Saturn's Moons
GETTING TO KNOW SATURN LESSON Saturn’s Moons 2 3 hrs Students use the data provided on a set of Saturn Moon Cards to compare Saturn’s moons with Earth’s Moon, and to explore moon properties and physical relationships within a planet–moon system. For example, the farther the moon is from the center of MEETS NATIONAL the planet, the slower its orbital speed, and SCIENCE EDUCATION the longer its orbital period. The lesson STANDARDS: enables students to complete their own Unifying Concepts and Processes Moon Card for a mystery moon of Saturn Saturn’s eight large icy moons. • Systems, order, and organization whose size, mass, and distance from the Science as Inquiry center of Saturn are specified. • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry PREREQUISITE SKILLS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Earth and Space Background for Lesson Discussion, page 32 Science Working in groups • Earth in the Reading in the context area of science Questions, page 37 Solar System Basic familiarity with concepts of mass, surface Answers in Appendix 1, page 225 gravity, orbital period, and orbital speed 1–21: Saturn Interpreting scientific notation 35–50: Moons Using Venn diagrams Sorting and ordering data EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND TOOLS For the teacher Materials to reproduce Photocopier (for transparencies & copies) Figures 1–21 are provided at the end of Overhead projector this lesson. Marker to write on transparencies FIGURE TRANSPARENCY COPIES Chalkboard, whiteboard, or easel with 1 1 1 per student paper; chalk or markers 2–19 1 set per group 20 1 optional For each group of 2–3 students 21 1 per student Clear adhesive tape Notebook paper; pencils 31 Saturn Educator Guide • Cassini Program website — • EG-1999-12-008-JPL Background for Lesson Discussion LESSON 2 Students may ask about the quantities listed on Orbital period: The orbital period of a moon the Saturn Moon Cards.
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