Law of requisite variety Ashby’s law of requi- Dynamics in the site variety says “Only variety can destroy Evolution of the variety.” It implies that the varieties of two Approach interacting systems must be in balance, if sta- bility is to be achieved. Markus Schwaninger Organizational The science which Institute of Management and Strategy, University applies cybernetic principles to organization. of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland Synonyms are and managerial cybernetics. (SD) A methodology and dis- Article Outline cipline for the modeling, simulation, and con- trol of dynamic systems. The main emphasis Glossary falls on the role of structure and its relationship Definition of the Subject with the dynamic behavior of systems, which Introduction are modeled as networks of informationally of the Systems Approach closed feedback loops comprising stock and Common Grounds and Differences flow variables. The Variety of Systems Methodologies System There are many definitions of system. System Dynamics: Its Features, Strengths, and Two examples: A portion of the world suffi- Limitations ciently well defined to be the subject of study; Strengths of SD something characterized by a structure, for Limitations of SD example, a (). Actual and Potential Relationships A system is a family of relationships between Outlook its members acting as a whole (International Appendix – Milestones in the Evolution of the Society for the Systems Sciences). Systems Approach in General and System Systems approach A perspective of inquiry, Dynamics in Particular education, and management, which is based Bibliography on and cybernetics. Systems theory A formal science of the struc- Glossary ture, behavior, and development of systems. In fact there are different systems theories. Gen- Cybernetics The science of communication and eral systems theory is a transdisciplinary control in complex, dynamic systems. The core framework for the description and analysis of objects of study are information, communica- any kind of system. Systems theories have tion, feedback, adaptation, and control or gov- been developed in many domains, e.g., mathe- ernance. In the newer versions of cybernetics, matics, science, engineering, sociol- the emphasis is on observation, self- ogy, psychotherapy, biology, and . organization, self-reference, and learning. Variety A technical term for complexity which The dynamical system con- denotes the amount of (potential or actual) cept is a mathematical formalization of time- states or modes of behavior of a system. Rep- dependent processes. Examples include the ertoire of behavior is a synonym. mathematical models that describe the swing- ing of a clock pendulum, the flow of water in a river, or the evolution of a population of fish in a lake.

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2019 1 R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and , 2 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach

Definition of the Subject worldview focused on complex dynamic systems and an interest in describing, explaining, and The purpose of this chapter is to give an overview designing or at least influencing them. Therefore, of the role of system dynamics (SD) in the context most of the systems approaches offer not only a of the evolution of the systems movement. This is theory but also a way of thinking (“systems think- necessary because SD is often erroneously taken ing” or “systemic thinking”) and a methodology as the systems approach as such, not as part of it. It for dealing with systemic issues or problems. is also requisite to show that the processes of the System dynamics (SD) is a discipline and a evolution of both the systems movement as a methodology for the modeling, simulation, and whole and SD in particular are intimately linked control of complex, dynamic systems. SD was and intertwined. Finally, in view of the purpose of developed by MIT professor Jay W. Forrester the chapter, the actual and potential relationships (e.g., Forrester 1961, 1968) and has been propa- between system dynamics and the other strands of gated by his students and associates. The terms the systems movement are evaluated. This way, “methodology” and “method” should not be used complementarities and potential synergies are interchangeably (Jackson 2003). Our working identified. definition for “methodology” embraces two kinds of use: (a) a set of principles that frame the way in which research (theoretical, empirical, Introduction practical) is to be undertaken and (b) a coherent group of complementary methods used in a given The purpose of this contribution is to give an methodology. The term “method” derives from overview of the role of system dynamics in the Ancient Greek: ὁdó§ (hodós) for path and m«tᾰ́ context of the evolution of the systems movement. (metá) for in pursuit of. The working definition we “Systems movement”–often referred to brieflyas are using for “method” refers to a technique or “” also cyber systemics – is a broad way toward a purpose or serving a specific para- term, which takes into account the fact that there digm. “Paradigm” is a mode of thinking or a set of is no single systems approach but a range of assumptions shared by a (scientific) community. different ones. The diagram in Fig. 1 is not a SD has grown to a school of numerous academics complete representation but the result of an and practitioners all over the world. The particular attempt to map the major threads of the systems approach of SD lies in representing the issues or movement and some of their interrelations. systems in focus as meshes of closed feedback Hence, the schema does not cover all schools or loops made up of stocks and flows, in continuous protagonists of the movement. Why does the dia- time, and subject to delays. Given these features, gram show a dynamic and evolutionary systems SD modeling is widely applicable to all kinds of thread and an additional cybernetics thread, if systems – economic, social, ecological, etc. – and cybernetics is about dynamic systems? The latter the construction of generic models is facilitated. embraces all the approaches that are explicitly The SD view is focused on continuous as grounded in cybernetics. The former relates to opposed to discrete processes. This makes it all other approaches concerned with dynamic or extraordinarily powerful in dealing with manage- evolutionary systems. The streamlining made it rial issues. Other modeling and simulation necessary to somewhat curtail logical perfection approaches exist. One is the discrete event for the sake of conveying a synoptic view of the approach, which is focused on the modeling of different systems approaches, in a language that systems conceived as queuing networks uses the categories common in current scientific (Brailsford 2014). It is a widely used technique and professional discourse. Overlaps exist, e.g., of , particularly for fine- between dynamic systems and , cel- grained modeling, simulation, and control, in the lular automata, and agent-based modeling, etc. domains of logistics, production, distribution sys- The common denominator of the different sys- tems, and transportation networks. SD is normally tems approaches in our day is that they share a used for modeling and simulation at relatively ytmDnmc nteEouino h ytm prah3 Approach Systems the of Evolution the in Dynamics System

System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach, Fig. 1 Systems approaches: An overview 4 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach higher levels of aggregation. Its perspective is top- systems approaches has been provided in the dia- down, which makes broad and long-term issues gram in Fig. 1. tangible and manageable. As a complement, a methodology has emerged which follows a bottom-up logic: the agent-based object approach Emergence of the Systems Approach (Holland 1995; Miller and Page 2007). Agent- based models are in discrete time. They represent The systems movement has many roots and facets, sets of individual agents, whose interactions are with some of its concepts going back as far as simulated. Hence, the emergent behavior at ancient Greece. What we name as “the systems macrolevel is generated from the bottom, by the approach” today materialized in the first half of individual behaviors at the microlevel. The three the twentieth century. At least two important com- methodologies are complementary. Hybrid forms ponents should be mentioned: those proposed by of modeling have been developed, which build von Bertalanffy and by Wiener. bridges and enable synergies between the respec- , an American biolo- tive strengths of these different methodologies gist of Austrian origin, developed the idea that (Brailsford et al. 2014). organized wholes of any kind should be describ- The development of the system dynamics meth- able and, to a certain extent, explainable, by odology and the worldwide community that applies means of the same categories and ultimately by SD to modeling and simulation in highly varied one and the same formal apparatus. His General contexts suggest that it is a “systems approach” on Systems Theory (Von Bertalanffy 1950, 1968) its own. Nevertheless, taking “system dynamics” as triggered a whole movement which has tried to the (one and only) synonym for “systemic thinking” identify invariant structures and “mechanisms” would be going too far, given the other approaches across different kinds of organized wholes (e.g., to systemic thinking as well as a variety of systems hierarchy, teleology, purposefulness, differentia- theories and methodologies, many of which are tion, morphogenesis, stability, ultrastability, emer- complementary to SD. In any case, however, the gence, and evolution). SD community has become the strongest “school” In 1948 , an American mathema- of the systems approach, if one takes the numbers of tician at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, members in organizations representing the different published his seminal book on Cybernetics, building schools as a measure (by early 2019, the System upon interdisciplinary work carried out in coopera- Dynamics Society has 1150 members). tion with Bigelow, an IBM engineer, and The rationale and structure of this contribution Rosenblueth, a physiologist. Wiener’sopusbecame are as follows. Starting with the emergence of the the transdisciplinary foundation for a new science of systems approach, the multiple roots and theoretical capturing as well as designing control and commu- streams of systemics are outlined. Next, the com- nication mechanisms in all kinds of dynamic sys- mon grounds and differences among different tems (Wiener 1948). have been strands of the systems approach are highlighted, interested in concepts such as information, commu- and the various systems methodologies are nication, complexity, autonomy, interdependence, explored. Then the distinctive features of SD are cooperation and conflict, self-production (“auto- analyzed. Finally comes a reflection on the relation- poiesis”), self-organization, (self-) control, self- ships of SD with the rest of the systems movement reference, and (self-) transformation of complex and on potential complementarities and synergies. dynamic systems. In the Appendix, a timeline overview of some Along the genetic line of the tradition which milestones in the evolution of the systems led to the evolution of general systems theory (von approach in general and system dynamics in par- Bertalanffy, Boulding, Gerard, Miller, Rapoport) ticular is given. Elaborating on each of the sources and cybernetics (Wiener, McCulloch, Ashby, quoted therein would reach beyond the purpose of Powers, Pask, Beer), a number of roots can be this chapter. However, a synoptic view of the identified, in particular: System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach 5

• Mathematics (e.g., Newton, Poincaré, Lyapunov, have evolved over time. One of these is a theory of Lotka, Volterra, Rashevsky). dynamic systems by Jay W. Forrester, which • Logic (e.g., Epimenides, Leibniz, Boole, Rus- serves as a basis for the methodology of system sell and Whitehead, Goedel, Spencer-Brown). dynamics. Two eminent titles are Forrester (1961) • Biology, including general physiology and and (1968). In SD, the main emphasis falls on the neurophysiology (e.g., Hippocrates, Cannon, role of structure and its relationship with the Rosenblueth, McCulloch, Rosen). dynamic behavior of systems, modeled as net- • Engineering and computer science, including works of informationally closed feedback loops the respective physical and mathematical foun- between stock and flow variables. Several other dations (e.g., Heron, Kepler, Watt, Euler, Fou- mathematical systems theories have been elabo- rier, Maxwell, Hertz, Turing, Shannon and rated, for example, mathematical general systems Weaver, von Neumann, Walsh). theory (Klir, Pestel, Mesarovic, and Takahara), as • Social and human sciences, including econom- well as a whole stream of theoretical develop- ics (e.g., Hume, Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, ments which can be subsumed under the terms John Stuart Mill, Dewey, Bateson, Merton, “dynamic systems theory” or “theories of non- Simon, Piaget). linear dynamics” (e.g., catastrophe theory, chaos theory, and complexity theory). Under the latter, In this last-mentioned strand of the systems branches such as the theory of fractals movement, one focus of inquiry is on the role of (Mandelbrot), geometry of behavior (Abraham), feedback in communication and control in (and self-organized criticality (Bak), and network the- between) organizations and society, as well as in ory (Barabasi, Watts) are subsumed. In this con- technical systems. The other focus of interest is on text, the term “sciences of complexity” is used. the multidimensional nature and the multilevel In addition, a number of mathematical theories, structures of complex systems. Specific theory which can be called “systems theories,” have building, methodological developments, and per- emerged in different application contexts, exam- tinent applications have occurred at the following ples of which are discernible in the following levels: fields:

• Individual and family levels (e.g., systemic • Engineering, namely, information and commu- psychotherapy, family therapy, holistic medi- nication theory (Shannon and Weaver), tech- cine, cognitive therapy, reality therapy) nology and computer-aided systems theory • Organizational and societal levels (e.g., mana- (e.g., , automata, cellular autom- gerial cybernetics, organizational cybernetics, ata, agent-based modeling, artificial intelli- , social systems design, social gence, cybernetic machines, neural nets, ecology, learning organizations) machine learning) • The level of complex (socio-)technical systems • Operations research (e.g., modeling theory and (). simulation methodologies, Markov chains, genetic algorithms, fuzzy control, orthogonal The notion of “socio-technical systems” has sets, rough sets) • become widely used in the context of the design Social sciences, in particular (e.g., of organized wholes involving interactions of game theory, ) • ’ people and technology (for instance, Linstone’s Biology (e.g., Sabelli s Bios theory of creation) • ’ multiperspectives framework, known by way of Ecology (e.g., E. and H. Odum s systems the mnemonic TOP (technical, organizational, ecology) personal/individual)). As can be noted from these preliminaries, dif- Most of these theories are transdisciplinary in ferent kinds of systems theory and methodology nature, i.e., they can be applied across disciplines. 6 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach

The Bios theory, for example, is applicable to (Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems 2002). In clinical, social, ecological, and personal settings this chapter, only some of these will be addressed (Sabelli 2005). Examples of essentially non- explicitly, in order to shed light on the role of SD mathematical systems theories can be found in as part of the systems movement. many different areas of study:

• Economics, namely, its institutional/evolution- Common Grounds and Differences ist strand (Veblen, Myrdal, Boulding, Dopfer) • Sociology (e.g., Parsons’ and Luhmann’s Even though the spectrum of systems theories and social systems theories, Hall’s cultural systems methodologies outlined in the preceding section theory) may seem multifarious, all of them have a strong • Political sciences (e.g., Easton, Deutsch, common denominator: They build on the idea of Wallerstein) systems as organized wholes. An objectivist • Anthropology (e.g., Levi Strauss’s structuralist- working definition of a system is that of a whole, functionalist anthropology, ) the organization of which is made up by interre- • (e.g., general semantics (Korzybski, lationships. A subjectivist definition is that of a set Hayakawa, Rapoport), cybersemiotics (Brier)) of interdependent variables in the mind of an • Psychology and psychotherapy (e.g., systemic observer, or, a mental construct of a whole, an intervention (Bateson, Watzlawick, F. Simon) aspect that has been emphasized by the position and fractal affect logic (Ciompi)) of constructivism. Constructivism is a synonym • Ethics and epistemology (e.g., Vickers, for second-order cybernetics. While first-order Churchman, von Foerster, van Gigch). cybernetics concentrates on regulation, informa- tion, and feedback, second-order cybernetics Several system-theoretic contributions have focuses on observation, self-organization, and merged the quantitative and the qualitative in new self-reference. established ways. This is the case, for example, in Rapoport’s the distinction between “observed systems” for works in game theory as well as general systems the former and “observing systems” for the latter theory, Pask’s conversation theory, von Foerster’s (Von Foerster 1984). Cybernetics of Cybernetics (second-order cyber- From the standpoint of operational philosophy, netics), and ’sopusinmanagerial a system is, as Rapoport says, “a part of the world, cybernetics. In all four cases, mathematical expres- which is sufficiently well defined to be the object sion is virtuously connected to ethical, philosoph- of an inquiry or also something, which is charac- ical, and epistemological reflection. Further terized by a structure, for example, a production examples are Prigogine’s theory of dissipative system” (Rapoport 1953). structures, Mandelbrot’s theory of fractals, com- In recent systems theory, the aspect of relation- plex adaptive systems (Holland et al.), Kauffman’s ships has been emphasized as the main building complexity theory, and Haken’s , all of block of a system, as one can see from a definition which combine mathematical analysis and a strong published by the International Society for the component of qualitative interpretation. Systems Sciences (ISSS), “A system is a family A large number of systems methodologies, of relationships between its members acting as a with the pertinent threads of systems practice, whole” (Shapiro et al. 1996). Also, purpose and have emanated from these theoretical develop- interaction have played an important part in reflec- ments. Many of them are expounded in detail in tions on systems. Systems are conceived, in the specialized publications (e.g., François 2004; words of Forrester (1968), as “wholes of ele- Jackson 2019) and, under a specific theme, ments, which cooperate towards a common named Systems Science and Cybernetics of goal.” Purposeful behavior is driven by internal the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems goals, while purposive behavior rests on a func- tion assigned from the outside. Finally, the aspects System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach 7 of open and closed functioning have been empha- primarily concerned with behavior generated by sized. Open systems are characterized by the the control system itself and by the role of non- import and export of matter, energy, and informa- linearities. Managerial cybernetics and SD both tion. A variant of particular relevance in the case of share the concern of contributing to management social systems is the operationally closed system, science but with different emphases and with that is, a system which is self-referential in the instruments that are distinct but in principle com- sense that its self-production (autopoiesis) is a func- plementary. Finally, the mathematical foundations tion of production rules and processes by which are generally more evident in the basic literature order and identity are maintained, which cannot be on SD than in the writings on organizational modified directly from outside. As we shall see, this cybernetics, in which the formal apparatus under- concept of operational closure is very much in line lying model formulation is confined to a small with the concept of circularity used in SD. number of publications (e.g., Beer 1981, 1994), Another generic concept is that of complex which are less known than the qualitative trea- adaptive system (CAS). The CAS is defined as a tises. The terms management cybernetics and system that has a large number of components, managerial cybernetics are used as synonyms often called agents, which interact and adapt or for organizational cybernetics. learn (John Holland 2006). It has features such as self-similarity (adaptation takes place at both levels – component and whole), complexity, The Variety of Systems Methodologies emergence, and self-organization. The behavior of the whole system cannot be simply derived The methodologies that have evolved as part of from the actions of its components; it emerges the systems movement cannot be expounded in from their interaction. detail here. The two epistemological strands in At this point, it is worth elaborating on the which they are grounded, however, can be specific differences between two major threads identified – the positivist tradition and the of the systems movement, which are of special interpretivist tradition. interest because they are grounded in “feedback Positivist tradition denotes those methodologi- thought” (Richardson 1999): the cybernetic cal approaches that focus on the generation of thread, from which organizational cybernetics “positive knowledge,” that is, a knowledge based has emanated, and the servomechanic thread in on “positively” ascertained facts. Interpretivist tra- which SD is grounded. As Richardson’s detailed dition denotes those methodological approaches study shows, the strongest influence on cybernet- that emphasize the importance of subjective inter- ics came from biologists and physiologists, while pretations of phenomena. This stream goes back to the thinking of economists and engineers essen- Greek art and science of the interpretation and tially shaped the servomechanic thread. understanding of texts. Consequently, the concepts of the former are Some systems methodologies have been more focused on the adaptation and control of rooted in the positivist tradition and others in the complex systems for the purpose of maintaining interpretivist tradition. As proposed in works on stability under exogenous disturbances. integrative systems methodology (see below), the Servomechanics, on the other hand, and SD, in differences between the two can be described particular, take an endogenous view, being mainly along the following set of polarities: interested in understanding circular causality as the principal source of a system’s behavior. • An objectivist versus a subjectivist position Cybernetics is more connected with communica- • A conceptual-instrumental versus a communi- tion theory, the general concern of which can be cational/cultural/political rationality summarized as how to deal with randomly vary- • An inclination to quantitative versus qualita- ing input. SD, on the other hand, shows a stronger tive modeling link with engineering control theory, which is • A structuralist versus a discursive orientation 8 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach

A positivistic methodological position tends systems (Espejo and Reyes 2011; Pérez Ríos toward the objectivistic, conceptual-instrumental, 2012; Malik 2016). Specific methodologies for quantitative, and structuralist-functionalist in its these purposes have been developed, for approach. An interpretive position, on the other instance, for use in consultancy. The term via- hand, tends to emphasize the subjectivist, com- ble system diagnosis (VSD) is also used. municational, cultural, political, ethical, and esthetic, that is, the qualitative and discursive The methodologies and models addressed up aspects. It would be too simplistic to classify a to this point have by and large been created in the specific methodology in itself as being “positivis- positivistic tradition of science. Other strands in tic” or “interpretative.” Despite the traditions they this tradition do exist, e.g., and have grown out of, several methodologies have systems engineering, which together with OR evolved and been reinterpreted or opened to new have been called “ thinking” aspects (see below). (Jackson 2000, p. 127). Also, more recent devel- In the following, a sample of systems method- opments such as mathematical complexity and ologies will be characterized and positioned in network theories, agent-based modeling, game relation to these two traditions, beginning with theory, and machine learning can be classified as those in the positivistic strand: hard systems approaches. The respective approaches have not altogether • Hard OR methods. Operations research been excluded from fertile contacts with the (OR) uses a wide variety of mathematical and interpretivist strand of inquiry. In principle, all of statistical methods and techniques, for exam- them can be considered as instruments for ple, of optimization, queuing, dynamic pro- supporting discourses about different interpreta- gramming, graph theory, and time series tions of an organizational reality or alternative analysis, to provide solutions for organiza- futures studied in concrete cases. In our time, tional and managerial problems, in the opera- most applications of the VSM, for example, are tional domains of production, logistics, and constructivist in nature. To put it in a nutshell, finance, among others. these applications are (usually collective) con- • theory. In his LST, James Grier structions of a (new) reality, in which observation Miller (1978) identifies a set of 20 necessary and interpretation play a crucial part. In this pro- components that can be discerned in living cess, the actors involved make sense of the system systems of any kind. These structural features under study, i.e., the organization in focus, by are specified on the basis of a huge empirical mapping it on the VSM. At the same time, they study and proposed as the “critical subsys- bring forth “multiple realities rather than striving tems” that “make up a living system.” LST for a fit with one reality” (Harnden 1989, p. 299). has been used as a device for diagnosis and The second group of methodologies is part of design in the domains of engineering and the the interpretive strand: social sciences. • Viable system model. To date, Stafford Beer’s • Interactive planning. IP is a methodology, VSM is probably the best known product of designed by Russell Ackoff (1981) and devel- organizational cybernetics. It specifies a set of oped further by Jamshid Gharajedaghi (1999), management functions and their interrelation- for the purpose of dealing with “messes” and ships as the sufficient preconditions for the enabling actors to design their desired futures, viability of any human or social system (see as well as to bring them about. It is grounded in Beer 1981). These are applicable in a recursive theoretical work on purposeful systems; mode, for example, to the different levels of an reverts to the principles of continuous, partici- organization. The VSM has been widely pative, and holistic planning; and centers on applied in the diagnostic mode but also to the idea of an “idealized design.” support the design of all kinds of social System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach 9

• Soft systems methodology. SSM is a heuristic In an advanced understanding of system designed by (1981; Checkland dynamics, both of these traditions positivist and and Poulter 2006) for dealing with complex interpretivist are synthesized. The adherents of situations. Checkland suggests a process of SD have conceived of model building and valida- inquiry constituted by two aspects: a conceptual tion (the pursuit of model quality) as a semiformal, one, which is logic based, and a sociopolitical relativistic, and holistic social process. Validity is one, which is concerned with the cultural feasi- understood as usefulness or fitness in relation to the bility, desirability, and implementation of purpose of the model and validation as an elaborate change. set of procedures – including logico-structural, • Critical systems heuristics. CSH is a method- heuristic, algorithmic, statistical, and also discur- ology, which Werner Ulrich (1983, 1996) pro- sive components – by which the quality of and the posed for the purpose of scientifically confidence in a model are gradually improved (see informing planning and design in order to Barlas 1996;BarlasandCarpenter1990; lead to an improvement in the human condi- Schwaninger and Groesser 2009). tion. The process aims at uncovering the inter- ests that the system under study serves. The legitimacy and expertise of actors and particu- System Dynamics: Its Features, larly the impacts of decisions and behaviors of Strengths, and Limitations the system on others – the “affected”–are elicited by means of a set of boundary ques- The features, strengths, and limitations of the SD tions. CSH can be seen as part of a wider methodology are a consequence of its specific movement known as the “emancipatory sys- characteristics. In the context of the multiple the- tems approaches” which embraces, e.g., ories and methodologies of the systems move- Freire’s critical pedagogy, interpretive ment, some of the distinctive features of SD are systemology, and community OR (see Jackson (for an overview, see Richardson 1999; Jackson 2000, p. 291 ff). 2000, p. 142 ff):

All three of these methodologies (IP, SSM, and • Feedback as conceptual basis.SDmodelsys- CSH) are positioned in the interpretive tradition. tems are higher-order, multiple-loop networks of Other methodologies and concepts which can be closed loops of information. Concomitantly, an subsumed under the interpretive systems approach interest in nonlinearities, long-term patterns, and are, e.g., Warfield’s science of generic design, internal structure rather than external distur- Churchman’s social system design, Senge’ssoft bances is characteristic of SD (Meadows 1980, systems thinking, Mason and Mitroff’sstrategic p. 31). However, SD models are not “closed assumptions surfacing and testing (SAST), Eden systems,” as sometimes is claimed, in the sense and Ackermann’s strategic options development that (a) flows can originate from outside the and analysis (SODA), and other methodologies of system’s boundaries, (b) representations of exog- soft operational research (for details, see Jackson enous factors or systems can be incorporated into 2000,p.211ff).Theinterpretivemethodologies any model as parameters or special modules, and were designed to deal with qualitative aspects in (c) new information can be accommodated via the analysis and design of complex systems, changes to a model. In other words, the SD view emphasizing the communicational, social, politi- hinges on a view of systems which are closed in a cal, and ethical dimensions of problem solving. causal sense but not materially (Richardson Several authors mention explicitly that they do 1999,p.297). not preclude the use of quantitative techniques, or • Focus on internally generated dynamics.SD they include such techniques in their repertoire models are conceived as causally closed sys- (e.g., the biocyberneticist ). tems. The interest of users is in the dynamics generated inside those systems (Richardson 10 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach

2011). Given the nature of closed feedback to the potential subjects under study and deep loops and the fact that delays occur within as to the possible degrees of resolution and them, the dynamic behavior of these systems detail (La Roche and Simon 2000). In addition, is essentially nonlinear. the SD methodology enables one to deal with • Emphasis on understanding. For system large numbers of variables within multiple dynamicists, the understanding of the dynam- interacting feedback loops (Forrester 1969, ics of a system is the first goal to be achieved p. 9). SD has been applied to the most diverse by means of modeling and simulation. Con- subject areas, e.g., global modeling, environ- ceptually, they try to understand events as mental issues, social and economic policy, cor- embedded in patterns of behavior, which in porate and public management, regional turn are generated by underlying structures. planning, medicine, psychology, and education Such understanding is enabled by SD as it in mathematics, physics, and biology. “shows how present policies lead to future consequences” (Forrester 1971, Sect. VIII). The features of SD just sketched out result in Thereby, the feedback loops are “a major both strengths and limitations. We start with the source of puzzling behavior and policy diffi- strengths. culties” (Richardson 1999, p. 300). SD models purport to test mental models, hone intuition, and improve learning (see Sterman 1994). • High degree of operationality.SDrelieson Strengths of SD formal modeling. This fosters disciplined think- 1. Its specific modeling approach makes SD par- ing; assumptions, underlying equations, and quantifications must be clarified. Feedback ticularly helpful in gaining insights into the patterns exhibited by dynamic systems, as loops and delays are visualized and formalized; well as the structures underlying them. Closed- therewith the causal logic inherent in a model is made more transparent and discussable than in loop modeling has been found most useful in fostering understanding of the dynamic func- most other methodologies (Richmond 1997). tioning of complex systems. Such understand- Also, a high level of realism in the models can ing is especially facilitated by the principle of be achieved. SD is therefore apt to support modeling the systems or issues under study in a decision-making processes effectively. continuous mode and at rather high aggrega- • Far-reaching requirements (and possibilities) tion levels (Forrester 1961; La Roche and for the combination of qualitative and quanti- Simon 2000). With the help of relatively tative aspects of modeling and simulation. This small but insightful models, and by means of is a consequence of the emphasis on under- sensitivity analyses as well as optimization standing. Qualitative modeling and visualiza- heuristics incorporated in the application soft- tion are carried out by means of causal loop ware packages, decision-spaces can be thor- diagrams and stock and flow diagrams, which oughly explored. Vulnerabilities and the are then underlaid quantitatively with equa- consequences of different system designs can tions. The focus is not on point-precise predic- be examined with relative ease. tion but on the generation of insights into the 2. The generality of the methodology and its patterns generated by the systems under study power to crystallize operational thinking in and the underlying structures which produce realistic models have triggered applications in those patterns. the most varied contexts. Easy-to-use software • High level of generality and scale robustness. and the features of modeling via graphic user The representation of dynamic issues in terms interfaces provide a strong lever for collabora- of stocks and flows is a generic form, which is tive model building in teams (Andersen and adequate for a wide spectrum of potential Richardson 1997; Vennix 1996). applications. This spectrum is both broad as System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach 11

3. Its specific features make SD an exceptionally (LST), especially can provide. The choice effective tool for conveying systemic thinking falls on these two approaches because of their to anybody. Therefore, it also has an outstand- strong heuristic power and their complemen- ing track record of classroom applications for tary strengths in relation to SD (Schwaninger which “learner-directed learning” (Forrester 2006; Schwaninger and Pérez Ríos 2008). 1993a)or“learner-centered learning” is advo- 2. Another limitation of SD is related to the cated (Forrester 1993b, 1997). Pertinent audi- absorption of variety (complexity) by an orga- ences range from schoolchildren at the levels nization. Variety is a technical term for com- of secondary and primary schools to managers plexity, which denotes a (high) number of and scientists. potential states or behaviors of a system 4. The momentum of the SD movement is remark- (based on Ashby 1956; Beer 1966). SD offers able. Due to the strengths commented above this an approach to the handling of variety which point, the community of users has grown allows modeling at different scales of a prob- steadily, being probably the largest community lem or system (Odum and Odum 2000). It within the systems movement. Lane (2006, focuses on the identification, at a certain reso- p. 484) has termed SD “one of the most widely lution level or possibly several resolution used systems approaches in the world.” Hence, a levels, of the main stock variables which will critical mass exists to spark future developments. be affected by the respective flows. These, in turn, will be influenced by parameters and aux- Given these strengths, the community of users has iliary variables. This approach, even though it not only grown significantly but has also trans- enables thinking and modeling at different cended disciplinary boundaries, ranging from the scales, does not provide a formal procedure formal and natural sciences to the humanities and for an organization to cope with the external covering multiple uses from theory building and complexity it faces, namely, for designing a education to the tackling of real-world problems structure which can absorb that complexity. at almost any conceivable level. Applications to In contrast, OC and LSToffer elaborate models organizational, societal, and ecological issues to enable the absorption of variety, in the case have seen a particularly strong increase. This of the VSM based explicitly on Ashby’s law of feeds back on the availability and growth of the requisite variety. It says “Only variety can knowledge upon which the individual modeler destroy variety,” which implies that the varie- can draw. ties of two interacting systems must be in bal- The flip side of most of the strengths outlined ance, if stability is to be achieved (Ashby here embodies the limitations of SD; we concen- 1956). The VSM has two salient features in trate on those which can be relevant to a possible this respect. Firstly, it helps design an organi- complementarity of SD with other systems zational unit for viability, by enabling it to methodologies. attenuate the complexity of its environment and also to enhance its eigen-variety, so that the two are in balance. The term variety engi- Limitations of SD neering has been used in this context (Beer 1979). Secondly, the recursive structure of the 1. The main point here is that SD does not pro- VSM ensures that an organization with several vide a framework or methodology for the diag- levels will develop sufficient eigen-variety nosis and design of organizational structures along the fronts on which the complexity it in the sense of interrelationships among orga- faces unfolds. Similarly, LST offers the condi- nizational actors. This makes SD susceptible to tions for social systems to survive, by completion from without – a completion which maintaining thermodynamically highly organizational cybernetics (OC), and the VSM improbable energy states via continuous inter- in particular but also living systems theory action with their environments. The difference 12 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach

between the two approaches is that the VSM solution. A combination of SD and ABM can functions more in the strategic and informa- leverage the complementarities of the two tional domains, while the LST model essen- approaches (Duggan 2007; Martin and tially focuses on the operational domain. In Schlüter 2015; Nava Guerrero et al. 2016). sum, both can make a strong contribution This way a great contribution should be possi- related to coping with the complexity faced ble, for example, to the modeling of processes by organizations and therefore can deliver a of emergence and the understanding of emer- strong complement to SD. gent phenomena, an area where more work is 3. The design of modeling processes confronts needed (Kineman 2017). SD with specific challenges. The original SD methodology of modeling and simulation was As has been shown, there is a need to complement to a large extent functionally and technically classical SD with other methodologies, when oriented. This made it strong in the domain of issues are at stake which it cannot handle by itself. logical analysis, while the sociocultural and VSM and LST are pertinent choices when issues political dimensions of the modeling process of organizational diagnosis or design are to be were, if not completely out of consideration, at tackled. least not a significant concern in methodolog- The limitations addressed here call attention to ical developments. The SD community – also other methodologies which exhibit certain fea- under the influence of the soft systems tures that traditionally were not incorporated, or approaches – has become aware of this limita- at least not explicit, in SD methodology. One tion and has worked on incorporating features aspect concerns the features that explicitly address of the social sciences into its repertoire. The the subjectivity of purposes and meanings following examples, which document this ascribed to systems. In this context, support for effort to close the gap, stand for many. Exten- problem formulation, model construction, and sive work on group model building has been strategy design by individuals on the one hand achieved, which explores the potential of col- and groups on the other are relevant issues. Also, laborative model building (Vennix 1996). techniques for an enhancement of creativity (e.g., A new schema for the modeling process has the generation and the reframing of options) in been proposed, which complements logic- both individuals and groups are a matter of con- based analysis by cultural analysis (Lane and cern. Two further aspects relate to methodological Oliva 1998). The social dimension of system arrangements for coping with the specific issues dynamics-based modeling has become a sub- of negotiation and alignment in pluralist and coer- ject to intensive discussion (Vriens and cive settings. Achtenbergh 2006) and other contributions to As far as the modeling and simulation pro- the special issue of Systems Research and cesses are concerned, group model building has Behavioral Science, Vol. 51, No. 49. Finally, become first a complement of SD and then a in relation to consultancy methodology, crucial feature of most modeling activities modeling has been framed as a learning pro- (Kineman 2017). In addition, there are other cess (Lane 1994a; Kineman 2017) and as methodologies which should be considered as second-order intervention (Schwaninger potentially apt to enrich SD analysis, namely, the et al. 2006). soft systems approaches commented upon earlier, 4. System dynamics modeling adopts a top-down e.g., interactive planning, soft systems methodol- logic. It operates with high-level aggregates ogy, and critical systems heuristics. and is not convenient for models that represent On the other hand, SD can be a powerful com- the individual behaviors of high quantities of plement to other methodologies which are more agents. In cases where microagents produce abstract or more static in nature. This potential behavior at macrolevel, agent-based models refers essentially to all systems approaches (ABM) are the prevalent methodological which stand in the interpretive (“soft”) tradition System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach 13 but also to approaches which stand in the positiv- this problem: Typically, “hard” systems scientists ist traditions, such as the VSM and LST. These have been suspicious of “soft” systems scientists. should revert to the support of SD in the event that For example, many members of the OR commu- trade-offs between different goals must be han- nity, not unlike orthodox quantitatively oriented dled, or if implications of long-term decisions on economists, adhere to the opinion that “SD is too short-term outcomes (and vice versa) have to be soft.” On the other hand, the protagonists of “soft” ascertained, and whenever contingencies or vul- systems approaches, even though many of them nerabilities must be assessed. have adopted feedback diagrams (causal loop dia- grams) for the sake of visualization, are all too often convinced that “SD is too hard.” Both of Actual and Potential Relationships these judgments indicate a lack of knowledge, in particular of the SD validation and testing methods It should be clear by now that the systems move- available, on the one hand, and the technical ment has bred a number of theories and method- advancements achieved in modeling and simula- ologies, none of which can be considered all- tion, on the other (see Barlas and Carpenter 1990; embracing or complete. All of them have their Schwaninger and Groesser 2009-2019; Sterman strengths and weaknesses and their specific poten- 2000). tials and limitations. In principle, both approaches are complemen- Since Burrell and Morgan (1979)advertedto tary. The qualitative view can enrich quantitative incommensurability between different paradigms of models, and it is connected to their philosophical, social theory, several authors have acknowledged or ethical, and esthetical foundations. However, even advocated methodological complementarism. qualitative reasoning tends to be misleading if They argue that there is a potential complementarity applied to causal network structures without between different methodologies and, one may add, being complemented by formalization and quan- models and methods, even if they come from distinct tification of relationships and variables. Further- paradigms. Among these authors are, e.g., more, the quantitative simulation fosters insights Brocklesby (1993), Jackson (1991), Midgley into qualitative patterns and principles. It is thus a (2000), Mingers (1997), Schwaninger (1997), Yolles most valuable device for validating and honing (1998), and García-Díaz and Olaya (2018). One of the intuition of decision-makers, via corrobora- these protagonists proposes “that well-designed and tion and falsification. well-executed multi-method research has inferential Proposalsthatadvocatemutuallearning advantages over research relying on a single between the different “schools” have been formu- method” (Seawright 2016,p.1).Seawrightadvo- lated inside the SD community (e.g., Lane 1994b). cates a “well-constructed integrative multi-method The International System Dynamics Conference of design” (Ibidem: 9). In other words, a new perspec- 1994 in Stirling, held under the banner of “Trans- tive, in comparison with the non-complementaristic cending the Boundaries,” was dedicated to the state of the art, has been opened. dialogue between different streams of the systems In the past, the different methodologies have led movement. to the formation of their own traditions and Also, from the 1990s onward, there were vig- “schools,” with boundaries across which not orous efforts to deal with methodological chal- much dialogue has evolved. The methodologies lenges, which traditionally had not been an have kept their protagonists busy testing them and important matter of scientific interest within the developing them further. Also, the differences SD community. Some of the progress made in between different language games and epistemo- these areas is documented in a special edition of logical traditions have often suggested incommen- Systems Research and Behavioral Science (Vol. surability and therewith have impaired 21, No. 4, July–August 2004). The main point is communication. Prejudices and a lack of knowl- that much of the available potential is based on the edge of the respective other side have accentuated 14 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach complementarity, not the mutual exclusiveness, of coauthors (Bosch et al. 2013). The framework the different systems approaches. includes a process design for collective learn- In the future, much can be gained from leverag- ing, involving participatory systems analysis, ing these complementarities. Here are two exam- the interpretation of system structures to iden- ples of methodological developments in this tify levers for systemic interventions, strategy direction, which appear to be achievable and design, and implementation. The methodology potentially fertile: first, the enhancement of qual- is based on several methods including qualita- itative components in “soft” systems methodolo- tive system dynamics. gies in the process of knowledge elicitation and • Social systems engineering (SSE) is an model building (Vennix 1996) and second, the application-oriented framework for coping combination of cybernetics-based organizational with complexity, based on a nonmechanistic design with SD-based modeling and simulation engineering viewpoint. It has a tradition (Schwaninger and Pérez Ríos 2008). One must going back to the 1970s and is now being add that potential complementarities exist not reactivated (Garcia-Díaz and Olaya 2018). only across the quality-quantity boundary but The approach considers technical, human, also within each one of the domains. For example, and social perspectives, which are crucial to with the help of advanced software, SD modeling solving complex problems. It focuses on sys- (“top-down”) and agent-based modeling temic interventions aimed at the design, rede- (“bottom-up”) can be used in combination. sign, and transformation of social systems. From a meta-methodological stance, generalist Different approaches to multimethodology are frameworks have been elaborated which contain proposed (Ibidem), e.g., actor-network theory blueprints for combining different methodologies as a heuristic for designing and building agent- where this is indicated. The following are two based models (Méndez-Fajardo 2018)ora early and two more recent examples: holistic approach to the design of healthcare systems, involving SD and the VSM • Total systems intervention (TSI) is a framework (Schwaninger and Klocker 2018). proposed by Flood and Jackson (1991), which furnishes a number of heuristic schemes and Recently, multimethodological frameworks principles for the purpose of selecting and com- have been developed, which are focused on inte- bining systems methods/methodologies in a gration (a systemic principle), but not explicitly customized way, according to the issue to be tied to systemic methodologies (e.g., Morgan tackled. SD is among the recommended “tools.” 2014; Seawright 2016). Given their meta- • Integrative systems methodology (ISM) is a methodological position, these frameworks are heuristic for providing actors in organizations in principle open to including systems methods with requisite variety (Schwaninger 1997, or methodologies into their repertoire. 2004). It advocates (a) dealing with both In principle, SD could make an important con- content- and context-related issues during the tribution in the context of any multimethodological process and (b) placing a stronger emphasis on framework, far beyond the extent to which this has the validation of qualitative and quantitative been the case. Systems methodologists and practi- models as well as strategies, in both dimen- tioners can potentially benefitenormouslyfrom sions of the content of the issue under study including SD methodology in their repertoires. and the organizational context into which that issue is embedded. For this purpose, the tools of SD (to model content) and organizational cybernetics – the VSM (to model context) – are Outlook cogently integrated. • Evolutionary learning laboratory (ELLab) There have been recurrent calls for an eclectic “ ” denotes an approach to the management of mixing and matching of methodologies. In complex issues developed by Bosch and light of the epistemological tendencies of our System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach 15 time toward radical relativism, it is necessary to which are apt to enrich the system dynamics meth- warn against taking a course in which “anything odology, namely, in terms of modeling and deci- goes.” It is most important to emphasize that the sion support. For example, the constantly desirable methodological progress can only be evolving techniques of time series analysis, filter- achieved on the grounds of scientific rigor. This ing, neural networks, control theory, machine postulate of “rigor” is not to be confused with an learning, etc. can improve the design of system- encouragement of “rigidity.” The necessary meth- dynamics-based systems of (self-)control. Also, a odological principles advocated here are disci- bridge across the divide between the top-down plined thinking, a permanent quest for models of modeling approach of SD and the bottom-up highest quality (i.e., thorough model validation), approach of agent-based modeling has been built and full transparency in the formalizations as well with the help of modern software. as of the underlying assumptions and sources Furthermore, a promising perspective for the used. Scientific rigor, in this context, also implies design of genuinely “intelligent organizations” that combinations of methodologies, methods, or emerges if one combines dynamic modeling and models reach beyond merely eclectic add-ons so cybernetic modeling, namely, system dynamics that genuine integration toward better adequacy to and the viable system model. Also, combining the issues at hand is achieved. the “soft” systems methodologies and the “hard” The contribution of system dynamics can come methods from operations research could enable in the realms of the following: better, model-based management. The approaches of integrating complementary • Fostering disciplined thinking methodologies, as outlined in this contribution, • Understanding dynamic behaviors of systems definitely mark a new phase in the history of the and the structures that generate them systems movement. • Exploring paths into the future and the con- crete implications of decisions • Assessing strategies as to their robustness, vul- Appendix – Milestones in the Evolution nerabilities, and impact, in ways precluded by of the Systems Approach in General and other, more philosophical, and generally “soft” System Dynamics in Particular systems approaches The following table gives an overview of the fl These latter streams can contribute to re ecting systems movement’s evolution, as shown in its and tackling the meaning- and value-laden dimen- main literature. This overview is not exhaustive. sions of complex human, social, and ecological systems. Some of their features should and can be Foundations of general systems theory combined synergistically with system dynamics, Von Bertalanffy Zu einer 1945 particularly by being incorporated into the reper- allgemeinen toires of system dynamicists. From the reverse Systemlehre perspective, incorporating system dynamics as a An Outline of 1950 General System standard tool will be of great benefit for the Theory adopters of broad methodological frameworks. General System 1968 Model formalization and dynamic simulation Theory may even be considered necessary components Bertalanffy, Foundation of the 1953 for the study of the concrete dynamics of complex Boulding, Society for General Gerard, Rapoport Systems Research systems. Klir An Approach to 1968 There are also many developments in the General Systems “hard,” i.e., mathematics-, statistics-, logic-, and Theory informatics-based methods and technologies, Simon 1969 (continued) 16 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach

The Sciences of the The Systems Artificial Approach Pichler Mathematische 1975 Vester and von Sensitivitätsmodell 1980 Systemtheorie Hesler Miller Living Systems 1978 Checkland Systems Thinking, 1981 Mesarovic and Abstract Systems 1985 Systems Practice Takahara Theory Ackoff Creating the 1981 Rapoport General System 1986 Corporate Future Theory Ulrich Critical Heuristics 1983 Foundations of cybernetics of Social Planning Macy Cybernetics, 1946–1951 Warfield A Science of Generic 1994 conferences Circular Causal, Design (Josiah Macy, and Feedback Schwaninger Integrative Systems 1997 Jr. foundation) Mechanisms in Methodology Biological and Gharajedaghi Systems Thinking 1999 Social Systems Sabelli Bios: A Study of 2005 Wiener Cybernetics or 1948 Creation Control and García and Olaya Social Systems 2018 Communication in Engineering the Animal and in Selected recent works in system dynamics the Machine Senge The Fifth Discipline 1990 Ashby An Introduction to 1956 Cybernetics Barlas and Model Validity 1990 Carpenter Pask An Approach to 1961 Cybernetics Vennix Group Model 1996 Building Von Foerster, Principles of Self- 1962 Zopf Organization Lane and Oliva Synthesis of System 1998 Dynamics and Soft McCulloch Embodiments of 1965 Systems Mind Methodology Foundations of organizational cybernetics Sterman Business Dynamics 2000 Beer Cybernetics and 1959 Warren Strategy Dynamics 2002, 2008 Management Wolstenholme Archetypal 2003 Towards the 1962 Structures Cybernetic Factory Morecroft Strategic Modeling 2007 Decision and 1966 Control Schwaninger and Theory-Building 2008, 2009 Grösser with System Brain of the Firm 1972 Dynamics and Von Foerster Cybernetics of 1974 Model Validation Cybernetics Rahmandad, Analytical Methods 2015 Foundations of system dynamics Oliva, Osgood for Dynamic Forrester Industrial Dynamics 1961 Modelers Principles of 1968 Kunc Strategic Analytics 2019 Systems Urban Dynamics 1969 World Dynamics 1971 Meadows et al. Limits to Growth 1972 Bibliography Richardson Feedback Thought 1991 in Social Science Primary Literature and Systems Theory Ackoff RL (1981) Creating the corporate future. Wiley, Systems methodology New York Churchman Challenge to Reason 1968 Andersen DF, Richardson GP (1997) Scripts for group 1968 model building. Syst Dyn Rev 13(2):107–129 (continued) Ashby WR (1956) An introduction to cybernetics. Chap- man & Hall, London System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach 17

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