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[email protected] Current Organic Chemistry, 2014, 18(7), 896-917 Bioproducts from Seaweeds: A Review With Special Focus On The Iberian Peninsula Susana M. Cardosoa,*, Loïc G. Carvalhob, Paulo J. Silvab, Mara S. Rodriguesc, Olívia R. Pereiraa,c and Leonel Pereirab aCERNAS, School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Bencanta, 3045-601 Coimbra, Portugal; bIMAR (Institute of Marine Research), Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, Apartado 3046, 3001- 401 Coimbra, Portugal; cDTDT, School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Av. D. Afonso V, 5300-121 Bragança, Portugal Abstract: Seaweeds, i.e. macroalgae that occupy the littoral zone, are a great source of compounds with diverse applications; their types and content greatly determine the potential applications and commercial values. Algal polysaccharides, namely the hydrocolloids: agar, alginate and carrageenan, as well as other non-jellifying polysaccharides and oligosaccharides, are valuable bioproducts. Likewise, pig- ments, proteins, amino acids and phenolic compounds are also important, exploitable compounds. For the longest time the dominant market for macroalgae has been the food industry. More recently, several other industries have increased their interest in algal-derived products, e.g. cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and more recently, as a s ource of feedstock for biorefinery applications. This manuscript re- views the chemical composition of dominant macroalgae, as well as their potential added-value products and applications. Particular at- tention is devoted to the macroalgal species from the Iberian Peninsula. This is located in the Southwest of Europe and is influenced by the distinct climates of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, representing a rich spot of marine floral biodiversity.