Herpetological Study for Feronia, Lokutu Oil Palm Plantation High

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Herpetological Study for Feronia, Lokutu Oil Palm Plantation High Herpetological Study for Feronia, Lokutu Oil Palm Plantation High Conservation Value Assessment Project Number: CDC2950 Prepared for: Feronia PHC March 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Digby Wells and Associates (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (Subsidiary of Digby Wells & Associates (Pty) Ltd). Co. Reg. No. 2010/008577/07. Fern Isle, Section 10, 359 Pretoria Ave Randburg Private Bag X10046, Randburg, 2125, South Africa Tel: +27 11 789 9495, Fax: +27 11 789 9498, [email protected], www.digbywells.com _______________________________________________________________________________________ Directors: AR Wilke, DJ Otto, GB Beringer, LF Koeslag, AJ Reynolds (Chairman) (British)*, J Leaver*, GE Trusler (C.E.O) *Non-Executive _______________________________________________________________________________________ This document has been prepared by Digby Wells Environmental. Report Type: High Conservation Value Assessment Herpetological Study Study for Feronia, Lokutu Oil Palm Project Name: Plantation Project Code: CDC2950 Name Responsibility Signature Date Caitlin O’Connor Report Writer March 2015 Phil Patton Pr.Sci.Nat. Report Reviewer April 2015 Brett Coutts Report Reviewer May 2015 (Cand.Sci. Nat) This report is provided solely for the purposes set out in it and may not, in whole or in part, be used for any other purpose without Digby Wells Environmental prior written consent. Digby Wells Environmental i High Conservation Value Assessment Herpetological Study Study for Feronia, Lokutu Oil Palm Plantation CDC2950 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the most important countries in Africa for biodiversity conservation. It has the highest number of species for almost all groups of organisms with the exception of plants in which it is second to South Africa. There are a number of species, which are extremely important, and in critical danger, and others, which are unknown to science. High Conservation Value Assessments are critical to ensure whether Oil Palm plantations could have a negative impact. The DRC has a number of rural communities who depend largely on the forest resources and it is important to identify the resources that are used and to define the degree of dependence on these resources (HCV, 2014). Habitat loss is the most significant environmental driver threatening biodiversity. Extensive deforestation has not only resulted in the large-scale loss of forest cover, but has also caused the fragmentation of the existing remaining habitat into numerous isolated patches. This herpetological study forms part of a High Conservation Value (HCV) assessment. As a result the study focuses predominantly on Herpetological habitat assessment, expected numbers of species and the likely occurrence of herpetological Species of Special Concern. This herpetological study forms part of a High Conservation Value assessment. As a result the study focuses predominantly on Herpetological habitat assessment, expected numbers of species and the likely occurrence of herpetological Species of Special Concern. The Lokutu Feronia Oil Palm Plantation lies in the Northern DRC, within the province of Orientale. The area lies within the Central Congolian Lowland Forest. The vegetation consists of rainforest vegetation, which straddles the Congo River and its tributaries. This habitat type is regarded to be Vulnerable. Lokutu Oil Palm Plantation is located on the Southern Bank of the Congo River. The project area covers approximately 63500 HA. The findings of the study present the Lokutu Concession to be moderate to high in species richness and habitat provision in terms of herpetology. Natural, Secondary forest (especially with streams), Swamp Forest and Riverine Forest Habitats are regarded to have the highest ecological sensitivity due to the moderate to high in species richness and habitat provision. These areas are all regarded to be important to conserve for herpetological species. Digby Wells Environmental ii High Conservation Value Assessment Herpetological Study Study for Feronia, Lokutu Oil Palm Plantation CDC2950 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 2 Site ....................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1.1 Geography ......................................................................................................... 2 2.1.2 Climate ............................................................................................................... 5 3 Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Baseline assessment ................................................................................................ 5 3.2 Field Survey .............................................................................................................. 5 4 Findings ................................................................................................................................ 8 4.1 Desktop .................................................................................................................... 8 4.1.1 Reptiles .............................................................................................................. 8 4.1.2 Amphibians ...................................................................................................... 11 4.2 Field Survey ............................................................................................................ 13 4.2.1 Reptile field survey findings .............................................................................. 13 4.2.2 Amphibians ...................................................................................................... 14 4.3 Habitat Types ......................................................................................................... 15 4.3.1 Natural Forest Habitat ...................................................................................... 16 4.3.2 Secondary forest habitat ................................................................................... 17 4.3.3 Swamp Forest Habitat ...................................................................................... 18 4.3.4 Riverine Forest and Open Water ...................................................................... 20 4.3.5 Plantation with termite mound habitat ............................................................... 21 4.3.6 Village .............................................................................................................. 22 5 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 23 6 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 24 7 References ......................................................................................................................... 25 Digby Wells Environmental iii High Conservation Value Assessment Herpetological Study Study for Feronia, Lokutu Oil Palm Plantation CDC2950 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Regional setting of Lokutu Oil Palm Concession, Democratic Republic of Congo .. 3 Figure 2: Lokutu Oil Palm Concession, Democratic Republic of Congo ................................ 4 Figure 3: Transects and sample sites within the Lokutu Oil Palm Concession, Democratic Republic of Congo ................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 4: Expected Species within Lokutu Concession; A. Pygmy Chameleon (Rhampholeon spectrum) B. Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) C. Elongate Quill-snouted Snake (Xenocalamus mechowii) D. Günther's Green Tree Snake (Dipsadoboa unicolor) E. Lamprophis fuliginosus F. Zygaspis quadrifrons .................................................................... 9 Figure 5: Amphibian species expected to occur within the Lokutu concession A: African Foam nest Tree Frog (Chiromantis rufescens) B: Endemic Congo Banana Frog (Afrixalus equatorialis) C: (Leptopelis calcaratus) D: Mascarene Grass Frog (Ptychadena mascariensis) Expected amphibian Species of Special Concern ........................................ 12 Figure 6: Reptile species identified during the field survey at Lokutu Oil Palm Plantation, Feronia, DRC: A: Black-necked Tree Agama (Agama cyanogaster) B. Wolf snake species C: Tropical House Gekko (Hemidactylus mabouia) .................................................................. 14 Figure 7: Amphibian Species Identified During the Field Survey of the Lokutu Concession.A. African common toad (Amietophrynus regularis), B. African Gutteral Toad (Amietophrynus gutturalis) ............................................................................................................................ 15 Figure 8: Natural Forest Habitat: A. Closed canopy of natural forest B. Leaf litter, C. and D Shallow Sand substrate stream with logs and vegetation, deeper sand substrate stream with thick leaf litter floor .............................................................................................................. 17 Figure 9: Secondary Forest Habitat: A and B. Opened canopy as a result of tree clearing .. 18 Figure 10: Swamp Forest Habitat A. and B. Permanent
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