SPECIAL ISSUE L RADIOH ISTORICAL ASS Elation of T COL RADO It's Not Often That R Adio I Welcome to the Second Annual Kha C/OTRCOB Spec Tal
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THE OLD TIME R 010 CLUB OF BUFFALO Illu SPECIAL ISSUE L RADIOH ISTORICAL ASS elATION OF T COL RADO It's not often that r adio I Welcome to the second annual kHA C/OTRCOB Spec tal. There was can claim to have created a major good response to taRt year 's tnitial effort, and both John Lloyd lit erary char act er . It did so when M and 1 hope you wi l l anjoy this year 's edition. James LaCur t on (also spelled Lacur E t o ) wao a sked to r ead detecti ve The RHAC/OTRCOB Special is unique in OTR fandom. No other s t ories on t he air , The time was OTR clubs have cooperated to produce a vent ur e of thill eort. We Augus t, 1930 and t he program was R think that this cooperation is pretty important for s everal rea STREET A ND SIoi I TH ' S DE.'I'ECTlVE STORY sons but mainly because it allow9 us to preeent a co~on front GAZ I NE HOUR. The narrator wa s A to the non-OTR , mundane world . we hope that this Special inspires named the Shadow by a young ad other clubs to cooperate with each other for the advancement of from the Rut hranff and Ryan ad D OTR. Already the two largest OTR clubs, the NA RA and SPERDVAC. agency, re considering 6haring their tape libraries. This can only lead lIII I to the betterment of OTR collecting. Somehow the pr ogram caught o on and Street and Smit h l ost no 1"'...... Readers of last year's Spec i a l will notice a different for t i me in ca p i ta li~ing on t ha t fac t . mat to this year's edition. Thts was necessitated by the wonder They hi r ed an amateur magi c i an C fulness of the Post Office. which last year took seyen days to from r hi l adel phi a ~d Walter B. transport a Special Deliyery package from Denver to Buffalo. Gi bson t o expand t he TOice t o a L full character i n a series of pulp So settle own, there ' s ood reading ahead, joy. magazines. Gibson wrote the Shadow U stor i es under t he name of Maxwell - - -Chuck Seeley Grant . B +T++11111111 111'1 t 11"-'" ~~+++++"I 1.1 1 1.~~+++++.tlI lit Gibson went to work to create by John Lloyd , RHAC , and Stu /olarm. OTRCOll a s i ni s t er , phant om-l i ke char acter. OTRIVIA The wri t er patterned his charact er F tch the horse with the rider. Don't + I 'll give you two or more ch iefly a f t er Arssn Lupin and Jim ess wrong or the rider will be ... radio stars' names. You mie Da l~ of the same period . Lup was a FrenCh super - t hief created thrown off, T tell me the title of the B + ohow they appeared in. by Ma ur i ce LeBlanc . He was a mas U 1 , Topper e, Sergeat Preston ... ter of i ntri ca t e schemes ann im 2. Tony b. Cisco Kid + 1. Kenny Delmar, Peter penetrabls disguisss, F 3. Sil~r c. Red Ryder + Donald. Parker Pennelly 4. Scout d, Hopalong Cassidy + 2. Hal Peary. Gale Gordon, Jimm i e Dale. wri tten by Pr ank F 5. Diablo e. Straight Arrow + Cliff Arquette Packard . was another cr eation from 6. Champion f. Dale &vans + J. Orson Welles and Bret St rRe t and Sm i t h. Dale firs t came t o A 7. Trigger g , Pan cho ... Worrison Peo ple 's magazine. He wa s one of t he 8. Loco h. Lone Ranger + 4 . Bennett Kilpaclt and I n ever yday l i f e. Dal e was a weal t hy pl a y bo ~ L 9. Victor i. Old Wrangler ... James helly el ement a t night as the masked Grey Sea l . H 10. Rex j. Bobby Benson + 5. Claudia Morgan and f act that after he ' zapped ' the vil l ain. he o 11. Fury k. Tom Mix + Les Tremayne the not or i ous gr ey seal . 12. Smokey 1. Dan Reid + 6. Hugh Marlow~ an 13. Calic. •• Gene Autry + Warion Shockley As t he year s progressed. Gi bso n deYeld 14. Thunder n. Tonto + 7. EBs!l Rathbone and tinct per s onal i ty. No mo re was he a siniste 15. Amigo o. Tennessee Jed ... Nigel bruce ot her people, He b e c a~ e (at l eas t on t he ra 16. Buttercuf p. Roy Rogers + 8. Edward G. Robinson weal th. s t udent of s cience , and master of 0 t h ~ ++++i 1 1 1 • I 'I I T+-i'+++++T+T+-+-t'+#+T++++++ and Claire 'l'revor hi s Mf r iend and constan t compani on, loy 9, Lon Clark and Charlotte Manson 10. John Todd & br~ce Beemer devot ed t he i r lives to r i ght ing wrongs. pro 11, Virginia Payne A Al Hodge 12. Olan Soule & ~rbara Luddy ishing the gui l t y . 1). Don Wilson & Mary Livingstone 14. Hanley Staff ord ~ Fanny Brice 15. Arnold Stang & Art Carney (Answers on pag e 11 l It's i nt er es t i ng one alter na t e identity in the pulp magazi ne +++...............-+++_++~ .................+T-t-~ ......T++............... +...... +++T++#T-r+T+__...... 1 I I , , I I I I the Shadow also appeared as Fritz. the jani t The RHAC/OTRCOll Special. De~~ber 1977, i s published j oi nt l y by the RHAC and also. dur i ng the late Thirties. as Ke nt and the OTRCOB. Contents copyright 1977 by the RHA C and the OTRCOB , All rights are hereby assigned to the contributors. MJohnny Dollar is Alive M Also in the pulp magazines, the Shado and Wel l and LiTi~ in Frank£urt is copyright 1977 by Robert Angus. MKe_ staff. There was Harry Vincent, a per s onabl o 's Ups and Downs is copyright 1977 by Alf. H. Wa l l e . RHA C/OTKCOa Spe munications officer! Clyde Burke. a r e por t en cial editors are John Lloyd and Chuck Seeley. For membership i nf ormat i on, convict! Mann. a broker! and Moe Shrevit z, write ' RHAC . 2667 E. 99th Ave. , Thornton, Colorado 80229 . OTRCOB, P.O. Box 119 . Kenmore . New York 14217. 3 2 ". .." WHO KNOWS WHAT EVIL ... by Jack Richards. RHlC o It's not often that radio ond annual RHil.C/OTRCOB Special• .,..,.. was can claim to have created a major 's initial' effort. and both John Lloyd literary character. It did so when this year's edition. James LaCurton (also spelled Lacur to) was asked to read detecti¥e la1 is unique in OTR fandClll. lWo other stories on the air. The time was to pt'Oduce a.,V8nture of this sort. We August. 19)0 and the program was ,- 'llJpr~.ty,1IlIportant tor several l;"~, STREET AND ShiITH'S Df."rECTlVE STORY t al101f11l1sto present a CODllllon froIl"t~," MAGA2.INE HOUR. The narrator was , 'rIel. life hope that this Special ~.... jrkW named the Shadow by a young adman ;with each other for the adYance~~',:: from the Ruthranff and Ryan ad SPBRDYAC~ "» t Oft ebbs, the NARA and agency. ;61r tape libraries. This can only lead ",';eollecting• Somehow the program caught on and Street and Smith lost no 's apecial will notice a different for- time in capitalizing on that fact• • fhis was necessitated by the wonder They hired an amateur magician which last year took'seven days to from Philadelphia named Walter B. pilckqe frOlll Denver to Buffalo. Gibson to expand the TOice to a full character in a series of pulp 's good reading ahead. BnJoy. magazines. Gibson wrote the Shadow stories under the name of Maxwell ---Chuck Seeley Grant. 111111111 Gibson went to work to create • RlIAC, and Stu Jrann.' OTRCOI a sinister, phantom-like character• The writer patterned his character /rlder. Don-t + J·ll. &! ~ou two or 1II0re chiefly after Arsen Lupin and Jim c will be + radlQ' ftUles. You mie Dale of the same period. Lupin + ten.,'.,tiUe of the was a Prench super-thief created + .hOoi:~,.eared in. by Maurice LeBlanc. He was a mas • ,';C:'::;;" ter of intricate schemes and im + 1. Ki""'::~lmar. Peter penetrable disguises. + Donald, Parker Pennelly + 2. Hal Peary, aale Gordon. Jillllllie Dale, written by Prank + Cll~Arquette Packard. was another creation from + ).Od4m'lfelles and Bret Street and Smith. Dale first came to light in 1906 in Street and Smith's + ~,UoJa ' People's magazine. He was one of the first heroes to have an alter ego. + 4., Be' In everyday life. Dale was a wealthy playboy but hunted down the criminal +J... element at night as the masked Grey Seal. His name was derived from the + S. Clau fact that after he 'zapped' the villain. he left behind a small sticker. + the notorious grey seal. + 6. + As the years progressed, Gibson developed the Shadow into a dis + 7. tinct personality. No more was he a sinister villain who acted through + other people. He became (at least on the radio) Lamont Cranston. "man of + 8. wealth, student of science. and master of other people's minds." He and t+I"*+++-~-+++++ and Claire his "friend and constant companion, the lovely Margo (or Irlargot) Lane." llanson 10.