Botanica Marina 47 (2004): 64–72 ᮊ 2004 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York Gelidium omanense sp. nov. (Gelidiaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Sultanate of Oman Michael J. Wynne 1,* and D. Wilson Freshwater 2 Materials and methods 1 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Herbarium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Most of the collections cited here were made at the end 48109, USA, e-mail:
[email protected] of the seasonal monsoon, namely, in September of 1999, 2 Center for Marine Science, University of North 2000, and 2001 in Dhofar, Oman, as part of the Algal Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC 28409, USA Biodiversity Project of Oman (1999–2002) funded by the British Government’s Darwin Initiative grant for the ‘Sur- *Corresponding author vival of Species’. ‘TMRU’ refers to unnamed personnel of the Tropical Marine Research Unit, University of York, U.K. Most of the specimens were attached when they Abstract were collected. In addition to the new species, the fol- A new species of the red algal genus Gelidium, G. oma- lowing additional two collections of an unidentified Geli- nense M.J. Wynne, is described from the Sultanate of dium (‘Gelidium sp.’) from Oman were analyzed and their Oman, northern Arabian Sea. This species is a very com- rbcL sequences incorporated into the sequence analy- monly occurring eulittoral seaweed on the Omani coast, ses: Atery Cove (16.960948 N, 54.756278 E), east of Jizir- essentially one of the dominant species during the sum- at Hino, east of Mirbat, Dhofar: 13.ix.2000, leg. M. Wynne mertime southwest monsoon on exposed rocky shores.