Official Gazette

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Official Gazette OFFICIAL GAZETTE EDITION GOVERNMENT PRINTIG BUREAU ENGLISH 08≫--t--#+--.fl=-1-HJB=SB!flitMBTtf EXTRA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1948 ASAKURA, Tadataka 'ASAKURA, Kan-ichi NOTICE DOTEI, Yujiro EGUCHI, Shiro ETO, Shinobu ENDO, Kiyoshi Public Notice of Screening Results No. 28 FUCHI, Kataaki FUJIMAKl', Kiohiro (March 16―March 31, 1948) FUJIMOTO, Ka:suhiko FUJITA, Yuji HAGUiMA, Kazuo HAMADA, Kazuo April 7, 1948 HANASE, Saburo HARA, Akira Director-General of Cabinet Secretariat HAYASHI Fujimaru HAYASHI, Fumiko TOMABECHI Gizo ≪, HAYASHI, Shigenori HIRAKAWA, Katamitsu 1. This table shows the screening result of the HIRAMATSU, Hideo HIRATA, Sadaichi Central Public Office Qualifications Examination HISAGANE, Akira HISATOMI, Yoshitsugu Committee, in accordance with the provisions of HISAYA, Yasuyoshi HOSHINO, Hideo Imperial Ordinance No. 1 of the same year. IEMORI, Hidetaro IGARASHI, Morishi 2. This table is to be most widely made public. IIDA, Shfro IIZUKA, Yoshihiko The office of a city, ward, town or village, shall IMAIZUMI, Kyojiro INOUE, Masao placard, upon receipt of this official report the IRI, Sadayo ISHIDA Taichiro said table. This table shall be at least placarded ISHIKAWA, Jun ITAKURA, Sadahisa for a month, and it shall, upon receipt of the ITO, Yoshitaka ITO, Yukuo next official report, be replaced by a new one. IWANAGA, "Sukegoro IWAO Akio The old report which is replaced, shall not be KABAYAMA, Hisao KAGURAI, Suzukazu destroyed, but be cound and preserved at the KAIBARA, Tsutomu KAJIYA, Mibujiro office of the city, ward, town or village, in order KAN'O, Kazuo KASE, Sadakuma that it may serve for the public perusal. KASHIWAI, Kazuo KATAYAMA, Akira 3. The questionnaire of the person who is published KATO, Akira KATSUKI, Shibanosuke on this table and who has passed the screening, KAWADA, Tashio KAWAGOE, Yasuyuki may be offered for the public perusal, at the KIJIMA, Gen-ichi v KINOSHITA, Masafumi office of the Central Public Office Qualifications KITO, Kutsumi \ KOASHI, Shinobu Examination Committee or at the office of the KOGA, Tomio ' KONDO, Masayuki Public Office Qualifications Examination Com- KONDO, Scijiro KOO, Isao mittee of Metropolis, Region, Prefecture .or City KOREMOTO, Toshiki KOYAMA, Hachiro concerned. KUMATANI, Tokiyoshi KUROKAWA, Tadashi Any one may, at his request, unrestrictedly KUROSAWA, Isamu KYUKI, Samanosuke peruse the questionnaire as prescribed in the pre- MAEDA, Tatsuyo MARITA, Michitoku ceding paragraph. MASAI, Hideichi MICHIISHI, Teru 4. Result: MINAMIMORI, Masatom MINATOBA, Yukichi * Central Public Office Qualification Examination MITSUI, Hiroshi MIYAWAKI, Hitoshi Committee. MIYAZONO, Kazuo MIZUSAWA, Masunori (No. 8, 2-chome, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo iMORI, Hajime MORI, Kemne Metropolis) MORIMOTO, Takashi MORITA, Masayuki Number of Persons subjected to Screening: 3,432 MOTOMIYA, Keiichi MUNEZO, Asao persons MURAI, Yasuo MURASE, Tsutomu Number of Persons decided as not falling under MURATA, Susumu MURATA, Taro the Memorandum: 2,605 persons MURATA, Yoshio MURAYAMA, Satoro Public services and Names of Persons who passed MUTO, Akira NAITO, Hideo the Screening thereof:― NAKABATAKE, Taiji NAKAGAWA, Yasu Principal Public Office Holders of Central Gov- NAKANO, Kazuyoshi NAKAO, Masayoshi ernment Office: NAKATA, Gen-ichiro NAKAYAMA, Tamamori Persons relative to the Prime Minister's Office: NATSUME, Misao NIGAKI, Tsunemasa KONDO, Kaoru KUSUNO, Man-ichi NISHI, Toshio NIWA, Katsutaro MURASE, Tokuichi YAMAGUCHI, Tori NOGUCHI, Hiroshi NOMURA, Kohei Persons relative to the Foreign Ministry. OGATA, Noboru OGURA, Tamoharu WADA, Shusaku OHASHI, Tadatoshi OKABAYASHI, Atsushi Persons relative to the Welfare Ministry. OKI, Kazuki OKUBO, Naoyuki AKIYOSHI, Masanobu ANPO, Kagemi ONOZAKI, Teisuke OTANI, Tsuyonosuke ARAI, Susumu ARAKAWA Takahiko OTSUKA, Masao OZAWA, Kyuyo ARIMA, Keishi ARISHIMA, Fumio OZAWA, Sukeo ROPPONGI, Yoshihisa 1 ― SAITO, Yuichi SAKAI, Kiyoshi TAJIMA, Shoichi TAKAGAKI, Shioichi SAKURAI, Takashi SANO, Takashi TAKENAKA, Satsu TOKIOKA, Yoshie SATO, Masatake SATO, Sumiyasu WADA, Tsuruichi YOTOYAMA, Katsushige SAW ADA, Hireo SEGANO, Taizo Persons expected to be Members of the Public SENDO, Takashi SETOGUCHI, Eiji Office Qualification Examination Committee. SHIMA, Tomoo SHIMURA, Yasuo AMAZAKI, Ichi SHIROSHIGE, Nobujiro SHIRAI, Minoru SHISHIMATA, Seigo SEO, Tadashi SHOJI, Toshihiko SUZUKI, Nobuhiro Person relative to Paragraph 6, Appendix 2: TADANI, Kazuo TAKEUCHI, Juichiro Public Office Holder of the Akita Woodwork TAKEUCHI, Shigeo TAKASHIMA, Michi Co., Ltd. TAKASU, Teiichi TAKEDA, Naoe OGAWA, Otoii TAKEUCHI, Juir TAKATORI, Tsunetoki Person relative to Paragraph 8, Appendix 2: TAMURA, Masashi TANAKA Tadashi Public Office Holder of the Great Japan Medical- TANAKA, Tokuro TANAKA, Yoshifumi treatment Corporation. TANEMURA, Tatsuo TANIGUCHI, Yoshihisa TODA, Masazo TAZIMA, Yoshi TERADA, Kazuo Public Office Holder of the Japan Electric Ma- TOKUNAGA, Mikio TOMONARI, Akira chine Manufacture Association. TOYAMA, Ariyoshi TSUCHII, Yosliiichi NISHIZAKI, Harukichi TSUBAKI, Norimichi TSUKAMOTO, Shigen Public Office Holder of the Japan Science j> TSUKAMOTO, Yoshisada TSUNODA, Nari Development Association. UCHIDA, Takakuro UEDA, Toshio HAYASHI, Haruo UEMATSU, Minoru YAMADA, Hideo Public Office Holder of che Conference for Pro- YAMADA, Hiroshi YAMADA, Koichiro duction of Sulphuric and Nitric Acids. YAMAMOTO, Masanori YAMAMOTO, 'Tetsuo TOMIYA, Nao YAMAMOTO, Tsuneo YAMAMOTO, Yasuo Persons relative to Paragraph 9, Appendix 2: YAMANO, Tsuneo YAMUKI, Hitoshi Public Office Holders of the Yotoku-sha Publish- YAMAZAKI, Akira YAMAZAKI, Seiji ing Co. YANO, Goro YOKOI, Minoru OKAZIMA, Zenji TAKAHASHI, Michio YOSHINAGA, Jun YUMOTO, Takayuki Persons relativeto Paragraph 11, Appendix 2: Persons relative to the Privy Council. Public Office Holders of the Japan Light Metal Councillor. (Retired) Co.,Ltd. HIDEHARA, Tan HAYASHI, Zen NAKAGAWA, Chuzo Persons relative to Public Office Holders of the NAKAI, Naoji TAKAZAWA, Kokichi Local Government Offices. Persons relative to Paragraph 12, Appendix 2: Osaka Prefecture. Public Office Holders of the Imperial Artificial Governor (Retired) Silk-thread Co., Ltd. TANAKA, Hirotaro AMAHANE, Masato TAMIYA, Toyoji Kyoto Prefecture. Persons in Accordance with the Provisions of ANDO, Naojiro , Paragraph 2, Article 4 of Imperial Ordinance MATSUMOTO, Katsu No. 1 of 1947. Hokkaido. Names of Persons for whom their Statement of HANADA, Hayato the Manchurian News Co., Ltd. (Retired) Candidates for Membership of the House of Re- ONO, Toshio presentatives. Director of the Fund Unification Bank (Retired) Fukuoka Prefecture. INAMI, Yasu DOI, Someji Names of Persons for whom their Statment of ijt Kanagawa Prefecture. objection against their Provisional Designation KISAMORI, Yoshitaro has been accepted and the Reasons for which Candidate for Member of the Prefectural As- they fall under the Memorandum: sembly. Chief of the Books Bureau of the Education MATSUBARA, Shigeru Ministry (Retired) Candidate for Member of the Prefectural As- ISHII, Tadanori sembly. Chiefs of the Thought Section of the School and Nara Prefecture. Education Sec'tion(Retired) HIRAO, Kihachiro CHIDA, Shigeji KOZEKI, Akio YOSHIDA, Koichi ENDO, Mitsuko NAKANISHI, Masanobu Chief of Compilation Bureau and Chief Editor Wakayama Prefecture of the Kainan News, Co. (Retired) HOSOO, Eiichi ISHII,Heitaro SASAKI Genzo KANENO, Soichiro KUSUMOTO, Sadaichi President of the Kyoto Daily News, Co. (Retired) MAEKAWA, Kiichi MINAMI, Kazushic^i YAMANE, Hisano MORIMOTO, Kazuo MORISHIMA, Yoshio Chairman of the Mongolian News, Co. (Retired) NAKAJIMA, Hachiro NAKAI, Kiyonojo MATSUMOTO, Otoo NAKATANI, YoshitaroNISHIMOTO, Buichiro Chief of the Publication Division of the Kaizo- OGAWA, Takematsu OHASHI, Tamejiro Sha Co. (Retire^ OKAMURA, Taminosuke OKAZAKI, Mitsusaburo OSHIMA, Yoshikiyo OKUBO, Saichiro SASAKI, Nobuichi i Director of the Compilation of the Nanshin-Sha 2 ― Co. (Retired) MACHIDA, Micsutomo AIATSUO, Uichi NAKAHARA, Toshikazu MATSUMOTO, Morihito SHIDA, Reilio Publisher and Compilator of the Satomi Japanese YAMAMOTO, Yoshio Culture Research Institute. (Retired) Persons relative to the Great Japan Sckisei Kai KASUYA, Michitetsu Association. President and Director of the Tengyo Min-po FUJIWARA. Chobe INOUE, Haseo Sha News Co. (Retired) IZUMI, Alanjiro KAWAGUCHI, Kamezo KANO, Yurio KATO, Tadaichi KONDO, Naohisa Member of the Fukui Prefectural Branch of the KYOBA, Ben-ichiro NAKAJIMA, Toyoichi Imperial Rule Government Organization OGAWA, Tokusaburo SEKIGAWA, Kisao Council. (Retired) TAKEDA, Toshihiko TANAKA, Kinnosukc .ICHIBASHI, Hojiro TAKIKAWA, Sueumi UMINO, Juzo Member of the Gifu Prefectural Branch of the Persons relative to the Kin-No Makoto-Alusubi same. (Retired) Association. SAWADA, Fumijiro KIKUCHI, Kenji MICHIBA, Ryozo Member of the Kyoto Prefectural Branch of the Persons relative vo the Kokusui-Taishu To Party. !.-ame.(Retired) ASANO, Toyoyuki SUZUKI, Seiichiro KONISHI, Shigenao Person relative to the National Character As- 'SL Members of the Ehime Prefectural Branch of ,he sistance Joint Association. same. (Retired) URABE, Takeo HIRAYAMA, Tokuo Persons relative to the Meirin-Kai. SASAKI, Choji HARATANI, Shinzaburo HEKI, Kvohei Members of the Fukuoka Prefcctural Branch of IZEKI, Hideo KAMEI, Ryoichi the same. (Retired) iVIORIYAMA, Toshitomo NODA, Terumi AYOO, Yoshinosuke IMUZUKA. Saburo SATO, Chikahiro MISHIMA, Fujita Person relative ,o the Mizuho Club. YUSHIRO, Yasujl Member of the Oita Prefectural Branch of the same. (Retired) Persons relative to the
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