
What are Virtual ?

A digital representation of that functions as a , a , and/or a .

In some cases, you can spend it like , but it does not have status in the . CFTC 1155 21st Street, NW Washington, DC 20581 Some virtual currencies have an equivalent 866-366-2382 (Consumer Hotline) value in other currencies, such as U.S. 202-418-5514 (TTY) or , or can be traded for other [email protected] virtual currencies. These are referred to as convertible virtual currencies. is an This brochure was prepared by the Futures Trading example of a convertible virtual . Commission’s Office of Customer Education and Outreach. The brochure is provided for general informational purposes only and does not provide legal or advice to any individual or entity. Please consult with your own legal adviser When you buy or sell virtual currencies with before taking any action based on this information. dollars for your personal wallet, you are buying on the or spot . Virtual currencies can also be purchased through initial offerings or ICOs. @CFTCgov @CFTC

Learn more at www.cftc.gov/bitcoin U.S. COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION Virtual Currencies are Risks Buying Virtual Currencies Beware of Fraud Virtual currencies have been determined to be Purchasing virtual currencies on the cash market There may be no recourse if your is stolen. commodities under the Commodity Exchange comes with a number of risks, including: • Virtual currencies are commonly targeted by Act. While its regulatory oversight authority • Most cash markets are not regulated or hackers and fraudsters. over commodity cash markets is limited, the U.S. supervised by a government agency. • Do not invest in products you do not Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) understand. •  Trading platforms may lack customer • There is no such thing as a guaranteed maintains general anti-fraud and manipulation protections or safeguards against market investment or trading strategy. enforcement authority over virtual currency cash manipulation. • Some ICOs can be used to improperly entice markets as a commodity in interstate . •  Extreme volatility or “flash” crashes. with promises of high returns. • If someone says they are a broker or advisor, •  Platforms selling from their own accounts and check their registration at SmartCheck.gov. putting customers at a disadvantage.

Suspect Fraud? If you believe you may have been the victim of fraud, or to report suspicious activity, contact us at 866.366.2382 or visit SmartCheck.gov/submitatip.

Keep a pulse on virtual currencies. Find podcasts, weekly reports, and tips for protecting yourself at www.cftc.gov/bitcoin.