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GIPE-002600-Contents.Pdf (465.7Kb) TIiE STORY OF TIiE. NATIONS EDITION Qrbe ~torp of tbe lElations. ALEXANDER'S EMPIRE. THE STORY OF THE NATIONS. I. ROME. n~' ARTHO: GIL~IAS, ". THE BYZANTINE ElIIlPmE. \1. \. Br C w. C. ()~IA". ~. THE vTEWS. }:y Prvf. J. K. ;1 SICILY: Phcenician, Greek II, '~'-II'·l<. and Roman. J:y t:,e I;u" GERMANY. Elr Re\. S. RARI!'to- l-',. ;. L. \.. l- "FJ'\~.\". (, ~[,,\. 3~· THE TUSCAN REPUl5LICS, 4. CARTHAGE. IIr Prof. ALFRED !:y ]'1 1.1..', J J. fOn', • I. ( L "<H. .n POLAND. J;y \\ . .R. ;\IvKFILI., ;:. A..LExANDER'S EMPIRE. By .'I.e'!... 3+. PARTHIA. By Prvf. (;EORGF: ;;. TJi'Jli{oJ~~I-IN-'S·p\AIN. Rr kA"'.I.~.,,:.:-;. SrA"lF.\-!.A:'>j-"-1' 'I 35· AUSTRALIAN COMMON· ,. ANCIENT EGYPT. J:y Prelf. WEALTH. Ii)' GklC\"!l.! E (;F"J:' 1- R\\\l f"'u." '\ ~lo' ..'.~: 1(1-" 3. HUNGARY. /:,. Pr,A. Af;\!I"I\' ,(,I' SPAIN. Ii< H, E. WATT~. \" \~' 1'1:1,',. 1~. JAPAN. i{}" l!A~'/I) :-'luIIo:A~, 4. THE SARACENS. i>y.\IHHl)l' Ph.U. (;, ".'.' \1..\. SOUTH AFRICA. fly GEOIt'_1!: IV. IR.E.LAND. Il) the Hcm. E\IlLY \1. lIH.AI . L~\'; . Jf,. VENICE. !ir ALF.THl.\ WI!'L. 11. CHALDEA. 1:y ll'''''WL ". 4', THE CRUSADES. Ilj T, A. R." "."x. .\);o..:Ht.. , ;].n<j C. L. hl."G<;' 12. THE GOTHS. r,y }lJ.:" ltV BC;All­ ,." :.1). J R~·. 4'. VEDIC INDIA· By z. A. R ... · 13 ASSYRIA. Br lE·.. "D~; A. RA- '.' ,n", ~.'. WE'ST"·lNDlES· AND THE r,.. TURKEY. l:y ""T.\,,"U·;V L.-I~·F· SPANISH MAIN. By J ....\,~:,; j'" 'I'. fl. ,··,'.'.Y. g. HOLLAND. J\y Prof. J. E. 41. BOHEMIA. By C. ED'>!CNIJ T,',--,_ I:. R,-",u<s. .'II A~ __ ,d~. IG. MEDIEVAL FRANCE. By .q. THE BALKANS, By W. (" ";"F \L~""'L \1" i : ..;, :\1..\. I~. PERSIA L;':-', ,~. W. lln.;. 45· CANADA. li} ~ir J. G. BoeR/. ' .. )":", I. L. r). I~ PIlCENICIA By Prof. f;Ef. 4f. BRITISH INDIA- Dy R. W. R "', :~, r~.'/i h. r.L.H. ,,,. MEDIA. .1Iy ZE"Al!)E :\. RA. 47· MtODERN FRANC&' By A:>"DR~ (,aZlS. 1.[' J', '. 2Q. THE HANSA TOWNS, II) 43. THE FRANKS. By LE\\/S SER' JtF:u·::-l,\!'.IF:,:-'. e;F ". T. 21. EAltLY BRITAIN. R) Prof. 4-j. AUSTRIA. l;~' ~;l/"'E'r' W!I)T· A.LFR1·' I l,,~ !,CII. \fA'-:. 22. THE BARBARY CORSAIRS. sO. MODERN ENGLAND. Hefor" I:~ ~,.", FV I.A·.!-"·P·j<oLE. lhe Re~·,.... ql' lliJ~. Ry Jl·.~r!:.; n RUSSIA. J:y W. R. ;\IClHF'll, )J,.(" i'T'I\"' \1 \ . ;1. CHIN A. J:y Prur. R. K. • ~. THE JEWS UNDER THE D()T·(,:.II~. ROMANS. By w. D. ),I'.'~~I· 5Z. MODERN ENGLAND. from tile Rtf"'",, })1I1 to the PI'" SCO·TLAND. By J')I!~ ~L... clC[:-· ~tTI: Tim(. /:y IL"ST]X ["~h, 1.L.D. 1IcC"R rI!Y. 2(,. SWITZERLAND. By :\Irs LI.~'''' 53· MODERN SPAIN. By?I"'RTlN III ,and R. ~T~:AU. A. S. HU~If:. 2-; MEXICO. Hr S "iI" HAl.E. S4 MODERN I'l'ALY. By PIETRO ~f.. PORTUGAL. {:;- H. MORSE OR~I. ,.., ij' H<r:~,. 55. NORWAY. By H. H. BOYE' 29. THE NORMANS. By SARAH S!'X. OK~f. JE" I':TT. 50. WALES. By O. M. EDW... RDS, Ln:-;DO;-;: T. FISHER UNWIN, PATF.RNOSTER SQUARE, E.C. bC::;, II} :\L~:.\.-\:-'VEK "IHI': loR!o:AT. ,Hrilish ).Iuseum.) ALEXANDER'S EM PI RE BY JOHN PENTLA~D. MAHAFFY, D.O., Prof {If Ani:. llist. ill tJh' C1ti<'~'rsity of Dublin, A1;THOIt OF "SOCIAL I,)~~: I~ c.~F.J:(:t; }"j{,)M HU~!ER TO MESAND£R," " RAMRLES ANlJ ~': ~'lJl,"~ II' "REECE," "A HISTORY' Ot' "RUK CLASSICAL t.ITERATIJRE," ETC. WITH THE COLLAIlORATJON OF ARTH l:R GILMAN, M.A., Al'THO~ 0,- " THE ~TOJtY OF HOME," ATe EIGHTH nlI'RESslO~ ~o"bo" T. FISHER UNWIN PATERNOSTER SQUARE Copyright by T. FISHER UNWIN. 1888. ALEXANDRO LEEPER LL.D. CoIl. 55. Trin. apud Melb. Pra:positc DDD TOTO ORBE SEJUNCTUS • TOTO CORDli: CONJUNcrus .\UCTOW. PREFACE. THE story of the conquests of Alexander has been told many times, and his nam~ is familiar in our mouths as household words; but the history of the different portions of the great Empire that he founded, how• they rapidly gained and lost their independence, and finally were absorbed into the dominions of Rome, is by no means equally well known. It not to be expected that such a conqueror as the great Macedonian should leave behind him any single suc~essor equal to the t~k of holding his vast Empire together, and it is therefore no matter of surprise that it was speedily broken up; but there is, nevertheless, a deep interest in tracing the progress of disintegration, in the course of which one ruler after another was obliged to resign his pcwer, and the inner life of the world was completely trans­ formed. The succession of violent deaths that mark the story. indicate dearly the condition of society at the " PREFACE. period; but, as we thread our way through the laby. rinth of bloody wars and assassinations, we find our attention happily distracted by studying the influence, which is perceptible in them all, of the ideas that Alexander impressed upon the peoples • that he conquered. It is one of the purposes of this volume to present this complex truth distinctly to the reader, and to show also h'ow considerably, Rome was influenced by the ideas of conquered Greece, as well as to indicate the manner in which Hellenistic influences modified the characteristics of the dominant people. CONTENTS. PAce J. ALEXANDER'S PLACE IN HISTORY Tbe infiltl'nCe of a .;;ingle g:l'nius, I-The rise of Alexander a tuclling-point in Greek history, 2-Thc scope of this book, 3. II. YOUTH AND ACCESSION OF ALEXANDER l'hilip of ~L:J.cedon. 4-The chaTJ.ctcc of OlympiM, Alex­ ander's mother. 7-I'hilip aS~:l5sinated. 7-Alc",1nd{'r'~ C:'lm· pan ions, 8, 9--Ilis early training, 9-Experi<'nc,· gained while sen-jng in the heavy ca\"alry, ~His con<iuest of Greece, 10, 1 I. III. THE STRUGGLE FOR THE SUPREMACY OF THE WORLD O:.C. 334--330) 12-30 All'x:lOdcc's army, I2-Th~ start for the .East! 13-The u.1.ttle of Gr:micus, I5-l'lan of the camp:Jign, 16 -19-The victory of lssus, 20 '23-The hattIe of Arbela, 24-Alexamler in PeTsil, 2"'~27-Darius Codomannus, 28. IV. THE MACEDONI.\N EMPIRE A1..-o ITS LIMITS UP TO ALEXASDER'S DEATH (n.c. 323) The Penian Empire, 31, 3Z-The conquest of iI'S thrt.:e divi IX xii CONTENTS. PAG. sions, 32, 33 - Alexander's march, 34 - Wild schemes of masterin~ the whole world, 35-Pas<;.1.::!C of the Hilhiukush, 36-The whole of the Punjab in Akx:mder':; hanus, 36-His twops refuse to go furthcr, 36-J1;5 return, 37-He11f:nistic influences on India, 37-At Bahylon Alexander reClrg,mizes his army, and also his \'3St dominii)n~, 38, 39-Pullishment of offendJng gO\'emors, 39--The king in his camp, 40, 41- His death. 4I-The confusion that followed, 42. V. THE PROBLEM OF THE SUCCESSION (B.C. 323-313) The claimants to the throne, 43~ Philip Arridgeus made titu!l1r king. 44-Division of the empire, 45-The socces~rs in the pru\'inces, 45, 46-Tht· wars of the Succession, 47- The attack on Egypt, 47, 4S-The Lamian War,4S-Tbe fale uf Demoslhenes, 49·-The I>iarlochi, 49~ The Clreer'> of Eurnenes, Se!et1cus, and Ca<;ander, SO-5z-The fate of Alex­ ander's child, 53-Cleopatra, 54. VI. THE LATER WARS OF THE DIADOCHI DOWN TO TOE B,\TTLE OF Ipsus (B.C. 313-301).-THE CAREER OF DEMETRIUS .\ 55-ti8 The general tpoch of Hel1enism, 55-Monarc.hy becom~ the form of govcrn~lt, 55, 56-The reasons why, 56-The prin­ ciple of Feder:nion d('~·e1oping, 57-The fi"e masters of the spoil, 58-Demetrius's attack Oll Rh'des, 59-61-The Rhodian Republic and Federation., 6z-Alltigor.llS' attempts (or unl\'ersal ma.,tery, 65-The fortunes o( :-:.eieucus, Lysiruacl,u5, a.od Ptolemy, 65-67-Tbe fate of Demetrius, 67, 68. VII. FROM THE BATTLE OF Ipsus TO THE INVASION OF THE CELTS (B.C. 301-:278) • 69-75 A new epoch for the Diadochi, 69-Thdr family relations, 70 -Ptolemy's children, 71-The family quarrel, 72-The death CONTENTS. Xlll rAG_ of Seleucus, 73-Keraunos' career, 73-The state ot Alexan­ der's Empire in 280 B.C., 74, 75. VIII. THB INVASION or THE: CELTS (GALATIANS) AND ITS CONSEQUENCES • 76-84 Another epoch, 76-The Galatre, 79-The effects of their inva· sion, 8o-The monument of Ancyra, 83-The welding together of the feeling;; and interests Qj the Hellenistic world, 4 • IX. KING PYRRHeS OF EPIRUS • 85-8.8 Pyrrhus, the Epirot king. 8S-His marriages, 85. 86-His early career, 86-His ineffectual efforts to check the- ad'''ance of Rome, 86-Pyrrhus' struggles in Greece J.nd Maceth,nia, 87 -Mis death, S7-The que"tion of supremacy between the East and the West, 88. X. THE GOLDEN AGE OF HELLENISM The three great kiugdoIllS; 1,1) Macedonia, 89-{Z) Eb)'pl, 8:)-(3) Syria, 9Qr-The lesser power;;,90-92-,,-IIomonymous towns, 92, 93 - \Vho were the people who inhabited these towns? 93, 94-Hellenistic city life, 95.
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