Merchant Tailor Heat Your House
—JMM."' V W a GAZETTE. An Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local News and Interests. ESTABLISHED 18QO Two DOLLARS A YEAR NORWALK, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1889, Volume LXXXIX. Number 4. iromnn'SIia <;nnarcn mat- una gttncrci. of despotism' under which he had* long a-SlO.WAItD B1BI.I.BC1I Willi age, and a sharp "tongue 13 tffo only fhe liquor m profound' silence, ana mefl at his heels, soon attracted the at returned to their game. groaned, and that was—petticoat gov edge tool that grows keener with con tention of tho tavern politicians. They ernment. Happily, that was at an end: SARSAPABIL1A COMfOMD stant use. For a long while he used to By degrees Rip's awe and apprehension crowded round liim, eyeing; him from HARDENBROOK'S BLOCK, WALL STREET, subsided. He even ventured, when no he had got his neck out of the yoke of TUP VAN console himself, when driven from home, head to foot, with great curiosity. The matrimony, and could go in and out FAMILY GROCERIES, eye was fixed upon him, to taste the bev OK erage, which he found had much of the whenever he pleased, without dreading COUOH MIXTURE, the tyranny of Dame Van Winjtle. By WASHINGTON IR'SING. flavor of excellent Hollands. He was Rip A Full Stock of Furniture of all kinds- personages naturally a thirsty soul, and was soon Whenever her name was mentioned,how ATEHTS2 sessions on a bench before a small inn, Another short, but busy little ever, he shook his head, shrugged his Hair Tonlo, A POSTHUMOUS WRITING OF DIEDRICH designated by a rubicund portrait of his tempted to repeat the draught.
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