· Bethlehem Public Library Til_ 0 111,11 I S, $2.00 PER YEAR lOC PER COpy! PAGE 2 - Ma.ch 25, 1971 THE SPOTLIGHT OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MARCH 28th (10 a.m. 'til 5 p.m.) (SEE OUR FABULOUS DISPLAY OF FRESH FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS)




Come to the If you cannot attend Holiday Inn call Albany 436·4701 1614 Central Avenue or write Colonie (1 mile west of Northway) Room 218 SUN OIL COMPANY March 31 and April 1 P.o. Box 1192 1 to 9 P,M. Albany, N.Y. THE SPOTLIGHT Ma"h 25, 1971 - PAGE 3

Your slyle is Pedwins

GOing traditional with Discover the clothes you're wearing? the softness Then get into the easy­ of crinkle patent. In moving, plain toe slip·on. a new moe Or step into some flares, style and strap on the with burnished, squared toe metal boot. Either style, man, will really blow your arches. T,o_ B.owo $18 and Black pedwin. The All Stars

Navy I , ,. " upp." Surry Tan and Brown SHOES FOR GIRLS

~:~~ Caution: White, walking in N,,,,,,,d $ 21 funsters may be Black habit-forming

22 DELAWARE PLAZA DONNELLY'S SHOES SHOPPING CENTER (Independent Retail Dealer _ Not Affiliated With Any Other Shoe Stores) PAGE 4 - March 25, 1971 THE SPOTLIGHT

• conSCience. Your conscience knows what's good for you. And The Bank certainly makes it easy for you to ~ave money: We offer savings accounts right alongside all our other banking services: checking accounts,.instalment loans, all of them. So you don't have to go out of your way to save. We offer save-by-mail service. You don't have to go out of the house to save. We even offer Automatic Savings. Just tell us how much you want to sa ve, and every month we'll transfer that amount from your checking account into your savings account. So what's keeping you? Put some money-in '. The8ank.

L National Commercial Bank and Trust Company


ThttBank:DELMAR / ELSMERE' I BECKERS CORNERS (Mondays. Wednesdays' 910 11 am.) / BERNE (Tuesdays Fflda s' 3 5 . ,. (Mondays. WednesdaYs: Noon (020 m \ 'EXTRA SATURDAY HOURS: 9 A M, TO NOON . Y - 10 p,rn) I WESTERLO. I , . Mo.ch 25, 1971 - PAGE 5 I THE S~OTLIGHT stands and other items and give them to friends and patients. Many a Christmas morning was brightened by one of these lovely gifts. Dr. Browne was an extremely gentle man until he discovered someone who sought him out from self I Back in the "good old days," the renowned Alex­ pity or an imagined illness. Then he turned both gruff ander Woolcott came on the air and told stories every and tough, "There's nothing the matter with you ex­ Sunday night. In many families three generations cept from the neck up!!" His anonymous gifts to help young men through college or financial aid to a worthy would sit entranced. One of the favorites was "The Country Doctor." He might well have been talking cause were legion. about our own recently deceased Dr. Harold R. Finally, we can say of Dr. Harold R. Browne: Browne. HE RENDERED GREAT AND GOOD SERVICE TO For nearly fifty years, Dr. Browne ministered to THREE GENERATIONS; HE IS SORELY MISSED BUT WILL LONG BE REMEMBERED. the old and young of our town twenty-four hours a day, I seven days a week. Days off were unknown to this man, except that every year, late in August, he would. take time off to visit his beloved Maine coast. He was always on call. No matter what the emer­ SHEAR FARM COUNTRY STORE gency, when he came in and took off his fedora (care­ fully placing it right-side up on some handy piece of furniture), you knew that everything would be all right. This careful placing of the hat was almost a tra­ ~~~~ 1971 MINI·BIKES dition, as was the ever-present cigar. I His diagnostic skill was uncanny, as was his abil­ new & used ity to take charge of the situation quickly and effective- 1971 SNOWMOBILES ly when minutes might mean the difference between Ariens & Polaris life and death. Many an area resident is alive today SNOWMOBILE CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES due to his skill and prompt action. Horrible hunting accidents, automobile mishaps, hands mutilated in Open 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. _ Doily & Sundoy power machines; these he took in stride. 3.-1/2 miles west on Rt ..143' 756:2J14 Ravena. N.Y. His great interest in plastic surgery came about quite by accident. A local man had his jaw badly The deadline for Spottigbt Cl ....fl .. Ads il Frid., aftemoon preceding smashed by the kick of a horse. From an old football publication the following Thursday. ffeete- au ,roars i. on tima. helmet, Dr. Browne made a harness to hold the bones firmly in place un til they had time to mend. As his in­ C'mon in, we'll help you keep count and give terest in plastic surgery grew, he turned his practice you a drive. We design cars the way we design jet 'over to young Dr. Jack Weaver for a period of six planes. For maximum performance, comfort and safety_ months while he studied in City with Dr. Clarence Stratts at Grasslands Hospital. When he returned to the Tri-Village area, he had to make one of the biggest and most important de-, cis ions of his life: Should he now specialize in plastic surgery or should he return to his general practice and 35 safety features on a SAAB. I, the many patients who depended upon him from day to day? He wisely decided to do both. He returned to his general practice but reserved a small part of each day for his second love: surgery. His well·appointed office became a gathering place for many different kinds of people. There were the \young doctors who came to observe and learn his skills Ifor he was an excellent teacher. During this time he developed a practice machine which was later used all !over the world in the lifting of healthy skin from the ibody and grafting it to an injured part. In his spare NEW SALEM GARAGE 'time, he loved to make doll houses, pipe racks, luggage ROUTE 85, NEW SALEM 765-2702' I l>" Cl m 0- I ~ ~ n ~

~'" :s


9tollCENTER ~ AND END 68~ CUT CHOPS LB. CENTER CUT PORK 88~ CHOPS LB •. GROUND GROUND GROUND MEAT LOAF I I -< CHUCK ROUND BEEF MIX CHUCK ROAST :I: m ~ 88 ~ 74 GROUND BEEF "8 ~ CALIFORNIA ~8 ~ ~ j & o" LB. LB. I ~ LB. ~~~~ II LB. CUT -< 88 r ~-=-:::::-----=-~ BONE-IN LB. Cl ) ( PRICED) :I: (;'~UtEtRI:~r' "SUPER.RI~~I~L~::I~~tLOW ':~U~ER-R!GH!"B~NELESS ...... -< -i '5T' . :I: lenlen ~ealood~ m ·jJf~T. v> HALIBUT TURBOT o." -i S STEAKS FILLETS r :I: 18 LB. 08 LB. "-i


EGGO WAFFLES . WHITE OR RUBY REO FROZEN 3 13 oz. $100 5 ~!G 79~ PIGS. ORANGES I CELERY KRISPY CRACKERS CALIF. NAVEL 10 PASCAL SUNSHINE 3 1 LB. SIOO !! 99·el ~~: 29~ . PIGS. COLD POWER LAUNDRY DETERGENT TOWELS PRE· 20 oz. 1ge JUMBO e PRICED PIG. ROllS 8g 3_ .... - -_.-- HOT CROSS 10c OFF LABEL ...... BRECI e 1 LB. nf 4g ...,~ CREME RIISE , .'" 8 oz. ~ ..,-0 BOT. FOR ." Prices Effective thru Sat., Mar. 27, 1971 Quantity Rights Reserved :.- "m PAGE 8 - MatWtKf~o~ L~ tral High School will hold a meet­ Voorheesville, N.Y. RO 5-2772 ing on Wednesday, March 31,

THE SPOTLIGHT is published e .... ery Thursday bV Spotlisht. Inc., IS4 Delaware A .... e .• Delmar, N.Y., SPOTLIGHT CLASSIFIEDSI ROBERT G. KING. PUBLISHER. (Controlled Circulation Postage Paid at Delmar, N.Y.) Deadline for news is. Thursday afternoon, one 'lllGek preceding publication; dead­ HE 9-4949 I line for display advertisements is Friday afternoon. THE SPOTLIGHT Mo.ch 25, 1971 - PAGE 9 at 8:00 P,M. in the cafeteria of the High School. Letters This meeting on "School Struc­ The ture" will explore in depth the Dear Sir: regents, tracking, and marking Kenwood Academy of the Sa­ policies of the school. Specific cred Heart (a high school for Light questions of concern to parents girls) is starting an Employment have been given to the resource Counseling Service to assist its panel and additional questions students in finding summer and 7:c~:obn Touch from the audience will be ans­ part-time employment. Pessimist: one who doesn't wered. Some of these students live in waste time worrying because Participating on the panel will your area and the school is hoping he knows everything will turn be Miss Helen E. Hobbie, princi­ it car. help them find work. out wrong anyway. pal; Dr. Kathryn Bookbinder, If you are interested in employ­ • •• school psychologist; Bruce Aus­ ing students and if you feel that If you tell a friend there are tin, guidance counselor; Dominick the school can be of assistance to 331,624,128 stars in the sky, he'll believe you - but if a DeCecco, social studies teacher; you, please let us know of any sign says "FRESH PAINT" he and William Hunter, English positions you may have open and IT has to check. teacher. indicate any specialized qualifi­ • •• All parents, faculty, and stu­ cations (eg. ability to type, abil­ If you think for one minute dents are invited. This is also an ity to organize children's activi­ you can understand teenagers, excellent opportunity for Middle ties etc.) needed to fiII these © you have it timed about right. S('hooi parents to learn about the openings. • •• high school their children will We hope'that through this ser­ Sign in poultry shop: "All soon be attending. vice we can help-.. not only our chickens 15¢ lb. - our coop runneth over!" Open Letter Recently more than 50 individuals in this commUn­ ity have expressed strong opposition in writing to the use of Bethlehem Central High School facilities for an informational program on the Black Panther Party planned by the Club, a student organization at the schoo!. Numerous other residents have telephoned their objections to several school officials who have relayed them to me, REDUCTIONS lt is my opinion that much of this opposition is ON SPRI NG due to a misunderstanding by the public of the Club's FABRICS ••• reason for presenting their proposed program, As I Colors galore. understand it, their purpose is to provide educational Spring savings 3CBEERS information about the Black Panthers on the basis of on our assort­ for the. which anyone attending the program .is free to draw ment of fab­ Red, White & Blue his own conclusions about that organization. There is rics. See pat­ terns, prints, in nO intention on the part of the Club to take a stand more. I Dn-Iact® either for or against the Black Panthers or their tac­ BRAND EVERYTHING SELF-ADHESIVE PLASTIC tics. It's not the grand old flag ~ but flag REDUCED colors are a favorite decorating theme The fact remains that a large segment of the pub­ fight now - and home decorators are sure to rally round the newest thing in lic has expressed the belief that a tax-supported insti­ UP TO 50% CON-TACT self-adhesive plastic. It's PATRIOT (#852). in dramatic red, tution is not the place for presenting a program about OR MORE white and blue checks - great for many an organization many of whose members have advo­ uses. boys' room to kitr.hp.n It's wash­ able. waterproof. easy to apply. easy to cated violence as a means of achieving their ends. care lor. See our wide variety of pat­ terns, 18" wide. 49C a yard For this reason, as Principal of the High School, I have denied permission to the Club to hold their DELMAR program at the High School. They are free to seek an­ Soturdoy to 5 LUMBER other location if they wish to do so. DELMAR Helen E. Hobbie. Principal DECORATORS 340 Delawt,lre Avenue, Delmar Bethlehem Central High Pho!,,!e 439-9968 School DELAWARE PLAZA. DELMAR PAGE 10 - Ma.ch 25, 1971 THE SPOTLIGHT

students but' also area firms. Thursday, April 29, the bus will sistant Leader of Troop #273 Sincerely yours, stop at two different, locations WITH THE since its inception, was pre­ Mrs. Augusta T. Walsh in the city. For those interested GIRL sented with a gold pin in appre­ in shopping. sightseeing, or ciation of her work with the Employment Counselor SCOUTS shows, Rockefeller Center will troop. Dr. Johnson, a profes­ he one stop. The Gramercy Park sor in the Education Depart­ Dear Sir: Flower Show, located at 14th Taking international diplomacy ment at SUNY, will spend a ma­ I would like to take this means Street a"nd Lexip.gton Avenue. into their own hands, members jor portion of the five months of congratulating those instru­ will be the other. As the annual of Junior Girl Scout Troop #273 abroad in study and research at mental in developing The Del­ show at the Coliseum has heen of Elsmere have a personal emis­ the University of Goteberg Pe­ mar Clinical Laboratory which cancelled this year. the alter­ sary stationed in Sweden. this dagogical Institute. Libby and provides a wide variety of tests nate trip to the Gramercy Park Spring. Elizabeth (Libby) John· Linnea are attending Swedish and diagnostic services. If they exhibition was planned instead. son, accompanying her parents, schools until the end of the term are not equipped for a specific The bus will leave f~om the Dr. and Mrs. Mauritz Johnson in May. The family will also visit test, a special messenger takes Thompson Lake Church Hall, and her fifteen-year-old sister, relatives in Sweden, and hope it to Albany Medical Center. which is located about two miles Linnea, left in February for a to visit Denmark and Italy before The technicians and secretar-' bey~nd Thacher Park on Route five-month stay abroad. In her returning to Elsmere. ies are all efficient, courteous, luggage were tucked 22 packets Members of Troop #273 include and exceptionally kind, even mak-· 157, early in the morning and re­ turn the same evening. of "Peanuts" stickers - tokens Cathy Scinto, Kim Lewis, Tracy ing a house call during bad wea-: Price _is a very reasonable of friendship from her troop­ Risko, Penny Ellis, Barbara ther. The convenience of easy mates to Swedish youngsters Howell, Beth O'Leary, Margaret parking 'and very prompt service' seven dollars, round trip. For additional information whom Libby will encounter dur­ Miller, Su~an Young, Cindy Cohn, is another great asset. or reservations, call no later ing her visit. Troop #::!73 chose Jennifer Soper, Joanne Fiato, Alison Palmer than April 10, Jackie Leonard, the stickers as being something Lisa Davis, Karen Farwell, Jo­ 872·0482; Jane Purdy, 872·0846; "typically American," fun to use, anne Zator, Lisa Schnurr, Shelly or Eileen Mulson, 872·0539. and easy to pack. The Scouts Stroud, Beth Bullock, Eileen Poh· Bus Trip presented them to Libby at her Isander, Helene Mann, Lori Mit­ A bus trip to pre-departure meeting with the chell, Nancy Root and Cathy Seh­ sponsored by the Helderberg troop, and instructed her to re­ rea. Mrs. Edward Howell is Garden Club, is open to anyone port back this summer when her Troop Leader. who is interested, member or diplomatic mission is completed. • •• non-member. Scheduled for Mrs. Johnson who has been As- . Deciding that it was time to r----- Hey Gals! for full Nutrition BUY BATTER·WHIPPED SUNBEAM BREAD Available Almost Everywhere I THE SPOTLIGHT Mo.cn 25, 1971 - PAGE 11 "Take Mother out of the kitchen," crest. "Star of Bethlehem," a­ Elsmere Junior Girl Scout Troop long with other badges she had JUNCTION HIGHWAYS 85 & 85A #260 arranged a delicious spa­ earned. The candles were held by NEW SCOTLAND, NEW YORK ghetti dinner for mothers at the Lisa O'Keefe, Susan Hungerford, Delmar Reformed Church on Donna Warren, Monika Strauss, HE 9-5398 March 3. Honored guests were Mary Crowder, Debbie Zautner, Open Daily and Sundeys greeted at the door by hostesses Lori Webster, Tracie Lewis, Suzanne Reed, Teresa Ravita, Beth Burkhard and Mary Burke. 9 A.M. to 9 P_M. Maureen Fitzsimmons, Cindy Mrs. Bertie Reed, Assistant Reserve right to limit quantities Brown and Susan Matterson. Leader, formed the closing circle Prices Effective Thurs., Fri.; & Sat. When the excitement of seeing and led the girls in "Taps." 3/25,3/26, 2/27 old friends quieted down, Susan Waugh. Carolyn Strasser, Mari­ anne Sciartelli, and Jennifer Wen­ Excerpts U.S. PRIME STORE SLICED sley presented the opening Flag RUMP ROAST Ceremony. From "The Guidance News­ BOILED HAM After Troop Leader Mrs. letter" of Bethlehem Cen­ $1.19 lb. George Zautner welcomed the tral Senior High School 99C lb. gathering, Heather Leslie sang HEALTH MANPOWER NEEDS U.S. PRIME an especially. lovely grace, and TO SKYROCKET DURING YE OLE COUNTRY STYLE the Church Senior Youth Group 1970's, BUT CURRENT ACUTE Top Round ROAST served spaghetti cooked to per­ SHORTAGES MAY EASE SMOKED PICNICS lb. fection to a hungry crowd. As an SOMEWHAT $1.29 lb. water added entertainment treat after dinner, Health manpower needs will 49C Susan Friedll!an presented mem­ skyrocket during the 1970's, re­ U.S. PRIME bers of Sister Troop #273 in two ports an article in the Winter Eye Round ROAST ARMOUR STAR plays, "Queen With· a Broken issue of the "Occupational Out­ Heart," and "Book Magic." look Quarterly," but today's a­ BACON A speCial feature of the evening cute health manpower shortages $1.49 lb. was the Candle Lighting Cere· may ease somewhat. 69C lb. mony, after which every member "Health Manpower in 1980" LAND 0 LAKES .of the troop received her troop says employment of health work- TURKEY ROAST 2 Ibs. 2 oz. POLISH KIELBISA 7,10, 12 and 14 hp models ALL WHITE WHITE AND DARK 99 SERVE HOT OR COLD 79 39 c IF YOU MOW S3 S3 lb. BOIL OR BROIL Y2 ACRE OR MORE

Yard care is fun again! Case compacts offer the same precision engineering, performance, dura­ bility and service as big Case farm and con­ struction tractors.· There's plenty of guts and power to mow 34 to 48 inches wide - rototill big gardens - blow snow from long drives. Exclu­ sive Case Cushion-Control hydraulic drive!

TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY - Just for the FUN of it! CROUNSE E.QUIPMENT (0. BEACON ROAD GLENMONT, N.Y. 12077 Phone 439-1517 » "m


~ '"n or '" . -0 "


DELICATESSEN LONGACRE_ WHITE MEAT , CHICKEN ROLL ~i. 6ge' 5 ED i BAKiifHAM Lt 89C PASTEURIZED PROCESS AMERICAN CHEESE 85 e U.S.D.A. CHOIC' BON.LESS (CHUCK) u ",,,,, '" "" ce. 89 CROSS RIB ROAST . GENOA SALAMI,'; e I . COOKED BOTTOM ROUND OVEN OR 5') LB. '.::.?,w.••..,•...•... '''. GOOD THRU MAR. 21 "-; I"..' 69 . LB .09 POT RO'" L 49<: "G. WGT.M " 't4CJ•... ~"'T. • ~.1 L'S.' (. B. :""~~:'" I:"" _ ~.;:; ~L~M~T _' _G!!!,,~ liNIONS OHly).:.::.~..);I:;;'; CORNEDFRESH CREAMY BEEF TENDER FLAVDRFULVEAL F'ORK LOIN_RIB ENDOLQ Fi\SHIQN :"~:,:";,."",,,,, ·Co ,','~ -- .. ------••ru CUBE STEAKS SPARE RIB m" @,H.'f'f/'/ './/."'*·%"T""'" .., COLE SLAW LB. '9~ C LB. 89 C S FRESH LB. 49«~::g,;.:::,.:.~ ·/., ... .. ~.. :::.-;.;,:;~*"~";;;%.;:~'~l-:~--:,!":"*!'e~:x;·~·t -i :J: m

"''U o -i r GRAND UNION CHUNK (IN 011) ":J: LIGHT -i -i :I: IU•• m V' o" -i r c;; :I: • -i • •

GRAND UNION VITAMINS IBur I "T REC. PRICE_CET 1 FOR k MOREl 30 Mu'liiPlE . 2".1 • What is this planet's last frontier? ~ What is our next lood source? 40 • What are the terrors of the sea? MliiiiPlE ~~:: 2,,,1 9""9 "The Sea" 10 you,

Save $3 15,000 sq ft (60 lbs)~ 10.95 Save $2 10,000 sq ft (40 Ibs).985" 7.95 CELEBRATION Save $1.10 5,000 sq ft (20 Ibs),>.4'5' 4,35 March 26 and 27, 1971 - RPI Fieldhouse SPEAKERS, Friday Evening 7:30 P.M. SAVE 20% OFF HALTS PLUS - WINDSOR SEED - DR. ERNEST CAMPBELL, AND SUPER TURF BUILDER Riverside Church, New York City SCOTT ROSS, G H from Love-in. Ithaca Saturday Morning 9:30 A.M. o E STOR~ HOURS _ Mon. thru Sot. 8 to 6 MSGR. ROBERT FOX, .~ Spanish Harlem o W PRICE_GREENLEAF INC. Saturday Evening 7:30 P.M. REV. TOM SKINNER, D S New York IJJ]-'~]_I-. -- GA.D~~:TO.' ___ NURSERY Danny Taylor, Song Leader; Festival of Praise Choir; Newine Group; Refreshing Springs Church Choir. "PRleu SEfDS SINCE "31" for information phone 393-7805 14 Booth Rd., Delmar (Off Dar~ware) Opposite A&P A Spiritual Happening for You - Everyone Welcome FREE DELIVERY PHONE HE 9-9212 PAGE 16 - Ma.ch 25, 1971 THE SPOTLIGHT to bring a sandwich; a dessert Delmar; and Joyce Cornes, 11 will be served. Delmar Place, Delmar. Following the petite lunch· ••• eon, Mrs. DeWitt Ellinwood will speak about her experiences as Miss Bonnie Marie Kawczak, a housewife living in Singapore. daughter of ·Mr. and Mrs. Mi­ fiSHING chael Kawc~ak of Feura Bush and Mrs. Robert Thomas is the pro· gram chairman. Babysitting will a 1970 graduate of Bethlehem be provided. Central High Schuul, has been named to the Dean's List at Rus­ sell Sage College where she is majoring in Nursing. Miss Kaw­ THURSDA czak achieved a 3.6 average out of a possible 4.0. She is a mem­ April 1 Thanks! ber of the Russell Sage Chorus Boy Scout Troop #72 of the and the Student Nurses Club. Slingerlands Community Meth­ MAKE GALLAGHER'So YOUR FISHING HEAOQUARTERS ••• odist Church wishes to thank Miss Linda Arnold, a senior the Spotlight for publicity, of the State University of New and all who supported their Fishing York at Albany, will join the 26th annual Pancake Supper business education staff at Beth­ Licenses on March 18, 1971. lehem Central on March 18 for Available row:! eight weeks while she completes 8AN~IAMERICAIIDI her student-teaching assignment. :.':.... Jt. Miss Arnold will work with Hugh 439·4851 278 Delaware Ave., Delmar Meeting J. Brown, business teacher. She will be teaching Consumer educa­ Changed tion, distributive education and The Ladies' Auxiliary of Els· data processing. ,mere Fire Co. will hold its month· Miss Arnold is a native of ly meeting on April 1 instead of Syracuse, New York, and began April 8. Election of officers will her college career at the State take place during the meeting University Agriculture and FABRIC and all annual reports are to be Technical College at Canton. read. -Since her transfer to Albany, she 99 DELAWARE AVE. has been a member of the Student DELMAR Senate and Student Activities Council. She is a member of Pi From the Mu Epsilon Sorority and has Colleges achieved Dean's list academical­ ly. Three Delmar area residents Miss Arnold's business exper­ have been named to the Dean's ience has included working at List of State University College the Mutual of New York Insur­ at Oneonta for the fall semester ance Company, Bristol Labora­ of the 1970·71 school year, ac· tories, and in the office of Senator cording to Dr. Carey Brush, Act· Tarky Lombardi, Jr. from Syra­ ing Vice President for Academic SPRING cuse. Affairs at the College. They are: Karen Aupperle, ,4 • •• PANT SUITS Wiggand Drive, Glenmont; Jud­ Roger A. Monthie. son of Mr. ith A. Clark, 55 Brookley Drive, and Mrs. Edward Monthie of Del·

Unbelievable Values Fresh New Pastels Bonded Acetate Blend Sizes 8-16 THE SPOTLIGHT Mo«h 2S, 1971 - PAGE 17 mar, is a member of the Spring­ field College Singers and will THIS COUPON GOOD THRU take part in their annual Spring APRIL 10, 1970 IN COLONIE Concert Tour. Register near home; work near The Singers will perform six MAIN-CARE TEXACO home. MANPOWER concerts in six nights, in a swing needs women with office skills through the northeast and into for temporary assignments _ Michigan, covering over 1500 3C PER GALLON stenos • typists. 'clerks. key­ miles. punch operators. The 10th annual tour will end No need to come downtown with the annual concert on the . OFF GASOLINE Call Ruth 869-7987 Springfield campus, March 28,1 MANPOWER, INC. a Sunday night. 309 DELAWARE AVE. DELMAR ••• John S. Jones. son of Mr. and t~ /~1. Mrs. Robert H. Jones III. 111 ~anJ-pickeJ for You ... Marlboro Rd., has been elected " :.f., ~,." DCA YMCA representative at ,:5,,; Denison University, Granville. ( for Spring! Ohio, where he is a junior. .J'.,. :\.'.,.... '.IV~. '\I If~ )~ y CAPTIVATING .'f. i" ),."Jj.,,), I_....kJ STUNNING i"-, DISTINCTIVE I'Y Come in and see them ... soon ! i . V, ' 1,'1""

~~ 360 DELAWARE AVENUE . . Phone HE 9-4101 BETTY SPOONER, Prop.

John S. Jones The Denison Community As­ sociation is a social service and Remember. 00 GUIDO'S religious activity organization sponsoring community involve­ Always Good . .. Best for Lent! ment projects. "I OUGHT TO KNOW ..• I'M JOE GUIDO I" ••• cgjGUIDO'S MEATLESS Holly Spaulding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frazier Spaulding Feura Bush, has been accepted SPAGHETTI SAUCES as a degree candidate in the Li­ beral Arts program at North­ ampton Junior College, North­ GUIDO'S PREPARED ampton, . Holly is a senior at Ravena­ PIZZA SAUCES Coeymans·Selkirk High School and will begin her studies at The Finest Sauces this Side of Heaven! NJC in September, 1971. That's why we call it the, .. Northampton Junior College Champagne. of Sauces! i is a coeducational junior col­ lege offering programs in Liber­ al Arts, Accounting, Business Management, Fashion Merchan- LISTEN TO GUIDO'S*** STEREO HOUR GUID'O'$from ~ P,M. and 10 P.M. Every FRIDAY *** on W.H.R.L. STEREO

YOU anu your TaillllY are lIi1pOnant to us. And we want you to know about it. So we've designed a new look in the way we print our name. Here's how we did it:

We started with a family.

What does it mean to you? ~ It tells you we're interested in helping you -- and your family to make life happier and more Helped them buy their new home. secure.

Matter of fact, we're helping over 50,000 of your friends and neighbors to realize their dreams of a better life. No magic formula. Just good, sound, sensible management of money. Our depositors earned over Added our name . .. $8 million in interest-dividends in 1970. They ~ find it profitable to bank with us.

Tell us your dream. A college education for a 0 CITY&COUNTY your children ... a new home ... improvement of an older home ... income in retirement ... a o 0 SAVlNlS BAN< family trip to Disneyland or Yellowstone Park? ...... And came up with We're here to help make it come true. ~ what designers call a "logotype." And we have a lot of friendly, experienced people to serve you in our three offices. Drop in soon. CITY&COUNTY Let's get acquainted. SAVlNlS BAN< WHERE BANKING IS A FAMILY AFFAIR DOWNTOWN: UPTOWN: BETHLEHEM: 100 S1ate Street. 301 New Scotland Avenue 163 Delaware Avenue, Albany, NY Albany. N. Y Elsmere. N. Y Member FD.I.C. PAGE 20 - Ma.ch 25, 1971 THE SPOTLIGH tions to music with special cos­ ANTIQUES SERVICE AND tomes and lighting efects. 150 PIANOS AN D ORGANS During spring vacation Miss bought and sold at [he at Frost will travel to with Sign of the the Tritons where they have been Coffee Mill BR,\WNlr invited to perform in Pompano

Jeanne Van Hoesen ~""NO.- ORGAN MART Beach and Fort Lauderdale. 67 Adams PI., Delmar , INC. ••• "439-1021 " 1047 Central ~.ve .. Albany 459-5230 Lee Shaeffer, sophomore, 496 Stratton Place. Delmar, is a mem­ ber of the Bethany College Con­ cert Choir, which toured Ohio, Tonight,watch Indiana and Michigan on March 19-24. The choir, under the direction brighu_... of Professor George Hauptfueh­ rer, has presented concerts thm the middle-Atlantic states, New England and parts of the middle dising, Marketing, Data Process­ west. In 1960 the group toured ing, and Secretarial Science. in Scotland and West Germany_ ••• Miss Kathleen Marie Burgoon, At Conference 100 Maple A venue, Voorhees­ Anne Di Biase, President of ville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Burgoon, has been the Future Business Leaders of named to the Dean's List at Mar­ America Chapter at Bethlehem Central High School. was invit­ ia College, Albany. Miss Burgoon is enrolled in the ed to attend the Annual State Liberal Arts transfer program of Leadership Conference of the Dis· studies leading to an Associate tributive Education Clubs of Am­ in Arts Degree and is a member. erica at the Concord Hotel, March 15-17. of the graduating class of Miss Di Biase, who is the New I 1971. York State Reporter of FBLA, I She has served as secretary joined other state officers at the of the Drama Club and on the sister organization's meeting_ committee for the Senior Ban· • She was accompanied by Mr. Ro­ quet 1970. This year Miss Bur· bert G. Fleig, State Education De­ New Color TV from Sony goon is Yearbook Photography partment sponsor of FBLA acti­ Sony makes your" favorite programs look better. Editor and President of the Stu· vities. While at the convention Far brighter. And the picture is sharper. dent Environmental Awareness Miss Di Biase attended meetings, To make better color TV, Sony developed a bet­ Group. She is a graduate of Clay­ met with DECA officers, and ga­ ter system. Trinitron® is Sony's system. ton A_ Bouton Junior-Senior FBLA use. Sony's system has one big color gun that shoots High School. Voorheesville. all the colors. And there's a lens more than twice as big as everyone else's. With a large lens, you get ••• a sharper, brighter picture. Vivid co"lors aren't Elise Frost. daughter of Dr. washed out in bright room lighting. and Mrs. James A. Frost, of 42 Easter Drama Turn on this solid state set and watch the Trini­ Old Ox Road, Delmar, a sopho­ An Eas~r drama entitled tron system with a 12" diagonal screen bring better color into view. Beautiful walnut cabinet styling. more at Wheaton College. Nor­ "Here Is the Man" will be pre­ ton. Mass., performed in an aqua· sented in the Slingerlands Com­ Come in and see the picture. tic show at the College, March I munity United Methodist Church SONY. 17-20. I on Sunday, March 28 at 11 A.M. She is a member of Tritons. one The play will be preceded by a of the oldest synchronized swim­ brief worship service. The cast Guilderland Radio Television ming clubs in the country, and will include Doris Clark, Ho­ participated in the annual show, ward Clayton, Irwin Conroe, Ro­ 2301 Western Ave. with the theme this year, "Stran­ bert Ruckerstuhl, and Jane Stolz. ded in Time." The 18 members. Directed by Mary Nugent, the PHONE 438-3549 who arrange their own choreo­ drama was written by Dwight Time Payments Arranged graphy, spend long hours practic­ Walsh, formerly pastor of the We Do Our Own Service. ing, and their graceful precision Slingerlands church and current­ 8:30 - 5:00 & 7:00 - 9:00 8:30 -4:00 may be described as water ballet. ly a professor at Harvard Di­ ""ONDA'I' - FRIDAY SATURDAY The swimmers perform duets, vinity School. The public is wel­ foursomes, and group compO~l- come. :THE SPOTLIGHT March 25, 1971 - PAGE 21 •Art Exhibit Showing The work of members of the On the afternoon of April 4 Bethlehem Art Association can from 2 to 5 the Schenectady Mu· GABRY'S I be seen at the City and County seum will have a showing of re­ MARINE SALES, INC. I Savings Bank on Delaware Ave. ·cent works by Delmar artist Mar­ opposite Delaware Plaza. Mr. iho Fasulo, Nadia Rymanowski 16 Lincoln AYe., Watenliet - 273.6888 Martin, the Bank Manager, has of Newtonville and from Schenec­ graciously allowed the group to I tady, Deena Rankin. Is Having A Great Big , play. The show will be rotated. Nick Brignola and his quartet allowing new pieces and other will perform his pure jazz sound. the work of artists to be hung. The public is cordially invited. Oils. watercolors, photographs, The exhibition of paintings will acrylics and drawings are all re­ run until April 24. presented and most of the work SALE is for sale. The show can be view­ ed during banking hours. Meeting Mrs. Robert Taylor of Brook­ side Drive is in charge of arrange­ Park Plan ments for the Cornell Women's 10 To 500/0 OtfOn All Club of Albany meeting to be held Meeting in conjunction with the Capital Sno wmobiles, Accessories District Home Economists in ! Information meetings will be Homemaking club, at the Albany Clothing and Equipment i held by the Town of' Bethlehem Institute of History and Art on : Recreation Committee on March March 31 at 8 P.M. 130. 1971. 7:30 P.M. at the Selkirk Miss Barbara Evans of the mu­ ; Fire Hall. Maple Avenue. Selkirk. seum staff will conduct a tour for and on April 1. 1971, 8 P.M. at the DON'T FORGET TO STOP AT OUR the members and a short business SHOWROOM AND REGISTER IMiddle School Auditorium, Ken­ and social hour will follow. 'wood Avenue, Delmar, for the Vou May Win Absolutely FREE Reservations for this meeting· purpose of explaining the pro­ A Sunfrower SaHboat:"'Orawfr'9 I may be made by calling Harriette i gress in the plans for developing At our 18th Anniversary Show April 18' Morgan at 439·6307. ithe Town's Elm Avenue Park Site. I The public is invited to attend 2nd Program :these open meetings. On Wednesday evening, March Don'I Forgel To Ask Aboul Our 31, the second program of the Coleman Campers & Mini Sporls Bikes year will be presented in the Au­ ninner ditorium of the Slingerlands Elementary School beginning at Now Available at : The annual Old Timers' Dinner 8:00 P.M. The first program dealt GABRY'S MARINE SALES INC. 'of the BCHS Men's Association with the emotional needs of chil­ has been sched'uled for Tuesday, 16'lincoln Ave., W.te",liet - 273.6888 dren and what parents and teach­ ------ALSO April 6, at 6 P.M. at the Amer· ers can do to prepare young peo­ !ican Legion Hall in Elsmere. ple to take their place in society. I Guest speaker will be Joseph EVERYTHING FOR THE HUNTER Guerrera, Director of Health, jPhysical Education and Recrea­ HOME DECORATOR FABRICS tion for the Bethlehem Central School District. SPECIAL Attendance is open to all resi­ 30,000 YARDS UPHOLSTERY FABRICS dents of the Town of Bethlehem who are interested in athletics. $2.75 '0 $6.00 Values to $30.00 Guests will include charter mem­ Brocades, textures, stripes, plaids, solids bers of the Men's Association Herculons, tapestries, needlepoints which has been in existence for more than 25 years. The group "JUST ARRIVED" - Mix and match with our new imported velvets. supports athletics programs on the interscholastic level. A roast beef dinner will be Hours: 3erved at 7 P.M. preceded by a 9:30 • 9:00 MOD •• 'dutch treat" cocktail hour. Tic­ 443 Saratoga Rd. RIe. 50 . Tues. kets at $4.50 are available from Formerly Slims Markel Wed. )fficers of the association or by SeoUs. N.Y. 9:30· 5:00 ThlU'li •• nail to P.O. Box 332. Delmar. 399-7614 FrI.. Sat. THE SPOTLIGH On March 31, is on the means of the important programs list­ used to educate children. ed below: TROTT A'S RESTAURANT Two movies will be shown deal­ Take a Deep Deadly Breath. Delaware Ave. (2 mi. past 4 corners) ing with the open classroom. The Speaker: Dr. Volker A. Mohnen, open classroom is one of the most Atmosphere Sciences Research DINNERS $2.9S- discussed and fascinating ideas Center, SUNYA (March 31, Wed· in education today. Practiced nesday, 8 P.M.) Choice of 30 En!rees with apparent success in one­ So little Time (to conserve our Includes: Tossed Salad • Beverage third of the "infant schools" vanishing land, its wildlife and I Ital ian Bread in Great Britain, it has been the resources.) Speaker: Dr. Margar- I et M. Stewart, Professor of Bio­ Dinner served 5·10 Cocktail bar 4 till ? subject of vigorous experimenta­ tion in independent schools and logical Sciences, SUNY A . (April 439·9888 has now gained nationwide at­ 14, Wednesday, 8 P.M.) tention in public schools as well, Standing Room Only. Speaker: : with the largest venture current­ Dr. Michael L. Rosenzweig, As- i ly underway in the schools of sistant Professor of Biological i North Dakota. Public school in­ Science, SUNYA. (April 21, terest has probably nowhere Wednesday, 8 P.M.) except North Dakota. been more Agenda For Tomorrow (The forcefully expressed than in New time to act is NOW - before it York State by Commissioner is too hte.) Panel discussion and Ewald B. Nyquist, President of group seminar. Speakers: Mr., the University of the state of Ronald T. Stewart, Moderator. I New York and Commissioner of Atmospheric Research Center,: SUNYA, Mr. Bob Beuhl. Project! Associate in New York State De-I' partment of Northeast SCOPE.; Dr. Richard D. Kelly, Associate' Pr.ofessor of Science, SUNYA., The Bethlehem Environmental (April 28, Wednesday. 8 P.M.) , Improvement Association urges everyone to attend all or anyone Subscribe to The Spotlight


MEYERS FUNERAL HOME 741 Delaware Avenue 439-5560 Delmar, N.Y. ~HE SPOTLIGHT Ma'ch 25, 1971 - PAGE 23

nswers about...... ETHLEHEM ENTRAL WE'VE Schools MOVED By Ann Treadway DR. ARTHUR M. SCHERR Director of Public Information Bethlehem Central Schools DR. MORTIMER ARENSTEIN (All residents of the school di~trict are invited to address ques· DR. JAMES A. PAUL I tions to this column by calling Mrs. Treadway weekday mornings at OPTOMETRISTS 439-4921 or by mailing queries to her at 700 Delaware Ave.) QUESTION: In regard to the decision of the board to have Good NOW AT Friday used as a make-up school date, are we going beyond the state 147 Hackett Blvd. 1817 Western Ave. requirement for number of school days per year? Is it really neces­ Albany Westmere sary for all schools in the district to make up one day? 463·0212 482·9293 ANSWER: There seems to be a lot of confusion on this subject, so we hope to explain it clearly here: The deadlina tor Spotlight Classified Ad. is Frid., Ifternoon preceding I The state requires 180 days of school per year. Our Calendar publication the following Thursday. Pfeesa" glt yours if! on time. Committee scheduled 183 days for this school year. but one of those days was planned and used for the Teachers' Workshop last fall. This - < ~ ... left two extra days on the schedule, beyond the 180-day requirement. , ,C'HAP·(!.(,ST OOW~!9WN' All Bethlehem sc~ools were closed, however, on three separate dates - due to bad weather.' This is why all our schools need to make SHOP DOWNTOWN-SHOP T. ARTHUR COHEN up at least one day to reach the 180 total. The make-up date has not been scheduled for any other reasons than weather cancellations. InstlUction time has been lost for other It's Hard To Look Pretty reasons, such as the teachers' strike day in September and the recent bomb threat incidents at the High School. We have met the legal re­ quirements for state aid on these days, however, because attendance When Your Feet Hurt! was taken and classes were in session for the equivalent of one per­ iod. If we didn't schedule a make-up date and remained at the 179- day total, we would stand to lose about $16,000 in state aid. The Board of Education feels that making up one day is the very least our school district should do, in terms of actual instruction time lost. Plans are now being developed for scheduling extra class time for High School pupils, who have missed so much instruction lately. Prin­ cipal Helen Hobbie will make an announcement about this at a later time.

I QUESTION: Isn't Bethlehem Central High School accredited by the Middle States Accrediting Association? I would think this would I ~OR RENT - SLENDERIZING EQUIPMENT A comple.le I ine of exercising equ Ipment .. You can enhance your fitneSS program for as littleas 50Ca day. ALBANY SURGICAL CO., INC. . BLACK or BLUE 214·21"8 tC1rk Street A:hony .. N.Y. Coli, 43~-57.16 $27.95 Tired, aching or burning feet may put lines in your face and keep you from 'ooking your best. Our shoes make walking fun again-with fit and comfort DIVERTED SHIPMENT SALE! yoy'lIlove. We have your size.

SAVE ON SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE OF NEW DODGES! FootViSitt~ t:./t A AA Shoe Doc)or , ~r~ Specialist 81 CHAPEL ST. '·";ulJ Lots) 15 PAGE 24 - Ma

The public is invited to the YWCA Classes program and to the time of fel­ An Easter bonnetful of spring­ lowship afterwards. Parking in Rear. Mon. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. till 3, Wed. Nite 7-9 time activities is offered by the 439-9970 Albany YWCA in its new class term starting March 29. . Three Plays Anyone wishing to relax win­ The Drama Workshop of the ter-worn muscles can. register Albany Jewish Community Cen­ now for lessons in golf, tennis, ter is in rehearsals for its spring self-defense. fencing, swimming, production of "The Jewish Wife," Yoga, Slimnastics or ballroom "The Old Jew" and "The Public dancing. Eye." Ballet classes for girls seven While the actors are hard at to 12 years old will be given Sa­ work learning their lines, the turdays from 11 A.M. to noon. production staff is also hard at Aqua-Baby swim classes for. work building sets, collecting toddlers and their mothers are props, setting lights, and about open on Tuesday, W-ednesday 100 things the audiences never and Thursday mornings. Other see. swim sessions include a Mr. In charge of sets is Morris and Mrs." class, beginner and . Kaminsky. He has designed a pre-beginner lessons, brother­ unit set that can be used for and-sister instruction for four all three selections with a mini­ to six-year-olds, and co·ed and mum of changes. Working closely fkmily dip periods. with him is a Drama Workshop In less strenuous vein, instruc­ regular, Sid Eisenhandler. Sid, tion in acrylic painting and arts does everything from nailing sets i and crafts also is offered. Bridge to painting flats. for beginners will be taught Lights are being set by Larry 'LAWN PitODUC1S Thursday evenings. Both morn­ INTRODUCTORY GUARANTEE Ginsburg. Larry has worked with ,.~ .... o.,rl PI""." L•• , ing and evening sewing classes 95 ., .. "'"., .... ,"", ... , the Drama Workshop for many • 1 lb. r... " ... r,,,. """,",~... are available . ~.;'''::~' f~":,::~':~~:"~;' • Power .le,ation , ...... "' ...;,.<1"" , .... seasons and also does lights low. rg.I ... ,,," .,...... • Power Rolli"1 Registration is open now at ~;::,:~,:,~ .."'. b.... ,'.I, , .. w .. ·...... , • fertilization for Civ:e Theatre. Other commit­ • Power ROllinK $24 W,,, "" .." .hl .....U, .. , Turlmnter Prilts) l,","P 10 AND .."" ,,'''' fO"" 'u'_ • Reteedin, (1 tb, per the Albany YWCA, 55 Steuben • Seedinl (lIb. per C,"\"'$ 'AWN ITS Ow" •• 000 .q.... .or wi tee ·chairmen include: Fran Ei­ lOBO sq. ftl "".. " ....0 .. >10 (01' 1,000 sq. ft.! • Fertilintiu r.cn ••0" TO lH( '""""111• • Wild Conllol ~., .~.l!. if Street. For information, call 434-. TurlmutlrPrills) 1,000 sq. • Grub Proolinl ""'. ~.OOO .~. n. ;-1< senhandler, props; Carrie Stern­ It.• $5) H 7184. ~~=!&'!&~ bach, make-up; Shelley Squire, ANNUAL "GREENSK£EPER CARE" PROGRAM .... ,o. .. _ ,o...... 'w, Costomes; Jack Sternbach, play­ SPRING lATE SPRING SUMM£I FAIt • Pre-Emergence Crab • Weed Control • Crab GrassControl· • Reseeding bill; Paul Offricht, publicity; Grass Control • Chinch Bug Control • Weed Control • Fertilization - Illustrated Rochelle Stracher house and hos­ • Reseeding • Sod Webworm • Fungus Control Turf·Mester PriUs • Fenilization- Conuol • Chinch Bug Control • Weed Control pitality and Tickets, David Fe­ Turf-Master Prills • Grub ContrOl 3~; • Power Roiling • Sod WebVllOrm Talk rence. • Weed Control Control • Fertilization- SQ. rt ((I)(N) "I. • Power Aeration • Power RoUing Turf-Master Pri!l~ 11. mi",m,mi • Fertilization - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gibbs, Eleanor Koblenz will be direct­ • Power Aeration PRICE tOYEIS Turf·Master Prills AU. 4 SERVICES Missionaries to the Phillipines, ing The Jewish Life and The Old SAVE TIME! ... SAVE LABOR !... SAVE MONEY! . will give an illustrated talk about Jew and will be assisted by Edna ELIMINATE aUK•• WORK AND WASTII:D DOLLA ..S' Coil LAWN.A.IMI i, Y."' '10'-"1 li .. o, ooy d'l the Phillipines on Sunday, March Goldfeder. Rona Goldstein will ,,,,I"di"~ S"dol._lo, fnr .,JimOI • • ,d


Come and see our Quality Merchandise by SYLVANIA CALL NOW 462. 2465

INTRODUCING Mrs, Elinor Thibodeau Sales Representative

Mrs. Thibodeau is highly qualified WELL WISHES OFFERED by Mrs. William VanCott, Prp.sirlent of the and experienced and is prepared to .Bethlehem Women's Republican Club to Mrs. Wilma Rogalin, former give her clients individual attention and painstaking service. vice chairman of the New York Republican State Committee and past president of the State Federation of Women's Republican Clubs at a We Yield to None testimonial luncheon in her honor at the Thruway Hyatt House. on In the Quality March 13th. Among the 600 attending the statewide function were Gov. Of Our , Lt. Gov. Malcolm Wilson and Attorney General Professional. Service Louis Lefkowitz. Members of the Bethlehem Women's Republican Club who accompanied Mrs. VanCott were: Mrs. Elmer Moray, who served 205 DE'LAWARE AVE., DELMAR 439-4943 as a hostess for the affair, Mrs. William Crannell, Mrs. Ruth Jamieson, Mrs. Harry Roach, Mrs. Otto de Heus, Mrs. Merwyn Atwood, Mrs. John Williamson, Mrs. Walter Eck, Mrs. Cynthia Wilson, Mrs. J. R. Denny, Mrs. David Degener and Mrs. Arthur Young. ------,

·THE SPOTLIGH~ than' that average.. indicatfng More About NEW. KID ON THE BLOCK??? a continuing' increase in the fu­ Recently wh ile doing a job over in the Roweland Ave. section ture. Poisons that is-what one of our'local contractors called me. Actually he -Since· The" Bank's marketing was particially right. . More than one-eighth of all Tri-City Contracting Co. is only a little over 2 years old. How­ area stretches' up to the CanadiaJ? ~ver the principa I, that's me Dick Sanderson, has been perform­ border and down to the Hu-dson A mericans who died last year Ingthe same work under the name Tri-City Apartments since 1965. ahd Oneonli:r a~eas, the~e mort­ by- swallowing poison - 325 By this time you may be asking yourself just what we do. Our out of were small big speCialty is Roofing and remodeling. We also throw in a few gages are-"for' residences in a 2,500 - chilo other services to include: Additions, painting, sheetrocking, and widespread s'ection at' New York dren too young to read labels and general repairs. Soon to be added to our organization will be of an age when they put anything complete plu~bing and h~ating ?ervice. We are ab~orbing a li­ State. ' censed plumbing and heating bUSiness that has been In operation . McCormick explained that the into their mouths, the Ameri­ for 10 years. The "parent company", Tri-City Apartments rounds r'emainder of The Bank's loan can Red Cross said recently. out the services that are rendered by offering such things as: It urged parents to protect Rental Management; Buildi'ng Management Consultation; and portfolio is in instalment loans. Apartment House Management. commercial loans, personal loans, their ,children by keeping poi­ The "new kid on the block" kind of gave me a chuckle. You see etc. The Bank haS a large number sonous substances out of their I've been in this area since 1939, I went thru the school system, reach. because "they are too nd I.have spent all my adult life in Delmar (with the exception of of contracts with car dealers and 2 years with the U.S. Army). We live on Kenwood Ave. and our 5 recently introduced a charge young to identify a poisonous sub­ ch~ldren attend the local schools. stance," Raymond Albertini, AI: card plan, Master Charge. In-' . (f • /)·t J7 t . t' /) (f D,lmar, N.Y. j;. -' 'tt-LL LOn ,

* Engine Tune-up * Front End Alignment * Automatic Trans- mission Service * Modern Equipment * Skilled Mechanics

THE SIXTH GRADE C~ASS of St. Thomas School. Delmar, visited with and discussed the problems of State"Government- with Albany Assem­ blyman, Thomas W. Brown on March 16. Mrs. Helen Harder, 35 Wis- . consin Avenue, left, ,and Mrs. Sheila Gorman, U5'Sa-lem Road, Delmar, New YO,rk accompanied the"~tudents to the Capitol. Pictured with the students is Assemblyman Brown, just prior to the group's entry the Assembly Chamber. E SPOTLIGHT Ma.eh 25, 1971 - PAGE.27

as wood alcohol, gasoline, tur­ "Skin of Our Teeth" on March DAN & SETTY DRYDEN'S SKI SCHOOL pentine, paint thinner, and was; 31 and April 1, 2, .and 3 a.t 8:15 New for boys & girls 09" 7-15 and garden chemicals - ferti­ in room 46. Director Sydney Tur­ SCiturdays _..... Jonutlry thru Mtlrch. All dtlY instruction, lizers, weed killers, and insecti­ ner, has built an ar;ena type stage pro·cti~., fun. cides. and ru~way to &:.ilv~ th-i;;> shoW' a Tj.~l'I$p;'''rtation from Al­ bany ond Slingerlands The danger; from poison to a different angle .. Scotland to ski areas provided. baby begins ,as soon as he can .• Rachel Follett is the wayward For information, ro.tes crawl and reach a floor level ca­ maid (Sabina), ·with.Ron"Kuivila phon. binet where poison~)Us household and Lisa Ch~rchvlll~ ~.s M~: an~ products are ~tored. Mr. Alber­ Mrs. Antrobus. During the cours~ Pharmacy tini said. "He can be attracted of the. play they and their chil· by a brightly colored container 9ren survi~e a glacier, flood. al)d STONEWELL SHOPPING holding something that is poison­ war. by the. skin of their teeth. uous if swallowed.· he explained; Pe~fect, Em~ertainlT!ent·. f~r yo~~ eTR., SLINGERLANDS "The hazards increase when the family, date, or dinner party. child learns to climb." Tickets may qe obtai~~d by call­ UVEA ing Lisa Churchville at 439.·.4566 "THIS WEEK'S or .any Charlatan. FEATURE" Thorton Wilder LITTLE Classic "Thank You" The BCHS Charlatans will be Albany Mayor Erastus Corn­ MAN-POWER presenting Thorton Wilder's ing, 2nd has proclaimed the week SPRAY DEODORANT

Meet :hc 1V.lege!, ~;-,c ~o':/csl priced true sports CJr. The S7~ action's in our sho'.':room Reg. Price $1.49 805 HOOSICK RD. RT. 7, TROY, N.Y. 7 oz. C~n (All 272,4190

Phone 768-2429 Aluminum Products

Sabina talks with Mrs. Antrobus in BCHS .Charlatan's production of DICK Wilder's "Skin of Our Teeth." DOMERMUTH ··VIOLINS REPAIRED Motorcycle Insurance BOWS REHAIRED • • • Same day FS-1 SPECIALIZING IN SIDING INSTALLATION TENNIS RACKETS BARRY SCOTT RESTRUNG - REG RIPPED W. R. Domermuth - P.O. Box 173, Clarksville C.M. LACY 3 Becker Terr. 90 State St., Albany" 439·9739 462-9796 PAGE 28 - Ma'ch 25, 1971 THE SPOTLIGHl of March 28 through April 3 as Memorial Award, and the special "Thank You Week" for the AI· New York State agency awards ROOFING VOILVO: Albany United FundlRed Cross the Murray R. Nathan Memorial When it comes to Joint Appeal. Highlight of the Awards and the Joseph H. Mur· something as impor· A CAR THAT week will be the 1971 Awards phy Awards. tant as your roofl Call OUTLASTS THE and Recognition Dinner to be Special tribute is also planned .the best. We guarantee held Monday evening, March 29 to the mass media for the role ol!r roofs for 15 years PAYr~ENT at the Thruway Hyatt House, they played in the 1971 Joint and qual ity of applica­ Albany. Reception will be at 6:15 Appeal hmd drive. tion. BOOK. P.M., dinner at 7 P.M. Garry Stevens will serve as Approximately 400 Capital master of ceremonies. Vanguard Roofing Co. District businesses and organi­ zations will be honored at the 767·2712 dinner for the part they payed Registration in last fall's Joint Appeal. James Registration for the Spring WE R. Allison. awards chairman, Semester of dasses and activi­ DELIVER said,the awards program is the ties of the Albany Jewish Com­ means by which 88 voluntary munity Center, 340 Whitehall private social agencies say "thank Road began on Sunday, March y.ou" to all persons and organi­ 14, from 1:30 to 3:30 P.M. and LUMBER zations who contributed to last continues daily from 9:30 A.M. .ONE PIECE OR A TRUCKLOAD. fall's campaign. to 4:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. to Lt. Governor Malcolm Wilson 9:30 P.M. until Sunday, March W. W. CRANNELL will be the guest speaker for the 28 during the hours the Center LUMBER CO. is open. Membership in the Al­ 80S HOOSICK RD. occasion. VOORH EESVILLE RT. 7, TROY, N.Y. Four major awards wil be pre­ bany Jewish Community Center 765-2377 Can 272-4190 sented including the Award for is open to all residents of the Excellence, the Edward J. Riley community. PLANNING YOUR "WEDDING" Let us record your wedding in Beautiful Color RICCARDO STUDIOS MAPLE AVE. SELKIRK. N.Y. 767-9891 OPEN EVENINGS & WE EKENDS

AL"ANY MAYOR , 2nd has just signed and is pre· senting to William l. Pfeiffer, 1971 Campaign Chairman, the Procla­ mation declaring the week of March 28 - April 3 as "Thank You Week" for the Albany Area United Fund/Red Cross Joint Appeal.

HAWAII ANSWERING OCTOBER 16th .ROGER SMITH SERVICE from Albany PAlin & WALLPAPER co. $599 253 Delaware Ave., Business & Professional Delmar, N.Y. 12054 Telephone Exchange LANSING TRAVEL 439·4468 24 hours a day 1234 Western Ave., Albany FREE easy parking· in rear Call Phone 438·4441 MASTER CHARGE Parking at the door BANKAMERICARD 439-4981 ·1 OLDEST IN U.S.A. HE SPOTLIGHT Ma.ch 25, 1971 - PAGE 29 The Junior department of the authorized Albany Jewish Community Cen­ TORO ter is sponsoring a Sunday Fun­ We're All For . Itfrvice day Program Package, some Arts being sponsored by the New Women'sLib, Tpo! York State Council on the Arts. Registration for the package And we're doing something about it. Especially will be on Sunday, March 14th, when it comes to those heavy pieces like cumbersome at the Center_ Highlighting Bed Sheets, Woolen Blankets, Fancy lledspreads, ! the program package will he a . Curtains and Draperies. We promise to save you Children's Theatre Party, leatur· both time and money. ing Bob Hope in the "Seven Lit­ tle Foys," on Sunday, March 28th ·GET The return engagement of the CALL 489·2931 YOUR Nicolo Marionettes, presenting Duy or Night FREE PICK· UP. alul DELIVERY MOWER "The Emeror's Clothes," on Sun­ ~l,/prIlLATI\I.( lAUNor~IN0 IN SHAPE day, April 4th; a trip to HoIl­ UP("! O~l UIA,." ... C. man's Playland on Sunday, April -NOW! -~(\I ,..,....,.~JJI 25th; a visit to Historic Cherry KILL.lP LAUNDERING &,DRY CL£ANlNG COMPANY35 Commerce, 'Albany Hill Mansion on Sunday, April TAYLOR 18th; a Children's Concert pre· & VADNEY sented by the Albany Little Sym­ "Where Service ,is Impor. phony on Sunday, May 2nd and tant" ' a Magic Show. Field Day and Wei­ 30:1 CENTRAL AVE. 472·918 ner Roast will conclude the Sun­ DELMAR CAR WASH Open Daily'-8 A.M. 10 9 P.M. day progran on Sunday, May FULLY AUTOMATIC 23rd. These programs are of­ BETHLEHEM COURT-REAR OF DEL LANES fered to grades from Pre-school WORLD through 4th. Center members FAMOUS only! The Weekday Program Round­ up will include Hot Wheels, Gui­ BEEt < tar for Beginners, Ceramics, Acrobats, Sportsman. Iddy Bid· STICR dy Basketball, Boutique, Pre­ school Pot-Pourri, Creative Ad­ Your cor should be waxed with our Hot Carnouba Wcx All Beef, venture, Basic Arts and Crafts, after a tough salty winter. Hickory Hammer N'Nails, Jr. Woodcrafts. Carnauba Wax affords your car with instant protection. This wax is the hardest, most durable wax known to man. Be~ Smoked cause of its natural characteristics, it will give any good finish a H. L. GAGE lasting lustre and a film of protection. Summer SALES, INC. Sausage aL Altomo't N Y t 2009 ... INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER PURCHASE I MOTOR TRUCK a FARM EQUIP. Exclusive CUB CAOET~~,SAlES a SERVICE A Book of Tickets inTed Hans. 861-8521 • Walt Connors, with us! Sample it 10 T~~~:S $10 first! Vou Will Save $3.50 A Weekdays or $6.00 d~ Saturday & Sunday . ;V/.O~~WAY With This RESTAURANT SPECIAL ~and COCKTAIL LOUNGE PURCHASE Reg. Mon.-Fri. Only $1.35 tax included HAPPY HOUR Sat., Sun. & Holida,s 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M. 9nly $1.60 tax included -northway SPECIAL FOR THE LADIES COLD DUCK mall~ 1 Dc a glass I 1440 Central Ave., Colonie fREE ASSORTED MONDAY th,u SATURDAY HORS D'OEUVRES GOOD TIL WfDNlSD~Y. MARCH 31d, ~ 10 A.M. to 9,30 P.M. Mon.-Fri. 9 am to 8 pm; Sat. 8 am to 6 pm; Sun. 9 am to 4 pm Outside Entrance Next to A/morls DAILY (except Sundays) DElICIOUS LUNCHES "V'''''''' IN AND VOU'RE OUT AT DELMAR CAR WASH" DINNERS & COCKTAILS PAGE 30 - March 25, 1971 .THE SPOTLIGHi Modelmaking, Copper Enamel­ Market Seminar; Fundamentals KING OF ROSES ing, Pre-School Ballet, Creative of Life Insurance; Co-ed Diet Dance, Puppetry, Paper Para­ Class; Drama Workshop; and Sho­ phenalia, Plastic Fantasy Flow­ farot Couples Club. This spring WATERBEDS ers, Cooks & Bakers, Jr. Hos­ there will be three Public Af· FOR HEALTH, COMFORT; AND FUN tess, Kitchen Kraft, Hodge Podge fairs Meetings. The first will be King of Roses Waterbeds are live beds with contoured comfort with Jewelry, Creative, Crea­ held on Thursday, March 25, Ar· ... like floating on a calm lake ... no mattress buttons or.lumps tive Stitchery and a specialized nold Pros kin will be guesto peak­ ... just total relaxation. Great for camping. Sold in kit form or pre-school Playschool. er. ·The Ninth Annual Center complete ~ finished wood or upholstered frames. Waterbeds For further information of Jun­ Member Art Show will have it'Si start at $50.00. ior Sunday or Week.day Pro­ opening date on Sunday, Mayi KING OF ROSES WATERBED SHOP grams, contact Arlene Mercado 2nd. 250 Lark St., Albany. 434·8390 at the Center, 438·665l. Physical Education for Adults! Adult Program activities in­ includes Yoga classes, Women's: clude Self Expressive Painting, Slimnastics, Judo and Self De-I class for beginners and advanc­ fense, Women's Bowling, Fencin~ ed; Oil Painting, Portrait and Karate, Men's Conditioning, Vol~ Sketchirlg and Drawing classes; leyball, Basketball, Jogging an~ Ceramics, both morning and eve­ Physical Fitness, PaddleballJ HOW TO ning; Sewing classes in the morn­ Badminton. Body Building an~ ings and evenings; a class in sew­ Weight Lifting, tennis and golf. ing machine operation; Ballroom The Intermediate Program fall SAVE MONEY Dancing, class for beginners and 5th and 6th graders includes thd experienced dancers; Bridge for Sunday Friendship Clubs, Hapj LOW COUNTRY OVERHEAD PLUS VOLUME beginners, intermediates and ad­ pening & Gym Program, Homei WILL SAVE - TALK MONEY TO 'CRAILO vanced players; Photography, making, Boy Scouts, Guitar Lesj Folk Guitar; Folk Dancing; Con­ sons, Copper Enameling, Photo~ TH'IIUSAII'DS OF "P'ITAL D;IISTIIlIlT . versational French; Creative Mo­ graphy, Woodworking, Hodg~ FORD BUYEftiS ~NOW WIIERE 1'0 BUY dern Dance, both afternoon and Podge with Jewelry, Ceram~csj evening; a Dried Flower Arrang­ Plastic Fantasy Flowers, Ma~ 1) CRAIUI F'DRD offers over ~ madels, COlors, engines options av.,nable. ing Class; Copper Enameling crame, Household Sculpture! Course; Crochet Class; Stock Cheerleading, Ski Club, Art 2) C,IIA1LO FORD Is OII1y 5 minutes from eiH1er new Bridges In nearby EaSt Green· busll. WHAT'S NEW AT THE FOX SHOP 3) .cRAILO FORD needs Used Cars and wiil outbid for your trade-in. Everything for 4) CRAILO FDRII "Mtrade" deals are fbe Best around - we will nat be undersold. 5) CIIAILO FORD Service - adds tile satis· Spl'ing &Slimmer! faction you elpet'. TALK MONEY TO CRAILO FASHION FOR THE MOillY Y,O,U SAVE IS YIOURS .UL SIZES • FIlEE APPRAlSALS! 10 to 20 • 40 to 60 • Pant Suits • Sportswear • Coats • Raincoats • Dresses • Cotton Shilts • Lingerie • Al'cessories EXTRA SIZE PANTY HOSE SALE $1 • 99 ::to Fox Shop .Jf,:n~:4t72~;717 Celumbia 7urn?ike, East Greenbush 477·9302 or Annex, 319 Columbia S-t., Renss. 465-9350 f'BANKA:Ri~;' FREE PARKING r OPiNlo MASTER CHARGE ACROSS Saturday.i:';, UNICARD THE STREET lOt. 6 HE SPOTLIGHT MO


REMODELING - all types of car­ ALTERA nONS penter work. Ed Hehre. 439-1198. H6rses Boarded PAINTING tf & PAPERHANGING ALTERATIONS and sewing. Ma- COVENTRY, CARPENTRY, cellar JOSEPH'S Troubadour Stables, bel Suess. 439-1270. tf to roof, remodeling, kitchen, riding lessons, pony rides, Train­ ing. Route 9W. 767-9537. 10t325 INTERIOR and exterior painting,' SPRING is coming. Sewing and garages, additions. 439-6042. also paperhanging. FranK Salis­ alterations. Call Mrs. Lusk. 439- 12t325 bury. Days HE 9-5527; nights 5187. GENERAL REPAIRS, remodeling, HE 9-1355. tf stairs, bookcases, playrooms. INSTRUCTIONS Aluminum Producls Arthur Molle. HE 8-7165, IV 9-2202. 9t325. CLASSIQUE DANCE SCHOOL RESIDENTIAL ROLL-UP awnings. Door Cano­ ADDITIONS, garages, dorms, pies, patios, commercial & re­ kitchens, remodeling, patio. Van 154 A Delaware Avenue INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL sidential. Entryways, prime re­ Cans. 439-3541. tf placement windows & doors CHILDREN AND ADULTS & storms. Camp's Aluminum - PRIVATE OR GROUPS Phone 434-3500. 6t429 C;;ARPET INSTALLED . All types of Dance and Exercise D.L. CHASE ALUMINUM SIDING 439-3331 Mrs. B. Follett I Painting ',,' . Contractor SIDING, trim. Free estimates. Fully' HOLLAND HOUSE (#I insured. Expert installers, reason­ INTERIOR DECORATING able prices. I-Ielderberg Alumi,·,· Decorating um.439-9720. 4t415 ALUMINUM SIDING including all CarJl_eting INTERIOR Decorating - Delmar Interior Specialist trim work complete. Wm. Dane, Decorators, Delaware Plaza. 482-4074 after 5. 4t48 Drapes, Carpet, Slipcovers, Cali 439-4130. tf Phone 768-2069 ALUMINUM SIDING, trim, gutters guar­ Furniture, Upholstery. anteed. Insured. Free estimates. Van JEWELRY Cans. 439-3541 If Free Estimates - Samples PAINTING & PAPERHANGING. interior & exterior painting Wallpapering. SatiS­ COMPLETE LINE aluminum products BETTINA HUGHES EXPERT WATCH AND JEWELRY Installation, Local references on request. 872-163 - 463-0744 repairs. Diamond setting, engrav­ faction guaranteed, Fred Albright. 463- Guaranteed workmanship, free esti· ing, wedding and engagement 2513. 6t325 mates. 768-2429. tf rings, reasonable. Your trusted NICK ROBILOTTO - contract now for summer exterior painting. papering CLEANING SERVICE jeweler. LeWanda, Delaware APPLIANCES Plaza Shopping Center. HE 9- 489-8052 6t41 9665. tf LOCHMOOR Window Cleaning Co. Resident and office mainten­ BOlb Sowers' ,!Jnce, complete. 489-0121 or 489- MASONWORK Residential, 2474. tf DELMAR APPLIANCE EXPERIENCED, all types masonry, FLOORS, WALLS, windows. Resi­ new or repairs. Guidara. HE 9- Complete Line of dential, Industrial work. Call 1763 evenings. tf Commercial, Industrial Honey. 439-5177, 462-3954. 4t48 RCA Victor - Whirlpool PLASTER REPAIRS. Call R. Weeks. 439-1947. j it3 i 6 DRAPERIES William Dane Sales & Service ~1""'",'''III''"'''"IItI'Ht'''''"""'''""'"'''-'''-''''"IHt''J . . Interior - Exterior Painting - DRAPERIES custom made, 239 Delaware Ave.~.Delmar home service, fabric selection, ; MASONS INC. I Aluminum Siding - Roofing Phone 439-6723 estimates, bedroom ensembles. Fully Insured - 27 yrs. expo Barbara Schoonmaker. 872-0897. 8t325 • Expert Workmanship· AUTO REPAIRS . Fir~~:~;~;;;O.N:~Ckl_ 482-4074 after 5 DRIVER TRAINING TROUBLED BY your Opel? For VOGEL, PAINTING Contractor, service by experienced Opel me­ A Loux - 439-3434 interior, exterior painting, paper- I chanic call 439-4855. 4t41 ALL ALBANY AUTO ACADEMY R·. Tice - 482-1470 I hanging. Free estimates. Guaran-: 66 No. lake Ave., Albany teed. Insured. Jim HE 9-9718 or I BLACKTOP 11'''.'''''''"".'''''"""11111111111''''''' __'"'''''" .. ,.... ,,''111''';;. John HO 3-7182. tf Beginners - Intermediates ORCHESTRA DON VOGEL Interior & Exte~iorl M. MARIANI, blacktop and land­ Classroom Instruction Available Painting & Paperhanging. Fully' scaping, free estimates now for Insured. 434-8370. tf: Tuesday, Thursday - 6 to 9 WEDDING RECEPTIONS, parties, early installation. 489-2780. tf Saturday - 9 to noon banquets. Roger DiNucci, Sling­ erlands. 439-2348. 8t56 PERMANENT WAVING BOATS CARS AVAILABLE Fo1( ROAO TESTS ORIENT AL RUGS SPECIALIZING in Breck. Realis-' NORTHEAST YACHT SALES, Standard & Automatic tic Ray~tte and Caryl Richards, ALL SIZES AND Varieties at im­ per,nanents, hair tinting and Gall 393-4242, 393-5892. End of - Call HO 2-1309 Mohawk Ave., Alplans, N.V. porter's prices. New, used and bieacldne:. MEL_E'S BEAUTY 12008. Broadwater - River antiques; washing and repairing; SALON. Plaza Shopping Center. Queen - Sea Villa. Sales, Ser­ ELECTRICAL free decorator advice; new HE 9-4411. tf vice Brokerage. 7t429 Colonie showroom; since 1925, CONTRACTOR Rustam k. Kermani Company, PICTURE FRAMING CABINET MAKER 1593C Central Ave., (112 mile DUFFY ELECTRIC - Residential west of Northway). 869-7829, 439- wiring, repairs, emergency ser­ 9419. tf CUSTOM picture framing. Delmar BOOKCASES, CABINETS, furni­ vice. Free estimates. 439-5177. tf Decorators, Delaware Plaza. ture reproductions, repairs, pic­ NO.1 PLACE TO BUY Call 439-4130. tf ture frames, J. Van Cans. 439- 3541. 8t325 . FIREPLACE WOOD PLUMBING CARPEIlfTRY FIREWOOD, pick-up stacks of firewood - Seasoned Oak: 3.95 A LINE PLUMBING CARPENTRY, stairs, doors; win-·. ea., 217.50. Garden Shoppe, dows, general repairs. Call 6-8 Glenmont. 439-1835. APPLES & HEATING P.M. 756-2019: t( HASWELL FARMS PLUMBING & HEATING CARPENTRY - Masonry - Land­ FURNITURE REFINISHING Complete bathroom, kitchen scaping. Complete home repair Feura Bush Rd. at Murray Ave. remodeling. Boilers - water service. No job too small. Call FURNITURE REFINISHING. Call Cliff Long. 482-8053. 20tl-771 Smart 439-9187. 8t325 439-3893 DElMAR heaters. Albany - 434-1193 THE SPOTLIGHT Ma,eh 25, 1971 - PAGE 33 UMBING, heating, roofing. Free WELL KNOWN John Besson re­ WATCHES repairing, expert work­ estimates, hour service. Phone 24 pairs all makes of sewing ma­ TREE SERVICE manship. All work guaranteed. Al­ 489·1947. David Macintosh. 4t325 chines, in your home. Free es­ so engraving, diamond setting timates. Sells second hand sew­ HERM'S Tree Service. Call IV 2- watch bands. Harry L. Brown, Printing & Mailing ing machines, guaranteed for one 5231. tf jeweler, 4 Corners, Oelmar. 439- year. 463-2520. 6t429 BROWNIE'S TREE Service - tree 2118.· .H OFFSET Printing - Mailing Ser.' stump removal. Insured. IV 2- vice - Mimeographing, Typing. SCISSORS SHARPENED 5031, 489-6684. . tf G. Bloodgood - Mimeo Ser­ WEDDING vice. Delmar, N.Y. 439-3383. tf SCISSORS sharpened, 6 pairs med. H&M TREE SERVICE. Fully in- sured. HO 2-0297. 4t415 size, $3. Also Pink shears, saws, PHOTOGRAPHY lawn mowers, knives. 439-5156, if ROOFING no answer, call 439-3893. tf TRI!:~SCAPfS WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY, en­ ROOF BY Shay Home Improve­ gagement Portraits ... call Louis SpeJich, Photographer, 439-5390. ment Co. is there to STAY, pro­ SNOWBLOWERS ARBORICUUURAl ~EilVlm perly installed. Priced right. Fully HAROLD C, MaciNTOSH, PR·:JP. 15t513 guaranteed. 439-2942. tf SNOWBLOWERS - all makes re­ paired. Free pick-up and delivery. The People Wilo Care About '(sur' Tr'..'2s &. yc-: WELL DRILLING DOFING, ICE SLIDES, gutters, insured. 768-2856. tf • PRUNiNG. TREE RE;I,OVAl 0 ~o.,\:;:- Guaranteed. Free estimates. Van Cans. • fEEDIM'3 • TREE SU:l:GEllY • PI.A:Hi;,j WELL DRILLING, Call anytime. R. 439-3541. tf H. Vadney Inc. Call 346-0593. H SNOWPLOWING • CASLING • VlnA (Un;~G • WOOD LOT IMPROVEMENT RUBBISH REMOVAL SNOWPLOWING - 24 hour service MERCHANDISE call 439-1781. 8t225 • STUMP REMOVAL FOR SALE au CAN'T GO wrong with Wright, • UTILITY LINE CLEARING Don Wright. 765-4159. 8t325 STORM WINDOWS EST~~:~TES PIANOS! ORGANS: 150 in stock, 24 Hr. Emergency Service Brown Piano Organ Mart. 459- UBBISH REMOVAL, $3.00 per 5230. tf month. Reliable service. John AND DOORS Caswell. 439-4831. ltJ25 BEST STORM WINDOWS. doors ELECTRIC Rotisserie, "Bla~k An­ I 439-71471 tZ;~~ guS", bakes and broils, large manufactured today. Camp's Aluminum Products. Right away. If No Answer Albany 439-3552 ~~V size, $25. 439-1336. , SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 434-3500. 4t325 -~ Mail Address: Bo)( 14, Slingerlands, N.Y. KNAPP SHOES, cushioned com­ fort. H. Russell Weiss, Glenmont, (ZIP 12159) DELMAR SANITARY CLEANERS T AX SERVICE N. Y. 465-6091. 5t325 Service Tri-Village area over 20 SHUTTLE HILL HERB SHOP years. tf HE 9-1412. has pomegranato syrup, pome­ UNIVERSAL BUSINESS Service. UPHOLSTERING ORMANSKILL Septic Tank granate seeds for Near Eastern Tax returns prepared. EveningS' and Indian cooking, and ingredi­ Cleaners. We install··dry wells, by appointment only. Phone DROZDAL Upholstering Service. ents for curries. Delaware, Els. septic tanks, drain fields.· 767- Glenmont 462-9411. - 48 Expert upholstering, free pickup 9287. ~ mere Ave., behind Pharmacy. and delivery. 16 Judson, Albany. SUMP pump like new, Zoeller, , 465-6795. 13t527 Model 05, bra::;::;, S45. 43:1-4685, SEWING MACHINE TELEVISION REPAIRS after 5 P.M. V ACUUM CLEANER CARDEN TOOLS, 3hovcl::;, picl(3, I REPAIRS RADIO - TELEVISION Service. pick axe, wheel barrow, tool chest, saw. 439-2289. EWING MACHINES Repaired. Phone 462-941'. Ted Hoke Elec­ REPAIRS AIR conditioner, 1970 Sears, 6,000 Work guaranteed. Delmar Dec­ troniCS. Hanney Lane, Glenmont. tf BTU, excellent corrdition, used orators, 3 Delaware Plaza, Del­ VACUUM CLEANER repairs, all one season. $125. (518)439-3164. mar. 439-4130. tf · makes, sales, service and parts, NEW bedside commode adjustibte TREE REMOVAL since 1928. Lexington Vacuum legs. $35. 439-7537. Cleaner Rebuilders, 62 Lexing­ GARDEN tractor, 7 hp., 8 speed ton Ave., Albany. HO 5-4636. tf with lawn mower, snow blower, chains and fogger. Like new. $550 Care for your Trees? firm. 463-8833 or 439·5091. TRACTORS -Case 7 h.p., hydrau­ WE DO! WATERPROOFING lic drive, electric start $500.00. MIDGET71 Crounse Equipment Co. 439- Fully Insured: 1517. tf AVOID THE, AT THE Shuttle Hill Herb Shop, S300,000 personal S50,000 Property Herb Teas, the good tasting All WORKMEN INSURED SPRING MOp-UP! Spring Tonics. The Whole Earth (Certificate Upon Request) Catalog. Delaware, Elsmere Ave­ BASEMENT nue, behind Pharmacy. FIVE western saddles and miscel­ ASSOCIATED WATERPROOFING laneous tack, 768-2050 after 6 P.M. By the IIYOLCLAY" Metkod TWEED spring coat. Dresses, Suit. TREE SERVICE Sizes 12 thru 16. 767-9494. Over 250,000 Homes water 463-5311 protec:ted by Volc:lay, CHICORELLI BIGTIME • No Digging • No Harm to Shrubs FUNERAL HOME SPORTSCAR. • Sump pumps and drain tile 9 Main Street, Ravena AUTHORIZED DEALER installed 756-6656 SMALL TIME PRICE. .• Waterproofing Specialists 331 Delaware Ave., Albany • Written Guarantees Call or Write for Fre-e Estimate 463-6656 The besl combination 01 and Consultation. No obliQ5lion. any sports car going. Buy ~. COOLEY the famous Midget at 6.lfu HYDRO-COTE Delmar's Leading its famous low price. £ VOLKSWAGEN BASEMENT CORP. ·Waterproofing, Inc. Real Estate Broker 375 Quail St., Albany 12 min. from Delmar Call Anytime 434,1011 Service While You Wait WATCH REPAIRING 1:tt~CtJ Guaranteed Used Cars J EXPERT WATCH AND JEWELRY Our 51st Year . 805 HOOSICK RD. repairs. Diamond settings, en­ 283-2902 graving wedding and engage­ 264 Delaware Ave., Delma, RT. 7, TROY, N.Y. on u.s. 4 at Defreestville ment rings, reasonable, your CALL 2724190 trusted jeweler, LeWanda, Dela":· 439-9921 ,-_T_r_O_Y_-E_a_st_G_re_e_n_b_"_S_h_R_d_.-.",-..J I ware Plaza Shopping Center. Multiple Listin.g Service HE 9-96B5. ~ PAGE 34 - Mo

MOTORCYCLE, Honda 50. excel­ 1970 V'IN, yellow standard, excel­ AFTER April 1st Delmar ranch, 2 lent condition, $85. Wooden wheel lent condition, snows with studs, bedroom attached garage, base­ barrow. painted white. trimmed R/W defroster, AM-FM radio, ment. References, security, black S12. Electric & battery 6,000 miles $1950. (516)439-3164. suitable couple, 439-3698 or mes­ fence charger, Ilke new $12. Two CHEVY convertible, 1961 Metallic sage only, 439-1343. aluminum windows, triple track. red, white top, 8 cylinder, auto­ COMMERCIAL - Lease or rent nstruction 3S" x 46" 55 each. Aluminum matic transmission, power steer­ 3,000 SQ. ft. Adams St., Delmar, storm door 7 ft. x 35 112 inches ing, radio, heater, white walls, two offices or warehouse 63' x 55. Wooden storm door 6 ft. 8 112 sharp, $250.439-7537. 63' (2 doors from Bethlehem Po­ inches x 38" 53. Bird bath 53. 1... Karmann Ghia, excellent con­ lice Sta.) 439-2531 or 439-6191. 439-4082. dition. 438-0921 after 4 P.M. 2t41 Planning BROIL.ER electric, excellent con­ dition, $15. 489-0410 after 5:30. BIKE, Boy's Schwinn stingray PETS HELP WANTED top Quality, excellent condition, CLEANING WOMAN needed $45. 439-5068. POODLES standard black, brown. Top blood lines. 765-2029. weekly in Delmar. HE 9-5334. FOR BETTER CLEANING, to 4t48 GOOD HOME wanted for 5 month keep colors gleaming. use Blue MAINTENANCE MAN needed Co. Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent elec­ old puppy, has all shots, very Saturdays. Contact Mr. Martin tric shampooer S1. Adams Hard­ affectionate. 767-9265 after 8 P.M. MALE Cavin terrier, 2 months at City & County Savings Bank, ware, 380 Delaware Ave., Del­ 163 Delaware Ate., Delmar. H old pedigreed, strong and Heal­ mar. 9-9941. 2t325 RCA console, record player and thy, lovely markings $85. Call radio AM and FM, needs slight 439-4847. repairs, $25. 439-2578. LABRADOR. retriever puppies, IF carpets look dull and drear, black, AKC Field Champions, remove spots as they appear with shots, wormed 439-5605. Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham­ pooer $1. Hilchie's American Hardware, 235 Delaware Ave .. W ANTED TO BUY SA~~~ Delmar. AGENCY FARFISA organ, Leslie amp. ex­ VIOLIN half-size used 439-5545. cellent condition. Call '439-2997. BICYCLE, 10 speed racing, reason­ "PLACING SALESMEN IS SIDING CLEANER ENVIRONMENT - use able. Call after 5;30 439-2115. OUR ONLY BUSINESS" phosphate-free bioegradable laundry & cleaning products. Salesmen Residential & commercial. 439- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Trainees. Professionals 2067. 4t48 Managers. Engineers PAINTING CAKES BAKED to order. Birthday, SMALL THREE ROOM (Furnished) Apart· weddings, special occasions. De­ ment. SUitable for one. In Elsmere. Call Many career opportunities for livered. 785-2527. IOt520 439·5354 after 6. 4t325 College Grads as Industrial, "GE" TELEVISION, black, white SLINGERLANDS - 3 bedrooms, Consumer and Professional 19" screen. Call 439-4169. 524,000. Ovvner. 439-2748. HO SCALE TRAIN SET. table and Sales Trainees KITCHENS OUTDOOR FAMILIES WANTED: all accessories. Bundy clarinet, Camper life, tenting, picnicins, used short time, stand included Exclusively employer fee paid or just plain relaxing in lovely For information and prices. Call wood area with streams, and 439-4150. 4t48 EXECUTIVE PARK NORTH miles of trails. Your own private STUYVESANT PLAIA BATHS FAMILY pORTRAITS in your vacation lot. Make use of your WESTERN AVE. AT FULLER RD., ALBANY home. Call Louis Spelich, Photo­ tent and camper all summer and grapher 439-5390. 14t527 fall. and perhaps winter. Don't O. L. MOVERS INC, - no iob too store your camp gear, use itl 489-5426 small or too large. Fully insured 15 min. south of Albany near GARAGES 15 years reliability. Dick Leonar­ Alcove Reservoir. 768-2928. do. 439-5210. tf KNAPP SHOES, cushioned com­ fort. H. Russell Weiss, Glenmont, PORCHS N.Y. 465-6091. 5t325 PLUMBING Help Wanled HEATING fUINIlUl1 Part • time Typist Our low-cost operation policy enables us to bring you BIG SAVINGS on NEW furniture, ELECTRICAL rugs, bedding, drapes. BURRICK· FURNITURE 560 Delaware Ave., Albany GENERAL ELECTRIC MASONRY Just across the Thruway Bridge in Albany 465-5112 has an opening for a part-time typist who is GENERAL willing to learn the operation of a data recorder. Hours: 4:00 to 9:00 P.M. REPAIR POLYMER PRODUCTS SECTION SPRING IS HEREI Bank Financing Noryl Ave., Selkirk, N.Y. AUTOMOTIVE with Bank Rates 1841 Ford runs good, make reason­ Phone able offer. 768-2118. GENERAL III ELECTRIC 18'7 Pontiac Catalina, 2 door hard­ top, power brakes & steering. Turbo automatic transmission. Asking $1050. Phone evenings. Phone 439-9371 434-1248 439-1815. HE SPOTLIGHT March 25, 1971 - PAGE 35

HELP WANTED Clarksville Car Subscription Blank St. Margaret's House & Hospital for Babies TH~ SPOTLIGHT Date _____ 19_ 27 Hackett Blvd., Albany 12208 Care Delmar, New York Registered nurse, evenings, • Complete Engine Repair o Please enter my subscription to the SPOTLIGHT for 1 YEAR charge duties pediatric experi­ • Engine Tune-Up I enclose TWO DOLLARS. ence preferred. Small nursery • Automatic Trans. home for young children Al­ • Brake Service Please enter my sUDscription to the SPOTLIGHT for 3 year. enclose $ 3.50 bany. For interview appoint­ o ALL WORK GUARANTEED Name ______ment phone 465-1231 Monday We are located with Brates Auto Sales through Friday between 9 Delaware Tpk., Clarksville. N.Y A.M. & 3 P.M. Call 768-2102 Don Hoenig. Prop Street AJJre s s or Route ______C; ty or Tow n ______S tote ______WOMAN part time, fix meals, light housekeeping, elderly couple. New Salem. IV 9-4764 days, IV 9- WEDDING PHOTO SPECIAL 0601 after 5:30. 4t415 RELIABLE retired man or a col­ axlO Color Album-12 Photos lege student for general yard Jumbo 2nd Color Album 36 Photos work. Caring for lawns, flower­ llx14 Full Color Print beds, 4 or 5 days a week, Slin­ gerlands. Days 465-5294. Evenings BxlO Black & White For Paper 489-6323. 2t41 Full Candid Covrage Spotlight Classifieds Save Our BOOKKEEPER, experiences only. Mature woman preferred, girl Only $12995 Friday, hours 9 to 3 P.M. Salary commensurate with experience Call or Write for Our Free Readers Dollars'n'Doliars Delmar area call 439-2531. Joan Cook Blue Book for Brida~ Spotlight Classifieds have performed some small miracles (.lr!t('/l~ over the past several years ... but their biggest contribution REAL ESTATE LlC8\lSE?? FOTO SERVIC£ has been the dollars'n'dollars'n'dollars they have saved both Schenectady, N. Y. 1324 Stale st Spotlight Readers and Spotlight Classified Advertisers!! STROUT REALTY, The World's 372-6287 374-5115 Largest Real Estate Company In order to be sure that you don't miss the issue that is continuing to enlarge its has 'that something' in it you might buy ... fill out the cou­ scope of offices. Licensed or pon below and become a PAID SUBSCRIBERI!! unlicensed man, woman, or team are encouraged to in­ I vestigate the Earning Potential SEND IN YOUR SPOTliGHT CLASSIFIED of an association with STROUT AD -ON THIS HANDY ORDER FORM . REALTY. We Train and Super­ SPOTLIGHT, INC, 154 DElAWAPE AVE, DElMAR,N Y vise your activities to assure your success. Interested? Write • me about yourself and a per­ FILL IN BELOW 1~~, word; SI min· • imum. P~"ne number sonal interview will be ar­ PLEASE PRINT <;ounl5 as ane word. • ranged. • CLASSJFlCATlON~ ~~~~_-_-__DA_T_E_S_T_O_._U_N~~~~~~~ • E.S. Hoe, Field Manager ..• • STROUT REALTY Inc. YOURAD=------______• r How to Steer • • 311-V Springfield Ave. a Sale Course • Summit, N.J. 07901 • Protect your boat. • • Insure against finan. • cial 1088. • SITUATlqNS WANTED • THERINE GIBBS graduate • wishes home typing, will take MARINE dictation. E. Suess. 439-3136. ~ 4t41 INSURANCE .. usTOM MADE wedding ensem- I bles. Exquisite designing and' i workmanship. Reasonable. 439- , 6992. 4t325 HIGH SCHOOL boy desires any Frank G. work weekdays, 1 to 9 P.M., all day Saturday. 439-5601. Coburn, In(. NAME------______~ ______283 Washington A..... ADDRESS Albany, New York rhe ONL V publication to reach Phone Albany'HO 3.4277.8.9 EVERY home in the area: The ------PHOHE ~ Spotlight. • PAYABLE IN ADVANCE : •••••••. 2 ••.•••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••D PAGE 36 - MQ

CHIARAMONTE & CAROSELLO BAKERY LAS VEGAS ITALIAN FRENCH BREAD & PASTRIES DREAM TRIP Serving the people of Delmar an~ Elsmere Wt_th the Round trip JET transportation via TWA (incl tllX) Transportation to and from Las Vegas airport finest selection of .•• Baggage transfers and pr&-registration of rooms. Twin Bedded Deluxe Room with bath. Includes all taxes. • Italian Bread & Rolls Dinner and Exciting Show in the Flamingo Night Club • Italian American Pastries Gala Dinner and Show in the Aladdin's Bagdad Theatre Western Dinner and Show in the CIRCUS CIRCUS • Danish, Muffins & Donuts 3 DINNER SHOWS 8 Marvelous DAYS. 7 Sensational NIGHTS • Cannoti & Sfogliatelle ,., ,... "" • Italian Rum Cake ~ov~le occuponcy only' $289 Itom N.Y . • Wedding Ca~es .~

261 Delaware Ave, Del mar HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 9 A,M. to 7 P.M (Closed Sundays)


HE 9-9923 Owoect & Operated - JOHN G.. MYERS CO., INC. 37 NORTH PEARL STREET, ALBANY, NEW YORK (518) 434·4131 UNIQUE r+ ...... ~ BODY ~HOP • • 325 DELAWARE AVE" DELMAR i THE LOWEST i (Behind Gochee's Garage) • • i LIQUOR PRICES i ANNOUNCES THAT NOW i IN THE AREA i IS THE TIME TO GET THOSE • • • • • DENTS ]- • • • SCRATCHES Removed • • • RUST • • , i• VoorheesY·llle ••i Excel:ent Workmanship. • .1.Reasonable Rates • i LIQUOR STORE 1,L------,----- • .·i C021 • J'. ,I 'JBUP,0. : • • • eli V UcW\-(1l1Bli : DON'T GO MILES FOR THE LOWEST PRICES tnlJq-n onqnd J1l1·ru"cr '";C • Come to our New Location - • • MAPLE AVENUE, VOORHEE~VILLE PLAZA ••• • (Next to Grand Union) • • MON, through SAT., 9 A.M. to 9 P.m. •: t ......