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35356 Teachers pages:35356 Teachers pages 10/29/10 8:11 AM Page 1 VOL. 49 — NO. 3 POSTMASTER: All forms 3579 are to be forwarded to Detroit Federation of Teachers, 2875 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202 November 2010 Our Deficit Elimination Plan for DPS By Mark O’Keefe DFT Executive Vice President mergency Financial Manager Robert Bobb is proposing two Edeficit elimination plans. You can ignore Plan B because its only purpose is to look so hor rible that everyone will accept Plan A. Plan A also is completely unac - ceptable. It gets the state to assume the district’s debt in exchange for Bobb giving away something that’s not his to give: teachers’ rights and the district as we know it. Dr. Therese Smith with MacDowell Arabic Language Students. Plan A would turn the district into two districts – one with traditional schools and the other, larger district with schools that sound a lot like charter schools. The district would Teacher Brings Detroit’s First embrace Race-to-the-Top reforms that limit seniority rights. Our plan says, yes, the state Arabic Class to English Speakers should take over this debt. The debt was accumulated on the state’s watch eventh-grader Delon Tillman Dr. Therese Smith, a curriculum greetings to visitors. on two occasions — when it took visited a neighborhood party development specialist, approached “The kids are very excited because over the district in 2005 and again store and thought to use some - the principal with the idea and soon they can go in stores around here and under Bobb. Let’s remind everyone S thing he learned at school. the program was launched with a cur - greet and order,” Smith said. Smith that the district had a fund balance of “Sabah el kheer,” he said at Jerry’s riculum in conversation, language is her own quick study. She graduat - $115 million when the first state on the northwest side. The greeting and culture. ed from high school in Jerusalem takeover occurred. We now have a in Arabic was met with delight. They will take field trips to the and entered the University of deficit of over $300 million. Cawan Mueller used another Arabic Arab American National Museum in Michigan at 16 on a scholarship. Second, we should do what the phrase. Dearborn and to Arabic restaurants Several degrees later, she earned her new documentary “Waiting for “He froze with my money and my for the kids to learn and observe doctorate in curriculum and instruc - Superman” suggests. The movie chips,” said Mueller, 12. The man first-hand the culture of the Middle tion and was an adjunct professor at shows waiting lists for charter behind the counter gave back his East. WSU in the School of Education. schools and students hoping to get in. chips and his money. Dr. Smith told her students that a Smith has been a language arts and Half of our schools should have wait - “I don’t have to pay?” Mueller high school graduate who is fluent in social studies teacher with Detroit ing lists. They don’t because we let asked. “No.” Arabic can earn up to $100,000 in for 17 years. everyone in and double-up our class The students are learning classic varied careers, including translating. “It’s important to have a visionary size. Arabic at MacDowell School, the Ara bic is one of the five world lan - principal,” Smith said of Principal first school in the district to teach guages of the United Nations along Mildred Davis. “She felt the kids We could spend our Special Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. with Chinese, Spanish, English and need a language and Arabic is a very Purpose Funds to lower classroom The program is being offered thanks French. important language nowadays. She size, giving better instruction and to risk-taking Principal Mildred Davis The MacDowell fifth- through sev - listens and she knows what’s best for and a teacher fluent in standard Arabic enth-grade students seem to be quick the kids. Now they can speak and See ELIMINATION, on Page 6 and the script language. learners, pronouncing and spelling converse.” 35356 Teachers pages:35356 Teachers pages 10/29/10 8:11 AM Page 2 Page 2 The Detroit Teacher November 2010 DFT Gains National Praise for Leading Education Reform t a time when public school dis - without receiving the coveted “Race tricts like Detroit and unions to the Top” federal funding promoted like the Detroit Federation of by the Obama administration. Teachers are being vilified in so- As AFT President Randi called documentaries like “Waiting Weingarten travels the country, she for Superman,” the DFT is gaining consistently points to the DFT as an national recognition and praise for example of teacher unions leading the embracing teacher-driven reform charge to improve the quality of edu - through collective bargaining. cation for the nation’s public school At a forum sponsored by the AFT children. President Weingarten details that brought union leaders, superin - how getting our membership to tendents and school board members embrace these reforms and make eco - together from across the country, the nomic sacrifices due to the district’s DFT was heralded as an example of a financial distress was “a heavy lift.” union that had the courage and the However, our willingness to accept that we could not improve by staying the same, challenged us to drive the President’s Report reform train rather than be run over by it. At the 54th annual Council of Photo by Steven Portnoy Great City Schools conference in DFT President Keith Johnson and Gov. Jennifer Granholm at a Royal Oak Keith Tampa, Fla., the DFT was heralded screening in October of the documentary “Waiting for Superman.” Johnson as a union willing to make a differ - ence by accepting the need to ers, rather than working with the the negotiations, you are the ones embrace reform rather than fight it. union to develop strategies to improve who are making it happen, under the During their presentations, the educational quality. most adverse conditions. Despite all superintendents from Baltimore, We were able to demonstrate that of the challenges you face, you con - vision to not only recognize that Philadelphia, Hillsboro County, Fla., you do not have to sacrifice the rights tinue to provide the best education reform was inevitable, but to seize the and Atlanta specifically referenced and benefits of teachers to initiate possible for the students in your opportunity to adopt reform initiatives Detroit as an example of the need reforms. We maintained seniority charge. that were proven successful in other, for collaboration with the union to rights, tenure, and due process rights, As I consistently tell any audience I smaller AFT locals and modify them drive education reforms. This and avoided salaries based upon stu - have before me, when you come into to fit our needs in Detroit. allowed the union to have ownership dent performance, specifically test a Detroit Public School, don’t just We were recognized for taking on of the destiny of the school district scores, as part of our contract. look at what my members are doing, this challenge despite working in a by empowering the practitioners Even Secretary of Education Arne look at what they are doing without, district that is in dire straits financial - (teachers) to make the difference in Duncan, who referred to Detroit as and still finding a way to make a dif - ly. Education reforms — like all their schools to raise student “ground zero” for the need for educa - ference in the lives and futures of our aspects of quality education — comes achievement. tional reform, has praised the DFT for students. with a price tag. Yet we are success - This was in direct contrast to the our vision to “not only embrace Thank you DFT for making our fully acting upon reforms such as strategies used by Washington D.C. change, but to lead it.” great union a shining example of Peer Assistance and Review, revamp - chancellor Michelle Rhee (who was As I accept these accolades on what we can do when we are given a ing the evaluation tool, shared deci - in attendance). Rhee attempted to behalf of the DFT, I am acutely aware voice and a choice to make education sion-making, and Priority Schools, impose punitive reforms upon teach - of the fact that while I may have led happen. Visit the New DFT Website a (ISSN 0011-9695) The Detroit Teacher is the official pub - Resounding Success lication of the Detroit Federation of Teachers, American Federation of It may be a busy highway, but you salary schedule, and The Detroit Teachers Local 231, AFL-CIO. Member of the Union Teacher Press DFT should get on it. We’re talking the Teacher. Association, Inter national Labor DFT website. Schwartz was curious how we Press Association and Michigan The DFT’s website has tons of traf - worked up such interest in our site. It Labor Press. fic. In fact, it’s the busiest website of is true that the Detroit Public Schools The Detroit Teacher is published 500 locals that are served by the AFT. are in a constant state of crisis, which monthly, except for July and August, In one month, from Sept. 6 to Oct. leads members to seek out informa - for $4 per year by The Detroit Web site 6, the DFT website — tion. In addition, DFT officials use Federation of Teachers, 2875 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202. www.dft231.com — got 29,000 page the site daily to communicate to the Periodical Postage Paid at Detroit, MI.