First of all, Beiseker is awesome because the village

to hop back in the car and head to Beiseker. to head and car the in back hop to

at Horseshoe Canyon. For like, 5 minutes. minutes. 5 like, For Canyon. Horseshoe at it’s Then time

stunning scenery, stunning views the by impressed am I even but

As you might be able to tell, I prefer seedy saloons over saloons seedy prefer I tell, to able be might you As Along Hwy 9 Hwy Along slogan is “Crossroads to the Future.” What? Second of CANYON HORSESHOE all, the village mascot is a skunk named Squirt. SQUIRT 485 4 Ave, Beiseker, (403)888-9730 The Squirt statue is 13 feet tall and it is the cutest roadside mascot you will ever see, except for maybe There are a couple different ways to head back to Calgary, that giant blueberry in Oxford, Nova Scotia. It’s located but my favourite way is this way. inside the Beiseker campground, so take a drive by to LAZY Ace saloon say Hi to the not-so-little guy! 610 Hwy 9, Beiseker, (403)947-3300 If you’re itchin’ to hit just one more saloon before home, this is your place! They’ve got beer, they’ve got VLT’s, they’ve got surprisingly awesome food that comes from the place next door...which I think is also a gas station but who cares - the food is great!


homeward bound

page 6 page

wayne Oh! Try to sweet-talk one of the staff into playing the the playing into staff the of one sweet-talk to Try Oh!

page 7

little creepy dolls pop out of the curtains and play Benny Benny play and curtains the of out pop dolls creepy little

never seen any.) seen never

a little too much to drink, but as far as ghosts go, I’ve I’ve go, ghosts as far as but drink, to much too little a

was coming out of the bedroom of another guest who had who guest another of bedroom the of out coming was

spent there, the only paranormal activity I’ve witnessed witnessed I’ve activity paranormal only the there, spent

(*Rumour has it the hotel is haunted, but in all my nights nights my all in but haunted, is hotel the it has (*Rumour

Waynestock which runs from Sept 1 - 4 this year! this 4 - 1 Sept from runs which Waynestock

and be sure to check out their annual music festival, festival, music annual their out check to sure be and

out back! Check their Facebook page for live band listings, band live for page Facebook their Check back! out

Goodman selections from the Big Band Era! Totally weird. Totally Era! Band Big the from selections Goodman

Band Box for you. It’s one of only two in , and the the and Canada, in two only of one It’s you. for Box Band

a whole extra bed for someone!) or pitch your tent right right tent your pitch or someone!) for bed extra whole a

a couple blankets down in the clawfoot tub and you’ve got you’ve and tub clawfoot the in down blankets couple a

of them and highly recommend the Honeymoon Suite - lay - Suite Honeymoon the recommend highly and them of

$70 you can stay in a clean theme room (I’ve stayed in all in stayed (I’ve room theme clean a in stay can you $70

a couple beers? Inquire about a room upstairs* - for around for - upstairs* room a about Inquire beers? couple a

quick bite mid-ride. Think you might partake in more than than more in partake might you Think mid-ride. bite quick

and expect to be surrounded by bikers stopping in for a a for in stopping bikers by surrounded be to expect and

is the best. Roll up on any given weekend in the summer the in weekend given any on up Roll best. the is

The beer is cold and served in quart sealers, and the staff the and sealers, quart in served and cold is beer The

The Last Chance Saloon is my favourite place in . in place favourite my is Saloon Chance Last The

555 Jewel Street, Rosedale (403)823-9189 Rosedale Street, Jewel 555 LAst chance saloon chance LAst

11 BRIDGES TO WAYNE On your way from Rosedale to Wayne, take note of the On your way from Rosedale to Wayne, 11 one-lane metal bridges that span approx 6km of these 11 dusty roads. The bridges were built to transport coal to the dusty roads. local mining communities, and are in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most bridges found in the shortest of World distance.

BAD Good Times LANDS

summer 2017

in the

recorded a population of 313. of population a recorded in the 2016 census, Rosedale census, 2016 the in


TOP ROCKER 11 - 2 Ave North,- 2 11 Rosedale, (403)823-GEAR

The roads of the Badlands were made for motorbiking, rosedale page 5 and Top Rockerand isTop here to take care of any gear you might need during your ride. Leather? Check. Helmets? Check. Oil? Check. Beer? Check. Burgers? Check. Great place for a patio pit stop!

STAR MINE SUSPENSION BRIDGE STAR look for the sign along East Coulee Road near Rosedale This bridge is my nightmare because I don’t like things like this. Regardless, I have carefully crept along all 117 meters of this terrifying contraption quite a few 117 times, because I am a good friend and waiting in the car seems rude. Built in 1931, this bridge was used by coal miners to get to the mines, (I made that up, but I’d imagine that’s why.) PS - once you get to the why.) but I’d imagine that’s other side it’s nothing special over there either. nothing special over there either. other side it’s Everyone I go with loves it, so you may as well go.

burgers are pretty good! pretty are burgers

and notice it’s open, turn around and go back. Their back. go and around turn open, it’s notice and

closed, but it’s seasonal, so if you do happen to rip past past rip to happen do you if so seasonal, it’s but closed,

Do you know the one I mean? It seems like it’s always always it’s like seems It mean? I one the know you Do

This is the place that looks like a real-life bouncy castle? castle? bouncy real-life a like looks that place the is This

163 Centre Street, Rosedale (403)823-2205 Rosedale Street, Centre 163 Asteroid Asteroid

So go! Drive safe! Be nice! Have fun!

Hello, fellow adventurers!

Summer is here which means it’s time to get outta town! Gather up your funnest friends, put together the perfect playlist, and hit the road!

Already used up all your vacation days? Don’t worry! Alberta has plenty of places to visit that will have you out, about & home by the time you need to be back at your desk.

This little issue will be taking you East from Calgary and into the Badlands, but not just your typical Dinosaur-Museum-and-hike-through-the-hoodoos Badlands. Not that there’s anything wrong with that,

but there’s so much more to see & drink out there!

page 4 page

page 1

All of this stuff is either in , Drumheller, in either is stuff this of All

or super close, like 20 minutes driving time. driving minutes 20 like close, super or

Drumheller & area & Drumheller

into history & stuff you’ll probably think it’s cool. cool. it’s think probably you’ll stuff & history into

the valley. It’s truthfully not much to see, but if you’re if but see, to much not truthfully It’s valley. the

is the last mine standing out of 139 that used to rule to used that 139 of out standing mine last the is

to the country’s last standing coal tipple. The Atlas is Atlas The tipple. coal standing last country’s the to

need to freshen up/fix your helmet hair! hair! helmet your up/fix freshen to need

the washrooms are fully stocked with whatever you whatever with stocked fully are washrooms the

photo-op stop! photo-op

decor is the perfect amount of western kitsch, and kitsch, western of amount perfect the is decor

11 foot tall x 7 foot wide church is a pretty cute cute pretty a is church wide foot 7 x tall foot 11

on the patio or try your luck on the VLT’s. The The VLT’s. the on luck your try or patio the on Atlas Coal Mine is a National Historic Site, and home and Site, Historic National a is Mine Coal Atlas

people, 6 at a time.” With 6 one-person pews, this this pews, one-person 6 With time.” a at 6 people,

up to the bar and get yourself a cold one, then relax then one, cold a yourself get and bar the to up

beside this little white church says “Seating 10,000 “Seating says church white little this beside

after a hot motorbike ride through the Badlands. Belly Badlands. the through ride motorbike hot a after

Built in 1968 as an actual place of worship, the sign the worship, of place actual an as 1968 in Built

This bar is the perfect place to stop and grab a beer a grab and stop to place perfect the is bar This

Royal Tyrell Museum &the Golf Course. Golf &the Museum Tyrell Royal

1606 N. Dinosaur Trail, Drumheller (403)823-6788 Drumheller Trail, Dinosaur N. 1606

North Side of North Dinosaur Trail, between the the between Trail, Dinosaur North of Side North 110 Century Drive W, East Coulee East W, Drive Century 110 Longbranch Saloon Longbranch The Little Church Little The


like, you guessed it, gophers. gophers. it, guessed you like,

the fire hydrants which have all been painted to look look to painted been all have which hydrants fire the

the world. When driving through the town, take note of note take town, the through driving When world. the

book which includes letters from visitors from all over all from visitors from letters includes which book

even a gift shop. Don’t forget to read through the guest the through read to forget Don’t shop. gift a even

Admission is the best $3 you’ve ever spent, and there’s and spent, ever you’ve $3 best the is Admission

displayed in the most amazing diorama scenes. scenes. diorama amazing most the in displayed

taxidermied gophers, dressed in their finest outfits, finest their in dressed gophers, taxidermied

only attraction! This little museum features 75+ 75+ features museum little This attraction! only

Definitely worth the detour to go see Torrington’ssee go to detour the worth Definitely


208 1 ST S, S, TorringtonST 1 208


for more details. more for

followed by July 29. Follow @RowleyAlberta on FB on @RowleyAlberta Follow 29. July by followed

is friendly! Next pizza night is scheduled for June 24, June for scheduled is night pizza Next friendly! is

busy) but have no fear - the beer is cold & the crowd the & cold is beer the - fear no have but busy)

longer than usual for your pie, (yes, it gets THAT gets it (yes, pie, your for usual than longer

for one of their famous pizzas. Expect to wait a little a wait to Expect pizzas. famous their of one for

their doors around 5pm and people come for miles miles for come people and 5pm around doors their

ghost town good times! Sam’s Saloon swings open open swings Saloon Sam’s times! good town ghost

Saturday of the month, head over to Rowley for some for Rowley to over head month, the of Saturday

If you find yourself with an open schedule on the last the on schedule open an with yourself find you If ghost town pizza partY pizza town ghost

Rowley page 3 page

Sam’s Saloon, Hamlet of Rowley



Starland County

kneehill county kneehill

You can google that stuff. that google can You

the bus bench and will take you on a ghost tour. tour. ghost a on you take will and bench bus the

Diners, Drive-In’s + Dives) or that man who sits on on sits who man that or Dives) + Drive-In’s Diners,

Dinosaur, Bernie & the Boys Burgers (as seen on on seen (as Burgers Boys the & Bernie Dinosaur,

the Royal Tyrell Museum, The World’s Largest Largest World’s The Museum, Tyrell Royal the

going to bother elaborating on things like: like: things on elaborating bother to going

Drumheller is famous for a lot of things, so I’m not I’m so things, of lot a for famous is Drumheller BASICALLY

about 2 minutes. But it’s an awesome 2 minutes. minutes. 2 awesome an it’s But minutes. 2 about


side of the Red Deer River and the whole trip takes trip whole the and River Deer Red the of side

that you drive onto and then it takes you to the other other the to you takes it then and onto drive you that

is the best. It’s basically just a giant piece of wood of piece giant a just basically It’s best. the is

Operating from late April to early November, this ferry this November, early to April late from Operating


and Alberta were supposedly hidden in this canyon! this in hidden supposedly were Alberta and

AB-838, Kneehill County Kneehill AB-838,

being smuggled illegally between the United States States United the between illegally smuggled being

Deer River. Rumor has it that back in the day, horses day, the in back that it has Rumor River. Deer

TAKES YOU TO YOU TAKES at Horsethief Canyon on the East Bank of the Red the of Bank East the on Canyon Horsethief at

BLERIOT FERRY BLERIOT stuff & views the out check and stop you sure make Depending on which side of the ferry you get off on, off get you ferry the of side which on Depending when YOU Gotta \know HOW TO FOLD 'eM

download & print the PDF on a regular piece of 8.5” x 11” paper,

and follow these easy steps to fold into a tiny six-page book!

page 6 page

page 3 page page 4 page page 5 page

into history & stuff you’ll probably think it’s cool. cool. it’s think probably you’ll stuff & history into Goodman selections from the Big Band Era! Totally weird. Totally Era! Band Big the from selections Goodman

You can google that stuff. that google can You

little creepy dolls pop out of the curtains and play Benny Benny play and curtains the of out pop dolls creepy little the valley. It’s truthfully not much to see, but if you’re if but see, to much not truthfully It’s valley. the Check. Great place for a patio pit stop! pit patio a for place Great Check.

the bus bench and will take you on a ghost tour. tour. ghost a on you take will and bench bus the

Band Box for you. It’s one of only two in Canada, and the the and Canada, in two only of one It’s you. for Box Band

is the last mine standing out of 139 that used to rule to used that 139 of out standing mine last the is Helmets? Check. Oil? Check. Beer? Check. Burgers? Burgers? Check. Beer? Check. Oil? Check. Helmets?

Diners, Drive-In’s + Dives) or that man who sits on on sits who man that or Dives) + Drive-In’s Diners,

Oh! Try to sweet-talk one of the staff into playing the the playing into staff the of one sweet-talk to Try Oh!

to the country’s last standing coal tipple. The Atlas is Atlas The tipple. coal standing last country’s the to might need during your ride. Leather? Check. Check. Leather? ride. your during need might

Dinosaur, Bernie & the Boys Burgers (as seen on on seen (as Burgers Boys the & Bernie Dinosaur,

Atlas Coal Mine is a National Historic Site, and home and Site, Historic National a is Mine Coal Atlas never seen any.) seen never and Top Rocker is here to take care of any gear you gear any of care take to here is Rocker Top and

the Royal Tyrell Museum, The World’s Largest Largest World’s The Museum, Tyrell Royal the

a little too much to drink, but as far as ghosts go, I’ve I’ve go, ghosts as far as but drink, to much too little a 110 Century Drive W, East Coulee East W, Drive Century 110 The roads of the Badlands were made for motorbiking, for made were Badlands the of roads The

going to bother elaborating on things like: like: things on elaborating bother to going

was coming out of the bedroom of another guest who had who guest another of bedroom the of out coming was

11 - 2 Ave North, Rosedale, (403)823-GEAR Rosedale, North, Ave 2 - 11 ATLAS COAL MINE COAL ATLAS

Drumheller is famous for a lot of things, so I’m not I’m so things, of lot a for famous is Drumheller

spent there, the only paranormal activity I’ve witnessed witnessed I’ve activity paranormal only the there, spent


(*Rumour has it the hotel is haunted, but in all my nights nights my all in but haunted, is hotel the it has (*Rumour

need to freshen up/fix your helmet hair! hair! helmet your up/fix freshen to need and Alberta were supposedly hidden in this canyon! this in hidden supposedly were Alberta and

Waynestock which runs from Sept 1 - 4 this year! this 4 - 1 Sept from runs which Waynestock

burgers are pretty good! pretty are burgers

the washrooms are fully stocked with whatever you whatever with stocked fully are washrooms the being smuggled illegally between the United States States United the between illegally smuggled being

and be sure to check out their annual music festival, festival, music annual their out check to sure be and

and notice it’s open, turn around and go back. Their back. go and around turn open, it’s notice and

decor is the perfect amount of western kitsch, and kitsch, western of amount perfect the is decor Deer River. Rumor has it that back in the day, horses day, the in back that it has Rumor River. Deer

out back! Check their Facebook page for live band listings, band live for page Facebook their Check back! out

closed, but it’s seasonal, so if you do happen to rip past past rip to happen do you if so seasonal, it’s but closed,

at Horsethief Canyon on the East Bank of the Red the of Bank East the on Canyon Horsethief at on the patio or try your luck on the VLT’s. The The VLT’s. the on luck your try or patio the on a whole extra bed for someone!) or pitch your tent right right tent your pitch or someone!) for bed extra whole a

Do you know the one I mean? It seems like it’s always always it’s like seems It mean? I one the know you Do

make sure you stop and check out the views & stuff & views the out check and stop you sure make up to the bar and get yourself a cold one, then relax then one, cold a yourself get and bar the to up a couple blankets down in the clawfoot tub and you’ve got you’ve and tub clawfoot the in down blankets couple a

This is the place that looks like a real-life bouncy castle? castle? bouncy real-life a like looks that place the is This

of them and highly recommend the Honeymoon Suite - lay - Suite Honeymoon the recommend highly and them of Depending on which side of the ferry you get off on, off get you ferry the of side which on Depending after a hot motorbike ride through the Badlands. Belly Badlands. the through ride motorbike hot a after

163 Centre Street, Rosedale (403)823-2205 Rosedale Street, Centre 163

$70 you can stay in a clean theme room (I’ve stayed in all in stayed (I’ve room theme clean a in stay can you $70

This bar is the perfect place to stop and grab a beer a grab and stop to place perfect the is bar This


a couple beers? Inquire about a room upstairs* - for around for - upstairs* room a about Inquire beers? couple a Asteroid Asteroid TAKES YOU TO YOU TAKES 1606 N. Dinosaur Trail, Drumheller (403)823-6788 Drumheller Trail, Dinosaur N. 1606

quick bite mid-ride. Think you might partake in more than than more in partake might you Think mid-ride. bite quick

Longbranch Saloon Longbranch

BASICALLY and expect to be surrounded by bikers stopping in for a a for in stopping bikers by surrounded be to expect and

Everyone I go with loves it, so you may as well go. go. well as may you so it, loves with go I Everyone is the best. Roll up on any given weekend in the summer the in weekend given any on up Roll best. the is


photo-op stop! photo-op

The beer is cold and served in quart sealers, and the staff the and sealers, quart in served and cold is beer The other side it’s nothing special over there either. either. there over special nothing it’s side other

11 foot tall x 7 foot wide church is a pretty cute cute pretty a is church wide foot 7 x tall foot 11

The Last Chance Saloon is my favourite place in Alberta. in place favourite my is Saloon Chance Last The but I’d imagine that’s why.) PS - once you get to the to get you once - PS why.) that’s imagine I’d but

people, 6 at a time.” With 6 one-person pews, this this pews, one-person 6 With time.” a at 6 people,

555 Jewel Street, Rosedale (403)823-9189 Rosedale Street, Jewel 555 about 2 minutes. But it’s an awesome 2 minutes. minutes. 2 awesome an it’s But minutes. 2 about

coal miners to get to the mines, (I made that up, up, that made (I mines, the to get to miners coal

beside this little white church says “Seating 10,000 “Seating says church white little this beside

side of the Red Deer River and the whole trip takes trip whole the and River Deer Red the of side LAst chance saloon chance LAst car seems rude. Built in 1931, this bridge was used by by used was bridge this 1931, in Built rude. seems car

Built in 1968 as an actual place of worship, the sign the worship, of place actual an as 1968 in Built

that you drive onto and then it takes you to the other other the to you takes it then and onto drive you that times, because I am a good friend and waiting in the the in waiting and friend good a am I because times,

Royal Tyrell Museum &the Golf Course. Golf &the Museum Tyrell Royal

is the best. It’s basically just a giant piece of wood of piece giant a just basically It’s best. the is

117 meters of this terrifying contraption quite a few a quite contraption terrifying this of meters 117 distance. distance.

North Side of North Dinosaur Trail, between the the between Trail, Dinosaur North of Side North

Operating from late April to early November, this ferry this November, early to April late from Operating

like this. Regardless, I have carefully crept along all all along crept carefully have I Regardless, this. like of World Records as the most bridges found in the shortest the in found bridges most the as Records World of

(403)631-2133 The Little Church Little The local mining communities, and are in the Guinness Book Book Guinness the in are and communities, mining local This bridge is my nightmare because I don’t like things like don’t I because nightmare my is bridge This

AB-838, Kneehill County Kneehill AB-838,

dusty roads. The bridges were built to transport coal to the to coal transport to built were bridges The roads. dusty look for the sign along East Coulee Road near Rosedale near Road Coulee East along sign the for look

or super close, like 20 minutes driving time. driving minutes 20 like close, super or

11 one-lane metal bridges that span approx 6km of these of 6km approx span that bridges metal one-lane 11 BLERIOT FERRY BLERIOT STAR MINE SUSPENSION BRIDGE SUSPENSION MINE STAR

All of this stuff is either in Drumheller, Drumheller, in either is stuff this of All

On your way from Rosedale to Wayne, take note of the the of note take Wayne, to Rosedale from way your On

Drumheller & area & Drumheller kneehill county kneehill


wayne recorded a population of 313. of population a recorded

in the 2016 census, Rosedale census, 2016 the in

Hello, fellow adventurers!

There arehomeward a couple different ways to head bound back to Calgary, Summer is here which means it’s time to get outta Torrington Good Times Good Times town! Gather up your funnest friends, put but my favourite way is this way. TORRINGTON GOPHER HOLE MUSEUM together the perfect playlist, and hit the road! HORSESHOE CANYON 208 1 ST S, Torrington (403)631-2133 Along Hwy 9 Already used up all your vacation days? Don’t worry! Definitely worth the detour to go see Torrington’s As you might be able to tell, I prefer seedy saloons over Alberta has plenty of places to visit that will have you only attraction! This little museum features 75+ stunning scenery, but even I am impressed by the views in the out, about & home by the time you need to be taxidermied gophers, dressed in their finest outfits, at Horseshoe Canyon. For like, 5 minutes. Then it’s time back at your desk. to hop back in the car and head to Beiseker. displayed in the most amazing diorama scenes. Admission is the best $3 you’ve ever spent, and there’s This little issue will be taking you East from Calgary even a gift shop. Don’t forget to read through the guest and into the Badlands, but not just your typical book which includes letters from visitors from all over Dinosaur-Museum-and-hike-through-the-hoodoos First ofbeiseker all, Beiseker is awesome because the village the world. When driving through the town, take note of Badlands. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, slogan is “Crossroads to the Future.” What? Second of the fire hydrants which have all been painted to look but there’s so much more to see & drink out there! all, the village mascot is a skunk named Squirt. BAD like, you guessed it, gophers. SQUIRT So go! Drive safe! Be nice! Have fun! Sam’s Saloon, Hamlet of Rowley 485 4 Ave, Beiseker, (403)888-9730 Starland County The Squirt statue is 13 feet tall and it is the cutest roadside mascot you will ever see, except for maybe ghostRowley town pizza partY that giant blueberry in Oxford, Nova Scotia. It’s located inside the Beiseker campground, so take a drive by to LANDS If you find yourself with an open schedule on the last say Hi to the not-so-little guy! Saturday of the month, head over to Rowley for some ghost town good times! Sam’s Saloon swings open LAZY Ace saloon their doors around 5pm and people come for miles for one of their famous pizzas. Expect to wait a little 610 Hwy 9, Beiseker, (403)947-3300 longer than usual for your pie, (yes, it gets THAT If you’re itchin’ to hit just one more saloon before home, busy) but have no fear - the beer is cold & the crowd this is your place! They’ve got beer, they’ve got VLT’s, is friendly! Next pizza night is scheduled for June 24, they’ve got surprisingly awesome food that comes from followed by July 29. Follow @RowleyAlberta on FB the place next door...which I think is also a gas station for more details. but who cares - the food is great! page 7 page 1 page 2

page 1 this is what your piece of fold it in half fold it in half.

1 paper should look like. 2 3 the other way.

fold it in half two more get a blade and slice the page 4 times so you have 8 sections. 5 in the middle. look at the picture so you don’t screw it up!

keep pushing the 7 edges together until the diamond does a weird thing and looks like this fold it in half and push edges 6 towards the middle so the sliced part opens up like a diamond. now it should look 9 like a book! go over Good Times the creases to make now you gotta in the them sharp. I use a 8 try to sort of atten boning tool it out and push it BAD (best name) but you down like a little LANDS can use anything that’s booklet. pay attention kinda hard/soft. to the page numbers, summer 2017 that will help for real. ok! that’s it! you’re done! now put it in your wallet or your bag and have it ready for the next time you’re itchin’ to get outta town!