HomeTown COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK f%mouth (Observer Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 116 years Thursday. ^January 3, 2002 www.observemndeccentric.com 7 5 c Volume 116 Number 37 Plymouth Michigan ©2001 HomeTown Communications Network™ WTC, Booher top 2001’s stories B y Brad K adrich Staff w r ite r I M iB i
[email protected] entertainm ent ! The Mayflower project ebbed, then flowed The city and township both got Big job: Putting on a new police chiefs There was an elec tion, with all its requisite hoopla, and Broadway-style musical several successful festivals made Ply is never easy especially mouth a hopping place All of those local stones would com when dancing across the pete for the year’s top news story m a stage as Sesame Street's normal year But thanks to terronst Big B ird./B l Osama bin Laden, 2001 was no ordi nary year, and bm Laden’s destruction hundreds of miles away from here still Childhood magic: M arcy ranks as Plymouth’s top story of 2001 H e lle r F ish er; w h o h as Here’s a look at the top 10 1. The World Trade Center — No wished every child could one from Plymouth died in the tragedy, experience the magic of but it still affected everyone in ways M arshall M. Fredericks previously unimaginable Surely it will rank with other tragedies as one of sculpture like she did those questions easily answered, when growing up, has “Where were you when 9” Locals leaped to the rescue, along written a book relating with people around the country those experiences./B 1 School-age kids held fund raisers, civic groups collected money and goods and some people even made it to Ground Zero to help family members of the thpusands who died in the collapse of Comforting: S tew s, the twin towers Staff P hoto by P aul hubschmann 2.