Monday, April 20, 1942 D2TROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOSK CHERRY 8800) PAGE 15 Pin Threats Few STEEL CLUB READY FOR HEARST TIMES SHOOT St. 6 Metro Teams By DON GILLIES 11911 to 1852. It was the De- ¦ 366. Ed Baier 352, Floyd Grudier shooting 98 out of 100 in his last! Steel Gun , troit Gun Club’s worst defeat in i 360 and John Zuko6ky 340. half of the standing round, for The Great Lakes one of the best competitive off-! CagfcrSe City Tournament Leaders Appear Likely to Keep Club, Hearst handicap champions, seven years of competition. The Detroit club, winners of Last CYO Detroit team the Hearst championship , hand rounds of the year. will be the team to watch in the ; Mike Tokar of the i Open St. Catherine today is the cham- In Running With Positions, Tonight's Lineup Indicates finals of the Hearst-Times rifle, was the leading scorer, getting ; last year, had Friedman with 369, \ It was the last match at Great the heavy B divi*k>n of matches at the State Fair ¦ 389 out of a possible 400. Joe' 'John Kirschner 364. Les Passmore Lakes’ present club, as the build- pion of Grounds May 15, 16 and 17. jKormendi of the Steelmen shot 371, Ben Bazydlo 359, Ted Wood ing now housing the modern range | the Catholic Youth Organization’s Team bowling in the city Ludiker and Kenneth Haviland, In a special shoulder-to-shoulder; 388 to lead his team. Helping ; 359 and Mos Gates 356. •will be turned over to the plant cage league by virtue of the 34-32 to fifth on-iheir 1170. to tournument at Detroit Recreation match against the Detroit Gun i to win the match was Jim Dalzeii II Tokar. considered by experts i for war work. Brousseau, chief which it handed St. Paul Go On the overaverage side, the shot in range officer, defeat to Logan • greatest off-hand announced that goes into its eleventh session to- Club at Ecorse last night, the 385. Clause 382. Lester be the 6 Games latest surprise came from two already way ‘(Grosse Pointe) last night in the t 377, to to up best score Hidusky 379, Bob Fetterman , the country, tried desperately > plans were under Ir.ight with the chances favoring Steelmen rolled the youngsters in their first tourna- of their shooting career to win Sam Castle 368, Ernie Brousseau i pull the match out of the fire. build another range in Ecorse. | | last of the CYO playoff tilts. Midwest Drops to Tie for Pepsi-Cola to hold first in Class A ment. Clarence Zisler and Ray Only one threat materialized over pitched 1090 for 214 and second. First With Palmer Parle the week-end. when Motor Inn Eddie Sukkar succeeded to the as Roadway Drops Three One fell short by 40 pins. Its singles leadership with 164, shov- 2871 was good for second. ing Don Reid to second. At Your Favorite The schedule calls for squads IN from Nightingale Club, Michigan! WALBYB SLUMP ¦ # % W h THIS STAR IDENTIFIES CO-OPERATIVE THEATERS ¦? 1 ? ¦ WtKt HTAMIHMiH TODAY MOVIE W I W L Gas, One team after failed MMweat Consolidated Detroit Athletic 1 another 54 39 %It. Elliott 47 IA Club and a miscellaneous group at Detroit in the championship, Palmar Park 54 39 Denby 43 50 — Myrtle Standard.) PI. M4l. * ttl/COy—4 lanmn. Mich. LI. 2-4MH6 + PDAUnr—w. Jeffri*ou VI. 2-1247 it C seventeenth and -1-MUt aad Meyers UN. S-4665 53 40 Art Centra 39 54 which includes entries from Orient. group. Femdale Hodges, with IfC—Harder u 4 Kmntennr. flLLATfjUn UIVAnUL to MYRTITO 111 ILL DAViI SI ALL Coot. Noon. "40,606 HORSEMEN," Open 6:30 and Mat. Dally, 12 Noon Midnight. | Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyman nUIAL open 6:15. Park Free. Last 52 41 Parkslde 39 Harper-Van Mickey Rooney. Garland "RAREN Coadway<>rge Mary. West W’arren. Dyke such marksmen as Charles Peltier. Taylor, Betty Bryant. Plus “II Herbert Marshall In "IJTTLE F4>XE*.“ Judy In lin "BAD MEN OK MISSOURI." Plu* Hope. “LOUISIANA I*l R- 52 41 Chene-Trom. 39 54 iGrant 1 ' Show 6:40. Bob IP SCREAMING," with Betty OF DUANEN," Gao. Montgomery | ON BROADWAY. Plu* "MAN AT Jane Wlthara and Joe Brown Jr. In ( HAM:,” . Orllngs (300) WARE ’ in Technicolor. 51 42 Rlttar 35 50 and Conner recreations. iWilliam Warden and Joe | LARGE," ' Orable and Victor _Mature. !"LAMT with Mat Juris Weaver “YOUTH WILL RE SERVED John Payne 'REME.MBKR THE DAI.” At Olympic, the main menaces Redmond, were three shy of 2700. j Hamilton, 4 an tie fAIICCHM —6521 al Id —*evea-Mil* Rd.-Vaa Dyke "The toughest league in town” in the regular events appear as ! Olympics from Central Division,! I AIMIK Door* Open 10 45 A. M Ginger LULIjCUTO Open 6:30 Wm. Powell. fD iUT—Ru**ell, near Holbrook IlfifiTnWN ir AUATOJ 1 nuniuvrn op *n Free Rogers m 'ROXIE HART.’ with l :Myma U)y In "THE SHADOW OF THE UlVAill Open 5. ‘Amapola' Dinnerwarr! 545 Parlt -nv. ROYAL 041““ Garry Cooper and remains just that today as the Ray Schutzler and Andy Szabo, Traveling League, had 2562 and George Montgomery and Adolphe Menjou. MAN." Plus Brlsn Donlevy In to Ladies. Joan Blondell, John Wayne In ! 1-3931. Joan Blondell and John Wayns In Leslie with Walter Brennan in “SER- • THIN Joan by Plus Jane Wither*. VOINO AMERICA." NIOHT." "LANT OF "LADY KOR A NIGHT.” Plus "BOMBAY . P. M. Metropolitan Classic bowlers seek William Smith and Toledo Sabuco. Motor Inn Stars headed Don "SOI TH or TAHITI.” “LADY FOR A THE CLIPPER,” GEANT YORK.” at 7:00 and 6:30 DI ANES." with George with William Gargan. Extra: “Rodeo Roundup,** In Technicolor. lln the doubles they must beat the Hackett, 2501. Walbys. probable St. Jean —Woodward-Mlbley. a decision in the next two weeks. AMfIDII-Mart nr. IE. UN roi AMIII Park Free.! Also Disney's "little Whirlwind.” al AI/miAAL || a RAP’s ynpurrCT —Grand River Southirid Mlrhlgaa. near I.lvemula A 1202 put up by Cecil Ward and winner of the eastern division] t. 3. Free Parking. vULUIvIAL Open All Night. Stage Shows mmTfUl p CCWITC—6424 Three games separate the first six Foreign Legion in “INTERNATIONAL '3:30, 7:45. 11 P.M . ark rr9e Open 6:15 Adults jtnAlt attend daily matinef.. Jack Plappert. Ward had 656. championship in the same circuit,) 4 K4)R dropped **Ql ADRON," Ronald Reagan. “BOMBAYStirling Hayden In “BAHAMA PASSAGE." GREAT LAKES-1 “p°.7!S, t,^ 27c Plus Tax. Joan Blondell. “LADY BAKKRITE' ovenwar* free to the teams. Midwest to a tie handled 2708 with Ray Gargan. ney. A NIGHT." . "ELLERY Hanry Barbara 677 P Glinski CUPPER." Wm. Lata War News. “JAIUfOIHE BLURB." Nat Pendleton. J Geo. Sanders. "RUNDOWN.” "YOU LADIES. Fonda and for first with Palmer Park at Cen- STAYS L T first on 585. BEIJING TO MR." . QUEEN AND THE MURDER RING." Stanwyck In “YOU REIGN© TO ME —Ford Road-Chase. Hear horn TAlONV—lft*3a Mark Ave. Park Free * Disney’s "A Time on a Dime." Pius “MR. WISE OFT,** ‘Dead End* Kids. tennial yesterday by losing twice singles, 1, AInrii UULUnI open Davis. Good AlFnil C—Oakland al S-Miln Road ' In Joe Slater’s 677 Motor Inn No. with 600 ALDLn Open 6:15. Charles Haggle*: 6:45. Bette Ann UnIMSnLL to Palmer, whose output was 3092 Sheridan. "THE MAN WHO CAME TO Oene Autry, Smiley Burnette, cruii | r—MSI Grand River Avenne slands out bigger and bigger. Few from Ed Haines, wangled 2871 to Charles Laughton In “RUGGIEM OF RED rorrMUfOAn—Hamlitoa at West Kirby "COWBOY SERENADE.” Richard Arlen. jLTILLL “Superman** Car- against GAP." Plus “BAD MEN OP MISSOURI." {DINNER." Plus "I W ARE UP Hi REAM- UAL Lit VIUUU Donlevy, Adults 13c. 2862. will at come in behind Pepsi-Cola. State INO,” with Betty Grable Brian Marla Mon- Eva Gabor In “KOR4 El> l-ANDINI,." Tracy*' Serial. , entries pass Slater the with Wayne Morris. te* “SOUTH TAHITI." Carole Lan- toon. “Dlek not match _____ In OF “THE ROARING Midwest could the although * Humphrey Bogart In present rate of progress, Fair fell to third and Krakow to I2O77 Uon ant TW .MM it dis, Georgs Montgomery, "CADET GIRL." —Osh 1 ¦* Tennyson Palmer Park marksmen, who had Aim>—E- **rrea at Outer Or. Nl. 7723 PAIUMT—VAIIvAnI fiilflUARLAHDANfi TWENTIES.” Also “AMONG THE LIV- some of the town’s best have yet fifth in the shuffle. ALLLIV Open 6:15. Last Show 9:00 Stemware to the Ladles. DUhes to Ladle*. Open 5:45. ING.” with Albert Dekker. Latest New*. games against I lOpen 6:30. Wayne Morris, Brenda Marshall UADPCD —Harper at Lakewood AR. 4620 t Betty Grable In “1 WAKE UP SCREAM- of 988-1083-1021 to appear. Bill Frederick's 245- In Class B. Femdale, on 603 Ronald Reagan, Olympe Bradna. "INTER-! nAluLn EXTRA 1012-1032-824. led NATIONAL (Hit ADRON." Phis Bette •in "SMILING GHOST.” Plus "PI-AY-1 STARTS TOMORROW. ING." Plus Dennis O'Keefe in CUICTD —Garden City. Ford nt Middle Bell Art Houtteman 245 in 638 brought him third by Tom Bowman and 610 by MATES," with Kay Kyaer and Band. ADDED. "THE DEPENNE OK MOB4JOW" "WEEE-END KOR THREE." OnATLA Open 6:43. and on 203-251-223. Davis U»J*UTTLE ’Superman.’ (FILMED UNDER FIRE. AUTHENTIC- Palmer 679 from place yesterday and Plappert’s Robert Hewitt, shot 2610, or 261 I Military Mary Martin. "BIRTH OF THE BLUES.” * rniffiTCCV— Vernor at THRILLING. SEE CITY UNDER AtFifty—Woodrow Wilson at Glendaln dr Lydom Greg Grimaldi up Midwest Al 11AHDD A—B4XB Woodward. MA MM Super- GREAT • HENRY FOR PRESIDENT.” J. held 030 netted fourth. over, to take the lead over S & W AuIATODLA LUUnluJl Special. Adults 15c. SIEGE HOUR OF SELECTED SHORTS. UAKTOAJt TO. 8-3649. WEDNESDAY and open 8:45. Park Free. Tracy 1 with 639. Ward and Plappert rode in Provisions. Roy-Pask from Chene- Henry Fonda. Barbara Stanwyck, "YOU man Cart«>on. Dick Serial. "4«.»ss> THURSDAY ONLY. Extra Added: ONE w HORSEMEN," with Roaring Aussies. Also —Harper at Lakewood AR. 4026 FULL HOUR OF EXCITING AND EN- SHAfERWAYNE- rSr; Open 3:43. Flr»t Roadway, with Edwin Trosieu 2775, or to* ItFIXING TO ME.” "SUNDOWN," Gene I6TH." lIiDDCD f ahead of Eddie Kukla and Harold Trombly hit 210 the Tierney. Disney's "Good Time oa a Dime.” "THE NIGHT OF JANUARY with imAILA Open 6:15. Park Free. Henry TERTAINING SHORT SUBJECTS. LAST Show 4:00. Oary Cooper, Joan Leslie. W. high on only 546, took a pasting Bell, whose 1186 had them in first good, for second. Robert Preston Plus Lstest News. Fonda. Barbara Stanwyck, "YOU BKLONO COMPLETE SHOW BTARTB at 8:30 P. M. Brennan. “SERGEANT YORK/* Short*. ,MOl Charlevoix TV. HOI A TO HE." Gene Tierney, from Standard Ellis Walker’s Foguths AlfiMA—A —Michigan and 3l*t Mr ret A —Woodrow Wilson at GleadaM place for a spell. Carl Melchoirj Ford rose to second in 1 ALUTO Open 4:45. Joan Blondell, fDVCTII In "SUNDOWN." Also Cartoon and Naws. fillflfIII it , ClirDmill—Rerekeval at Sheridan crew had 2890 in winning three, LAIuIAL Cont. from 12 Noon. Betty! UAATOAi! Open 8:30. William Gargan dllfilUUAn Night, Vol. No. 22. mid William David furnished 1179 Class C. Their 2634 brought John Payne In "LADY FOR A NIGHT.” Orable, Mature, Book out] “ (UPPER.William Victor "I WAKE I P and Irene Hervey In ’BOMBAY CUPPER.’ HORSEMEN.” Anxacs. “MAN WHO with Ellis himself on 638 and pins BOMBAt Gargan. Edgar Kennedy UI7CI piDY—John B. at Nine-Mile Rd. ir 46.066 top for third and Louis Ruschinski 297 to leave them 41 back] j SCREAMING." Plus In iIALLL IAAA , H. Marshall. ’KATHLEEN.* TO DINNER,'* B. Pavla. Cartoon. Plasky sacking wind- Parking Mickey Rooney and Judy CAME Joe 586. This and Herb Pasche jammed the of Melvindale Beets. •'Earl Vaught Aivni—13867 Od. River-Hchasrfer. “PRIVATE SNUFFY SMITH.” ON BROADWAY/' World Newa. "Wkeu Air Balds Strike." ALfln Open A 30 Coni. Adm. 30c. 'Garland In "BAHEM Colorful Fruit Luncbeopware Free to Ladlea —Mark and 0-Mlle Rd. fall left Standard one away from * Gratiot-Iroquois. * Menjou. CUADCC SIICW\ dr previous day’s leaders. Kenneth was high on 559 ••KIT CARBON," Jon Hall. Lynn Bari, fiißfll—«s4 PL. ».Wk “FATHER TAKES A WIFE.” A. JllvnCo inti!/ Own 6:43. Bette Davis. first. Bogart, Luptno. VAITn Cont. 12 Noon. 20c Inc Tax to 6:30.1 Elliott at OUver FOXES.” “INTER- j “HIGH SIERRA." H. Ida Fight AIIVCD—Mt. H. Marshall/“LITTLE "46,060 HORSEMEN," with the In* ULITLA "Don Winslow.” Cartoons. NATIONA ADRON. “Ronald Reagan. ~~ * L_SQU NORGE WINS ' AMRACQAfifII? 177a Jokm TO - • IH4 ANZACS. Plus Wayns Morris and Brenda HIGHLAND WII Ts Fighting Anxaes, "40.066 HORSEMEN." THOEE /titIOUjAUVA Open g:45. Mickey Rooney Marshall In "THE SMILING OMOML" FREE DISHES TO LADIES. “THE MAN_ WHOjCAME TO DINNER/; CT&III CV—l*l*7 West fPkrren Avenne Judy BROAD- Ronald Reagan and Olympe Bradna In 01 AIILCI open 6:13. Bstte Davis In Bill Morland’s Norge-Mary- Schmidts land Garland. "ItABEH ON Mich.-Telegraph DE. S4AO it —Lin Phils. TV. 4-8466 nCIDRADN— “INTERNATIONAL Edgar ADIAIC wood at it Mar- WAY.” "LAST or THE DUANES." Geo. 11 Open Parking. SQUADRON." Rooney, “MAN WHO CAM* TO groves went into a tie with Road- State L. . March of Tlm* 1/LARDUR 6. Free Gary; Kennedy. "PRIVATE SNUFTY SMITH." UluvLL Open 0:45. Mickey garet Lindsay BfNNM.”NIGHT/ Pin Meet : Montgorngry, from Cooper, Joan Leslie, Walter Brennan in I Judy Garland. ‘BABES ON BROADWAY.' way by snagging three 55c, Chtl-] Sblrlay Temple, Henry A IKTfDflAll—12*40 04. River at BirWeed "SERGEANT YORK." Adults IIAII W. Fort. Park Free ? •RATHLEEN.' H. Marshall. CTOMC—2*II Was#ward. Car. Denby, 2890 to 2693. Orlings, AMO ILl\ HAITI open 6:15 Cont. Cartoon. dren 15c. Extra: "MINSTREL DAYS/’ vwnnn—U6S Midnight. OIUnC Buster Crabbe in “JUNGLJI Lead nULLInUUU Open 6:30 to I C—Fourtneuth at MeGraw City "IjADY I Eleanor Powell in BE OOOD." Parking. Pf If MAN.” “WOMEN WITHOUT NAMES.” game, lost twice to Free Claudette Colbert In "RE- ** needing every D Morgan. “BAD MEN Or MISSOURI.” net Tlir—Mark Holcomb PL. 1412 it'. lALALL pick Tracy. Popeye. “SECRET SERVICE. VLLrIuL Open 6 45. Free Parking MEMBER THE DAY." "IJKIR WHO’S Plus Jack Holt in Iparkside and gave up in total, Change Molly. In "NOTHINO BUT THE TRUTH." Bob Has One —Grand River at Jey Rd. Gene Tierney, Bruce Cabot, "SUNDOWN.”! LAUGHING." Fibber McGee and "ROCKY RIVER RENEGADES." ¦784 to 2782 Ralph <>|/ark’s I INMCY ME,” Also Disney's "Tfce Goldea Egg." Bteele In CTDIUD—Grand River-14 th TY. 6-1666 ? AilnLA Open 5:43. Last Day. Barbara “YOU BELONG TO H Fonda. Bar- JIIUWU Mtckay Judy | bara "Good a Dime.” PADg—Hamilton at McNlcknla Open 6:43. Rooney. are In ABC Henry Fonda. “YOU BEIJING Stanwyck. Time on Dll MED climbers three games dowm Stanwyck, 1 BROADWAY.** SAGINAW. April 20.—A 2701 Lloyd Nolan, Ukeae St. t I ALTOLA I AAA Open 8:30. Adults 28c. Garland In “BABBS ON with six to go. TO ME." Plus Alexis Smith. Tree, flUnlL Ralph Bellamy, Parking. “FATHER A WIFE,'* A. Msnjou. series by of “STEEL AGAINST THE SKV." Cartoon. DC IIIYC—93M Kercheval. Park it Open 5:00 P. ks. Child lie. Free Bette Davla, H. TARRS COLUMBUS. O. April 20—It Ward Decorators Ox- UL LUAL Open 6:3t) P M Henry ‘ AND MURDER RING.' Marshall. "UTTLE FOXES.” Ronald Rea- Mt. Elliott blanked Art Centre. * * “ Fonda, Stanwyck. "YOU BEI>ONG Singleton. 41 1 w ? took Schmidts of Times All-iford on the closing week-end shift ll7 Nirkmnnd ? Barbara "GO WEST. YOUNG LADY," P. gan in “INTERNATIONAL^SQUADRON/' STRATFORD” Rooney. 2758 to 2641. John Larkins had the All/LLUIPnil/H Open g:00 TO ME.” One Tierney in “Hi ND4»WN.“ OlMliUnv Open 6:15. Mickey reached tenth place on the booster P M Judy Garland. “BABES ON BROADWAY.** 637 and Joe Fisher 636 to give Star Classic League to top the ‘Dead End" Kids Bela Lugosi, “SPOOKS Rlvd. Burlingame tlAAyrp—16020 Weet Warren Ave. IMO CTfTr —Woodward and Elisabeth hoard, only change leaders hrYTn—ibeiter at PflALiILj'JIAIL Open “FATHER TAKES A WIFE,” A. Menjou. Chene-Trombly two over Ritter’s, the the RUN WILD." "SOUTH OP TAHITI." ULAILR "BABES ON BROADWAY." lIIrUVLA Open 0:30. Cartoon. Wm. Doors 10:45 A. M. Detroit teams which have com- of the state bowling tournament Brian Donlevy. Disney's ’lJttle Whirlwind.* Mickey Rooney Judy Garland. Shirley Powell. "SHADOW OK THE THIN MAN." John Garfield. "DANGEROUSLY THEY TCI CNCWC—^I646 Weed ward CA. 6542 2926 to 2797. Harry Glidden landed Cartoon. "WEEE-END IN HAVANA,"Alice Faya. LIVE.” "WILD BILL HICKOE RIDES," peted in the American Bowling here. —Hastings at Vemor Highway Temple, "KATHLEENNews. ICLwiLlfO THE NEWSREEL THEATER. 638. AirA fir A with Bruce Cabot and . One Hour Program of News and Shorts! AALAI/L Open All Night Geo. Mongom- Highway, Hubbard ~ Congress tourney here. George Holmes’ E. and B. of linr—West Vernor near IIIPFRIAI 7OM Mtrk|(M Aveaaw Sea “Vichy Upheaval.” Does It Mean War? Leading scorers included Her- ery, "THE LAST Or THE DIANES." w»A Open 6:30. IVanna Durbin. Robt. ITO I LIUAL Greatest 2628 East Davison TO. 8-8626 * Rolling games of 955, 1037 and Detroit topped Saturday night’s "PLAYMATES," Kay Kyxer, Lupe Velez. open 5:45. Screen'* PfBF— man Jubenville, Palmer Park. 632: Cummings in "IT STARTED WITH EVE." Thrill Picture. Fighting Anxaes In "40.000 1 Aim Free Canlaterware to Ladle*. Open rnir-IBN East Jefferson, at Drexel 962. Schmidts broke out a regular teams with 2830, failing ‘PLAYMATES,* Kay Kyser. J. Barrymore. Sandy and 6:15. Paul Muni and Georgs Raft in lllYUi Dish the in -- HORSEMEN." Plus 8:15 P. 41. Ladles* Art Watson. Palmer Park. 616; at Belvldere LE. 4681 Baby Open strike rash for a 295-1 total, being by 50 pins to make the standings ABPAniA Urnt!«4 Merry Macs In "MELODY LANE." “SCABFACE." Plus "FLYINO CADETS," Night. “VIRGINIA CITY,” with Errol Frank Miller, Mt. Elliott. 609. and AALAi/IA Open 5. Dtnnerware. Harry] lUIV—Llvenvois at Davtsua with William Gargan. Flynn. Oiivta DeHavtlland. Also “NIGHT topjjed yesterday only by hoard. The night produced few Langdon "DOUBLE TROi BIE." Roy News. Short Wm Powell, Myma Heika, Parkside. 608. the Isaac la 181C—2214 K. Grand BHrd. Park Free. * .OF JANUART 16TH,” with Robert Prea- Quentin Rogers In “JESSE JAMES AT BAY." Loy. "SHADOW OF THE THIN MAN." ll\Lj PlDEQint—E.-Warren-Dtckrraoo. LE. 8768 News. Bakers of Erie, Pa., who moved scores of paying caliber. Best of Ray Doors Open 5:45 P. M. Hot Oven IAAROIUL ton. Also “Bop——” Cartoon. Plus Bonita Granville. McDonald In Blondell. John Open 5:45. "DRUMS ALONG into a ninth-place tie with 2994. the others were Wilson Dairy, ICTAD—MH Twelfth Street “DOWN SAN DltXiO.” "Tulip” Dtnnerware. Joan THE MOHAWR." Henry Fonda, Claudette Aulvn Jeanette MacDonald IB JN Wayne In "LADY FOR A MIGHT." Plus Colbert. "SUN VALLEY SERENADE," Freddie Bujack paced Schmidts 2796; Maples Recreation, Dear- "LAW OF THE JUNGLE, John King. YIMES “SMIUN* THROIGH." Plus Deanna with Bonja Hen!* and John Payne. 15c. “ESPIONAGE AOENT,” Joel McCrra. a 637 series was hacked born. 2713; Webster, 2709, and Durbin tn "IT STARTED WITH EVE." DRIVE IN Including with and EASrSIDE-"Kr a^:‘*£b Adult* 35c Tax. . Brenda Marshall. Also a Last Mile Thriller, Buskey’s Dearborn, Hope, P. Goddard. "NOTHING BUT THE ipuiuf—llJlo Peahen An. RE. 2S6S King. up by Kopitzki, who hit 633. of 2697. E. and Plymouth Laugh- “TODAY I HANG.** Walter Wolf* Lead A 1 ATI AC—15832 Rd. W. of GreeaPd TRITH.' Cart. Late News. Open 7:30. UitlltU . Charles PKinrai—Mack at McClellan PL. 8767 r Detroiters I “Disk Tracy** Serial. 4 Features After 6. George Bryant tallied 569; Her*;B. got off to fine start with 1024, aILAJ Doors Open at 6:20 P. M. i ton. "IT STARTED WITH EVE." Penny AJAULnA "HIGHWAY WEST,” Brenda k Singleton and Olenn Ford In "GO WEST. Marshall. "MAN WHO CAME TO DIN- hie Lenz. 574. Dutko.j then slipped to 868 and 938. , . “THE MALTESE PALCON.”! HO. 4*6# and Steve ! Betty Grable, •! WAKI I»’ REAMING.’ DRIVE-IN THEATERS Drive •In Theaters jIOUNG LADY." ’The Tanks Are Coming.’ NER," with Betts Davis, Ann Sheridan. TnWCft—l**'* Grand River it 541. Dutko shot about the most Detroiters furnished some fair | Now Open. Sit In Your Car to See and lUvVLA ADDED ATTRACTION SCOOP! Hear the Movies. Individual Speakers. ke,, “DEFENSE OP Official Soviet although failing ‘"»«««- Davteaa. TO. MIM * |crrrpo/Md—UoOß East Jefferson Avenue K<* M r*t~h*r * MOSCOW.” consistent series of the meet. He scorers, to crash IAVAIAN—' Nightly Rain or Clear. Opeo 7:30. PlfTAnil I Y~ Episodes Bowling AfALUR STARTS TOMORROW EXTRA Cont. JLITLAJvIt Robert Pre*ton and Ellen lILLAUILLi Open 6:15. Pk. Fm. Ronald Motion Pictures of tbs Greatest Postal opened with 180, repeated in the : the standings board of the minor of the Present War. (ADDED ATTRACTION. "DEFENSE OF Drew. ‘NIGHT OF JANUARY 10TH.’ Plus Riuu, Olympe Bradna In “INTERNA- pounded out a WEST TOWN." with Edith Fellowts. TIONAL William Gargan, s«*ond game and added 181 in the events. Fred Bublit I MOSCOW." FILMED UNDER FIRE. DRIVE-IN SIDE-I^&PKS "GIRLS’ SQUADRON.” inWTD —1*212 Grand Elver HO. 4666 it April 20 final. 677 series. Harold Headley 660. AUTHENTIC-THRILLING. lMartin. Bing Crosby. "BIRTH OF THE "Dick Tracy vs. Crhne." L. Errol Comady. Irene Henrey In “BOMBAY CLIPPER.” IVVTEA Open at 6:43 P. M. Park Free. BATTLE CREEK. SEE A GREAT CITY UNDER SIEGE. RU ES." Cartoon. Latest News. Open 7:30. “TEXAS,” with Wm. Holden, Clairs Tre- Brassies of the Valley August Jankowsky 640. Albert —5.1 ( St. * P| 171—11641 E. Jefferson. LE. 7U7 * Detroit teams today held first Clinton at 9-Mile Road Vl|lf 17 bene IL/ILA vor. “MR. WISE GUY.” with “Dead —Llawood-Devlaoa. TO. UIW * PICT nmmiT —t.rattot Rlmi Mat. IP. H Betty Orable, Victor open 6 P. M. Louie v*. Simon Country Club came in with 2698 Parigian 635. Edward Schaffran •AVAIAII I Shirley Tem- Fight End” Kids. Added: “Defense of Moscow.” Open Parking. i LAO 1 VLIRUII Cartoon SCREAMING." Picture*. Joan Blondel! and John place in all events hut one in Cberup Eugene AIALLMI 6:45 P. M. Free ple Marshall, "KATHLEEN." Mature In "I WAKE UP on 893. 910. 895. 633, John 630. Dor- Stanwyck Henry Fonda In and Herbert THROUGH,’ Jeanette MacDonald. Wayne In “LADY FOR A NIGHT.'* Pins —Trenton, Mick. Park Free, Bowling tournament, IBarbara and Kay Kyser. Barrymore. ‘SMILIN’ TDCirrmi dr the National mer 619. Fred Snyder 609. William "YOU BEIJING TO ME." Plus Gene '•PLAYMATES,* J. “LAW OF THE JUNGLE,” John King. Iftcnivn Open 6:30. Gary Cooper In at the end of its second week-end. Weishrodt 609. Arthur Daniels 603 Tierney and Bruce Cabot In "SUNDOWN.” !piCT Clin—ll4,o F.. Jefferson. JJC. 8815 ? rniurD—Michigan at Thirty-fifth St. “SERGEANT YORK.” Also “MINSTREL firing censed, after more LAol CJiU Open 6. Cosmetics to Ladles. IUVATOLA Madeleine Carroll, Stirling DAYS,'* with Al JOlson and . When the and George Thompson 601 in the IS77I Woodward, Hlghlaad Pk. Hayden In Lloyd PRESIDENT-*'”* SSI DC! IIAMT— Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall, "UTTI-E "BAHAMA PASSAGE." SERENADE,” Gene Autry. teams had taken DLLTOUnI Open “COWBOY Hamilton-Tuxedo TO. 6-3726 * than 60 Detroit singles. 6 30 Park Free. Extra’j FOXES.” Plus “INTERNATIONAL : | Nolan in "STEEL AGAINST THE SKY." “GIRLS TOWN,” with Edith IUTIIYCTIft—ALIAS over the alleys for the week-end, Leaders Alter •War New* from 6:00 to 8:30 "I STOIJE' SQUADRON." Ronald Reagan. O. Bradna ' Fellows^ STARTS TOMORROW. EXTRA George Holmes and Louis Sielaff A MILLION." with George Raft. Plus, YDlM—Woodward, nr. 6-Mile. TO. 8-4110 Dp|Cni I i-Mt. Elliot* near Charlevoix ADDED ATTRACTION. “THE DEFENSE City squads had led all Harper-Van Dyke. -ff the Motor had the best doubles score with "SOUTH OF PAGO PAGO.” Jon Hall.) PKTfIWN— IHarper 1 IV. 9061 it lullTO Open 6 P. M. Park Free. Brian riUtJLILUI 'Don Winslow.' Cartoon. OF MOSCOW,” FILMED UNDER FIRE. events, the LAOIUTTn BTARTB TOMORROW’. "SOUTH OF TAHITI." "RE- AUTHENTIC! THRILLINO! save five-man. 1210. h| Donlevy. Deanna Durbin. “IT STARTED WITH singles division. L. Ra- -1 *1* 1 **ondwars ’ Hi* *nd Fk EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION. "DE- TURN OF DR. X," Humphrey Bogart. EVE.'.* Plus Wm. Powell and Myma Loy SEE A GREAT CITY UNDER piEOE. In the The 10 leaders in each class; BELMONT TENSE Or MOSCOW” FILMED UNDER Wayne Marrla. DUney, ‘Little Whirlwind.’ In “SHADOW OF THE THIN MAN.” the top spot by one pin war news FIRE. AUTHENTIC-THRILLING. | I TflYCnA—Hsmllten Tuxede TO. 6-3726 it vine took Five REGULAR TEAMS EXTRA: IIIALISV ©pen 6:40 P. M. Barbara In # Classes I Jefferson LE. 2666 A GREAT CITY UNDER SIEGE. 14749 r - “- when fired a 629 series and BEE_ ivrwnfin— * * Henry he National. Datrolt 3noß LAALTTI/UD Open 6:15. That Dams of PUNCH d Stanwyck. Fond* In “YOU BELONG * —Harper-Van l>yke JUDY-“^ 75-pin handicap for Rchlltx, Drpvi I*-Mlle Road and RnMns IV. 6061 Dynamite ’LADY TOR A NIGHT,’ Joan TO ME.’* Plus Gan* Tierney and Bruce added to it a Grand Rapid* 3bo2| rv— CKTHWii I in AND BARBARA STANWYCK IN ** Only one squad is on schedule DLiMVLLI Open 6 30. 22c. Plus Tax. j LAolU“It Open Today at 1:30.) Wayhe. Action Midair Cabot In “SUNDOWN. 704 J. Sniesak hit a Glenn.j Detroit 29571 Ol’Y," Blundell. John In “YOU BELONG TO ME.” a series. Stanley*. Detroit Bette Davis. Herbert Marshall In "THE “MR. WISE 'Dead End’ Kids and with Wm. Gargan. "BOMBAY CLIPPER." tonight at Chene-Trombly Recrea- 2941) Henry 699 count, which was good for IDemery* 2922) LITTLE roXKS." "INTERNATIONALEast Bide Brats. Plus Fonda and Musical, ”Bkyllne Serenade.” Cart. Newa. DIMA near 6-Mile Road Detroit fTTV—Woodward UNITED ttYISYS-sr;«i ; place. of Detroit tion. where the annual eighteenth Str-ih. Detroit 2914 SQUADRON," R. Reagan. Disney Cartoon, j Barbara Stanwyck.‘YOU BELONG TO ME.', MvIULI11 Gene Autry with Smiley irr *2: third C. Mann 10*5 * Weet ieffmoa it “KINO'S ROW.” Robert Cummlnci and spot with |Twln City Recreation. Benton Harbor 2912! Grandy I INriCITD- Burnette In “COWBOY SERENADE.” finished up in the fifth annual city tournament of the 2903) DrUCDI V—<‘d. River Oskman HO. 6380 * PICT ClMT—Gratiot at LAIU/AOILA Mat. Dally. 12:30. Coot. Plus Adolphe Menjou and Ann Sheridan. Plus “THE BODY DISAP- iParlaolenn. Detroit LAol OIUL Open 12. 20c to 6. Ronald PEABS,” Jeffrey a 678. Krakow, Detroit 2881 DLTLnLI open 5:45. Free Parking. 25c Henry Fonda. Barbara Stanwyck in "YOU in “FATHER TAKES A Lynn and Jans Wyman. Detroit .Women’s Bowling Marshall,! Reagan. ‘INTERNATIONAL SQUADRON.’ BEIJING TO ME.” Gene JITIFE.” Associa- Frankenmuth 2880 to 6’30. Wayne Morris. Brenda Eddy. Stevens, "CHOCOLATE, "SUNDOWN." Joy TIT. 2-66 M J is in tFrankeumulh. “THE SMIIJNG GHOST.” “MURDER Nelson Rise Tierney. Dteney'f “Good Time oa a Dime." BiflißA—OA. River at Rd. TY. 4-7561 1319 TOPS DOITU.ES tion its third session. Activity BOOSTER TEAMS HOIJIIER." Comedy. Cartoon. News. | nnliiDU starts Tomorrow. More Risks Ur limn IT STARTS TOMORROW Klng-Beeley. Ann Arbor 2648 BY INVITATION," Wallace Ford. Marian. to singles j - Ampaa Daring NIGHT, OUR KOMEDT KAR- is limited and doubles, Marsh “Soldier* la White” in Technicolor. I I A^^Y-15x70 Joa Park Free Than “Strange Cargo.” More Than KARTQON Joe Strozewski and Melvin Mac- 'orpheum Traveler*. Pontiac 2830 PICTU/nnn (NEW! —Gratiot near S-Mlle LAJRI Free Parking. Strongest NIVAL, THE FILVe SHOW WITH A with the team event resuming City Cont. from 3:30. “ECBTACY.” the Drama Ever Hi Speed. Tawa* 2775 Fleet' at 7:15 and 10:10. LAJInUUU Open 6 45. Clark Gable.; iLdnnerwars to Ladles. William Holden and Filmed, “LOVE WANGO.” AdulUOnly. THOUSAND LAUGHS. GET HERE BE- Connell grabbed the lead for the Co., Bay City * DIDMINfUiM l,ana Harry' tomorrow. Termlnue Oil 2775 DlnminuflAlTl ‘Klondike’ at 900 Only. ( ) Turner. “HtINKY TONK.” ; G!enn Ford. "TEXAS." "FATHER TARES FORE THE CROWDS. OPEN 6:18 P. M. contingent the doubles “1)01 Joy [Detroit in Leadership in all five divisions Red Crown Recreation. Port Hur n 2747 Dorothy Lamour in “THE FLEET'S IN.” langdon. BLE TROUBLE." Cart A WIFE,” Adolphe Menjou. G. Swann-n DIIURO—Gd. River at Rd. TY. 4-7SSI 1319 total. MacConnell Club De Luxe Hamtramrk. 2736 Jack s “NORTH TO THE KIJ>N-j RAUIDU Last Times Today, Gorgeous I TPTfIWN—TU. 2-668* * ¦rith a changed over week-end. {Little »000 Oakland. TO. 8-17*6 Starring urlirnn Open 6:15. Park Free. Bar- the In Joe'a Detroit 2736 DIKE." News. Plus “Superman.” rftin— Buddy, W—Fort Street Weet Technicolor, “VIRGINIA CITY.” a 685 series C. Streamer Elliott Recreation Detroit 2712 LtnU Open 6:15. Jinx Kalkenberg. UntULIII INffil Adult* bara Stanwyck. Henry Fonda, “YOU BE- Threw the team event the first place Mt. SUPPER." 20c. Plu* Tax. “East Errol Flynn. Aleo “BORROWED HERO." and R. Spillman of Detroit were {Mantle Loyalty. Detroit 2711 D! AAlinnA—Waadw’d Ave.. Birmingham Rogers In “SING Ftm YOI R Side Kid*” In “MR. WISE GUY." Edgar with Florence Rice. Latest News Events. LONG TO ME.” Gene Tierney. Bruce Cabot holders in Class R are: Van Dvke. [Ward Decorator*. Oxford 2701 DLUI/MIILLU Fredrtr March. Loretta Ralph Bellamy In "THE Ml RDFJt RING." In “SUNDOWN.” Cartoon. War News. with 1301. M. Stooges Superman. Kennedyjn “PRIVATE SNUFFY SMITH." BTARTINcTTOMOBROW. In third place 2124; C, R. A. Y.. 2220; D. New I N DOUBLES IYuung.“BEDTIME STORY" at 7:20, 10:20 3 Comedy. Cartoon^ DiMHNi - MmUllA For 3 Days. Barbara Stanwyck v»" D> ke Nr. Harper PL. 4666 Sehwajen-H. Jurasz wore in fourth Fred WoUe-Ca** Grygler, Detroit 1298 Plus Chaa. Ruggles In Peter B. Kyne’a r t »JinVAN nYfC— Fairview 1989; E. Detroit PfAßCr—46s6 Weat Jefferwm In Ecnr»e In “YOU BELONG TO ME.” VIU Open Noon. First Showtng in Buck- Four\ |Jf>hn Gavte-Peter Carter, Detroll 1293 “PARSON OK PANAMINT” at 9 00 Onl>. Ll/UnjL Shirley Temple In LINCOLN PARI“ with 1276 and W. Kuehn-S. Bowling Mickey Rooney and Judy•VS??3WGarland In ‘‘STEEL AGAINST THE SET.” This Neighborhood, Pets# Lorre, Edward Proprietors’ Association Elmer Dreher-Rtan. Ignatowekl. Ham 1282 Parkview LE. 4681 "KATHU:EN." Plus William Holden in Arnold. AND holtz were in fifth with 1274. 'Jack Bharkey-W'm Kline. Battle Creek 1261 DAATU—East Jefferson. "BARES ON RROADW'AS" h 1 1| A|jl—Gratiot and 6-Mlle. Park Frso. S’RIME PUNISHMENT.” No. 6, 1920; F, Van Dyke No. 5. Dl/UHI Open 6:30 Bette Davis. Herbert “TEXAS.” Also Disney Cartoon “DAWNEXPRESS,” With Michael Whalan. In the' all-events. A. Loowen Harold Foater-Joe Walker. Detroit 128 n AUn "THE M4INSTF.RS or THE DEEP." IVAmUnA Mat. 1:46. 27c Plus Tax Till 6. Disney's'”LHtts 1852. Marshall. "." Ronald —mil Jefferaun TV. 2-*760: Carroll and Stirling Hayden In WMrtwlnd.” News Events. .1. Roth- ]Ktmo Jonea Jame* Dtmeglio, Detroit 1278 •INTERNATIONAL SQUADRON.’ PCAiniB E. Madeleine lead with 1822. Reagan. u ' took the Marguerite Forrest. 506; Mary M*l Fox-Walter Keaat. Lansing 1258 Open 6 :30 PM. Betty “BAHAMA PASSAGE.” In Technicolor. IJv* « LOlfulnL I LA r, .? T? VARQITY— nMto M N>clMla Park Free Martin, 1718 and Harry — (Irens UNWOOD SALLE-*”' ”Sl Tierney. Bruce Cabot. TAIUMII park man and A. with Sonnenlyerg. 513; Glldden-Harold Haven. Detroit 1257 ß’Wa>-Gd. Pk. Grable In "I W AKE UP S 4 REAMING.” 4 "TEXAS."77? Free. Open t: 18. Madeleine Genevieve Witte. D’WIV PiDITAI l to Also Bsby Sandy in 2913. Wm. Holden O. Font. Wm. Mettler-Norman Reek. Detroit 1253 D TfM LANIUL 31c Plus Tax 6 “MEUHkY LAWK.** Gargan. Carroll. Stirling Hayden In “BAHAMA 1714. respectively, took fourth and ’’ {••BOMRAY CUPPER.” William nrnrnon—Gr. Rlver-Lahser Park Free * 183; Mae Jones, 414, and BfAilah Jack Bandretto-Geo. Dietrich, Detroit 1252 In "LOUISIANA PURCHASE, In Technicolor. Gene Tierney. Bob Hope —< adlllae Square. Monroe Avenue' Extra: “Fighting Fire Bomb*.” nLUIImD Gene Tierney PASSAGE.** fifth places. Crawford. are the singles SINGLES Technicolor. Plus Claudette Colbert. John CIMIIV and G. Sanders. Cartoon. 464. DAY/MlAnIILI Barbara Stanwvck. Henry George Sanders In “SUNDOWN.” "YOU B, C, Mette Standish. Detroit 736 Payne In “REMEMBER THE "YOU BEIJING TO ME." Also I Afip—Michigan at Cass. Open 24 Hours 4 TEAM PLACES leaders in classes D, E and Walter Reppenhagen, Detroit Fonda. LUUI Reagan BELONG TO ME.” Henry Fonda. Barbara Blear TY. 6-S46U 726 DX 1180 ir Gene Tierney. Bruce Cabot NPOWN." Ronald tn “INTERNA- Stanwyck. Disney, ‘Good Time oa a lMaae.* VICTORY—GrandVILIURI F respectively. |Jim Smith. Fenton - 712 —West Dearborn. •;ELLERY Doors Open at 6:30 P. M. fit VIM 6 O’Brien.' TIONAL SQUADRON." QUEEN event, lALfln Open Edmund — Wm. “THE In the team Detroit ¦Ernie Soeat. Detroit 710 0000 Jna - f anipau. TK. 2-4878 it AND THE MURDER RING,” R. Bellamy. Powell. SHADOW OF THE In douhles Grace Demers and Arden In •OBUGINO YOUNG IADY.' PiDIHIM BFfil-Deouladre-Mlnae.ota. TW. 2-1021 THIN MAN.” Key Kyear. “PLAYMATES.“ won four of the first five IJerry Landry, Pontiac 700 !Eve rARIIUIVI Open 12:30 Cont. Wm. Holden. New Show Midnight. ACUAL open 6:30. Deanna Durbin, Cbas. teams Marguerite Forrest hold the first Rapid* I Plus Joan Davis and Eddie Foy Jr. in: Ql Rochester, Ind., Eddie McCoy, Grand 698 BOV." Glenn Ford.“TEXAS." "EI.LERI EEN Laughton, “IT STARTED WITH EVE.” UnnWll—MaaslHea at Virginia Park places, but the Don Brlchta, Detroit 698 "YOKEL I MURDER RING.” Ralph Bellamy. niQftll—Woodward-Ulreua Pk. CH. 4221 in Class B with 825. The others AND TO/tUUUHM 1 Open “AMONG THE LIVING.” Albert Dekksr. TIAUiniA ue and 22c. Deanna Durbid team took the lead Aith 3174. Chapman-Katherine Harold Pchoder. Battle Creek 696 riUCn —T-MII*At Honorll. TO. R-3701 * 10:45 AM 27c All Chaa. Laughton. are: C. Betty ! rrt|V[| I—Fewkell-Dekter UN. 2-0405 ¦* Time* Plus Tax. Ginger Roger*. 1940 Award TR. 2-6464 “IT STARTED WITU shot Steve Thureon, Detroit 685 LAlutU Park Free, Bird. • Peter Pan Flowers 3076, Qfmn A P M j i LItnLLL Open PM Morgan. prrriiT—Woodward-Gd. EVE.” Kay Kyaer ln ”PLAYMATES. Dollinsehiok. 926; D, Delma Sag- {Angelo Damico, Detroit 682 Henry Fonda. "YOU BELONG TO ME."I short Subject*. 6:15 Winner. Dennis "KITTYFOYLE.” nLUL.nI Last Time Today. 27c Plus Tax good for second place; Art Center ALL-EVENTS NRY." Lloyd Wayne Morris. Brenda Marshall In “THE Plu* Robt. Taylor. "FIJGHT COMMAND." Madeleine Carroll. Stirling Hayden. —Haryer Harvard. ert-Famya Couctte. 802; E, Mae "STEEL AGAINST THK GHOST. ’’ "LADY FOR A to 6. VOniP a* Park Free. 3062; {Walter Reppenhagen. Detroit 1974 Dlaney'a "Good Time on A Dime.” SMILING “BAHAMA PASSAGE.” In Technicolor. VVUUb Open was third with Wolverine Jones-Ponna Hess. 828; F, Beulah Nolan. NIGHT," Jo« n Blondell. John Wayne -u ' , 5:45. Last Show 2 P. M. Eddie Heine*. Pontiac 1961 MAIN-ROYALOAK «p “STEEL AGAINST THE SKY.” A. Smith. Madeleine Carroll and Stirling Hayden In with " and - Highway Bar was fourth 30-12 Jennings. 7» ,s H> l T % Gleioh-Jean 669. Atl Killian. Detroit 1957 fAPrrni r—Woodnard, Nr. 9-Mlle Madeleine Carroll Stirling Hayden “BAHAMA In Technicolor. Ijatnea Dtmeglio. l/AlllUL Parking John rrnkin*l Rd' and In BCV—Fort Street W.. Near Junction PASSAGE.** Casino Recreation was fifth with Detroit 1949 Open A Free iLISni/ALL Open Rooney.! ‘•SUNDOWN,** Qene Tlerhey, All-events leaders in their TO 3:30. Mlckev ••BAHAMA PAMS AGE.” Plua "SPOOKS § Autry In “COW- Bruce Cabot. {Tony Novak. Detroit 1928 “MAN WHO RISTLRNED HI V Lugoel. open P M. Gene 3034 Howard. *4o.(M>n NOShEMEN,' Anises. Judv Garland. "BARES ON BROADWAY.” WILD,” Brla War N«w. Lind- respective divisions: C. Chapman, Galen Haaainger, Detroit 1902 LIFE.*' the “FORCED LANDING.” Richard Arlen. BOY SERENADE.” Plua Margaret The tournament has two more Johnny Crlmmin*. Detroit •sy in “TRAGEDY AT MIDNIGHT.” wAinEm—*-*- 1370; D, Couctte. 1323; E, Hess, 1897 —Krnkelt. gear Schaefer Hwy. U 1 ICCTfr—VAnAdward at Willis *o ]Ed Orau, Benton Harbor 1879 riPITMl rtUF IDTC—Woodward at Wat*on it Hl/ULJllt Open Deanna Durbin, Chas. -£rrvfLaughton In “IT weeks run. 11239; F, i| Brenda MarehaTT, Until 2:00 AM. John Dill TO—Gratiot at Mt. Elliott. Parking Crawford. 1155. Figures Steve Kudlo, Detroit lAKbllfi C a 22c ilnL Alt IJ Open All Night. Park Free Roger Clark, -ft STARTED WITH EVE.*’ Plus Wm. 1 1874 Olympe Bradna In “HIGHWAY WEST." Howard, ”TH*C MAN WHO MALIU Open 6:43. Mickey Rooney, Gargau for A and B are not yet compiled. Eddie McCoy, Orand Rapids 1871 Wm. Powell, “SHADOW OF THIN MAN.’’ RETURNED TO IJEE.” Plua "DOWN IN and Irens Hsrvey. “BOMBAY CUPPER.” Baby £andy In "MLIJIDt l-ANI." EVE.” D. Durbin. 1 Judy Garland In “BABES ON BROAD- “IT STARTED WITH sAN niEOO." with Bonita Granville. WAY.” “.MEXICAN SPITFIRE S BABY.” UfAIBPIh-Warren at Sent Meld cE. 3116 it City Tournament f inuru—Schaefer, nr. Ford Rd. CE. ISIS VTIWRUI Tomorrow: “SIEGE,” Bldg. - Sensa- lAKIHLn Open 0 P. M Free Parking i ncurp-ln the Ftaher ' BIO—W’eet Veraor Highway at Central it tional, Uncensored Pictures of the De- Carroll and Stirling Hayden In j riJiILR Open 1215. La*t Show 0:30. MARTHA WASHING’N ¦DU 12 Noon to Midnight. Free Parking struction of Smug- Madeleine In Gene Geo. u'"T'* WARSAW. Films Were Pin Standings “BAHAMA PkkkAllE." Plue "MEHinVj •MICIsIANA PLRf HAsE.' Technicolor. Tierney. Bandars. “RUNDOWN.” Mickey Rooney. Judy Garland In "RABEII gled Through the Nast Lines. LANE.” with Baby Sandy. Lateat New*. Bob Hope. Victor Moore "REMEMBER -JAII.HOIsE BLUES.” wlth_Rnht. p H ige ON BROADWAY.” Plus “FATHER fc.— —-¦ THE DAY." Claudette Colbert. J. Payne | TAKES A WIFE,” with Adolph* Msnjou. UflDDCM—Warren at Sent Meld CE. 2M6# TW. 2-4)847* UAVIHC—Mark at Baldwin PI.. 41M * nfWUll EVENT—CL ASS A ~ Davtaoei at O-Ml. Open 6:00. Free Parkins TEAM - y.A. ML # / >{...* '¦ M-L:. riCIN/Y—*• IYI/lAinC (Championship) UlulJiU Open l:M. Kay Kyaer ri tunyrn—Omtlot at 1-Mlle PI 3*60 9 open 6:45 P M Cont. Bette Pivicpi -t.rend River-Jay Rd. CH. 4251 Bruce Cabot and Gene Tierney In “Si .% Ptpel-Cola and Band, Lupe Veler “PLAYMATES."irLAminuU Open 6:45. Bette Davi* H Davis. H. Marshall. “LITTLE FOXES.” AITILKA font. 12 30. Laet Show f:00. DOWN." Henry Pnnda. Barbara Stanwyck Motor Inn No. 1 *25? 'I-AST THE nt ANES.* O. Montgomery.' Marshall. “LITTLE FOXES." “INTER- ••BOMBAV _f I.IPrER.” Oargan. Bob Hope. Victor Moore In “LOUIBIANA“YOU BELONG TO ME.” New*. Cartoo 2J71 or _Wm ~ Fair March of East Cnmmand/V NATIONAL Ronald Keagan. PURCHASE.” In Technicolor. C. Colbert. •tat* ***£ MJLADRON." Woodward-Eliot Park Free * —oak. Mtek. * Fort-Boulevard Solte* MIVFAID J. Payne in “REMEMBER THE DAY.” WA^HrNCTANWfMUimHR 2837 CtCTI r—Haatlngn Kraklne ITIAir/tin open All Night. Wra. Gene Tierney, George Krakow at —16140 Dl* at Vrmnr Highway Holden. “SUNDOWN.” ( UM It L/toILC Featurea After 10. Loula-' rURUjUHenonenu Glenn Ford In ••TEXAS.” Plua Marjorie I—( adlllae-E. rarest PL 4626 * Sanders. “LADY FOR A 4 “IT STARTED WITH EVE.” Blt/AIMTULA NIGRT.” Joan John Wsyn- (Ovrnrrraif) Blmon Fight Pictures "INTERNATIONAL Laughton. Deanna Durbin.“l WAKE Weaver In "MAN AT LARGE.” Open 6:45. Park Free. Wayn* BlondsH. 2A * Reagan. "SMILIN' Chaa. Ferndale SQI ADRON,'* Ronald SCREAMING." with Betty Grable. Morris. Brenda Marshall. “THE SMILING ttfCCT Clfll dOdt Weet Warren Ave. Roy Park CChene Trombly) aid THROCGH." with Jeanette MacDonald, i IUP Uri—Oakwood at Allen Rd. 51. 1-o*4o * OHOST.” Plus “INTERNATIONAL VfbJl UW News Betty Grabt* ” Cartoon. ' ItILL & Tracy Newa open 6 P. M. Park Free. D DurMn. SQUADRON.” with Ronald Reagan. .. Autry A. W Provision* |S, °' 4MS Cartoon*. Dick : —Woodward at Fore«t Pnrk Free. I-aughtnn. **l WARR UP STREAMING.” Gene Pennington* 1 kCHACFCR. Nr. Faaketl Dll IPF WCBT VERNOR CADCCT Charles "IT STARTED WITH Stooges Northwestern AMDAOofIUUn I SLSUL'UIMYA (irand runCjl open Seat* lie “COWBOY SERENADE.” 3 Com Patrick ¦ 148 VI. 7.*77t. S«na« lea«ue N*w fCkITCD —Woodward at Btvd. 6 30. All EVE.” "THE SMILING GHOST.” Wayne DYft IlpTnund- W IVILIaLUIaI open Huge priorpC —5646 Weal Warren A venae tp "INTERN ATillV At. MJLADRON THY 6 :15 Free Park- nUuLAJ FIRE. AUTHENTIC! THRILLING! Dodge Suburban* Yoer Footwork Moke* the Ball Go Straight. Alley*. Open Alley* I P. M. and Altar 10 .. Davie. Ann No. .1 2fi® 42 rUA TO the shores of Tripoli" ing Ix*t. Madeleine Carmll. Stirling Hayden Bette Sheridan In SEE A GREAT CITY SIEG* Mendelssohn Drop In and See Wayne Spauldlnf, Initructor. PM. Free Parking Indructlon and Entertainment. -,4,h ' ••MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER.” UNDER ¦ n l "• IM. Technicolor Hit wRh Randolph Scctt, Mau- In "BAHAMA PASSAGE.” Shirley Betty fLAM l> fFMTHRV ¦*! Temple. WARE UP HO. 7111 # 1 4 IV. 9099 ICltlUnl Park Free Mickey Rooney. reen O Hara. John Payne Plu a “WHAT'S New. arable in “I SCREAMING.” WCCrnWli-WyemHis-Feakell Northlawn DAIIIDfIIA/DCP 073 S GRATIOT. H Marahall. "KATHLEEN." Cart “superman” Cartoon WUIUIVn open 4:43 P. M. Park Free Edison Inspector* 2-ia CHENE-TROMBLY 'VS!? nAINDUn ntU. Open Bnwllna 7 A. M. ta Judy Garland. “RAHF.s ON BROADWAY.". COOKIN'," with Andrew* Steter* in ; Gene Tierney. George Sanders In “SUN- » 3 Wo will Aaareelale Your Valo lor the IMS • :tl P. M. and Attar 11:00 P. M. Join Oar Wm Holden and Glenn Ford "T9.X Av" * T—^&***-Harper PL. 6732 A Mendelssohn No. 1 4] BfWKPVFI DOWN.” Stanwyck Henry P'mda, Design 2 City Five-Man ivonl, Summer Leapue c.mtkit, near MERCURY passage” nvUvJLf LLI Open Today Barbara kTarnatedt Tool ] Mon'i Tournamoot Now. Alr-Condltlanad. Harper iVLW) AR.R7IM) CD iKIYI 1N““H11* Houston Bahama Doors 6 P. M. Henry Stamping 2,3 muini CD-14MR STARTS AT 7 55 ANO 11:10 P. M. "YOU BELONG TO ME.” I Cartonr Buhl tA v l ,4 ~ Open rIXAnIVLIII Adults 22c. Child 11c tnci Park Free. “REMEMBER THE DAY." F LnAIIuLLR 5:30 p. m Roht, Young In “MAKKIF.D BACH- "KATHLEEN” Colbert. J. Payne. Edgar Jefferson-Geaad Rl*d A MNOI.M DETROIT REC. Ji ai V. RITTER REC. |“TODAY HANO.“ with Wm. Farnum., Tax Claudette Bergen, tVUITTfpD—E. (< hamplonahlpt lift" I ELOR." The Three Me*. Grand Rhrr Ayenne Walter Wilkins ITIILIHUAnMimifiN I,R* ••bombai t LlPrr.R." Wm OIXCB BOSTON 11,7 # ,vi" Doors Open 10 45 A M Held pncpnil Weadward TO. 6-6122 Garfha Frederick AT BLVD. at F~ - William rumcpri I I—Eaat Jefferaon *t Coplln riDfirU—BooNward Selden Over Jaa. Cagney “CAPTAINS nUJCiI/ALbopco g:4nlevy, William Hol- Robert Preeton and Ellen Drew Frederic March *ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN and Avoid Wattlnf. 74 Alley*. Billiard*. Formln# Open Bowline Saturday and Senday. with Victor Moore. Plua “RF.MF.MBF.R WILD." Plua "TI'XEDO 41 NC TION." Plus! « Bros, den In "THE REMARKABLE ANDREW.” l*-tle Pavla la “THE LITTLE FOXES.” 1 MR 6 MRS NORTH." Oracle Allen F.ddle Bukkar THE DAY," Claudette Colbert. John Payne. with Weaver and Klvlry. Don Raid **• l GRAND CENTRAL TWENTY GRAND Th'r* •> Canfield DfKFVII I C-» ¦' Grattet Avenue Bill Hear '"'XT*?™ ""/‘"ilS”* ri —r.d River at Trumbull. TE. 1-1536 miUIUYTNMinmU/N- nUJCTILLL WYANDOTTE MAJESTIC-"' £ 1 ' Quieted Alley* In Otlroll. Open Bowllnf Until Vate lor |941 City Dnubla-Sinfla* Tourney Hera. cinrir—W. Warren-Miller Rd. DR. Ml# * Apr "Snperman.” Rav Milland, “INTERNATIONAL1 Karl Baker « Parking uLUDC Kay J>>hn Barrymore ADBON,” Ronald Reagan. {Hot Oven Dinnerware Free 6b the Lsdlee. *3 P. M, and Alter 10 1A P. M. Alley* Cacklall Parkin#. vIALLC Open 6PM Paved Kv*er and Loretta Ypting. "IKKTOR TARES A **Qt Olympe Stanley Wlckert j Eieellent Bar. Fraa Cha* !“4DNrr.ssioNs or boston . Lot. One Tierney. “SLNDOWN." "YOl In “PLAYMATES." Deanna Durbin. WIFE.” Gary Cooper and Merle Oheron In Bradna "KATHLEEN,” Shirley Temple.! ri.amue.” Bruno Stelmark IUDCDIII DCP GENERAL MOTORS BLOG — Laughton. “IT STARTED WITH EVE." Herbert Marshall Cartoon. L Errol. *MEXI< AN sPITMRF/s RAR«.« RLE* IMrCniAL centrally HLLONO TO ME." H Fonda, B Rtan- "THE I.A11% AND THE COW BOV." DOI ntU. located VICTORY 80WIING ,Vm Dlaney'a ow a (C hamplonahlp) Alley*. T." wyck. ''l.outf Time Dime." pnilfC—ll Haltlaer A*e. Park Free. A 19 Modern rn lkjif\» —W f«l Warren at Junction rha ',rr *• Mlrh OR **** * nUUuL Cecall Ward-Jack Plapperl I*'*- Oay 949* Open Bowling at All Hours. [Tlll/YTAMTnU/IV~* Open 6:13 PM. Brende Joyce. # (Overaverage) and Attar 10 » All Day Saturday and tenday. Bawlln# Nl#ht. mUIVBMOTHS fITYtill DflM VftllD Dattllo-Joe Mercnrlo —RHIy Rd -Whlt'r AR.RJtS 13551 Wnodward. at C.rand Jotn piondall, John Wayna. pAVV—Woodward Near Temple A |1 UUK open 6:43 P M Ronald Jack 20 BOWLING ALLEYS riuir nCTDrtIT IwAI Parking N Rescan. Clarence Zlsler-Ray Bherrlll I nti/C’C ocn tlfltUtinuil Open 6. Cha#. Ruaglea. lIAAnU Open Noon Park Free Fhlrlev •'LAID POR A NIGHT.” Ralph Bellamy. Open 21 Hours. Free Olympe Bredne la “I TERN ATfONAJL LUnC 0 nCu. it rilliaro tables west Detroit Margaret Lindsay "El LERA Tierney. “SUNDOW Ralph Ounther-Walter Mulchaey OReann Da9o. Open Bawlln# taday Chaa Laughton.'Rl O<»I.ER OF RED OAF.* Temple, “KATHLEEN." “MARRY THE In <|l KEN iOene Geo. Sanders. N.'*| LAI BepolKdt Cork tall Lonne# AIOHTER, AND THE Ml RDER RING.” I“ME.\I(AN SPITFIRE'S BART,” L. Vslss. Mark Rolllnson-Kenneth Bchmldl |0 A. M. UMil dating. ,Pius “Di,ooo hoRbEMKN." Uraal Jaylor. iBOAS’ D ' B. Joyce, B. Edward. I Warn Abdoj.Alfred Amluxen 16* 11921 C. iotforeea at KaatiatM. \ fra*