2,000 MPH Speeds

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2,000 MPH Speeds PAGE THIRTY-TWO FBD>AY„N0VEH8EB a , 1M9 iWanir^^Bti^r lEtirninQ TTie Weathdi^p" . :> Sunny, cold today, h i^«M M to 40. Fair and not ao cold to- nicbt Loweat in ttao Ida. 8im- day partly aunny and. a Uttla City of ViUmae Chmrin warmer. Hlgtieat la tka 40a. u VOL. L X X X ^ NO. 46 (TWfeklY PAGES—TWO SEOTONS—INCLUDING TV) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 7969 (Claaallled AdiertlWag oa Paga Id) PRICE TEN CENTS Thieves Offer >piu8tration 1 e v e t csurne s ib lin g oiit o f a NOW YORK (AP)— Seven • •aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a•a a a ••< palnUngH valued e t m ore than ISOO.OW have been stolen from a ItshteCtan gallery' while the 'giiDery owner was diacueBtaig' a ct lliefla wStb other d eelen . Art dealer Stephen Hahn said Friday that .the im pres­ 2,000 MPH Speeds :( sionist and post-lmppesslosi- ist palntlnga were taken; \ ' •- SPACE CBN ^BR, Houston Wednesday night from hit (A P ) — The ApoUo 13 moon ax- gallery on MSdiaon Avenue. Our Famous plorara streaked homeward to­ Basing his Judgem ent on day as earth'! gravity polled their failure to take several th ^ Yankee Clipper ipaceahlp avant-garde paintings. In­ faster and faster tosrard Mon­ cluding one by Picasso,' Flavor-Broiled day’s splashdown. Hahn described the thlevae' Charles "Pete” Conrad Jr.. taste in ait as "oonserva- Richard F. Gordon Jr. and Alan U ve;" L. Bean, weary from their suc­ One of the Stolen paintings, cessful lunar excursions, were a narrow oU o f w ater m iles allowed to sleep as long as thegr by Claude Monet, was worth Ukad. 2 “ m ore than 1100,000,’’ he said. They went to aleep ahortly aft­ The paintings opfiarenily er tiring a powerful rocket burat GIANT behind the moon Friday to ware stolen when Hahn was at a meeting of the hoaitd o f break the lunar gravltatlanal A L L BEEF directors of the Art 'Deydeta embrace and plunge earthward. Assodatkm of America. IflaBlon Qontrol let the Apollo 13 crew eleep tor almoet U "The main subject we <Os- bourn the l«ngeat reel period eo curaed was the. thiev ery tiiat fa r of Um trip. Shortly after 7 has been going on In New a.m. there were olgna of activity 2 York lately,” he said. In the oapeule and Mlaoton Con­ trol beamed them a taped re­ cording of "weike up mualc.” Oonrad repU^ by turning on BURGER his own recoded muolo for Orphanage what the ground communicator with all the zesty fixin \s caUed "a little bit of a battle of I Collapses About half an hour later the Aatronauts fired a two-eec«nd on a Giant Hot-Toasted Bun rocket burst to change the * In Vietnam Bpaoeorsft’s oourae sUghtly. TTm Judge Hajmsworth looks over some papers with his end effect of the bum was to law clerk, William Wilkins (right) in his office in SAIGON (AP) — A three-sto­ ' make toe seheduled spiashdowti Greenville. (A P Photpfax) ry orphanage on the western one minute later than originally 'Mge of Saigon collapsed early scheduled. If you’ve got a yen for a hamburger like FULL k LB. today, killing at least 11 chU- While toay slept, the Tankse ALL BEEF dren and two teachers. ThrM Clipper eame under toe doml- other chUihren were missing and • nance of earth'a gravity. The nobody’s business. ..just try th^. exciting new taste of BURGER CASTLE’S believed dead. spacecraft picked up apaed and Nixon Will Fight American and Vietnamese was to be 300,OM miles from extra-hearty meal on a bun. IT*S A HEAP OF GOOD EATING! rescue workers chopped through earih by mid-morning today, rubble and broken concrete to moving at more than 3,000 miles search for the missing chlldrw. W e spend hours getting ready to serve you in a jiffy. We_ that keeps all the rich flavor deliciously spread throughout ■ Topped with generous dices bf round, luscious, red tomatoefq an hour. T o ‘Balance’ Court Officials said the brick and Apollo 13 will continue to gain start only with selected, choice cuts of lean, red. Grade A the meat. ■ The tempting goodness is accentuated with just crisp garden-fresh lettuce, pickles, and your favorite rd id i— concrete structure that was . This'view of the moon was taken from the tele­ miles out and headed back to earth. (A P Photofax) s p e ^ until Monday aftemoon WASHmOTON (AP> — Presi­ nomlnaUon. The last Ume -was home to 40 Vietnamese orphans cast back to earth as Apollo 12 spacecraft was 1,169 beef that comes from coddled corn-fed steers. We trim it, a touch of our own rare, tantalizing brightly-flavored sauce. catsup or mayonnaise.. It’s just when It sears Into the earth’s at- dent lOxon says he will press in 1930 when President Herbert "just collapsed.” There was no moephere at 36.000 miles an N cube it, deftly cut away all tough gristle — never add waste It’s sizzled to yovir liking — and presto! In a mintite, you about the juiciest eatin’ that ever his fight “to restore the proper Hoover’s choice o f ,Iudge John evidence of an explosion. hour and paraohutse to a land­ or filler. We grind just the tender, pure beef for you in an have a piping hot broiled delicacy so different, so much came sizzling out of a broiler. Come balance” to the Supreme Court J.' Parker lost by votes. Men of a U.S. Army signal ing in the Pactfle Ocean near deqHte the Senate’s SS-4S rejec- The 10-vote ipargln against battalion which “ adopted” the American Samoa. ingenious way that, never squeezes the nattiral juices out... more delicious, so far superior to the usual hamburger. and get it. Our price is sensible— O X lly Uon of his nomination of Judge. Haynsworth was -^ev^ wider orphanage four years ago were The astronauta spent their Clement F. Haynsworth J r.. thfui most of his opponents had among the workers struggling Two ^Cosmic Comics^Took last day In lunar orbit photogra­ SERVED WITH CHEESE AT NO EXTRA COST But the President will wait e:d:ected. to break through the debris. phically aurvtying Uiraa eiwtora until after Congress opens Its Joining 38 Democrats in vot­ “The men had sort of adopted which future Apollo orswa may new session In January to sub­ ing against oonfirmaUon were the place,’’ said Maj. Douglas uae aa landtag altaa. ° m it another nomination. Ahy t 17 Republicans, Including OOP Yordaa of Bessemer, Pa. "They Ona of tha w alen ^ Fiw Mau- Bring in your whole family’^? hungry appetites. There’s Sotmthing for Everyonei nomination sent.to the Senate Leader Hugh Scott of Pennsyl­ gave parties for the Mds on The-Blue ’ Out o f the Moon -ro, la a few hundred miles from this year would automatically vania and Assistant Lecuter Christmas and Tet.” Yardss is the Ocean of Storms, where 0 lapse when the current session Robert P. Griffin of Michigan. executive officer of the 69th Sig­ Apollo 13 landed, and la axpact- endainext month, unless con­ Twenty-six Republicans voted nal Battalion, based at nearby By GBOBOB LAKDNBB JB. further notice—pick lip your re­ than all the computers and crater no more tlian WO feet ad to be the dsetlnallcn of Apol­ BROH.BD NEW YORK CUT firmed before adjournment. to confirm Haynsworth’s nomi­ Tan Son Nhut airbase. The Waehlagten Feet fund ut the main gate." rockets that got them there. away. lo 13 next March. AlaopboCo- ■'’t Nixon <Ud not say If he would nation, as did 19 Democrats. All “ It seemed pretty solid,’’ said HOUSTON—Louie Welch, the All this simply failed to reokf “ Boy, you'll never believe iU" graphed were Deaeartea and select another nominee with They mode it human. SIRLOIN STEAK Sandwich the Democrats were eouthem- Spec. 4 Lon Gentry, 18, of Los m ayor of Houston, took a mo­ on with Pete Oonrad and Alan Mleter (>Mirad said to Mlaler La lands, both of particular ta- southern background but he did It waa all there the off-key :|c Topped with Fresh 9|( On A 6" Golden-Crusted ers except Mike Oravel of Alas­ Angeles, Calif. "But now that I ment between handshakes last Bean, the coemlc comics of Bean, erho wae atlll aboard. lersot to sclsntlsts becouae they say he would again apply crite­ humming the jokes the “ Pete 'BUROBR CASTLE Sauteed Onions, Steak Sauce French Roll ka and West Virginia’s two sen­ look at It 90 per cent of It’s week to declare pucklshly that outer space. “ Oueea erhat I eee attUng on may be compoasd of aoma of ria “conristent with my com­ ators, Robert C. Byrd and Jen­ there was about as much Inter­ Astronauta Neil Armstrong Conrad laugh’’ the contrast with the aide of the crater? The old Steak the way steak should taste. Natural, Tender,ler, JJu u ic y ... sand. I'v e been coming out here ths oldest nvatsrial on the moon. 'BltRGER CASTLE mitments to the American peo­ nings RandoliA. est In another moonshot as and Buzz Aldrin brought man Armstrong’s sober declaration Surveyor." That’s because the special sirloin we use is fresh, neveri frozen a lot the last three months. The On their 48Ui orbK of tha V ple before my election as Presi­ when he first stepped on the G IA N T r o a s t b e e f — and it's cut only from the most delectable part ofol pamperedpampeiea From his home in Greenville, children would crowd around there was In Columbus' second to the moon when they.landed '"nie old Surveyor, yes elr." moon, the astronauts fired their dent a year ago.” moon from his spacecraft lad-' steers.
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