et al.: Alumni News & Notes

In addition to participating in the Relay for lAfhen the Syracuse University Alumni Club Life kickoff breakfast, the club fielded a relay WW of Western was looking for a team that ran in the 18-hour charity event. way to celebrate National Orange Day, mem­ "Last year the community raised $28,000," ber Dick Beyer '53 suggested they attend the Conti says. "It was gratifying to help them American Cancer Society's Relay for Life kick­ reach this year's $35,000 goal. " off breakfast. "The University encourages all WELL DONE alumni clubs to get involved in community he Office of Alumni Relations congratu­ service projects for National Orange Day," Tlates the following clubs for successfully says club pres­ completing the SU Alumni Association's ident Bridget chartering and bylaws process and becom­ Conti '86, G'91. ing officially recognized alumni clubs of the "We discussed association: WJPZ-FM, Daily Orange Alumni several options, Club, Jersey Shore Alumni Club, and Nor- such as adopt- rn~=»' thern New Jersey Alumni Club. a-highway, or AN EXCITING JOURNEY helping with the ince arriving on campus 10 years ago, telethon for the local public S television station, which we Chancellor Kenneth A. "Buzz" Shaw has he Syracuse have done in the past, but this year we led SU on an exciting journey as a world-class TUniversity wanted to do something different. " institution of higher learning. As SU alumni, we Alumni Club The kickoff breakfast was held on can be proud of all he has accomplished. of WJPZ-FM March 24, National Orange Day, Over the years, SU has benefited from strong threw its 16th annual birth­ at the Masonic Lodge in Akron, leadership. If you were here during the days of day bash in February. "An New York, with lodge members Chancellors Eggers, Tolley, or Graham, you enthusiastic group of WJPZ-FM alumni gath­ donating and cooking the food. know that these leaders- each in his own ers in Syracuse each year," says club presi­ Twenty SU alumni club mem­ way- inspired us, educated us, and worked dent Scott Meach '90. "This year, more bers, including the club's board, hard to secure the resources needed to assure than 75 alumni and current staffers cele­ worked from 7 a.m. to noon serving our success. Today, Chancellor Shaw CQntinues brated all weekend-it was sweet." pancake breakfasts to about 150 people regis­ this tradition of outstanding leadership. Tony Renda Sr. '60, CEO of the Renda tered to participate in the June relay event. During Chancellor Shaw's tenure, nearly Broadcasting Corp., one of the country's "We all dressed in orange and made SU signs," 50,000 students have graduated to alumni sta­ largest privately held radio companies, deliv­ Conti says. "Some of us brought orange juice tus. If you attended SU between 1990 and ered this year's keynote address. His speech, to serve, in keeping with our National Orange 2001 , you know firsthand the vision and com­ which mixed humor and sincerity with a good mitment Shaw brings to his role as SU Day theme." Chancellor and president. And you also know the countless ways Mary Ann Shaw, associate of the Chancellor, works to improve the quali­ ty of life on campus and in the Syracuse com­ munity at large. If you have not had the oppor­ tunity to experience campus life during the Shaws' time here, you can determine from our national rank.ings, high admissions standards, and the beauty of our campus that things are going very well. On behalf of my fellow alumni, and as a proud alumna who feels fortunate to be work­ ing at SU, I want to thank Buzz and Mary Ann Shaw for a great 10 years. Here's to many more.

Lit Breul O'Rourke '77 Associate Vice Presidentfo r Alumni Relations

Published48 SYRACUSE by SURFACE, UNIVERSITY 2001 MAGAZINE 1 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 18, Iss. 3 [2001], Art. 7

JOIN YOUR LOCAL ALUMNI CLUB! e encourage you to get involved with Wyour local alumni club. Clubs parti­ cipate in a variety of activities, including game-watching events, networking opportu­ nities, new student recruiting, and com­ munity service projects.

Please check the Office of Alumni Relations web site at:

The Programs link on our home page will take you to the club pages. There you will find a complete listing of all our regional and specialty clubs, as well as the club contact's name, phone number, and e-mail address. For information on the club nearest you, contact the person listed or Alumni Association president Deborah call the Office of Alumni Relations at 1-800- Fritsche, far left, and Chancellor Shaw, far 782-5867. right, with Arents Award recipients, left to right, Walter Broadnax, Elsa Reichmanis, Lansing Baker, and Bob Costas. At right, Bruce Fowle receives an Arents Award from dose of practical advice, focused on consolida­ Chancellor Shaw at a separate ceremony in tion in the radio industry. "Mr. Renda was asked New York City. by a student staffer to share his formula for a successful career," Meach says. "His reply was, AWARD WINNERS 'Do what you love, and do it with passion."' u honored fi ve distinguished alumni in The Melvin A. Eggers Senior Alumni Adrian Arenas '01, WJPZ-FM's production SJune with the George Arents Pioneer Medal Award Recipients for 2001: director and Inixshow coordinator, was award­ for outstanding career achievement. Those Miriam Decker Alsever '3 7 ed the Rick Wright Lock Scholarship at the honored were: Yvonne Miller Phillips '41, G'70 birthday dinner. The award is presented annu­ • Lansing G. Baker G'64, G'72, former SU George Stafford '48, G'72 ally to a senior who best demonstrates achieve­ senior vice president for university relations, The honorees received their awards at the Half ment, a positive attitude, and an ability to teach who recently retired after an illustrious 40-year Century Dinner in Syracuse in June. and advance the educational elements of radio. career in education; WJPZ-FM went on the air on January 30, • Walter D. Broadnax G'75, SU trustee and 1985. The alumni club, which boasts 700 dean of the School of Public Affairs at members, was formed to raise the profile of American University and former deputy secre­ staying WJPZ-FM on and off campus, to position the tary and chief operating officer of the U.S. radio station as the greatest media classroom Department of Health and Human Services; on any college campus in the country, and to • Bob Costas '74, Emmy Award-winning In Touch provide an educational support system for staff broadcaster with NBC and HBO, who has been and alumni. "We achieve these objectives by named "National Sportscaster of the Year" an serving as a networking resource for students If you want information on: unprecedented eight times; and alumni," Meach says. "We also promote • Bruce S. Fowle '60, senior principal with alumni- who went on to careers in radio, tele­ • Alumni events Fox & Fowle Architects, a leading New York vision, film, marketing, and public relations­ City design firm; and • The SU Alumni Online Community throughout the national media and entertain­ • Elsa Reichmanis '72, G'7S, director of the ment industries." polymers and organic materials research • The SU alumni club in your area RETIRING department at Lucent Teclmologies, whose CLUB PRESIDENTS research has resulted in 17 patents and recent­ Visit the Office of Alumni hree alumni club presidents recently com­ ly earned her the Society of Chemical Relations web site at Tpleted their terms of office. We thank them Industry's Perkin Medal, one of the industry's for their continuing commitment. highest honors. and Chicago: Alison Hough '95 Baker, Broadnax, Costas, and Reichmanis click on the appropriate link, or Hilton Head: Ed Braunsdorf '55 received their awards at a ceremony in Syracuse, call1-8oo-SUALUMS (782-5867). Washington, D.C. : Rick Sauter '91 while Fowle was honored in New York City.

FALL 2 001 49 2 et al.: Alumni News & Notes


CLASS OF 1951 remember the day as if it were yesterday. Before I knew it, all my worldly posses­ REUNION GIFT lIt was one of those glorious early Sep­ sions were piled on the dorm room floor, In honor of its 50th reunion, t~e Class of 1951 tember days in upstate New York, when it's and my mother began making the twin bed funded a gift of museum-qual1ty exh1b1t cases still sunny and clear and the sky is a brilliant with the sheets we'd brought from home. to display, preserve, and protect SU Library's blue, but there's something in the air that They matched the bedspread and the pillow. vast collection of valuable materials. These tells you autumn is not far away. Pale orange. exhibit cases will preserve printed and manu­ It was the day my parents took me to col­ I remember being overwhelmed and script materials from ultra-violet light and lege at Syracuse University, and it was one of exhllarated. There I was, 17, about to extreme fluctuations of heat and moisture. the happiest days of my life. It was also one of embark on an amazing adventure. I was The class gift was formally presented to the Li­ the saddest. I've never been divorced, but I thrilled and scared and maybe a little bit brary and University Librarian Peter S. Graham think there are certain similarities. homesick, even though I had left home but on June 1. The cases have been placed in the We drove the three hours to college, the a few hours before. main lobby and on the sixth floor of Bird Library, trunk of my dad's car filled with clothes that The experience was made harder because with exhibits rotating throughout the year. I would not wear once I got there. While I actually liked my parents. We got along. it was still the era of preppy back-to-campus For three years, I was an only child after my CANAL CRUISE clothes-crew neck sweater, Bass Weejuns­ brother went to college. More than 20 years ago Winsor Lott '54, G'63 it soon became the era of bell-bottoms and That is not to say I wanted to live with read a book about the Panama Canal and tie-dyed T-shirts. The transition happened them the rest of my life. I wasn't that big a became so captivated by the "Eighth Wonder of overnight my freshman year, 1967. nerd. And, of course, they embarrassed me, the World" that he was determined to see it for Also making the journey was a stereo as all parents are supposed to do. But they himself someday. He fulfilled that dream last (with detachable speakers!), a desk lamp, a were good company, and I didn't mind going March, when he and wife Carolyn Byrne joined blotter, a brand-new dictionary, and a cor­ out with them on a Friday night for a fish fry, a group of SU alumni aboard the cruise ship duroy bedspread that matched a corduroy something my older brother would never Crystal Harmony on a 10-day trip that included pillow with arms my mother thought would have been caught dead doing, even if he had passage through the Panama Canal. "I was excit­ be good back support when I sat on my bed nothing else to do. ed to see all the things I'd read about," he says. and studied. Her heart was in the right place. My parents hung around for a while. We During the cruise, which was sponsored by I remember the chaos when we pulled in went to a place off campus for lunch, where the SU Alumni Association and hosted by front of the dorm. Cars were lined up for I remember we sat for the most part in Robert McClure, senior associate dean of SU's what seemed like miles, and upperclassmen silence. They asked if I needed to go to the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public were scurrying around, helping the fresh­ bookstore to buy anything we might have Affairs, alumni learned about the history of men move in. It was a Syracuse tradition. I forgotten. I said I didn't. They were stalling. the canal from a Panamanian gentleman would do it the following fall. They were When the car finally pulled up in front of aboard ship. "He told us about the develop­ carrying everything from luggage to lamps, the dorm, I quickly kissed them goodbye, ment of the canal and pointed out interesting stereos to surfboards. I don't have a clue jumped out, and walked away, never look­ features as we navigated our way through the what someone does with a surfboard in ing back. locks to the Pacific Ocean," Lott says. "It was Central New York, but there it was. Did they sit there and watch me walk out a fantastic experience." of their daily lives? Or did they pull away Lott and fellow travelers also enjoyed stops immediately? I never knew. in sun-drenched Cozumel, Mexico, where they I went up to my room and sat on the cor­ viewed Mayan ruins; the lush Cayman Islands, duroy-covered bed my mother had just formerly known as the Tortugas because of made. And yes, I cried. their large turtle population; and the beautiful island of Aruba bedecked with windmills. Craig Wilson '71 is a columnist for USA After the ship docked at Costa Rica, its final Today, where this column first appeared. lt port-of-call, Lott discovered his adventure wasn't is reprinted here by permission of Craig over. "The bus ride to the airport provided some Wilson and USA Today. of the most breathtaking moments of the jour­ ney," he says. "The road zigzagged over high ridges and along the edge of deep ravines- with no guard rails! That was quite a thrill."

For information on alumni travel opportunities, contact Tina Casella in the Office of Alumni Relations at Michael Prinzo 1-Soo-SUALUMS or e-mail cscasel/

Published50 SYRA by SURFACE,CUSE UNIVERSITY 2001 MAGAZINE 3 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 18, Iss. 3 [2001], Art. 7

WELCOME HOME and become part of our expanded fall Reunion Weekend. Homecoming Weekend: COME BACK TO SU IN 2002 November g-11, 2001 And don't forget about the big game: es friends, Homecoming Weekend 2001 SU vs. West Virginia! We've reserved seats Reunion 2002 Yfast approaches, which means it will in a special alumni section in the Carrier May 31 - June 2 soon be time to don your favorite SU sweat­ Dome, with discount tickets available only Honoring the classes of 1927, 1932, 1937, shirts and sweaters and make your way to SU alumni. Details can be found on the 1942, 1947, 1952, 1957, and 1962 back to campus. Homecoming registration form below, on Homecoming 2001 features an array of our web site, or by phoning 1-8oo­ Homecoming 2002 activities, including exhibitions, campus SUALUMS (782-5867). tours, classroom programs, sporting events, Concerned about travel? Don't be-SU Honoring the classes of 1972, 1977, 1982, and 1992 mini-reunions, dean's receptions, and alum­ has arranged special airline rates through ni parties you'll talk about for months. Plus, USAirways and discount train rates through this year we welcome back the classes of Amtrak. Wondering where to stay? November g-11 on your calendar, fill out 1971, '76, '81, and '91-all of which are cele­ Complete lodging and travel details can also and mail the registration form, and get brating special anniversaries. If you are a be found at the alumni web site or by calling ready to reconnect with the people and member of one of these honored classes, be the number above . places that meant so much to you during sure to check your special web site at So be sure to mark the weekend of your years on the Hill.

n g SEE BACK COVER FOR WEEKEND HIGHLIGHTS Use this form or register online at Send this form with full payment by November 2 to: Please use ballpoint pen Syracuse University Office of Alumni Relations-Homecoming 2001 Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss Dr. (circle one) Goldstein Alumni and Faculty Center 401 University Place Syracuse NY 13244-3020 Phone: 315-443-3516 or 800-SUALUMS (782-5867) Name E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 315-443-5645 NO REFUNDS AFTER NOVEMBER 2 Maiden Name (if applicable) There will be NO REFUNDS for football tickets. FRIDAY EVENT Cost (per person) Number Total "Class Act" Parties $10 $ SU Class Year College 1971 , 1976, 1981, 1991 (circle year) Schine Student Center (6 p.m.)

Home Address SATURDAY EVENTS Cost (per person) Number Total Pregame Party (all classes) I $20 $ Goldstein Alumni and Faculty Cente r, City two hours prior to kickoff Game Tickets $20 $

State ZIP SUNDAY EVENT Cost (per person) Number Total Farewell Brunch Buffet $14 Home Telephone Goldstein Alumni and Fa culty Center (9 a.m. to noon)

Subtotal ...... $ E-mail Address Registration Fee ...... $ 10 Total Amount of Payment ...... $ Spouse/Guest Nam e (if applicable) _ Personal check enclosed (payable to Syracuse University) _ Visa I MC Exp. date Guest Class Year and College (if SU alumnus) Signature ------ FALL 2 001 51 4 et al.: Alumni News & Notes

Alliance for Arts Educat ion School Superint endent Award.

Richard J. Rapaport '62 {VPA) of New York City is president of Catch the Light of Peace Let ion of Freedom Ring Inc. He has received United Nations Associations and otes several awards for his global art Send us news of your accomplishments along with a photo. Items creator of the Pablo Picasso goth movement of peace. will appear in the magazine and on the SU web site. Send to: birthday commemorative stamp. Michael A. Weiss '62 (A&S) of New Alumni Editor, Alumni News, 820 Comstock Avenue, Room 308, Albany, Ohio, is president and CEO Syracuse NY 13244-5040; fax 315-443-5425. of Express, The Limited. He spoke on "Creating Brands at Retail" for SU's Genet Lecture Series. Robert P. Bubniak '61 (A&S), asso­ ciate deputy ass istant secretary Margo Hathaway Thomas G'63 ACCOMPLISHMENTS for telecommunications with t he {SW) is a correctional se rvices spe­ Department of Vet erans Affairs in cia list w ith the Depa rtment of Washington, D.C., received the Corrections in Morri sville, Vt. Executive Excellence Award for his Sally King Castle '64 {ED U) is a leadership in the federal telecom­ tenured associate professor of munications community. State Dental Association. education at Cedarvi lle University Helen Mosher Barben '23 {VPA) Nancy S. Dunetz '61 (A&S) retired in Ohio. celebrated her wot h birthday. She Franklin R. Weissberg '52 (A&S), f rom the Neyv York City Board of is founder of the Seneca Fa ll s former acting j ust ice of the New rr===:;:;:::::;;:::=::;J Leonard T. Olson Education. She is a member of t he School District's music program York State Supreme Court. is an Jr. G'65 (ECS) of Broadway Bach Ensemble, a semi­ and a founding member of the attorney with Morrison Cohen Daytona Beach, professional orchestra, and the National Women's Hall of Fame. Singer & Weinstein in New York Fla., is a retired Church of the Good Shepherd City. IBM electrica l Chamber Orchestra. L!!!!!:d!'=:!!!!!J eng i nee r. He Anthony S. Mollica Jr. '54 (A&S) of Ross A. Fleming G'61 {NEW) wrote Masters Track and Field: A DeWitt, N.Y., received the National Jo J retired after 25 yea rs as director of History {McFarland & Co.). Boating Museum's 2001 Annual t he Cauthen Educational Media Israel J. Rosefsky '31 (A&S), a Press Award for his book Gar Kathleen M. Zacher '65 (A&S) is Center and as an associate profes­ retired physician f rom Bingham­ Wood Boats: Classics of a Golden an administrat ive assistant at the sor of education at Francis Marion t on, N.Y., wrote A Doctor's Life: Era {MBI Publishing). University of Richmond in Virginia. University in Florence, S.C. M emoirsfrom Nine Decades of Dorothy Burman '55 (A&S) of New Robert T. Jones '66 {NEW) of Caring (Brundange Publishing). Ronald A. Goodsite '61 (A&S) of York City is a motivational speaker, Cincinnati ha s published his first Tucson, Ariz., is a pediatrician in Anthony Toney '34 {VPA), an artist entertainer, and songwriter. She novel, The Oval Web {Osgood Inc.). private practice and a senior clini­ in Fairfax, Calif., exhibited a retro­ w rote an article, "Launching Your ca l lecturer for the University of David E. Burton '67 {VPA) of spective of his oil pa intings, First Web Site Into Cyberspace," Arizona's Department of Richmond, Va ., received the Remembrance 2001, featuring se lf­ for t he February/March 2001 iss ue Pediatrics. He served as the wgth National Higher Education Art portraits from 1935 to the present, of Sharing Ideas maga zine. president of t he Arizona M ed ical Ed ucator of t he Year Awa rd from family portraits, landsca pes, and Eleanor Berg Hayman '55 (HD) of Association. the National Art Ed ucation abstract works. DeWitt, N.Y., is Ga llinger Real Estate's Association. Marilyn Wolfe Levinson '61 {A&S) top producer for the past 20 years. of Jericho, N.Y., wrote two chil­ Shirley Bara Bernard '68 (EDU) She was featured in National dren's books: Rufus and the M agic retired to Lake Placid, Fla., after 31 Relocation Real Estate magazine. Run Amok {Marshal Cavendish) years as a teacher and administra­ and How We Came to America t or in Miami. {Aief Design Group). Steven D. Leader '68 {A&S), presi­ Richard E. Mace '61 (A&S) of dent of LEADER Realty Advisors in Rochester, N.Y., is an associate pro­ New York City, is a certified media­ fessor of ed ucat ion at Nazareth tor under the unified court system Emerit us at the College. He retired after 21 years of New York State. a=====::J2oo1 M ast ers Harvard Graduate School of as superintendent of the Penf ield World Championships of Alpine Education, is chairman of t he Katherine Cla rk Scattergood '68 Central School Di strict and Ski Racing in Utah. board of trust ees of Judge Ba ker {VPA) is a freelance artist in received the New York State Children's Center in Bost on. Port land, Ore. Margaret Goetzman Beck '52 Associat ion of Language Teachers (A&S/N EW) of Pittsford, N.Y., Distinguished Administrator Donald G. Bredes '69 (A&S) of retired after serving 20 years as Award and the New York State Danville, Vt., has w ritten his third Pittsford town clerk. novel, Cold Comfort (Ha rmony

52 SYRACUS E UNIVER SITY MAGA Z I NE Published by SURFACE, 2001 5 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 18, Iss. 3 [2001], Art. 7

Books), a literary thril ler set in Gregory R. Ferriner '72 {MAN) is Frank M. Markwica '73 {VPA) of E. Irene Zweig '74 {VPA) of Vermont. director of business operations for Mart ha's Vineyard sells rea l estat e Potomac, Md., exhibit ed the Andiamo Capital, a f ina ncial con­ for Coldw ell Ba nker. new est pa int ings in her continu­ Miriam Citron Burhans '69 (A&S) su lt ing f irm in Greenw ich, Con n. ing series, Squares of Sublimity, at of Fairfax, Va., is vice president of William M. King G'74 {MAX) is a Barnes & Noble in Bethesda, Md. operations for the Fa lls Church Elsa Reichmanis '72 (A&S), director professor of Afro-American studies Service Center of Value Options of polymer and organic materia ls at the Univers ity of Colorado, Ann M. Carroll G'75 {NEW), a pro­ Behavioral Health Ca re. research at Lucent Technologies' Boulder. ducer, direct or, and writer in Bell La bs in Murray Hill, N.J., Wash ington, D.C., completed three Kenneth R. Libbey G'69 {MAX) of Joseph H. Maurer '74 (A& S/ EDU) received t he Society of Chemical hours of t he 13- part se ries Treasure Atlanta w rote Vantage Points of Los Angeles is a television and Indust ry's 2001 Perkin Medal. Seekers for National Geographic (Ingram Books), a novel about a radio w riter/producer, who recent­ Channels. woman pilot in World War II. Mark D. Sendroff '72 (A&S), an ly produced M asterpiece Theatre's ent ert ainment lawyer in New York The Song of the Lark. Margaret M. Burns '76 {NUR) is Scott K. Sokol '69 (A&S) is a physi­ City, produced a show featuring executive direct or of Elli ot cian with the - his celebrity clients for his sot h Hospital in M anchest er, N.H. Medica l Grou p in Hicksville, N.Y. birthday party. Allen P. Splete G'69 {EDU) of Damascus, Md., ret ired as presi­ dent of the Council of Indepen­ dent Colleges and is a member of t he Milli kin University boa rd of t rust ees. 2

~~!l~~:.t~:,~ U.S. Air Force Colonel Lewis change appredably. In fact, I saw a decline in Vi Jr. looks back on his distinguished their standard of living as Russia moved RobertS. Berwick '70 (A&S) of military career, he remembers SU as a place toward capitalism and away from a sodety in Norw alk, Conn., is science depart­ where he honed his language skills in prepa­ which dtizens were provided basic staples." ment head at New Canaan ration for military intelligence assignments Wallace went on to hold strategic positions Count ry School. He was named around the globe. in Operation Desert Storm Teacher of the Year for 2000-01 by Wallace joined the mili­ and with NATO, the Pen­ t he National Tea cher Training tary in 1965 at the height of tagon, and the Joint Mil­ Inst itute in New York City. the Cold War and came to itary Intelligence College. Joan Kessler '70 {VPA), a speech Syracuse to partidpate in The experienced aviator pathologist w it h Sa nta Fe Public the Air Force's Russian lan­ continued to build his aca­ Schools and an entertainer, sang guage training program. demic credentials, taught God Bless America at t he st art of He later earned a bache­ in both military and high­ the 2001 New M exico legislative lor's degree summa cum er education settings, and session. laude in Russian area stud­ received numerous decor­ ies from the College of Arts ations, including two pres­ Diarmuid H. O'Hara '70 {VPA) is a and Sdences and then tigious Defense Superior pastor at the First Presbyt erian studied Russian at the Service Medals and six Air Church in Oak Hill, W.Va. Pushkin Russian Institute Medals. Anita K. Toney '70 {VPA), an in Moscow. One of his proudest instruct or at the City College of Wallace's aptitude for accomplishments was ser­ San Francisco, displayed et chings languages brought him ~~~~ ving as commander of in t he printmaking faculty exhibi­ plum assignments. Most IIi numerous humanitarian t ion at the City Art s Gallery and memorable was his 1988 relief missions to former print s at t he Nancy Dodds Ga llery appointment as assistant air attache at the Soviet republics in Operation Provide Hope in in Ca rmel, Ca lif. American Embassy in Moscow. There he the early '90s. "We brought millions of tons of advised the ambassador on military develop­ food and medical supplies to the people of the Nora Feingold Carrol '71 {VPA) of ments and escorted visiting offidals and con­ former Soviet Union," he says. Clifton, Va., is pres ident of gressional delegations. "I was the first and, to Before retiring from the service in 2000, and an associat e my knowledge, the only African American to Wallace was a professor of aerospace studies professor of business/manage­ hold this position," he says. at Howard University. He now works for the ment at t he University of At that time the former Soviet Union was Department of Defense in Washington, D.C., as M aryland, University College. She engaged in a tumultuous period a Russian area specialist. wrot e an article, "Online perestroika, of economic and governmental reform insti­ ''The 35 years I spent in the military brought Discussion: Springboa rd or tuted by Mikhail Gorbachev. "I saw many me challenges that were extremely reward­ Ga ngplank?" for Distance Learning changes, but most were superfidal," Wallace ing," Wallace says. "I like hard work and vari­ magazine. says. "People had a little more hope, but the ety. The armed services provide an excellent condition of the average Russian didn't career for anybody.'' -carol North Schmuckler

FA L L 20 0 1 53 6 et al.: Alumni News & Notes

Patrick A. Huyghe G'76 (NEW) of, lliamW. Douglas B. MacGregor '79 (VPA), web development company in Putman Valley, N.Y., is ed itor-in­ an edit orial ca rt oonist for the Fort Nort h Syracuse. chief of Paraview Press, a new Myers News Press, published Patricia Martinson Newland G'S1 print-on-demand and e-book pub­ Chadsville, Florida-A Collection of (NUR), a professor of nursing at lishing company in New York City. Election 2000 Cartoons from the Broome County Com munity He co-wrot e two new books: The Syracuse law Sunshine State. Col lege in Binghamton, N.Y., Field Guide to UFOs (Quill/ f irm Meggesto, Crossett & Rock E. White '79 (MAN) of received t he 2000-01 SU NY HarperCollins) and The Field Guide Va leri no, is a cont ri but ing author Chesapeake, Va., is managing part ­ Chancellor's Award for Excellence to Ghosts and Other Apparitions of t he Larson Series New York ner of t he CPA f irm White, Wilson in Teaching. (Quiii/ HarperCol li ns). Workers Compensation Ha ndbook. & Associates. Stepha nie Jeffrey l. Paine '76 (ARC), co­ Katherine A. Williams Torres founder of Duda/ Paine Architect s Edward G'7S 'S1 (A&S), an in Durham, N.C., is design archi­ (EDU), sen ior [!I associate w ith tect for severa l large project s in manager at the law firm of North Ca rolina and Georgia. Avaya Inc., co­ Hodgson Ru ss in wrot e The New Janet Zrebiec Flores 'So (A&S) is Christopher N. Buffalo, N.Y., was admitted t o t he Dynamic Project Management: vice president of sa les for t he cus­ Carley '77 (ARC) New York Stat e Bar. Winning Through the Competit ive t omized communications solu­ is owner of C.N . tions group at R.R. Donnelley Advantage (Jo hn Wiley & Sons) Lynne Yaffe Bingham 'S2 (NEW), Ca rley Associat es, Fin ancial in Ch icago. owner ofTheStorkDel ive, Architect s and Steven L. Good '7S (MAN)-is presi ­ expa nded her offerings t o include Plan ners in dent and CEO of Sheldon Good & Kenneth J. Hale 'So (A&S) of t hemed bas kets, a bedding bou­ Co ncord, N.H. He received a Co., an international real estate Portsmout h, N.H., is a loan officer tique, a sibling section, and a sec­ Citation for Excel lence in auction firm in Chicago. He also is w ith GreatS t one Mort gage and a tion for new moms. Architecture f rom t he New a member of the Execut ives Club. member of the Un ited Way of the Hampshire Chapter of t he Greater Seacoast funds distribu­ Renee L. Cockfield 'S2 (NEW) is a MarkS. Keith '7S (A&S), president Ameri can Inst it ut e of Archit ects tion pa nel. maintenance supervisor for Agere of United Aut o Workers Local 8 0 2 for his design of t he Ledyard Syst ems in Reading, Pa. in Cortland, N.Y., completed work Bridge. as a re sea rch ass ist ant at the Christine L. Herb Marshall H. Fishman '77 (A&S) is a School of Industri al and Labor 'S2 (NUR) of pa rt ner in t he litigation depart ­ Relations at Corn ell University. Cat hedral Cit y, ment of Kra mer Levin Naftalis & Ca lif., is owner Albert A. Kruger G'7S (ECS) of r term as an Frankel in New York City. and operat or of Richland, Wash., is a lead enginee r Onondaga County family court Beacon Nurse Shawn Washington Jean-Marie w ith WASTR EN Inc. He holds one j udge. Consult ants, a certified wound '77 (VPA) of Willingboro, N.J., is French and t hree U.S. patents for and ost omy consu lting agency. ass ist ant vice president and ass is­ his work in glass surfaces. Dennis W. Hickey 'So (MAN) is vice president of sa les at Mission t ant co ntroller of t he Un it ed Bank Marci L. Grabelle 'S3 (H D) is vice William M. McGuire '7S (ARC) is Crit ical Linux Inc. in Lowell, Mass. of Philadelphia. principa l and director of special president of Nantucket (M ass.) Gienn Israel 'So services at Brielle (N.J.) Elementary Richard W. Orloff '77 (NEW), Arch itect ure Group, w hich special­ School. resea rch manager for t he Asbury izes in resident ial homes. (VPA) of Cape Park Press in Neptune, N.J., wrot e Eliza bet h, M aine, Laurence C. Tarowsky 'S3 (MAN), a Cheryl Bernstein Gurin '79 (NEW) [i] is a shareholder Apollo by the Numbers: A se lf-employed attorney in is director of reso urce develop­ at Bernst ein, Statistical Reference (NASA). M an hattan specializing in person­ ment for The Dubnoff Center, a Shur, Sawyer & al inj ury law, is a member of the William B. Ruscio '77 (A&S) is nonprofit agency providing devel­ Nelson, where he is an attorney boa rd of directors ofThe Child­ manager of client syst ems imple­ opment and educat ional t herapy w ith t he employment law prac­ ren's Institute in Verona, N.J. mentat ions at Fidelity for ch il dren in North Hollywood, t ice group. Invest ments in Toronto. Ca lif. Flavia J. Tuzza G'S3 (LAW) of Juri A. Tults 'So Smyrn a, Ga ., wrote, LegalEats , A Wendy Goldband Schunick '77 Kyung Suk In G'79 (MAX) is pres i­ (VPA) is chief Lawyer's Lite Cookbook (Writers (SW) of Owings M ill s, Md., w rot e dent of Nat ional Pension Corp. in operat ing officer Club Press), targeted to t he lega l Breaking Autism 's Barriers: A Seou I, Sout h Korea. of CRE M arcom comm unity. Father's Story (Jessica Kingsley in Indianapolis. John R. Lantelme '79 (MAN) is Publi shers), w hich describes a Naowarat Bumrungchit G'S4 deputy executive director for busi­ family's st ruggle t o secure an (ED U) of Jatujak, Bangkok, is vice ness modernization at the U.S. James W. Walsh G'So (VPA) exhib­ appropriat e education for t heir pres ident of the Thai land Navy's Defense Logistics Agency. it ed paintings in a one-man show aut ist ic child. Securities Institute. He lives in Wood bridge, Va., w ith at Long Fine Art in New York City. Allen H. Boxbaum G'7S (EDU) of wife Sue Ellen Hendrickson Charles S. Blecker 'S1 (NEW) is a Claire LaFleur Hall 'S4 (NEW) and Sa ratoga Springs, N.Y., is t he Lantelme '79 (HD), an elementary photographer in New York City. husband St ephen of Cheshire, administ rat or of Ca pit al subst it ute teacher at Pri nce Conn., announce t he birt h of t heir Ca rdiology Associates. William City School. Chung-chi Cha G'S1 (ECS) is presi­ son, Nicholas, who joins big sist er dent of Purplewire, an int eractive Court ney.

S4 SYRAC U SE UN I V ERS I TY M AGA Z I NE Published by SURFACE, 2001 7 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 18, Iss. 3 [2001], Art. 7

John J. Luczycki Jr. '84 (MAN) of Adam W. Sulimirski '85 {A&S) of Paris is vice president, corporate Kinnelon, N.J., is president of controller, and chief accounting Marex-USA, an aromatic gift man­ officer of Vivendi Universal, a ufacturer with 12 factories located media and communications throughout Eastern Europe and company. Asia. Milton G. Allimadi '85 (A&S) is Caron Andregg G '86 (NEW) is co­ Fauve, it's all about telling a story. And as president founder and editor-in-chief of founder and COO of the web and production partner of Egg Pictures in Los Angeles, that's The Black Star News, a weekly development firm Quantum essentially what she does. She finds a story she wants to tell, newspaper targeted to New York Redhead in Costa Mesa, Calif. brings in the best screenwriters to develop a script, and then City's African American community. works on financing, producing, Diane Harkins Archer '86 (MAN) and marketing to bring the story Karen J. Barnes '85 (VPA) of and husband Mike of San to life. "I do what I do because I Annapolis, Md., is owner of Green Francisco announce the birth of love storytelling,'' LeFauve says. Heron Studio, a custom stained­ their son, Ian Michael. "Nothing is more gratifying than glass business. She illustrated the Rose Marie Banko Edinger G'86 coming up with the twists and children's book Very First Things to {NUR) is a colonel in the U.S. Army turns of a good story. I am fortu­ Know About Frogs, which was and director of nursing at Evans nate to have combined my love exhibited in the Society of Army Community Hospital at Fort of storytelling and film with Illustrators' Original Art show. Carson in Colorado Springs, Colo. my skill of managing large, com­ Kimberly J. Barnes '85 (VPA) of plex projects." Marisa Klein lacomini '86 (HD) of Severna Park, Md., received the For LeFauve and Egg Pictures, Boston is a medical social worker judges'third choice award for her the four-person production com­ on an adult inpatient unit at acrylic painting, Sea Grapes, in the pany owned by actress Jodie Massachusetts General Hospital. International Miniature Art Show Foster and Paramount Pictures, in Clearwater, Fla. Ramu S. Kannan G '86 {MAN) is the results have been spectacu­ chief technology officer at ProAct lar. Baby Dance, a powerful tele­ Jed M. Buck '85 (MAN/NEW) is Technologies Corp. in Boston. vision film that aired on Showtime in 1998, was the first pro­ COO of Media America Radio/ ject LeFauve developed from concept to finished product. It Cable in New York City. Richard C. Lauricella II '86 was nominated for four Emmy and three Golden Globe (A&S/NEW) of Syracuse is legal Brian D. Burns '85 (A&S) of awards, and also received a Peabody Award for outstanding administrator for the Albany Oneonta, N.Y., presides as an television production. The movie focuses on a wealthy, mid­ regional office of the international Otsego County judge in family dle-aged, childless couple who seek to adopt the child of a firm Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, court, surrogate's court, and as poor Louisiana couple. ''This project was a labor of love for Edelman & Dicker. one of two superior criminal court me," says LeFauve. "This film deeply touched people, and, ulti­ judges. Essa A. AI-Sadi G'87 (MAX) is assis­ mately, I think that's why you produce a film. I'm fortunate to tant undersecretary for the work with someone like Jodie Foster who wants to produce Gayle P. Englert '85 (A&S), director Ministry of Social Affairs in Safat, films that carry a deeper message." of human resources for Cole, Kuwait. LeFauve, a 1987 Newhouse graduate who now serves on the Schatz, Meisel, Forman & Leonard school's advisory board, joined Egg Pictures in 1992 as a story in Hackensack, N.J., wrote Leading editor, and, over the next six years, worked her way up to com­ the Legal Recruitment Team: A pany president. Among her current projects, she is in post-pro­ Recruitment Administrator's duction with TheDangerous Lives of Altar Boysand is executive Handbook (NALP). producer for Jodie Foster's Flora Plum. "It may sound glam­ Patricia Connolly Hughes '85 orous, but it's really a lot of work," LeFauve says. "From concept (NEW) of East Greenbush, N.Y., is a to release, it takes three to five years to complete a project." senior associate and marketing Despite the long hours LeFauve puts in at Egg Pictures, she manager at Einhorn Yaffee serves as co-chair of UCLA's Graduate Producers Program, Prescott Architecture & where she teaches several one-on-one thesis courses. And Engineering. Karen Kalp Berrell '87 (NEW) and true to her passion, she also teaches a course on storytelling. Robert P. Berrell '87 (NEW) of "I really enjoy working with the students, teaching them that Tracey L. Matura '85 (MAN) is gen­ Apple Valley, Minn., announce the at the heart of every film is a good story," she says. "If they eral counsel and secretary of birth of their son, Andrew Steven, learn that, they have a greater chance of a successful career." Mercedes-Benz USA in Montvale, who joins big sister Kathrine Ann. -MarkOwaarski N.J. Elizabeth R. Birge G'87 (NEW) is Alan Raymond Prusak '85 (ECS) an assistant professor of journal­ and wife Stacey ofTampa, Fla., ism at William Paterson University announce the birth of their therapist at the New York Found- David A. Rodgers Jr. '87 (NEW) of in Wayne, N.J. daughter, Sydney Alana. Prusak is 1 ing Hospital. Albany, N.Y., is general manager of Seger Communications. vice president of ALLTEL Marion Peracchio '87 (EDU) of Josh L. Perrin '87 {MAN) of Communications. Queens, N.Y., is a special education Casselberry, Fla., is regional direc­ John J. Willis Jr. '87 (MAN) is tor for Pilot Corp. agency distribution manager for FALL 2001 55 8 et al.: Alumni News & Notes

Progressive Insurance in East earned a doct orate in communi­ Karl J. Sleight G'8g (LAW/MAX) is Lynn Rine Swann '8g (NEW) and Elmhurst, N.Y. cations from Oh io University. executive direct or of t he New York husband Bi ll announce the birth State Et hics Co mmission in of their da ughter Emily Anne, who Peter A. lavinger Christopher W. Van Deusen '88 Albany. j oins big sist er Sa ra. Swann is '88 (A&S) of New (NEW) is a reporter/anchor for manager of public relat ions for York City is KTRH rad io in Houston. Michelle Angwin Stilwell '8g Th e Greenbrier in Whit e Su lphur named in the (MAN) and James R. Stilwell '8g Keith J. Johnson '8g {ECS) is direc­ Springs, W. Va. Cuin ess Book of (ECS) of Hopki nton, Mass., tor of marketing at Norte I World Records as announce t he birth of their Netw orks in Alpharetta, Ga. having t he world's largest auto­ daught er, Jane Eliza beth, w ho graphed drumstick collection, Mary Fuller Petryszyn G'8g (ECS) joins big brot hers Thomas and w ith more t han 1,300 drumst icks. of Aurora, Colo., is director of sur­ Isa ac. Mich elle is a document ation face combat and f ire cont rol sys­ manager for PhyWorks Inc., and Stephanie L. Adler 'go (NEW) and Deborah '88 (VPA), an tems for the Nava l & Maritime James is an ope rations manager husband Jeffrey Regen st re if of ass ist ant professor at Eliza beth­ Int egrat ed System s unit of for Intel. Rochest er, N.Y., announce t he birth t own College in Pen nsylvania, Raytheon Co. of their daughter Sydney, w ho j oins big sist er Ju lia.

Bruce M . Carroll Jr. 'go (A& SI NEW) of Alexandria, Va., is director offederal affairs for Jo hnson & Johnson's Washingt on, D.C., office.

Alison Wangsness Clement 'go (NEW) and Matthew G. Clement 'go (A&S) of Apopka, Fla., D.C., landing a job there an nou nee the birth of t hei r son after graduation. And rew Leland, w ho joins big After several years with brot her Zachary. Alison is creat ive the IRS, Fritsche left the East manager of web design at Sa les & Coast and settled with her Marketing Technologies, and Matt husband in Texas, where she is a rout e manager at G&K earned a law degree from Se rvices. the University of Houston. She clerked for a federal Arlene Uszynski judge and then worked for a Distel 'go (NEW) couple of large law firms is creative group before going solo in 1994, D head for Gillespie concentrating on bankrupt­ Ad vertising in cy and commercial litiga­ Princet on, N.J. tion. "I miss the support staff Thomas Gualtieri and resources a major law 'go (VPA) is a firn1 offers, but Ihave a much w riter and act or more challenging job," she in New York City says. "I must be many things who is w orking for usually small clients with l!!!!!!!!!!!!::~~o n the National limited resources, which Actor's Theatre product ion of requires creativity and ingenuity." Judgment at Nuremberg. He is a Fritsche, who is also an SU trustee, became member of t he original cast of the 2000 president of the Alumni Association in off-Broa dway play Naked Boys and has set an ambitious agenda for the orga­ Singing. nization. "I would like the Alumni Association to be student-centered, connecting with new Monesh V. Hira nandani 'go (A&S) students right from the beginning with strong of Sa n Francisco is direct or of cor­ alumni participation in the admissions office's porat e development at Mob ileum, alumni representative program, and the Office a w ireless software start -up com­ of Alumni Relations' send-off program," pa ny. Fritsche says. "We also want to increase our Kamran Jamal G'go (ECS) of partnership with the regional and specialty Lahore, Pakista n, is an Internet clubs, assure that our board represents our security, f irewall design, and soft­ diverse alumni population, and help establish ware development consult ant and an obvious alumni presence on campus." pres ident of Kam ran.Com. -

Published by SURFACE, 2001 9 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 18, Iss. 3 [2001], Art. 7

Gayle E. Lewin '90 (HD) married Kristen l. Hesch '91 (VPA) of Laurie Gauch Nichols '91 (VPA) is a arts, media, and presenting orga­ Joseph Ca ntaffa. She is a market­ Brooklyn, N.Y., is director of public designer for Showt ime Enterprises nizations at the Massachusetts ing and design director at The Mr. relations for Macy's, a division of in Lithia Springs, Ga. Cu ltural Council in Boston. & Mrs. Recording Co. in Howell, Federated Department St ores. David M. O'Neil '91 (ARC) of Forest Cammy Mistero Dicicco '92 (NEW) N.J. Melissa Jackson '91 (MAN) is legal Hills, N.Y., is a project architect at of Atlantic Beach, N.Y., is a kinder­ Katrina Demetrick Russo '90 (VPA) counsel for the University of Stonehill & Taylor Architects in ga rten t eacher with t he Hew lett and husband Ca rlo announce the Wisconsin at Green Bay. New York City. school district. birth of their son, Natale Thomas. Yongwon lung G'91 (ECS) is a pro­ l. Hunter Rose '91 (1 ST) married David W. Donovan '92 (NEW) is a Russo is an assistant branch man­ fessor in the Department of Robyn Jud ith Cohen. He is a senior se nior account executive wit h ager at Seneca Fed era I Savings Environment al Engineering at consu ltant with t he Gartner Marx Layne Public Re lations in Ban'k of North Syracuse and lnha University in Inchon, Korea . Group in Irving, Texas. Detroit. Liverpool, N.Y. Kristin M. Knuuttila '91 (A&S) is Annette Marie Ruiz '91 (HD) mar­ Kevin W. Donovan '92 (1ST), sen ior Kimberly Simmons Schulman '90 an attorney with Prince, Lobel, ried Victor M. Asturias '91 (ECS). manager for regional pract ices at (A& S/NEW) of Irvington, N.Y., is Glovs ky & Tye in Boston. He is general manager of Al ipak, the Dartmouth-Hitchcock M edica l projects officer in the Office of S.A., in Guatemala. They reside in Center in Lebanon, N.H., is a fell ow Sponsored Programs at New York Amy Stormes Kremenek '91 Miami with da ughters Gabriela, in the American College of U n ive rs ity. (NEW), senior public information Paulina, and Da niel Ia. Medical Practice Executives. coordinator for the Southern Arthur M. Teed '90 (A&S) of Nevada Water Authority in La s Thomas M. Walsh '91 (A&S) is Cristina DiMarco Hatem '92 Houst on is a special education Vegas, pa ssed the Public Relations manager of client relations at (NEW) is market ing communica­ t eacher and coach w ith Cypress­ Society of America's accreditat ion DoubleCiick in New York City. t ions direct or at t he Fagliarone Fairbanks lSD. exam. Group, a certified public account­ Thomas P. Werme '91 (NEW) and ing f irm in Syracuse. Peter E. Larson Ill wife Kirsten announce the birth of '90 ~::~~~~ '91 (ARC) is a their son, Cameron James. Werme Rayna J. Katz '92 (NEW) of (MAN) is market­ partner at Ashley is a weekday sports anchor at New York City is managing editor ing direct or of McGraw WPMT-Fox 43 in Harrisburg, Pa . of Meeting News, a newspaper ""' Creat ive Outlet Architect s in for meeting and conve nt ion Da nce Th eatre of Christie leigh Syracuse. orga nize rs. Brooklyn. The dance troupe has Berlanti '92 performed at the United Nations, Donald l.lundy '91 (A&S) of (A&S) of George H. Kirby Ill '92 (ECS) of the Acapulco Black Film Festival, Culver City, Ca lif., is a director at Queensbury, N.Y., Charlton, N.Y., is a registered pro­ and for Essence magazine. Prudential Mortgage Capital Co. married Michael fessional engineer and program Brian Sokol. She manager for General Electric Craig R. Waksler '90 (A&S) of is a supervisor of social w ork at Power Syst ems' st eam turbine Newton, Mass., is a part ner in the the LaSa lle School in Albany, N.Y. product development group in law f irm of Taylor, Duane, Barton Schenectady, N.Y. & Gilman. Michelle R. Berman '92 (HD) is a announce the ch ildren's woven designer at May Erik J.Levin '92 (A&S) is associat e Christina Wehle Bauer '91 (NEW) l!::i:=====.!birth of their Co. in St. Louis. counse l w ith NBA Propert ies in of Bost on is founder, president, daughter, Barbara El len. Maxwell New York City. and CEO of Mindful Technologies Melissa A. Betron '92 (EDU) of owns GLM Des ign, a graphic in Newton, M ass. Somerset , N.J., is vice principal at Andreas K. Meyer '92 (VPA), an des ign business in Fall s Church, West Windsor- Plai nsboro High audio engineer for SO NY Music Christine E. Brown '91 (VPA) of Va. School North. Studios in New York City, won a Belmont, Mass., married John N. Darren P. McKee '91 (VPA), morn ­ Gram my Award for Best Historical M cM anus. She is a graphic des ign­ Donald D. Brown '92 (MAN) of ing show co-host for KBPI radio in Recording for the Legacy Record s er for Putnam Investment s. Syracuse is a category manager Denver, was featured in Radio & release Louis Armstrong Hot Fives for Kraft Foods. He is chairman of Janel C. Cunneen '91 (A&S/ N EW) Records magazine, after reaching and Sevens. the Penn M asters Golf is executive producer for Jack number one for the fall 2000 rat­ Ch ampionship & GKM Golf Amanda Smith Scudder '92 (A& S) Morton Worldwide in Bost on. ings period. McKee's show, Th e League. and Andrew M. Scudder '92 (ARC) Locker Room, was nom inat ed for Melissa S. Decker G'91 (MAX) of of Ri chmond, Va ., announce t he Best M ajor Market Active Rock Victor J. Bruce '92 (ARC) is a regis­ Alexandria, Va., is a legislative bi rth of t heir daught er, Evelyn M orning Show. tered project arch it ect with Spi llis direct or for Congressm an Ed Tate. Amanda is director of com­ Candela DMJM in Coral Gables, Schrock. rr====:===;Uc•seph A. munity initiatives at United Way, Fla. Nesteriak II '91 and Andrew is an architect. Claire Pridmore Grimble '91 (MAN) married Peter M. Cucci '92 (ECS) is a se nior (MAN/ NEW) is conference man­ Kelly Comfort Sheridan '92 (A&S) Kyra A. Pisht ey. lead engineer for Xerox in ager for t he Depart ment of and Matthew D. Sheridan '92 He is deputy Rochest er, N.Y. Cont inuing M edica l Educat ion at (ECS) announce t he birth of t heir Boston University's School of Eric B. D'Aiessa ndro '92 (VPA) is daughter, Emma Rose. for t he Con necticut Depart ment Medicine. program coordinator for commu­ of Pu blic Works in Hartford. nity-based, multidisciplinary, folk

F AL L 2 00 I 57 10 et al.: Alumni News & Notes

Nicholas L. Springer '92 (A&S) birth of t heir son, John Hamilt on Louis J. Cumbo '93 (ECS) is a se ntative for Andy's Transfer/ married Mary Ann Daniels. He is Mart in. Stacey teaches m iddle process engineer for Earthshell North American Van Lines. lead designer at Electronic Ink, a school special education, and John Corp. in Owings Mills, Md. Sherry-Ann Fairchok '93 digital products design f irm in is director of governmental affairs Lorraine E. Cweika '93 (A&S) is (A& SINEW) won The Ledge Press Philadelphia. at a lobbying firm. director of marketing at Baker and 1999 Chapbook Award for a selec­ Betsy Macmillan Stevens '92 Marc R. Butler '93 (MAN) of McKenzie in Washington, D.C. tion of her poems. (NEW) and husband John ofEast Newtown, Pa., is director of t he Jeffrey J. Heins G'93 (LAW) is an Longmeadow, Mass., announce Persh ing Division of Donaldson, attorney with Piper Marbury the birth of their daughter, Al lison. Lufkin, and Jenrette, a co rrespon­ ~::~;~:no Dempsey '93 Rudnick & Wolfe in Washington, Stevens is an associate w ith dent clea ring firm in Jersey City, • (A&S), assistant D.C. Robinson, Donovan, Madden & N.J. professor of phi­ Barry. Lori Holladay '93 (H D) is nut rition Margaret Stout Chin '93 (A&S) losophy at the health coordinator for the Puget Rebecca Weigold Stocker '92 and husband Andrew of Haw­ University of Wisconsin-Stevens Sound Educationa l Service District (NEW) of Santa Monica, Ca lif., is thorne, N.Y., announce t he birth of Point, wrote Kerala Christian Head Start in Bu rien, Wash. She an assistant feature film editor their daughter, Amanda. Chin is Sainthood: Collisions of Culture received a master's degree in pub­ whose credits include Vertical manager of systems projects for and Worldview in India (Oxford lic hea lth nutrition from the Limit and Pearl Harbor. Prudential in New York City. University Press of New York). University of Minnesota. James J. Winsmann '92 (ECS) is a Deborah Chostaka '93 (MAN) mar­ Heather Kroening Dinger '93 Jeffrey C. Horowitz '93 (A&S) is U.S. Air Force officer in Sherwood, ried Peter Agulnick '94 (A&S). (A&S) and husband Rick of working on a fellowship in pul­ Ariz. Deborah is senior expense analyst Glendale, Cal if., announce the monary and critical ca re medicine at Bloomingdale's in New York birth of fraternal twins, Ca rl Stacey Rygh Bozeman '93 (A&S) at the University of M ichigan. City, and Peter is an att orney at Edward and Hayden Joseph. and John H. Bozeman '95 (A&S) of Weiner, Milo, and Morgan. Dinger is a national sa les repre- Emily Chapin lven '93 (VPA) and Stockbridge, Ga., announce the husband Christopher R.lven G'97 (NEW) of Li verpool, N.Y., announce the birth of their son, Benjamin. Christopher is a reporter for The Syracuse Newspapers.

Karianne M. Kraus '93 (NEW) is an ass istant vice president of corpo­ rate marketing at FleetBoston Fina ncial in Boston. Magarinos-Ruchat with her background. An Heather Sorrentino Robertson '93 caug the global affairs internship with the United (A&S) and Ben A. Robertson '92 bug early. "I've been inter­ Nations Staff College (UNSC) (ECS) of Alexandria, Va., announce ested in international is­ in Turin, Italy, resulted from the birth of t heir son, Rya n sues since Iwas 14 years old, a project with Maxwell's Michael. Heather is director of when I used to debate my Global Affairs Institute. She ca reer services at Tri nity College in father," she says. "I felt very then joined the UNSC staff, Washington, D.C., and Ben is a early that my country was co-authored a book on pub­ ca ptain and pilot w it h the U.S. too small for me." Maga­ lic management, and pub­ Marine Corps at Andrew s A. F. B. rinos-Ruchat, who is Swiss, lished a number of papers. AndrewS. Ryall '93 (A&S) is a traveled extensively with Another book is planned for her parents and, later, alone this year. senior financial analyst for GMAC Financial Services' corporate head­ or with friends. The people Today Magarinos-Ruchat quarters in Detroit. He received an she encountered in her is a manager for UNSC activ­ M.B.A. degree in f inance from travels "were all 'foreign­ ities in cross-sectoral part­ Indiana University. ers'-that is, not from nerships and global policy Switzerland," she says. "I networks. Her work places Andrew C. Uffelman '93 (A&S) is a was always curious to learn her at the center of emerg­ director for Ch arles Schwab & Co. about our differences." ing concerns about interna­ in Sa n Francisco. That curiosity blossomed when Magarinos­ tional business development. "Businesses have Harry F. Bliss Ruchat entered the University of Lausanne, to respect human rights, workers' rights, and G'94 (VPA) of earning a bachelor's degree in political science the environment," she says. "Being a responsi­ []]South Burling­ and then master's degrees in international ble business has become a competitive advan­ t on, Vt., is a ca r­ relations and public administration. For her tage. The U.N. has to take that seriously and to t oonist and cover doctorate she came to the Maxwell School, engage business even more strongly in that art ist for The whose interdisdplinary international relations direction. This is the new shape of global gov­ New Yorker magazine. He illustrat­ ernance." -Rose DeNeve program provided an ideal home for someone ed his first children's book, A Fine, Fine School by Sharon Creech

58 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE Published by SURFACE, 2001 11 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 18, Iss. 3 [2001], Art. 7

(HarperCollins), and is illustrating James J. Bartholomew '95 (NEW) a book by William Steig. is a commercial rea l estat e broker with RM Brad ley in Boston. Matthew R. Broderick '94 David C. Boren '95 (VPA) is assis­ (ARC) is a part­ t ant vice pres ident of the Ameri­ ner at Ashley can International Group in New McGra w York City. believes prevention programs are the best way to Architects in Anthony M. D'Eredita G'95 (MAN) rh'ill th·~·n at risk. That has been the common thread Syracuse. is senior cou nsel to the health throughout her professional career as a counselor and educa­ lana T. Colacino G'94 (A&S) mar­ ca re law practice group of Bond, tor at Planned Parenthood in Syracuse; as a coordinator for a ried John F. Murphy Ill '91 (VPA) Schoeneck & King in Sy ra cuse. leadership training program for high school students in Bur­ Jana is an art historia n doing w rit­ lington, Vermont; and most recently as executive director of Kwame J. DeRoche '95 ing and independent resea rch, the Vermont Children's Trust Foundation (VCTF). "It became (NEW/MAN) married Lynne R. and John is a senior netw ork engi­ dear to me early on that Wolf. De Roche is a sen ior advertis­ neer for United Tech nologies Corp. prevention programs are ing copywriter at RTC in the only way to go," says Matthew A. Friedman '94 (NEW) Washingt on, D.C. Kamp, a graduate of the is an account supervisor at Marx Christopher S. Lewis '95 (VPA) is CoJJege for Human Devel­ Layne & Co., a marketing and pub­ production manager at eyecan­ opment. "On so many lev­ lic relations agency in Farmingt on in Wainscott, N.Y. els it makes sense to help Hills, Mich. keep children from harm in Heather N. Richelson-Hopkins '95 Barbara K. Guttman G'94 (SW) of the first place, rather than (HD) of Westfield, N.J., is a f inan­ Rochester, N.Y., received the Strong try to intervene later on." cial consultant for Merril l Lynch. Hea lth Social Work 2001 Award of As head of the VCTF, Excellence in Program Innovation Christopher A. Roach '95 (NEW) is Kamp works with the and the 2001 Neu ro-Oncology execut ive producer of Bost on's WB foundation's board of di­ Social Worker of t he Yea r Award in the Morning. rectors to raise money for from the National Brain Tu mor community-based prima­ Michael J. Steinberg '95 Foundat ion. ry prevention programs (MAN/ NEW) is manager of cl ient throughout Vermont. Par­ Richard J. Matusiak Jr. '94 (ECS) is information at Jupiter M edia enting education classes, home visits to families w1th new­ an electroni c co ntrol syst ems M etrix in New York City. borns, and day care, liteTaqi and school readiness programs engineer at New York Ai r Brake in Laurel A. receive foundation support. !Camp evaluates prevention pro­ Watertown, N.Y. Sydlansky '95 grams through site visits and offers technical assistance to Jose E. Mendez­ (A&S) of Laurel, grant recipients. Monge '94 Md., married To encourage people to contribute to the foundation and to (A&S/ NEW) is Robert Fay. She get the word out to those in need, the VCTF recently launched i nternationa I !:!!!!!5::::::::!!.1 is a psychot hera­ a series of public service announcements with Bob Keeshan, director of Zo ni pist working at an agency in an honorary board member and spokesman. "We're fortu­ Language southern Maryland. nate to have Bob Keeshan wot1dng with us," she p,ys. "So Centers, ESL (English as a second many parents and grandparents have happy memortes of Tracy A. Thorn '95 (HD) is project language) schools in New York watching him play on 1V when they were director and prod uct ion manager City. growing up." for the Eaton Des ign Group in Looking back, Kamp says she's glad she swttched majOrs Cheryll Ocampo-Forsatz '94 Orlando, Fla. from interior design to family and community services in her (A&S/NEW) is vice president of Rolando Y. Achacoso G '96 (EDU) SU went on the MWW Group's consumer mar­ sophomore year at and to earn a graduate degree is a regional proj ect manager at keting pract ice in East Rut herford, in family studies from Purdue University tn 1987. "' felt like Club One Profess ional Services in I'd come Kamp is wfme needed N.J. home," says. "This I to 1M Ca mpbell, Ca lif. an along." -c:hrlstfne Yadel Jennifer Hayden Tassmer '94 (VPA) Aaron B. Alper of Glast onbury, Conn., is a '96 (A&S/NEW) watercolor artist doing business is pursuing a as Jenn ifer Ta ssmer Designs. B med ica l degree engineer at Remec Magnum. worker at a children's hospital in Penelope Passaro Zamkov '94 at Nova South­ Philadelphia. Jennifer A. Ferris '96 (A&S) mar­ (HD) and James A. Zamkov '95 eastern Univer­ ried Da rrell Da rt. She is a network Jonathan C. Gibralter G'96 (HD) of (MAN) of Woodbridge, Conn., sity in Fort Lauderda le, Fla. analyst t eam leader for AT&T in Corn ing, N.Y., is president of the announce t he birth of t heir Eric S. Bankus '96 (ECS) is an engi­ Rochest er, N.Y. SU NY College at Farmingdale. daught er, Kayla Brooke. Pe nelope neer at Scie ntech in Sidney, N.Y. owns a web design company, and Stacy B. Gerber '96 (A&S/N EW) MarkS. Hancock '96 (A&S) is a t ax James is a CPA and senior finan­ Mouqun Dong G'96 (A&S) of received a master's degree in attorney with Jones, Day, Reavis & cial analyst for Otis Elevator Co. Newark, Ca lif., is a project social work and is a medica l social Pogue in Was hingt on, D.C. FALL 2 00 1 59 12 et al.: Alumni News & Notes

Renae W. Johnson G'96 (EDU) and Mary Duffy Maslanka '96 (ED U) Daniel J. Schmidt '96 (VPA), execu­ consultant, and president of the husband J. Clayton Johnson G'94 and husband Christopher tive resources coordinator at Avon Raleigh District Dietetic Association. (LAW) of Prairie Village, Kan., announce the birth of their Products in New York City, is draw­ Michael C. Winnick '97 (ARC) is an announce the birth of their daughter, Brianna. Maslanka is a ing undergrou nd comic books and associate w ith Callison daughter Sophie Elise, who joins guidance counselor at Voorhees building an independent film Architecture in Seattle. big sister Madeleine. Clayton is an High School in Glen Gardner, N.J. company, Tallboy Films. attorney at Spencer Fane Britt and Michele K. Bakic '98 (NEW) is Konstatinos G. Politis '96 (MAN) is Craig B. Small '96 (A&S) is director Browne in Kansas City, Mo., and senior marketing coordinator for director of projects and applica­ of technology for the Aspen Renae is a homemaker. Qualcomm Inc. in San Diego. tions with Flow Automations in Country Day School in Aspen, Colo. Kafele J. Khalfani '96 (MAN) is an Burlington, Ontario. Peter A. Belcastro '98 (MAN) is a Atsushi Suginaka G'96 (MAX) and account executive for Suissa Miller tax associate at BDO Seidman in Armand Raquei-Santos '96 (VPA) wife Yumi of Tokyo announce the Advertising in Los Angeles. St. Louis. is senior designer at Seibert birth of their son Fumiya, who Joshua S. Linder '96 (1ST) is Perkins Design in Arlington, Mass. joins big brother Yugo. Suginaka Heather M. Dulaney '98 (MAN) of al liance practice manager w ith works for the Forestry Agency of Clemmons, N.C., married SirMawn Daniel Santos '96 (VPA) of Interwoven Inc. in New York City. Japan. J. Wilson '96 (A&S). Heather is a Brooklyn, N.Y., is director of cre­ marketing and sales represe nta­ ative services at Stein Roga n & David L. Watkins tive, and SirMawn plays profes­ Partners in New York City. '96 (EDU) was sional football. [)]named Teacher of the Yea r at John A. Frazier G'98 (A&S) of Plantation (Fla.) Washington, D.C., completed the United States Postal Service Statement of Ownership, Middle School. soo-mile Alaska AIDS Ride from Management, and Circulation He is pursuing a specialist degree Anchorage to Fairbanks in five (Required by 39 USC 3685) 1. Publication Title: Syracuse University in educational leadership at Nova days. Magazine. 2. Publication No.: 009-049. 3. Filing Date: 8/31/01. 4. Issue Southeastern University. Frequency: Quarterly. 5. No. of Issues Published Annually: 4. 6. Annual Debbie L. Gabbai Subscription Price: 0. 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Brian D. Zenczak '96 (ECS) is a '98 (NEW) mar­ Publication: 820 Comstock Ave., Room 308, Syracuse, NY 13244-5040. mechanical engineer at Gerber ried Jeremy A. Contact Person: Jeffrey Charboneau. Telephone: 31 5-443-5428. Scient ific Product s in South Kanterman '96 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office II of Publisher: Same as above. 9. Publisher: Sandi Tams Mulconry, Office of Windsor, Conn. (A&S). Both work University Communications, 820 Comstock Ave., Syracuse, NY 13244-5040. in New York Shawnna Matthews Bolick '97 Editor: Jay Cox, 820 Comstock Ave., Syracuse, NY 13244-5040. Managing City-Debbie as a sen ior account Editor: Jeffrey Charboneau, Director of Institutional/Administrative (A&S) of Arlington, Va ., is a tech­ executive at Cohn & Wolfe Public Publications, 820 Comstock Ave., Syracuse, NY 13244-5040. 10. Owner: nology consultant for Booz-AIIen Relations, and Jeremy as a market­ Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-5040. 11. Known Bondholders, & Hamilton in M clean, Va. Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or ing specialist at Bla ir Television. More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None. 12. Linda A.ltani '97 (MAN) is a math­ They res ide in Brooklyn. The Purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the ematics t eacher at Horace Mann exempt status for federal income tax purposes: Has Not Changed During Rebecca J. Lally '98 (VPA) is a post­ School in New York City. Preceding 12 Months. 13. Publication Title: Syracuse University Magazine. production coordinator/AVID 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data: Summer 2001 . 15. Extent and Nature of John A. Lahtinen G'97 (NEW) is supervisor at Showtimes Circulation (Average No. of Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months/Actual No. Copies of Single Issues Published Nearest to Filing Date): assistant direct or of public rela­ Networks and a founding mem­ a. Total No. of Copies (Net press run): 148,265/159,198. b. Paid and/or tions at Norwich University in ber of Dora M ae Productions in Requested Circulation: (1) Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Northf ield, Vt. New York City. Vendors, and Counter Sales (Not mailed): N/A-N/A. (2) Paid or Requested Mail Subscriptions (Include advertisers' proof copies and exchange copies): Suzanna E. Lakatos '97 (VPA) is art John M. Mayer '98 (EDU) is direc­ 148,265/1 59,198. c. Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation [Sum of 15b(1) director for Mousetrap tor of research at the U.S. Spine & and 15b(2)I' 148,265/159,198. d. Free Distribution by Mail (Samples, compli­ Advertising in Pasadena, Calif. Sport Foundation in La Jolla, Ca lif., mentary, and other free): 0/0. e. Free Distribution Outside the Mail (Carriers and other means): 0/0. f. Total Free Distribution (Sum of 15d and 15e): 0/0. g. and an adjunct professor at Sa n Timothy W. Martin '97 (NUR) of Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15f): 148,265/159,198. h. Copies not Diego State University. Distributed: (1) Office Use, Leftover, Spoiled: 600/600. (2) Returns from News Matthews, N.C., married Renee Agents: N/A-N/A. i. Total [Sum of 15g, 15h(1}, and 15h(2)I' 148,265/159,198. Simcoe. He is a f light nurse w ith Takiya S. McClain Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation (15c/15g x 100): 100%/100%. 16. Med Center Air at Carolinas '98 (NUR) ofEast This statement of ownership wi ll be printed in the Fall 2001 issue of this pub­ Medica l Center. Haven, Conn., is a lication. registered nurse Noemi Mendez '97 (A&S) of 17. I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. in obstetrics at Ba ltimore is a GIS specia list with understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this t he Hospital of Ba ltimore Gas and Electric. form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be sub­ Saint Raphael and Yale New ject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil Haven Hospital. She is pu rsuing a sanctions (including multiple damages and civil penalties). Cathryn Ciotoli Saff '97 (HD) of mast er's degree in nurse-mid­ Wake Forest, N.C., wifery at New York Un iversity. J~~ is a clinica l dieti­ Nancy B. Parish '98 (VPA) of tian at Duke Jeffrey Charboneau, Managing Editor Apopka, Fla., is a sideline reporter University Healt h Syracuse University Magazine for the WNBA's Orlando Miracle. Systems, a self-employed nutrition

60 SYRAC U S E UNIVERSITY MA G A Z INE Published by SURFACE, 2001 13 Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 18, Iss. 3 [2001], Art. 7

Robert M. Pudish G'98 (A&S) is a Sarah B. Snyder '99 (NEW) of senior technica l inst ructor for the Jericho, N.Y., is an associat e pro­ Nuclear Management Co. in ducer for News 12 Long Island. Monticello, Minn. Tracy M. Stark '99 (VPA) of Stephanie C. Reynolds G'98 (SW) Ba ldw insvill e, N.Y., is promotions is associat e director of the acade­ producer at WSTM Channel 3 in m ic improvement program Syracuse. call-in show, David Essel encourages listeners to t hrough the Division of St udent Larry P. Thomas G'99 (EDU) is an hopes and passions so they can lead more ful­ Support and Retention at Syra cuse area coord inator for college house filling lives. For Essel, it's not just talk: Pondering his own per­ University. services at t he University of sonal goals led him to pursue his latest passion-writing chil­ Scott M. Robbins G'98 (MAN) is a Pennsylvania in Phi ladelphia and dren's books. mechanica l engineer at Ca rter & advisor t o the Golden Key Essel, a Syracuse native Burgess in Ca mbridge, M ass. International Honor Society. who graduated from SU

Jennifer N. Sodha '98 (1ST) is a Brandon E. Wallis '99 (VPA) is in 1979 with a degree in health-selected studies project manager for IBM in director of media relations for t he from the School of Ed­ Poughkeepsie. N.Y. Foundat ion of Ethnic ucation, recently pub­ Underst anding in New York City. Tao Zhu G'98 (ECS) of Alpharetta, lished his first children's Ga .• is a software engineer at ISS. Robin L. York '99 (HD) of Bel mont, book, The Real Life Ad­ Ca lif., is a pre-kindergarten ventures ofCatherine "Cat" Jeffrey E. Bantle '99 (1ST) married teacher at t he Ga non Early Bethany Harshaw. He is a field tech­ Calloway. Reflecting Es­ Childhood Ce nter. nology specialist for Lincoln Invest­ sel's positive take on life, ment Planning in Wyncote, Pa. it's an inspirational tale of a little girl with an Susan M. Devine '99 (VPA) is a unflinching belief in her­ visual merchandisi ng designer for self and those around her. Nordstrom in Boca Raton, Fla. To promote the book, Amy P. Cunningham 'oo (A&S) of Karl A. Halteman '99 (MAN) is a Essel visited elementary Huntingdon Va lley, Pa., is a govern­ schools around the coun­ consu ltant at Deloitte & Touche in ment affairs ana lyst for the phar­ Parsippany, N.J. try, including the elementary school he attended-St. Rose of maceutical consulting firm Scott­ Lima School in North Syracuse. Levin (Quintiles Transnational). ian M. Hawkes '99 (A&S) is a pro­ For Essel, Cat Calloway brings his message of empower­ duction associate at Parents mag­ Gina Marie DeRossi 'oo (NEW) is ment and self-determination to the second- to sixth-grade azine in New Yo rk City. an account coordinator at set. It also adds to a resume that includes writing Phoenix Schwart z Communications in 15 20 Lisa A. Hochadel G'99 (MAN) is a Soul, a self-help book for adults; to speaking engage­ Waltham, M ass. senior st aff accountant at the ments each year; motivational audio and videotapes; a mod­ eling career (Essel has appeared on the cover of Men's Fitness Fagliarone Group in Auburn, N.Y. Wellvin Espinosa 'oo (1ST) is an magazine); and one-on-one "lifestyle coaching" sessions in Informat ion M anagement Sarah A. Maxam '99 (VPA/ EDU ) of which he helps participants move forward with their lives. Leadership Program associat e for Watertown, M ass., is an art And then there's the radio show, broadcast weekend after­ General Electric in New York City. t eacher w it h t he Wa lt ham Public noons on WSKV-FM in Gainesville, Florida. Schools. Pamela R. Helfant G'oo (NEW) is Radio syndicator Westwood One recently ended its nine­ audience coordinat or for The Late Frances Jo Moye G'99 (SW) and year run with "David Essel- Alive!" leaving its host to shop Show with David Letterman in husband T. Rommel Moye G'oo around for a new syndicator while continuing his show local­ New York City. (SW) of Pa lm Beach Gardens, Fla., ly in northern Florida. Far from bitter about the experience, are both clinica l chaplains at the Essel sees the tum of events as a chance to grow. "I had to look Toshiyuki Konaga 'oo (MAN) is an at it as an opportunity,"he says. "When I'm on the radio and West Pa lm Beach VA M edica l analyst for Goldman Sachs in someone calls in with a similar situation, I'm going to feel Cent er. Tokyo. what they're talking about and have a greater degree of Brenda K. Rodriguez G'99 (HD) is Alissa Peruzzini 'oo (A&S) is an empathy and support for them." - David Peterkofsky a primary thera pist at The House ad minist rative ass ist ant at of t he Good Shepherd in Utica, Jennison Associates in New York N.Y. She displayed her post er pre­ City. sentation Bad Girls: Why Are More Marc D. Schloss 'oo (A&S) of Female Adolescents Becoming Robert D. Swan 'oo (ECS) of Sa n Emily D. Zizza 'oo (VPA) of Washington, D.C., is a staff assis­ Aggressive and Violent? at t he Jose, Ca lif., is a design engineer at Somerville, Mass., is producer of t ant to U.S. Sen. Edward M. American Association for Intel. The XLO Morning Show with Frank Kennedy of M assachusetts. M arri age and Fa m ily Therapist s' and Jen on 104.5 WXLO-FM. Weihua Ye G'oo (ECS) is a senior international conference in Jeffrey D. Schwartz 'oo (MAN) is rad io engineer at America n Tower Denve r. an outside sa les representative for in Alpharetta, Ga. the Superior Uniform Group in Atlanta. FA L L 2 0 0 I 61 14