ELLWOOD Tvrone Power
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March 19, 1942 PAGE 28 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (THOSE CHERRY 8800) Thursday, l»r Senior House when It dropped 1 from second place In the Rod mark, between 116-163 for 543 In Tops ( S point* to Scott, which moved Division of the Graphic Arts. Cliff the White section of the Gr&phir Mikiel's 1116 Seri«* vs. third. The Speneer was tops with 213-154 Arta. Ted carries a 169 average. riminiiift Day Into a dendlock for With seven weeks left of the on 235 in 1047. Kotarski had 1043* Hulda Otten leader* both lo*t 21. Carl Melcholr in 642. today Augie Bamberg 1030, John Gron- Rainbow Individual Classic Van Becelaere, the John Grots noted out Snm Ccr- j and hit 246 and “Van” Second also chanßed in by high tingle first place seems to rest among don 1024. Joe Paulua 1021 Betting 234 In 618. Ropers' Detroit Mail-, rone one pin for 1016. Columbus Railbirds on Favorites When Green. Brate the night when he tipped Fred Wolf. Harold Allen. Cy Steve Cruchon moving up xxhen Marv Lohr's of 2+5 UIS. Harold Ailta l«7«e ins in the Genial loop. Goralczyk and Charlie Kotarski.| I Vine* Mlklel National Champ and Challenger Roll in ABC Frank Miller’s 2il on the Ea*t Brownell xxas whitewashed by Bill Floyd Rich man 1047. Chart*# Katinlrf on 605 Vince Mikiel with 277-255 in 1116 Bamberg Joh« Oroadon Leads HUB, 1030. and Joe Zaboreky't H5-215 Bingham's.] AuKie Side Klein’s leadinc Samuel led the nineteenth round yester- ,1024. Joe Paulua 1021. Steve Cn ***2,a on the Went Side, in the estab- Lots of Material Thornton standing* By IIAKOLI) featured Walter Malow of Barnes 1 day followed by Harold Allen with 1019. Ernie Boe*t 1013. Ted JAgO. HAUL Malt Kurgan 994. Paul Scribner \ XX W I. " L. *r Kemba eireuit. lished a new second high, 243. | Minnesota’s average varsity 269 in 1078. This gave him the Waamund OVmpte 6% !• ffa ,T»b' > sz 3* ». Standlah 97*. WllUam Although Day of West Al- Wognlak §75. Jamaa 9*4. ClwTV* V .mna 57 J« I'liMt Tr hi* 39 42 Ned football squad numbers 65. while lead from Wolf whose hit was 914. Bld X» M Led by Abe Carl with 620 Union Krajena* Ml, l<oula Serlannl 945, R- C, Vnt*rpri*e '1 30 Dent" lis Win, national match game e»p- the freshmen outfit is usually cut Goralczyk had a had afternoon Archie Jankowaki 917, ;--h#l <a ;»j r>ii rv»tr*-'!* .in M swept Chope-Slevens to oust Ray Trd Neiach. Detroit Klertro ‘‘Tim’’ Miller 935. 54 h high 100. Floyd was Fred Wolf 914. Cy Qoralcayk hmidt «<< 41 Pal**# 2* champion, and Johnny Crimnuns. Gay’s Beecher, Peck & Lewis No. tnln, aiinttxx'lrhrcl -66, new down to wiih 925. Riohman third jn «J K<m«y 40 41 »«' Grand Detroit challenger, arc not sched- Hulda Ottcn of Got hr 1. 6H5, and uled in the American Rowling : Iranor Koopkc of Alcona«. 6n >, Gong its* tournament until April, \/ dd their names today to the li<t railbirds already arc placing Your Favorite I C cf high nene* score* in the wagers on their respective totals, THEATERS Q WIB \\ « reports trickling AV\ # *TMtS ITA* IDENTIFIES CCVOPERATIVE ¦? 1 ? ¦ tan O to T omen Major I^'acur. according I n W The Otten effort did not stop of Golumbus. O. Olympic from uinmng twice last Besides Inking the match cham- i h,n y Rd-Whlltler AR 8223 Mipprn—Harper al Lakewood AR. 4020 * —Woodrow Wilson at tilrndala * * irr—Harper PI- M47. pion. Day 10-year and rmntenae. 4k rivir nCTDfiIT DAYMAN open Vrldt, ROYAL cht at Hi 11wood by 2606 to 2597 still heads the . from “111/Isi- open 6 f>ee Dtnnerware. nAIMCn EXTRA! EXTRA! When Will 1 UAAIuAIx 0:30 Conrad Lorrttal <JI Jm 6vL Cont. 12.00 Noon. UVIL-UtllxUll Raymond In “SMILIN' THROt OH.” Plua Koopke fared bctlt-r as Al- average men in annual ABC THE l>l HT." with Greer Oaraon, Ann Sothern tn "I..ADX BI! GOOD." Geo. the United Nations Prepare for Counter- Young in "lilt: MEN IN HER IJFE." Mr*. *o34* IN I BogHri OK tn "SPtHYKs RUN •'PRIVATE SNUFFY SMITH/* to tourneys with Walter Pldgeon '*TORK PAY* OFF.'*i Raft, "INYIslßl.f. VI RIPER." H. Attack In the Pacific’ SEE M\RCH "Dead End" Kids oona swept Schmidt. 2703 2116. 204.23, a total of ¦ Al#o TIMES "FAR EAST COMMAND." WILD." Wait Disney'# "Pantry Pirate." i - with Victor Jorv, Kc*chelle Hudson 1-bltt# * Michigan. near Liverwola dr including games of 916-901. 63 ahead of Walter Ward of “Hog Tl AU/CAN—Clawson, Mteh. 1.1. CCMATr—#4I4 pins > In the Comedy^_ ULJlttjUix Ida ini —Har|*er at I-akrwood AR. 4020 *1 Al Eliott al Oliver JLIIAIC. Little Var- Cleveland, I- i I open 6 30. Lupino nnIULFXUIDpCD ULITLR11/CR—ML That Thar Peaky Agnes Kckstrom had 580 of En- who has 203.50. Crini- iniuc— Open A. M "I.ADIEn IN KKTIKfXIENT." "KISSES, open 0:15. Park Free. Jinxi Raok Night Volume No. 19 mint* in the Movie* Now. Plrat Detroit Doors 10:43 DAY,"I as <2366) nuns »s with 202.44. which is AUMI3 Tymne Power, Gene Tierney in ftlK BREAKFAST." wtlh Dennl# Morgan Kalkenberg, Buddy Roger# In "SING FOR "DR. KILDARE S XXEDDINCF Showing Friday, Saturday. Sunday and terprise's 24K4 Talace third " two ••SON UP H KV.” Plu# Jo* E. Brown in I VOI R si PPER. R Donlevy In "SOI TH with Ayres J'lu# ".Xlf.RtX ISLAND,", Monday. “PRIVATE SNIFFY SMITK.'* two. Kinney (2515) only pins shy of his 1931 to * Hmnlltun, at C anfield n ropped ’ rni ICrilM—AKfl |OK TAHITI." Time, 'far f ust 4 ontmand/ with Ray Middleton. Comedy. Newra. Betty Orable. ‘I WARE IP SC REAMINO.* tULlscUin op, n « 00. LADIES' NIGHT (2499» for two 1940 average. "* n.pjYcd Rainlnwv — ohn Rd. * v*ack nr. St. Jean. LK. 9198 Lynn Bari fn "XX E GO FAfiT." Plus UA7EI Dipt—J R Nine-Xllle at Phil*. TV. 4-840* CryiTP—#424 Mlrhlcan, near IJvemola fr IX'troit has only one other man IDMIPiI SOLDIER,’ Langford. n/XLLL lAAn CHINAWARK’ DRIDI C—Lin wood it with Ethel Heenan of Rainbow AUIuIIxAL y rrt parking. Coitnetic# I'ont ; •isXXING IT, France# FREE URIULL op*n 0:45 Margaret Lindsay/ JLII/11L Attend Dally Mat. “rire Young. LIFE.’ Klnf* match high on 559. Pen by (2425) in the first 10, Freddy Breekle in 3 Ix>retta Young in "THE Free. Loretta ’THE MEN IN HER Howard "TRAGEDY- AT MID- Flame-Blue Oven Olaaa Free John Howard, from P M rAIAMIAI—XXoodward-Nlhley. Park "FLYING CADETS," William Gargan. John In was 47 pins better than West De- sixth place with 201.35, a pin be- c m MEN IN HER LIFE.” Pill* James I tULUni/XL OPEN ALL NIGHT STAGE NIGHT.” K Morgan. ‘MORTAL sTORM.’ “TRAGEDY AT MIDNIGHT.” “FRECR- Gleason in "T.ANK.s A MILLION.** * iLER COMES HOME.’* Johnny Dowaa. (2378) but Adolph Chicago. BHOXVS: 3 30, t .45, 11 P. M John UirUT lKin PADIf—w.a>dward nt irr—tourteeulh at MrGraw troit on total yielded hind Carlson of in "TRAGEDY nlunLAlxU rAKA J Road-t base, Dearborn Howard. Margaret Lindsay lALALL (lift Night. S|nr|j—lord ’’ Joe Norris is seventeenth, 198.12' ALL)L9 HANG,”, Ymng Ladies’ Ronald CCI/|| I C—l4*l Grand Hirer Arena* t wo. open 6 15. Big Family Night. All AT MIDNIGHT. riu# "101 l AY' I .Loretta 'THE MEN IN HER Llff.V Colrnau tn "XIY I.IEE WITH CAROLINE." JbTILLG with King. RI.E HI.E,” Harry Lung.ton. Blggeet Show* at Loweet Plicae. Chene-Trombly (2465) Wall Reppenhagen ‘nineteenth, Irene Dunne, Robt. Montgomery Walter Wo<>lf "IBM TRCM Also Bradley In also won Seat# 10c at Midnight. Grace "HEIHIEAD." Todayj All Seat* 10c. Gene Autry. “UNDER 197 tn "UNFLNIMHKD BITIXKKI." Plu# Free. * 1 Entire New Show Start# I from Twenty Grand (2344) with 69; Cass C.rygier fifty-nintji, CAIAYIV—15633 Murk A*e. Park MrNlrhoi# EIP.STA STARS." Al*u "I COVER THE Penny — urp NED DAY A. ‘ I | "BIAINDIE." Singleton. Lake tULUni open UTILITY K,,rt ,'"rk Krr, * Dai DID!—Hamilton at 194 74; Joe Scribner sixtieth. 1 5 30. FREE uni 1 vu/nnn H lALIYILRl/XRR op< n 636 Adult* 28c, 1 WATERFRONT.” Claudette Colbert. Ted Reatha Coolman of Chene scor- Outer AND BREAKFAST SET. luck Koran In nULLITUJUD STARTING TOMORROW' Lewi*' Band. “IK E\ ERA BODY HAPPYT* 194 67, and Charles itrrn—h. XXarren at Dr. Nl. 172 V 1.1P5,”; Child lie. Free Parking free Dmnerware. ing 570. Kotarski, six- edge ALuLix Today. "ROAD At.l N I'." Plu.s “SEALED ,"THE FOXES," with Bette Davis Mart razor’s to decide the 15 open 5:43. Last Time# Gargan. LITTI.E Marx Bros, Tonv n, "RIG STORE."j ty-second, Bogart, Mary with William I and Herbert Marshall Also "RtIXfHAY MILLION," CUirrp—Gardw* (Tty. Ford at Middle Bell 194 59. high average bowlers that will Humphrey A#tor. 'MALTESE "TANKS A Ja«. Gleason.l OlL’trCiA KAl.t'ON.* Plus Ray Milland. Claudette TAYIAYIT—12027 C onanl IXX . 2-3013 * CLIPPER" w,th William Gargan and Open # 45. Wm Powell, Myrna represent the R. C. Mahon league Colt«ert. "Shi I.Alih ' Also Latest New#. tUnAIXI open 5.45 P. M. FREE Irene H*rv*y. —XXiMidwnrd and f.llzabelh Loy In “SHADOW OP THE THIN MAN/* With only three week* remain- PAIAL.tIj-jIAIIIVK CTITF WATER," Walter Huatoo.