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1978 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980

1-16-1978 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 75, 1/ 16/1978 University of New Mexico

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.' The LOBO resumes daily publication with this issue. Monday, January 16, 1978 i' - ' LighterCI

! By REBEKAH SZYMANSKI women who dropped out of college a short break from school, and ! H.e also classified ''non­ increase in evening enrollment, '. to raise a family and who are back LOBO Managing Editor traditionals" as those who are transfer students from different which he attributes to non­ universities. _now that their children are grown. being readmitted after having taken traditional students and better Statistics show that college Legoza said there is also an publicity in the evening program. students across the country, in· ' The total number of students eluding those at UNM, are 51111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 t:i enrolled at UNM this semester is . registering for fewer hours, and "!C> about 20,300 to 20,400 Legoza said, "~;:'· devoting more time to parttime ~t ,(' which is a slight decrease from the ~on jobs. fall semester but up from last ••• <~ Richard Legoza, associate IBusinesses Alter Hours I spring. registrar, said UNM's enrollment "Of course it's too early to statistics reflect a national trend ~ . For the prst week of clas~es the 7_ p.m. Monday, Tuesday and their spring validation label from~ predict," he s&id, "but lhe figures toward lighter class loads among i[ihbrary anu some uf.Lhe busmes~es Wednesday -- unless business their student IDs and their fall!i are slightly up from last year at this college students. "There are more ~on ~nd off ca~pus plan to mod1fy happens to slack off. They will semester's athletic ID. The last date€ date-it's about 175 higher." parttime students enrolling," he 5the1r operat1~g ?ours to ac- return to their regular business to get an athletic ID revalidated isS Legoza said the figures could be said, "more non-traditional ~commodate the mev1(able crowds. hours on Thursday and will be open Jan. 27. After that date a$3late feeS somewhat deceiving since the students." 5 .The UNM Bookstore on campus from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on week- is charged. ~ system the registrar's office is Legoza said the number of IS­ ~w11l be open today and Tuesd~y days and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Zimmerman Library will be open5 instituting this year is more cflient year-old freshmen, registering for 5from 8 a.m. !o 7 p.m. They Will Saturdays. their regular semester hours thisS than last year's. the traditional 18-hour semester is 5return to the1r regular hours on Photo Services on campus will be week. Hours are: Monday through§ He also said freshmen enrollment steadily decreasing, while the ~Wednesday. Their regular hours are issuing and revalidating athletic IDs Thursday, 8 a.m. to midnight, 8 ijj is up by 12 per cent this semester. number of older, parttime students 5from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, 9a.m. toS The actual enrollment figures, is incre[lsing. ~ The S~udent Bookstore on 3 p.m. In order to get a revalidated 9p.m. on Saturday and JO•. a.m. to~ Legoza said, will be released during He defined "non-traditional" 5Central Will operate from 8 a.m. to athletic ID, students need to present midnight on Sunday. 5 the third week of classes. students as those who are returning Students registering this week after not having attended the ~ IUIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111!11111111111111111111111111111111 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ will be charged a late registration University for several years, such as fee of $15. Bandelier East will be open during this week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. . UNM Might Host NCAA Finals I' By TIM GALLAGHER Davis said he talked informally Division lA -the so-called "super LOBO Editor with NCAA selection committee conference." members and learned Albuquerque, The president said the decision UNM Pres(\fenLW.ilJiam E. Davis Denver and Seattle were finalists would benefit UNM in that all of said he thinks the University has "a for the site of the games. "I think the big schools would not vote '• good shot" at hosting the 1983 • we h

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Buy two Fro-Yos and get the ITfllllfiN New Hours: third of equal value for just lc 10-10 Mon-Sat (does not include toppings) fRTSO 12-7 Sun Any Large Sub (hot or cold) with COUpOn ExpiresJan.22, 1978 SUBS 2206 Central SE Coupon Valid 2pm-closing·. For outgoing orders call at Winrock University Lo·g_qjl_Q!:!§_~~~:ill I I } By way of an introduc:t!en to this weekly column, Jet , me say that I've always wanted to do this. Write a (to column, I mean. So I'm presented with the problem of "' filling this page by hitting the right combination of mechanisms of ASUNM. ASUNM, for those of you " keys, with the hope of accomplishing subject and verb unfamiliar with such, is our student government. That agreement. august body has earned the dubious appellation of PLA Y·BY-PLA Y "the circus." So there will be a lot to write about in I that respect. I don't know why subject and verb agreement is so important. Maybe they want to disagree with each I'd also like to introduce at this time my sources, all Editorial·· by D.M~ Flynn other, after all, ~hat's a constitutional right. of whom prefer anonymity so I'll use their nick names Big Red- A gumshoe from way back who recent/~ Anyway I'm supposed to introduce this column lent his name to a chewing gum, He's not from the which will appear each Monday more or less on the west, actually he's from Upper Darby, Pa., but he has I same page. been .a student here for 12 year.~. See, his groat aunt "Play by play" is not about sports. It's more of a left h1m a large, undisclosed amount of money in her Study M theatrical column. But I won't be attending any plays wi!l from ~hich he may draw large sums only while , Handicap· Snafu Editor: only highly questionable, but, at Popejoy Hall or the Albuquerque Little Theatre, he s a fullt1me student at an accredited university. Recently there was an article totally absurd. Moreover, test Then what the hell will I do• Oh, I remember. Since all Consequently Red is a very well educated man but he published regarding a study makers of such instruments (like the world's a stage and UNM is a microcosm of what never seems to fullfil/ enough requirements to authored by a professor James graduate. the CTBS) avoid the involvement of goes on in the "real" world, I figured a theatrical ~- Cooper relative to the effectiveness minority participation because they column of events that unfold here might be in· Pvt. Parts - A veteran of the armed forces Parts 00 teresting. Unwittingly, the federal govenment is making life difficult for the of bilingual education programs. claim this affects the instrument's served six dangerous years as an assistant cook 'on the handicapped people it is tryihg to help. Misleadingly, Cboper pointedly predictability factor. In sum, the front lines in Ft. Monmouth, N.J. But ihen again they may not. So I'll try to throw in conveyed various inferences that CTBS does not measure the ef­ Clarence - He's three-foot-six and weighs eight Colleges from Boston to Albuquerque are confused over federal something funny to keep up the readers' interest. Like were detrimental to bilingual fectiveness of bilingual education pounds. Clarence has been posing as a mop handle at regulations on handicapped accessibility and as a result, the han­ the guy who invented a brassiere for cows-its called dicapped are suffering. education. Amongst his con· programs. Pronto's ever since that fine eatery opened its doors scienceless and irresponsible in­ a "six·pack." Not really funny, but it fills space. BECAUSE THESE regulations are often vague and contradictory, ~w last year. He says the work is dirty but the hours are dictments, he claimed that ethnicity I see I've already gotten away from the point. What good. "They don't use me much." many colleges and universities are standing still, and we can't blame Juan Jose Nunez Martinez I'll be doing is reporting strange events and incidents them. Why should a college go through all the expense and trouble of was a minmal factor in the learning Later, ~ process of the minority. In this correcting possible violations of the regulations if they're not even sure ..• they have to• \ ~ regard, those of us who 11re ,,~'111'!1.... -,, bilingual do ·not have to be UNM Architect VanDorn Hooker is among those who are thoroughly - \,;:'""-"~._'W''«,._m. • ".~. ·~. statisticians to relize that both confused about the new regulations. Hooker is not sure if UNM is in '~ ! The ethnicity and culture are. extremely compliance with regulations concerning handrails, numbering on doors "... ANI(WAY, MR.IVONDAL£,111/lto:; B~ICAU..Y u M&AG"E Wf'D UKE Yoo ro fAK£ &CK YOIJR. fog;! II and emergency alert systems. ro important factors in the acquisition of knowledge. So while the confusion continues, the handicapped suffer. ASUNm Speakers ...... -...... ,...... ~ DOONESBURY In addition, he ~tated that Colleges do little or nothing to correct the situations because they . I bilingual education was' an inef­ don't know what to correct. And the handicapped continue to suffer s ~ /i with water fountains that are too high or bathroom doors that are too UNCle I DO!fl Irtunity for eduction that they l The ol')ly thing we require is a desire to do a good job. No ex- ~ of dollars that were being spent in deserve. i, perience is necessary, but it is helpful..i.. Spock Qnd I All we ask is that you call us before Friday noon to let us know bilingual education. In this manner, i how many will be there. Call 277-5656 and ask for the newsroom and i he attempted to mislead the reader with ! say,"lwanttoworkon.theLOBO." i ,i into worrying about the supposedly :IIIIIIIIIIIUIOIIIUIIOIIIIIIUIIIIIIOUUIUUIIUOIIU41111111UUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUUIII1111111010Ur'l serious amount of monetary waste that accompany these type of programs. In this connection, it Who's Watching Letters would appear that only a fool or a Yes, IT:S MG, highly insensitive person, or both, 'tON~? UNCU:= {J(JKe • would appear that only a fool or a IS 7HAT Wlf!IT ;s m highly insensitive person, or both, Did you know that former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was once a YO~BoYr' tJJHATs eowe ON, MAN? would deny spending money for subscriber to the New Mexico Daily LOBO• Sexy Though·ts the purpose of helping children ·Well, not exactly. But Hoover once read the LOBO with more than a I learn. passing interest. . .. Editor: Simiiarly, Cooper attempted to In the 1960s, the FBI monitored the act1v1t1es of several suspected degrade bilingual programs by Communist or "left-wing subversive" · 9roups hea~~uartere~ on the 1 had read in the Daily LOBO a sexuality survey that had ~een con­ alleging that there was lack of UNM campus. Part of that surveillance mcluded ma11ing cop1es of the ducted on campus last year. As everyone's thoughts, feelings,, and monitoring· of such programs. In LOBO to Hoover in Washington. FBI records released. re~ently und?r experiences are unique, the subject will no doublt forever re.maln an this respect, anybody who deals the Freedom of Informations Act show the FBI was qUite mterested In issue of controversy. Yet while sitting in the SUB one. morning wat­ with federal programs knows that UNM during the turbulent 1960s. ching all of the sexuality walk by, several random conclusions ?truck me the government will not spend any WE ARE CERTAIN that the FBI was only .out to protec! the best that folks are either ignorant of, take for granted, or are s1mply not money whatsoever on any interests of the country (which included watchmg all those p1n~os and honest enough with themselves and others to own ~p to. educational programs that do not reading the local college pinko rag), but we had to marvel at tbe Interest 1) Just because a woman wears shorts or a sk1mpy ?ress does not have good and periodical displayed at some incidents. . . that her legs are on display. Most often people will wear clothes monitoring activities. For instance, the records show that the local FBI off1ce sen.t Hovver ~aes~~ on considerations of comfort and the limitations of their own Accordingly, Cooper illustrated copies of an El Paso Times article about cowboys at New Mex1co .state his total ignorance with respects to demanding a spittoon in a classroom. The demand was made as a JOke. wardrobe. h · 2) 1 think it can be agreed that, at least 95 per cent oft. e tn~e, you YOU'RE /JJHAT, bilingual education when he implied LOBO articles about the infamous "Love Lust" inci~en~ and a are what you wear. Thus, women who wear jeans tha~ cling. m~e and UNCI£ {)(JK& ?.. that the major purpose behind suspected Communist on campus also caught the FBI s .Interest, tight and tops that arouse much more than just ones cunos1ty are Wet/..., TAKe IT &45Y. .. these programs was· for "main­ although we have to wonder what a lone Red and a poem using four- expressing themselves through individual freed?m but throu_gh that I .. I .. mt. M~ IUH!JT's streaming" the bilingual student letter words meant to national security. . .. I'M .. HAPPGNING .. freedom they are declaring themselves to be JUst that: a t1~ht-ass II into the American society. In TIMES HAVE CHANGED, and we don't think the FBI Is ma1lmg rhapsody in blue topped by a polyester silkscreen barely covenng the I I' essence, one of the major reasons copies of the LOBO to Washington anymore. I (finn, pointy, succulent, etc.) sensuousness of the breasts. Now, I =~ for bilingual education is to provide But maybe they are. Maybe they're sen~ing ~op!es o~ art!cles w~'ve not criticizing or requesting a change. Oh no, not I~ However, I w. the bilingual· student with the written on the subject or possibly even th1s ed1tonal Will wmd up 1n a women to be aware of how men do look at them and 1f they do not opportunity for maximizing and dossier on suspected left-wing journalists. . to be regarded thusly ... well, the initiative is of course up to the In- realizing his academic potential and eonat Probably not though. Times have changed. We're n~t as paranoid as certainly not for the purpose of we used to be. The FBI doesn't do that anymore. We thmk. dividual. h f "d t " Thi 3) Many people said that they were into sex on t e 1rs; a e · .s assimilation or anglocizing area is none my business (consenting adults and all, Y know), but It (mainl;>treaming.). seems to me that partners should be stra!ghtfo':"'a~d enough to Not being a bilingual person distinguish whether they are making love or J.ust ~n~oymg_ t.he sexual himself, and in the process, trying interaction. While the truth may be disappointing, 1t 1s def1mtely more II to cover his unfamiliarity of bilingul imo progressive and will probably lead to anenhancement of whatever type education, Cooper attempted to of relationship it may be. It should not, however, be reg~~ded as an give credibility to his distorted absolilt!(' a pexual relationship may develop into a more sp1ntual, lo~e­ findings and dysfunctional in· based\To~~ip~ and, "iJeiieve it or not, people who are i~ love ~,t;h feren.ces by stating .that his rT)ondo.Y.Feb. 6 at 8:00pm each other may develop an exciting and sat1sfy1ng sexual af~a1r. · . stati;tical data was derived from 4) For a comparatively sexually liberated area such as this, th.ere st1ll the utilization of the "Com­ LOBO editorial phone 2n-56!i6 seems to be some paranoia about one's sexual freedom be1ng ac- prehensive Test of Basic Skills" P'opejo,y Hall LOBO Editorial Staff 7l

I I ' - f! jl [ ....,s; 8,000 Off in 3 States ..0 Bus Passe·s on Sale .c Seniors and graduae students: ro The city of New York, Urban §= Fellows Program offers fellowships ...... Plane Workers Strike At Bookstore Booth with a $4,800 stipend plus travel WILDROSE 0 expenses to study in New York IRVINE, Calif. (UP!)- A strike The company manufactures the assorted issues" and the strike was .g Bus passes fo the City's Sun--Tran- bus system will go on sale this week while taking an active part in its ..:I by nearly 8,000 aerospace workers DC-10 jumbo jetliner and the DC-9 called at midnight Friday, said for the spring semester at the UNM bookstore. government. Deadline Feb. 15. Decorate Your Place ,.::. at McDonnell Douglas Corp. plants and also provides maintenance for spokesman Carl Mantyla of the ·a University 'of New Mexico students, faculty and staff may obtain their Contact Lynzee Browning, 277- 0 in California, Oklahoma and some of its older models, such as United Auto and Aerospace passes at the _Sun-Tran booth Friday, Jan. 13 and Monday through N Tapestries, Bedspreads and Rugs 4467. 0 Arkansas began Saturday after the DC-8. Workers. Wednesday, 16 to 18. The hours for the bus booth will be from 9:00a.m. Now Off Until January 21 .~. contract negotiations hit a Contract negotiations at the Both the company and the union­ to'4:00 p.m. 20o/o iJ stalemate. ::?1 Registry Hotel in Irvine «s~ailed_ on negotiators said they were willing to A university semester bus pass is $28,00 and allows for a full-time Alpaca Woolens 1fa to V2 Off resume negotiations. student unlimited rides anywhere in the Sun-Tran system during the Spring Registration is under way for ~ The union members had been Semester, A university monthly pass is good for unlimited rides during one "Writing Skills Development," to Winter Clothing Reduced 20°/o or more :z 'working without a contract since calendar month. 16 be given at the UNM Community Oct. 16, when their old pact ex­ To be eligible for the university passes, the purchaser must show to the 1'J'" pired. · College Jan. 25 through April 5, 2916 Central SE p.. bus representatives proof that he is a full-time student registered at the T})e course is designed for those IS The strike, the first against university. The university semester pass will have the student's photograph ·who wish to improve their writing. McDonnell Douglas in 20 years 266-9946 M-S 11-6 laminated onto the pass. All passes are non-transferable. Interested persons should contact affected operations at McDonnell 11-6 pm Mon-Sat Commuter bus passes will also be on sale for part-time sty dents, faculty the UNM Division of Continuing Douglas plants in Long Beach and and staff at the booths at both universities. Education, 277-2931. Compton in southe'rn California, at UNM students who have prepaid Sun-Tran for their semester bus passes ' Tulsa, Okla., and Melbourne, Ark. will be able to pick up these passes at the bus booth. Those students will be Amnesty International, USA by Need off-campus housing0 "UAW members at McDonnell required to show proper identification. Tibet, a film documentary _Group 101 will meet Tuesday night Felix Greene will be shown this Apartments, houses or rooms Douglas have been forced to strike Free bus Schedules and route information will also be available at the bus at 7:30 p.m. in the Honors Center. Friday in the SUB theater. A $1 available to re_nt. See listings at the because of the coporation's in­ booths. · All interested persons are welcome donation is requested. Dean of Students office, Mesa sistence through six months of to attend: Vista Ha111129. negotiations on take-aways on economic as well as other matters," City Homes Needed Pravda Cites Europe said Mantyla, the union - spokesman. All lee A McDonnell Douglas To House Students spokesman, Donald Hanson, said, "The U A W presented demands Albuquerque families interested She said the only requirement to U.S. Reneges Pledge . that were unreasonably costly and in serving as "hosts" for in· be a host family is "a sincere desire Still looking for a -place? MOSCOW (UP!) - The Soviet countnes m an attempt to hamper constitutes an intolerable in­ we could not attempt to meet them. ternational students who will attend to provide friendship and un­ I li Communist Party newspaper participil.tion of representatives of terference in the internal affairs of "We will continue normal· UNM this spring are being recruited derstanding for the student living I• Pravda accused the Carter- ad- the forces of the left in the western European nations." All Levi's operations to the fullest extent _ by the University of International ai;td studying in a new country." il Jl ministration Saturday of reneging governments of these countries," it Spanish Communist Party Rooms still available for spring possible," he said. Programs and Services. Among the nations which will be term Good food • maid service Edith ·Treadwell, coordinator of represented by international on its pledge to refrain from in· said. General Secretary Santiago Carillo the host family program, said students at UNM this spring are terfering in lhe internal affairs of Pravda said when the Carter said in a television interview "I pool • parking. • well maintained volunteer families are needed to Paraguay, Britain, Israel, western European countries. administration took office, it think that not only the communist Now help welcome foreign students to Rhodesia, Nigeria, Germany, In_ Madrid, the Spanish Com- pledged _that it would "not get but all political forces without • good security • mumst party also came to the nervous respect to successes of regard to their opinion on the Albuquerque. Korea and Bolivia. m "Host families do ·not provide defense of its Italian comrades and left forces in western Europe" and possible participation of com­ housing or financial aid for their accused the United States of would "respect the rights of munists in the government should - The "intolerable interference" in the european peoples to decide reject this inadmissable in· students," Treadwell said. "They affairs of western Europe. questions themselves. terference.'' do, however,· give the student ~-n i A Pravda dispatch from "The state of affairs of recent opportunity to enjoy and learn Washington reported the state months has shown that these about American family life. The department statement Thursday promises, as well as many other t program also provides a unique College that "We do not favor" communist slogans of the democratic ad­ 303Ash NE opportunity for both student and Try Italian Fatso's membership in an Italian gover- ministration, were empty," Pravda lobo t family to share customs and nment. said. Hot Roast Beef with 243-2881- cultural back11:rounds." Dr. A. Milton Garrett, assistant ' "Washington again is using open In Madrid, an official communist Cheese, mushrooms, Gravy r IDO dean of Continuing Education and political interference in the internal party communique said, "The only J2.50 regular men's I Community Services at UNM for affairs of western European U.S.) state department statement 11.70 mini 2120 Central S.E. • 243·6954 I nd ictnient the past four years, will become Career Services associate directdf of 'personnel for $chOP Dishonors UNM Feb. I, Phillip Alarid, • personnel director has announced. •') 90·.1 Garrett will succeed Bernie_ Spring Seminar j! Top Cop Sanchez, recently appointed director of affirmative action Monday Jan. 16 LYNN, Mass. (UPI)- A former Programs programs at UNM. "policeman of the year" in Lynn has been suspended from active KUNM News 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. In the personnel office, Garrett Designed to help you best duty while his burglary case goes UPI- News 1, 6, 8, and II a.m.; I will have the responsibility for through the courts. and 9 p.m. training, employee relations and utilize Career Services & to Jock Itch - sports with Andy Sgt. John P. Karuzis, 40, of Bus Passes Now On Sale campus safety, Alarid said. Nisi to at 3 p.m. Lynn, was secretly indicted this l assist you in developing job Public Affairs - "Work"· a week by an Essex County grand I. search techniques. · monthly program featuring in­ jurry. He is charged with breaking Among Garrett's duties in terviews with working people • at am! entering in the nighttime and continuing education has been the How to Get Something For Nothing: 7:30p.m. possession of burglary tools. directorship of conferences and .This Semester ••• An Introduction to What Career Services Raices y conciencia del pueblo - The indictment stemmed from a institutes. This has involved Latin music and culture with Nov. 20 break-in at a Lynn gasoline development and coordination of • Avoid The Parking Crunch. Can Do For You. Ricardo Truijillo at 9 p.m. to I station. business, industrial, and a.m. Karuzis pleaded not guilty to the educational workshops, con­ Thurs., Jan 26 2-3 pm charges this week in Lawrence ferences, short courses and training • Save Money, Time and Energy. or superior court and was released on programs. II SUN GLASS HD'OTS personal recognizance. • AITive At Class In Style. -- ·-- Ruv-Bans Phom;Chi'ome· Wed, Feb 1 2-3pm • • . 1 He was twice decorated for Gradients.MiiTors; or Polarized. Garrett came to UNM in 1971 as or bravery in connection with a 1970 an assistant professor of industrial Casey Optical Cp. . robbery arrest in which he shot and 2-3 ('ru·tt ih1or /u rmcy RPxalf Drug education. He previously had been This Week Thurs., Feb. 9 pm Lomas at Washington killed a suspect. He was named in Great Falls, Mont., where he 255-6329 . policeman of the year late in 1970. directed that state's first industrial Stop by Sun·Tran's Booth at How To Write a Successful Resume: :::; cooperative training program for The Art of Condensing Your Life History public school students. The UNM Bookstore and pick up a Bus Pass Into Two Pages During his UNM service he has To suit your needs. Fri., Feb 3 2-3 pm ENGINEERING COURSES· been closely involved with a or number of training programs FOR NON-ENGINEERS conducted by UNM in conjunction Fri. , Feb. 10 2-3 pm with local trade or industrial University Passes For Fulltime UNM Students or groups. I In response to a growing need for irrformation on II $28.00 A Semester or· $8.00 A Month Fri., Feb 2-3 pm technology, the College of Engineering is offering the ,._,..... 17 following courses for non-technical students next semester. In 1973 he was one of six UNM How to Interview For That Job & Get It! These courses are designed for students in the humanities, faculty members named out­ Commuter Passes For Faculty, Staff & Part-Time Students social sciences, arts, and education. Only a minimal standing educators in a national An Afternoon With a Professional Industrial amount of mathematics is used when needed to explain recognition program. Recruiter Complete With-Interviewing Videotapes basic principles. All courses are for 3 credit hours and $11.00 A Month graduate credit is allowed except for engineering majors. Garrett earned his bachelor's and Fri., Jan 27 2-3:30 pm Further information may be obtained from the UNM Bullitin master's degrees at the University Sun·Tran At UNM or the Engineering College Office. of Northern Co.lorado and his Woodward Hall Rm 147 doctorate at Texas A & M. Jan. 16, 17, 18 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

ALL __ SEMINARS, EXCEPT INTERVIEWING Eng 338 ·Air Management and the Environ MWF 12:00 · 12:50 UNM Bookstore SEMINAR HELD IN CAREER SERVICES Eng 350 ·Transportation and Society MWF 10:00 ·10:50 Eng 360. Computers and Society TT 3:30 · 4:45 Dl?tV ""n MESA VISTA SO., RM 2131 FOil FURTHER IN~ Call 766·7830 For lnfonnatlon Eng 380 ·Applications of Nuclear Energy TT 12:30·1:45 HAY A Y SHALOM FOR., CALL 277-2531 Eng 383 · Solar Energy Use TT 6:30 ·7:45p.m. I Eng 390 ·Technology Assessment MW MW 4:30 · 5:45 Recorded Message Phone 296·8568

' rl ' -~ rr~~~~~~!e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!

j I I ! Do.nny Kortchmar: gulto.r section

Jo.ckson Browne Group Btowne, Bonoff Pure Delight Center: Browne, Kunkel, Kortchmo.r o.nd Lindley • •••• (cont. f1om pagl' 8) ...... • concert tour, and that she was the opening night of Browne's • obviously nervous, she played a southern ~our. This was theJ>ame ..... - circuit, the pain and frustration, • .. • strong warm-up set that displayed band that recorded Running On and the ultimate joy of playing on • her songwriting talents and her Empty. They've had three months • the stage, with a wonderful version developing voice. Her vocals on off, so they had both the tightness, • • Btowne Phenomenol of "Stay" to round off a good "Someone To Lay Down Beside held over from touring last sum­ • night of music. But the audience • Me" was stronger than her mer, plus the freshness from time wanted more. From the applause, •• • recorded version . off: the best of all possible worlds . The Daily Lobo there must have been 10,000 For an opener, she drew an I don't know if my fellow reviewers • • bruised hands the next day. The right with the world. It was the included more than half of his last exceptional audience response. As will be as excessive, but I'd have to • By ROBERT SPIEGEL band came back for an un­ • most receptive audience I have seen three albums, Late For the Sky, she moved from song to song, put the performance of Jackson "We just pass the time in our precedented third encore. • in Albuquerque. The spirit and The Pretender and the recen­ someone next to me asked, "What Browne up there with the best • hotel rooms Obviously unprepared, they stood • And wander 'round backstage, energy was simply too high to be tRunning On Empty. The didn't she write?" Indeed, her concerts I've seen and that includes • around trying to decide on a song, easily contained. arrangements to the songs from the repertoire of originals was im­ the Stones in '69 and a rare per­ • • Tiff those lights come up and we then moved into "Doctor My hear thai crowd A large amount of the energy was earlier albums were more complex, pressive, and even her less· familiar formance of Paul Simon in '72-­ • and often clearer. "Adam's Eyes" with the lights on and the • coming from the band itself. songs were accessible. Though she Absol utely phenomenol. And· we remember why we crowd standing. • • came.,, Browne is touring with one of the Song," for example, was played never achieved the "larger than Karla Bonoff was a well-chosen • --1 ackson Browne, Bryan best group of musicians around. simply with Lindley's violin and life" stature of , • opening act. Considering that this Try ltallo.n Fatso's The core of the band consists of the Browne's acoustic guitar. The song her set was thoroughly enjoyable. • Garofalo, The Load Out was the opening night of her first • Section, which boasts four of the was more direct and hard-hitting Albuquerque was fortunate to be A few y.ears ago Jackson Browne Homemnde • best session musicians west of than on record. The same could be • appeared at Popejoy Hall equally Big Brownies • • billed with . They Nashville: Russell Kunkel, whose said for most of Browne's reper­ toire. only 40c Select group • • were on tour to promote their drums could be felt even in the respective albums Don't Cry Now distant seats; on bass; When Browne first started • • guitarist Danny Kortchmar, whose recording, his voice was ap­ of and Browne's second album, For Jewelry • • Everyman. I was familiar with song "Shaky Town" was one of the propriate, but lacked strength. • • • Browne's music, and I went many highlights of the night; and Since then, with voice lessons 0 • primarily to see him. I expected a Craig Doerge on piano and organ. behind him, he has overcome the ; 20°/o to 50· /o • weak spots in his vocals. He now quiet, "mellow" singer-songwriter Doerge's piano piece at the end of • "The Fuse" was worth the price of manages to maintain tight control I off regular prices • who would interpret his songs with I • • • the sensitive, personal approach of admission. without sounding forced or con­ ' Each piece features quality and • • a or a J oni Mitchell . Along with the Section, the band trived. He never uses "techniques" design, along with superb • That was 1973; he was sensitive and included Rosemary Butler and to feign emotions if they aren't in savings. Visit Zales today! • Doug Haywood adding impeccable the song naturally, yet his voice • he was personal, more so than I • • expected, even in the early '70's, back-up vocals. Haywood has been. never fails him when the lyrics call You can learn Spanish Charge it! • • but I never expected the excellent, singing behind Browne since his for strength. Though the sound is or French or ... Call: Open a Zales account or use Cominq • hard-edged rock and roll he per­ first album. And, of course David now well-controlled, there is still a one of five nationa'l credit plans • feeling of spontaneity, surprise and formed that night. Lindley played guitar, fiddle and Zales Re-volvmg Charge • Zale, ('u.,tom t'hMgt• • pedal steel. Lindley's lead work has emotional intensity in the music. VISA •;trr Chargr • F.xpn•c,t,. • In the last five years, Browne has ALBUQUERQUE Omcr~ Club • Carte Blanche • LayawJv • • built quite a reputation for his live helped create the identifiable sound His concert seemed special, not Tuesday 211 merely a well-produced, finely­ • Jan. • shows. Last. Wednesday at the in Jackson Browne's music. He has LANGUAGE Civic Auditorium, he more than become a fixture, perhaps a made package accurately aimed to • satisfy the concert hall market. ZA.LES • necessity, in Browne's music. And lived up to his press releases. For INSTITUTE • his playing Wednesday was letter The last song of the night was The Diamond Store • Weekly Winners the first time in my experience, the 304C San Pablo SE Sale prices ertcctwc nn selcdi'd mt•nhu11dto;t• }.nlm• <,hlrk • • Civic actually sounded good, and I perfect. slated to be "The Load Out," a nt1t mdudcd m thl'> o;alc Ongm,ll pnn.• t,,};., Glluwn \,n t'VNV didn't think it was possible. Of There was very little that Jackson song about travelling on the concert 266-1600 item All Hem<; subJNf to pnur -.ale lft>mo, Jl!u'itr.llcd nnl • • necessanly those on .-,ale IIJuo,tratron., l'nl.ugcd. • lst Place .. $25 Gift Certificate • course, it helps when the band Browne didn't cover. The show arrives two days early to rehearse • 2nd Place .. $15 Gift Certificate • and mix the sound . • • From the opening chords of • 3rd Place .. $5 Gift Certificate • "Take It Easy," Browne com­ • manded the sell-out audience. In • two hours he treated the crowd with Something New at the • • selections from all five of his •••••••••••••••••••••••• • albums, and for that time, all was TioVivo ~Mtollillfoif~ifO·o'fiiifilo1i1iOooo~·Mm lfll M6ilolf6-o'o ooo oo o ooo~o oo moo oo lfO o·onooo oil'oo~ olfO oi\"611 66-oo ~n jjif~oo ·uo if61i§ I We're Stripping the store.·of Winter Clothes ~ The Tio Vivo now features an Bonoff on mo.lden tour ~ "'""""'"'~""'""""""'"m""'"'"""'"""""""''"'""" ~ Omelet Bar with fresh omelets coo~ed to your order with your I SALE ¥3-lh off gj ~~VJJ ,';.e9'~cea ... choice of toppings. OPTICIAN~, ef.s0s I Next to the sweet shop. I I ~.,- o ~ ~ ...... ·~\0 I , •0f.s ~~ Welcome Back I Welcome Baek ci'Q\~ New location to service UNM ~~es 1001 Tijeras N.E. 247-3668 I TheTioVivo main level, New Mexico Union 1631 Eubank N.E. 293-4508 I hours: 7:00~7:15 M~Th ~ gfGFl of. t~GJ f?.flffiP.BRBD ffi.flrDEif! J . .· 511 Wyoming N.E. 265:3667 ~ 7:00-5:00 F 1:g 2937 Monte Vi~;tu N.l·:. .... ·. 4523 4th N.W. 345-5301 • ~ (on lhc lrianglc) 8:00-2:00 Sat ' ~Jll0Ql9900QOJl0JlQQQOOQQJLQ(JQQ.QQO.QOOJJQQOQQOOOOQ90VOVOOQOQ(JQ(JOOOQOOOJlOQQ9.99QQQ990Q(JQ.QQ~0900000.0Q(JQQOOQQQ~ Kalla Bon off, supreme songwriter ··e=~ =k- .~Ja·iji -·· ..


I • , ·' . ,.·-.;.· •..-;£ ·-.. ~~·-·:tjf~ 1\Jo·'~·-~~:t:~ .. i j I · Quintet Shines for Last Time ART'·s The Jazz is Hot in Getmc.\ny The album leads off with ''Mach • Live in Munich/ & Mel "Black, ~rown and Beige" Suite) is ll,'' featuring an exceptional By .JANE QUESNEL Introduced as the creators of soft of the piece, and interwoven with Lewis/A&M Horizon SP-714 the opemng cut, followed by a 16- and mellow sounds, the Quintet Shearing's classically-bent style, it SAKE By JANE QUESNEL soprano sax solo by section leader minute version of Jones' "Central Few who attended the George Jerry Dodgion. "A' That's opened up with a swinging first set. became a number worthy of any If i~'s hot jazz, and it's Europe, Park North." Although Jones Shearing Quintet concert at the Freedom" and "Morn in' The Quintet worked easily concert stage. then 1t must be Munich. It is solos on cornet in his own work ~ First United Methodist Church Reverend" wrap up side one with together, Shearing holding the reins His next arrangement, Shearing strictly the "in" place to be as far D?dgion almost outclasses hi~ o realized they were witnessing its fine improvisations by pianist with a master's grip. Solos rotated, confessed, was inspired by a gig at as jazz is concerned. With. a?other outstanding im­ o farewell performance in the South­ and tenor u and while drummer Jones was Disneyworld 18 months ago. The Opinion By The Domicile Club in Munich provisation. '>( 'WCSl. ·saxophonist Gregory Herbert ;2: Now in its 39th year, the short-changed, the other men had inspiration was evident as his played host to the Thad Jones and . All in all, this is one of the best "' version of ''Love Story" dissolved respectively. · ' ~ Quintet's founder is the only ample opportunity to prove their George ·Gesnet personnel in the con­ Jazz albums to cross record I It seems they saved the best for deft and capable handling of their into the theme of Bach's "Jesu, Joy cluding weeks of their 1976 counters in the last few month~ z remaining member of the original last however. Duke Ellington's group. Appearing with Shearing instruments, although with perhaps of Man's Desiring" in the one 1 European tour. The result is a live and certainly should be checked out 0 I "Come Sunday"(the only jazz - were Ron Combes on vibes, Chris not as much improvisational hand, and interchangeably in the ' ' album that practically brings the by any jazz buff. other with "Mickey Mouse Music officials 'around the competence and ineffectiveness .. club date into your living room. standard to survive from the classic ~ Amberger on bass, Rusty Jones on freedom as might have been lI P.. drums and Rob Whitsitt on guitar. desired. March," "It's A Sp1all, Small country have called the Popular But, those problems could be easily :g- Following the .first set, Shearing World" and "When You Wish Entertainment Committee(PEC), remedied if the committee solicited Sheatlng 00 t..y.eglasses or Contact-Lenses dismissed the group to take center Upon A Star." .,~. potentially "the most powerful groups, record companies and Although Shearing is not a (cont. frorrJ po.g• 10) One day 'si:rvice, quality and stage for an extended solo spot. organization on campus," yet the promoters. vocalist, he was first influenced to committee suffer.ed a dismal The University has three musical Titanic Uplifting · stvle at ~sonable cost Having been requested to play a LOBO photo by Phyllis M, Kushner he had to turn down for a more sing by Stephen Sondheim's "Send semester last fall and the fault in · facilities available to them, in­ · · C~sey Optical Co. selection from the Quintet's book practical money-making venture of of newly-harmonized hymns, in the Clowns." For his audience most· circumstances lies with the eluding the acoustically-sound Raise The Titanic/Clive . Pa~ing close attention to playing in London pubs. (\'t'l/ door {u CQ.H'!I"finiiJIIJrt4J!./ he sang another haunting number committee itself. Popejoy Hall, the University Arena Shearing played "Amazing Cussler I Bantam Books, Oct. 771 hJs.toncal . ~etail, Clive Cussler H?wever, his interest in classical Lomas at Washington by Sondheim, "I Remember;" Grace." The intricate. harmonies The PEC brought in only three with 15,000 concert seats, and $1,15 pam.ts a VIVId portrait of the actual mus1c has never waned, and over 255-63 Shearing's voice had a soothing, only added to the simplistic_ charm concerts last semester, Grateful Johnson Gym. They also have the By JANE QUESNEL st.nkm~ of the great ship, and then the years he has appeared with hushed quality, producing a quiet, Dead (Oct.7), War (Oct.14) and football stadium for outdoor Politi~s, international espionage vtsuahzes the ghost-like, trium­ many symphonies as a classical mellow effect. (Nov.20); which left a concerts. Touring acts would and manne archaeology provide the ph~nt conclusion of the Titanic's soloist. It is precisely thi> passion Shearing closed the first half of TimE CHANGE musical hunger for many students, definitely prefer these places to the hackgro~nd ~or a well-paced maiden voyage with her arrival in for the classics which has brought the program with his own variation· who often found it necessary to other soundtraps in town. Yet PEC mystery m wh1ch everyone is in­ New York h~rbor 76 years after her an . end to the George Sbearing ·VIsion For Artists-Art 493-593 of "Greensleeves." From a simple travel to Golden, Las Cruces, El makes excuses for themselves by vol~ed, from the President of the departure. Qumtet, as Shearing will devote To.ught B_y Dr. Robert mel3dy at the start, the variations Paso, Denver or Phoenix to see a crying that the "supreme" group blasts out with the rock 'n' Umted States to top-ranking Soviet Cussler weaves his story more time to expanding his classical grew into a m~jestic, soaring concert. Ellenberger uses the Arena all Compiled By GEORGE GESNER Tues.-Thurs. 8-9:15 Am in Art 143 roll at Alfalfa's this week. officials. masterfully, never allowing the repertoire. arrangement. All three groups were returning through the day and all through the As Is: Filling out the entertainment Set in 1987, this ~~lion-packed complex threads to become too As the old saying goes "all good The course relo.tes the mecho.nisms of humo.n vision to the visuo.l Returning after intermission, the acts to the city as well. Tower of night or countering with such M:ade _in the Shade: For an easy­ bill at the Establishment in novel ranges from a staged mining tangled or too far apart. The things must come to an ~nd. '' So it o.rts, o.nd is open to o.rtlsts. photogro.phers. and o.ll Interested Quintet opened with a rousing Power, who backed up War, was statements as "we don't think that hstenmg group, this band can Montgomery Plaza, this jazz-rock accident in the Colorado Rockies in ~echnology is believable, and more is with the George Shearing Quintet students. version of" Anitra's Dance," from brought in only three months after group would sell." Since when has really cook. The enchanting group states their musical in­ 19 I I to the final salvage and lm~ortantly, so are the characters. whose s.tyle has remained stub­ ART 493-Sec, 003 bglatratlon Call No. 4551 Edvard Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite. a concert they headlined in the PEC members become musical Don.n~ Stark fronts a fine group of quite clearly. They play it r~covery of the sunken R.M.S. J?_at~e the Titanic is a fine piece of bornly and distinctly that of its· ART 593-Sec. 005 Registration Call No. 4552 Shearing later took center stage mus1c1ans that include Sid Fen­ te~ti?ns summer. One can not fall back on experts. It seems to me that they as It IS. Tttanic in I 988. fJctlo~, and worthy of further founder. For more informo.tlon co.ll 268-9207 to solo on "My Funny Valentine" the laurels of bringing such big acts. are just scared to make a com­ dley, Scott Brown and Scott attentwn. and "What Kind of Fool Am 1," The committee must bring them in mitment. Sutherland. The group is settling , wrapping up the afternoon with a consistently. For a campus this Instead, PEC is content to put 90 down at the new night spot in town vocal rendition of "I Remember large, concerts should be coming in percent of their time into the at the Winrock Center, Turn· O' You" as an encore. every two weeks and not every two Subway Station where the com­ The Century. Come Hear President Despite the short length of time months. mittee loses money weekly by Cascabel: If you like to dance while It's time to ski tour and the members of the quintet have Apparently, PEC likes the glory, booking local groups for the watching the planes take off and worked with Shearing, they per­ but it doesn't like to put the work weekend. Now, the Station isn't a land and enjoy the Latin sounds as .JIMMY CARTER formed as a tight,, cohesive and into it. There is supposedly a "no bad idea, but booking local groups well as Top 40, this group will be productive unit. After the concert soliciting" policy that the com" is easy. One person out 'Of the taking off at the Airport Marina. Mountains and Rivers has everything you discuss the Panama Canal treaties it was sensed that they were all mittee follows, kind of a "call us, seven-member committee could Traveller: It could be the band that sorry to see the group break up. we won't call you'! philosophy, as handle the local business leaving six made Albuquerque famous. Hard­ ' I via telephone at the UNM Student Although congenitally blind, PEC members sit by their phones people to handle what is supposed edged rock numbers interwoven Union Ballroom Shearing is one of the most hard­ and wait for a call. In any daily to be PEC's major function. with soul, jazz, r&b and pop as .need. working musicians of our time. situation, many people have After all, PEC owes it to the well as a healthy supply of 7P.M. January 17 English by birth, his talent won him learmid that if you want something, students and the local community originals make up for ·an en­ , many musical scholarships which you have to go out and get it; it to put in an all-out effort to bring tertaining evening. If you're from start••• stranded in the open seas of Fogg's (cont. on page 11) won't just come to you on a silver big 'names as well as the lesser­ platter. known groups. PEC doesn't exist 1 Bar in Albuquerque Inn you may I' have your close encounter of the HELP SHAPE Last semester, the PEC had a to make a profit, but to offer a ' ' Our first free cross-country ski clinic will be Friday Traveller kind. The union suit! chance for many big name artists, valuable service. l()eccmber 16 (in·storc clinic) and Sunday December 18 but they never contacted the record -There are only two ways the PEC Soundstage: Featuring the voice Fun, but practical snow clinic). * PANAMA CANAL companies or management. Acts can redeem itself from previous that dares to challenge Sinatra thermal underwe­ ar. Soft and warm l;riday we'll see the terrific movie Skinnv Skiis and such as Steve Miller Band, Com- years of disappointment; I) Take this group plays the best in funk ~ iscdss wa;ing, fiberglass vs. wood, consiructio;i, etc. POLICY and boogie at the Bolero Lounge to keep out win­ mod ores, Earth Wind & Fire, Styx, on a policy of seeking out en­ ter's cold. Traffic un ay we 11 teach you basic technique in the morning Kansas, Hall & Oates, Foreigner, tertainment by soliciting the in the Hilton Hotel. and ski off for a tour in the afternoon. Come in and reserve Amistad: Variety is the dance of stopping Red. your skiis now! Also on the program to debate the Pure Prairie League, Dolly Parton, groups, contacting promoters, Unisex sizes XS­ Yes, Rod- Stewart, Alpha Band, standing up to opposing forces and Life at the Bird of Paradise on issue: Senator Harrison Schmitt, Gibson Blvd. XL .. 319.15 • , Rush, Randy Newman, simply doing what the PEC was As is, but sub. Ambassador David Popper, Professor Steve Martin, Heatwave, chartered to do or 2) a change in Westwind: Flying in on the wings of rock'n'roll this band marks its dates - Friday, 1\Vhenr,------you decide it's time to b•ty yo.;';...7t'';k'll;-;;;-~n1 Emotions, Doobie Bros., Steely staff. In most political affairs and 1 27 and, Sat. lapply a weekend's rental fee to the cost of ~our skll Pedro David, Professor Marshall debut by breezing in on the Friar's an. * Dan, Heart, A WB and Ted Nugent that includes sports ,music, and 28. Pub. Jan. !packages you get really great savings! Come let us helpl Nason, and news media panelists. to riame a few, were on tour and student government, if someone lyou choose the ski that's perfect__ for .,.. you. ______I some even expressed interest in doesn't do their job, someone finds Ozone Express: This progressive Sponsored by UNM Continuing Education coming, but were never contacted. oneself looking for one. country rock group takes time out ------J and UNM Latin American Center PEC is suffering from in- from the ozone to drop by the Geocge Sheaclng Headquarters on Central. Watch for a bandstand interview with the - Directory group this Thursday. • • • • • • • • • • • • Out of the Blue: Not exactly from • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• The Rio Grande Writers . the ozone, but these guys play a • • • Day touring Package • • Ski tourin Cl h · • Rental Rates w k ' w ' ••• IlossJgnol Ca

Paid Advertisement NM Spins Out of Control CAB Wants Policies PIRG z Before New Fares ... ":!! WASHINGTON (UPI) - Cut rate air fares on round-trip flights will be 5 Die., in Plane Crash allowed by the Civil Aeronautics board if U.S. carriers ensure customers are not penalized for violating conditions of the ~0 per cent discounts. Supply, about 25 miles southwest 277-2757 January 1978 SUPPLY, N.C. (UP!)- A navy Administration spokesman said the "Our sole concern is not with the fare itself, but with one of the con­ anti-submarine plane spun out of pilot of the plane, en route from the of Wilmington. ditions attached to it, which could work an extreme hardship on the un­ control and crashed near a highway aircraft carrier Kennedy, declared The plane crashed less than eight suspecting consumer," the CAB said in a recent order. in a southesatern North Carolina an emergency around 2 p.m. and minutes later just off North The board signaled a willingness to experiment with so drastic a cut-rate town Saturday afternoon, killing all told controllers in Jacksonville, Carolina 211, scattering wreckage fare following Braniff International's proposed "home free" tickets - five crewmen aboard. Fla., "He was in an uncontrollable for about two hundred yards in all travel to and from a destination for the normal price of a one-way flight. Nuclear Waste In New Mexico A Federal Aviation spin" as he passed near the town of directions, and caught fire. Part of Braniff wanted to inaugurate the .50 percent discount fares Feb. I.-other the fuselage lay on the road, of­ A newsletter for citizens opposed people who question the safety of cording to federal officials. Both airlines vowed to match the Braniff proposal. New Mexico senators now plan to ficials said. The CAB rejected Braniff's initial proposal. Consumers·might be un­ to dumping nuclear waste in New bringing these hazardous wastes hold congressional hearings next fairly penalized under the airline's plans to refuse any refund to most Mexico has been started with the into New Mexico. help of PlRG. La Lucha Nuclear The newsletter is published year on the issue- Domcnici on the The bodies of the victims, who· travelers who canceled their reservations 14 days or less before scheduled (the nuclear struggle) is printing its monthly by a group of volunteers. DOE's plans for waste disposal were not immediately identified, departure, the board noted. near Carlsbad and Schmitt on the "Innovative low-fare proposals like this one are what we are attempting. third issue this month to keep New It is supported by donations and the were taken to a local h~pital. possible technical alternatives to to encourage however, we are prepared, to revoke this suspension (of the Mexicans informed about the plans $1.00 subscription price. To deep land disposal of radioactive fare proposal) for carriers who convince us that the proposed cancellation to bury radioactive waste in our subscibe wirte to La Lucha Highway Patrol Sgt. J.B. Stewart charge, or some modification of or alternative to it, is reasonable... " the state. Nuclear, P.O. Box 4524, City, wastes. said 'the bodies were found in the Organized last fall with the help '87106. The Environmental CAB stated. Improvement Agency has notified ·wreckage. The board said it agreed with the need for stiff conditions and penalities of Jim Feeney, PIRG science In other nuclear waste news the Chem-Nuclear Systems Inc. that a to prevent travelers from abusing the "home free" fare- a fare designed researcher, the newsletter is U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) has groundwater discharge plan will be to lure new passengers to specific markets rather than to div.ert traffic from designed to give up-to-date announced that it is upgrading the \ "When it came down, it caught proposed Carlsbad site from a low­ required for the firms proposed developments of the two proposed fire and burned. There's very little other routes or airlines. disposal site near Cimarron. The CAB emphasized the conditions must be fair. nuclear waste burial grounds: the level to a high-level nudear waste · of the plane left. There are small Because some "critical" in­ Braniff had proposed a number of conditions: A minimum trip length of federal governments high-level repository. This has prompted pieces of debris scattered all over formation is lacking in the Chem­ six days, a maximum length of 30 days, reservations and ticketing 14 to.45 waste site near Carlsbad, and protest from our congressmen and the area," said Stewart. Nuclear application, the agency's days before departure, a capacity limit of 20 per cent of the coach seats on Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. low­ the general public. The change in water quality division recom­ any route and a bail on refunds for cancellations or schedule changes leve1 waste site near Cimarron. The plans will considerably increase the mended that the company be Authorities said (he plane, which within two weeks of departure unless they resulted from illness or death in dangers posed by these two projects risks posed by this site. It will also Open Letter To filed a flight plan with Washington· are discussed in articles written by delay the planned construction required to file a discharge plan the traveler's immediate family. before a license can be granted. UNM Students area controllers, was headed for The board said airlines must include steps to make sure travelers are knowledgeable scientists and lay timetable by at least one year ac- Cecil Naval Air Station at "fully informed of the cancellation penalty, its exact amount and the As the second semester Jacksonville when it reported precise way it would be accomplished," it said assuring such understanding begins, we are printing this newsletter to say "Thank )"eu having trouble at 30,000 feet. might be difficult. "We need to know exactly what steps each carrier has taken to ac­ Course Cr~dit With NMPIRG for your support--here is what you have enabled us to do." The crash site was sealed off by complish this," the board said. UNM students may now earn up to 3 hours credit for working on "In addition, before approving this fare, we would want the carriers to You will see that NMPIRG is , local authorities so navy in­ an original or PIRG-sponsored project. The program, beginning - explore the advisability of allowing the person holding the home free ticket active in many different ares, vestigators could examine the spring semester 1978, will allow students to work under the " to resell it to avoid the penalty if for some reason the trip can not be reflecting the wide variety of wreckage. supervision of a faculty member interested in the project or a interests among the students made." NMPIRG staff member. Credit will be given in ·relation to the who make up our Board of amount of work done by the student. The course will be graded on a Directors, the staff and the The twin-engine plane, dubbed CR/NC basis only. This will not count against the CR/NC course 'student body at large. But with the "Hawkeye" by the navy, 'Saddle Pal' Rogers limit for the semester. the start of the new term we ask, carries a large radar dish atop the Students are urged to develop their own projects. In addition, are these the things you want us liCKflS 56 ADVANCE $7 DAY OF SHOW fuselage. It is a turboprob craft PIRG-sponsored projects offer a wide range of research topics: to do• If so, let us know - good Tickr>l~ now 011 5ale at th(' lollowinq Tirkctr110Sier rontputon7Cd olliros • manufactured .-by Grumman Has Heart Surgery .Suggested Projects: news is always welcome. But if Tho GENERAL STORE 111·A Harvard SE and 81 1'1 Aviation and is used to search for w-Write pamphlets on the effect of nuclear waste disposal in not, let us k,now too - con­ MC"naul NE l,P. GOODBUV Eubank and submarines, authorities said. TORRENCE, Calif. (UPI)- Singing domg qmte well. Cnndc>lorio and 3701 Cc>ntral NE H. COOK The star's wife, Dale Evans, was New Mexico structive criticism and debate SPORTING GOQOS Winro{~ (£>t1IN UNM cowboy actor Roy Rogers, 66, ~r-Work on the nuclear waste newsletter, La Lucha Nuclear, build a strong, healthy STUDENT UNION and POPEJOY HAll at the Little Company ·of Mary New PIRG Guides Cut Heating Costs underwent open heart surgery doing writing, art work, lay out or typing organization. Hospital when the surgery was Saturday and was reported doing Investigative Projects . One more thing - we are performed. quite well. w-Where the pension funds of State of New Mexico employees particularly pleased that There was no date set for Rogers' In an effort to conserve energy this winter many people will turn The operation was a triple bypass students can now get credit for release but a hospital spokesman are invested to the fireplace. But according to a consumer guide, published by to relieve a blocked artery. w-Who owes delinquent taxes in New Mexico working with NMPIRG. Take said a hospitalization period of I 0 PIRG, improper operation of a fireplace can cause the heating bill to The attending physician, Dr. w-The record industry - production, distribution, corporate advantage of this opportunity to to 14 days is normal for patients go up instead of down. George Broder, said Rogers has a control, why do mass produced items cost so much Efficient use of a fireplace is one of the many subjects covered in become an active consumer, and very strong heart and added he is recovering from such surgery. -ti-Who owns the local media Heating with Firewood which was published this fall by PIRG. an active part of NMPIRG. w-F:ood industries in New Mexico- chili, dairies, apples "Wood's popularity is soaring with the rising price of gas and Let us hear from you. Stop by USED BOOKS w -Clothing in Albuquerque- where are they made, wages, what our office. We arc your UNM electricity. Our guide will help the new wood user avoid costly is the price mark-up organization. Continuing mistakes." said Jim Feeney, PIRG science researcher. Consumer Projects The pamphlet offers suggestions on how to get the most for your Signed, WE'VE GOT'Effi! Education w -Investigation of and guide to utilities money when buying or cutting your own wood. It also offers in­ Board of Directors Community College w -Employment agency practices formtion on how to avoid fire hazards in chimneys, on the ef­ Lila Bird SAVE 25% BY w -Auto warranty services and costs Spring 1978 ficiencies of wood stoves and on wood burning in general. Jack Fortner PURCHASING USED TEXTBOOKS Community Projects Another PIRO consumer guide will help you keep those fuel bills Susan Larsen, Chairperson Non-Credit Course Schedule Community Services Guides down too. Winter Home Energy Conservation by PIRG researcher Mark Liebendorfer *-Transportation David Miller offers many low cost tips on how to save money and Robert Roibal Accounting Principles Individual Income Tax Return.-. *-Elderly Services Ruth Silver AQ.pbc Design and Construction Indoor Plants energy. America on Film Investing in the Modern Securities Market w-Food and Shelter Suggestions are given on weatherstripping, furnace maintenance, Norman Todd American Literature Jazz Dancing w-Others Matthew Trujillo Appraising Jewelry Making how to deal with insulation contractors, water heaters and general Arabic Landscape Painting Pamphlets describing these projects in more detail are available at winterizing of your home. Most of these suggestions are basically Staff Archeology of Southwest Legislators, Lobbyisl'i and Laws the SUB information booth and at the PIRG office, 139 Harvard The Art of Flamenco Motorq·de Maintenance affordable to the renter or low-income homeowner. Debra Grabowski The Art of Living Nalurc-Wildlire PhoiOgraphy S.E. You may choose any of them or devise one of your own. So, if These two consumer guides are free to UNM students and David Miller Automobile Maintenance Navajo ll you are interested in earning credit while learning research skills, Bagpipes New Mexico'~ Litcratura Cosmica otherwise cost 25 cents each. You can pick up Heating With Richard Moore Ballroom Dancing l, If Non-Loom Weaving communnity involvement, and working on an interesting project, firewood and Winter Home Energy Conservation at the NMPIRG Betsey Remage-Healey, Director Barbecue at a Bargain North Valley J>hy.~ical Fitncs~ Program call the NMPIRG office for more information and registration Ba~ic Handtool Carpentry 011 Technique.'> office at I 39 Harvard SE. Bookkeeping Opera in Albttqucrquc and Santa Fe procedures. Bodymiml: Wholistic Hcahh artd Fitness Oriental Cooking ORE Body Movement . Outdoor Oardenlng UDENT Boxing Fundamentals Painting, Begirmit1g Breadmaking Today Parliamentary Procedure Bric.lgc Patchw(1rk and Quilling Bru~h·tlp Math Perc;onal Money Management (Across·from UNm) The llu~incss Cycle Photography fundamentals Buying·a Motorcycle Phy~ical Fitness Program ror Adult.~ Calligraphy Pittno Canc:cr Plumbing a,nd Electrical Repairs Ceramic~, lle~inning Prorc~siona! Arti<:.t~' Sh1dioTour.'i • Expo.nded Art o.nd Engineering suppl,y deportment Ccrtiricd Professional Secretary Review II Puppetry and S1ory-Tcl!ing The Challenge of Change Recon.lcr • Reference books, best sellers. plus over 5000 Chinc~e Hru~h SPainting Sailing in New Mexico Commtmil:ativc Skills for Managers Scuba Divi!lg titles o.nd genero.l interest books and Supcrvi~ors Small foreign Car Maintenance C'mlleltlporary Basketry Snow~}H)cing Cookinv; in the Jewish Tradition Solar Energy in the Home • Complete selection of officio.l UNm textbooks Crctttivc Writing: Journals Spani~h 1, II, II I, IV, V Cro'l<; Colintry Skiirtg 11 II Speed Rcadi11g Working With the Media • Co.lculo.tors. Ho.llmo.rk co.rds, o.nd gift items priced for the Drnpcric~ forlhc Hom(! Spring RunnffTrotll f'ic,hing Drc~:~m~ Square Oandng students' budget Dynamics of Bmine.~s and St;~lned ( Work~hop On Nov. 2 to Nov. 9 PlRG held two workshops for community and Ptofc~~it~nal Spc-akirtg The St nry of Albuquerque Embroidery: A New Approach Survey of" the l~ible, Par! 1: The Old TeM Tcrti1thm: Can It Be Slopped? Led by Rena Kaiser, UNM senior, the first workshop discussed: O.ln 1-rcchrmd Drawing Theatre~· II~ V:uiou~ Forms •What the.reporter's job is mondo.,y. 8:30 til7 pm French II 'thl" Busir1es~ of Uest.~c11crs Tuesdo.,y. 8:30 o.m til7 pm Gl!rman 11 ·rrucilll!. your Family 'Tree • How to make and keep media contacts Golf Writing Review •Preparing a news conference Wednesdo.,y. 8:30 o.m til6:30 pm Gnvcttihl~tlt Co11li"llc[ Admini'>lration I, II Wc<~vingsnnd Wallhanging!; 1, II Cirapl! Growing i11 New Mcxic.:(1 Weight Reduction • •Dealing with reporters Orcck 11 Welding Regulo.r Store Hours: Harmonica Winter Trout Fishing ltl New Mexico •Publicity strategies ·mondo.,y thru Frido.,y. 9 o.m til5:30 pm Hi~foty bf New Mc1dco Wo111cn nnd Health News directors and reporters from TV, radio and the press came to the nhd the Southwc~l, 1821~Prl.!scl1f Worn en in IJusincss Ownership second session and presented their views of how to work efffectively with ~ So.turdo.,y, 10 o.m til 5:00 pm Homt" Mainlcn::tnccBa<;lcs Woodworking Hors

Paid Advertisement Senators Test • • • More NCAA NORML Highlights Feeney Farewell PIRG Classes Offered As of January, Jim Feeney, Through the Undergraduate (cont. from page 1) drops the final two requirements if about the attendance requirement. on the decriminalization of Torrijos.' Ability This past October, when· staff scientist and author of the Seminar Program (ASP) a class on a school supports 12 men's sports. "There were only about two or NORML (National Organization marijuana in the city. Within the 60 solar energy was taught by PIRG Another requirement is that each three other schools who qualified day period (Oct. 5-Dec. 5), 6935 Renter's Guide and the Guide to for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) staff member Jim Feeney. Sixteen attendance of 17,000 at football lA school must play at least half of that had lower attendance figures signatures were collected. Upon Heating with Firewood has announced its campaign to bring moved ·on - to Bridgers and students participated in the course. To Alter Treaty games and a stadium that seats its schedule against other lA then we did," he said. "We just final count, though only 2364 were the decriminalization of marijuana Paxton, an outstanding Discussion, guest speakers, and 30,000. To allow other schools in, schools. made the 17,000 last year and we'll before Albuquerque 'voters, its valid. · field trips focused upon the understanding, statement or an amendment was passed that Davis said he is a little worried have to work on it." However, because of the Albuque~que firm that designs • W ASHlNGTON (UP!) - Six . student. organizers asked NMPIRG problems of an economy based on declaration. He said form was less initiative drive, the mayor is going solar heating systems. With his members of the Senate Fot·eign for support. NMPIRG responded departure, NMPIRG loses our non-renewable fossil fuels. The important than substance. by providing office space, a to appoint a special committee to Relations Committee this week will · most ardent crusader against course emphasized solar energy as try to gauge just how flexible Brig. Sparkman, who expects to telephone, staff back up, voter study the issue. The committee will the best energy resource we have manage the treaties through the make recommendations to the city nuclear waste disposal, as well as Gen. Omar Torrijos can be in registration (required to become today and in the future. senate debate, told UP! he thought council who may then either take · the teacher of an acclaimed modifying the Panama Canal eligible to sign NORML petitions), course on solar energy in the This semester another PIRG staff·· the Foreign Relations Committee direct action or put the issue on the treaties,' a senate source said and the printing of thousands of Undergraduate Seminar member. will teach in the USP. would propose an initial way of _, ballot. YO\lr input to this project is Saturday. ""00 petitjons. Program. Thanks, and Best of David Miller is offering a course on amending the treaties during its important so let the mayor and city "We will be trying to gauge what The goal was to collect the luck, Jim! agribusiness (the corporate control "mark-up" session. The com­ signatures of 5,633 registered council know your feelings on this the General can take," the source \ of agriculture). Discussion will said. mittee's final scrutiny of treaty Albuquerque voters on petitions issue! focus on multinational corporate language begins Jan. 26. calling for a special election to vote The senators plan to go to farmers such as General Foods, P.anama City early Tuesday and There seems little inclination in U It.derg:iaduate Studettts BoyCott Coors Nestle, and Coca-Cola. The course the senate to make the change by an . return home late Wednesday. Their will emphasize the complex departure originally was set for exchange of diplomatic notes - a In November, the NMPIRG Results are encouraging. On the relationship between this new Sunday, but the trip was delayed method considered less binding Board of Directors endorsed the stock market, Coors class B stock "global supermarket" and star­ and shortened so they could attend than treaty language. boycott of Coors Beer. The main has just dropped from $36/share to vation in Third World countries.· funeral services for Sen. Hubert Any major alteration in the issue is not wages but human rights. $12/share. A third of the work The textbook will be Food First! Humphrey. treaties would require the changes The National Labor Relations force has been laid off at the (1977) by Frances Moore Lappe. If The delegation, headed by to be sent back to the Panamanian Board has charged the Coors Colorado br.cwcrv. In you'd like to take the course, Committee Chairman John Spark­ negotiators and submitted to a new Brewery with unfair labor practices Texas, boycotters report growing contact David Miller at the NM· man, will meet with Torrijos and referendum in Panama. for interfering with the con· support and a decline in sales. In PIRG office, or sign up at the USP U.S. Ambassador William Jorden, Torrijos told Sen. Robert Dole, Were you closed out of classes you wanted? Do you wi'ih New Mexico, where the only Coors stitutional and human rights of its office. and possibly fly over the canal. . R-Kan., during his recent visit to you could be in a small class? Why not come by the Honors workers · for example, they must distributor is also a powerful Members of the group include Sens. the canal he wanted to remain submit to lie detector tests and political figure, sales have taken a VISTAs Join NMPIRG Frank Church D-ldaho, Claiborne flexible but did not want Panama to Center and see what we have to offer you? physical exams at any time, they are steep drop and "BOYCOTT Pell, D-R.I., Clifford Case, R­ be in a state of continual COORS" bumper stickers are There are places available in several of our course offerings, denied freedom of speech, they may Four bright faces will join the N.J., Jacob Javits, R-N.Y., and referendum. not belong to unions. increasingly visible. NMPIRG staff in February, to Charles Percy, R-Ill. Some changes which could cause The Albuquerque Boycott including Freshman Honors seminars, Freshman and In Albuquerque, the boycott is work as VISTA volunteers on Sen. 'Alan Cranston, D-Calif., problems for the treaties include Committee plans many activities being led by ·the Albuquerque housing and nutrition problems in plans a similar orientation tour p~oposals to: eliminate a provision Sophomore General Studies seminars (all 3-credit hour cour­ for the upcoming semester at Boycott Committee, with support Albuquerque. Their arrival will beginning Jan. 26. In all, about 40 which now commits the United UNM, including picketing and ses), and Undergraduate Seminars (1-credit hour U.S.P. cour­ from the Brewery Workers Local coincide with new VISTAs U.S. Senators are expected to visit States to choose a route in Panama #366 of the AFL-CIO, who are rallies. Strikers from the brewery beginning work · on community the Panama Canal before the senate for any new canal it wants to ses). Descriptions and book lists are available at the Honors battling Coors around the country. will also be in Albuquerque to issues with PIRGs across the debate begins, possibly in construct; require the United States speak on the boycott. Further to retain a military base in Panama Center, Humanities Building, west wing, ground floor -- or country. February. information can be obtained by Madeline A ron and Jan ice Hart The Foreign Relations Com­ after the year 2000; and lenghten call ext. 2201 for information. Ax the Food Tax calling the Albuquerque Boycott the transition period from 30 will work with Richard M9ore of mittee trip follows an an­ Committee at 277-5029 or NM­ the NMPIRG staff helping low nouncement Friday by Senate months unti11990 during which the When Gov. Apodaca proposed a t.o any other form of tax rebate. PlRG at 277-2757. canal zone would be dismantled. The people of New Mexico want income tenants learn their rights Democratic Leader Robert Byrd he $30 million tax rebate in October, will work for approval of the treaty to eliminate the food tax. Now to and resolving specific housing NMPIRG immediately proposed to problems as they arise. They'll also with modifications. the Governor that the best rebate convince state legislators to do so revise and update NMPIRG's The most crucial modification would be the elimination of the during the January-February 78 Renter's Guide. It was ·'the would incorporate the Oct. 14 gross receipts tax on food. Our session. With limited resources, tremendous response to this guide unsigned understanding between campaign to ax the food tax had we're concentrating on a campaign that wili clutter legislators' desks that showed NMPIRG that tenants President Carter and Torrijos into begun. in Albuqueruque needed additional the texts of the treaties. The pacts The Governor has rejected our with hundreds of letters asking for the repeal of the tax on food. We assistance. dissolve the canal zone, turn the proposal in favor of a rebate waterway over to Panama in the ·' scheme that would principally need your help. Here are local Janice comes to NMPlRG well Texas Instruments Albuquerque legislators. Right acquainted with tena,nt organizing, year 2000 and provide for U.S. and benefit people with $15,000- Panamanian defense of the canal. $30,000 incomes, but we are not now, get paper and pen and wirte as well as with developing parts of them. If you don't know which is the Special Services Program at Since the substance of the un· FLIGHTS SHIPS discouraged. Last mongth a KOB derstanding was broadcast radio survey found that 83 per cent yours, call us and we'll tell you. UNM. Madeline brings a RIDES And come by the office for a background of student activism and throughout Panama prior to the of those polled favored repeal of Oct. 23 referendum there, some the tax on food. A KOAT TV poll bumper sticker and other in­ a commitment to working on Programmab~58 formation. You can help win this community problems. senators believe Panama will not 255-6830 of "the man on the street" found feel obliged to hold a new that every person interviewed battle! Full implementation of federal i food programs in Albuquerque I referendum to approve such a • up to 480 program steps or up to 60 memories preferred the repeal of the food tax I change. 265-9860 • 6levels of sub routines (school breakfast and lunch, meals­ I on-wheels, food for day care Another question, the source lntereontinental • 72 useful labels • 10 user defined labels ORV Lawsuit Continues centers, etc.) will be the goal of :I said, "is whether the change should TRAVEL ('.ENTRE Bernalillo County Legislators be cast as an amendment or. • revolutionary plug in solid state software with Write c/o State Capitol, Santa Fe NM 87503 Sharon Porter, a registered dietitian ~ 107 Girard Blvd. S.E. additional libraries available NMPIRG is entering the second The case is being heard on appeal with experience in several com­ whether it should be put in some year of its court battle against the alleging the "imminent harm" munity food programs. Arnold I 'softer' form." open9to9 Senators 'I U.S. Forest Service. The lawsuit standard is an improper in­ Velez' knowledge of the South Byrd said the change could be " terpretation of the original I Alarid, Michael ...... , ...... (D-Bernalillo-12) was filed by lawyers at PIRG and Broadway area will be a great asset made an amendment, reservation, Reg. 'Special Price the Sierra Club challenging the lack Executive Order. The Executive in trying to bring a food store or Aragon, Manny .. , ...... , ... , ..... (D-Bernalillo-14) Order, PlRG argues, commands a Barboa, Eddie ...... , . (D-Bernalillo-11) of Forest Service regulations distribution system to that. com­ 124.95 controlling off road vehicles much higher standard of en-· munity, which lost its last grocery 109.95 Becht, Paul ...... , ... , ...... (R-Bernalillo-22) vironmental protection for forest Chavez, Tito ...... , ...... (D-Bernalillo-13) (ORV's). Over 85 per cent of the store a year ago. David Miller of fauna, flora, and the peace of mind AIR FORCE ALWAYS Gurule, Albert .... , ...... , .... , ...... (D-Bernalillo-10) Santa Fe National Forest has been NMPIRG will oversee and assist of the wilderness backpacker. Houston, Les ...... •. , . , ...... , .(D-Bernalillo-19) opened to any and· all type of these nutrition projects. NEEDS MORE LEADERS. ORV's. Dirt bikes, snowmobiles, If the lawsuit is successful the Back to School Specials Irick, John ...... , ...... , ... (R-Bernalillo-20) "We're delighted at the op­ Suggested U.S. Forest Supervisor will be Lang, Edmund .... ,, ..... , ...... , .. (D-Bernalillo-15) and. other ORV's are free to roam portunity to work on problems that He tail S.B.S. required to prepare new written Mercer, Joseph ..... , ...... (R-Bernalillo-21) the I, 195,833 acre Santa Fe Forest directly affect the people of regulations placing greater TI 1000 8.95 7.85 Montoya, Theodore ...... , . , . , , .. , ...... (D-Bernalillo-9) unless they pose an "imminent Albuquerque", stated Betsey restrictions on ORV's in the Santa TI 1025 10.95 8.75 Rutherford, Tom .. ,,.,, ...... , ...... (D-Bernalillo-16) harm" to the forest. This in­ Remage-Healey, NMPIRG Fe National Forest. Please contact TI 1050 12.95 10.50 Thompson, Donald ...... , .. , .. , ...... (D·Bernalillo-17) terpretation excludes any con­ director. "And we're especially the PJ R G office if you want to lend SR40 29.95 24.95 Valentine, Bill ...... , ...... (R-Bernalillo-18) sideration of devastating long term pleased to find such able and en­ damage to plants and wild life by your support, or write a letter to the thusiastic people to work with us." Business 34.95 29.50 ORV's. Santa Fe Forest Supervisor. Analyst Representatives TI5050M 109.95 88.00 Appleman, Ruby .. , . , , ...... , ...... , ... (R·Bernalillo-20) Aragon, Bennie , ..... , ...... , ...... , , .. , , ... (D-Bernalillo-13) NMPIRG " Cates, Brad ...... , .. , .... , ...... (R·Bernalillo-27) We're looking for pilot.:; navigators. , mis~ilemen t>nginePri. . math P.O.Box 4565 majors. _ people managt>r!'t , doctors ... sdenti<.ls .Joumahc;ts . and mort!. Caudell, James. , ..... , ...... , .. , ..... , ...... (R·Bernalillo-28) And the Air Force HOTC progrc.m is a gr4.'<.<.1qnal compe tence Grant, Philip ...... , . , ...... (R-Bernalillo-26) As a commissioned offict'r tn th(' Air Force, you can b(' proud of tlw rol{• you Gurule, Frank ...... , ... , .. , , .... , ...... (D-Bernalillo-12) play In yom• community and the contribtJIIon YOll makl:' to your countrv'<. sPt:Urily You can Know th<1l you're doing a JOb of lmportancP, a job with reo;pono;ibtlity. s f!:11~ Stuart ...... , .. , ...... (R-Bernali!lo-31) The Air Force ROTC program olfers a way to help you achieve the'lc:r goals. A~ ,:~an, Thomas ...... •• ,(D-Bernalillo-22) an AFHOTC Ci!del. you'llleam aboulleildershlp. man<~gemenl. and mort• You'll NM leam about ben('fil<; o( lwmg an ofhcer lat('r on, like an excellt•nt -c;a\an,·. mrdiral 'H~:Jjidley, Adele, ..... ,, .. , ...... ,., ...... ,(D-Bernalillo-14) and dental care. housing nnd food allowanct•S. and 30 days of pJld vaca110n "ach il.yon, Daniel ...... ,, ...... , ... (D-Bernalillo-11) PIR6 year. You11 d1scovera whole new world open to you 1n the A1r rorce And vou can get there through Af.:HOTC Maj-ry, Lenton . , ... , , ...... , . , , ...... (D-Bernalillo-18) Look ·Into it right nwav. Youil b" glod you did Mtllride, Abel...... ·...... (D-Bernalillo-29) !,, 'I Contact the Aerospace Stud1es Deportment on campus at: l901 Los Lomos. McGee, Jim Jr ..•.... , ...... ,..,. ... , ...... , .(R-Bemallillo-24) Tel. 277~4230 regarding the Atr Force Alternative. McMullan, John ...... , ..... , , ... , ..... , , .(R-Bernalillo-30) Mondragon, Fred .. , : ...... , , ...... , .. , (D· Bernalillo-16) Pena, Dennis , , , .... ; ...... , .. , , ... , ...... , (D-Bernalillo-23) TUDE NT Saavedra, Henry .. , ...... , .... , ... , ... , , . , .. (D-Bernalillo-10) Sanchez, Raymond ..... , .. , ...... , .. , ... , , , . (D-Bernalillo-15) (Across from UNm) Thompson, John .. , ... , ...... , ...... ,.,, (D-Bernalillo·25) ROTC Warren, William ...... , •. , .. , . , ... , ...... , , , (D-Bernalillo-21) I Gateway to a great way of life. '

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..... ,n" • .. "' et<~CI (IJ1 I Clll Ct 0Ul ' Bookstore Carries ~ ,., INTRAMURAL/CAMPUS RECREATION ~ $. Medical Texts The recently opened north campus branch of the University of New At· The University of New Mexico Mexico Bookstore has a feature that sets it apart from other bookstores in New Mexico, says UNM Bookstore manager A. 0. Jackson. "To my knowledge, it may be the only complete medical bookstore in Presented by Budweiser the entire state. There are a lot of books of general interest, but it leans toward the medical and legal areas," he said, The new branch is located in the lower level of the UNM Family Recreational Hours Practice-Psychiatry Center Building at 620 Camino de '3alud NE. · Camping Equipment Room Although it is mainly intended to serve UNM law, pharmacy, nursing Has New Equipment and medical students and faculty, Jackson said he expects patronage from about 95 per cent of the doctors practicing in Albuquerque. "A lot of Johnson Gym medical people will be interested to know about the bookstore," he said. Thanks to the generous help from ASUNM last Week days, 12:00-1:00, 5:00-9:15 The branch will also serve UNM dental students and faculty when the spring the Intramural program was able to purchase 11 Weekends, 12:00-4:45 new dental facility is completed. pairs of cross country skiis, boots and poles. This, akmg "It is a full-service bookstore that will pay for itself. There is a little bit with all the other outdoor equipment, is available to all 1 Weight Room · of everything," Jackson said. The branch also sells such diverse items as students. tennis balls, greeting cards, baseball caps, T-shirts and sweatshirts. . Faculty and staff have access to the equipment when Week days 5:00-9:15 12:00-1:00 Jackson said the branch bookstore houses about 1800 title reference students have not rented the equipment out. For a total Weekends 12:00-4:45 books, 300 textbooks a_nd 1500 paperback and general interest books in of $2.25 per day a student can rent out the skiis, boots 3500 square feet of space. and poles. Other winter equipment which is available Budweiser €oliege Super Stars Handball Courts 1l includes, snowshoes, down sleeping bags, and stoves. · Coming Soon Week days Noon hour The camping equipment room also carries summer See College Rep Flo Gallegos 299-3465 (Faculty, Staff Only), 1:30-9:15 ''" $350,000 in Coffer sleeping bags, 4 person tents, backpack tents, backpack The Union (Sub) Theatre stoves, backpacks, lanterns, shovels, compasses, and or Richards Distributing 247-2408 Reservations accepted child carriers. The hours of operation this semester are Weekends 12:00-4:45 No reservations anuounees its film Monday: 10:30-1:00 and 4:30-6:15, Tuesday and Faculty/Staff sehedule for January Budget Hearings Open Thursday: 10:30-11:30. _Wednesday: 8:00-8:50 and Noon Hour Basketball Carlisle Gym Friday: 10:30-1:00 and 3:00 -5:30. Please ca11277-4346 Week days 6:30-9:15 and February By D.M. FLYNN information packets in February, say which groups would probably during these hours for reservations of equipment and LOBO News Editor he said. be receiving a smaller portion of the The second half of the university faculty/staff Weekends 12:00-4:45 further information. basketball league will resume on Monday, Jan. 30. Budgeted organizations are those budget. Swimming Pool January The machinery for the com­ Additional team entries are welcome and should be which request a minimum amount The Senate is also gearing up for submitted to the Intramural office by Tuesday, Jan. 24. Week days 7:00 a.m.-3:30 lanes only, l/18 A CHUMP AT OXFORD and ONE A·M·-Laurel and Har­ plicated process _of budgeting of money. Last year they com- the legislative session in Santa Fe. ASUNM groups has been oiled and Skiing, Badminton and Others A managers meeting is scheduled Thursday, Jan. 26 at 5:30-9:15 entire pool dy, and Chaplin. prised 1.5 per cent of the total During this year's 30-day session, 12:00 in room 230 Johnson 1/19 THE BIG HEAT-dir. Fritz Lang w/Glenn Ford. is ready to go, said vice president budget or approximately $5000· "It the ASUNM Lobby Committee Will Weekends 12:00-4:45 1120 BLOOD AND SAND and CHOP SUEY AND CO·­ Dave Garcia. This year's budget will be up to the finance committee be representing the student body .. Skiing entries are due on Jan. 24 in room 230 of Rudolph Valentino and Harold Lloyd. will be approximately $350,000, he to decide what the bottom line will Johnson Gym. The managers/participants meeting will For Further Questions Please said. be," Garcia said. During the session there will be 1/21 ROOM SERVICE and ALL NIGHT LONG-Marx Bros. be Jan. 26 at 4:00 in room 124 of J.G. Further in­ Call 277-5151 and Harry Langdon. In the past, the budget hearings Because the enrollment of an ASUNM workshop for student 1/25 WUTHERING HEIGHTS-Laurence Oliver in the have been a long drawn out fulltime undergraduates will be government members. "I'm hoping formation on when skiing will be run will be provided at lower this year, Garcia siad the we can get together in the roun­ this meeting. original version. process, usually lasting until two or © Intramural Basketball l/26 THE 39 STEPS-Hitchcock. three in the morning. budget may be smaller. He did not dhouse/' Garcia said. Co-ree badminton entries are due Jan. 24 in room 230 1127 STEAMBOAT BILL JR· -Buster Keaton. This semester, however, the of J .G. and the actual competition will be Sat. Jan 28. Cross Country Ski Entries Due Soon l/28 THE PRODUCERS-dir. Mel Brooks. finance committee will be holding Other events to keep in mind are free-throw competition Clinic Next Weekend preliminary hearings on Saturday History Professor:_ for women, powerlifting for men, racquetball doubles The most popular activity of the year is approaching February and badminton doubles for both men and women. mornings beginning in February to The In tram ural program is sponsoring a free cross rapidly. What's this activity? -basketball of course! 2/1 INDEPENDENT CLASSICS· avoid all-night hearings, Garcia country ski clinic on Thursday Jan. 26 and Sat. Jan. 28. Entries for basketball are due at the managers 2/2 INDEPENDENT COMEDY· said. Also ·Ex-President'. A dry land clinic will be held on the 26th at 4:00 in room meeting at 4:00p.m. on Jan. 24 in room 124 for the men 2/3 ORPHEUS-Jean Cocteau. Organizations that receive funds 1M Officials Needed and by 5:00 p.m. on Jan. 24 in room 230 of Johnson 2/4 KEY LARGO-dir. John Huston w/Humphrey Bogart. 154J.G. i!l the budget will be receiving A former president of Bolivia major accomplishment of his Klaus Weber will be guest speaker and he will talk on Gym for the women. 2/8 INDEPENDENT FILM BY KENNETH ANGER· .will teach two courses at UNM as a terms. Paz Estenssoro also achieved 2/9 TALKTOWARDA VISIANCE: STRUCTURALISM· Intramural officials are needed throughout the school . preparation, maintenance and techniques. On Saturday There will be three levels of competition this year, A, visiting professor of history. . the nat1onaliza\ion. of the t~f~e B, and R. A league is the super-competitive league. 2110 HIS GIRL FRIDAY -Car7. Grant. year to work during the late afternoon and evening Jan. 28 at 9:00 at Sandia Crest a few members of the ski I 2/11 THE SHOP ON MAIN SfREET-Jan Kader. Dr. Victor Paz Estenssoro will major mining companies and 'ih'e i team will be on hand to give practical instruction to all. Good com petitio~ vith not quite the ability or intensity I .. Campus·· teach History 488 "History of the extension of the right to vote to hours. Interviews are being held all this week from I :30- is the format f, ,gue. R league is a pure recreation 2115 TOM, TOM THE PIPERS SON-Independent comedy. 4:30 in room 230 of-Johnson Gym. For more in­ The clinic is open to all students, ,faculty and staff. 2/16 HEAVEN AND EARTH MAGIC FEATURE-Splendid Andean Republics", stressing illiterate Indians. · All the equipment will be furnished by the Intramural league for those . ant to get a little exercise. T-shirt animation. formation please call 277-4347 and ask for Dick Bolivia and Peru, and History 504. "Outdoor Shop." awards will be givt.. w a113 levels of competition. 2/17 TRIUMPH OF THE WILL-dir. Leni Riefenshahl-Nazi Crusade "Seminar on Underdevelopment in Baldizan. documentary. Latin America. Both courses will be Researcher 2/18 THE GOLD RUSH and THE PAWN SHOP-2 Chaplin greats. for Christ taught exclusively in Spanish. ' 2/22FILMS OF MAYA DEREN· As leader of the revolutionary To Chair Intramural Schedules 2123 3 FILMAKERS: 1 SUBJECT· party, the Movimiento Nacionalista 2/24 SIMONE OF THE DESERT and OVERFLOW-Luis Kickoff Meeting: Revolucionario (MNR), Paz Cancer Study Women's 1978 Spring Semester Activities Men's 1978 Spring Semester Activities Bunuel and Carl Linder, Estenssoro became the first 2125 COCOANUTS-The Marx. Bros. Thursday 1-19 president after the revolt against the A UNM biomedical physicist from the Cancer Research and Entry Due Manager/PM* Start Date Activity Entry Due *Manager/PM Start Date junta in power in 1952. Activity Mon. Jan. 30 at 7:00p.m. Treatment Center has been named (Entries Due at Manager Meeting Tues. Jan. 24) Mon. Jan. 30 Basketball Tues. Jan. 24 Thurs. Jan 26 He served as president for two Basketball Thurs. Jan. 26 To be Announced terms, 1952-56 and 1960-64. Paz chairman of an international task Tues. Jan. 24 Thurs. Jan. 26 To be Announced Skiing Tues. Jan. 24 Piek up ou•• eoJUplete 102 Mech. Eng. Skiing Tues. Jan. 31 Thurs. Feb. 2 Sat. Feb. 4 Estenssoro was elected to a third force that will research the work Tues. Jan. 31 Thurs. Feb. 2 Sat. ,Feb. 4 Free Throw Power Lift Tues. Feb. 7 Thurs. Feb. 9 Sat. Feb. ll For more information presidential term in June 1964 but being done in cancer therapy plans. Racquetball Doubles Tues. Feb. 7 Thurs. Feb. 9 Sat. Feb. 11 Racquetball Doubles sehedule posters around Sat. Feb. IS Badminton Doubles Tues. Feb. 14 Thurs. Feb. 16 Sat. Feb. 18 call: 266-2343 was overthrown in a military coup Dr. Alfred R. Smith will head the Badminton Doubles Tues. Feb. 14 Thurs. Feb. 16 Sat. Feb. 18 35-membcr task force that is Sat. Feb. IS HandballDoubies Tues. Feb. 14 Thurs. Feb. 16 eampus. the following November and went Handball Douoles Tues. Feb. 1<( Thurs. Feb. 16 Mon. Feb. 27 representing U.S. and other human Men. Feb. 27 . Bowling Doubles Tues. Feb. 21 Thurs. Feb. 23 into exile. Bowling Doubles Tues. Feb. 21 Thurs. Feb. 23 Thurs. Feb. 23 Sat. Feb. 25 cancer therapy projects that use Tues. Feb. 21 Thurs. Feb. 23 Sat. Feb. 25 Table Tennis Doubles Tues. Feb. 21 From 1942 to 1974, he served as Table Tennis Doubles Thurs. Feb. 21 Thurs. Feb. 23 Sat. Feb. 25 heavily charged particles of the Thurs. Feb. 21 Thurs. Feb. 23 Sat. Feb. 25 three Women Volleyball chairman to the MNR. 3 Men Volleyball Tues. Feb. 28 Thurs. March 2 Mon. March6 Paz Estenssoro said he plans to nuclei of atoms. Tues. Feb. 28 Thurs. March 2 Mon. March 6 Fencing · Fencing Slow Pitch Tues. March 21 Thurs. March 23 Mon. March 27 go back into politics in Bolivia Studies will be conducted at large Spring Break March 11 through '\!larch 19 Golf Doubles Tues. March 21 Thurs. March 23 Mon. March 27 when he returns in May, after the charged particle accelerator J Slow Pitch Tues. March 21 Thurs. March 23 Mon. March 27 i Tennis Doubles Tues. March 21 Thurs. March23 Sat. March 25 spring semester at UNM. · treatment facilities in the United i Golf Doubles Tues. March 21 Thurs. March 23 Mon. March 27 Thurs. March 30 Mon. April? States, Canada, France, England Inner-tube Water Polo Tues. March 28 "Politics-it is an incurable I Tennis Doubles Tues. March 21 Thurs. March 23 Sat. March 25 Tues. March 28 Thurs. March 30 Sat. April! and Switzerland including the Billiard disease. I will go to be chairman of I Inner-tube Water Polo Tues. March 28 Thurs. March 30 Mon. April3 Tues. April4 111 urs. April 6 Sat. AprilS Clinton P. Anderson Meson Billiard Doubles Tues. March 28 Thurs. March 30 Sat. April1 Super Team my party (the MNR)," he said. Track Meet Tues. April!! Thurs. Aprill3 Sat. Apri115 "Now the government has called Physics Facility of the Los Alamos J Super Team Tues. April4 Thurs. April6 Sat. AprilS Scientific Laboratory. Track Meet Tues. Aprilll Thurs. April13 Sat. Aprill5 for elections in July, it has given :1 All Manager/Participant Meetings are mandatory. They arc at 4:00p.m. in room partial amnesty of which I am one. Before joining the UNM Cancer *All Manager/Participant Meetings are mandatory. They are Held at 4:00p.m. in Research and Treatment Center, ·i 124, Johnson Gym. Start dates are subject to change so managers meetings are I have some enemies, but I am not room 124, Johnson Gym. Start dates are subject to change so managers meetings Smith served as associate physicist i very important, afraid to return. There is a new I generation of Bolivians that are and assistant professor of i are very important. Intrmural office room 230 Johnson Gym. Phone 277-5151. biophysics at the University of Intramural Office Room 230 Johnson Gym. Phone 277-5151. different from the old generation, .-~ Paz Estenssoro said. Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital and I .... ,l He called the agrarian reform, Tumor lnstitute in Houston and Co-Ree 1978 Spring Semester Activities that began the process of returning was an associate to the University Faculty/Staff Noon Hour Intramural Schedule land to the Indians of Bolivia, the of Texas Gradual School of Activity Entry Due *Manager /PM Start Date Spring 1978 Biomedical Sciences. Skiing Tues. Jan. 24 Thurs. Jan. 26 To be Announced Badminton Tues. Jan 24 Thurs. Jan. 26 Sat. Jan. 28 Thurs. Feb. 9 Sat. Feb. 11 Table Tennis Tues. Feb. 7 Activity Entry Due *Manager/PM Start Date Tues. Feb. 14 Thurs. Feb. 16S a t . Feb. 18 ~w Course Ojfering Billiards Basketball Tues. Jan. 24 Thurs. Jan. 26 Mon. Jan. 30 Mon. March 27 Tennis Doubles Spring Tennis Classic- Date to be Announced B&AS I Engr. I Pol. Sci./ Pub. Adm. Volleyball Tues. March 21 'Thurs. March 23 Mon. April3 Racquetball Doubles Tues. Feb. 28 Thurs. March 2 Mon. March 6 An interdisciplinary course on Technology Assessment Frisbee Tues. March28 Thurs. March 30 Tues. March 21 Thurs. March 23 Mon. March 27 Tues. Aprilll Thurs. April13 , Sat. Apri\15 One Pitch The systematic study of the effects on society, both benficial and Track Meet Fri. Aprill4 detrimental, that may occur when a technology is introduced' prelim 4:00p.m. Lectures on technology essenssment methods and mini-assessment All Manager /Participant meetings are mandatory. They are held at 12:0() noon in All Manager/Participant Meetings are mandatory. They are at 12:00 noon in projects on geothermal energy, radioactive waste disposal, and Room 230 in Johnson Gym. Start dates are subject to change so managers rasing guayule (rubber shrub) in New Mexico. room 230 in Johnson. Gym. Start dates arc subject to change so manager o;~eetings are very important. Uegistcr for En gr. 390-001, Call No. 3249 meetings are very important, Intramural Office Room 230 Johnson Gym. Phone 277-5151. Classes will meet MW 4:30-6:00p.m. in FEC 207 Intramural office room 230 Johnson Gym. Phone 277-4347, For more info, contact G.A. Whan, FEC 107, 277-5523 ,...... ------

Humphrey's Death Aftershocks Hamp61 FBI Continues Secret Files Earthquake RescuE~ State's Leaders Mourn Compiled from UPI Wires "The greatest speech I have ever was a great American, a superb "As a result, individuals seeking legislator, a dedicated WASHINGTON (UP!) Persons A report by the General committee chairman said. publish an annual list and TOKYO (UP!) - Repeated Police said about 4,000 tourists The death of Sen. Hubert heard was his address in accepting bureau files information about humanitarian, always articulating asking the FBI what information it Accounting Office Gj\0, Congress' The FBI and the Justice description of all its file systems themselves though the privacy act aftershocks Sunday hampered were evacuated by ship as railway Humphrey Friday night was met the Democratic nomination for Department have promised to take that contain data on individuals. rescue workers searching for 12 and road traffic remained virtually with expressions of sadness from president in 1968, Apodaca said. causes ahead of the times. His has on file about them may not investigative arm; shows the FBI's may ~at always have received a always have received a complete massive computerized filing steps to bring the system into persons missing in Saturday's closed. some of New Mexico's political The governor, who said he knew contributions to America are many complete response," he said. and he will be sorely missed." repo~;:t on everything in bureau systems do not comply with Privacy compliance. major earthquake that rocked the Saturday's quake was the leaders. Humphrey for nearly 10 years, Under the privacy act, each The FBI reported 12 systems of lzu Peninsula, triggering landslides strongest to hit the area since May Gov. Jerry Apodaca said he called the late senator "a symbol of records, Rep. Jack Brooks, D-Tex., Act of 1974 requirements, the Atty, Gen. Toney Anaya said the federal agency is required to records as of March 1977, with its In its studey, the GAO examined and leaving at least 13 dead. 1974, when a quake with a considered Humphrey one of the all that was human." sa~d Saturday. house governme!Jt operations former vice president was "the man central records system, the main 239 spec.;ial indexes and found that The government's meteorological magnitude of 6.3 on the richter finest Americans he had ever met. Humphrey died Friday after a I have always admired the most in system containing about 6 million for 63 the material is not fully agency said almost' 150 aftershocks scale killed 29 persons and injured long bout with cancer. He will be "He was an inspiration to all who politics." files. retrievable through central records had been recorded since the quake, 77. enter public life. buried in Minnesota in accordance · nor is the material described with a magnitude of 7 on the open­ with his wish to have "a simple Anaya said he was "greatly anywhere in the FBI's published ended richter scale, rumbled service in the style of a saddened " -by Humphrey's death. The agency is not required to notice of filing svsterns. through wide areas along the Humphrey's Boqy celebration," Rev. Calvin Didier, publish separate notices of any pacific coast of Japan Saturday. pastor of the House of Hope other ''special index··' record The GAO said it recommended . Hardest hit was lzu Peninsula, Presbyterian Church in St. Paul, systems, unless information in them the FBI either publish privacy act clustered with hotspring resort . Returned~ Home said. Try Italian Fatso's cannot be fully retrieved through notices for the files not retrievable towns, about 100 miles west of St. PAUL, Minn. (UP!) - Hubert Humphrey came home from Former Sen. Joseph M. Mon­ HomemQde another part of the system. through central records, in­ Tokyo. Washington Sunday for a final tribute from his legions of constituents and toya, 0-N.M. said Humphrey corporate the material in those By Sunday night, police said 13 friends. would be sorely missed. "I knew Sour Cream Cofieecake indexes into central records or people were confirmed dead, 12 Air Force Two, carrying the body of the senator,landed at Minneapolis­ Sen. Humphrey and he was my only SOc But the GAO study found that destroy the material. personal friend for 30 years. He more than a quarter of the FBI's others missing and 14 injured. They St. Paul International Airport at 2:25p.m. CST. His widow Muriel and his special indexes contained material said 17 houses had been destroyed immediate family were escorted from Washington by his protege, Vice ·- . and 221 others damaged, leaving President Walter Mondale. not f.uily retrievable through ~he In a letter to the GAO Iasi FBI's central system. month, Assistant Attorney. General 181 persons homeless. The casket was taken to the Rotunda of the State Capitol where it was to Kevin Rooney said FBI Another powerful quake with an lie in state from 7:30p.m. Sunday until I p.m. Monday. Funeral services at Awareness Records not retrievable through headquarters and each field office intensity of 5.7 on the richter scale the House of Hope Presbyterian church in St. Paul will be attended by any record system for which the was sent a copy of the report and jolted Yokohama and neighboring President Carter and thousands of mourners. Burial will be at Lakewood FBI has published a notice include told to "take one of the three cities Sunday morning. • tern- Cemetery in Minneapolis at 4 p.m. Monday. If you're disabled-or even if you're not- DOC material on associates of major options." porarily halting rescue work. Humphrey's body was taken imm~diately to a funeral chapel for private Any quake over 5.0 on the richter services for his family. It had been flown directly from a solemn, moving (Disabled On Campus) would like to give you narcotic operators and information scale can cause considerable information o assistance • friendship on persons whose phone con­ The study was requested by the memorial service in the Rotunda of the nation's capitol where President damage. Carter had called him "the most beloved of all Americans." versations ·were monitored as a government information and in­ Call: Leslie at 299-4775 or result of a tap on some other Seismologists warned that more Mondale described his friend and mentor as a man who "taught us how dividual rights subcommittee aftershocks, some capable of severe to live. And, finally, he taught us how to die." write to: 7012 Veranda Rd. NE, 87110 person's telephone, Brooks said. chaired by Rep. Richard Preyer, D- N.C. . damage,month. maycontinueforaboutaThey discounted the -~;;;;;=;;~~~~~~~~;;~~;;~~;;~~;;~;;;;~~~~;;~~;;~~;;~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;; possibility that a major quake may follow. Most of the casualties were 1240 Wyoming Blvd. 296-0588 -Sleuth Shuns caused by landslides that buried 5555 Montgomery N. E. 881-1018 homes and struck passing vehicles, Registration 3040 Juan Tabo 298-6868 police said. , There were 18 landslides and .in·· Use of Gadgets Inatori, on the tip of Izu Peninsula, • a water supply pipe was destroyed. Hours Long lines formed as a maritime 1nn® self-defense force escort ship "~w got ateel~l!vo,tfregonnalike us.'!, To Nab Crooks arrived Sunday to supply fresh • water to residents . Monday Jan 16 8 a.m.-7 p.m. .i Police said industrial waste WASHINGTON (UPI) - A self-taught detective who uses his eyes and containing poisonous cyanide·­ Tuesday Jan 17 8 a.m.-7 p.m. :eommon sense instead of modern .. gadgets .. is tr.acking narcotics .violators flowed• into Machika River afef"tiil.'-··' ' 1 • ; ••., ' .f . em~ankment of an industrial {I across Arizona deserts so successfully the federal government has taken notice. reservoir gave way. Residents were Bernie Lawrence, 46, can look over one of Mohave County's 81 dirt warn.ed against eating fish from the I river. airstrips and describe the last drug-trafficker's plane that was there, how i' I many men met the plane, how they got there and how they left, ! . "If a man has been at a site he had to get there some way, and he had to ' get back out some way," Lawrence explains. "He can't do it without \ leaving some sort of track. And if he leaves a track, we'll track him Kissinger Returns Polley down." "He is uncanny," Sheriff Dave Rathbone said. "The man could track a suspect down the middle of an asphalt road. We lend him out to other Warns of police organizations in other states. He workd homicides, kidnappings, Books purchased for spring semester 1978 almost anything." Red Peril But right now the wily "ranch detective," nicknamed "Lawrence of may be returned for full refund Arizona," is focusing on smugglers of marijuana and illegal narcotics. The Law ,enforcement Assistance Administration, which has helped through Saturday February 11th, provided: finance Lawrence's narcotics enforcement team with a $200,000 matching LONDON (UPI) - Former grant, reported Sunday the team seized $4 million worth of drugs, a dozen Secretary of State Henry Kissinger 1. Books must be in original condition planes and 40 suspects in 18 months. said Sunday Communist influence Until the team went into operation, drug smugglers from across the in western Europe should be taken 2. Books must be accompanied by cash receipt neighboring Mexican border landed virtually unchecked in Mohave seriously but said he does not think 3. Student's I.D. must be presented with return County's 13,000 square miles of wilderness, the LEAA said. a communist victory in the west was Lawrence told UP! in a telephone interview he simply sees things other certain.. · law enforcement investigators miss by looking harder and longer, and using common sense to figure out their meaning - skills he learned in hunting animals .. "I do not believe a Communist "When I come to a crime scene, I don't just look at the gun and body victory is inevitable, but I do Inside or in the shade they lighten. laying there in plain sight," he said. "Anyone can look at those. What I'm believe that it shows that it reflects In the sun they darken. looking for is how he (the culprit) came and how he left, what kind of structural problems in western apparel he was wearing.'' societies that must be dealt with and Regular Hours "I go over the area. When I get everything important I get away, and which cannot simply be ignored," · then come back with a fresh mind. It comes off to me in layers. I come Kissinger said in an interview on PHOTOGRAYorPHOTOSUN back six or seven times and sec new things from a different angle.'' BBC television. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday Eyewear from TSO. "My mind works at a simple level. I don't have a bunch of gadgets and fancy things. But l come up with things misread by the other officers. · "Th.pse concerned with You'd be surprised how much the best investigators miss." democracy in western countries Saturdays 9 a.m.-1 pam. Photochromic lenses are sensitive to 1ight. In the sun, Lawrence, who is married and has seven children and five grand­ should take the Communist children, has been in law enforceinent only six years. But before that he phenomenon seriously, and not ' they darken; indoors they're almost clear, adjusting worked 13 years as a wildlife predatory animal control agent. He tracked automatically. They reduce glare in the sun and let you attempt to evade it by pretending animals. that the Communist parties have get along with only one pair of glasses, inside and out. When a rancher reported chickens or lifestock being killed, Lawrence become democratic," he said. Photogray or Photosun lenses are available in your would not find out what kind of predator caused the problem. He would choice of fashionable frames at TSO, where we care go into the desert and bring back the very lion, cayote or bear that did it. -~- When Lawrence goes out after a man it may mean living for days in the how you look at life. desert with his camper or possibly going. on foot with full pack. He lakes Kissinger, whose interview was Offices in Louisiana, New Mexico and throughout his dog Barron, a crossed Gee aired in conjunction with his Texas. mrm mmmm esshepherd and Eskimo dog, along for protection. program on eurocommunish for "He works silently" Lawrence said of Barron. "If I doze off, hw wakes NBC, said that with a eurocom­ me by nudging under the chin - or scratches my shoulder if r sleep too munist influence, western sound. I don't depend on him to do the tracking. H European countries could run the t let things slip up on me." risk of becoming "neutralist ap­ T-S·O . "Sometimes he keeps me from getting killed because he knows we are pendages" of Soviet policy or Prescrintion eyewear since 1935 • Convenient credit available moving toward a right·wing 4300 Central Ave. S.E. e 4410 Central Ave. S.W. close and I can't tell for sure. If I'm in difficulty, if I'm in a chair and somebody walks in behind me, he lets me know if I don't hear.'' nationalism reminiscent of the 7210 Menaul Blvd., N.E. · "Basically," Lawrence said, "I'm still hunting. It's observation. If I'm 1920s or 1930s. after two-legged or four-legged, iLstill applies."

-. .------~~--~--­•

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_,:, 00 S; ~ Again the Lobos were led by WAC games as a Lobo, said at the Smiley, who started at center for ~,... Johnson who pumped in 20 points >. Albuquerque Airport Sunday the Lobos over the weekend, said, t;J Road Trip Win 11 a 110 bring his 13-game average to morning, "We learned what it's "everyone will be after us now that <=: 24.6. Also in double figures were like to play on the road when we we've won three on the road.'' o;1"' .... /cont. from page 20) The Lobos battled back and Abney with 17, Cooper 15, Jimmy went to USC. This weekend, Senior co-captain Cooper said, 0 Three points was the biggest scored six unanswered points to cut Allen 14, and Saunders 10. though there was a lot more "This is a great way to start off the ..0 0 WAC Mark2-0 margin Arizona had in the first half the lead to 54-53. Snowden then The win put UNM at 2-0 in WAC pressure on us. It was Lobo poise WAC. We got five more on t'he ...l · at 23-20 but UNM fought back to called a timeout to talk to his play , tied for first with Colorado that pulled us through in Arizona." road and seven at home. Right now .Q 'Oi go ahead at half time 43-40. players. State who won at home against Walking through the terminal we got to concentrate on our next A Trailing 38-37; UNM outscored Again, as the night before, UNM Utah and Crigham Young. The building and shaking hands with game.'' 8 U. of A. 8-4 to take the lead at never trailed after the timeout and Lobo's overall record now stands at the crowd of more than 300 that The Lobos are now averaging '>( ll-2 for the UPI's fifteenth ranked 0) intermission. built on its lead. At one point, welcomed the team at the airport, 104.8 points a game and holding ::iE Lobos Sweep Arizona Road Trip The second half was a complete UNM had a 14-point lead, its team in the country. Abney said, "Man, these fans arc opponents to 87.3, a winning biggest of the night, at 76-62. · Abney, who played in his first something else.'' margin of 17.5 ~ Friday . night in Tempe; Ari., reverse of the first as the Wildcats By PETER MADRID Sundevils fought back to again take 62-62, and UNM never trailed the Free throws proved to be the scorched to the nets outscoring z UNM downed Ned Wulk's 'Devils 0 LOBO Sports Editor 'the lead at 27:26. · remainder of the game. deciding factor in the game as UNM 12-2 to take a 52-45 lead <'I It was a rare event which hadn't 91-84 and Saturday night the 'Pack With time running out in the first Johnson was high point man for UNM hit 27-31 from the charity Cc"-'d""O' 6.98 mfrs. S~otiSJod.n J, ... , the air for eight rebounds. 1\:od.o< .... (loml> ~W.,l1-t1!'\"'flol.tA~~ closing date listed above.) But the stat she said she was most S!.. ClUJ AfHI .-.~ 1,...., "~-~ pleased with was her eight· assists Graduate Record Feb. 25, 1978 (Aptitude Test Only) Jan. 25, 1978 which tied an arena record held by Examinations (GRE) Apr. 22, 1978 Mar. 22, 1978 last year's great Lobo playmaker June 19, 1978 . May 10, 1978 Margaret Gonzales. Rostermondt, who mixed up her (Note:GRE applications must be postmarked no shots said "They were bigger and a later little slower and it made it easier to than the closing date listed above drive on them." Point-guard Kelly Sparr bombed Graduate School Foreign Apr. 8, 1978 March 8, 1978 through J 2 points, most of them Language Test (GSFLT) ]une24, 1978 May 24, 1978 appearing to come from somewhere L4w School Admission Apr.15, 1978 Mar. 16, 1978 beyond the parking lot~ Test(LSAT) july 15,1978 June 15, 1978 Sparr said, "I practice from (Note: LSAT applications must be postmarked no there. l just concentrated." later For Lobo coach Kathy Marpe, than the closing date listed above. she said the game was a "key" contest. These and many other Ips & tapes Medical College Admission Apr. 15, 1978 Mar. 20, 1978 "We were a little nervous and a on sale now plus comparable · Text (MCAT) Sept.30, 1978 Sept. 1,1978 little out of shape because of the (Note: MCAT applications must be postmarked no Christmas break," she said. savings on higher priced Ips & tapes TflPES later With 12 minutes left in the game than the closing date) Applications available in Sparr fired from the outside and Feb. This pro-Ground Hogs Day gave UNM a 49-33 lead, their largest of the game, before NMSU Miller Analogies Test (MAT) Call Testing Division (277-5345) -<- ,.. ·· -for MAT Testing appointment. announcement was made possible by st_orme.ct IJ~f;~, ;;, ··.•·~, ,. · ..; , ; . , _;~, '~SS__ _., National Teacher Examina­ Assistant Coach Rtck Hardin tj()n Feb. 18, 1978* said, "I think we got a little Jan .. 26, 1978 cautious. We stopped taking it to (NTE) July 15, 1978 June 22, 1978 . the basket.'' Optometry College Admis­ ---J:REETLITES FEATURING THE sion Mar. 18, 1978 Feb. 18, 1978 LOTH INO FINEST IN GROUND Jan. 27, 1978 Undergraduate Assessment Mar. 25, 1978 ~~XCHANGE HOG HOLIDAY WEAR Program (UAP) "88 hr. atUX. OFF LIST test" (Note: Registration for UAP is 4.98 for7.981ist thraugh the Registration Center. Information regarding UAP is available through each Col­ lege office) Buy-Sell-Trade Mon/Sat 11 to 5 3500 Central Ave. S.E. Information regarding applications, fees, walk-in registration procedures and other testing 3004D Central SE-corner of Central & Dartmouth prorams is available from the Testing Division, Room 2, University College Building (277-5345). This office is open from 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Monday through FI'iday, Ground Hog Day Certificates Available Rodney W. Young, Director--Ann Smith, Assis~ant Director


I ' ~. ~" ....00 ""'..... At Annual Jaycee Invite lobo Cooper Included v:)..... >. ta ::> ~ ~ Best in West 0 .J:J Standout Track Trip ln Meet 0 Stars continue to fall on the Tingley Colise\lm. Be has been top cross country titles and the AAU a bronze medal at the 1972 Munich sale at Cook's Sporting Goods .-l Albuquerque Jaycee Invitational ,?;> American finisher in the race the 10,000 meter crown this past year. Games and more than likely would Winrock, Gardenswartz Sports, 'Cil Indoor Track Meet and one of the past five years, losing only to a trio Although the dark, curly headed have added to his medal collection and all Ticket-master outlets. 'Box On Hoop Ballot 0 latest is colored gold and silver with of Jaycee imported Africans. In Shorter is bett~r known for his at Montreal in 1976 had politics not seats are $7 .50; reserved seats are 0 a tint of turquoise. 1973, after winning his Olympic ·;;;'-' successes at the longer distances, he forced his country out of the $5.50 and $4.50; with general WICHITA, KAN. -The nation's leading scorer last season, Portland The entry of Frank Shorter, Gold, Frank ran away from a at one time held the American competition. admission seats going for $3.00. ·State's Freeman Williams and an All-American center, Minnesota's Mike ::E" winner of the gold medal at the talented field to establish a meet indoor record for two miles at Also joining Shorter and Bait is Ticket prices will be increased 50 Thompson, head the list of 60 college seniors on the ballot to represent the ~ 1972 Munich Olympics and the record of 8:47.4 · the fastest two 8:25.2. American high jumper Dwight cents per seat the date of the meet West in the 7th Annual Pizza Hut Basketball Classic, z" silver medal at the 1976 Montreal miles had been run in New Mexico Shorter is the second athlete Stones who represented the U.S. in Mail orders may be addressed to The game is scheduled for the afternoon of April I in the Las Vegas N• Games in the marathon was to that time. N announced for the Invitational who the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Albuquerque Jaycee Invitational, Convention Center. Eddie Sutton of Arkansas will coach the West squad " confirmed by Larry Chavez, the Four years ago he ran the 20 laps has won an Olympic medal. He Tickets for Albuquerque's major P.O. Box 2273, Albuquerque, and David Gavitt of Providence will coach the East in the charity event. p..~ Jaycee's entries chariman. Shorter at Tingley even faster, but found joins Kenya's Mike Bait, who won sporting attraction· are on N.M. 87103. The names of the nation's top 124 seniors, as determined by an !!­ is a former Ranchos de Taos and himself being blitzed 'by Ethiopoa's member national media panel, are listed on the b.allot as potential par­ Albuquerque resident and spends Mirutse Yifter who knocked the ., ticipants in the contest. part of each winter skiing at Taos meet record down to 8:41.8. Players are selected by popular vote and balloting is underway across the Ski Valley. Shorter won again in 1975; but was country at the more than 3.000 participating Pizza Hut restaurants and Shorter will be out to win thl' nipped at the tape by South universities. Invitational two-mile run crown for Africa's Ewald Bonze! in 1976 meet LOBO photo by Mark Poulsen The top eight votegetters for each squad automatically receive in­ the third time at the Feb. 4 meet at and again last year by Tanzania's 1 Unidentified woman gymnast goes through routine during last week's UNM--Southern Illinois mat­ vitations to paly in the game. Two other players on each squad are at-large ;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~======; . Sulieman Nyambui. Still Shorter ch at Johnson Gym. The S/U men's and women's teams defeated their Uf.JJ'r1 counterparts. .. selections. Balloting will conclude on March 6. , """ ,. ,.) ·established his personal best two- 0 / \LI -, -, n mile time at Albuquerque last year The highly-honored Mike Evans (Kansas State) and smooth-shooting with an 8:44.5 clocking. Ron Brewer (Arkansas) join Williams atop the list of guard candidates. A graduate of Yale, Shorter Salukis Nip Gymnasts Among the guards are chubby Cox (San Francisco) Steve Connor (Boise HA YA 'r SHALOM earned his law degree from Florida By ED JOHNSON . 190. We're in the right direction, George Martinez and Phil Gon­ St.), Maurice Cheeks(Wes( Texas), John Douglas (Kansas), Raymond Recorded Message and now competes for the Colorado LOBO Sports Writer but we haven't put it all together zales. Townsend (UCLA), Michael Ray Richardson (Montana), and Michael Phone 296-8568 Track Club. The 30-year old yet." Cooper (New Mexico). Shorter is presently an attorney and The losers apparently decided to Gonzales had an excellent vault PARTICIPATE IN operates, a running gear and stay home Jan. 11, for there cer­ Southern Illinois' Kevin Muenz which earned him a 9 .4, while LANGUAGE RESEARCH sporting goods business in Boulder, tainly were none on the floor of captured the all-around title with a Martinez vaulted for a 9,05. CONTACT LENS SPECIAL Johnson Gym. New tint enhlin~ eyes ·· Two men age 25 to 32 natives Colo. six-event score of 53.15. Try Italian Fatso's ' Even thoug:1 the score said the "The team is important," Call us for pt"ice of U.S. who learned Spanish In addition to his Olympic gold i' HomemQde first and English about age and silver medals, Shorter has gymnasts from UNM lost to the Two of the most improved · Gonzales said "When one guy is Casey Optical Co. 6 to 10. $2.00 per hour captured I 8 major championships men from Southern Illinois 212.05- athletes and certainly two of the doing well, it pysches up the others. ' (nr:rl cbmr tu Cas~ Rerall Drt1~) 204.95 and said the Lobo women reasons UNM performed better "The key to this meet was Lomas at Washington 266-0320 after +PM including four straight nat!?!!.~~ only 65c were 133.55-133.15 losers to the than they looked on paper were consistency." Gonzales added. '-----~5:1!?36 1 ...... , ...... ~ ...... ,, ...... , ...... }. , ...IIIIi ____ ...... ___~;.;.;~;::;; female Salukis, the sweat, the sore .•1# :::;: :;: :;: :;: :;: :;: =:;: :;: ::;: :;:: :::;: :;: ::: = ::;:: :;: :;: :;: :;: ::;; :;;; I f'j ~Ji~"·············"·"·"·"·"··················"·············"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"~;;~ muscles and the smiles of the Lobo gymnasts after the meet make it hard to call them losers. M GUITAR LESSONS eu~ Lobo wrestler Paul Marfiz struggles to take control in his match against Adams State · ( t <» hi k f ) Saturday night in Johnson Gym. Women head coach Claudia ~~n~ ~ ott -y u oc s ro•n eampus ~~u~ .: Thomas said, "I feel like we won. ASUNm ft'II' *UNMStudentDiscotmts •~ • I'm so happy. They were a ~ ~ ~n·: nationally ranked team you know." ~1 .~ . * You decide which tU11es we'll work on : = .Popular Entertainment Committee '·~ *First introductory lesson FREE ~U~ Grapplers Stalemated- The men's coach, Rusty Mitchell, ~I'• ,. •• was a little more reserved in his ~ •.: *Expert fettcher •u~ UNM wrestler Paul Marfiz awarded riding-time points to win a heavyweight and had two starters :--:. ~.: praise for his athletes, saying ~U~ (U Diversity & Privately Trained) ~U~ almost scored a near-fall Saturday superior decision and lift the Lobos missing from the lineup. Grappler "Right now, I have to say I'm Presents night in Johnson Gym against his to a 24-24 tie. Sean O'Connor quit the team on CALL MAne AT: 24:1-8158 pleased. We saw some outstanding ~JI~ ~U~ Adams State opponent with two' The Lobos forfeited two mat­ Friday and Butch Escalante failed "•Jt• ...... , ...... , ...... , ..... ,~ ••• •• ·.········~·~ performances." ; ~· ;: :;: ;; ;; ;; ;; 7. =;; =- :;: ::;: - :;;: ~ :;: ~ :;: ::;: = _, .. seconds left in the match and was ches, 118 pound divi~ion and to make his weight class...... •••••••••••••• .... .\1. •• •• •• t. ••••••• •• ·' ...... l!'r.t •••••••••• ,:;:. •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ····~ ••••tli. One of the most outstanding An Evening With performers was UNM's Joann Jost, who won the all-around com­ ' petition with a total of 34.8 points Cowboys Super in the four women's events. NEW ORLEANS -- The Dallas quarterback Morton was not Jost said, "I wasn't expecting it. NOW OPEN I didn't work that much over the Cowboys defeated the turnover­ around to Finish the contest -- a prone Denver Broncos 27-10 to win victim of the Cowboys' tenacious break, but Claudia worked us and it a hard-hitting Super Bowl XII and defense .. Dallas' Harvey Martin showed tonight." dash the hopes of the NFL's and Randy White shared a well­ Lobo' John Bernal captured the. NEW rings title while teammate Chuck Cinderella team. deserved Most Valuable Player Wiggins took the floor exercise The Cowboys, in winning their award in the contest. second Super Bowl, put the icing on event and, with a spectacular vault Located here------..., The Broncos turned the ball over the cake late in the game when which earned him a 9.45 score, seven times in the first half on four fullback Robert Newhouse passed. captured that event also. ' . Morton interceptions and three Mitchell said, "When you look at I to Golden Richards for a touch­ ~I fumbles. Yet the Cowboys led only us on paper, we should have scored down that sealed the Bronocos' 13-0 at halftime. J.lal fate. It was a game that was billed by Denver got as close as 13-3 and ASUNM the press as a grudge match between 20-10 in the second half, but the r former teammates Roger Staubach daring Newhouse pass was the and Craig Morton, b.ut Denver clincher. In 0. T. t Prior to the Dec. 21 Lobo-Aggie Fem Cagers Fall At basketball game at the UNM Arena, another hoop rivalry, a r' I relatively young one, between staff I members of the Daily LOBO and l Roadrunner Invite members of the ASUNM senate, I By ED JOHNSON was established. ' LOBO Sports Writer For the second year in a row, the l' ' ASUNM squad edged the LOBO in The weekend was not at all kind to the UNM women's basketball team overtime 81-77. In last year's Jo.zz So.xaphonlst Supteme as they dropped two games at the New Mexico State Invitational 64-53 to second LOBO-ASUNM tilt, the powerhouse Texas Tech and 75-74 to Oklahoma. government slipped by the LOBO Texas Tech, who beat the hosting Roadrunners by 11 in the cham­ 56-52 in overtime. UNM BOOKSTORE pionship game, had a toughter time against the Lobos as the Lobos were ASUNM was led by Jack "Mr. constantly fighting to within three points before being shut down. Hoops" Fortner who pumped in 24 · Wednesde1y Februnry 1 Lobo coach Kathy Marpe said, "We just never got the break we points to lead the winners. ASUNM Medical-Legal Branch needed.'' President Tom Williams also scored Lobo center Carol Moreland was a dominating figure as she poured in in double figures tossing in 13 18 points and blocked II shots. points. 7:30Pm A full service bookstore However teammate Jean Rostermondt, who was coming off a 30-point Leading all scorers in the contest performance against NMSU was held to four points. was LOBO Arts writer Preston gifts, supplies, general books Marpe said, "She just had an off night. They must have gotten the word Dennard with 36 points. Popejo_y Hall on her and keyed on her." The lead changed hands several Against Oklahoma, again, it was Moreland leading the way, this time times with each squad holding no ON NORTH CAMPUS with 24 points and another II blocked shots." more than an eight-point lead at "She had a super weekend, "Marpe said of her 6-4 center who grabbed one time. ASUNM held a slim two­ Reserved Seo.ts $7.00 & $6.50 G-ROUND FLOOR 53 rebounds in the two contests. point half-time lead. With nine seconds remaining in the Oklahoma game, UNM led by one The LOBO came out in the with $1.00 student discount and was at the free throw line .. second half and took a seven-point FAMILY PRACTICE/COMMUNITY MEDICINE But a Lobo win was not to be. The freethrow was missed, an Oklahoma ·Jead but fine shooting by Fortner player grabbed the rebound and was fouled. The Sooner then put her two and foul trouble on the LOBO PSYCHIATRY CENTER Freeth rows in and UNM became one point losers, forced the overtime period. Tickets o.vo.ilo.ble o.t the SUB o.nd Popejo,y Ho.ll "We just made more mistakes than they did. They were two tough The two teams will square off Open weekdays 10-4 277-5827 teams, but we could have, should have won," Marpe said. · again in February. The tentative box offices, o.nd o.t o.ll Ticketmo.ster Loco.tions. Rostermondt came off her Friday slump with 21 points against date for the second clash is Feb. 18. 0klahoma.

' ------·--::------

\!. ,-

00 r- ALPACA WQOl.ENS 1/3 • 112 otT. 20 perecni. 0\ so NEW STOCK OF COTTON Warp, Com~ see. The .... per cent off all wlnfer clothing. Wild Rose, 2916 Weavers' Stlldio, 12-~ pm. 20~ Stanford SE, 265-9100 vS 5. FORSALE Central SE. 266-9946, 1/16 1120 CHEAP WATERBEDSJ Water Trips $89,95 buys MASSAGE WORKSHOP day Sunday January Clnssifi~ds LIKE NEW HP·21 $4S.OO, Sears electronic slide rul~ AL~ - you I) dark walnut stained franc, 2) safety liner, 3)" 2,2., led by Jir;enscd massa~e lheraplsls, $1 S. For in~ . $2S.OO. Call nights 26l·Of>4S. 1120 ::s~ foam comfort pad, 4} itO)' size mattress wllh 3~ycar (ormation call 243-2163 or 345-5114. Rcgbtration ; ..· * . 1. .PERSONALS SINOER MACHINE EQUIPPED to buuonhole, zig . guorantee; $89.9S. 3407 Central NE. 2ll-228Q, 2/23 closes Sa1urday AM. .1/16 • The UNM basketball team ::s lMg, pa)' $16.20 and take machine. 266.5871. J/27 • ...... 4. HOUSING . . rose in the national rankings "' ACCURATE INFORMATION ABOUT con· SONY TRINITRON PLUS color TV full guarantee, from 15th to 13th in tho U PI 0 trqccptlon, ~tcriJJzatlon, abortion, Rig.tH to CJ1oose, ' 1ake over payments Of9.39 per month. 266~5872, 1/27 .0 294.0171. 1/18 WALK TO UNM: Cozy 1-bcdfoom, carpeted. $125, fK>II and made tho AP poll at 0 pan utilities paid. 262·1751, Valley Rentals, $30 fee. TAPPAN MICROWAVE OVEN browning element, "',: J• 49 CENtS, AMERICAN CIGARETTES: \0 bloc!< watran~y. • 5 ~ 1/19 memory temperature probt, yr fuU Take \UU.L! .....~ .. t, ~ .ii.!. !~ ~ .. number 20. Related story on 2;- • from UNM at Pipe & Tob~cco Road, 107B Cornell over paym~nts of $8.17. 268-439.3. 1/27 Tuesday, .January 1J)97::Hf?.~ DIKE TO CLASS: Clean 2-bedroom, parJ bills paid, (, page 7 • ...._.,.,. .. ""'"TI ...... '01 SE, Open Monday thru S~turday 9·6, 1/27 PIONEER COMPLETE SYSTEM two 6-way .,.--'""'"'.....,..,...~ ~-~~· -~ secure garage, $200. 262~1751 Valley, $30 fee. 1/19 0 FAST•PITCH SOFTBALL TEAM forming. Pioneer speakers. casset!e and turntRble, a good ' Interested Players call298·6476 after 6;00 p.m. J/20 I BLOCK FROM CAMPUS: furnished, $80, bargain 7,81 per month. 268-4394. l/27 8 fireplace, non.smoker. 247-9800, eves, call Mike TDDAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE · PHOTOGRAPHY CLASSES FORMING; Short KIRBY RED CLASSIC commercial model, 3 months ·x0.> intensive courses in shooting black·and-white color. LARCiE FURNISHED I bedroom apt. 1D minutes ACROSS 1 old, Must sell cheap, 7.81 monthly. 266·5872. 1/27 ducts UNITED Feature Syndicate :::?3 Learn a permanent, valuable skill. Small groups from campus $1110 inclUdes gas ~nd hot water no child or pels 9.15 Alvarado SB 266-1216. 1/23 JAZZ SAXAPHONIST SUPREME Grover 1 Wilderness 54 Brooding ;;: designed to Stlil your presen.t knowledge: absolute Washington returns to UNM's Popejoy Hall on Frlday'a Puzzle Solved: 0.> beginners or intermediates. Special ~cssions In out. I SINGLE ROOM, finale; co-ed re!!ldential co-op abode hen Wed., Feb. 1 at 7:30pm, Tickets for this ASUNM· 58 z door portraiture, nature & scenics, sports action. close to cum pup. 247-25 IS l/20 PEC Presentation are available at the SUB and 5 Jot u.s. Ill IE ISIHIAIL IE ln!cnslvc darkroom instrucllor! if requested. WHAT IS A COLLEGE INN? We do the cooking Popejoy Hall Box Offices and at all TlcketrTmster 9 Farm noise politicians T lo ;i Reasonable tuition. Groups fill up quickly so call and cleaning, you do the studying. 303 Ash NE, 243.,. 62 Level ., locations, 2/1 14 Sandarac ~ [g_ soon for lnfprmation, A~Photographer, 1717 Girard 2881. 2/5 tree surface lEI II IT ,,.. ~ NE, 26l-2444. · I/20 FEMALE NON-SMOKER ROOMATE wamed. 63 Old World IN ~ 15 Medicine !IF JAZZ SAXAPHONIST SUPREME Grover Two·bcdroom house share half rent $80.00 plus 6. EMPLOYMENT portion tree __! Wnshington returns to UNM's Popejoy Hall on deposit, Close to Winrock. For appt. call Lucy, 766· IE 0 IE IB IO Y Wed,, Pe", I at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for thi~; A.SUN... 7671 Sam- 5 pm. 1/20 16 Musical 64 Kind of EXPERIENCED PHOTOGRAPHER IS searching store IE A [!.. MIP~C Presentation are avuilable at th~ SUD and CAMPUS SPECIAL LAROE one·bdrm, full car. for" figure models, Fee determined by personal in­ composition IE Hall box offices and at all Ttckelma;ter $l 0, np lease, _ , Valley Rentals, $30' terview, If Interested, call Bob at 296-8810 MWF 17 Spades or 66 Fisherman .B. ror~JOY 1 --t~i!-!~:.1, 2 262 2751 By RACHEL DIXON r.K:a lOllS 1 fee. · 1120 aftcr6;30pm. 1120 67 Jal ···- lA 5,000 through Monday and another Most students were well­ hearts: 2 and TIM GALLAGHER PERRY'S PIZZA 2004 Centro\! SE. Try o1..1r fresh PART-TIME J\fB GRADUATE students only. words 68 Australian 'E R IN 5,000 were expected today," said prepared as they came through the snlad and slice specials for lunch. ~izza by the 111ice Afternoons and. evenings, Must be able to work 19 ..... animals LOBO Staff Writers Rick Legoza, associate registrar. and pan 1/19 regist.·ation lines, Legoza said. Friday and Saturday nighls. Must be 21 years old. Pradesh: 69 Unkempt IS IC [0 IS IH II: fK IS PASSPORT, IMIGRATJON, J.D. Photos. Lowest AVAILADLE SOON, EXTRA large 4-room house, Apply in persory, no phone calls please. Save-Way Legoza has a picture of a Having worked the registration fenced yard, pets OK, $120, 262~1751, Valley Renlals, Ind. state 70 Delayed T lA I B L E If' II IR lti It's a funny thing about lines, price.s in town. Past, pleasing. Cali26J-2444 or come Liquor Stores at 5704 Lomas NE, 5516 Menaul NE- 7-1 E:ye crowded mess at Johnson Gym, computers along with registrar to 1717 Girard NE. 1/27 $30 fee. 1/20 1/27 20 Uneven 10 IS I E R IC IE [NIA IT [()_ especially during the first week of during the old registration process, BIKE TO CLASS. Fancy 2-bdrm., fenced yard, kids, infection; IW lA I TIS y Fred Chreist, he said, "Some of the PART~TIME HELP WANTED. Aftcrnoonl!, 21 Yukon. for IE lb IW school+ the other lines always seem pets, $1S5. 262-27SI, Valley Rentals, $30 fee. 1120 Var. hanging in his office as a reminder glamour of the computers is star­ ewnings plus delivery boys. Please apply at Perry's one to move faster. & WALK TO UNM. Brand new one-bctrm, paneled Pizza, 2004 Central on Jan. 17-18 from 3-6 pm, 1/17 1 3 Can. politi· that "things could be worse." ting to wear off. We're getting 2. LOST FOUND 23 Riata DOWN 47 Deers' throughout, beamed ceilings, just $60, 262-1751, SUMMER JOBS GUARANTEED or money back. 25 Awaken clan horns "These lines are never short Lines seemed to be moving sworn at now when we tell them a .Valley Rtntals, $30 fee, 1/20 18 Willing NationS largest directory. Minimum 50 employers per 26 Cheese 49 Baronet's ti· enough. If .the lines went any rapidly over' the floor littered with class is closed." FIND YOURSELF in the Pence Corps. Ortega 233. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED, clean one·bdrm, state. includes master application. Only' $3. Sum­ 1 Ship of the 22 Chafe 277-!5907. ss 28 Scold tie · quicker, I'd figure something was privately fenced, $135. 262-1751, Valley Rental.~, $30 choice, Box645, State College, PA 16801, 1/19 desert 24 Makes lace discarded class schedules. The fee. 1120 32 Fanciful 52 Of the nose wrong," said Dennis Mysiak. SALESPEOPLE WANTED, TO sell display ad­ 2 Macaw 27 School subj .. registration center handled a peak yarn: 2 53 inscribed "It's a lot of fun to wait in a line Bookstore manager A.O. 3. SERVICES ' I !ti BLOCKS TO UNM: !-bedroom, yard for pets. vet~is/ng for the New Mexico Daily LOBO. Work on words 3 ---·- 29 Dill seed slab of I, 100 students an hour Monday. Jackson said lines were moving S7S. 262·1751, Valley Rentals, $30 fee. 1/19 campus. Must have car. Call 277·5656 for an ap. leagues 30 Yarn 20 minutes just to cash a $3 pointment. tfn 37 Power: 55 Old playing Mike Maccagnano said he wasn't rapidly Monday. "I doubt if LSAT-MCAT REVIEW COURSES. Prepare Now, ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED; Enormous J. Prefix 4 Less poetic 31 Arab title card check," grumbled Michael Brad­ having any difficulties registering Call PENM 842·S200, tfn bedroom, shady yard. Now $135, 262-1751, Valley 5 Public 32 Buffoon anyone's had to wait in line more Rentals. $30 fee. 1/19 38 Long 56 Agent shaw' another student whiling for classes. "It's pretty wild, but TYPING. 1st QUALITY, 883·7787, 2/24 notices: 33 Thomas---· than five minutes this morning," • SEARCHING FOR HOUSING? Residence Halls are 8. MISCELLANEOUS familiar 57 Della, or away his time in a line that I'm not having much trouble." L & M MUSIC STUDIO, 3 Blocks from campus. Informal Edison PP.P.wee he said. your answer for maximum convenience to campus 39 Filch ultimately reached the cashiers. Legoza said that although the Guitar & plano taught by experienced instructors in a plus comfon and economy in housing and food FREE I. D. ENGRAVING on your bicycle. Thorn~ 41 Yalie 61mportune 34 Bad day for · comfort hie environment. 247·81,8. 1127 58 Performs Long lines and frayed nerves service! InQUire La Posada 201 on weekdays, 9-4. or resistant bicycle tubes: SO cents orr all sizes. 102 Rich~ 42 In plain view 7 Willow twig Caesar number of students would Jackson said the resons for the TYPI~T EXPERIENCED INSURANCE, legal, call277·2606. 1/25 mondNE266-1611. 1120 8 Montreal 35 Peggy or 59 "Waiting for were commonplace on campus as 45 Uncertain probably be up by about 2 per cent shorter lines- were that many people engineering, statistical, theses, manuscripts. Call266· subway Pinky the Robt. · UNM students resumed classes 4770. 1/20 person .. over last spring semester, the num­ bought books last week and · he 48 Optical 9 Injured 36 Asia Monday, but most operations CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS; Segovia method. 10Gameof 60 Race dis· ber of credit hours would be down. doubled the number of operating masers 40 False state­ seemed to be running smoothly. Beginners Welcome 266-9291. I/3I chance ments lance More students are registering for cash registers from I 0 to 20. A new QA TYPING SERVICE. A complete typing and 50 Three­ The registration center at Ban­ ... 11 Within: 43 Far-off 61 Flap fewer hours and taking parttime medical bookstore on the North editorial system. Technical, general, legol,, medical, masted Comb. form violently delier East ushered an estimate of scholnstic. Charts & tables. 345-2125. 4129 44 Window or· jobs, he said. Campus also helped to lighten the schooner 12 Jewish namentation 65 lnterj. of WAKE UP CALLS made day or night, For S-day FRYE. 51 Principal month 46 Stumbles load, he said. week, $5.00 monthly. For 7-day week. $6 243-2368, 11\.IOf~lJ•KfRS ~tlllGf lBiiJ shor.k 1/20 It appears the only place that had WEAVING CLASSES STARTING now. Tho Weuvers' Studio, 12-5 pm, 205 Stanford SE, 265· no long lines, in fact, no lines at all, 9100. 1120 BOOTS Schmitt, was the New Mexico Union Box KINKO'S TYPING SERVICE (IBM selectric) and Office. Employes were expecting now 3-minute Passport Photos. ""No appolntment. onslaughts of students wanting to 268·8SI5. tfn buy tickets to Leonard Nimoy. UNM BOOKSTORE OPEN til 7;00 PM tonite for Popper your convenience. 1/17 Ladie's & Men's UNM BOOKSTORE RETURNS policy: Last da)' for "We're surprised at the lack of full refund Feb, 11. 1.) Books mUst be In original lines. The only reason is because condition 2.) You MUST have cash receipt! 3.) You must present student 10. • 1120 To Clash· the students don't know about it We encour_ a_ ge lines because TUTORING AVAILABLE FOR Minority Students The u.S. State Depariment or­ ::--L~""''"'"""''='--~=·,~et.ltftaJ15""0le""~1"ft',;"'rrn.V'"'h"~.._,_ . ..,.it" _. and Men in Nursing for Chcmisiry Ill, 212; Biology ficial in charge of coordinating dCiing," said Tom Hogg, assistant 123\ 238; Math 102; Nursing Pathology 240; Phar~ macology 276. Cal1277-2507. 1120 I Panama Canal treaty negotiations dean of students. TYPING: REPORTS, RESUMES, general. 898· will be on campus Tuesday to ;:;:;r­ ! Lines may have been short there S927, ·. 1120 I ticipate in a UNM forum on the "I at the box office, but for most 20°/o treaties that will also feature a telephone address by President students in lines, it was a case of Carter. grin and bear it. Ambassador David Popper, the deputy for Panama Canal treaty af­ Ron Croce summed up many fairs, will discuss issues surroun­ people's feelings, while he was ding the controversial treaties with LOBO photosby Rachef UJxol'\ waiting at the cashiers line, "I've U.S. Senator Harrison Schmitt and The Mail-A-Can-To-Carter campaign, promoted by PIRG volunteers Mark Liebendorfsr and been in worse lines, but it's still not UNM Proffessors Marshall Nason, Rachel Maurer, have had many onlooders but few actually bringing cans. Shown here is interested fun. There has to be a better way,'' Pedro David and Michael Conniff. onlooker, Samuel James. . i After the forum, the audience will be polled about the treaties, Unlimited Rides For $28 Nason said. A ballot with the Budget choices "yes," "no" and "un­ '' decided" will be passed around to Increase I'. be filbd out. The results of the poll Bus Passes Popular will be sent to the President, Nason Lobbied said. UNM plans to lobby for the ap· propriation recommendation of the By D. M. FLYNN The forum is scheduled to begin Board of Educational Finance in LOBO News Editor at 7 p.m. President Carter's phone the legislative session beginning More than 400 bus passes have call will be place at 7:45 and he is today, said Bill Weeks, director of scheduled to talk for 10 minutes. been sold at the UNM bookstore, university relations. Holly Richards-Day, marketing One or two questions for the The BEF recommended a 14 per President will be . selected from analyst for the Albuquerque Tran­ cent increase in the instructional sit Division, said. among written questions submitted and general budget for the main by individuals at the beginning of Day said 165 of the passes were campus. This increase woudl bring sold on Friday and more than 200 the forum. the $40.4 million budget of last Ambassador Popper, a career more were sold by 1 p.m. Monday. year to $41.7 million. "I have expectations that today we Foreign Service officer, has been Weeks said the university's lob· U.S. ambassador to Chile, will be just a busy since there are bying efforts will be concentrated students coming in for Tuesday assistant secretary of state for In· on trying to be available to answer ternational Organization Affairs classes that haven't been by here questions on the university as well yet." and ambassador to Cyprus. He as reading the different bills in­ began his career in 1945 as a Last August 750 semester passes I troduced so that in the cases where were sold to fulltime students. Day I' specialist in international they affect a particular department, organization affairs. said she expected to sell between ·the university <:an notify the depart- 500 and 600 bus passes this week. ll Nason, who will serve as ment and give them a chance to "A smaller amount of poeple il moderator for the forum, said respond. usually buy passes in the spring I there will be a debate with Am­ Weeks said he expects about 600 semester," she said. bassador Popper representing the to 700 bills to be introduced. Of Semester passes are available for state department's viewpoint in tho&e, he estimated that 30 to 40 fulltime student; only for $28. favor of the treatis. Sen. Schmitt will directly affect the university, Graduate students who carry nine 1\ Earlier, President William E. II will speak against the treaties. or more hours will be allowed to "It will be sort of a "Meet the Davis said the university's buy a semester pass. II Press" program ... the media people priorities would be the instruction Parttime students, however, buy and other individuals will ask and general budget, renewal or ex· monthly passes for $11. A monthly I questions," he said. tension of a library bond issue that pass for January is half price. Mon· Conniff will serve as a source of would mean $1 million annually to thly passes, which are also background information for any UNM's libraries over the next ten available to UNM faculty and years, a $10 million medical science individuals requesting it, Nason Bill Cerny sits patiently as his picture is taken by photographe staff, will be sold at the cashier's said. David will give a statement on research building, and state leasing Debbie KramGr for his bus pass. (cont. on pago 5) a Latin-American point of view. of BC Me..
