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KEFENOKEE NATIONAL WILDLI Waycross, Georgi KEFENOKEE NATIONAL WILDLI Waycross, Georgi (Left to rib _ .4, l, 1 , L, .-- enrollee Robin DeMuro (Staff) 1981 (Left to right) 7, 6, 9, 8 (Staff) 1981 (Left to right) 10, 3 (Staff) 1981 (Left to right) Back Row : 4, 18, 16, 5, 15 ; Front Row : 12, 23, 17 (Staff) 1981 a Flanks Lake - 11 (Staff) 1981 (Left to right) On Wagon : 19, 22 ; On Ground : 21, 20 (Staff) 1981 PERSONNEL 1 . John R . Eadie (EOD 08/07/72) Refuge Manager (GS 13, PFT) 2 . Lloyd A . Culp, Jr . (EOD 12/04/78) Asst . Refuge Manager (GS 11, PFT) 3 . Royce R . Huber (EOD 12/30/79) Asst . Refuge Manager (GS 9, PFT) 4 . Ronald A . Phernetton (EOD 01/09/74) Forester (GS 11, PFT) 5 . Tony R. Gooch (EOD 08/18/80) Forestry Technician (GS 5, Career- Seasonal) 6 . James A . Burkhart (EOD 06/11/78) Chief Outdoor Recreation Planner (GS 11, PFT) 7 . William C . Kent (EOD 06/03/79) Outdoor Recreation Planner (GS 7, PFT) 8 . Norman T . Lindsay (EOD 04/23/79) Outdoor Recreation Planner (GS 7, PFT) 9 . Thomas Worthington (EOD 10/07/79) Outdoor Recreation Planner (GS 7, PFT) 10 . Douglas E . Nuss (EOD 01/16/77) Biological Technician (GS 8, PFT) 11 . Augustus H . Saville (EOD 07/22/80) Biological Technician (GS 7, PFT) 12 . Omer L . Bowen (EOD 03/11/63) Biological Technician (GS 8, PFT) 13 . Cecile Davis (EOD 10/16/72) Administrative Clerk (GS 6, PFT) 14 . Dartha Pittman MOD 12/06/76) Clerk-Stenographer (CS 5, PPT) 15 . Jay Burch (EOD 12/07/61) Maintenance Mechanic (WG 9, PFT) 16 . Virgil Crews (EOD 01/05/69) Engineering Equipment Operator (WG 8, PFT) 17 . Barcus Hamilton (EOD 01/23/69) Maintenance Worker (WG 6, PFT) 18 . James Dixon (EOD 01/23/69) Carpentry Worker (WG 7, Temporary) 19 . Iva Lee Chesser (EOD 10/08/79) Laborer (WG 2, TAPER, Intermittent) 20 . Vannie Hickox (EOD 07/14/78) Laborer (WG 2, TAPER, Intermittent) 21 . Ralph Davis (EOD 03/30/76) Laborer (WC 2, TAPER, Intermittent) 22 . Nell Snowden (EOD 07/14/77) Laborer (WG 2, TAPER, Intermittent) 23 . Sherrill Edwards (EOD 04/05/81) Student Trainee (GS 5) YCC STAFF FOLKSTON CAMP 0 JUNE 29 - AUGUST 7, 1981 24 . Phillip Lott (EOD 06/22/81) Camp Director (GS 7, Fulltime Temporary) 25 . Taska Brantley (EOD 06/22/81) Environmental Awareness Coordinator (CS 5, Fulltime Temporary) NON-PAID RECREATION AND WILDLIFE INTERNS 26 . Bill Dunlap Clemson University, South Carolina 27 . Randy Reeves Clemson University, South Carolina Review and Approvals li ,(1 1'I/1(L /Il(t~'r f', l l~l~~ 0 Date Regional Office Review Date TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 Pay A . HIGHLIGHTS 1 B . CLIMATIC CONDITIONS C . LAND ACQUISITION 1 . Fee Title 6 2 . Easements (Nothing to Report) 3 . Other (Nothing to Report) D . PLANNING 1 . Master Plan 6 2 . Management Plan 6 3 . Public Participation 7 4 . Compliance with Environmental Mandates (Nothing to Report) 5 . i:cnearch and Investizatlons 7 E . ADMINISTRATION 1 . Personnel 10 2 . Funding 11 3 . Safety 13 4 . Technical Assistance 15 5 . Other Items 15 V . lAB ITAT ?L\NA1 ;EMl•:NT 0 1 . General 16 2 . Wetlands 16 3 . Forests 18 4 . Croplands (Nothing to Report) 5 . Grasslands (Nothing to Report) 6 . Other Habitats (Nothing to Report) 7 . Grazing (Nothing to Report) 8 . Haying (Nothing to Report) 9 . Fire Management 27 10 . Pest Control 41 11 . Water Rights (Nothing to Report) 12 . Wilderness and Special Areas 41 13 . WPA Easement Monitoring (Nothing to Report) Page G . WILDLIFE 1 . Wildlife Diversity 42 2 . Endangered and/or Threatened Species 42 3 . Waterfowl 46 4 . Marsh and Water Birds 47 5 . Shorebirds, Gulls, Terns and Allied Species 47 6 . Raptors 47 7 . Other Migratory Birds 48 8 . Game Mammals 48 9 . Marine Mammals (Nothing to Report) 10 . Other Resident Wildlife 49 11 . Fisheries Resources 50 12 . Wildlife Propogation and Stocking (Nothing to Report) 13 . Surplus Animal Disposal (Nothing to Report) 14 . Scientific Collections (Nothing to Report) 15 . Animal Control (Nothing to Report) 16 . Marking and Banding 50 H . PUBLIC USE 1 . General 50 2 . Outdoor Classrooms - Students 57 3 . Outdoor Classrooms - Teachers 57 4 . Interpretive Foot Trails 57 5 . Interpretive Tour Routes 59 6 . Interpretive Exhibits/Demonstrations 65 7 . Other Interpretive Programs (Nothing to Report) 8 . Hunting 69 9 . Fishing 71 10 . Trapping (Nothing to Report) 11 . Wildlife Observation 73 • 12 . Other Wildlife Oriented Recreation 73 13 . Camping 73 14 . Picnicking 73 15 . Off-Road Vehicling (Nothing to Report) 16 . Other Non-Wildlife Oriented Recreation 73 17 . Law Enforcement 75 18 . Youth Programs 77 19 . Cooperating Associations 78 20 . Concessions 78 21 . Volunteers Program 81 Fag 1 . EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES 1 . ti :W COWS tr- uctitill 82 1 . Rehabilitation 84 3 . Major Maintenance 85 4 . Equipment Utilization and Replacement 89 5 . Communications Systems 89 6 . Energy Conservation 89 7 . Other (Nothing to Report) J . OTHER ITL:MS 1 . Cooperative Programs 90 2 . Items of Interest (Nothing to Report) 3 . Cr- edits 91 0 K . FEEDBACK 1 A . HIGHLIGHTS 1981 was not the most exciting of years unless your interests include a prolonged drought, substantially reduced visitation (primarily caused by the drought), and a couple of wildfires brought under control by Mother Nature before they reached the inferno state . Wildlife populations were fairly normal except for larger concentrations in fewer areas because of a reduced water supply . We did get excited a few times when it appeared we were rapidly approaching a dry situation similar to the one which oc- curred in 1954 and 1955 . That was the last time the swamp (at least most of it) burned . Cyclical burning (20-30 years) of Okefenokee is sort of like taking a bad tasting medicine . It's necessary, but it's not much fun . As we ended the year, locally heavy rainfall may well have reduced the fire hazard for the time being . We moved into our new Camp Cornelia shop/office in February . Construction/ design problems remained with us even as the year ended, and it's not easy to get the contractor to do warranty work . The new west side residences (2 each) were finished and occupied at a rental rate of $237 per month . (e continue to do battle to get these very isolated residences designated as s "required" rather than "permitted ." No luck thus far . The new auditorium also was finished . The Ecology Institute of the University of Georgia was awarded a Long Term Ecological Research grant by the National Science Foundation to carry out research on Okefenokee . It is hoped that this original LTER grant eventu- ally will result in a permanent research station on this refuge . The University of Ceor is will remodel our old log service building and use it as a research station in the mean timP,~~J ~rr..+r- he s'fyrl/t~! News at the Banks Lake Refuge has not been good . We'll be moving out as soon as The Nature Conservancy can find a new buyer . Uncle Sam ran out of money before the purchase was completed -- or really even started . Banks Lake Biological Technician Gus Saville spent the last two months of 1981 in the hospital in very serious condition . As the year ended, his recovery ::as slow but hopefully sure . He has had a very rough time . i'or the first time in the refuge manager's career (21 years), the Inspector general's Office conducted a personal property inventory . Fortunately, we were able to account for almost everything . He did a very thorough job . Two of the three log residences at Camp Cornelia were sold during the year . One has been moved by the new owner, and the other is ready to go . The one remaining log cabin (guest cabin) will be with us a while since it has been proposed as a National Historic Site . Personnel remained unchanged in 1981 (except Forest Technician Tony Cooch married ex-YACC'er Gracie Cartrette) . With budget reductions a reality in FY 82 and more to come in FY 83, the future personnel situation may change substantially . Lloyd Culp did take over as number one assistant, but Lloyd was already at Okefenokee . 0 i #1 - This dapper delegation represented the refuge at the wedding of Tony Gooch and Gracie Cartrette . In case you can't recognize them out of uniform, they are (from left to right) Forester Ron Phernetton, Outdoor Recreation Planner Terry Lindsay, Biological Technician Doug Nuss, Forestry Technician Tony Cooch, Outdoor Recreation Planners Tom Worthington and (fill Kent . (Kent) 1981 1981 may well be the last full year that the main headquarters for Olkefenokee is located in Waycross . Plans calls for complete relocation to :amp Cornelia by July 1, 1982 . The main office for the refuge has been in Waycross for 45 years . B . CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Similar to 1980 -- only worse . The rainfall was twenty (20) inches below normal, and the summer was hot-hot-hot-with winter temperatures in the teens from time to time . Local rivers dried up, and the swamp looked like a real prairie much of the time . Lots of vegetation covered the moist ex- panses of peat, but two to three feet of water were missing . In October, the water level was thirty (30) inches below normal but still nearly fifteen (15) inches above the lowest level recorded during the fire years of 1954- 1955 . As the year ended, the water level had risen to 119 .97' MSL which still is sixteen (16) inches below the normal high for December . 3 SUWANNEE CANALRECREATIONAREA COMPARATIVEWATER LEVELS (Feet Mean Sea Level) Normal 20-Year Average 1981 *1954 High Low Hi gh Low High Low January 121 .29 121 .02 121 .20 121 .04 121 .80 121 .54 February 121 .26 120 .97 121 .50 121 .03 121 .52 121 .16 March 121 .40 121 .00 121 .68 121 .37 121 .16 120 .76 April 121 .39 120 .95 121 .65 121 .05 120 .74 120 .46 May 121 .05 120 .95 121 .01 120 .34 120 .62 120 .06 June 120 .75 120 .33 120 .44 120 .12 120 .30 119 .54 July 121 .12 120 .61 120 .14 119 .60 119 .50 118 .66 August 121 .37 120 .98 120 .24 119 .75 118 .62 118 .18 September 121 .66 121 .15 120 .16 119 .28 118 .16 117 .92 October 121 .71 121 .21 119 .25 118 .78 118 .04 117 .70 November 121 .40 121 .09 119 .54 118 .74 117 .76 117 .56** December 121 .31 121 .01 119 .97 119 .42 117 .90 117 .64 *Year last fire-encouraging drought occurred and continued into 1955 .
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