SOULE NEWSLETTER LIBRARY OF CONGRESS: NO. 371, VOL XXXVIII, NO. 1, JANUARY 2004 0 Our San Antonio Reunion Host, Luther Soules III, and son, in front of the Declaration of Scottish Independence and each of the flags representing the Soule Kindred in America, Inc. reunions. Published by Soule Kindred In America, Inc. 53 New Shaker Rd., Albany, NY 12205 SOULE KINDRED NEWSLETIER, VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 1 JANUARY 2004 Soule Kindred in America, Inc. 53 New Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12205-3615, 518.869.8368 Web Site: Tax ID- 23-725-3936 Governance Administration President-Frank Flint Soule IlL 1413 Dorothy Drive, Palatine,JL 60074, 847 991 7923,
[email protected] Counselor- James B. Tiffin, Tiffin & Tiffen, 160 Federal St., (,J<H)( /- ~'17 - 39! -Z- Z-- </C,. Boston, MA 02110. 617 330 9001 lot Vice President-Christine Hill, 2402 Kipling Place Genealogical Committee - Charles J. Sowles, Lynde C Hutchinson, KS 67502,620-663-7288, jshill@cox .. net Randall, PO Box 329 St. Francisville, ll... 62460. 618- 948-2248
[email protected], Sandy Sharpe 2nd Vice President-open 12 A West Main Street, PO Box 71, Shortsville, NY 14548, Frank Flint Soule III, 1413 Dorothy Drive, Palatine, ll... 60074, 847-991-7923,
[email protected] Secretary-Margaret A. Rocke, 2208 Nevara Ave., Vero Beach, FL 32960. 561-569-5268 Mayflower Historic Sites Committee- (Sponsor Needed)
[email protected] Membership- Betty -Jean Haner, (See Treasurer, Treasurer/Membership Secretary- Betty-Jean Haner, above) 53 New Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12205-3615. Keeper of Banners - Norman Soule, 9011 S.E.