North East Multi-Regional Training Instructors Library 355 Smoke Tree Business Park j North Aurora, IL 60542-1723 (630) 896-8860, x 108 j Fax (630) 896-4422 j WWW.NEMRT.COM j
[email protected] The North East Multi-Regional Training Instructors Library In-Service Training Tape collection are available for loan to sworn law enforcement agencies in Illinois. Out-of-state law enforcement agencies may contact the Instructors Library about the possibility of arranging a loan. How to Borrow North East Multi-Regional Training In-Service Training Tapes How to Borrow Tapes: Call, write, or Fax NEMRT's librarian (that's Sarah Cole). Calling is probably the most effective way to contact her, because you can get immediate feedback on what tapes are available. In order to insure that borrowers are authorized through their law enforcement agency to borrow videos, please submit the initial lending request on agency letterhead (not a fax cover sheet or internal memo form). Also provide the name of the department’s training officer. If a requested tape is in the library at the time of the request, it will be sent to the borrower’s agency immediately. If the tape is not in, the borrower's name will be put on the tape's waiting list, and it will be sent as soon as possible. The due date--the date by which the tape must be back at NEMRT--is indicated on the loan receipt included with each loan. Since a lot of the tapes have long waiting lists, prompt return is appreciated not only by the Instructors' Library, but the other departments using the video collection.