Article in press - uncorrected proof Botanica Marina 49 (2006): 23–33 ᮊ 2006 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/BOT.2006.003 The prostrate system of the Gelidiales: diagnostic and taxonomic importance Cesira Perrone*, Gianni P. Felicini and internal rhizoidal filaments (the so-called hyphae, rhi- Antonella Bottalico zines, or endofibers) (Feldmann and Hamel 1934, 1936, Fan 1961, Lee and Kim 2003) and a triphasic isomorphic life history, whilst the family Gelidiellaceae (Fan 1961) is Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, University based on 1) the lack of hyphae and 2) the lack of sexual of Bari-Campus, Via E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy, reproduction. Two distinct kinds of tetrasporangial sori, e-mail:
[email protected] the acerosa-type and the pannosa-type, were described * Corresponding author in the genus Gelidiella J. Feldmann et Hamel (Feldmann and Hamel 1934, Fan 1961). Very recently, the new genus Parviphycus Santelices (Gelidiellaceae) has been pro- Abstract posed to accommodate those species previously assigned to Gelidiella that bear ‘‘pannosa-type’’ tetra- Despite numerous recent studies on the Gelidiales, most sporangial sori and show sub-apical cells under- taxa belonging to this order are still difficult to distinguish going a distichous pattern of division (Santelices 2004). when in the vegetative or tetrasporic state. This paper Gelidium J.V. Lamouroux and Pterocladia J. Agardh, describes in detail the morphological and ontogenetic two of the most widespread genera (which have been features of the prostrate system of the order with the aim confused) of the Gelidiaceae, are separated only by basic of validating its diagnostic and taxonomic significance.