International Journal of and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159) Volume: 8, Issue: 1; Jan- June 2019

Yoga and Human Excellence Dr Kamakhya Kumar Dean, Faculty of Philosophy & Head, Dept of Yoga Uttarakhand Sanskrit University, Haridwar Email: [email protected]

Abstract Yoga is an art of excellent living. The principles of Yoga help the practitioners to achieve higher aims of life. It is a lifestyle which regulates ones Thought – pattern, Character, and Behavior and it reflects into our attitude, personality and Designs. It is a total science of strengthening and improving the physical, mental, and spiritual state of being.

The present study aims to focus on the aspect of Yoga which leads the aspirants excel in every aspect of life;whether it is related to the physical aspect, intellectual aspect or spiritual aspect. How and why the practice of Yoga makes changes in the lifestyle, in the behavior and transforms the individual in a positive direction.

The first part of the study provides the basic information of Yogaand the other parts of the study discusses the Human Excellence. Post part of the study is the discussion about how the practice of Yoga excels our physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the practitioners. The overall study ends with the conclusion that practice of Yoga has an important role in human life as the individual practicing Yoga can achieve the excellence.

Key words: Yoga, Perfection and Excellence

Introduction: normally, it is a comprehensive and The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the precisely live tuned process of uniting the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’ that indicates a unity, a individual consciousness with the harmony, a balance between internal and omnipresent cosmic consciousness. external consciousness. In other words, we Understanding the spiritual nature and can say that ‘yoga’ means union of atma philosophy of yoga is certainly more and Parmatama (the soul and the God). important than its gross applications. Yoga According to , yoga is can be understood by the words given in “Yogaschittavrittinirodhah” i.e. Bhagvadgeeta as: Yogah Karmashu withdrawal of sense organs from the Kaushalam, i.e. perfection in action is worldly objects. Geeta defines yoga as the Yoga. “evenness of temper”. buddhiyuktojahaatihaubhesukrtadu However, practically yoga is a science that skrte / deals with the health of the body and tasmaadyogaayayujyasvayogahkar harmony of mind. Its ultimate objectives masukaushalam// are ‘self-identification’ and ‘self- perfection’. The yoga are also aimed One who is endowed with the to attain this. samatvabuddhi, sameness of mind, gives up both and paapa here, in this Yoga is not only the physical postures, world. Therefore commit yourself to breathing exercises or concentrating for -yoga. Yoga is discrimination in few minutes, what we understand action. With reference to the results of


International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159) Volume: 8, Issue: 1; Jan- June 2019 your actions, there is sameness , in true human being, a perfect human being your response. With reference to action and an integral human being. It is those itself, because there is a choice involved, a human qualities that make a person karma always chooses to follow the outstanding, exceptional, superior, or, in rules of , basic ethics and morality. one word, the best of one's kind in any field of human activities. Frequently, it is The yoga sutras have five rules namely synonymously used with the word virtue, shaucha, , , swadhyaya and narrowly meaning moral excellence. It is ishwarpranidhan, which help us introspect thus being the best we can be in every and turn inward. When we turn inward and situation. It is doing the best we can do in experience self-, this naturally every endeavor. This has been defined in extends to others and ultimately helps us the same way in the Bhagvad Gita-2/50 by feel deeply grounded in life’s meaning and Lord : Yoga is excellence in action purpose. Yoga is a way of communicating (Yogah Karmashu Kaushalam). with the inner self, counteracting helplessness & weakness, increasing self- An excellent man is like a flower bloomed esteem and enhancing internal locus of fully and freely in a specific spiritual control. What causes the good or bad climate. Needless to say that life is a results in his or her life, either in general struggle; life is a great battle full of so or in a specific area such as health or many challenges. And it is equally true academics. Locus of control was that a fully bloomed and excellent being formulated within the framework of alone can boldly and bravely fight this Rotter’s “social learning theory of battle and overcome the challenges of life. personality”. The social learning theory Such a person alone can enjoy the pleasures of life. Yoga is a science which is a complete section to reform, transform and realize the Excellence does not mean the intellectual self. It is a discipline of Universal Health, knowledge but it is an intuitional Happiness and Health. Not only this but knowledge. If one wants to excel in life he Yogic scriptures are the tools to educate or she has to honor the values which are the people round the globe of self- dormant inside invisible cavities of mind knowledge on the one hand and and brain. Such values neither taught nor understanding the value based life on the brought but they are caught and to be other because its messages are multifold to carried out during the whole life. establish the relationship with everyone Aphorisms of Patanjali are the whether living or non-living things. Each philosophical results of the Practices and every word used in the Yogic works whereas the Hath yogic scriptures are the by Indian saints and sages is value styles and methods of the practices to oriented. understand the biomechanics of the physical frame to find out the ways and The Rishis Tradition is free from the means to boost the excellent nature of the dogmatic beliefs of the society because it personality. For that purpose Patanjali has no barricades of religion or particular speaks about the ethics of Abhyasa as faith. They have tried to educate the people under: with various modes and means according to one choice and convenience. Satu dirghkaalanairantaryasatkarasevitodridha Human excellence Human excellence is about being an bhumih (PYS: 1\14) excellent human being, a divine human, a


International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159) Volume: 8, Issue: 1; Jan- June 2019

Meaning thereby that such practice when Resolution (Dhriti) is a state of firmness to endowed with uninterrupted and true with reach the destination. The obstacles and devotional attitude for a long time has hindrances comes in the way of excel certainly firm foundations to walk on the growth are looked after with success. path of progress. Purity (Saucha) means the mental and It is further to add that Human is the physical purity and then the body is superior creatures by the God. It is we regarded as a temple of worship and ready whose roles and responsibilities towards to the journey on the spiritual path and all the living beings and Nature are also reach the goal before leaving the body. first and foremost. Man has a brain and the power of judgment and so we should be a Absence of Malice (Adroha) is total judicious behavior is expected from a absence of desire to inflict injury or to see person who honors the ethics of the life. others suffer. Malicious persons inflict pain by words and deeds and seeing others Sri Bhagavad-Gita also explains the State suffer, but sanely person is totally devoid of Human Excellence through the of such quality. adaptation of spiritual qualities a note of which is reiterated hereunder: Absence of Self esteem(Natimanita) is a complete absence of desires which are of Tejahkshamaadhritihshauchamadrohonaat self importance, fame and honor. It is also imaanitaa; known and humbleness and Bhavantisampadamdaiveemabhijaatasyab simultaneously feels uncomfortable when haarata. praised or honored. He is above all appreciations and honors and sees Commented vide verse 3 of Chapter XVI everything as part of that the brilliance, patience, resolution, purity absence of malice and self esteem God and also fills the qualities that are the virtues of a person who has attained everyone is born equal, dies equal, cannot the divine wealth. swell with felicitations.

Brilliance (Teja) denotes mental and Thus, these are the qualities of a person physical radiance. Mental brilliance who has attained the purity of mind and indicates intelligence and quickness of heart and realizes the self. Opposite to it mind to use it correctly and successfully; the hypocrisy, pride, arrogance, anger, and the physical brilliance is the cluster harshness and ignorance are the traits of a and glow on the face reflecting the purity demonic person (Sri Bhagavad-Gita Verse of heart and majesty of calmness this 4 Chap.XVI). quality is present in a person of divinity. If a wicked and evil person comes to the Quote herebelow:- influence of such a person, he also becomes calm, quite and submissive. Dambhodarpobhimanascakrodhahparusya mevaca Patience (Kshma) is a quality of tolerance Ajnanamcabhijatasyaparthasampadamasu without any complaint which disagreeable. rim When a sage realizes the presence of God in good or bad, he develops the supreme However, nothing more could be explained patience and this is state of Excellence. theoretically because being purely a practical intuitional knowledge there is no other way to reach the highest state of


International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159) Volume: 8, Issue: 1; Jan- June 2019

Excellence but it is sure whosoever adopt with the world of name, form, idea and the yogic way of life will reach to noble time. As the principle of duality starts to personality. prevail, the true nature of the self is forgotten and the individual becomes fully Yoga and Human Excellence involved with the transient world, which According to , the three gunas again leads to attraction, repulsion and produce feelings of pleasure, pain and finally fear of losing the self-identity dejection. Feelings are experienced by the (which here is conditioned by the external antahkarana (the manifest mind), not by world), i.e. fear of death. The kleshas the self. In the Yoga Sutras (2:24) it is said generate violence in thought, speech and that avidya, i.e. false knowledge, is the deed and are abetted by greed, anger and cause of the self's experience of pleasure delusion, causing endless pain to oneself and pain. It is the recollection of pleasure and to others. experienced on a former occasion that leads to attachment towards objects. To cope with this state of mind and body Samkhya elucidates three kinds of pain: (i) Patanjali recommends practices from raja adhyatmikadukha - bodily pain and mental yoga, , and pain caused by emotion and passion, (ii) yoga, and a way of leading one's life. adhibhautikadukha - pain caused by Many physical and mental states which beasts, reptiles, human beings, etc., and create obstacles in the path of yoga arise (iii) adhidaivikadukha - pain due to natural due to the mental and physical symptoms calamities. of emotional conditions. These obstacles, which include disease, dullness, doubt, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras also identify three procrastination, laziness, craving, errors of kinds of pain: (i) parinamadukha - pain perception, instability, pain, depression, due to change, (ii) tapa dukha - pain due to irregular breathing, etc., need to be anxiety, and (iii) samskaradukha - pain removed in order to progress on the path of due to past impressions. Patanjali states yoga. According to Patanjali they can be that the causes of pain are the kleshas removed by one-pointedness, or by (afflictions) inside our very being at the cultivating friendliness, compassion, subconscious level. The whole spectrum of gladness and indifference for the happy, emotion manifests due to the presence of the miserable, the virtuous and the wicked the kleshas. The kleshas are avidya respectively. In this way the mind becomes (ignorance), asmita (I-feeling), raga purified and peaceful. For this to happen (liking), dwesha (repulsion) and an attitude of vairagya (non-attachment) abhinivesha (fear of death). needs to prevail. It has been the experience of the great Emotions are generated because a trifling saints and seers that all the different yogic incident or insult is magnified. Avidya is techniques or practices are effective when considered to be the source of the other the environment, both internal and kleshas and the main culprit in causing external, is supportive. Observance of a emotional upheaval. In other words, disciplined lifestyle, as in the ashram, emotions which arise due to affliction are harmonizes the aspirant's energy and traced to delusion regarding the real nature sublimates it by facilitating the process of of the self. The five kleshas are the . The daily ashram routine is building blocks or the substrata of the tailored in such a way as to make the collective unconscious. Any emotional whole process of transformation state can be traced back to one of the five spontaneous and permanent. In the kleshas. So the root matrix of these kleshas (6:17) it is said, "Yoga is avidya, which results in identification becomes the destroyer of pain and misery


International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159) Volume: 8, Issue: 1; Jan- June 2019 for one who is moderate in eating and mind and develops peace and tranquility to recreation, whose engagement in action is our mind and body. Practice of Yoga balanced and whose sleeping and waking enhances our skills and excellence. In is balanced." whatever professions we are we can give our best performance if we are skilled and Conclusion: excellent. No doubt Yoga endows us with Yoga is equilibrium between body, mind excellence as it enhances our and spirit. Yoga is a great tool in making concentration, capability and commitment an overactive mind. It makes us be still to beautifully perform our duties.It helps and be free from self-imposed restrictions. us cultivate human excellence. Yoga when practiced properly quiets the

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