Annual Directory of Vocal Coaches Music-makersWhether tap intoyou’re this a directory novice or to pro connect singer, with this indieone-of-a-kind labels, marketing MC list enables & promo you experts to connect and indie with publicists.experts who Plus can loads address of contact informationyour tospecial aid you needs in promoting as either youra live music singer career, or recording DIY style: artist. T-shirt The and following CD development, information hasblog been sites verified and social by the media listees. tools. ALEX VARDEN available Web: ART OF SINGING Los Angeles, CA Clients: all levels - adults and children Basic Rate: please call for info Studio City, CA 323-876-ALEX (2539), SKYPE 818-980-2840 Email:
[email protected] BOB AND CLAIRE CORFF VOICE STUDIOS Additional locations: Email:
[email protected] Web: 323-387-9267 (Bob), 323-387-9276 (Claire) Web:, Contact: Alex Varden Email:
[email protected] 105 Campbell Ave #3 Contact: Darlene Koldenhoven Basic Rate: call for rates Web: Mandeville, LA Individualized programs include comprehensive Clients: Star Search, Miss Universe, Jazz, R&B, Basic Rate: please call for info 985-674-2992 training in voice technique, vocal coaching, ear- Broadway, Pop, Opera, Country stars. 20 years Clients: Film TV & Stage Personalities, Sports training, stage/audition/studio performance, sight- experience (Europe-USA). Broadcasters 2020 Dickory Ave., Ste. 200 singing, and specialized sonic therapy to enhance the Services: All styles, levels, technique, Harahan, LA potential of the ear and voice. Private lessons in Los performance, confidence. BOB GARRETT 504-738-3050 Angeles or anywhere by Skype.