Law of requisite variety Ashby’s law of requi- System Dynamics in the site variety says “Only variety can destroy Evolution of the Systems variety.” It implies that the varieties of two Approach interacting systems must be in balance, if sta- bility is to be achieved. Markus Schwaninger Organizational cybernetics The science which Institute of Management and Strategy, University applies cybernetic principles to organization. of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland Synonyms are management cybernetics and managerial cybernetics. System dynamics (SD) A methodology and dis- Article Outline cipline for the modeling, simulation, and con- trol of dynamic systems. The main emphasis Glossary falls on the role of structure and its relationship Definition of the Subject with the dynamic behavior of systems, which Introduction are modeled as networks of informationally Emergence of the Systems Approach closed feedback loops comprising stock and Common Grounds and Differences flow variables. The Variety of Systems Methodologies System There are many definitions of system. System Dynamics: Its Features, Strengths, and Two examples: A portion of the world suffi- Limitations ciently well defined to be the subject of study; Strengths of SD something characterized by a structure, for Limitations of SD example, a social system (Anatol Rapoport). Actual and Potential Relationships A system is a family of relationships between Outlook its members acting as a whole (International Appendix – Milestones in the Evolution of the Society for the Systems Sciences). Systems Approach in General and System Systems approach A perspective of inquiry, Dynamics in Particular education, and management, which is based Bibliography on systems theory and cybernetics. Systems theory A formal science of the struc- Glossary ture, behavior, and development of systems. In fact there are different systems theories. Gen- Cybernetics The science of communication and eral systems theory is a transdisciplinary control in complex, dynamic systems. The core framework for the description and analysis of objects of study are information, communica- any kind of system. Systems theories have tion, feedback, adaptation, and control or gov- been developed in many domains, e.g., mathe- ernance. In the newer versions of cybernetics, matics, computer science, engineering, sociol- the emphasis is on observation, self- ogy, psychotherapy, biology, and ecology. organization, self-reference, and learning. Variety A technical term for complexity which Dynamical system The dynamical system con- denotes the amount of (potential or actual) cept is a mathematical formalization of time- states or modes of behavior of a system. Rep- dependent processes. Examples include the ertoire of behavior is a synonym. mathematical models that describe the swing- ing of a clock pendulum, the flow of water in a river, or the evolution of a population of fish in a lake. © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2019 1 R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27737-5_537-5 2 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach Definition of the Subject worldview focused on complex dynamic systems and an interest in describing, explaining, and The purpose of this chapter is to give an overview designing or at least influencing them. Therefore, of the role of system dynamics (SD) in the context most of the systems approaches offer not only a of the evolution of the systems movement. This is theory but also a way of thinking (“systems think- necessary because SD is often erroneously taken ing” or “systemic thinking”) and a methodology as the systems approach as such, not as part of it. It for dealing with systemic issues or problems. is also requisite to show that the processes of the System dynamics (SD) is a discipline and a evolution of both the systems movement as a methodology for the modeling, simulation, and whole and SD in particular are intimately linked control of complex, dynamic systems. SD was and intertwined. Finally, in view of the purpose of developed by MIT professor Jay W. Forrester the chapter, the actual and potential relationships (e.g., Forrester 1961, 1968) and has been propa- between system dynamics and the other strands of gated by his students and associates. The terms the systems movement are evaluated. This way, “methodology” and “method” should not be used complementarities and potential synergies are interchangeably (Jackson 2003). Our working identified. definition for “methodology” embraces two kinds of use: (a) a set of principles that frame the way in which research (theoretical, empirical, Introduction practical) is to be undertaken and (b) a coherent group of complementary methods used in a given The purpose of this contribution is to give an methodology. The term “method” derives from overview of the role of system dynamics in the Ancient Greek: ὁdó§ (hodós) for path and m«tᾰ́ context of the evolution of the systems movement. (metá) for in pursuit of. The working definition we “Systems movement”–often referred to brieflyas are using for “method” refers to a technique or “systemics” also cyber systemics – is a broad way toward a purpose or serving a specific para- term, which takes into account the fact that there digm. “Paradigm” is a mode of thinking or a set of is no single systems approach but a range of assumptions shared by a (scientific) community. different ones. The diagram in Fig. 1 is not a SD has grown to a school of numerous academics complete representation but the result of an and practitioners all over the world. The particular attempt to map the major threads of the systems approach of SD lies in representing the issues or movement and some of their interrelations. systems in focus as meshes of closed feedback Hence, the schema does not cover all schools or loops made up of stocks and flows, in continuous protagonists of the movement. Why does the dia- time, and subject to delays. Given these features, gram show a dynamic and evolutionary systems SD modeling is widely applicable to all kinds of thread and an additional cybernetics thread, if systems – economic, social, ecological, etc. – and cybernetics is about dynamic systems? The latter the construction of generic models is facilitated. embraces all the approaches that are explicitly The SD view is focused on continuous as grounded in cybernetics. The former relates to opposed to discrete processes. This makes it all other approaches concerned with dynamic or extraordinarily powerful in dealing with manage- evolutionary systems. The streamlining made it rial issues. Other modeling and simulation necessary to somewhat curtail logical perfection approaches exist. One is the discrete event for the sake of conveying a synoptic view of the approach, which is focused on the modeling of different systems approaches, in a language that systems conceived as queuing networks uses the categories common in current scientific (Brailsford 2014). It is a widely used technique and professional discourse. Overlaps exist, e.g., of operations research, particularly for fine- between dynamic systems and chaos theory, cel- grained modeling, simulation, and control, in the lular automata, and agent-based modeling, etc. domains of logistics, production, distribution sys- The common denominator of the different sys- tems, and transportation networks. SD is normally tems approaches in our day is that they share a used for modeling and simulation at relatively System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach 3 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach, Fig. 1 Systems approaches: An overview 4 System Dynamics in the Evolution of the Systems Approach higher levels of aggregation. Its perspective is top- systems approaches has been provided in the dia- down, which makes broad and long-term issues gram in Fig. 1. tangible and manageable. As a complement, a methodology has emerged which follows a bottom-up logic: the agent-based object approach Emergence of the Systems Approach (Holland 1995; Miller and Page 2007). Agent- based models are in discrete time. They represent The systems movement has many roots and facets, sets of individual agents, whose interactions are with some of its concepts going back as far as simulated. Hence, the emergent behavior at ancient Greece. What we name as “the systems macrolevel is generated from the bottom, by the approach” today materialized in the first half of individual behaviors at the microlevel. The three the twentieth century. At least two important com- methodologies are complementary. Hybrid forms ponents should be mentioned: those proposed by of modeling have been developed, which build von Bertalanffy and by Wiener. bridges and enable synergies between the respec- Ludwig von Bertalanffy, an American biolo- tive strengths of these different methodologies gist of Austrian origin, developed the idea that (Brailsford et al. 2014). organized wholes of any kind should be describ- The development of the system dynamics meth- able and, to a certain extent, explainable, by odology and the worldwide community that applies means of the same categories and ultimately by SD to modeling and simulation in highly varied one and the same formal apparatus. His General contexts suggest that it is a “systems approach” on Systems Theory (Von Bertalanffy 1950, 1968) its own. Nevertheless, taking “system dynamics” as triggered a whole movement which has tried to the (one and only) synonym for “systemic thinking” identify invariant structures and
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