annually by Andrew John Publishing Inc. with offices at 115 King Street West, Dundas, On, Canada L9H 1V1. We welcome editorial submissions but cannot assume responsibility or commitment for unsolicited material. Any editorial material, including pho- tographs that are accepted from an unsolicited contributor, will become the property of Andrew John Publishing Inc. FEEDBACK We welcome your views and comments.Please send them to Andrew John Publishing Inc., 115 King Street West, Dundas, ON, Canada L9H 1V1. Copyright 2013 by Andrew John Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinting in part or in whole is forbidden without express written con- sent from the publisher. Publications Agreement Number 40025049 • ISSN 1718 1860 INDIVIDUAL COPIES Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Andrew John Publishing Inc.